notizie italiane - Ambasciata d`Italia


notizie italiane - Ambasciata d`Italia
Newsletter of the Embassy of Italy in Israel
No. 50 May
New Berlusconi Government takes office
swearing-in ceremony of the new
T heItalian
government led by Silvio
Berlusconi took place on May 8 before the
President of the Republic.
The new government, located in Palazzo
Chigi, is the third to be led by Mr. Berlusconi
and the Republic’s 60th.
In his speech, the President of the Council
of Ministers laid particular emphasis on the
need to stimulate change in the country. This
should result essentially from the adoption
of important institutional reforms, ensuring
stability and commitment of government
action and, above all, lay the foundations for
renewed economic growth.
In a passage from his acceptance speech
Silvio Berlusconi, President of the Council of Ministers
Mr. Berlusconi stressed that Italy “has the
potential for rapid growth which must be
reawakened. Growth is not only an economic
parameter but also a measure of a country’s
civil progress. Only through growth will Italy
revive its talents, enabling the country to
master its destiny without leaving anyone
behind. Growth means exporting our talents
and abilities, improving the position of our
enterprises in the markets, opening and
modernising the ways in which we face
problems such as health, welfare, protection
of the environment. Only be reassessing the
work, by making the country more secure
and qualified, will we be able to guarantee
our future.” <>
Franco Frattini returns to Foreign Ministry
Minister Franco Frattini was
F oreign
born on March 14, 1957 in Rome where
in 1979 he received a degree in law. In 1986
he was appointed Councillor of State.
Among his numerous posts Franco Frattini
has served as Secretary General of the
Presidency of the Council of Ministers and in
1995 was nominated Minister for Public
Administration and Regional Affairs in the
government headed by Lamberto Dini.
From 1996 until 2001 Frattini was a member
of several parliamentary commissions before
being appointed Minister for Public
Administration and Coordination of Information
and Security Services. From November 2002
until November 2004 Franco Frattini served as
Foreign Minister in the second Berlusconi
government, before being appointed Vice
President of the European Commission
reponsible for Justice, Freedom and Security,
a post he held until the recent elections. <>
Foreign Minister Franco Frattini
Israel official guest at Turin International Book Fair
honor the 60th
T oanniversary
of its
and the Minister of Culture
Sandro Bondi.
independence Israel was
“I am here to identify
invited as the official
with the ideals embodied
guest country at the
in this event, which each
Turin International
year honors and cultivates
Book Fair. The Fair,
cultural values that should
Europe's largest and
not be disturbed or
open to both specialist
distracted by political
visitors and the general
considerations,” said
public, is the main event President Giorgio Napolitano visiting the Israeli
President Napolitano in his
in Italy dedicated to pavilion at the Turin International Book Fair
speech at the opening
books, reading and
ceremony. “Israel was
culture. Each year the Fair hosts the culture
invited to participate as guest of honor because
of a different country, its authors and
of its rich historical and cultural patrimony and
publishers, exhibitions, shows, artists,
its contribution to universal human values. No
viewpoints and in-depth analysis.
dialogue is possible if there is a refusal to
The Israeli pavilion was inundated by
recognize Israel, and there can be no rejection
visitors, the most prominent of which were the
of the reasons for [Israel's] birth or of its right
President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano,
to exist in peace and security." This was a right,
the President of the Senate Renato Schifani
added the President, “that can and must be
combined with the right of the Palestinian people
to give birth to their own state”.
Around 10,000 copies of Israeli titles were sold
at the fair, with works by Aharan Appelfeld
topping the list, followed by those of A.B.
Yehoshua, Amos Oz, Etgar Keret, Orly CastelBloom and Meir Shalev. The most sought after
book was “When the Fish and the (cont. p.6)
President Giorgio Napolitano with A.B. Yehoshua and
President of the Piedmont Region Mercedes Bresso
May 2008
Members of the new Italian government
Members of the new Italian government at the swearing-in ceremony at Palazzo Quirinale
Silvio Berlusconi, President of the Council of Ministers
Ministers with portfolio
Ministers without portfolio
Foreign Affairs: Franco Frattini
Interior: Roberto Maroni
Justice: Angelino Alfano
Finance: Giulio Tremonti
Economic Development: Claudio Scajola
Education: Mariastella Gelmini
Health: Maurizio Sacconi
Defence: Ignazio La Russa
Agriculture: Luca Zaia
Environment: Stefania Prestigiacomo
Transport: Altero Matteoli
Culture: Sandro Bondi
Reform: Umberto Bossi
Simplification: Roberto Calderoli
Implementation: Gianfranco Rotondi
EC Policy: Andrea Ronchi
Equal Opportunities: Mara Carfagna
Regional Affairs: Raffaele Fitto
Youth Policy: Giorgia Meloni
Relations with Parliament: Elio Vito
Innovation: Renato Brunetta
office of the Embassy in Tel
T heAvivpolitical
welcomes a new member of the
diplomatic staff, Giorgia De Parolis. Born in
Rome in 1978, Giorgia entered the diplomatic
service in 2003 and after a period at the Office
for Italians Abroad and Migratory Policy, she
subsequently served in the Directorate for
Mediterranean countries and the Middle East,
including relations with Israel. Benvenuta! <>
Edited by:
The Embassy of Italy in Israel
( E c o n o m i c a n d C o m m e rc i a l O f fi c e )
Trade Tower, 25 HaMered Street, Tel Aviv 68125
Te l : 0 3 - 5 1 6 . 1 7 4 4 F a x : 0 3 - 5 1 6 . 1 7 5 5
Strengthening ties with Lombardy
n May 18-19 the Israel-Italy
Chamber of Commerce
hosted the visit to Israel of a
multisectorial delegation from Italy.
The visit was organized in collaboration with
Promos, the special agency of the Milan
Chamber of Commerce for international
The Italian delegation was composed of
representatives from five companies in the
following sectors: ICT, Cosmetics and Training,
and was intended to strengthen economic ties
Giorgia De Parolis
joins the Embassy
between the Lombardy Region and
The Israel-Italy Chamber of
Commerce, in collaboration with the
Federation of the Israeli Chambers of Commerce
and the Israel Export and International
Cooperation Institute, coordinated the meetings
between Italian representatives and their Israeli
counterparts. The visit once again demonstrated
that there are countless areas of opportunity for
collaboration between Israel and Italy. <>
Italia Ebraica exhibition catalogue
The Hebrew catalogue of the exhibition Italia Ebraica: 2000
years of encounter between Italian culture and Judaism,
held at the Eretz Israel Museum (Dec. 2007 - Feb. 2008),
is available for purchase at the Museum, at the Italian
Institute of Culture and at the Sipur Pashut bookstore
(, price NIS 180. < >
New Berlusconi Government takes office
Franco Frattini returns to Foreign Ministry
Israel official guest at Turin Book Fair
Members of the new Italian Government
Strengthening ties with Lombardy
Italia Ebraica exhibition catalogue
Giorgia De Parolis joins the Embassy
Conference on Leonardo da Vinci
Decorative ceramics seminar
Italian stand in Rishon LeZion
European languages on Tel Aviv streets
Israel Opera performs in Rome
Italian-Israeli science and technology forum
Tourism agreement signed
Alfa Romeo 8c on view in Israel
Israel celebrates Puccini anniversary
Libyan Jews during the Shoah
Conductor with ‘soul’ returns to Tel Aviv
Preparing students for Italian universities
Events in Israel
Summer event at the Nahon Museum
Events in Italy
Italian Trade Fair calendar
May 2008
Understanding connections: conference on Leonardo da Vinci
n an increasingly
Scientific Attaché Prof. Stefano
compartmentalized and
Boccaletti and the Italian Institute
specialized world, in which the
of Culture, directed by Dr.
need for connection and
Simonetta Della Seta, as a homage
universalism is dramatically felt
to the State of Israel for the 60th
and needed, the Embassy of
Anniversary of its independence.
Italy and the Italian Cultural
Between May 12-14 a scholarly
Institute of Tel Aviv saw in
team, of the highest distinction and
Leonardo da Vinci - the
of heterogeneous composition,
recognized and most
convened at Bar Ilan
beloved embodiment of
University to present and
comprehensive, multiple
discuss on-going research
understanding - the perfect
on the thought, method
subject for an international
and work of this pillar of
Italian and universal
conference in order to
culture, breaking the
d i s c o v e r, t h r o u g h
borders between scientific
investigation of the many
and artistic disciplines in
Self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci
fields of Leonardo’s expertise,
a truly multidisciplinary
points of connection and unity among different
convention. For three intensive and rewarding
disciplines in a broader, all-encompassing form
days, which were inaugurated by Ambassador
of knowledge.
Sandro De Bernardin, experts in art-history,
The international conference “Leonardo da
intellectual history, science, philosophy and
Vinci: Knowledge and Transgression in Early
literature explored, from differentiated and
Modernity” was initiated by Bar Ilan University
unconventional perspectives, Leonardo’s
and planned with the Embassy of Italy’s
manuscripts, anatomic studies, and the pervasive
and fascinating “unaccomplished-ness” and
openness of all his work.
Italian participants were Prof. Carlo Vecce,
University “L’Orientale” of Naples, Prof. Tito
Arecchi, University of Florence, Prof.
Francesca Fiorani, University of Virginia, Prof.
Jacopo Mascetti, Bar Ilan University, Prof.
Alessandro Nova, Künsthistorisches Institute
of Florence, Prof. Domenico Laurenza,
University of Florence, Dr. Fabio Frosini,
University of Urbino, and Prof. Giulio Busi,
Free University of Berlin. Among the
international lecturers, Prof. Lea Dovev, Bar
Ilan University and Bezalel Art Academy of
Jerusalem, and Prof. Hubert Damish, Ecole
des hautes Etudes en sciences sociales, Paris.
Italian pianist Maurizio Baglini and cellist
Silvia Chiesa concluded the event with a concert
at the Music Department’s Auditorium in the
presence of the Ambassador De Bernardin. The
program featured works related to Leonardo’s
renaissance world by Busoni, Corghi and Britten,
The Italian duo appeared again on the
following day, May 15, at the Felicia Blumental
Music Center, where they were warmly
applauded by a very enthusiastic audience. <>
Decorative ceramics seminar
Dialogue around the lathe” was the title
the Region of Sicily, the Municipality
of a highly successful seminar on
of Sciacca and the National Union of
ceramic decorative techniques organized and
Artisans and SME's (CNA).
promoted by the Italian Cultural Institute of
Present were Dr. Bruno Magliocco
Tel Aviv on April 21-28 at the Art Gallery in
of the Sicily Region, CNA Vice
Umm El Fahem, the most important Arab city
President Daniele Vaccarino and
in the Lower Galilee region.
Artistic Director Maurizio Troiani.
The Art Gallery in Umm El Fahem was
Italian artists invited by the IIC included
established in 1996 by local artists to bring
Giacomo Alessi and Mario Montaudo
selection of items produced by participants at the decorative ceramics
modern art to the region and to encourage the
(Caltagirone) Gaspare Cascio (Sciacca) Aseminar
development of original Palestinian and Arab
and the Sicilian artist Angella Gallaro,
art. Over the years the Gallery has become a
who were welcomed by the Institute's Dr.
The project, enthusiastically supported by
meeting point between different peoples and
Teresa Lorenzi.
a mixed Arab/Jewish group of approximately
cultures, which made it an ideal venue for the
Present at the gala ceremony on April 24
50 Israeli artisans, chosen carefully on the basis
week long
were Ambassador
of talent, experience and willingness to
seminar that
Sandro De
contribute to dialogue, was applauded by the
attracted Arab,
Israeli Ministry of Culture and strongly
Christian and
Simonetta Della
supported by Amitei Italia, the association of
Jewish ceramicists
Seta, Gallery
Israeli ex alumni affiliated with the Embassy.
who were
Director Said Abu
Among those participating were well known
instructed by four
Shakera, Bruno
artists such as Manal Marcus, Magdalena Hefez,
leading Italian
Magliocco of the
Muhammad Kalash, Rami Saadi e Lea
ceramic artists.
S i c i l y R eg i o n ,
Krugman, as well as a large contingent of local
The initiative,
Daniele Vaccarino
enthusiasts and students during open day.
and Maurizio
As a result of the initiative a similar seminar
supported by the Ambassador Sandro De Bernardin with Said Abu Shakera (standing, Troiani of the
will be held in Italy under the auspices of the
Embassy of Italy, 4th right), Director of the Umm El Fahm Art Gallery, Simonetta
C NA , l e a d i n g
CNA, as well as a second edition of the event
was organized and Della Seta (1st left) and members of the Italian delegation
representatives from
next year in Israel. An exhibition of works by
prepared over the course of a year by the
local authorities as well as the four Italian artists
artists participating in the seminar will be held
Director of the Italian Institute of Culture
invited to lead the seminar, Giacomo Alessi,
in the autumn accompanied by a catalogue in
Simonetta Della Seta, under the patronage of
Mario Montaudo, Gaspare Cascio and
Hebrew, Arabic and Italian. <>
the Department of Education and Culture of
Angela Gallaro.
May 2008
Italian stand at 'European Piazza' in Rishon LeZion
May 12 the Municipality of Rishon
O nLeZion
organized a European Day to
Bernardin and Simonetta Della Seta, Director
of the Italian Institute of Culture.
celebrate relations between Europe and Israel
The students participated actively in the
on the occasion of Israel’s 60th anniversary.
program outlined by the Rishon LeZion
The day, under the sponsorship of Slovenia,
Municipality and the EC, including a parade,
the current President of the
concerts and the mounting
EC, opened in the presence
of stands representing
of Ambassadors and
European countries.
representatives of the
Preparation for the event
European diplomatic corps,
started months previously,
Foreign Minister Tzipi
when a list from the Rishon
Livni, Education Minister
LeZion Munipality arrived
Yuli Tamir, the Mayor of
pairing classes from each
Rishon LeZion Meir Nitzan, At the Italian stand with Ambassador Sandro school with a European
educational and youth De Bernardin, Simonetta Della Seta and the country as the object of
councillors from Rishon girls of the Makif Bet school.
study. Italy was assigned to
LeZion as well as students from numerous public
a class of 13 year old girls from the Makif Bet
and private schools in the city. Italy was
religious school. Preparatory meetings took place
represented by Ambassador Sandro De
between members of the school and Dr. Teresa
Lorenzi of
the Italian
Institute to
assist the
students in Ambassador Sandro De Bernardin with
setting up FM Tzipi Livni at the Italian Stand
the stand with relevant material. The stand, aside
from supplying printed material on different
regions of Italy as well as on the country’s artistic
achievements, was constructed in the form of a
plastic gondola in the front, with inscriptions in
Italian and Hebrew written in Italy’s national
colors in the rear.
The highlight of the fun occured at the end
when participants flocked to the Italian stand,
attracted by the aroma of freshly baked pizzas
distributed by the students of the Makif Bet
school. <>
European languages in the streets of Tel Aviv
the numerous fixtures scheduled
A mong
by European institutions in celebration
of Israel’s 60th anniversary was an open-bus
event, organized by the Italian Cultural
Institute, the Goethe-Institut, the l’Institut
Français and the Instituto Cervantes, featuring
a bus decorated with welcoming signs in four
languages which criss-crossed the city of Tel
Aviv for the entire course of Friday May 9.
The initiative, offered as a homage to Israel
by Italy, Germany, France and Spain, was
intended to celebrate the European roots of
Israel’s cultural heritage and to accomodate the
expansion of interest demonstrated by Israelis
for a deeper knowledge of European languages
and culture. A new tendency in Israel, for years
oriented towards the adoption of American
cultural values, has shown an increased
preference for European models. The tendency
is clear: as Israeli schools over the past few years
intensify their requests for exchange programs
with European educational institutions in places
such as Florence, Paris, Prague and Athens,
larger numbers of Israeli students are opting for
study in European rather than US universities.
Today an annual average of 600 Israeli students
choose to study in Italy alone, an increase over
previous years, as more and more families
organize trips to Europe to rediscover their roots.
The latest fashion for newly demobilized Israeli
soldiers is no longer for prolonged trips to India
or South America but a rail trip for extended
The European open bus attracted much curiosity during
its Independence Day tour of Tel Aviv
travel through Europe.
The open bus, decorated with colorful
welcoming signs and playing music in four
languages, stopped at various points in the city,
arousing the curiosity of many residents who
were able to briefly sample the flavor and sounds
of European language and culture. <>
The Israeli Opera performs in Rome
n celebration of Israel’s 60th anniversary
on May 8 the Opera of Rome hosted the
Israel Opera’s production of “Voyage to the
end of the Millenium”, with music by Joseph
Bardanashvili based on a libretto by A.B.
Ye h o s h u a . T h e
production was the
first time this opera
has been seen outside
of Israel.
Attending the sold
out event were the
President of the
Republic Giorgio
Napolitano, who was
welcomed by Rome’s
new Mayor Giovanni
Alemanno, President
of the Chamber Gianfranco Fini, former
President Francesco Cossiga, Ministers Franco
Frattini and Sandro Bondi, Chief
of the Prime Minister's Office
Gianni Letta, Lazio Region
President Piero Marrazzo, Democratic Party
leader Walter Veltroni, Israel’s Ambassador to
Rome Gideon Meir,
as well as members of
I t a l y ’s J ew i s h
communities, Renzo
Gattegna, President
of the Union of Italian
Jewish Communities
(UCEI), Riccardo
Pacifici, President of
Rome's Jewish
community and Chief
Rabbi of Rome
Riccardo Di Segni.
Simonetta Della Seta, Director of the Italian
Institute of Culture of Tel Aviv, accompanied
the Israeli Opera and author A.B. Yehoshua to
The libretto, adapted by the author from the
novel of the same name, takes place at the end
of the first millennium and recounts the story
of Ben-Attar, a rich Jewish merchant from
Tangier, and his young nephew Abulafia. The
music was composed by Joseph Bardanashvili,
a musician from Georgia who immigrated to
Israel in 1995, whose music features a unique
synthesis of classical and avant-garde western
influences with the traditions of the music of
central Asia and of the Jewish synagogues.
Directing the Rishon LeZion Symphony
Orchestra was Asher Fisch, who this year also
conducted Parsifal at the San Carlo Theater in
Naples. <>
May 2008
First Italian-Israeli Science and Technology Forum Tourism agreement
he 60 anniversary
of the establishment
of the State of Israel is also
the 60th anniversary of
Italian-Israeli diplomatic
relations. The Embassy of
I t a l y, a m o n g o t h e r
celebrations, organized a special conference
highlighting scientific and technology
collaboration between the two countries.
The first Italian-Israeli Scientific and
Technology Forum was held in Tel Aviv on April
28-30 and included the participation of a group
of over 40 Italian experts, the largest contingent
ever to visit Israel within the framework of the
Agreement on Scientific, Industrial and
Technological cooperation. Among those
attending were representatives of Italy’s major
industrial and scientific enterprises including
the Ministry of Education, ENEA, CNR, and
rectors and experts from over 15 universities
and research centers.
The occasion provided an
opportunity to review the state of
scientific cooperation between Italy
and Israel, particularly in medicine,
nanotechnology, environmental
science, technology transfer and
engineering, and to discuss ways of
further developing these ties. Two
MOU’s were signed during the three
day conference: the first on the joint
establishment of a nanophotonic
laboratory between LENS of
Florence and the Weizmann Institute
in Rehovot, and the second between
the College of Nurses in Bergamo
and Tel Aviv’s Tel Hashomer
hospital for the organization of
courses in emergency medical training.
Significant in this regard were the meetings
between the two representatives of the Israeli
Ministry of Industry (Dr. Mina Goldiak and
Dr. Ilana Lowi) and their Italian counterpart
(Prof. Francesco Beltrame), with
representatives of ENEA (Prof. Piero di Porto)
CNR (Dr. Giancarlo Righini), and the
representative of the Conference of Italian
Lombardy Region Health Minister Luciano Bresciani
(seated, 2nd right) at the Italian-Israeli Science and
Technology Forum
Piazza Garibaldi in Rovigo
University Rectors (Prof. Patrizio Bianchi).
The first day of the Forum concluded with
a reception at the residence of First Councillor
Davide La Cecilia at which Israeli Health
Minister Yakov Ben Izri was also present.
The following days included around 80
presentations by members of both delegations,
among which were those given by
Lombardy Region Health Director
Luciano Bresciani, Prof. Massimo
Inguscio, an international expert on
the condensation of atoms, Prof.
Massimiliano Fabbricino of the
University of Naples on water
treatment techniques and Prof.
Giuseppe Rega of La Sapienza
University of Rome on prospects
and systems in structural
Israeli presentations of note
included those by Dr. Amitai Ziv,
Director of Israel’s National Center
for the Simulation of Medical
Emergencies, Prof. Nir Davidson
of the Weizmann Institute of
Science, and Professors Sam Saguy, Yona Chen
and Jaap van Rijn of the Hebrew University
on new agricultural technologies and Dr. Rifaat
Sadadi on new techniques and research in
The participation of over 200 delegates at
the conference testifies to the extraodinary
success of the event in Israeli scientific and
industrial circles. <>
Memorandum of Understanding on
commercial tourism was signed on
May 15 between Interporto, a multi-mode
junction located in the Veneto Region of
Italy integrating road, train and maritime
connections, and Aviation Link, an Israeli
tour operator. The MOU was signed in the
presence of the Mayor of Rovigo Fausto
The intiative
was promoted
jointly by the
'Rovigo Tourist
City' Consortium,
by Agenfor Italia
and EuroIsrael to
develop tourism in
Rovigo and the area
from Mantua to
Venice along the
Via X Luglio in Rovigo
River Po and the
White Canal. The Consortium has allocated
resources for the encouragement of tourism
to and from the Veneto Region and the Middle
East, with Israel as the first market in this
plan. Israeli tourism to Italy numbers around
40,000 visitors annually, with Aviation Link’s
108 flights accounting for around 40% of this
Italy’s honorary consul for northern Israel,
Dr. Carlo Gross, accompanied the Israelis
on their tour. <>
Alfa Romeo 8c on view in Israel
A festive
of Italian design
and quality embodied in
Alfa Romeo’s new 8c
Competizione was hosted
by Ambassador Sandro
De Bernardin in the
garden of the Italian
MCA (Mediterranean
Car Agency Ltd.), the
importer of Fiat and Alfa
Ambassador Sandro De Bernardin examines the
Alfa 8c with Doron Vadai (CEO, MCA) and Oren
Romeo to Israel,
presented the
exclusive and
beautiful Alfa 8c only to
its clientele and the media,
who examined the car
with great interest, some
from the driver’s seat
enjoying the unmistakably
distinctive sounds of the
Alfa’s powerful Maserati
engine. Among the guests
were Miki
Haimovitch from Channel 10, Danni
Kushmaro of Channel 2, celebrated chefs,
actors, athletes, and business people. The
outstanding car, an emblem of beauty, speed and
safety, costs several hundred thousand euros,
and will not be imported into Israel. It arrived
especially for the Auto Motor event that takes
place every Passover in Tel Aviv. <>
May 2008
Israel celebrates Puccini’s 150th anniversary
its endeavor and dedication to the
F orpromotion
and diffusion of Puccini’s
work among the widest audiences, including
the very youngest, the Israeli Opera has this
year been awarded the International Puccini
Prize, granted by the Puccini Festival
Foundation and the Italian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, to institutions, performers
and personalities which have distinguished
themselves in promoting the music of the great
Italian composer.
Turandot, Madama Butterfly, La Bohème
and Tosca were staged at the Israeli Opera to
celebrate the 150 th anniversary of the
composer’s birth.
Turandot, directed by Marco Gandini, went
on stage for 12 performances at the Opera
House in Tel Aviv on March 7-22. In the role
of Calaf was Italian tenor Pierro Giuliacci,
well known to Israeli Opera audiences for his
performances in Il Trovatore and Un Ballo in
Maschera, whereas soprano Susanna
Branchini was making
her company debut
singing Liu.
Madama Butterfly
followed for 10
between April 9-22.
Next season will
feature a revival of
the classic
production of
La Bohème,
first presented by the company a decade ago,
as well as a revival of the cinematic Hugo de
Ana production created for the Israeli Opera
about eight years ago, with live shooting from
the actual Roman locales interspersed within
the sets. Michaela Carosi, Pierro Giuliacci
and Alberto Mastromarino/Silvano Carolli
will perform the three leading roles. <>
Conductor with “soul” returns to Tel Aviv
n celebration of Israel's 60th
anniversary Riccardo Muti conducted
the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra in a
Beethoven program on May 22. The following
article by Hanoch Ron was published in Yediot
Acharonot on May 18.
Riccardo Muti is not just another gifted
conductor but one of the five most talented
directors of an orchestra alive today.
When Muti conducts the orchestra sings
and his musicians touch the depths of human
feeling. The amazing Mr. Muti, born in 1941,
impregnates his music with the sounds and
sunshine of his native Neapolitan origins.
Riccardo Muti studied composition with
Nino Rota, famous as Fellini’s musical
collaborator, who quickly recognized the young
Muti’s talent and encouraged him to enter the
Guido Cantelli conducting competition in 1967,
where he was unanimously awarded first prize
by the jury. Since then the rise in his career has
been meteoric, with engagements at the helm
of the world’s leading musical institutions such
as the Philharmonia Orchestra of London, the
Philadelphia Orchestra and the Orchestra of La
Scala, Milan. Just this month Riccardo Muti
was appointed principal conductor of the
world’s best orchestra, the Chicago Symphony.
He deserves it. Muti belongs to that rare species
of conductor steeped in the grand tradition of
music, from the Baroque to our age. When he
conducts, the extraordinary creativeness
emanating from his hands becomes almost
Not many people are aware that over the
years Muti has been a strong supporter of the
Weizmann Institute, while two years ago he
organized a special concert for peace at La
Scala, where he performed with pianists Itamar
Golan from Israel and Palestinian Salim Abud
Ashkar. In 2000 was awarded the prestigious
Wolf Prize. Riccardo Muti also supports
research in melotherapy, a science that uses
music to treat disabilities in children. Muti is
a conductor with soul. You don’t find many of
his kind today. <>
Israel official guest at Turin International Book Fair
(cont. from p. 1) Shark First Met", based on a tale written by kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit.
The book fair is a huge event that annually attracts more than 300,000 visitors. More than 1,400
publishers were represented this year, and the overall program included more than 2,000 speakers
at nearly 1,000 conferences, debates and other events. <>
Libyan Jews during
the Shoah
audience of around 400 people
A nattended
the presentation of Eric
Salerno’s book “Uccideteli tutti. Libia
1943: gli ebrei nel campo di
concentramento fascista di Giado. Una
storia italiana”, which took place at the
Diaspora Museum on April 27 . The event
was organized by the World Organization
of Libyan Jews of Or Yehuda in
collaboration with the Italian Cultural
Author Eric Salerno (left) with Simonetta Della Seta
at the Diaspora Museum
The book, an important historical
document for Jews of Libyan origin living
in Israel, was presented by Liliana
Picciotto, one of Italy’s most noted
historians of the Holocaust, Irit Abramski
of Yad Vashem and Prof. Rachel Simon of
the Hebrew University, and recounts the
relatively unknown and tragic history of
that persecuted community during the
“For many years the world believed that
the Shoah affected only European Jews,”
explained Prof. Abramski, “but recent
research has revealed that many different
North African and Mediterranean Jewish
communities, such as the ones in Greece
and Libya, suffered the same brutal fate as
their European brothers.”
“The relatively unknown story of
Libya’s Jews during the Holocaust is an
emotional chapter in the history of that
community”, said Yaacov Haggiag Liuf,
President of the World Organization of
Libyan Jews, referring to the book and to
personal testimonies recounted during the
evening by survivors and relatives of Libyan
Jews who were deported to the Giado and
Auschwitz concentration camps during the
war. The evening was moderated by
Simonetta Della Seta, Director of the
Italian Cultural Institute, and Jack Arbib,
a member of the Or Yehuda community,
and included the presence of Avi Dichter,
Israel’s Minister of Internal Security, who
is also of Libyan origin. <>
Events in Israel
Accordone at the Israel Festival
June 7, Jerusalem
Accordone, an Italian musical ensemble directed
by two major exponents of Renaissance and
Baroque music, Marco Beasely (voice) and
Guido Morini (organ, harpsichord), in Via
Toledo, a program of traditional Sicilian folk
music. Also participating are Pino De Vittorio
(voice and guitar), Stefano Rocco (lute, baroque
guitar), Fabio Accurso (lute), Franco Pavan
(theorbo) and Mauro Durante (tamburine).
Friends of the Italian Institute of Culture are entitled
to a 20% discount.
Tel: 02-6237000
Paintings by Mario Doretti and Ilana
Ofer Doretti
June 12, Tel Aviv
Mario Doretti, born in Rome, is an architect,
painter and art historian. Ilana Ofer Doretti, born
in Jerusalem, is a ceramic artist and painter who
studied at the Bezalel Academy of Art and at
the Accademia di Ceramica in Faenza. Since
2000 the couple have signed their works ILMAR,
referring to their four handed compositions.
Guided Tour
June 13, departure at 08.00
With marine archeologist Ehud Galili, Israel
Antiquities Authority. A visit to the neolithic
village of Atlit, believed to have been detroyed
by a Tsunami resulting from an eruption at
Mount Etna; a panoramic view of the bay of
Haifa from Stella Maris and the story of the
retrieval of the Italian submarine Shiré; and a
tour of Haifa’s Maritime Museum.
Why gold and diamonds?
June 19, Ramat Gan
Conference on future
trends and ethical
questions in jewelry
design organized by
the Italian Cultural
Institute in
collaboration with the
Shenkar College of
Engineering and
Design in celebration of Israel’s 60th anniversary
and 60 years of Italian Israeli relations.
The event will focus on Italy’s contribution to
design, particularly in jewelry and diamonds,
and serve as an occasion for Israeli professional
jewelry designers to meet their Italian
The conference will examine questions of mutual
interest and highlight opportunities for
cooperation on subjects such as ethics,
intellectual property rights, original designs and
replicas, the use of synthetic materials in jewelry
and the relationship
between jewelry and
fashion. Italians
participating in the
event include Prof.
Alba Cappellieri,
design historian and
critic of the Politecnico di
Milano, Alba Polenghi Lisca,
jewelry artist, Mario Maioli, architect and
designer for Gruppo FIAT, Carlo Montebello,
goldsmith, and Dr. Ciro Cacchione, founder and
president of San Lorenzo, Milan.<>
Preparing students for
Italian universities
courses, known in Hebrew
T woas intensive
Mechiná, initiated by the Italian
Institute of Culture to prepare students for
entry into science faculties at Italian
universities, have opened in Haifa and Tel
Courtyard at the University of Pavia
Preliminary pilot courses opened in 2005
with 14 students, a number that increased to
25 participants the following year and 43 in
2007. The course, divided into artistic and
scientific sections, has also seen a progressive
increase in the number of enrolled students.
As in the past, this year’s program consists
of 240 hours of study: 50 hours for each one
of four scientific subjects (mathematics,
physics, chemistry and biology) and 40 hours
of Italian language studies. The course in Tel
Aviv also includes general culture, art and
architecture. The university level courses,
given by native speakers with doctorates in
their fields of research, are intended for
students who have already completed a
minimum of 360 hours of Italian language
studies. This year’s programs started on May
11 in Tel Aviv and on May 18 in Haifa and
run for a total of 10 weeks. <>
Summer at the Museum of Italian Jewish Art
Antique synagogue ark curtain
The oldest synagogue
ark curtain (parokhet) in
the world, from the year
1572, is on display at the
Museum. The parokhet
was donated to the
Museum by the Tedeschi family about ten years
ago, in conditions of almost total disintegration.
After extensive restoration work, research
revealed embroidered Hebrew inscriptions on
the parokhet, including its date of dedication,
Shavuoth 5332, which translates to the year 1572!
No other parokhet has ever been found with an
older verifiable date of manufacture.
Concert: O “Solo” Mio
July 4, at 11am
An intimate concert in intimate surroundings:
three virtuosi evoke the purest sounds of their
instruments in the enchanting frescoed room of
the Museum’s baroque Conegliano Veneto
synagogue. The concert features works by Berio,
Messiaen, Penderecki, Bach and Ligeti.
Italian Experience on Hillel Street
Thursdays, from July 17
Activities for parents and children including
guided visit, preparation of REAL Italian pizza
and play in the Museum and on the redeveloped
May 2008
June - July 2008
Hillel St. The activity lasts about two hours,
tickets NIS 25.
Italian Art and Pasta Festival
August 12-14
Traditional Italian
Art and Pasta
Festival, held in
the picturesque
museum piazza
on 27 Hillel Sreet,
from 6pm to
11pm! Come and
enjoy a festival of art, music, theatre and cuisine
for the whole family! Entrance free. <>
27, Hillel st., Jerusalem Tel: 02-6241610 Fax: 02-6253480
May 2008
Events in Italy
Renoir Tradition and Innovation
Until June 29, Rome
Exhibition of
130 works by
the great
artist PierreAuguste Renoir,
of paintings
inspired by a trip he took to Italy in 1881/82,
an experience that redefined the artists’ style.
Ravenna Festival
June 13 - July 19, Ravenna
The 19th edition of
the Festival is
centered on women
figures in myth and
art. The feminine theme of the Festival will give
new life to a series of exceptional women, either
famous or less renowned: from Rosvita, a
"playwriting" nun of year 1000, to Anita
Garibaldi, and Juliette Greco. The program also
includes jazz, cinema, painting and musicals.
Bruggen, chamber music concerts dedicated to
Messiaen and Ravel, and an evening of male
dance including Savion Glover and others. The
festival closes with a concert by the London
Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Daniel
Puccini Celebrations
Until December, Lucca
An international event of resonance to celebrate
150 years since the birth of one of the best
known composers in the world. A calendar rich
in events, concerts, conferences, and shows that
runs until the end of the year.
Francis Bacon
Ends June 29, Milan
Florence Opera Festival
June 13 – August 3, Florence
The Opera Festival’s rich calendar includes both
classic and modern operas performed at four
prestigious and famous locations in Tuscany.
This year the melodrama also embraces
musicals, with the original production of ‘Cats’.
Palazzo Reale
sixty works of
one of the most
well known of
English artists, in
a full overview of
his artistic career.
The masterpieces
of Bacon, rich of
witnesses of an inner drama of the sense of life,
are intense and exciting, allusive and symbolic
and powerfully express the individual feelings
and discomforts of modern man.
Festival of the Two Worlds
June 27 – July 13, Spoleto
The festival opens with the
rarely performed opera
"Padmavati" by Albert
Roussel. Included in the
program are several French
plays, a ‘Threepenny Opera’
directed by Robert Wilson,
world music ensembles, a
performance by the Orchestra
of the 18 th Century conducted by Frans
Galileo’s Telescope
Ends December, Florence
Exhibition on Galileo’s
telescope and the
observations he made with
it. The displays will consist
of rare and precious
instruments (among them
the only two existing
telescopes by Galileo),
manuscripts and ancient
books. Interactive exhibits
and multimedia will facilitate comprehension
of optical and astronomical principles.
Pinocchio Park
Open all year, Collodi
Collodi Park,
dedicated to
the little
includes a
workshop as well as shows, exhibits and
entertainment. Picnic areas are available
throughout the park, which centers around the
Italian Pinocchio imagery and not the Disney
version of the character. A fun and pleasant way
to spend a few hours in the peaceful Tuscan
Chianti Sculpture Park
Open all Year, Pievasciata
Parco Sculture del Chianti
is the first Italian park
situated in a natural wood
totally devoted to
international contemporary
sculpture. From April to
October always open from
10 a.m. to sunset except
Teatro alla Scala, Milan
June 2008
3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 17, 20, 23, 25, 27
Verdi, La Traviata,
Conductor: Carlo Montanaro
16, 19, 21, 21, 24, 26, 28, 30
Prokof'ev, The Gambler,
Conductor: Daniel Barenboim
July 2008
7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23
Puccini, La Bohème,
Conductor: Gustavo Dudamel <>
Italian Trade Fair Calendar June – July, 2008
5 - 8 June, Parma
Luxury goods
7 - 15 June, Trieste
Handicrafts and Tourism
13 - 22 June, Naples
International trade fair
18 - 21 June, Florence
11 -14 June, Milan
Medical Science Expo
22 - 27, June, Milan
14 - 17 June, Riva del Garda
Footwear and components
27 - 30 June, Milan
Bridal and ceremonial clothes
27 - 29 June, Florence
Children's wear
2 - 4 July, Florence
Yarns, fibres and knitted fabrics