NFRL spring 2014 final - Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels
NFRL spring 2014 final - Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels
Anita Albus Arndt Engelhardt Alexander Korb Stefan M. Maul Markus Roth / Andrea Löw Martin Seel Ronen Steinke Andreas Wirsching Gerhard Wolf GBO NONFICTION RIGHTS LIST 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS GB GUARANTEED FUNDING In the Light of Darkness: On Proust by anita albus ................. 4 In the Shadow of World War. The Ustaša’s Mass Violence against Serbs, Jews, and Roma in Croatia, 1941–1945 by alexander korb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Warsaw Ghetto by roth & löw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Price of Freedom by andreas wirsching ......................... 7 Ideology and the Rationality of Domination: Nazi Germanization Policies in Poland by gerhard wolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 GI RECOMMENDS An Arsenal of Jewish Knowledge. On the Origins of the Encyclopaedia Judaica by arndt engelhardt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Fortune Telling in the Ancient Orient by stefan m. maul . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cinema Arts by martin seel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Fritz Bauer oder Auschwitz vor Gericht by ronen steinke . . . . . . . . . 7 The H and es. Th natio guag from and estab With schaf speci inter the a of th Atlan naril Most have Inter a lice book the E publ hers. of Hu book more Geist tions anke TRAN In add Austri For m Riky S GBO NONFICTION RIGHTS LIST The Humanities are fueled by a variety of intellectual and cultural impulses, even across national boundaries. Thus, five years ago, “Geisteswissenschaften International” was started to assist inquisitive English-language publishers in their search for authors and topics from Germany. Since then, many highly interesting and important intellectual stimuli from Europe became established in North America. With the present rights list, the jury of “Geisteswissenschaften International” wants to draw your attention specifically to some titles which may be of particular interest to the North American book market – because the authors have already been established, the subject of the book is equally important on this side of the Atlantic – or simply because the books are extraordinarily interesting. Most of the titles proposed in the featured rights list have been awarded with the “Geisteswissenschaften International” title last year but have not yet found a licensee. This is not because of the quality of the books, but is due to the difficulties of conquering the English language market. Most books have been published by small and independent German publishers. In Germany, these books are gems in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences, but regretfully the books are largely unknown in North America. Read more below about the German Book Office New York, Geisteswissenschaften International and other translations funding opportunities. GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN INTERNATIONAL With “Geisteswissenschaften International”, the German Publishers and Booksellers Association (Börsenverein des deutschen Buchhandels), the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, the collecting society VG WORT and the Federal Foreign Office of Germany commend innovative humanities and social science works in the German language. Methods of critical theory and comparative research in the humanities require expert use of language and knowledge of tradition of thought. Therefore, even scholars who are excellent in English often write their works in their native languages. Making excellent academic works visible to the world by translating them into the language of the world is both an opportunity and a challenge for publishers and editors. In order to increase the aspect of opportunity and to reduce the challenge, Geisteswissenschaften International was initiated as a national supporting grant for the humanities and social sciences. The program is designed to provide the guidance and the support English speaking publishers need in order to discover promising new authors and exciting new approaches to the big questions. Every year in January and July, German publishers can submit publications from the fields of humanities and social sciences at They nominate titles of their own choosing and provide a short rationale for their selection. The award amount is determined by each individual case and the actual translation costs. An independent selection committee of academics, expert journalists, and scientific publishers select the works to be funded. For more information, please contact: Anke Simon | Geisteswissenschaften International | Phone: +49 (0) 69 1306-517 | GERMAN BOOK OFFICE NEW YORK anke simon, geisteswissenschaften international TRANSLATION FUNDING In addition to Geisteswissenschaften International, Germany, Austria and Switzerland also offer seperate translation funding. For more information, please contact: Riky Stock | The German Book Office (GBO), a nonprofit initiative of the Frankfurt Book Fair, serves as a bridge between the North American and German publishing industries. Its primary role is to establish contact between members of these industries and to increase the awareness of new German titles and authors in both the North America book industry and among the reading public. The GBO organizes literary events, recommends German readers and translators to American publishers, and provides information on translation funding. For more information about the GBO’s activities, visit: york 4 ART & LITERATURE IN THE LIGHT OF DARKNESS on proust anita albus: Im Licht der Finsternis. Über Proust S. Fischer Verlag GmbH, 224 pages Rights Contact: Katrin Meerkamp, anita albus is a painter and writer, and lives in Munich and Burgundy. Her minutely detailed nature studies of plants, birds, and butterflies have been widely exhibited. She has written short stories (including “Liebesbande”), novels (Farfallone) and a number of volumes of essays on art history including “Die Kunst der Künste.” Her most recent publication was the book Von seltenen Vögeln. She has received various awards for her wide range of artistic work. Anita Albus shows us things never before seen in Marcel Proust’s remembrance of things past; its great variety of layers of meaning that lie within the work. Albus, a poet herself, understands Proust’s representention of the visibility of the invisible amidst a forest of symbols, beneath a sky spangled with ideas.Anita Albus’ study sheds light on the significance of the religious in Proust’s main work À la recherche du temps perdu. In a unique way, she brings together perspectives from natural science and the history of ideas, linking botanical, architectural, historical art, philosophical, and historical religious knowledge. On the basis of numerous symbols within the text, Albus breaks down to what extent Proust’s work can be understood as a religious work. As well as its unique methodology and new findings, the study is also distinguished by the scholar and artist Anita Albus’ stylistic brilliance. Due to its linguistic elegance and close reading of Proust’s text, the study is of interest not only to an academic readership, but also to lovers of Proust and literature in general. The colour illustrations clarify the argumentation and render the work as an attractively designed book. TRANSLATION FUNDING GUARANTEED BY GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN INTERNATIONAL 5 IN T The Jews In Wo vided ethnic tian U by Zag intend date, irratio millio Korb evolve chapte and It mogen within Korb s each o indep intertw sidera region played prizedynam Roma state a TRAN BY GE HISTORY Alexan 2013, v AN ARSENAL OF JEWISH KNOWLEDGE on the origins of the encyclopa- edia judaica arndt engelhardt: Arsenale jüdischen Wissens. Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der »Encyclopaedia Judaica« Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, xxx Pages Rights Contact: Margarita Wolf, dr. arndt engelhardt is Assistant to the Director at the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at the University of Leipzig. He studied History, Comparative Literature, and German Literature and Language in Leipzig and at the University of Coimbra, Portugal (2000/2001). His current research focuses on Jewish Publishing Cultures in the 19th century. Based on the history of the German-language »Encyclopaedia Judaica,« the author studies Jewish knowledge cultures during the 19th and 20th centuries. The »Encyclopaedia Judaica« first appeared in Berlin between 1928 and 1934. It was the fruit of the work of many Jewish authors, scholars and politicians from various countries who took up the ideas of other, existing encyclopedias and expanded on them. Using the history of the »Encyclopaedia Judaica« as an example, Arndt Engelhardt traces the paths of Jewish knowledge cultures in the 19th and 20th centuries. He interprets the publication of these volumes as the strategic attempt to create a new Jewish canon of culture and science in modern times. GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN INTERNATIONAL RECOMMENDS GBO GERMAN BOOK OFFICE NEW YORK, INC. | 72 SPRING STREET | ELEVENTH FLOOR | NEW YORK, NY 10012 | 212-794-2851 | 212-794-2870 | STOCK@NEWYORK.GBO.ORG | WWW.NEWYORK.GBO.ORG FOR AN Explo ancie Assur Those whos cune high paign Gods love and G tellin with in sh ted a from prop GEIST GBO GERMAN 4 nce of Albus, invisAlbus’ k À la ctives ctural, asis of oust’s distints lin- demic our ilely de- E a- udai19th ed in many who ed on ampres in these on of ORK.GBO.ORG 5 HISTORY IN THE SHADOW OF WORLD WAR. The Ustaša’s Mass Violence against Serbs, Jews, and Roma in Croatia, 1941–1945 In World War II, Croatia was nominally an independent state, but was in fact divided into German and Italian occupation zones, and was one of the most multiethnic regions in Hitler’s Europe. Ending this diversity was the goal of the Croatian Ustaša, founded in 1929 as a militant, “völkisch-nationalistic” organization by Zagreb attorney Ante Paveli. The civil war initiated by the Ustaša militias was intended to transform Croatia into an ethnically homogenous national state. To date, the Ustaša have been generally perceived either as Hitler’s henchmen or as irrational, murderous nationalists who were responsible for the deaths of half a million people. Korb challenges both interpretations to explore how and why mass violence evolved in Croatia, when it accelerated, and how it declined. An introductory chapter on the Ustaša, their ideology, plans, and relations with the Germans and Italians is followed by in-depth analysis of violence as part of “ethnic homogenization,” massacres perpetrated as part of civil war, and mass violence within camps. Korb shows how the Ustaša skillfully played the Germans and Italians against each other and how civil war served them as a means of promoting their own independence. Violence against Serbs, Jews, and Roma, he argues, were closely intertwined; persecution of the Jews cannot be fully understood without consideration of the radicalization of anti-Serbian policies. Moreover, the microregional context, local warlordism, geography, and factors such as crop harvests played a significant role in determining the trajectory of violence. But as this prize-winning book also reveals, the Ustaša were increasingly controlled by the dynamics of the violence they unleashed. The mass murder of Serbs, Jews, and Roma were as much a result of the Ustaša’s loss of control in a disintegrating state as it was the manifestation of a policy of ethnic purity. TRANSLATION FUNDING GUARANTEED BY GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN INTERNATIONAL Alexander Korb was awarded the Geisteswissenschaften International Award alexander korb: Im Schatten des Weltkriegs. Massengewalt der Ustaša gegen Serben, Juden und Roma in Kroatien 1941–1945 Hamburger Edition, 510 Pages Rights Contact: Paula Bradish, alexander korb is a historian and lecturer in modern European history at the University of Leicester and acting director of the university’s Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. His study has won the Wiener Library’s Fraenkel Prize, the Herbert Steiner Prize 2012, the Irma Rosenberg Award, and the Andrej Mitrovic Prize. HISTORY 2013, view the laudatio here: FORTUNE TELLING IN THE ANCIENT ORIENT Exploring God’s will was a part of everyday life for people in the ancient Near East - no matter whether they were the king of Assur or a simple craftsman, a wealthy merchant or a poor widow. Those who could afford it sacrificed an immaculate sheep, from whose liver the ritual priest could read divine answers. Countless cuneiform tablets, which were found in the archives of the fallen high cultures, testify this. Every public action and every war campaign was prepared with the help of a detailed questioning of the Gods; but even those who were worried ‘just’ about their private love life or the success of a journey sought the advice of priests and Gods. Stefan M. Maul has been researching about fortunetelling in the ancient Near East for years and now presents us with a masterful overview of this fascinating topic. He succeeds in showing how the process of fortune-telling was highly coveted and top secret knowledge that the political elite tried to keep from their enemies and even used for their own purpose and propaganda. GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN INTERNATIONAL RECOMMENDS stefan m. maul: Die Wahrsagekunst im Alten Orient Verlag C.H. Beck, 423 Pages Rights Contact: Susanne Simor, stefan m. maul, Prof. Dr.hc, was born in 1958. He studied Assyriology, Near Eastern Archaeology, and Egyptology at the University of Göttingen. He has made many guest professor appearances over the years, and has been the Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Heidelberg since 2012. Since 2013, he has been a member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. GBO GERMAN BOOK OFFICE NEW YORK, INC. | 72 SPRING STREET | ELEVENTH FLOOR | NEW YORK, NY 10012 | 212-794-2851 | 212-794-2870 | STOCK@NEWYORK.GBO.ORG | WWW.NEWYORK.GBO.ORG 6 HISTORY THE WARSAW GHETTO In the same way that Auschwitz represents the mass murder of European Jews, Warsaw represents the Ghetto of the Holocaust. Here, about 500,000 people were penned in, more people than in any other ghetto in occupied Europe. And here the persecuted Jews resisted against their German tormentors. The SS was not able to defeat the Jewish rebellion for several weeks in the spring of 1943. markus roth & andrea löw: Das Warschauer Getto Verlag C. H. Beck, 240 pages Rights Contact: Susanne Simor, Andrea Löw and Markus Roth describe the ghetto’s and the people’s history powerfully. They starved, got sick, suffered, and were scared. But these people reacted very differently to the persecution and humiliation. Many fought a heroic fight without weapons as well: against hunger and sickness, for the education of their children, for a cultural life, and physical as well as psychological self-assertion. Their efforts to organize a life that included culture and music, to help others, and to maintain love and friendship are the focus of this book. Those who were persecuted are given a chance to speak for themselves through their diaries and memories. For the first time, the reader can view a living picture of everyday life in a ghetto. 7 FRI or In 196 broug Frank saw th demo 1936. Adolf era, th raged enem about an en GEIST dr. markus roth is vice-director and the chair of Holocaust Literature at the University of Gießen. TRANSLATION FUNDING GUARANTEED BY GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN INTERNATIONAL dr. andrea löw is research assistant at the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich. ARTS & LITERATURE CINEMA ARTS What film can teach us about ourselves. From its very beginnings, film has adopted many practices of architecture, music, painting, theatre, literature, and other arts – but it does not leave them unchanged. Cinema can do the things it does because it adopts and adapts what other arts can do. martin seel: Die Künste des Kinos S. Fischer Verlag GmbH, 256 Pages Rights Contact: Katrin Meerkamp, In his new book, Martin Seel sets out to analyse this connection. In nine concise and elegantly written chapters, he explores the aesthetic potential unique to film and uses specific examples to demonstrate the many different ways this potential can be realized. Martin Seel has developed a new perspective on film and what it does to us once we are in the cinema. GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN INTERNATIONAL RECOMMENDS martin seel, born in Ludwigshafen am Rhein in 1954, is a professor of philosophy at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. His recent publications include Sich bestimmen lassen. Studien zur theoretischen und praktischen Philosophie (2002), Paradoxien der Erfüllung. Philosophische Essays (2006) and Die Macht des Erscheinens. Texte zur Ästhetik (2007). GBO GERMAN BOOK OFFICE NEW YORK, INC. | 72 SPRING STREET | ELEVENTH FLOOR | NEW YORK, NY 10012 | 212-794-2851 | 212-794-2870 | STOCK@NEWYORK.GBO.ORG | WWW.NEWYORK.GBO.ORG THE the our When ordina were f most stand In the – in po sents Easter Euro, capita contin interv Andre and e of a u TRAN BY GE GBO GERMAN 6 Jews, eople e. And S was 1943. istory e peoought or the sychoe and of this selves iew a music, m unwhat oncise o film ential what RK.GBO.ORG 7 HISTORY FRITZ BAUER or auschwitz on trial In 1963, the word “Auschwitz” burst into German living rooms. A charge was brought against 22 former Nazi henchmen and a major court case began in Frankfurt. It was thanks to one man and one man alone that the case even saw the light of day: Fritz Bauer, chief public prosecutor in Hesse. A social democrat with Jewish roots, Bauer just about managed to flee the country in 1936. He was the man that made German post-war society talk and brought Adolf Eichmann to trial in Israel. In the restorative climate of the Adenauer era, the jurist Bauer became a controversial figure, an individual that enraged his guild and made many enemies: “When I leave my office, I enter enemy country” is how he described his situation. Ronen Steinke tells us about the life of a man whose courage saved Germany’s honour and changed an entire nation. GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN INTERNATIONAL RECOMMENDS ronen steinke: Fritz Bauer oder Auschwitz vor Gericht Piper Verlag GmbH, 352 Pages Rights Contact: Sarah Reinbacher, ronen steinke, dr. jur., born in 1983 in Erlangen, works as a journalist for the daily newspaper SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG. He studied law and criminology and worked for law offices as well as a juvenile prison, before going on to work with the Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague. His doctoral thesis about the development of war crime tribunals from Nuremberg to The Hague was hailed as a “masterpiece” by the renowned daily FAZ. HISTORY THE PRICE OF FREEDOM the history of europe in our time When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and the Soviet bloc began to crumble, the coordinates of world politics shifted. The most palpable consequences, however, were felt in Europe. Andreas Wirsching identifies here the first patterns in our most recent history and provides an important contribution to the understanding of current developments. In the last twenty years, Europe has experienced massive growth in freedom – in politics, society, and economics. In a certain sense the present crisis presents us with the bill for this development. The democratic transformation of Eastern European nations has come at a price, as did the introduction of the Euro, which led to unprecedented freedom in the flow of goods, services, and capital. The deregulation of financial markets has imposed costs for which the continent will pay dearly. And will Europe, as a world power, be able to afford intervention on behalf of freedom and human rights elsewhere in the world? Andreas Wirsching offers here an impressive synthesis of political, social,q and economic developments in Europe since 1989, making it the first history of a unified Europe. TRANSLATION FUNDING GUARANTEED BY GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN INTERNATIONAL andreas wirsching: Der Preis der Freiheit. Geschichte Europas in unserer Zeit CH Beck Verlag, 489 Pages Rights Contact: Susanne Simor, andreas wirsching, born in 1959, is professor for modern and contemporary history at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and director of the Institute for Contemporary History. C.H. Beck published his Deutsche Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert (German History in the 20th Century) in 2011. GBO GERMAN BOOK OFFICE NEW YORK, INC. | 72 SPRING STREET | ELEVENTH FLOOR | NEW YORK, NY 10012 | 212-794-2851 | 212-794-2870 | STOCK@NEWYORK.GBO.ORG | WWW.NEWYORK.GBO.ORG 8 HISTORY IDEOLOGY AND THE RATIONALITY OF DOMINATION: nazi germanization policies in poland Researchers who have studied Nazi policies in occupied Poland, especially in the western regions annexed by the Third Reich, seem to agree in their findings: not only did the occupiers rule with extreme brutality, the SS succeeded in implementing its radical program of installing a new “racial order.” Gerhard Wolf has taken an in-depth look at how the various institutions involved in the occupa- gerhard wolf: Ideologie und Herrschaftsrati- tion in Poland—including the SS, the civil administrations, and the Reich Ministry of the Interior— onalität. Nationalsozialistische Germanisierungspolitik in Polen Hamburger Edition, 528 Pages complex and, at times, astonishing reality, fraught with conflict and dissent between the actors Rights Contact: Paula Bradish opposed this. A key motive was their intention of pacifying and integrating a large part of the Pol- formulated programs and policies and how these operated in practice. His findings reveal a more involved. The SS indeed insisted on allowing only a chosen few of the inhabitants of these territories to be Germanized and based their selection primarily on “racial” criteria; local administrators ish majority under Nazi rule. Consequently, they applied broader cultural or political definitions of who was to be considered German. dr. gerhard wolf is Lecturer in German History at the Centre for German-Jewish Studies, University of Sussex. His research in the history of Nazi Germany focuses on occupation policies in eastern Europe, population policies, and the causes of racism and anti-Semitism. Moreover, economic interests were of increasing importance in determining what policies were implemented for Poland and its population. With the attack on the Soviet Union, it became clear that the war could only be won if the German economy received a steady supply of laborers to replace the German men who were being drafted. Thus, rather than deporting Poles to the East as originally planned, more and more people were sent westward to work in factories and on farms within the “Altreich.” Wolf demonstrates how racist ideology and the demands of attempting to establish a viable system of domination while sustaining a war economy clashed and ultimately led to a surprising and hitherto barely recognized result. In practice, the SS and its adherence to strict racial criteria when dealing with the population in the occupied territories more often than not gave way to policies shaped by other Nazi authorities, who chose instead to adopt more flexible strategies. Although neither the goal of persecuting and annihilating the Jewish population, nor the aim of extending German domination to all of Europe was questioned, the ways in which these goals were to be reached diverged significantly. TRANSLATION FUNDING GUARANTEED BY GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN INTERNATIONAL GBO GERMAN BOOK OFFICE NEW YORK, INC. | 72 SPRING STREET | ELEVENTH FLOOR | NEW YORK, NY 10012 | 212-794-2851 | 212-794-2870 | STOCK@NEWYORK.GBO.ORG | WWW.NEWYORK.GBO.ORG PB