July / Aug 2016 newsletter
July / Aug 2016 newsletter
The VINTAGE Airstream Club An Intra-Club of WBCCI Since 1993 VAC 2016 RALLY CALENDAR July 7th—11th 2016 Rocky Mountain Rally Westcliffe, CO Contact: RMVAC Committee July 15th—18th Farragut State Park Athol, ID Contact: Rob and Diane Nicol July 29th—31st Catskill Rally Woodstock, NY Contact: Dave Morrison at dave@dwmorrison.com (write-up this issue) August 5th—7th Fiddlers Picnic Rally Livingston, MT Contact: Steve & Reg Bittner at herkypig@hotmail.com (write-up last issue) August 10th—14th Bend Classic Vintage Trailer Rally Bend, OR Contact: Dal Smilie at dalsmilie@aol.com (write-up last issue) September 15th—18th VACmidwest Autumn Built Like a Rock Rally Dundee, IA Contact: Ed & Eileen Pauley at epauley@jtt.net (write-up last issue) October 13th—16th Turkey Rally Brookville, IN Contact: Darren B at (937) 609-9415 J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 6 Message from VAC President, Steve Laxton I would like to introduce myself as your next President of the VAC. A li le about me... I re red as an Oregon police officer and member of the bomb squad. I served as vice president of the police union. Meanwhile, I was a weapons instructor and since re red from the Oregon Air Na onal Guard. Been a member of WBCCI for 16 years and a member of VAC for 15 years. I also have served as President of the Oregon Unit. While in that posi on I hosted a Na onal Rally and four Unit rallies. In addi on, for three years I served as the Region 10 Rep. During that me, I hosted a VAC rally in southern Oregon. Serving several years as the Concourse D'Elegance judge, I then served three years as the lead judge. I am also a WBCCI Cer fied Caravan Leader. 1974, 1956, 1952 are the three vintage Airstreams I own. Right now I am doing a body off rebuild of my 1952 Flying Cloud (also, a member of the Flying Cloud Squadron #8). I have set up the 2016 VAC pre‐rally before Interna onal and am working on plans for the 2017 VAC pre‐rally. Just as in the Oregon Unit, I am taking this posi on as your President to improve the Club and make being a member of the VAC a happy experience. To make the club work and con nue, we count on volunteers. In Lewisburg, we need to find someone to take over as editor of the "Vintage Advantage Magazine". We have not had one published for a few years and would like to get back on track with that. Right now, I am recovering from a cancer issue in my mouth (non‐smoker). Wri ng this before Interna onal for the newsle er deadline, I am hoping to be able to recover and fly to the rally. It's all about being under the big tent! Steve PAGE 2 Membership Please welcome Rhonda Cooper as our new Membership Chair. You can contact Rhonda by email at membership@vintageairstreamclub.com Jim Cooper con nues to manage the VAC membership database, so having both Rhonda and Jim handling the membership system will be helpful to everyone. As of mid‐June, VAC membership is at 454 members, current in dues paid. Editor’s Note As we swing into high season for rallies, please remember your Newsletter to share your rally experience with everyone. We just love to hear of all the fun you had and pictures are always appreciated!!! Reg THE VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB PAGE 2016 Lewisburg International Rally Inside Story Headline Submitted by Iain Cameron VAC membership dues now aligned with WBCCI and unit dues date At Lewisburg, VAC members voted unanimously in favour of changing membership dues date to be consistent with WBCCI and unit dues date. All VAC membership dues will now be on a calendar year basis, same as WBCCI and unit membership. A er July 1st each year, new members joining or exis ng members renewing their VAC membership will be paying for the next calendar year. Prior to July 1st each year, new members joining will be paying for the current calendar year, and exis ng members will be considered late in renewing their membership for the current calendar year. Indeed, this is the old WBCCI and Unit dues policy. VAC will not be implemen ng any prorated dues system as it complicates dues collec on and confuses members. It’s in the interest of VAC members to keep membership dues paid and current in order to stay on the email distribu on list. During the transi on to calendar year dues, we will be flexible and consider all new members who joined or renewed VAC membership over the past couple of months to have paid their 2017 VAC membership dues. New members joining or exis ng members renewing VAC membership from now un l June 30th 2017 will be paying for 2017 VAC membership. For any members who have not renewed their VAC membership over the last couple of months, it’s important to renew before December 31st 2016 to ensure no lapse in your VAC membership. Renew your VAC membership each fall at the same Ɵme you renew your WBCCI and Unit membership. Bert & Dot Kalet ‐ 1964 Bambi II charter members of the Vintage Airstream Club Jean‐Pierre Meilleur and Clemence Lemay 1979 Excella V ‐ fi h wheel Airstream only two of four factory‐built trailers are known to exist THE VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB 3 PAGE Continued ~ 2016 Lewisburg International Rally Inside Story Headline Meet your new VAC Board members At the interna onal rally, 22 new members joined the Vintage Airstream Club. We had 60 rigs parked in the vintage area and 110 VAC members a ended our BBQ and potluck dinner in the tent. A shout‐out goes to George James IV for providing entertainment with acous c guitar and cel c song during the dinner and at happy hours. The membership mee ng was held in our tent this year, a nice atmosphere to hold the AGM, and well a ended with ac ve par cipa on by members. I’m pleased to let you know that we have a full Board of Directors for the coming year, and three new region representa ves which means that all twelve regions are now represented. Joining VAC President Steve Laxton (#3957) are 1st VP Victor Blood (#7291), 2nd VP David Morrison (#6481), and 3rd VP Rachel Ugaz (#9380). Shirley Bollinger (#3547) con nues as our treasurer, and Elaine Laxton (#3957) joins as recording secretary. Board members represent the VAC across the country from five different regions. cheers, Iain Cameron AJ & Victor Blood (1st VP) ‐ 1977 Argosy 28 David Morrison (2nd VP) photo by Dennis Ober Rachel Ugaz (3rd VP) ‐ 1962 Trade Wind THE VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB 4 PAGE Continued ~ 2016 Lewisburg International Rally Inside Story Headline Meet our new Regional Representatives Please welcome three new VAC representa ves: Region 2 representa ve – Ed Valen n (#22531) Region 3 representa ve – Larry Scovo o (#1021) Region 7 representa ve – Aaron Chandler (#8325) VAC representa ves are your contacts for informa on and resources related to vintage airstreaming across the country. Plans are underway to get a few vintage rallies going in the east next year. We’ll keep you posted on possible VAC rallies in Region 1, Region 3 and Region 5. Established vintage rallies con nue in the west within Region 8 (VACmidwest), Region 9, Region 10, Region 11 (RMVAC), and Region 12 (VACwest). Ed Valen n, Region 2 representa ve Bill Sco Best Bambi Award ‐ 1961 Bambi Larry Scovo o, Region 3 representa ve Bud Cooper Best of Show Award ‐ 1966 Globe Tro er Aaron Chandler, Region 7 representa ve and Patricia Chandler ‐ 1962 Trade Wind Gary Campbell, Region 1 representa ve and Jane Preli ‐ 1962 Safari THE VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB 5 PAGE Continued ~ 2016 Lewisburg International Rally Inside Story Headline 2016 Concours d’Elegance Results Seventeen vintage airstreams entered the Concours d’Elegance compe on held during the VAC open house. Many thanks to the judges for this year’s compe on: Bob and Mary Doster (#3794), Pa Reed (#1005), Jack Hand (#4253), and head judge Victor Blood (#7291). WBCCI # Name Airstream Model 1950’s Decade Junior Pla num 6436 Angus & Kelli S nson 1954 Cruiser Junior Pla num 1056 Bruce Radford 1956 Safari 1960’s Decade Junior Pla num 1021 Larry Scovo o 1966 Globe Tro er Senior Pla num 3363 Gary Campbell & Jane Preli 1962 Safari Junior Pla num 2755 Perry & Linda Tilghman 1967 Custom Junior Pla num 15116 Wayne & Linda Moore 1965 Caravel Junior Pla num 8500 Larry & Kim Garland 1960 Trade Wind Junior Pla num 22531 Ed Valen n 1961 Bambi Junior Pla num 3546 Gilbert & Brenda Owens 1963 Bambi Junior Pla num 1208 Charles Michels & Nancy Eldred 1968 Globe Tro er Junior Gold 5406 Bard & Kathy Fuller 1964 Bambi II Junior Gold 2869 Bob & Laurie Pullman 1967 Overlander Junior Gold 8325 Aaron & Patricia Chandler 1962 Trade Wind Junior Silver 17315 David & Dianne Morrill 1966 Trade Wind Junior Silver 6957 Bert & Dot Kalet 1964 Bambi II 9380 Rachel Ugaz 1962 Trade Wind 1970’s Decade Junior Pla num 7291 Victor & AJ Blood 1977 Argosy 28 Junior Gold 26554 Aaron & Stefanie Ashley 1972 Argosy 26 Best Engineering Feature 8500 Larry & Kim Garland 1960 Trade Wind Bill Sco Best Bambi Award 22531 Ed Valen n 1961 Bambi Bud Cooper Best of Show Award 1021 Larry Scovo o 1966 Globe Tro er THE VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB 6 PAGE Continued ~ 2016 Lewisburg International Rally Inside Story Headline Kim & Larry Garland ‐ 1960 Trade Wind Best Engineered Feature ‐ Air Ride Suspension Concours Judges at Bruce Radford’s 1956 Safari Kelli & Angus S nson ‐ 1954 Cruiser Linda & Perry Tilghman ‐ 1967 Custom a 28 Ambassador cut down to Bambi length THE VINTAGE AIRSTREAM Charlie Michels & Nancy Eldred ‐ 1968 Globe Tro er CLUB 7 PAGE Continued ~ 2016 Lewisburg International Rally Inside Story Headline VAC Past President Rick Davis and Carol Davis photo by Dennis Ober VAC Past President Bob Herman and Bonnie Herman photo by Wayne Moore charter members of VAC George James III and Dot Kalet photo by Lori Thomas VAC Past President Wayne Moore and Linda Moore ‐ 1965 Caravel Introducing Curtis Wright Blog In case you are not familiar with the Cur s Wright line of trailers, Wally had a hand in them before Airstreams and thus they are included in our club. Fred and Tami Rylaarsdam were gracious enough to share Tami’s wonderful blog with us, packed with humorous, informa ve, and interes ng informa on. THANK YOU, TAMI, FOR SHARING!!! I am going to make this a regular feature of the newsle er with Tami’s generous permission. THE VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB 8 PAGE Curtis Wright Blog Inside Story Headline Submitted by Fred & Tami Rylaarsdam Monday, April 25, 2016 You Can Call Me Lucy As I've been alluding to, Hubby and I have go en another trailer project. This trailer is a Cur s Wright Flagship model 6. We aren't sure what year but it's most likely a 1947. We drove over Snoqualmie Pass on Thursday night so we could get busy bright and early on Friday morning. I was so relieved to see the Cur s Wright s ll wai ng in the weeds for us. Hubby had talked to the owner on Thursday but I felt like the trailer would not be ours un l we had it in our possession. It was full of garbage and the deal was that we take the garbage with the trailer. I had been mentally preparing myself for rodents, black widows and ra le snakes. I wore gloves, old clothes and gave myself many pep talks on how to deal with the grossness and the cri ers living in the trailer. Besides the bird that flew out when I first peeked in, I saw no rodents, black widows or snakes. I did see a lot of mouse poo and wasps nests. I unscrewed the skirts while Hubby did some digging. We got him hitched up and pulled out of the weeds on to the driveway. THE VINTAGE The master suite, and I use that term loosely, has a bathroom, room for a double bed with a headboard and a built in dresser. It has what trailer trash refer to as "the boyfriend door" in the back. As the husband comes in the front door, the boyfriend can make an escape out the bedroom back door. We are using ours as a fire exit. On Saturday morning it was back to work. We went to the dump. In the a ernoon I brought a pick up load of wood to the farm's burn pile. We had a half a dozen The farm is about 12 propane tanks to empty miles away so we and recycle too. I swept agreed that I'd follow the trailer un l I had a with my flashers on large garbage bag of dirt. and we'd go slow. While the guys were packing the wheel bearings I ran to town for mirrors and chains. Once we got to the farm and Hubby was also the shop, we got busy. Max brought us a trailer to use for working on our run to the dump. We filled securing everything the trailer, filled a pickup with and cu ng temporary plywood wood for the burn pile and doors to screw on for the trip. gave away the dozens of canning jars. Bo was a great help too. We didn't let him drive. But he sits in the truck like a boss. I wish I could tell you that we found treasures in all of that junk but no, we did not find anything to brag about, just garbage. The appliances are in good condi on. Sort of. Hubby got three res off and eventually the fourth. It was stuck pre y good. At this point we le the trailer and drove into town to get new res. We were high fivin' each other the whole way to town as everything had gone quickly and well at this point. Hubby had called ahead on Thursday to check on res, so we thought this would be easy. It turns out finding the right res was the hardest part of our day. We put on over 100 miles in our travels to get res. Eventually we found good comparable res and so went to the DOL to get a trip permit. That was easy. We drove back out to the trailer, put the res on and got ready to limp the 12 miles back to the farm. There were big rocks on top of the trailer holding down the vents. That ingenuity had kept the trailer dry and we were grateful for someone's wisdom. But now we needed to get those rocks off. No ladder but we found an old bed springs in the weeds so Hubby scaled it and removed the rocks and brick. AIRSTREAM CLUB 9 PAGE 10 Continued ~ Curtis Wright Blog Inside Story Headline This is a panorama shot of the living room, dining room and kitchen area. The guys worked on temporary lights while I vacuumed up the dust and dirt. They worked on the lights un l ten that night and almost gave up. They got them working and it was decided we'd drive back on Sunday morning. Max drove with Hubby as copilot and I followed in the jeep. That way if the lights failed it would be me rear ending the trailer. We got up at five and le a li le before seven. Some truck stop coffee to go and a lot of prayers for safety and we were off and running. Max gave me a lot of rules. Do not let anyone in between us. Ever. Do not make Dad mad cuz he is super nervous. No excep ons. Do not call my phone, only Dad's, and not unless you have to call for a really good reason. We stopped just before ge ng on I‐90 for one last check and I got out of my rig to give them a rule. SLOW. DOWN. It was going well un l we got on 405 and then had torren al rain with li le to no visibility. I have never been so happy to get to I‐5 in my life. Those Bellevue babes wanted to get in between us and I did not let them. We'd go en this far and I was not going to let some crazy Bellevue babe or Mercer Island matron rear end my trailer and then sue us. It's probably the most aggressive driving I've ever done. But I saved a lot of idiots from themselves yesterday. We bypassed the pothole incident mess in Marysville. And we were just ahead of the Mt. Vernon MVA yesterday. We took Max for lunch, he le to see Kassie and then drive back to George. God bless that kid for helping his crazy parents! THE VINTAGE We then took a two hour nap. So, now we have a long, long trailer. just like Ricky and Lucy. Or rather, we have a long, long project. This is a fun me though, of brainstorming, planning and plo ng. We did learn a few things when we restored Huaka'i Annie, our '57 Aloha. We know enough now to be dangerous or something like that. We plan to enjoy Annie this summer and to work on the Cur s Wright Flagship. If you know of any other trailers like our CW please let us know as we would like to see how one is set up inside. This was a long, long story… Wednesday, June 15, 2016 Cur s Wright Flagship Design Ideas Moving along to the next trailer project, the Flagship Cur s Wright. Huaka’i Annie is 98% finished. Hubby is working out the CW plumbing and electrical floor plan, I am working out the floor plan from an asce c viewpoint. We have many decisions to make prior to the rebuild. For the exterior we are leaning towards paint on the bo om as was the original. We’d match the original teal color. The top will get the paint removed and I’ll polish it. Where the paint meets the shiny aluminum a small pinstripe or two. I am leaning towards a rust red pinstripe. The paint color is one of the middle teal colors on the paint cards pictured below. I am working on a design board. Though I don’t actually make a board because I carry it in a ziplock bag wherever I go. In February I had seen this li le bench at a local an que store. We didn’t have the CW in our possession yet but the fabric colors reminded me of the trailer. The quail reminded me of Eastern Washington where the CW was wai ng for us in a field. The bark cloth look reminded me of the 1940’s. I snapped a photo. Once the CW was home I started looking for the fabric. It was a needle in a haystack but I found it. I ordered a sample and then had a panic a ack AIRSTREAM CLUB because it could disappear. That happened with Annie so I know what I’m talking about here. I ordered the fabric. I picked up the paint cards at the hardware store to get a match on the exterior pain so that I’d have something to work off of when I’m designing the interior. While I won’t necessarily use the Formica or the vinyl or the fabric pictured it gives me some pa ern and color to play with in the mean me. I picked up the light fixture at a garage for a dollar and may use it a er pain ng it. I liked it’s design and lines. Our Cur s Wright is not the avia on Cur ss Wright so I'm not necessarily going with a heavy avia on theme however; our Cur s Wright did design and create some aircra . I found the airplane bookends on clearance at Pier One. I plan to reuse them as light sconces by adding lights under the bo om base and a aching the back base to the wall. I found this small sleeper sofa at an estate sale and plan to recover it with either gray vinyl or gray fabric with the teal fabric as piping. My upholstery guy is re ring and came over to tell me that he couldn't do it anymore. Hubby and I offered to take it apart and Gerrit agreed to one more Tami project. Since then Gerrit and I have agreed that I am going to work with him on this one and learn how to upholster. He even suggested selling his tools to me. In the mean me, we both are taking vaca ons and honestly, upholstery may not be in my talent level. I would really like to wallpaper the bedroom in the CW. It is fun to look for just the right paper. The only set in stone design decision we have made it that we plan to order the big awning and the window awnings. Really. Tami fredrylaarsdam@comcast.net PAGE 11 Blips & Blurbs ~ from the Editor Monte Verde RV Park in Angel Fire...many of you might have stayed at this Airstream friendly campground in northern New Mexico (near Taos) owned by Maria Beck and Lynn Eubank. Sad to say, Mark Rands from Denver tells us that Maria's health has deteriorated due to breathing issues at the altitude of 8,500 ft. She was admitted to a hospital in Denver. (If you would like to send her a note, her email address is: maria_l_beck@yahoo.com and Lynn’s is lynneubank@yahoo.com. Subsequently, the Also, Curtis Gunderson, who was a Representative of the Region 7 VAC, is in home hospice care. Iain had a nice Airstream card from a hand painting that one of our British Columbia members did a few years ago and sent it to him on the VAC's behalf. Thank you, Iain! In case you were wondering what happened to the pre-rally before International, Iain wrote this: VAC 2016 Rendezvous — Cancelled Regretfully, we had to cancel this event. Only a few people signed up for the rendezvous and Berkley and Durbin WV. We could no longer hold campsites and had to release them back to the campground. It’s peak season and campgrounds need to be able to fill their sites. All other VAC rallies and events are running this year, so please check them out and sign up if you wish to attend. Rally information and contacts for rally hosts are on our website at: vintageairstreamclub.com/events. We look forward to seeing you at a VAC rally this year. Hope you enjoyed Tami’s blog on their Curtis Wright. They would welcome any information on the original layout or any other history you could share. fredrylaarsdam@comcast.net THE VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB PAGE 12 Inside Story Headline Catching Up, Rallies Past... Terry Bison Ranch Rally held on June 3rd—June 5th at Cheyenne, WY Submi ed by A. Wa (Orbie) Mungall Superb rally. Nichele, Jamie and Trudy with the Ranch checked with us o en to see what they could do to help the rally at all stages. The open arm a tude made us feel the most welcome I have experienced. Had 18 trailers show up. Perfect weather. The "A" row had a constant view of the bison grazing across the way. Camels, llamas, horses, and colts were also viewable if you toured the ranch. A tour train or car trip took you close the bison herd. The surprise was a flock of vintage tractors tour our camp and said they will return next year to take part in the rally with us. Dinner of BBQ'd bison, cole slaw and baked beans was delivered by the Ranch for the Saturday dinner. A erwards, there was a chat session followed by a late evening of flaming ping pong balls launched from a fire pit. Most of the folks came from the Denver area with one from Texas and one from Ashville, NC. All in all, for a start up rally, this was a great me, having me to meet everyone. The Ranch staff are eager to have us next year and will make things be er now that they understand our set up and needs. Plans for next year are same me, same place but maybe longer. I want to thank all the help that made this one a joy to put on. A erwards, Mrs. M. and I con nued to Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, ,Deadwood and Yellowstone. I have had inquiries from other groups to a end the next one, all are invited. If anyone has input, please contact me. Thanks, Bigly for all who came. Enjoyed mee ng every one of ya. Looking forward to next year. Orbie, (435) 730‐3840 THE VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB PAGE Inside Story Headline Catskill Rally 13 Rallies, Future... July 29th—31st, 2016 Woodstock, NY The campground has two rally fields available for us. One fits 11 rigs, and the second fits 7. The campground is enjoying their 50th anniversary the week before and a er our rally. They are rolling back the camping fee to the 1966 prices for the Monday through Thursday nights before and a er our rally. I thought it would be awesome to feature a 1966 Airstream for our event. The campground owners would get a kick out of it. We could park the vintage rigs in the second field. Our Unit has a few vintage rigs as well. Jim added that at Interna onal, they hung with the Vintage Airstream Club, “always a good me!” Rally schedule: Friday, 7/29: Arrival – Dinner on your own Saturday, 7/30: Con nental Breakfast coffee/tea Tour the area on your own Happy Hour Dinner: Pot Luck Evening campfire Sunday, 8/31: Con nental Breakfast coffee/tea Contact: Dave at dave@dwmorrison.com THE VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB PAGE Inside Story Headline Rallies, Future... Built Like a Rock Rally September 15th—18th, 2016 Dundee, IA Kathy Allen writes that more spaces have been added to their autumn rally. There are now 60 sites total. Please go to the VAC website and refer to the full write‐up in the May/June issue under BACKBONE STATE PARK, DUNDEE, IOWA to sign up. THE 14 VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB PAGE Inside Story Headline Turkey Rally Rallies, Future... October 13th—16th, 2016 Brookville, IN This Joint Buddy Rally includes the Cincinna , Miami Valley and Columbus Units, OH units. The main a rac on of this rally is the spit roasted turkey over an open fire ‐ complete with all the trimmings for Saturday’s dinner. Browse for an ques and hand cra s in the local Metamora shops along the Whitewater Canal or at any of the flea markets all over town. Also available is an opera ng grist mill, horse drawn canal boat and Whitewater Valley Railroad excursions. Hiking the fringes of the fairgrounds guarantee breath taking views of the Brookville area in all of its fall glory. Decora ng your trailer for fall is encouraged! A round of golf is a pleasure at the nearby 18 hole course for those arriving early Thursday. Please contact Darren B for reserva ons or addi onal details at (937) 609‐9415. *Buddy rallies are also open to friends and family with non‐Airstream trailers! There will be spaces for vintage units to park together. THE VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB 15 PAGE Vintage Airstream Club Logo Wear Need something? How about a patch, flag, or t-shirt? VAC LOGO-wear for members. Send to: Bill Kerfoot, 1773 Greengrove, Orange, California 92865 email: quartermaster@vintageairstreamclub.com Baseball Cap Colors available: Pu y, Navy, and Light Blue Sizes: One size fits most Price: $22 Color: _______________________ Quan ty: _______ Total Price: ___________ Color: _______________________ Quan ty: _______ Total Price: ___________ Adult T‐Shirt Colors available: Pink, Light Gray, Dark Blue, and Light Blue Sizes: L, XL, XXL, and XXXL Price: $20 / $22 for XXL / $23 for XXXL Color: _______________________ Size: _________ Quan ty: _______ Total Price: ___________ Color: _______________________ Size: _________ Quan ty: _______ Total Price: ___________ Size: _________ Quan ty: _______ Total Price: ___________ Color: _______________________ Size: _________ Quan ty: _______ Total Price: ___________ Flags Small (2x3) $25 or Large (3x5) $75 Size: _________ Quan ty: _______ Total Price: ___________ Vintage Airstream Club patches $4 each including postage Quan ty: _______ Vintage Airstream Club s ckers $2 each including postage Quan ty: _______ Children T‐Shirt Colors available: Pink, Navy, and Light Blue Sizes: S, M, L, and XL Price: $12 Color: _______________________ Fleece Vest Colors available: Pink (women only) and Light Blue Women’s Sizes: L, XL, and XXL Men’s Sizes: L, XL, XXL, and XXXL Price: $45 / $47 for XXL / $49 for XXXL Ordered by: Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________ THE VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB Sub Total: _______________________ Shipping—Priority Mail: $5.75_______ Total Price: ______________________ Make checks payable to: VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB 16 Vintage Airstream Club Newsletter The Official Newsletter of the Vintage Airstream Club July/August 2016 The Vintage Airstream Club is an Intra‐club of the WBCCI Wally Byam Caravan Club Interna onal Closing Notes... Please submit, as small as it might seem, blurbs, blips, stories, photographs, adventures, experiences, and lessons learned; someone out there is very interested in it! 2016 - 2017 VAC Officers 2016 - 2017 Regional Representatives President, Steve Laxton Region 1, Gary Campbell 1st VP, Victor Blood Region 2, Ed Valen n 2nd VP, David Morrison Region 3, Larry Scovo o Rally on! 3rd VP, Rachel Ugaz Region 4, Ken Faber Reg Recording Secretary, Elaine Laxton Region 5, Dwight Dixon (with LOTS of help from daughter, Gretel) Treasurer, Shirley Bollinger Region 6, Herb Spies newsletter@vintageairstreamclub.com Past President, Iain Cameron Region 7, Aaron Chandler Region 8, Sco Allen Region 9, Lance McEwan Region 10, Rob & Diane Nicol Region 11, Chris Hildenbrand Region 12, Melissa Yee THE VINTAGE AIRSTREAM CLUB
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