- Missouri DeMolay


- Missouri DeMolay
Quentin J. Cockerham
Deputy State Master Councilor
Missouri DeMolay
You were cordially invited and I now welcome you to this 2014 Missouri DeMolay State Conclave! The
gears which have made Conclave run in the past have been taken out and replaced with brand new
cogs, making this a different experience for all. My only hope is that the Sweethearts, DeMolays,
Squires, and Advisors have a weekend filled of joy and new memories.
I may have been expected to be in the position I am now, but it is simply because I worked for it and I
wanted it – I am here as your Chairman and there is no doubt in my mind that this weekend will be
my greatest Success thus far in life. The first task of planning Conclave was to create a “theme,” but
themes are just a part of life, and I believe that you can find Success through DeMolay. Success and
you will have glory. Success and you shall have honor. I believe that the three are in the same and I
believe that glory is derived from success and that is what makes you an honorable person.
I remember sitting at my chapter table 5 years ago and could not even fathom the possibility of one
day running Conclave. I truly never thought that I’d have the honor to serve in this position. I will
follow the light to virtue, through DeMolay and Freemasonry.
I hope you all endure this Conclave with this thought: “You do not have the right to succeed, you
have the opportunity.”
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Quentin J. Cockerham
Conclave 2014 Chairman
Deputy State Master Councilor
Brandon Rarey
State Master Councilor
Missouri DeMolay
It is my pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the
2014 Missouri DeMolay State Conclave!
Since November, the Conclave Planning Committee has worked
so hard to bring this production to life. The many Advisors,
Senior and Active DeMolays have put in countless hours of their
time to make sure that this will be one of the best Conclaves
DeMolay has to offer. There have been some big changes that I
believe will make the experience that each attendee has ever
more enjoyable. Whether you have been to Conclave before or
this is your first time here, you will be able to make memories
that will be with you for a lifetime.
This will be my last Conclave as an Active DeMolay and I know
that I have been given a special opportunity in this
organization. It may seem like a long time when you first join this order, but when you reach the age
of majority, it will feel like you have only been in DeMolay for a blink of an eye. The short journey I
have taken as a kid from Waynesville Chapter has been the best and I would not trade it in for
anything. I hope to leave Memorial Day Weekend with more friends, experiences and most of all,
trophies, because being here together is about brotherhood and competition and I believe we will
show DeMolay International that we have the best!
Success is a great standard to hold in your life’s work. Bringing success in your life should be a goal
for everyone. Its up to you to define what your personal success should be; should it be with your
school, with your job, or with your friends and family its what you make it. It is important to make
sure you do the best you can in whatever endeavor you chose because the choices made during
your time as an adolescent will mold and form you into the adult that you want to be and this
organization will help you through that.
I hope that every DeMolay will find their Success in their competitions and will enjoy every ounce of
time they will spend here with their brothers and friends. Good Luck and God Bless!
Sincerely and fraternally,
Brandon Rarey
State Master Councilor
O LORD, Save us; O LORD, grant us success.
Psalm 118.25
We meet each year at our State Conclave to visit with our brothers, families and friends; to
have fun; and to strive for success in our competitions and activities. We trust and pray that
each of you will be successful in all of your endeavors this weekend, and more importantly,
in your lives ~ each and every day. Here are 10 Keys to Success to keep in mind in everything
you do.
Abide in God and success will come your way.
Be strong and courageous and do the right thing –
always and in all ways.
Work hard, play hard, be humble and be faithful.
Be positive, enthusiastic and happy.
Strive for excellence with determination and
Vision is key – turn your Imaginations into reality.
Ponder success daily.
Learn from your failures and then be successful.
Just do and dare – take bigger steps in your life and do
at least one more good deed for others each day.
Trust in God with all your heart, obey Him and He will
show you the way.
We are glad that you are here and we are most pleased and honored to have Dad Mike
Salazar ~ our Grand Master of DeMolay International, and Dad Jon Broyles ~ our Grand
Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri with us to share in all of the successes of this State
May you always be successful to the Honor and Glory of God.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Dad Robert W. Cockerham
Past Grand Master
Executive Officer
Missouri DeMolay
Dulci Hedges
State Sweetheart
Hello and welcome to Conclave 2014! I am very excited for this
weekend and I hope you all are as well! I have had a wonderful
year as State Sweetheart getting to know you boys and I am
eager to see what this weekend awaits. To the boys, good luck
to all of you competing in ritual competitions or sports, I'm
sure you will do fantastic. To all the Sweethearts who are
running, relax! There's no reason to be nervous. Just have fun!
I hope you have a wonderful time. I'm excited to see you all!
Dulci Hedges
State Sweetheart 2013-2014
Katherine Mason
Associate State Sweetheart
Welcome everyone to Conclave 2014! I am so excited for this weekend, and hope that all of you are as
well. This weekend is meant to strengthen the brotherhood of DeMolay and the fellowship of the
Masonic Family. DeMolay teaches us to have a purpose so that we may become successful. I would
like to wish the Squires and DeMolays good luck in their sporting and ritual competitions. I know you
all have worked hard to prepare for Conclave. Good luck to all of the Sweetheart contestants.
Remember to be yourself and have fun. To all the Dad’s and Mom’s
you do such a great job and we all really appreciate you taking the
time to support masonic youth. Don’t stress, instead have fun, meet
new people, and try to get enough food and sleep.
Katherine Mason
Associate State Sweetheart 2013-2014
Missouri DeMolay
would like to recognize
the following sponsors
who support
Missouri DeMolay
through their generosity
and gifts.
The Grand Lodge of Missouri - Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons
Scottish Rite Foundation of Missouri
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Orient of Missouri
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Columbia
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Joplin
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Kansas City
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of St. Joseph
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of St. Louis
Ararat Shrine
Excelsior Chapter, Order of DeMolay
Excelsior Lodge #441, A.F. & A.M.
George L. Walters Chapter, Order of DeMolay
Kansas City Lodge #220 A.F. & A.M.
Moolah Shrine
Moolah Guides Unit
Moolah Swing Dance Unit
Moolah Temple Legion of Honor Unit
RGL Forensic Accountants and Consultants
St. Louis Preceptory, Legion Of Honor
Swope Park Masonic Family
Tim Thomas - Grand Lodge of Missouri
The Cockerham Law Firm - Cockerham & Associates, LLC
The Cockerham Family
314.533.7415$ 800.358.5656$ $
Scottish Rite Masons Helping Children Communicate
The Walker Scottish Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders teaches two through six
year-old children with speech and language disorders the communication skills necessary to
succeed in school and throughout their lives. ALL services are provided at no cost.
The Clinic has served over 15,000 children since opening in 1988 and over 860 children
annually. The Clinic is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charity organization supported by our Masonic
Family, Scottish Rite Members and by contributions of other caring individuals, groups,
corporations, and foundations. The Walker Scottish Rite Clinic serves children in six
locations in the Greater St. Louis area - main Clinic at the Scottish Rite Cathedral at
Grand & Lindell Blvd, Grace Hill Head Start Early Learning Center and Outreach Clinics
in the communities of Elsberry, Crystal City, Troy and Union, Missouri.
Edward J. Kellogg, Chair
Howard I. Hurwitz, Vice Chair
Greig Gatzert, Treasurer
John W. Siscel, Recorder
John C. Caraker
Philip Cole
Robert Cockerham, SGIG
G.T. Cozad, III
Joe Dale
Scott Denney, Asst. Treasurer
Ersie C. Harris
R. Kirk Hutchison
Myrtle E. Walker
Randy Wilson
Kurt Witzel
Bret Akers (Advisory Members)
Thomas Eschen (Advisory Member)
Michael O'Toole (Advisory Member)
Don G. Bowers (Emeritus)
Alden G. Hacker (Emeritus)
Ronald H. Hartoebben (Emeritus)
Russell Lampertz (Emeritus)
Mark A. Lyles (Emeritus)
Justin Absheer
Mike Almond
Chase Bader
Kevin Bray
Kelson Chrivia
Justin Dryer
Gabriel Eggers
Adam Frigerio
James Glasgow
Brock Harrison
John Herr
Drew Hinkle
Mike Jones
Jeff Kitsmiller, Jr.
Michael Koyn
Alex Kratz
Alex Limpert
Chris Martin
Cory Meyer
Clayton Oloteo
Spencer Oloteo
Brandon Rarey
Benjamin Rivers
Andrew Schumacher
Devin Sharpe
Tom Shuman
Clayton Thompson
Scott Underwood
Justin Woods
Tommy Hambrough
Brock Harrison
Grant Lodholz
Conner Morris
Andrew Schumacher
Devin Sharpe
Eric Trapp
Cody Wilkins
Bobby Williamson
T h e Mi ss o u r i Gr a n d A s s em b l y
Order of the Rainbow for Girls
w is h e s
Brandon Rarey, State Master Councilor,
Robert W. Cockerham, Executive Officer,
and all of Missouri DeMolay
a successful State Conclave.
Rachel DeLashmit ~ Grand Worthy Advisor
C a t he ri n e D e n t ~ S u pr em e I n s pe ct o r
We salute the officers and members of
Keep up the good work.
Good Luck from
Craftsmen Lodge #717
Best Wishes to Missouri DeMolay for another Successf5l Conclave The Goede Family Dad Lon Goede, Past Advisor, Progression
Mom Ginny Goede, Past President, Mothers Club
Gary Goede, PMC, Chevalier
Wayne Goede, PMC, Chevalier, PIKC Priory
Donna Nelson Goede, P.A. State Sweetheart
Moolah Shrine
Air Patrol
Waynesville Chapter!
Have a great
time at Conclave!
~ Kate Mason
Missouri Order of the Eastern Star,
Hanson Chapter #22 is very proud to
have Brother Brandon Rarey,
State Master Councilor
as one of their members
Members of
Linda’s “A” Team
Waynesville DeMolay
Daniel Boone Shrine Club Moolah Shrine
Lodge #183
Fraternal Masonic Lodge
A.F. & A.M.
is proud to support
Missouri DeMolay!
St. Charles Masonic
Lodge No. 241
Proud Supporters of
Lodge #279
Bayard Chapter #179
Order of the Eastern Star
Troy Chapter # 405
Order of the Eastern Star
De Soto Masonic Lodge #119
third and boyd serving
Every 2nd Saturday | Jan-June & Sept - Dec
7:00AM - 10:00AM
Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage, Home Made Biscuits & Gravy
Adults $2.00 to $6.00
Kids under 12 free pancakes all they can eat!
Like us on De Soto Masonic Lodge #199
Nevada Chapter No. 53 O.E.S.
Ashland Chapter #309
Order of the Eastern Star
Cuba Chapter #398
Order of the Eastern Star
Brentwood Chapter #429
Order of the Eastern Star
Pomegranate Chapter #397˝
Order of the Eastern Star
Linn Lodge
# 326
We support Missouri DeMolay
Du Kum Inn Restaurant - Sullivan, MO
Good luck Tyler!
Love Aunt Rebecca & Uncle Chad
Congratulations Brent Hudson, District 3 Deputy Master Councilor Keep up the good work!
Congratulations John Parker, State Chaplain Keep doing an amazing job.
Congratulations Brandon Rarey, State Master Councilor Keep up the great work!
Post Pawn Store
Good Luck Erin!
From Pomegranate Chapter, O.E.S.
Hamel & Rowe, Inc. Desoto, MO
Have a great Conclave!
Hopson Lumber Co.
Congratulations to the
2013 Honor Recipients
C he va lie r
Ch r ist ian Wester m ayer
G erald M c Coy
Ti mothy M cCoy
C hr ist ia n Di nisoa e
John Si nger, I II
N at haniel Thoma son
M att hew Hoaglan
Trevor Keller
C r o ss
C ha d Ar nol d
Lee Ann Pit ma n
B et t y S c hum ac her
L eg ion
Har r y B ec ker
Will iam B oucher, Jr.
John K r i sk a
Will iam M ahler
Wesle y Pit man
Andrew S c hum ac her
Honor a ry
L e g ion
Ll oyd Brown
L aw re nce Cam eron
F D uga n
Patr ic k Hensle y
C hr istop her Jones
Al vin Pat te rson
Jer r y Wa rd
Ja mes Wood fin
Conclave 2013 Honors & Awards
Executive Officer’s Eagle
Service ~ Inspiration ~ Commitment ~ Honor
Glor ia Cha ney
Patr ic k Hensle y
Dav id R am sey
Wa lla ce W. Will ard
Hal l of Fam e I n du c te e
G ra n d M a s ter ’s You t h H o n ore e
Wal l ace W. Will a rd
C ha se L ansing
M aso n o f t he Yea r
St ate Swe e t h ea r t
R o be r t C. Floyd
D ulc i Hedges
Public O ff ic i a l o f t h e Ye ar
As s oc i ate St ate Swe et h ea r t
M a r k Brec ke nr id ge
K at he r i ne M ason
Te acher o f t he Ye a r
2013 Conclave Sponsors
Tod d We ste r mayer
Th e G rand Lo d ge o f M i ss o u r i
S co t t i sh R i te Fo un dati o n of M i sso ur i
Anc i ent & Acce pted S co t t i s h R i te Or i e nt of M is sour i
Anc i ent & Accep te d S co t t i sh R i te Val le y o f Col umbia
Anc i ent & Acce pted S co t t i s h R i te Vall ey of Jop lin
Anc i ent & Acce pted S co t t i s h R i te Vall ey of K ansas Cit y
Anc i ent & Acce pted S co t t i s h R i te Vall ey of St. Josep h
Anc i ent & Accep te d S co t t i sh R i te Val le y o f St. Lou is
Bran so n' s M as ters o f M a gi c The ater
Exce l si o r Ch apter, O rd e r of D eM ol ay
Exce l si o r Lo d ge # 441 , A . F. & A. M.
G eo rg e L . Wal te rs C hapter, O rd e r o f D e M olay
Th e G rand Co n c l ave, Ord er o f True K i n d red o f M issour i
M o ol a h S hr i n e
M o ol a h S hr i n e C l own s
R GL Forens i c Accou nt ant s and Co nsu l t ants
St. Lo u i s Pre cep to r y, Le gi on O f Ho nor
Way ne sv i l l e Ch apte r, Ord er of D eM o lay
Th e Coc k er h am Law Fi r m - Co c k er ha m & As s ociates,
Th e Coc k er h am Fa mi l y
Ar l i ng ton Lo d ge # 346, A.F. & A . M.
C har i t y Zere d at ha Lo d ge # 189, A . F. & A.M.
Ti m Tho m as - G rand Lod g e o f M i s s o ur i
Adv is o r o f t he Ye a r
J ay Tra xel
R o ok i e o f t he Ye ar
J o s hu a Traxel
Chapte r of t h e Year
Wi l li am F. Ku h n Cha p te r
M ost I mprove d Ch ap te r
Cre s t wo o d C ha pter
Ath le tic s Cha m pi on
Per fec ti on Ch ap te r
M issour i S co t t is h R i te
Cham p io n s h ip
St. C h ar le s Cha pter
Masonic Youth Scholarships Available in Missouri
**All Missouri Masonic Youth should check with their local lodge. Your Assembly, Chapter, or Bethel home lodge most likely
offers a scholarship. And, if the lodge in your neighboring town does not have a youth group...they may have a scholarship
available. Ask early!**
Sponsor & Contact
Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F&A.M
6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B
Columbia, MO 65202
Ruth Lutes
Students who intend to study
nursing or teaching. Awarded to any
student enrolled for a minimum of
12 credit hours in an accredited
college or university in the U.S.
Graduate of Missouri Public High
March 31
Masonic Merit
Awarded to any student enrolled for
a minimum of 12 credit hours in an
accredited college or university in
the U.S. Graduate of Missouri
Public High School.
March 31
Samuel Smith
Awarded to any student enrolled for
a minimum of 12 credit hours in an
accredited college or university in
the U.S. Graduate of Missouri
Public High School. Scholastic
aptitude evaluated.
March 31
Melvin Hall
Members of DeMolay, Jobs
Daughters and Rainbow Girls are
welcome and encouraged to apply.
Applicants must fully complete
SRF application and should note on
the application that they are
applying for the “Melvin G. Hall
Memorial Scholarship”. Please
submit completed applications to:
Scottish Rite Foundation of
Missouri, Inc.,
March 1
Missouri York Rite - 325 E. Starla Rd.
Columbia, MO 65202
Scottish Rite Foundation of Missouri
3633 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108
Melvin G. Hall Memorial
Scholarship Program, P O Box
23036, St. Louis MO 63156
Grand Lodge of Missouri I.O.O.F
P.O. Box 336
Fulton, MO 65251
You must be associated with the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
You mentioned Masonic Youth, and
that is a totally different
organization. If you are a member,
child or grandchild of a member or
deceased member of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
you can file. Request an application
and send mailing address. You will
need some proof of membership in
the event the Lodge where the
relative may have belonged is not in
April 1
$2000 (6
Missouri Grand Lodge Knights of
Pythias 10315 E. Truman Rd.
Independence, MO 64052
Missouri DeMolay
Robert W. Cockerham
11541 Lakeshore Dr.
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
Active or Senior DeMolay in
Missouri that is present at
Conclave. Demonstrated service to
God, Country, and DeMolay and
who is enrolled in an accredited
college or University.
May 1
Frank S. Land
Active DeMolay
April 1
Pre-Med or Dental
April 1
Grand Chapter
Royal Arch
Active or Senior DeMolay. This
scholarship supports post
baccalaureate education.
April 1
Paul R. Kach
Essay Contest
Active DeMolay who writes the
best essay on the annual assigned
topic. Send to Executive Officer.
February 1
prizes of
$300, and
two national
grand prizes
of $1200
Most Valuable
Any high school senior who is a
citizen of the United States is
eligible to apply. Applicants need
not be related to a member of the
Elks. College students are not
eligible to apply. Applicants must
be citizens of the United States on
the date their applications are
signed; resident alien status does
not qualify. Applicants will be
judged on financial need, leadership
and scholarship. All scholarships
are in the form of certificates of
award conditional upon the
enrollment of the winner in an
accredited US college or university.
January 27
Varies 500
awards –
full ride
James H. and
Virginia K.
Michael David
DeMolay Service & Leadership
DeMolay Foundation Scholarships
10200 NW Ambassador Dr.
Kansas City, MO 64153
Missouri Elk’s Association
Mr. Wesley Welch
1949 Hwy AA
Farmington MO 63640
Missouri State Lodge Fraternal Order
of Police
Bill Albertson
Knights Templar Educational
325 Starla Road
Columbia, MO 65202
Applicant must be pursuing 2 or 4
year college degree, graduate or
trades school education. The
committee shall consider all
applicants without regard to age,
race, religion, national origin, sex
or Masonic ties or affiliations.
March 31
Loans are granted in the total
amount of $1000 in the junior and
senior year in college. Max of
$2000 per student. Awarded only to
residents of Missouri enrolled at an
accredited undergraduate college,
community college, or university.
(repayment info available upon
Approx 2 months to process.
are accepted
the year
Tall Cedars of Lebanon
2609 N. Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Tall Cedars Of
A member of Rainbow, DeMolay or
Job’s Daughters in a state where a
Tall Cedars Forest exists, or the
son, daughter, grandson or
granddaughter of a Tall Cedar in
good standing may apply. Must be
accepted as a full-time student in
any associate, baccalaureate degree,
technical or vocational program.
March 1
awards of
Frank S. Land Fund
3106 Duncan Street
St. Joseph, Missouri 64507
Association of
High Twelve,
Loan. Resident of Missouri and
G.P.A of 3.0 on 4.0 scale
$1000 per
National Sojourners
Annual Essay
Any 9th-12th grade student that
writes the best essay on the annual
assigned topic Theme, Questions,
Rules are on the website. You must
be sponsored by a local chapter.
January 15
$500, $200
Missouri Order of Eastern Star
c/o Richard E. Sprenkle
19225 S 725 Road
Stockton, MO 65785
Lois J. Newman
Youth Fund
Completed application must be
accompanied by a high school
transcript (or college), two letters of
recommendation, and the
applicant’s photo.
April 1
April 30
Missouri Job’s Daughter Scholarships
Diane Haywood, Scholarship & Loan
Committee Chair
1335 Greenmar
Fenton, MO 63026
Supeme Guardian Council
Job’s Daughters International
Educational Fund Barbara Hill,
Chairman Educational Scholarships
337 Illinois St.
Pekin, IL 61554
varies and
IOJG Missouri Member in good
standing for at least one year or
majority member not over the age
of 25. Past recipients are not
eligible to reapply. (see application
online for more details.)
Ethel T. Wead
IOJG Member in good standing or
majority member who is unmarried
and not over the age of 30. (see
application online for more details.)
Missouri Grand Assembly
c/o Dr. Kim Skeeters-Finch, PGWA
4364 East University
Springfield, MO 65809
Susie Holmes
High school graduate with
minimum of 2.5 un-weighted GPA,
dedicated, continuous and joyful
service to Job’s Daughters: regular
attendance at Grand and/or
Supreme Session with participation
in competitions at Grand and/or
Supreme Session; a Job’s Daughter
who promotes friendship within her
Bethel and exhibits good character
and integrity. IOJG Member in
good standing or majority member
not over the age of 30. (see
application online for more details.)
April 30
C.O. Simpson
IORG Missouri Member in good
standing for 24 months. Rainbow
girl has not reached majority prior
to award night at Grand Assembly.
Completed high school and
confirmation of enrollment in
April 15
Jeanne Mueller
IORG Missouri Member in good
standing for 24 months. Rainbow
girl has not reached majority prior
to award night at Grand Assembly.
Completed high school and
confirmation of enrollment in
college. Winner must be present at
Grand Assembly when awards are
April 15
Virginia M.
Applicant must be enrolled in a
trade or technical school. IORG
Missouri Member in good standing
for 24 months. Rainbow girl has not
reached majority prior to award
night at Grand Assembly.
Completed high school. Winner
must be present at Grand Assembly
when awards are announced.
April 15
Robert G. and
Mary Beth Bird
IORG Missouri Member in good
standing for 24 months. Rainbow
girl has not reached majority prior
to award night at Grand Assembly.
Completed high school and
confirmation of enrollment in
college. Winner must be present at
Grand Assembly when awards are
April 15
Additional Resources
Missouri Department of Higher Education
Fast Web
Sam Walton Scholarships
Coca-Cola Foundation
Robert C. Byrd Scholarship Program
Missouri Insurance Education Foundation
American Legion (children of veterans)
Elks National Foundation Scholarships
2013 - 2014 Missouri DeMolay State Officers
State Master Councilor.......................................................................................................................................Brandon Rarey
Deputy State Master Councilor....................................................................................................... Quentin J. Cockerham
State Senior Councilor........................................................................................................................................... Jacob Scholl
State Junior Councilor........................................................................................................................Christian Westermayer
State Chaplain............................................................................................................................................................ John Parker
State Marshal...........................................................................................................................................................Devin Sharpe
State Scribe............................................................................................................................................................ Michael Braun
State Knighthood Officers
Illustrious Knight Commander........................................................................................................................ Adam Frigerio
State Squire Commander............................................................................................................................Thomas Van Horn
State Page Commander......................................................................................................................................... Cyrus DeVry
State Prior.....................................................................................................................................................................Ryan Weber
State Registrar...........................................................................................................................................................Milo Brucker
State Squire Officers
State Sir Knight.........................................................................................................................................Nathaniel Thomason
State Master Squire.................................................................................................................................................Miles Hoefer
State Senior Squire...............................................................................................................................................Marty Trimble
State Junior Squire...................................................................................................................................................Charlie Ahle
State Squire Chaplain............................................................................................................................................... Billy Kaeser
State Squire Marshal............................................................................................................................................. Noah Dotson
State Squire Recorder...........................................................................................................................................Travis Trimble
State Squire Treasurer................................................................................................................................. Cole Westermayer
District Officers
District Deputy Master Councilor - District 1......................................... Adam Potts, Bryan Tracy, Bradley Pitman
District Deputy Master Councilor - District 2................................................................................................... Alex Mayes
District Deputy Master Councilor - District 3............................................................... Brent Hudson, Benjamin Holt
District Deputy Master Councilor - District 4..................................................Lawson Smead, Raheem Fielder-Bey
District Deputy Master Councilor - District 5...............................................................................................Timothy Alvis
Past State Master Councilors
Rick Toth
Harold Bryant
Jeff C. Kitsmiller, Sr.
Dan Cole
Brad Scherzer
Ron Zumalt
Dave Wilson
Jim Bryan
Jim Jackson
Robert W. Cockerham
Ron K. Compton
Darrell Brown
Mark Squibb
Randy Wingbermuehle
Bill Skaggs
Kent Baker
Mip Eaves
Doug Bolden
Nick Kinkead
Roger Salyer
Nick Hennen
Vince Sciara, II
Mitchell Cross
Scott McSwain
Trey Miller
Rob Schreiner
Kris Chilton
Jeremy Long
Ed Cole
Tony Broome
Rick Hamel
Henry Eirich
Russell Seidelman
Chris Martin
Jeff C. Kitsmiller, Jr.
Tony Bartelli
Justin Dryer
Justin Absheer
Cory Meyer
Justin Woods
Ryan M. Cockerham
Mike Jones
Drew Hinkle
Brandon R. Cockerham
Dustin Sanders
Missouri DeMolay Leaders
Advisor Development
Honors & Awards
Information Technology
Knighthood Priory
Legal & Insurance
Masonic Relations
State Officers
Youth Protection
John Hay
Billy Rollins
Andrew Schumacher
Justin Absheer
Brandon Cockerham
Cory Meyer
Ryan Cockerham
Randy Wilson
Dan Smothers
Grant Willis
Dave Koyn
Kurt Schumacher
Ken Best
David Wilson
Dan Cole
Dave Witte
Dustin Sanders
Ed Cole
Justin Dryer
Bill Rollins
Leanne Pitman
Ed Culver
Jeff Kitsmiller, Jr.
Pam Pensel
Rick Kaeser
District Governors
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
Rick Oloteo
Kurt Schumacher
Grant Willis
Rodney Pensel
Ralph Sturdevant
Mitchell Cross
Bill Rollins
Ken Best
Gary Dryer
John Hay
Roger Salyer
State Mothers’ Club
Barbara Paris - President
Michele Arnold
Joyce Brucker
Gloria Chaney
BJ Davis
Beth Dye
Donna Koyn
Annie Rollins
Betty Schumacher
Nicole Shuman
President Emeritus
Catherine Jones
Debbie Absheer
Diane Kitsmiller
Masonic Advisory Council
Executive Board
Robert W. Cockerham
Bret Akers
Brandon Rarey
Quentin Cockerham
Dan Cole
David E. Wilson
Mitchell Cross
Roger Salyer
Sheldon Snitz
Dan Cole, Chairman
Robert W. Cockerham, President
Bret Akers, Secretary
Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Missouri
Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Missouri
Chairman, Grand Lodge Masonic Youth Committee
Sovereign Grand Inspector General, Orient of Missouri
Personal Representative of the SGIG, Orient of Missouri
Personal Representative of the SGIG, Valley of St. Louis
Personal Representative of the SGIG, Valley of Joplin
Personal Representative of the SGIG, Valley of Columbia
Personal Representative of the SGIG, Valley of Kansas City
Personal Representative of the SGIG, Valley of St. Joseph
Grand High Priest, Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Missouri
Grand Master, Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Missouri
Grand Commander, Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Missouri
Illustrious Potentate, Moolah Temple
Illustrious Potentate, Abou Ben Adhem Temple
Illustrious Potentate, Ararat Temple
Illustrious Potentate, Moila Temple
President, Missouri Association of High Twelve Clubs
Worthy Grand Matron, Grand Chapter of Missouri, Order of the Eastern Star
Worthy Grand Patron, Grand Chapter of Missouri, Order of the Eastern Star
Worthy Grand Commander, Order of the True Kindred
Grand Advisor, Order of the True Kindred
Grand Royal Matron, Order of the Amaranth
Grand Royal Patron, Order of the Amaranth
ISC Members
Robert W. Cockerham
Bret Akers
Mitchell Cross
Rodney Pensel
Roger Salyer
Kurt Schumacher
Dan Smothers
Ralph Sturdevant
Tom Thomason
Fred Veinfurt
Randy Wilson
Ken Best
John Hay
Rick Kaeser
Jeff Kitsmiller, Jr.
Bill Rollins
William Bowser
Ron Hartoebben
William Hill
Gerald Jones
Ed Kellogg
Douglas Maxwell
Blair Mayford
James Nathan
Stan Thompson
Dan Cole
David Wilson
Craig Bennett
Sheldon Snitz
D.A.D. Trainers
Master Trainers
Robert W. Cockerham
Bret Akers
Mitchell Cross
John Hay
Jeff Kitsmiller, Sr.
Gerald McCoy
Rodney Pensel
Roger Salyer
Ralph Sturdevant
DAD Trainers
Ken Best
Bob Detherow
Gerald Jones
Rick Kaeser
Kevin Larson
David Lourwood
Cory Meyer
Bill Rollins
Jack Rushin
Kurt Schumacher
Tom Thomason
Fred Veinfurt
Larry Wilson
Personal Representatives
Bret Akers
Steve Anderson
Bruce Austin
Governor Matt Blunt
Howie Damron
Bob Detherow
Tommy Emmanuel
Greig Gatzert
Ed Kellogg
Diane Kitsmiller
Jeff Kitsmiller, Jr.
Ron Krueger
Mark Lyles
Blair Mayford
James Nathan
John Nations
Elmer Revelle
Carolyn Woods
Missouri DeMolay Chapters
Caron dele t
Cres t wo od
G eorg e L. Wal ters
K ir k wo o d
Per fec t io n
Progres sio n
St. C h a r l e s
Div i ne
Excelsio r
M em o r i a l
M in era l Are a
Fa r n swo r th
Jop l in
K n ig ht of S e ve n
Le b anon
R ona ld L . Zu ma lt
S o u t hwest M is sou r i
S u l liva n
Th e 13 Brot h e r s
Way n esv i l l e
Adel p hi
Al p h a
Fra nk S. La nd
M och ila
M o th e r
R is in g S un
Wil lia m F. Ku h n
Excal ibur
I nd ep e nde nce
R o b er t G o ld b e rg