Cochabamba, Mayo de 2002. Nº 6 MEDICIÓN RADIOACTIVA
Cochabamba, Mayo de 2002. Nº 6 MEDICIÓN RADIOACTIVA
Cochabamba, Mayo de 2002. Nº 6 SENSORES: ♦ Temperatura ♦ Nivel ♦ Caudal ♦ Presión ♦ LLama ♦ Proximidad o fin de carrera ♦ Peso ♦ Ph, conductividad % de oxígeno disuelto, turbiedad ♦ Análisis de gases ACTUADORES: ♦ Motores ♦ Reductores ♦ Bombas ♦ Válvulas ♦ Variadores de frecuencia o AC Drives ♦ DC Drives o variadores de velocidad para motores de corriente continua ♦ Variadores de voltaje ♦ Cilindros neumáticos e hidraúlicos ♦ Válvulas direccionales neumáticas e hidráulicas CONTROL INDUSTRIAL: ♦ PLCs o controladores programables ♦ RTUs o unidades remotas para sistemas SCADA ♦ Controladores independientes o de lazo ♦ MMIs o interfases HombreMáquina ♦ Software de monitoréo Industrial ♦ Radio Modems ♦ Teclados Industriales ♦ Computadoras Industriales ELECTRICOS: ♦ Contactores ♦ Disyuntores ♦ Termomagnéticos ♦ Reles térmicos ♦ Bancos de Capacitores ♦ Relays Electromecánicos y de estado sólido ♦ Medidores Multifuncionales ♦ Medidores y Monitores de parámetros eléctricos ♦ Seccionadores ♦ Celdas de media tensión ♦ Cables de fuerza e instrumentación ♦ Transformadores de potencia ♦ Fusibles ♦ Tableros Eléctricos ♦ Botoneras, switches y lámparas piloto industriales CURSOS : ♦ Programación Básica de PLCs ♦ Programación Avanzada de PLCs ♦ Programación de Software de Monitoreo Industrial ♦ Ingeniería de Automatización y Control ♦ Instrumentación ♦ Equipos Eléctricos para Control Industrial ♦ Programación de Interfaces Hombre – Máquina ♦ Instrumentación Endress + Hauser ♦ Programación TopKapi ♦ Programacion MODPAC (Radio Modems) MEDICIÓN RADIOACTIVA ENDRESS + HAUSER • Medición de Nivel en Separadores de Alta Presión ............................ 1 • Medición de Nivel de Interface Vapor/ Crudo / Agua .......................... 1 MEDICIÓN ECONÓMICA CON RADAR ENDRESS + HAUSER • Medición de Nivel en Tanques ...............................................................2 DETECCIÓN DE GASES COMBUSTIBLES SCOTT ................................................... 3 MEDICION DE NIVEL ELECTROMECÁNICA VAREC ................................................ 8 VARIOS: ♦ Gabinetes ♦ Contadores ♦ Temporizadores ♦ Colas de chancho (PIG TAILS) ♦ Válvulas para alivio de seguridad ♦ Reguladores de presión ♦ Dispays Digitales MEDICION DE NIVEL CON SERVOMECANISMO VAREC ........................................ 12 Medición Radioactiva Parameters: The benefits of these solutions are: For an efficient separation, several parameters are important to be measured. Level continuous, to control the overall liquid level. Level limit, to detect safety shutdown levels. Interface level, to control the drain of water and oil. • One (instead of two) sources for continuos measurement and limit detection. • Limit levels can be adjusted from the control room by software. Detectors don’t have to be shifted mechanically any more. • In case of any malfunction in one measuring system, the second measuring system can be used to operate the process continuously without any shutdown. • High pressure separator / test separator Redundant level measurement /switch Level continuous and level limit: Both can be combined in a redundant system Consisting of one source and 2 independent Detectors. The detectors are mounted in parallel and cover the full measuring range. Each system would be able to supply the level signal to control the process. Also each system would be in a position to provide limit switches for a safety shutdown. source Two redundant detector Easy Adjustment One 2 x continuous 4 Interface level measurement: For an interface level measurement an internal Source is required. It is placed in a dip well. The Source container is positioned on top of the Separator. For maximum safety, i.e. during maintenance, the source will be parked in the source container. The detectors are mounted in a horizontal Position to measure the radioactive absorption of Water and oil. Due to the different densities of oil and water, a clear interface can be determined. To guaranty the best engineering solution it is Recommended to involve our experienced design Engineers at an early stage. The benefits of these solutions are: • Easy installation of the system. • Not effected by changes of liquid properties as by using other physical principles like Radar or Capacitance (admittance) x limit switch • Only one time calibration is needed. An automatic decay compensation is implemented. • Different filling nozzles does not effect the system • The use of different bore holes does not effect the system • High pressure separator / test separator Interface Measurement Internal Source for maximum resolution and minimum radiation Continuous interface Measurement / swithch Depending on Tank Size 2 Detectors might be best Best linearity Pag. 1 Medición Económica con Radar Measurement parameters: Benefits of measurement with RADAR: - High precision, +/- 3 mm - Non contact measurement - Largely uneffected by ambient conditions e.g. pressure, temperature, agitators, low DK - Easy to install - No moving parts - Minimal opening Application - Horizontal cylinders, pipes - Oil condensate battery - Oil water separators - LPG tanks - Radar for easy commissioning and reliable measurement - For all measurements of media with low DK(>1.4) and low viscosity - 27 mm outer tube diameter - Length adapted to application, max 7.6 m - Calibrated ex works - Dead zone at the pipe end is reduced to 5 cm - Process connections 1 1/2" thread/ flange - 40 bar, 150 0 C rating Limitation - Liquid with interface e.g. water / oil, upper liquid with low DK requires > 5 cm to be measured - High viscosity liquids > 500 cSt which tend to create build up - Ammonia Pag. 2 Detección de Gases Combustibles Protecting your plant's people, process, and the surrounding environment is your gas detection system's primary function but knowing which method to use can help improve your facility's bottom line. Many different gas detection technologies exist to help today's industry meet building and fire code requirements; each of these technologies has advantages and disadvantages. After reading the following overview of the most popular technologies, we think you’ll agree that there is no “one best way” — rather, the best gas detection system generally is a hybrid tailored to your company's specific situation. Electrochemical and Catalytic Instruments Electrochemical gas sensors contain various components designed to react with a specific toxic gas; the reaction generates a current which is measured by the instrument and translated into a concentration value (PPM or PPB). Catalytic sensors “burn” combustible gases on a small catalytic bead; the instrument measures the resulting increase in resistance and translates it into percent of lower explosive limit (LEL). Advantages. Because of their Comparatively low cost, electrochemical and catalytic instruments typically are used “at the source” (i.e., wherever leaks are likely to occur). Response to leaks is therefore quick and monitoring is continuous (i.e., leaks cannot be “overlooked” due to sequence sampling). In addition, there are no moving parts that can cause mechanical failure. Disadvantages. Some sensors respond to gases other than those they are designed to measure (“interferents”), so care is necessary during design and installation to avoid using these sensors in areas where interferents could be present. Sensors typically require quarterly calibration, and generally need to be replaced after one to two years. In addition, several brands of sensors use a liquid electrolyte that must be refilled at regular intervals. Paper Tape Instruments Paper tape instruments use chemically-impregnated tape to detect toxic gases. Much like a piece of litmus paper, the tape changes color when exposed to a given gas; the color change is detected by a photocell, analyzed, and translated into a concentration value. Advantages. As a result of the color change reaction, paper tape instruments provide physical evidence of a gas leak (versus electrochemical, catalytic, solid state, and FTIR instruments, which only send out a 4-20 mA signal). Typically, they are also somewhat less prone to interferences than electrochemical and solid state instruments, providing slightly more specificity. In addition, paper tape devices typically can detect more gases than electrochemical instruments. Disadvantages. Paper tape instruments can only be used for toxics — they cannot detect combustible gases such as hydrogen. Because of their high cost, paper tape instruments are typically kept in a central location and connected to multiple detection points through sample tubing; samples are pumped from each individual point in sequence. As a result, significant lag times can exist between a leak and its detection, and sequencing can cause the instrument to overlook some leaks. In addition, reactive gases (such as HF, Cl 2 , HCl, and NH 3 ) are easily adsorbed on tubing, which can prevent the instrument from "seeing" a leak. Mechanical failure is always an issue with paper tape detectors (the cassette drive can jam, the optics can foul, pumps can fail, filters can plug, and flows can become unbalanced), and regular preventative maintenance is required. Regular calibration of the optics is also necessary. Manufacturers recommend that tapes be replaced every 2-4 weeks — although this is a simple process, the cost of purchasing and disposing of tapes can be high. Solid State Instruments Solid state sensors are made of a metal oxide (typically tin-oxide) material that changes resistance in response to the presence of a gas; the instrument measures this resistance change and translates it into concentration. Advantages. Solid state sensors have a very long lifetime, typically 10 years. They can detect a wide range of gases, including many that electrochemical and paper tape instruments are unable to see. Because they are fairly inexpensive, solid-state instruments typically are used to detect gas at the source, so response to leaks is quick and monitoring is continuous. In addition, they have no moving parts that can cause mechanical failure. Disadvantages. While solid state sensors can detect a wide range of gases, they have very low selectivity - so the possibility of “false alarms” is significantly higher than with other technologies. In addition, when they have not been exposed to gas for some time, some solid state sensors oxidize and “go to sleep,” meaning that they will not respond to real gas leak. Solid state sensors also provide a non-linear output, so calibration is more difficult and timeconsuming than it is with electrochemical sensors (which have a linear output). FTIR Instruments Fourier-transform infra-red instruments use spectrophotometric techniques to detect gas. Infra-red light is shined through a sample, and the resulting absorbance spectrum is analyzed to determine its constituents. Advantages. FTIR is the most accurate gas technique commonly used, providing good sensitivity and low risk of false alarms. No consumables are involved, so ongoing maintenance costs are less than with other technologies. Disadvantages. Because of their high cost, FTIR instruments are typically kept in a central location and connected to multiple detection points through sample tubing; samples are pumped from each individual point. As a result, significant lag times can exist between a leak and its detection. In addition, reactive gases (such as HF, Cl 2 , HCl, and NH 3 ) are easily adsorbed on tubing, which can prevent the instrument from “seeing” a leak. Mechanical failure is also an issue with FTIR instruments — the rotating shutter can wear and/or jam, and the pump can fail. Pag. 3 Detección de Gases Combustibles GasPlus-IR Model 4688-IR Combustible Gas Transmitter The Model 4688 IR is a rugged, reliable solution for hydrocarbon gas detection. Designed with extensive user input, the instrument is extremely flexible, easy to use, and easy to maintain. The GA GAS PLUS IR is suitable for most applications where catalytic bead detectors are currently used – as well as some applications where catalytic sensors won’t work. Principle of Operation An infrared source emits pulses of radiation into the instrument’s “optical bench”, which contains a known volume of gas. This radiation is reflected onto two detectors, one tuned to measure a wavelength absorbed by organics and the other tuned to a reference band that is not absorbed. The outputs of the detectors are compared and used to compute gas concentration. Fault conditions are detected by the sensors when radiation intensity falls below a threshold level for a set period of time. Features... .. .. Low Maintenance No span calibration required. Zero adjustment a quick, non-intrusive procedure. Flexible Many parameters are user-adjustable, including gas to be detected, decimal precision, damping, and engineering units. Rugged Design Conformally coated electronics, nickel plated optics protects components against corrosion, and harsh industrial environments. Extensive Self Diagnostics Instrument compensates for detector contamination and aging. Optics are heated to prevent moisture formation. Detailed fault codes aid in troubleshooting. Multiple Output Choices 4-20mA and RS/485 (Modbus protocol) outputs are standard features. Relays with user adjustable set/reset points, and time delays are vailable as an option. USE AND MAINTENANCE Operation of the 4688IR is simple and intuitive. All settings and adjustments, such as alarm setpoints, gas measured, etc., are non-intrusive, performed at the instrument with a magnetic screwdriver – or remotely through the instrument’s RS/485 interface. Password protection prevents unauthorized personnel from tampering with the settings. Minimal maintenance is necessary. All span information is preset at the factory, and never needs to be adjusted. Zero adjustment is a quick, non-intrusive procedure. On-board diagnostics continuously check transmitter electronics, optics, and software for faults and indicate corrective action should a fault be detected. The field serviceable infrared emitter is replaced with a simple plug-in connection . User-Friendly Display Large LCD display shows gas concentration, engineering units (%LEL or %v/v), alarm relay status, alarm inhibit, and more. Low Cost of Ownership An excellent price/performance ratio and low long-term cost of ownership. Pag. 4 Detección de Gases Combustibles Why IR? IR technology provides numerous advantages that may be benificial for your application’s conditions • Reduced maintenance (no span calibration required). • No saturation from high gas concentrations • No oxygen required for operation • Continuous sensor fault monitoring • Sensor lifetime not reduced by exposure to gas • Rapid speed of response • Minimal temperature and humidity effects Typical Specifications 1. General. Transmitter shall be approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory for Class 1, Division 1 Group B, C, and D hazardous locations. All parameter settings shall be password protectable. A large integral display shall provide visual indication of gas concentration, engineering units, alarm relay and inhibit status. 2. Temperature and Power. Transmitter shall perate over an input range of 18-28VDC in ambient conditions of -40 C to 60°C and shall consume no more than 4.0 W maximum. 3. Output. Transmitter shall provide an isolated, 4-20mA signal, and shall be digitally addressable using MODBUS protocol with RS/485 or RS/232 data transmission. Two SPST alarm relays shall be available as an option. User shall be able to separately adjust alarm set points, reset points, set delays, and reset delays. All alarm parameters shall be password protected and be nonintrusively adjustable through transmitter’s front panel via a manufacturer supplied magnet. 4 Diagnostics. Transmitter shall conduct self-diagnostics of electronics, software, and sensor at least twice per second. Fault conditions shall be indicated with a specific fault code on the instrument display and with a user-adjustable analog signal. One SPST fault relay shall be available as an option. User shall be capable of testing the alarm and fault relays from the instrument’s front panel or remotely via RS-232 / RS-485 communications interface. 5. Calibration. All span calibration data shall be preset, with no additional span calibration required by user. Non-intrusive zero calibration shall be performed via magnet. Transmitter shall provide the ability to inhibit its output. A time-out feature shall automatically return the unit to normal operation mode after a preset amount of time. The calibration curve for the gas being monitored shall be user selectable in the field through the transmitter’s front panel via a manufacturer supplied magnet. 6. Sensor. Sensor shall be non-dispersive infrared type using no moving mechanical parts. Linearity and repeatability shall be ±2%LEL below 40% of full scale, and ±5%LEL at or above 40% of full scale. Infrared emitter shall be field replacable. Ordering Information Model 4688IR - A - B - C- D - E - F - G Includes Rainshield A: Gas Type 1 - Standard Gases (built-in) • Butane 0-100% LEL or 0-1.9% v/v Note 1 • Ethane 0-100% LEL or 0-3.0% v/v • Hexane 0-100% LEL or 0-1.1% v/v • Methane 0-100% LEL or 0-5.0% v/v • Pentane 0-100% LEL or 0-1.5% v/v • Propane 0-100% LEL or 0-2.1% v/v • Propylene 0-100% LEL or 0-2.0% v/v 2 - Extended Gas Set 1 Specify gas(es) 2 - (includes standard gases but not extended gas set 2) • Acetone 0-100% LEL or 0-2.5% v/vv • MEK 0-100% LEL or 0-1.5% v/v • Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) 0-100% or 0-2.0%v/v • Pure Methane 0-100% v/v • Methanol 0 - 100% or 0 - 6% v/v • Toluene 0-100% LEL or 1.1%v/v 3 - Extended Gas Set 2 Specify gas(es) (includes standard gases but not extended gas set 1) • Butadiene 0-100%LEL or 0-2% v/v • Ethylene 0-100% LEL or 2.7% v/v • Ethanol 0-100% or 3.3% v/v • Isobutanol 0-100% LEL or 1.7% v/v • Hexane 0-20% v/v NOTE 2 • Benzene 0-100% LEL or 1.2 % v/v • Xylene 0-100% LEL or 1.1v/v 4 - Other Gases (contact factory) B: Remote Display/User Interface 1 -Display integral with transmitter 2 -Remote display/user interface with junction box - 50’ (15.2 meters) max separation C: Digital Protocol 1 - RS-485 Note 3 2 - RS-232 D: Relays (non-failsafe mode of operation) 1 - None 2 - All Normally Open (NO) 3 - All Normally Closed (NC) 4 - Alarm NO, Fault NC 5 - Alarm NC, Fault NO E: Optics Material 1 - Nickel Plated aluminum 2 - Stainless Steel F : Rating NOTE 4 1 - Non CENELEC approved transmitter 2 - CENELEC approved transmitter G: Rainshields 1 - Standard 2 - Flowcell (Nitrile O-ring) 3 - Flowcell (Viton O-ring) 4 - Flowcell (ethylene propylene) Pag. 5 Detección de Gases Combustibles Accessories Optical Bench Assembly Part # Description 077-0120 EIT magnetic screwdriver RS-485 Termination Board ¼ turn flowcell Note 2 096-2201 096-2191 Requires Gas Test Adaptor,#096- 2192) 074-0321 096-2192 096-2289 096-2187 096-2190 096-2215 096-2214 077-0161 096-2143 Rainshield Gas Test Adaptor Bump Test Adaptor Zero Adjustment Kit (includes regulator, tubing, and carrying case - does NOT include methane "bump gas") Gas test kit (2 ft tubing, zero air and methane “bump” gas”, cal adaptor, regulator, and carrying case) Porex dust filter (for rainshield) pack of 5 Porex dust filter (for sensor) pack of 5 Emitter replacement tool IR Emitter (plug-in, includes emitter GasPlus Alarm System Engineered to handle difficult industrial enviroments yet incredibly easy to operate and maintain, the Gas Plus Alarm System provides visual and audible local alarm annunciation in a rugged steel enclosure. Designed for easy use and maintenance, the Gas Plus Alarm System can be equipped with either the Scott Instruments Model 4600 Gas Plus Universal Toxic Gas Transmitter, the Model 4688IR Infrared Combustible Gas Transmitter, or the Model 4679IR CO 2 transmitter. Built-in strobe lights and an 80 db horn respond to two levels of alarm to quickly alert personnel of dangerous, build-ups of toxic or combustible gas. Three 10 amp relays provide additional response support for your facility, and a front panel light provides continuous visual indication of system status. The built-in 110 Vac power supply provides simple plug-in electrical connection. Since all system adjustments are non-intrusive, the rugged painted or stainless steel enclosure never needs to be opened after installation. Pag. 6 Detección de Gases Combustibles I Technical Specifications INSTALACION DRAWINGS GENERAL Sensor Type_______________Non-dispersive infrared Detection Range ___________See “Ordering Information” Linearity _________________± 2% below 40% full scale ± 5% from 40% to 110% full scale Repeatability _____________ ± 2% below 40% full scale ± 5% from 40% to 110% full scale Response Time ___________ T90 < 5 seconds (without rainshield) Start Up Time ____________ 30 seconds Self-Diagnostic Test _______ 2x per second Calibration _______________ Span: none (factory set) Zero: every 3 to 6 months User Interface ____________ Non-intrusive via magnet Display __________________4 digit LCD with user-adjustable contrast. Numeric display of gas concentration and faults; icons for alarms, lock, and inhibit Weight __________________ 6.5 lbs (3.0 kg) Warranty_________________ 2 years OUTPUTS Analog___________________ Isolated, 4-20mA, max loop load 900W at 24 VDC (current source or sink) Programmable Fault ________ 2.4 to 4.0mA Programmable Inhibit _______ 1.5 to 20.0mA Programmable Loop Test ____ 1.0 to 20.0mA Digital ___________________ RS/485 or RS/232 using Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII protocol Relay (optional) ___________ 3 SPST relays (2 concentration, 1 fault), 5A at 250 VAC. User-selectable Latching/nonlatching, energized/de-energized, set/reset delay, and set/reset point ELECTRICAL Input Voltage_____________ 18-27VDC Power Consumption _______ 3.1W, nominal / 6.0W, max Connections _____________ 3 wires or 4 wires (with RS/485 or RS/232 configuration ); 18-22 AWG nominal RFI/EMI ________________ certified to EN50082-1 ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temp __________ -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C) Operating Humidity _______ 0 to 100% RH ENCLOSURE Enclosure Material________ Copper-free cast aluminum, baked epoxy finish Optical Bench Material_____ Stainless steel or electroplated aluminum APPROVALS Enclosure ______________ Explosion proof; UL/FM/CSA, Class 1 Group B,C,D / Class 2, Group E, F / Class 3, NEMA-4X, NEMA-7B, C,D; NEMA-9 E,F,G; IP66 System ________________ ETL listed to UL2279 and UL3111-1 (Class 1, Div 1, Group B,C,D ), CE Marked CSA approved to Class 1, Zone 1,Groups IIB+H2;Class I, Groups E,F,&G; Class III CENELEC approved to EExd[ib] IIc T6 Pag. 7 Medición de Nivel Electromecánica 2500 Automatic Tank Gauge Mechanical float gauge for continuous - level measurement in storage tanks Application Installation Typical 2500 installations - low pressure The Model 2500 Automatic Tank Gauge is a float and tape operated instrument designed to provide continuous liquid level measurement in bulk storage applications. Endress+Hauser Systems & Gauging has maintained this simple and reliable product, which has been the market leader in float and tape instrumentation for over 20 years. The 2500 has various installation options and a complete range of accessories to suit user accuracy and installation requirements for virtually every application, including: • Cone roof tanks • Floating roof tanks, floatwell type • Floating roof tanks without floatwell • Fixed roof tank • Bolted cone roof tank • Cone roof tank with internal floating roof and pan • Underground tanks • Tank top or tank side Features • 0.2” (4 mm) level gauging accuracy per SIRA Report E1588583 • Low cost continuous measurement – units of measurement to suit your requirements - Metric or Imperial in decimals or fractions • Wide variety of material available for extreme products or environmental conditions • Cone roof, floating roof and bolted tank kits available for stilling wells or water interface applications • Mounting for optional transmitters or limit switches for future site upgrades • Gaugehead/counter suitable for oil filling Right: Floating roof tank, Floatwell type Left: Cone roof tank Right: Top mounting for Fixed roof tank Left: Floating roof tank Without floatwell Right: Cone roof tank with internal floating roof And pan Left: Bolted cone roof tank Measuring System Operation As standard, a large 14.5” (368 mm) diameter Type 316 stainless steel hollow shell float is used to detect the liquid level, which is attached to the stainless steel perforated tape. The float follows the liquid level as it rises and falls due to the constant pullback tension provided by a powerful negator spring motor or cartridge motor. The precisely perforated tape engages pins on a sprocket wheel which in turn drives the counter assembly and any shaft position devices attached to the gaugehead, such as a transmitter. This simple design and operation allows the gauge to operate with negligible maintenance throughout its working life. Standard and optional features dial counter Endress+Hauser offer imperial fractional, imperial decimal and metric counter displays. Imperial reading gauges are manufactured with a reversible fractional/decimal dial. If the customer desires a decimal level display, the dial can be removed and turned over to the decimal side and reinstalled. All dial/counters reflect product innage. For outage reading requirements, Endress+Hauser offer a modification kit (P/N 13-08774) for imperial unit of measure. Right: Installation with 226 Manhole cover Left: Installation with 228 inspection cover Pag. 8 Medición de Nivel Electromecánica Accessories 2546 Teflon Tape Wipe Part # BA 13924 Generally used with the conduit vent, the tape wipe can also be used alone. The wipe mounts in the conduit between the top of the tank and the first elbow and removes excess residue from the tape. It minimizes vapor loss from the tank into the conduit and helps prevent vapors and liquids from contaminating the gaugehead. Dual Calibrator Assembly Part # 13-0894 8 The dual calibrator allows level transmitters with absolute encoders to be calibrated without disassembling the transmitter from the gaugehead. The calibrator is accessed by removing the counter assembly cover. By simply turning the calibrator, the counter and the transmitter can both be set to the proper level. The dual calibrator can be retrofitted to existing installations. 2542 Tape Conduit Vent Part # 1M40844 This vent is designed for use on liquid level gauging installations on storage tanks where corrosive vapors are involved. The unit vents gauge piping to the atmosphere, thereby preventing vapors from entering the gaugehead. Special construction is designed to prevent damage to the vent due to pipe alignment. Communication options Transmitter Model 4000 ATT Model 8200 Limit Switch Model 2557 Extended Range Kit Part # 13-08772 (English) # 13-08773 ( Metric) The extended range kit provides an extra long gauge tape and negator motor to extend the range to 29 m (96 feet). It is not available for Cartridge equipped gauges. Outage Conversion Kit Part # 13-08774 This kit allows the conversion of standard inage reading gauges to outage. It is only available for imperial gauges. Imperial to Metric Conversion Kit Part # BM16541 Right: Shock Absorber Left: 2545 Condensate Reservoir Provides necessary parts and instructions for converting imperial gauges to metric gauges. Metric tape must be purchased separately. 2545 Condensate Reservoir Part # BM4O51 The condensate reservoir is designed to collect condensate that would otherwise accumulate in the gaugehead. Its use is recommended where an excessive amount of condensate could develop. Shock Absorber Part # DA6138 Reduces wear and maintenance on series 2500 automatic tank gauges by minimizing transfer of wave energy from the float to the perforated tape and gaugehead components. Prevents the float from becoming detached from the tape by wave action. Should always be used in tanks with turbulent conditions near inlet or outlet piping and near a mixer. Right: Tape Conduit Vent Left: Oil Seal Pag. 9 Medición de Nivel Electromecánica Technical Specifications Service type Float specifications Liquid seals Technical specifications Description Severe Extreme Extreme (NaOH ) (H2SO4) Gaugehead Aluminum Aluminum Cast Iron Cast Iron Cast Iron Sheave Elbows Aluminum 316 S.S Cast Iron Cast Iron Cast Iron Top Anchors Steel 316 S.S. Steel Steel Stl/Carp. 20 Bottom Anchor Steel 316 S.S. 316 S.S. Monel Carp. 20 Guide Cables 316 S.S.316 S.S. 316 S.S. Monel Carp. 20 Perforated Tape 316 S.S.316 S.S. 316 S.S. Monel Carp. 20 Hollow Shell Float 316 S.S.316 S.S. 316 S.S. Monel Carp. 20 Part Number BM9074-000 BM12339-000 BM12338-000 Standard Moderate Material 316 S.S. Carp. 20 Monel Net Weight 8.8 lb (4 kg) 10.7 lb (4.9 kg) 10.5 lb (4.8 kg) Size 14.5“ (36.8 cm) 17” (43.2 cm) 10 lb (4.4 kg) Max Working Pressure Part Number Service Aluminum Sheaves, Steel Pipe 8.5” (21.6 cm) W.C. Cast Iron Sheaves, Steel Pipe 8.5” (21.6 cm) W.C. Aluminum Sheaves, Steel Pipe 27” (68.6 cm) W.C. 10-01994-AAA Standard 10-01994-BAA Severe 10-02861-AAA Standard Product Gravity Range Service Rating Gauging Range Extended Range Shipping Weight Sheave Elbows 0.7 to 1.9 (specific gravity) Atmospheric to 2.5 psig 0 – 60 ft (18 m) 0 – 96 ft (29 m) Fixed Roof Tanks Requires Kit 13-08772 (Imperial) or 13-08773 (Metric) Varies with model – 70 lb (32 kg) to 110 lb (50 kg) 90° Aluminum Sheave 06-0856 90° Cast Iron Sheave BM4675 90° 316 Cast Iron Sheave BM5074 135° Aluminum Sheave BM3480 180° Aluminum Sheave BM3481 Aluminum Tape Carrier BM3621 Pag. 10 Medición de Nivel Electromecánica Aluminum gaugehead - English configurationnegator motor Aluminum gaugehead – Metric configuration – negator motor Tank type 01 Standard service cone roof tank 02 Standard service cone roof tank & pan & floatwell 03 Standard service floating roof tank & floatwell 04 Standard service tank top mounting 05 Standard service bolted tank 06 Standard service floating roof tank; no floatwell 07 Standard service cone roof tank & pan; no floatwell 41 Moderate service cone roof tank 51 Interface service cone roof tank; 15 min s.g. differential 52 Interface service cone roof tank; 25 min s.g. differential 55 Stilling well service cone roof tank 6" dia. Float 250001 Tank type 11 Standard service cone roof tank 12 Standard service cone roof tank & pan & floatwell 13 Standard service floating roof tank & floatwell 14 Standard service tank top mounting 15 Standard service bolted tank 16 Standard service floating roof tank; no floatwell 17 Standard service cone roof tank & pan; no floatwell 42 Moderate service cone roof tank 53 Interface service cone roof tank; 15 min s.g. differential 54 Interface service cone roof tank; 25 min s.g. differential 250003 Aluminum gaugehead – English configuration – float crank Aluminum gaugehead – Metric configuration – float crank Tank type 01 Standard service cone roof tank 05 Standard service bolted tank 250002 Tank type 11 Standard service cone roof tank 250004 Iron gaugehead – English configuration Iron gaugehead – Metric configuration Tank type 21 Severe service cone roof tank 22 Extreme service cone roof tank; monel 23 Extreme service cone roof; tank carp.20 250005 Tank type 31 Severe service cone roof tank 33 Extreme service cone roof tank; monel 34 Extreme service cone roof tank; carp.20 250006 Aluminum gaugehead – English configuration – cartridge motor Aluminum gaugehead – Metric configuration – cartridge motor Tank type 01 Standard service cone roof tank 02 Standard service cone roof tank & pan & floatwell 03 Standard service floating roof tank & floatwell 04 Standard service tank top mounting 05 Standard service bolted tank 06 Standard service floating roof tank; no floatwell 07 Standard service cone roof tank & pan; no floatwell 41 Moderate service cone roof tank 250011 Tank type 11 Standard service cone roof tank 12 Standard service cone roof tank & pan & floatwell 13 Standard service floating roof tank & floatwell 14 Standard service tank top mounting 15 Standard service bolted tank 16 Standard service floating roof tank; no floatwell 17 Standard service cone roof tank & pan; no floatwell 42 Moderate service cone roof tank 250013 Pag.11 9 Medición de Nivel Electromecánica Steel Gaugehead – English Configuration – 150 PSIG Steel Gaugehead – Metric Configuration – 150 PSIG Tank type 01 Tank spheres to 16’ (4.9 m) diam. or horizontal cylinders tank 02 Tank spheres to 48’ (14.6 m) diameter 03 Top mounting on tank sphere or horizontal cylinder tank 04 Tank spheres to 60’ (18.3 m) diam. or horizontal cylinders tank Tank type 01 Tank spheres to 16’ (4.9 m) diam. or horizontal cylinders tank 02 Tank spheres to 48’ (14.6 m) diameter 03 Top mounting on tank sphere or horizontal cylinder tank 04 Tank spheres to 60’ (18.3 m) diam. or horizontal cylinders tank Plug Valve 0 Plug Valve not used 1 1-1/2” (38 mm) Plug Valve (Viton -A plug) Plug Valve 0 Plug Valve not used 1 1-1/2” (38 mm) Plug Valve (Viton -A plug) Transmiter Adapter 0 Transmitter Adapter not used 1 2581 Transmitter Adapter 252001 Transmiter Adapter 0 Transmitter Adapter not used 1 2581 Transmitter Adapter 252002 Steel Gaugehead – English Configuration – 300 PSIG Steel Gaugehead – Metric Configuration – 300 PSIG Tank type 05 Tank spheres to 16’ (4.9 m) diam. or horizontal cylinders tank 06 Tank spheres to 48’ (14.6 m) diameter 07 Top mounting on tank sphere or horizontal cylinder tank 08 Tank spheres to 60’ (18.3 m) diam. or horizontal cylinders tank Tank type 05 Tank spheres to 16’ (4.9 m) diam. or horizontal cylinders tank 06 Tank spheres to 48’ (14.6 m) diameter 07 Top mounting on tank sphere or horizontal cylinder tank 08 Tank spheres to 60’ (18.3 m) diam. or horizontal cylinders tank Plug Valve 0 Plug Valve not used 1 1-1/2” (38 mm) Plug Valve (Viton -A plug) Plug Valve 0 Plug Valve not used 1 1-1/2” (38 mm) Plug Valve (Viton -A plug) Transmiter Adapter 0 Transmitter Adapter not used 1 2581 Transmitter Adapter 252003 Transmiter Adapter 0 Transmitter Adapter not used 1 2581 Transmitter Adapter 252004 Medición de Nivel con Servomecanismo State of the art technology Design, accuracy and reliability make the Proservo NMS 53 series of tank gauges the optimum choice for centralized measurement across various tank gauging applications. With a continuous program of engineering development, Endress+Hauser Systems & Gauging has utilized the latest microtechnology to keep the design simple, lightweight and compact. The Proservo NMS can be relied upon to provide outstanding sensitivity for correct level detection with consistent resolution. It provides a measurement accuracy of (.03”) 0.7mm to fulfill the exacting demands of tank inventory management. Pag.12 Medición de Nivel con Servomecanismo Application specific solution Endress+Hauser have developed the Proservo NMS to be as complicated as the application demands. It is available as a level only device, or when connected to external sensors – as a multivariable instrument. The Proservo can connect with up to four external sensors via a HART ® Multi drop field protocol. Typical devices would include an Averaging Temperature Bulb, Tank Side Display or Pressure Transmitters. Information processing Its data handling capabilities enable measurement and transmission of continuous level, spot or average temperature, pressure, interface level, density and alarms. The integrated electronics process these parameters and then transmit the required information via standard protocols to the control room. Systems software can then be use to provide your operator with a complete environmental profile of the tanks contents. Time saving processes If required, the gauge can be configured in the field through the ergonomically designed display and control unit, standardized options to ensure simple configuration and operation. The control unit uses a light sensitive touch control pad which allows the operator to configure or operate the gauge without removing any covers. Efficient on-site installation Tank mounting intelligence makes the Proservo NMS 53x series ideal for single or multi-task installations. It’s available with a number of flange mounting options which allow simple connection to existing nozzle fittings. The unit can be mounted within a stillwell or by means of a guidewire assembly; both options provide effective solutions for in-service installations. Complete solutions for application needs High accuracy Simple installation Multivariable transmission provides enhanced inventory management in tanks up to 93 ft (28 m) in height, to an accuracy of ±.03” (0.7 mm) Standard tank top mounting with a 3" (76 mm) flange weighing only 26 lb (12kg) (aluminum option) fits to new or existing tanks and provides compatibility with existing tank farm wiring and systems ......................................... Integral inspection chamber .................................................. Complete Connectivity Allows visual inspection of displacer and wire, minimizing Wide range of output signals including RACKBUS, RS 485, inspection and maintenance V1, Serialbus, Mark/Space, time .............................................. WM550 and HART ® protocols Field configuration All electronics are isolated from without opening the enclosure tank atmosphere, maximizing Increased Safety safety and enabling operation in The built-in operator hazardous areas interface provides ease of configuration and optimized ................................................... measurement availability Designed for life without the need for "Hot Working Permits". Robust IP 67 and NEMA 4X All functions can be approved housing, designed accessed via a user friendly and constructed for low maintenance and high reliability three button interface ................................................... Pag.13 Medición de Nivel con Servomecanismo Proservo – technical specification Accuracy ±. 0.7 mm (03") Interface accuracy ±. 2.7 mm (11") Density accuracy ± 5 kg/m³ (0.3 lb/ft³) Level measuring speed 2500 mm/min (98.4”/min) maximum Measuring range 0-28m (0 - 92 ft) Measurement media temperature -200°C to +200°C (-328°F to +392°F) Ambient operating temperature -40°C to +60°C (40°F to +140°F) Pressure rating Low pressure up to 0.2 bar g (3 Psi) High pressure up to 25 bar g (362.5 Psi) Process connection Standard tank Connection 76 mm (3”) ANSI DIN 80 (other options available) Cable entries 4 x M20/M25 [ 13 mm (1/2") 9mm (3”) NPT] Housing Level alarms Low pressure -aluminum (stainless Steel option) High pressure – stainless steel Weight 12 - 27 kg (27 - 60 lb) 4 relays with potential free change over contacts, freely assignable to measuredvalue Power supply Standard protocols 85 - 264 Vac, 50/60Hz as high voltage version or 20 - 60 Vdc, 20-55Hz as low voltage version Power consumption 22 VA(max) HART ® /RACKBUS/V1 Protocols available Whessoe bus Lightning protection 20mA current loop Standard Input for local devices Signal Multi drop HART ® protocol max. 4 devices Typical HART ® devices Model NMT averaging temperature bulb Model NRF HART ® tank side display HART ® pressure transmitter (WM550) EIA 485 bus Varec mark/space (1900 protocol) Safety approvals Cenelec EEx d IIB T6 & PTB FM & CSA CE UV overspil protection (pending) TIIS ATEX 100 Accuracy approvals PTB NMI Para mayor información favor dirigirse a nuestras oficinas a la siguiente dirección: Av. Oquendo # N-0452 Edif. Santa María Piso 4 Telf: (591)(4) 4256993 – 4500905 Telf.: (591)(4) 4250981 – 4129114 Casilla 1935 – E-Mail: Pag.14