Psalty Returns - First United Methodist Church


Psalty Returns - First United Methodist Church
April 2016
“People of Faith, Reflecting God’s Love”
Pastoral Perspective
Mission activity is a great expression of the Resurrected Christ in our lives. We have several
options this month. As you update your warm weather wear, please bring any good and clean summer
clothes to church each Sunday morning this month. They will be donated to the
People City Mission.
Another way to help the People City Mission is to gather at the Lancaster
Event Center on April 2nd at 3:30 p.m. to help receive donations. Special help is
needed at their Outlet Store located at 26th and “O” on April 22nd at 9:00 a.m. or
1:30 p.m. to help. Let the church office know if you can help out.
Each month our congregation serves the meal on the 2 nd Wednesday at the
Gathering Place at 15th and E, just gather there at 4:30 p.m. to help.
This Easter season, let’s be the hands, feet and voice of the Resurrected Christ in
our community.
Blessings, Pastor Scott
Psalty Returns
45 CCF kids have been working diligently all year on
preparations for our musical, “Kids Praise 6: Heart to
Change the World”. It will be presented on Sunday,
April 17 at the 9:00 and 11:00 services.
Come see Psalty’s new Psaltyscope – a screen that
shows places in the world where people need to see
and hear about the love of God. Through our songs
and dialogue, we have been learning how we can help
others far away and also people very close to us.
Pastor Scott will fill the role of Psalty and we will have a special guest appearance by our
District Superintendent, The Rev. Bill Ritter. Please join us.
14410 FOLKESTONE STREET • WAVERLY NE 68462 • (402) 786-2625
BBBS - Wed, Apr 6 & 20, at 5:30 p.m.
CCF - Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m.
Celebration Ringers - Sundays at 6:30 p.m.
Christian Education - Tue, Apr 19, at
6:30 p.m.
Esther Circle - Mon, Apr 18 at 7:00 p.m. in
church parlor.
Evangelism Committee - Tue, Apr 5, at
7:00 p.m.
Eve Circle - Mon, Apr 11, 7:00 p.m. in the
parlor for a business meeting. At 7:30, we will
have a presentation on Alzheimer’s Disease.
Gathering Place Soup Kitchen - Wed, Apr 13,
from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Finance Committee - Tue, Apr 19, at
7:00 p.m.
First We Have Coffee - Mon, Apr 18, at
7:00 p.m. at Reesa Eisler’s. The book is ALL
the LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE by Anthony
Doerr. Reviewer is Judy Duff. We will meet at
the church at 6:30 p.m. to carpool.
The book for May is THOUGH the WATERS
ROAR by Lynn Austin.
Middle School Youth Group - Wed, Apr 6 &
20, at 6:30 p.m.
Naomi Circle - Thu, Apr 21, at 1:00 p.m. in
Praise Team - no practices in April.
Rachel Circle - Tue, Apr 5, at 7:00 p.m.
Ruth Circle - Thu, Apr 21, at 9:00 a.m.
Sanctuary Choir - Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.
Sarah Circle - Sat, Apr 16, at 9:00 a.m. at
Chrystal Johnson’s home.
Senior High Youth Group - Wed, Apr 13 & 27,
at 7:00 p.m.
Staff - Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m.
Staff Parrish Committee - Tue, Apr 26, at
7:00 p.m.
TOPS - Mondays at 5:30 p.m.
Trustees - Tue, Apr 12, at 7:00 p.m.
United Methodist Men - Sun, Apr 10, at 7:45
a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Gene Friesen will be
providing breakfast. We will have a short
devotional and finalize plans for the Mother’s
Day Breakfast. All men are welcome.
United Methodist Women - Sat, Apr 2, at
9:00 a.m.
UMW Book Club - Thu, Apr 7, at 10:00 a.m. &
7:00 p.m. Both meetings are in the parlor.
Worship Committee - Sun, Apr 10, at
12:05 p.m.
Preaching Schedule for April ( 9 & 11 am)
Luke 11:1-4
The Lord’s Prayer I
Rev. Bill Ritter Preaching - District Superintendent
Youth Musical
Youth Musical, 9 & 11 a.m.
Luke 4:1-11
The Lord’s Prayer II
Confirmation Sunday, 11 a.m.
Budget Overview
The general church budget through March 28, 2016.
Gifts received totaled
Expenses totaled
Checking account balance
Current Debt
$ 66,580
$ 65,528
$ 15,638
$ 59,312
Mission Shares are paid through March.
Thanks for your ongoing support.
Bell-issimo in concert!
First UMC Waverly will host a community handbell choir
from Lincoln in concert Sunday, April 24 at 7:00 p.m.
Susan Folts Hoover plays with this group, so it will be
special to have a member of our church family performing.
Please join us for this interesting concert. A free-will offering
will be collected for the group.
Bell-issimo was started in the summer of 2002 by Nancy
Youngman to perform programs and concerts in the community.
The members were ringers that enjoyed ringing, could read music
easily, and were willing to give the time. Most of the original
ringers were made up of members of the Holy Trinity Episcopal
Church and St. Marks United Methodist Church choirs, as Nancy is the director of both and knew
those ringers. Eventually, several other musicians voiced an interest in playing with the group. This is
now an auditioned group, with auditions held in August.
Bell-issimo was featured as a Showcase Choir at the Area 8 Handbell festival in Council Bluffs.
They joined forces with the Lincoln Community Concert Band in a Mannheim Steamroller Christmas
concert two years ago, and for the past two years were part of Lincoln’s community-wide Veteran’s
Day program at the Church of Latter Day Saints. Last spring, Bell-issimo presented a Rock and Roll
concert of favorites through the years at Vega, Lincoln’s musical hot spot. The group was honored to
be asked to participate as special guests of the Christmas Extravaganza in Bossier City, Louisiana
this past December, playing with a professional orchestra and performing several solo pieces. The
choir also performs several general concerts each year at various locations.
The 2016 Spring Concerts are featuring a string quintet with the bell choir. Several pieces
feature the entire group, three pieces will be soloists with the group, and the bell choir will also play
pieces for bells alone. The grand finale – Stars and Stripes Forever, features bells playing the piccolo
part!! This year’s bell choir is made up of ringers from seven different Lincoln churches. Several of
the original members are still with the group. Anyone interested in playing with Bell-issimo or
scheduling a performance should contact Nancy at
“Like” us on Facebook and get up-to-date information about
the church: First United Methodist Church of Waverly.
Church Staff and Contact Information:
Phone: (402) 786-2625
Fax: (402) 786-2100
Senior Pastor:
Director of Education:
Director of Music Ministries:
Organist and Children’s
Music Ministries:
Youth Ministries:
Administrative Director:
Scott Shreve
Sondra Buell
Wanda Mandigo
(402) 350-3140
(816) 830-5580
(402) 570-4483
Nancy Anderson
Veranda Johnson
Dawn Schomaker
(402) 430-8202
(402) 430-2806
(402) 786-2625
Mental Illness Spiritual Support
God is our Refuge and Strength
It is easy to talk about physical health and even
spiritual health within our culture but conversations about
mental health are more difficult to have. Yet, maintaining good health includes body, mind and spirit.
Each month this space will include a scripture passage and comment on mental health to encourage
understanding and health. In addition to what is noted here, a good resource for further information can
be accessed at the National Alliance on Mental Illness,
We Embrace Humor as Healthy
“A cheerful heart is good medicine” Proverbs 17:22
Lighthearted humor gives a multitude of blessings not only for the afflicted but for all exposed to
funny, uplifting dialogue despite burdens of a very serious illness. Rather than being inappropriate, it is
the finest way to handle difficult challenges. Laughter celebrates the best of everything, relieving
troubles with healing joy.
What do I need to know about Recovery Therapies?
People who receive rehabilitation and therapy services are typically individuals recovering from
an injury or a surgery, or, they are coping with a chronic condition such as Parkinson’s, multiple
sclerosis or Alzheimer’s. There are a few major types available but all work together to get a person
back to their prior level of functioning after a surgery, injury, or can help improve life with a chronic
· Physical therapy improves overall body function, focusing on balance, ambulation and muscle
· Occupational therapy helps individuals perform self-care activities such as dressing, preparing
food and even managing a checkbook.
· Speech therapy works to improve the ability to speak and swallow.
· Outpatient therapy is for individuals who live at home and need to come into a gym for therapy
· In-home therapy helps those unable to leave their home. Therapists come directly to you for
Getting Older Isn’t Easy, How Do I Embrace the Changes?
As we age and we find ourselves surviving the ego-centricity of youth, we emerge armed with
experience and knowledge, but perhaps questions about how our goals should evolve with us.
· Embrace the mind - Our thoughts are our gifts. Treasure them by nurturing them.
· Embrace the Body - The aging journey certainly takes our bodies to new places. Understanding
limitations and abilities at every stage is important and can help you recognize the need for
exercise, nourishing foods and health monitoring.
· Embrace the Spirit - Our spirits also evolve over the years. What do you believe in? What is your
purpose? Who is important to you? The answers to these questions evolve with time, getting
sweeter as the years go by.
This health tip is brought to you by Tabitha, your answer for Elder Care in 28 southeast Nebraska
counties. Questions about aging? Visit us at, or call 402.486.8520, 800.418.9335.
Upcoming Alzheimer’s Event April 11
The Alzheimer’s Association of Lincoln will present a workshop at our church Monday,
April 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the parlor. The theme is Know the 10 Signs—early detection matters.
Everyone is welcome.
Eve Circle is hosting this event.
Know the 10 Signs
The warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease are often dismissed as side effects of normal aging. If
you or someone you know is experiencing memory loss or behavioral changes, it’s time to learn the
facts. Early detection gives you a chance to begin drug therapy, enroll in clinical studies and plan
for the future. Attend this training to learn the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s disease. We’ll
separate myth from reality and address commonly-held fears about Alzheimer’s in America. Hear
from people who have the disease and find out how to recognize the signs in yourself and others.
It’s time to take care of you!
Matt Webster, owner of Fitness Integration Training, is starting a group fitness class at
Methodist Church Tuesdays & Thursdays from 5:30-6:15 a.m. Commonly called 'Bootcamp', these
sessions will provide all you would expect from a Bootcamp session minus the drill instructor yelling.
Workouts will include strength & cardio training and as much intensity as you can bring to the table.
These workouts are tailored for all fitness levels. It's about working hard according to your fitness
level. If interested or have any questions, call 402-525-1744 or email
Matt offers at-home and on-site personal training services: 1-on-1, tandem and group fitness
sessions. He brings the fitness to you.
Feel free to call Matt with questions and/or concerns
regarding the class, his contact info is provided below.
We know you can do this!! Come join us!!
Matt Webster
Mobile Personal Training Services
Name Tags
Name tags are great ways to easily get to know the names of one
another at church. We have new magnetic name tags. They are on a
magnetic board by the Food Pantry box. Please wear them for worship
and other large group events. We encourage all to leave the name tags
at church so they are not forgotten at home or in the car. Fill out a
sheet if you would like to order one. Donation of $5 to cover the costs is
appreciated. Thanks.
Young Adult Summer Work Opportunities
Have you dreamed about how God might use you to change the world this summer? The
Great Plains Conference may have some opportunities for you to make a difference, explore
leadership, and spend a “summer of service” that you will remember for a lifetime!
Apply now for our internship program, which provides opportunities to lead Vacation Bible
School at small churches across Kansas and Nebraska, participate
in mercy and justice ministries as part of our Micah Corps, learn
about church planting, youth ministry or Hispanic ministry, or you can
gain skills in pastoral leadership. We also have lots of opportunities
for you to have fun while gaining leadership skills at one of our Great
Plains camps! Find further information at
and type in Summer Internships in the search box.
CCF Schedule for April
9:00 a.m.
Chalice Choir
3:30-5:30 p.m. CCF
3:30-5:30 p.m. CCF
9:00 a.m. &
11:00 a.m.
3:30-5:30 p.m. CCF
3:30-5:30 p.m. Year End CCF
Party @ Bevans
Vacation Bible School 2016
Catch the Wave of God’s Amazing Love!
This year at VBS Surf Shack, students will discover an
interactive, energizing, Bible-based program that will give
them an opportunity to ride the waves with God and explore
how to serve God and experience God’s amazing presence
in their lives. This year’s memory verse is from Nehemiah
4:14b : “Remember that the Lord is great and awesome!”
VBS student registration begins on Sunday, April 3rd. We will have on -line registration,
making it super simple for everyone. Or, you can pick up a paper form. Get a couple extra
forms for friends who do not have a church home.
VBS volunteer registrations has already started, but check the chart at church. We have
various kinds of jobs - pray about how you can serve this year! Save the dates on your
calendar so you are free to participate and assist!
VBS donation collections begin on Sunday, April 3rd, too. We will have sticky notes for
you to take home as reminders as to what we need. Just like last year, we will have a big blue
VBS tub in the foyer by the front doors, making it easy to drop off your donations. Everyone
working together makes this happen for the kids, and we say THANK YOU!
The W’s of VBS:
Who: Children who are age 4 through 5th grade (kids going in to 5th grade in the fall)
It’s also for youth and adults who serve as helpers, teachers, coordinators, decorators, food
preparers, pray partners, greeters, and supporters. VBS is an All-Church Event!
When: Monday through Friday, June 13-17, 2016
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Where: FUMC—in just about every corner and square inch of the church!
Why: To celebrate God’s love in action through faith, fun, fellowship, and friendship.
Also mark your calendar for Thursday evening, June 16th for our VBS program and celebration!
Questions: Contact Sondra Buell at
Veranda Johnson’s Contact Info:
Feel free to contact me!
Hey All Youth!
Thank you so much to everyone to came and helped at the Lenten Meals! You are so wonderful for
donating your time and effort to the church.
Middle school students will continue to meet on the 1 st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from
6:30 - 8pm. Each night will start with a meal together, a bible study and games. We are still looking
for help for families to take turns providing the meals, feel free to pair up with another family. Sign
up can be done at
High school students will continue to meet at 10 am on Sunday mornings and on the 2 nd and
4th Wednesdays of the month from 7 - 8:30 (ish). A typical high school night will include a bible
study, games, and snacks/bring your own dinner if you need. If student’s/families would like to bring
snacks they can also signup online with
If you know a Middle or High School
student that is free on Wednesday’s
feel free to come and check us out!
Meetings for the rest of the school year
6 - MS
13 - HS
20 - MS
27 - HS
4 - MS
11 - HS
Hostesses/Hosts needed for Festival of Tables
We are in need of hosts or hostesses for Festival of Tables. There
are several tables still available. This year's event will be on June 22. Please
contact Christy Snyder if you are interested in hosting.
Christy Snyder
402-786-2658 or
UMW News
Rejoice! HE IS RISEN! Easter joy continues with us in Eastertide.
We’ll bring this feeling of blessedness to our next UMW meeting, on
April 2, 2016 at 9:00a.m. in the parlor.
We will choose Gift in Honor/Memory and Dedicated Light recipients.
Here are the responsibilities for April:
Hostesses - Eve Circle
Parlor & Kitchen Cleaning - Naomi Circle
Devotions -Rachel Circle
Main Kitchen Cleaning - Esther Circle.
Special Events - Sarah Circle
The District UMW meeting will be held in Elmwood on April 23, 2016 from 9:30a- 3:00p.
Each carload attending is asked to bring a large salad. Reservations are due by April 15th.
Looking ahead to the May Breakfast on May 7, 2016, reservations for the $6.00 breakfast will
be due May 2nd. Here are the responsibilities for the event: Devotions and Program: Esther
Circle, Dining Room: Sarah Circle, Kitchen: Naomi and Rachel Circles and Sales: Ruth Circle.
Also in May Naomi Circle will be in charge of Special Events.
Finally, I wanted to remind you once again that in March you may have missed a significant
date in UMW history: On March 23, 1869, eight women gathered at Tremont Methodist
Episcopal Church in Boston, Massachusetts, to organize for mission. It was the founding of the
organization that would become our present day UMW. There is a plan for a big celebration of
its 150th year in 2019. So, SAVE THE DATE! In the interim, if you would like to help fund this
celebration, but missed the special day of giving on March 23, 2016, you can still give:
Online at
By phone: 800-278-7771 (8 a.m.-6 p.m. EST, Monday-Friday).
Text Legacy150 to 41444.
By check to: Office of the Treasurer, United Methodist Women,
475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115.
Write “The Legacy Fund” in the memo section.
50th Anniversary Ribbon Cutting, Dinner and Workshops:
April 8 & 9, 2016 in Omaha
Register NOW at:
This is one of our National Missions right here in Nebraska helping with HUNGER
ISSUES. Its Executive Director, Nathan Morgan will be our speaker on UMW Sunday,
June 5, 2016
United Methodist Women
2016 South Central Jurisdiction Quadrennial Meeting
April 15–17, 2016 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Calling all young women, ages 15 – 22, who want to have fun while
learning about UM missions. 2016 METour Dates....June 5-12
2016 Destinations...We will tour missions in Kansas, Nebraska,
South Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado.
Registration Deadline: April 1, Cost $ 400.00. Some scholarship support is available!
Labels for Education
This program supports Epworth Village, but it is ending this summer.
They are working toward a specific project of earning enough points to buy a
new van, but any points will help them. We must send all our product proofs
of purchase before June 1, 2016. If you buy a product listed below and cannot
find the telltale sign, still turn in the proof! Even if the Labels for education sign is not on the product,
You can still send in the proper product proof before June 1, 2016. So ACT NOW! Thank you.
Save UPC CODES for these products
BIC Dry Erase Markers
Great Erase® Grip
Great Erase® Grip XL
Great Erase® Retractable
Great Erase™ Low Odor Kit
BIC Ecolutions
Round Stic® Ball Pen
Wite-Out® Brand Mini Tape
Bic Ecolutions,BIC Ball Pens
4-Color™ Fashion
BIC Pro®+
Round Stic®
Triumph® 537RT
Triumph® 730RT
BIC Highlighters
Brite Liner®
Brite Liner® +
Brite Liner® Grip
Brite Liner® Grip Chisel
Brite Liner® Retractable
BIC Mechanical Pencils
BIC Atlantis®
BIC Matic Grip®
BIC® Pencil
Round Stic Grip™
BIC Permanent Markers
BIC Mark It™
Chisel Tip
Ultra Fine
BIC Wite Out Brand Correction Tape
Wite-Out® Brand
Delete O®
Exact Liner®
EZ Correct®
Campbell’s Sauces
Campbell's® Grill Sauce
Campbell's® Oven Sauce
Campbell's® Slow Cooker
Campbell Food Service (may only apply
to institutional foods)
All Pepperidge Farm® Products
Campbell’s® Foodservice Soups
Campbell’s® Healthy Request® Soups
Campbell’s® Low Sodium Soups
Campbell’s® Tomato Juice
Campbell’s® Tomato Juice
All Campbell’s® On the Go® Soups--WORTH 5pts
Campbell’s Tomato Juice
Campbell’s Soup
Campbell's® Homestyle
Campbell's® Slow Kettle Soup
Condensed 10oz
Condensed 26oz
Microwavable Bowls -WORTH 5 Pts
Campbell’s SpaghettiO’s® Pasta
SpaghettiOs® Meatball Pasta (7.5 oz., 26.25 oz.)
SpaghettiOs® Original Pasta (7.5 oz., 26 oz.)
SpaghettiOs® Original Pasta 15 oz.
SpaghettiOs® Meatball Pasta 14 oz.
All Campbell’s® Healthy Request® Soup
Campbell’s® Beans
All Campbell's® Gravies
Campbell’s Chunky™ Soup and Chili
Chunky™ Soups
Chunky™ Soups 50oz. WORTH 2Points
Fully Loaded Soups
Pepperidge Farm Products
Pepperidge Farm® Baked Naturals® Crackers
Pepperidge Farm® Breads, Croutons, Rolls &
Pepperidge Farm® Cookies & Crackers
Pepperidge Farm® Frozen Garlic Breads &
3-Layer Cakes, Turnovers, Puff Pastry
Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish® Crackers & Grahams
Prego® Italian Sauces
Swanson® Broth, Stock and Canned Chicken
Canned Chicken
Cooking Stock (carton)
V8® Protein Bars
V8® Protein Shakes
Collect CAPS for these products worth 1 point
Pace® Picante Sauce and Pace® Salsas
All V8 Splash® Juice Drinks and Smoothies
All V8 V-Fusion® 100% Juice
All V8® 100% Vegetable Juice
UMW Bookclub
The UMW bookclub is meeting April 7 at 10am and 7pm in the church
parlor and the book is Dear White America, a Letter to a New Minority by Tim
Wise. This book is written as a long letter by a white man to the rest of his race
in America about our unseen privileges and the frequently recognized or
unknown injustices that have been done to the black and brown Americans.
Pp 153 (2014 Social Action list). The book for May is A Faithful Heart, a Daily
Guide for Joyful Living by Sally Dyck (2014 Spiritual Growth list pp237) is an
inspirational read and we will meet Thursday, May 5 at 10am and 7pm.
Contact Marjorie Shreve about getting the book or get it online.
The community library book for April is PERSEPOLIS by Marjane Satrapi.
This is a memoir of the author growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution.
She bears witness to a childhood uniquely entwined with the history of her country.
Bring your own copy or check one out from the library.
Group discussion at the library will be on Thursday, April 7 at 6:30 p.m.
Community Church Garden
We are hoping to plant spring cold season snow peas,
spinach and onion sets the first week in April and the next
week some potatoes and radishes. If anyone is interested in
planting after school, let me know and we will try to find a good
date—it depends a lot on the weather and I will try to email or
announce on Sundays when planting is going to happen.
Mornings around 9:30 are good for those with flexible
schedules. Bill Bevans disked the garden and added horse
manure so it is in good shape. We also have a small tiller to use to keep the weeds under control
and will try to plant flowers that attract butterflies and pollinators on the west side of the garden.
There are tomatoes, pepper plants and broccoli started in the parsonage basement, as well as
basil and thyme. The rhubarb, asparagus and chives are already coming through the ground. We
have a couple of families willing to add their coffee grounds and vegetable scraps to the compost
and if anyone else is willing, that will help it compost faster. There is a small rake at the compost
pile to bury the additions in the compost.
Summer 2016 Mission Trip to Chicago
April 3rd at 12:05 p.m.
The Mission to Chicago is scheduled for June 4-11. The team will next meet on
April 3rd at 12:05 in the church Parlor. The team will work at various Mission sites in
Chicago and lodge at a United Methodist Church. If you would like to make a gift in
support of the Mission Trip, please make a check out to First UMC, Waverly and note
Mission Trip in the memo section. Thanks. See the church web-site for more details.
Celebration Ringers are looking for a person to join the chime
choir? Rehearsals Sunday at 6:30, and play for church once
each month.
Hymn of the Month
In His Time ~ # 2203 FWS
Ecclesiastes 3:11 is set beautifully to music with this simple melody, composed by Diane Ball. This
scripture moved her to write these words as she struggled with her mother’s illness, and difficulties
throughout her life to find peace. Diane writes, “The night she died I woke up to music being
sung in my head. I heard In His time, in His time. He makes all things beautiful in His time...
(In His Time, by Diane Ball). Through this song the Lord assured me that although my mom
struggled deeply in this life, He had made her beautiful in heaven. She was at peace, with her
joy completed. What a blessing after seeing her in emotional confusion for so many years!”
This hymn helps us realize that God makes things beautiful in each of our lives, no matter
what our life circumstances may have been.
1. In his time, in his time;
he makes all
things beautiful
in his time.
Lord, please show
me every day
as you’re teaching
me your way,
that you do
just what you say
in your time.
2. In your time,
in your time;
you make all
things beautiful
in your time.
Lord, my life
to you I bring;
may each song
I have to sing
be to you
a lovely thing
in your time.
April Choir Schedule
9 AM
Chalice Choir
11 AM
Sanctuary Choir
9 AM
Sanctuary Choir
11 AM
Celebration Ringers
9 AM
Children’s Musical
11 AM
Children’s Musical
9 AM
11 AM
Sanctuary Choir
General Conference
Learn more about what exactly is General Conference and find out which subjects Bishop
Scott Jones thinks will be discussed as he hosts a livestream event April 2.
Starting at 9 a.m. that day, the bishop will give a description of what General Conference is,
how it functions and its links to the local church. He then will provide his insights into legislation that
will be discussed, from issues related to human sexuality to the organization of the church to potential
changes in the way bishops are elected.
Email questions you have for the bishop to David Burke, communications coordinator in the
Wichita office, at Please type “General Conference” in the subject line.
Questions can be sent ahead of the broadcast or during the event.
Watch the livestream starting at 9 a.m. April 2 at
Church Goals
Here at First United Methodist Church, we have a Strategy Plan
that was developed in 2013 and has been reaffirmed in 2014 and again
in 2015 by our Church Council. List below you will see the goals of the
plan. If you visit the our church web-site at, you
can see how the various objectives for each goal is connected to our
program and administrative committees. If you would like to help out
with a particular objective, please contact the listed chair for the related
Goal I:
Goal II:
Goal III:
To bring the Good News of salvation to our community and our world
To engage and excite our members about participating in the life of the church
To fund a visionary budget that grows as we anticipate the physical and program
needs of the church to meet the needs of Goals I and II.
Pastor Scott will lead a discussion on the book KILLING JESUS
by Bill O’Reilly. This was one of the books he suggested for our Lenten readings.
We will meet in the parlor on Thursday, April 14 at 7 p.m.
Everyone is welcome.
Brown Bag Bible Study
BBBS will meet April 6 and 20 this month in the Church Parlor at 5:30 p.m.
All are welcome. Bring your own brown bag meal to eat. Bring your Bible. We will
be studying various passages of the Apostle Paul in his letters contained in the
New Testament. No preparation is needed prior to the gathering.
Styrofoam Cups and Plates
The Church Council voted to encourage all groups that meet in the church
to avoid using Styrofoam cups and plates since they take thousands of years to
decompose. Please use washable cups and plates or paper products.
Cell: +504 9669-1337
On March 2nd, I celebrated my first anniversary of living in
Honduras! Wow, what a year it has been! Three days later, my
parents came for a visit and it was so good to see them again in
person after more than a year. Thank you to all who gave gifts or
money, helped them prepare, and prayed for their trip. It was so fun
to have some sights, smells, tastes, and comforts from the States!
The week went by very quickly, but I thoroughly enjoyed having my
parents come. We put over 600 miles on my car, but it was worth it to
show them places and introduce them to people who are special to
me here.
Speaking of people down here, this month I request prayer for
my good Honduran friend from Siguatepeque, Jhefry. On March 14th,
he fell at work and broke his right wrist and his pelvic bone. He was on a ladder fixing a street light
lamp when the pole broke in half. He is at home resting and will be in casts for a minimum of 8 weeks.
He asks for specific prayers for complete healing of his pelvic bone because he needs to be able to
walk again. He is in his mid-twenties. I also request prayers that he will not have any long-term issues
as a result of this injury and that God gives him patience during the healing process.
When I asked if he had other specific prayer requests, he requested prayer for his Aunt
Esmeralda. She recently had a second surgery due to complications from her first surgery for
appendicitis. We are all hoping that she heals quickly. (This is the kind of young man Jhefry is –
always thinking about others. It's so exciting to see Christ at work in the lives of people here!)
Things are going well here in the city. In the office, we are busy with our fiscal year-end which is
March 31st. At church, we recently started a series with the youth on Holiness and the importance of
living holy lives. In April, I will be teaching one of the Saturday afternoon lessons. Please pray that
these lessons are encouraging to the students and that they will see the fruit of living holy lives in
obedience to God.
I hope you all had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday (that's what they call it here in Honduras
rather than Easter)! "For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the
kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins" – Colossians
1:13-14 (NIV). It is all because of Christ, His death, but, more importantly, His resurrection, that I am
here! To Him be all glory, honor and praise!
Food Pantry Serves the Waverly Community
The Waverly area food pantry located at our church continues to
serve the needs of families in the Waverly area. Since January 1, 2013,
we have provided food for 37 families. In this small way, our mission
outreach helps to address the hunger that exists even in our own local
community. We can’t meet all the food needs of an individual family,
but hope to be a part of meeting the needs that exist. Our general
policies are that a family can visit the pantry once every three months,
receives two bags of food for every individual in the family, and receives a Lovegrove’s gift card to
purchase perishable items.
The food pantry is stocked by gifts of food and dollars from our church members, other
individuals and organizations in the community, food drives conducted by youth organizations, other
churches, the schools, and businesses, and special events like the annual Christmas tree lighting
conducted by the Dare to Share Foundation. All of these sources deserve a special “Thank You” for
their contributions.
The food pantry is just one of the local mission outreach activities that First United Methodist
carries out. All of the local mission activities help to make a difference in the lives of people and make
our community a better place to live while we strive to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the
transformation of the world.
Snow Crew - Thanks
We have made it through another winter. Special thanks to all who plowed our parking
lots and cleared off our sidewalks after each snow this past winter. The great crew included:
Bill Bevans
Bill Landon
Brian Ebke
Bruce Sedivy
Chad Bacon
Dave Miesbach
Denny Bellinger
KC Rine
We would like to thank our
church Family for all the prayers
and cards for Duane Folts, Bob’s
Lonnie Burklund
Lonnie Johnson
Randy Colton
Ron Stubbendick
Russ Harms
Russ Kraft
Tim Sutter
Wayne Trout
The family of Don Lovegrove thanks you for the many words
of comfort, your prayers, flowers, memorials and food during this
difficult time.
We are thankful for the kindnesses expressed.
Roma Lovegrove; Dona & James, Alyssa & Kayla Pracht;
Dan & Heather, Sidney & Alexander Lovegrove;
Doug & Amie, Reese, Savannah, Ivy & Brady Lovegrove
God Bless,
Bob & Loa Folts
Linda & Allen Steiner are first-time
Their son, Chris & his wife, Brittney, had a
baby boy on February 25th. Chris & family
are currently stationed in Alaska.
Please welcome Hannah Ruth into the Parrish
family. She was born Wednesday, March 16, in
the evening. Everyone is doing exceptionally
well. Certainly a prayer of joy in our lives.
Maggie Doane has a new member to her family.
A little girl born in March. Both mother and baby girl
are doing well.
Please welcome into the world the Crawford Twins. Kaleb Bennett was 6lb 15oz and Faith Rose was
6lb 14oz. They were born on Tuesday, March 1, 2016. Parents, Nicole & Mike Crawford, are doing
great. Grandparents, Lon & Kathy Hoppel, are very proud.
April Ushers
9 AM
Randy Colton, Bob Folts,
Lon Hoppel
Wendell Hutsell, Randy Schiermann,
Kevin Miesbach, Andy Miesbach,
11 AM
Wayne Trout
Pat Moore, Kim Moore
9 AM
Dixi Wellman, Rusty Wellman,
Dan Landon, Doug Medcalf
9 AM
Jim Dyson, Brian Johnson,
Doyle Brunssen,
11 AM
11 AM
11 AM
Duane Heiden, Brian Ebke,
Sue Maguire
Sarah Wilson, Linda Steiner,
Deb Bitzer
David Trail, Russ Kraft, Bev Becker
Liturgists, Greeters and Coffee-Bar Duties are needed . If you can help, please sign the log in
the Narthex or notify Pat McGill at 786-3876. Thank you.
Prayer Concerns:
Alvin Dragoo, kidney cancer - Elaine Christensen's brother
Betty Miller, hip replacement - Patty Seiers' mother
Danna Bacon's mother, in hospital with breathing difficulties
Denise Johnson's Mother, recovery from pacemaker surgery and comfort with hospice care
Donna Pence, severe cardiac issues - Caroline Chrastil's sister in Florida
Duane Lostroh, recovery from heart valve surgery
Elaine Christensen, recently diagnosed with polymyositis
Faith Rickers, 3 month old baby with RSV and in critical condition - Greg & Lisa Ricker's niece
Fred Unvert, complications with diabetes - Sarah Harms' Dad
Jackie Colton, ongoing melanoma treatments, recovery from fall
Jerry Conway, recovery from stroke - Joe Conway's brother
Joe Knitter, recovery after hospitalization (new member)
Lauren Knitter, recovery from surgery
Lynn Hartog, chemo treatments for cancer
Mia O'Brien, 5 yrs old, paralysis from spinal meningitis - Caroline Chrastil's great niece
Michael Ryan, going through cancer treatments - dir. of The Gathering Place
Ray Root, at Tabitha with pneumonia
Rod Hesser, recovery from heart transplant - Sarah Harms' Uncle
Shannon Moncure, stage 4 breast cancer - Lon & Denise Johnson's niece, AJ Johnson's Granddaughter
Shelby Stubbendick, ongoing health tests
Sue Sullivan, has cancer - Nicole Seier's future mother-in-law
Valdene Mintzmyer, undergoing tests - Karen Anderson's sister
Victoria Osten, cancer free thank God! - Lisa Rickers’ 33 yr old niece
Wayne Trout, recovery from stroke and fall
In Sympathy or Remembrance:
 Our hearts go out to Denise Johnson and her family for the loss of her mother, Joan Kennedy, who passed away
on Thursday, February 18. Please keep them in your prayers.
 Please take a moment to send your thoughts and prayers to Joy & Bob Maag and their family for the loss of Joy's
sister-in-law, Artis Schmidt, who passed away on Tuesday, February 23. We will keep them in our hearts.
 Our hearts and prayers go out to Barb Hodgin and her family for the loss of her husband, Daryl Hodgin, who
passed away on Thursday morning, February 25. Please keep Bard and her family in your thoughts.
 Our hearts are broken with the news of the passing of Merle Buell, Mark Buell's father, on Tue, Feb 9. Please
send your thoughts and prayers to Mark and Sondra Buell and their family as they deal with their loss.
 Please send your prayer to the family and friends of Milford "Hans" Hansen, who passed away on Wednesday,
Jan 27. Our hearts go out to them. Milford's Funeral Service was held on Saturday, Jan 30.
 Our hearts go out to Roma Lovegrove and all of the Lovegrove family as they deal with the passing of her husband, Don Lovegrove, who left us Sunday, February 14. Our thoughts and prayers go out to them.
 Please keep Heather Slaughter and her family in your prayers after the passing of her father, David Slaughter.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
 Our hearts go out to Cheryl Landon and her family, as they cope with the passing of Cheryl’s mother. Our
thoughts and prayers go out to them.
 Please send your prayers to Robin Cain and her family for the loss of her 2 year old great niece, who passed
away from health issues on Wednesday, March 16. Our hearts go out to them.
 Our hearts and prayers go out to Gary & Sue Root and their family, as they deal with the loss of Gary's mother,
who passed away last week.
 Our hearts go out to Bob & Loa Folts and their family as they deal with the loss of Bob's brother, Duane Folts,
who passed away from cancer on Wednesday, March 16. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Small Home Businesses
Roofing and Siding
Anthony Trimble
(friend of Dawn Schomaker)
Are you in need of some work on your roof or
Please contact me to come and help.
Home Computing Consulting
Nicholas Bevans
IT Solutions for your Home or Small Office.
Origami Owl
Samantha Binder
Beautiful Jewelry
Independent Designer
Owlet designer: Kaylee Binder
Mary Kay
Halie Schomaker
(Dawn Schomaker’s daughter) 402-560-3756
Are you looking for a Mary Kay Independent
Beauty Consultant? I can help focus on you and
all your beauty needs to help you find Y our W ay
to Beautiful™. All products are backed by the
Mary Kay® Satisfaction Guarantee. I can be
your connection to Mary Kay® products, so you
always have someone to help when and if you
need it.
Personal Service, Your Way
Tastefully Simple
This N That Primitives
Mandy Packett
I make custom gifts that are country, rustic,
antique, or primitive style. Here's the link to my
Facebook business page: (I have a better
description and pictures of what I make.)
Cheri Kaiser
Arbonne's skincare products, based on
botanical principles, became a reality in the
United States in 1980 and are now shared
throughout the world through Arbonne's network
of Independent Consultants. Building on these
same founding principles, Arbonne's product line
has since grown to include both inner and outer
health and beauty products that are unparalleled
in quality, safety, value, benefits and results!
Sandra Van Arsdall
Tastefully Simple is known nationwide for
taste-testing parties that bring together friends &
family to taste delicious, easy-to-make foods!
Contact me for all different kinds of parties:
taste-testing in your home, bridal showers,
couples parties, theme parties, mix & mingle,
open house, etc. I also help business's with
employee gifts and thank you packages for
Signature Home Styles
Tammy Tegler
I help you get any room or area of your home
organized, and then help you beautify your home
with our home decorating accessories, whether
it’s adding small touches here and there, or
transforming a look. I love helping women do this
for free when they invite friends over to share our
products and have a fun girls night out! See our
products online at