Sears Craftsman Auto-Scroller Jig Saw
Sears Craftsman Auto-Scroller Jig Saw
owners manual WARNING: For your own SAFETY, readyour OWNERS MANUALbeforeoperating Scroll Saw/Sander CRAFTSMAN MODEL NO. 572.247202 15INCHMOTORIZED SCROLLSAW/SANDER assembly. operatifig. repair parts Sears,Roebuckand Co.,Chicago,Ill. 60684U.S.A. Made lnU,S.A. Part No. 380123 4 4/84 50M RULESFORSAFEOPERATION \J 13. Maintaintoolswith care.Keeptools sharpand 1. KeepguardsIn placeand in workingorder' clean for best and safest performance'Follow 2. Remove adlustlng keys and wrenches' Form instructions for lubricating and changing habit of checkingto see that keys and adjusting accessories. wrenchesareremovedf romtool beforeturningit on' 14. Disconnecttoolsbeforeservicing;whenchang3. Keep work area clean. Cluttered areas and such as blades,bits,cutters'etc' ing accessories benchesinviteaccidents. starting'Make 15. Reducethe risk ol unintentional 4. Don't uge In dangerous envlronment.Don't pluggingin' position before "OFF" sureswitchis in exposetoolsto rain.Don'tuse powertoolsin damp accessories'Consult the or wet locations.Don'tusepowertoolsin f lammable 16. Use recommended The accessories' owner'smanualfor recommended or explosive atmospheres.Avoid chemical or maycauseriskof injury useof improperaccessories Keepwork areawell lit' corrosiveenvironments. to persons. 5. Keepchlldrenaway.All visitorsshouldbe kepta 17. Neverstandon tool.Seriousinjurycouldoccur safedistancefrom work area' if the tool is tipped or if the cutting tool is 6. Makeworkshopkld'proofwith padlocks,master contacted' unintentionallY switches,or by removingstarterkeys' 18. Checkdamagedparts.Beforefurtheruseof the 7. Don'tforcetool. lt will do theiob betterandsafer shouldbe tool,a guardor otherpartthatisdamaged at the ratefor which it was designed. operate will it that carefullycheckedto assure to attachment 8. Use rlght tool. Don'tforcetool or properlyand performits intendedfunction check do a job it was not designedfor. for alignmentof movingparts,bindingof moving parts,mounting,and any other 9. Wearpropel apparel.No looseclothing,gloves, parts,breakageof conditionsthat may atfectits operation''Aguardor V-' necktieq rings,bracelets,or other jewelryto get other part that is damagedshould be properly caught in moving parts' Nonslip footwear is repairedor rePlaced. recommended.Wear protectivehair coveringto containlong hair. 19. Dlrectionof feed. Feed work into a blade or cutteragainstthedirectionof rotationof thebladeor Alsousefaceor dust 10. Alwaysusesafetyglaeses. mask if cutting operating is dusty. Everyday cutteronlY. only haveimpactresistantlenses,they eyeglasses 20. Never leave tool runnlng unattended'Turn are not safetyglasses. power off. Don't leave tool until it comes to a completestoP. 11. Securework. Useclampsor a viseto holdwork it your and hand using than practical. lt's safer when 21. Be alert. Don't use powertools when tired or tool' to operate freesboth hands fatigued.Don'tusepowertoolsaftertakingdrugs' alcoholor medications. 12. Don't overreach.Keep proper footing and balanceat all times. WEAR YOUR Y^01[$st$ The operation of any power tool can result in foreign objects eye being thrown into the eyes, which can result in severe damage. Always wear safety glasses or eye shields before Wide Vision comm-encingpower tool operation' We recommend glasses Safety Mask for use over spectacles,or standard satety stores' catalog or retail Sears . . . availableat Forthe mostpleasurefrom yourScrollSaw/Sander followtheseinstructions carefully: BLAOE lA)' HOLDEB ' The Cratbman Scroll Saw is a multi-purpose workshop. By connecting different attachmentsto the power take-off, the unit is converted from the basic scroll saw to a grinder, sander, buffing wheel, brush wheel,and a flexible shaft machine.Then you are able not only to saw, but drill, grind, polish, rout, sharpen,sand, buff, carve, engrave and perform many other hobby,home or shop operations.Use with 247'l accessorypack. DO NOT OPERATEMACHINEWITHOUT ATTACHING TABLE. CAUTION:DISCONNECTPLUG FROM OUTLET. HOL€ IN aow IIFORTAIT ---\ TEETH MUST POINT DOWNWARD ATTACHING SAW TABLE 1 . R e m o v eb l a d eg u a r d - p u s h o n e s i d e i n - w h i l e p u l l i n go n oppositeside. 2. Push lever(A) down as illustrated- to removeblade. 3. Loosen bottom wing nut and slide table bracket (C) upward inchesfrom bottom,and tighten. aboul 11/z 4. Removetop wing nut (B) and washer - leavingbolt in position - and attach table by inserting bolt through curved slot (D) with hole at top positionedover pin. 5. Placewasheron outsideof bracketand tighten wing nut. 6. Loosen bottom wing nut - let slide bracket (C) drop into original positionand tighten wing nut. 7. Replacesaw blade (be sure teeth are pointing downward) by inserting blade into lower blade holder - then push leverdown and insertinto upper blade holder. 8. Replace blade guard with side pins on each side of blade - pushingone side in and then the other - as in step 1. --8UDE \ro rrro *on^,uo SAW LIFT BLADE GUARO FROM THIS POSITION Do not modify the plug provided- if it will not f it the outlet,havethe proper outlet installedby a qualifiedelectrician. lmproper connection of the equipment-groundingconductor can resultin a risk of electricshock.The conductorwithlnsulationhavino an outer surface that is green with or without yellow stripes is th6 equipment-groundingconductor. lf repair or replacementof the electric cord or plug is necessary,do not connect the equipmentg r o u n d i n gc o n d u c t o rt o a l i v e t e r m i n a l . C h e c k w i t h a q u a l i f i e de l e c t r i c i a no r s e r v i c e m a ni f t h e q r o u n d i n q instructions ard not corhpletelyunderstood,or if in Oo"uUtas t5 whether the tool is properly grounded. Use only 3-wire extensioncords that have 3-prong grounding plugs anil3-pole receplaclesthat accept the toot's plug. R e p a i ro r r e p l a c ed a m a g e do r w o r n c o r d i m m e d i a t e l y . This tool is intendedfor use on a circuit that has an outlet that looks l i k et h e o n e i l l u s t r a t e di n F i g u r eA . T h e t o o l h a sa g r o u n d i n gp l u g t h a t l o o k sl i k e t h e p l u g i l l u s t r a t e idn F i g u r eA . A t e m p o r a r ya d a p t e rw , hich looks like the adapterillustratedin FiguresB and C, may be used to connect this plug to a 2-pole receptacleas shown in Figure B if a properly grounded outlet is not available.The temporary adapter should be used only until a properlygrounded outletcan be installed by a qualified electrician.The green-colored rigid ear, lug, etc. extendingtrom the adaptermust be connectedto a permanentground sucnas a outlet box Motor-Runs on 110-120Volt, 60 cycle,AC, and produces3450 R . P . M .l t i s e q u i p p e dw i t h t w o s e a l e d b a l l b e a r i n g s .N o o i l i n g i s n e e d e d .C h a r a c t e r i s t i c a l ltyh,i s s h a d e dp o l e - t y p em o t o rr u n s a bit warm. However,overheatingwill not affect overall operation. Oiling-A few drops ot ordinary motor oil should occasionally be placed on the connectinglink bean-ngthrough the FoTeon t h e l e f t s i d e o f t h e f r a m e . F o r o i l i n g ,l a y u n i t o n i t s s i d e , U s e SA30 motoroil. Culting Capacity-Soft wood up to 13/q" and hardwood up to % " i n t h i c k n e s sc a n b e c u t . F E E DW O O D S L O W L Y .D O N O T FORCE.When cuttingwood over 11A", the blade guard must be r e m o v e dT. o r e m o v eg u a r d ,s i m p l yp u l l o u t e n d so f g u a r dw h e r e they enter the fram?. When through sawing . . . BE SURE TO R E P L A C ET H E F I N G E RG U A R D , S a w i n g M e t a l s * S a w a l u m i n u mt o 7 a " t h i c k , c o p p e r t o 1 8 g a u g e ,a n d s t e e l t o 1 / 1 6 " t h i c k . W h e n s a w i n g m e t a l ,i t i s i m portantto hold the work firmly on the table, use oil as a lubricant,and feed the work with a slow, steady pressure.Do not force it. Blade Guard-The blade guard is consideredone of the safest. It functionsalso as a hold-down. lncreasing Blade Life-When blade teeth become dull in one spot simply loosenthe lower wing nut locatediust beneaththe saw table,and raisethe table to a sectionof new, unusedteeth. Tilting Table-For angle sawing, the table can be tilted in either direction.Loosenthe top wing nut located iust beneath t h e s a w t a b l e ,a n d t i l t t o t h e d e s i r e da n g l e f o l l o w i n gt h e c a l i bratedscale. Making In3ide Culs-First, use the tlexible shaft to drill a 3/16" hole in the area to be sawed out. Then, remove the blade, thread it through the hole, and return it to the cutting position. Hofding Scroll Saw In Place-On a tairly smooth table or b e n c h ,t h e r u b b e rs u c t i o nc u p s w i l l k e e p i t t r o m s l i d i n g .O t h e r wise, set the machine on a 1/2" thick rubber pad, such as a h o u s e h o l dk n e e l i n gp a d o r t y p e w r i t ecr u s h i o n . \- l--nnl Inn.] lA l--o' I l\-!-/l l\.//l I "-F [?-J:aa?i'r'""r=l @I G R O U N D I N GP I N FTGURE B F I G U R EA TEMPORARY ADAPTEF \_(s a>r -X l!) - cRouNDrNG MEANS F I G U R EC GROUNDINGINSTRUCTIONS ln the eventol a malfunctionor breakdown,groundingprovidesa path of least resistancefor electric current to reduce the risk of electric shock. This tool is equipped with an electric cord having an e q u i p m e n t - g r o u n d i ncgo n d u c t o r a n d a g r o u n d i n g p l u g . T h e p l u g must be plugged into a matchingoutlet that is properly installedand grounded in accordancewith all local codes and ordinances. 3 The operation of any power tool can result in foreign obiects being thrown into the eyes,which can result in severeeye damage.Always wear safety glassesor eye shields before commencing power tool operatron. NOTE: The adapter_illustratedis not allowed in Canada by the CanadianElectricalCode. The use of any extensioncord will causesome lossof power.To keep thasto a minimumand to preventoverheatingand motor burn-out,use the table below to determine the minimum wire size (A.W.G") extensioncord. All cords should be 3-wire grounded. Extension Gords Use only three-wireextensioncords that havethree-pronggrounding Vpe. plugs and. three-pole receptaclesthat accept the tool plug. Replaceor repair damagedor worn cord immediately. Exiension Cord Length Wire Size A.W.G. 50 ft. or less No.16 100 ft. or less No. 14 Attaching AccessoriesThe round extensionon the motorhousingis the powertake-offfor driving thesander,buffing wheel, and flexibleshaft. These are mountedon specialadapterswhichfit into the power take-off. BESURETHEMOTORIS TURNEDOFF. Line up pin in the motorshaftwith the slot in theadapterand pressforwardas far as it willgo.Turnthewheelslowlyuntiltheadaptersetscrew comesintoview.Thentightenlightly.This screwdoes not drivethe shaft,it merelyminimizesvibrationand {@n Becommendecl Accessories #2471-Accessory Kit. ; 26877-Fine Toothblades. :*26878-Coarse Toothblades. e2544-4"Assorted aluminum oxideSanding Discs. It's a scrollsaw-Handleseverythingfrom small scroll work to full sizefurniturework.Cutsup to standard2 x andsteel. 4's,18ga.copper,1/4" aluminum CUT LONG LENGTHS It's a Disc Sander-Forshapingsmall pieces,sanding roughedges,trueingup unevensurfaces.Threedisc gritspermitfine,medium,coarsesanding. S A N DB E V E T S CONTOUR For more pleasureand versatilityadd kit 2471 Altaching Flexible Shalt-Be sure MOTOR lS RUNNING b e f o r e t h e c a b l e i s e n g a g e d . D O N O T R E M O V EO R L O O S E N S C R E W I N N Y L O N C O U P L I N G .I n s e r t t h e b l a c k n y l o n c o u p l i n go v e r t h e p o w e r t a k e - o f f .P u s h t h e couplingon as far as it will go, and hold in place by turning the coupling counterclockwise.To prevent the c a b l ef r o m b e c o m i n gd i s c o n n e c t e dw h i l e t h e m a c h i n ei s r u n n i n g ,s i m p l yg r a s p t h e h a n d p i e c ea n d t w i s t t h e c a b l e one-half turn counterclockwise. CHUGK-Chuckconsistsof a chuckcapandcollet.To change or insertbits use the two chuckwrenchesfurnished.Slip the shortend of the bent wrenchoverflatson the shaftand hold the long portionot this wrenchagainstthe handpiecewith one hand.Withthe shaftsecuredby the bentwrench,usethe straightwrenchto loosenor tightenthe chuckcap.Seeillustrration.With the chuck cap loose,an accessoryshould be insertedas deeplyas possibleto avoid wobbleduring use. Now,tightenchuck cap - evoldexcertlyetlghtlng. BENT WRENCH COLLETS-Four collets are availablefor your tool. Each has a different hole diameter in order to accept variousaccessory shank and drill sizes.To insert a different collet, follow chuck loosening instructions.After chuck cap is loosened,continue to unscrew until it comes off. Remove collet (it should drop o u t e a s i l y b y t i p p i n g t h e t o o l ) . I n s e r t t h e c o l l e t d e s i r e da n d replace chuck cap. Choose the right collet for the accessory shank or drill size. Never try to force a larger diameter shank o r d r i l l i n t o a s m a l l e rs i z e c o l l e t o p e n i n g . FLEXIBLESHAFTPROVIDESEXTRAVERSATILITY DRILLING DEBURRING SHARPENING ROUTING GRINDING CARVING For best results,use the flexible shaft with a delicate touch. To prevent stalling the motor, press the tool lightly againstthe work, and never force the tool beyond its capacity. q aI w 4 Code No. 3 A 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 '13 14 '15 Parl No. 445 105 990871 445130 t I I I Code No. .16 Description Guard Bow Pivot Nuts 10-32Hex Local Hdwe. (4) L e f t F r a m eS i d e ( S m a l lH o l e ) 17 1B 19 20 990885 Hardware 16 Screwsand 4 Washers 990887 G u i d eB u s h i n g1 P r ( 4 P r R e q ' d . ) 445132 FrameCover.Lower 990874 C o n n e c t i n gL i n k ( C o m p l e t e ) 990764 Bow Arm 990765 Bow Arm w/Wrist Pin 445063 S p r i n g 990877 Switch Assembly 445129 R i g h t F r a m e S i d e ( L a r g e H o l e ) 22 23 25 to Pivot Screw 990878 Bow .10-32 x 1-3/4 Local Hdwe. (4) 990884 Motor Mount Screws (2 Lower, 1 Upper) 445073 Base w/o Feet 27 28 29 5 Parl Description No. 990880 S u c t i o nC u p s L o n g & 2 S c r e w s 990881 S u c t i o nC u p s S h o r t & 2 S c r e w s 990883 H o u s i n gE x t e n s i o n& S c r e w s 404038 990149 445030 990185 Cord T a b l eS l i d eB r a c k e tA s s e m b l v T a b l ew / O u a d r a n t M o t o r C o m p l e t ew / H o u s i n g& C o r d 990888 S c r e w# 1 0 S h e e tM e t a l 5 / 8 L o n g L o c a l H d w e .( 5 ) 4211 AdapterAssemblyIor 4" Pad 4214 4 " R u b b e rB a c k i n gP a d ( U s ew i t h 4 2 1 1 ) 26877 3 i n . P i n T y p e ( F i n e )B l a d e 26878 3 i n . P i n T y p e ( C o a r s e )B l a d e 23 O w n e r sM a n u a l( n o t i l l u s t r a t e d ) 3801 284000 C a b l eC l a m p 445044 C o r d S t r a i n R e l i e l 445131 FrameCover,Upper How to ORDER Repair Parts owners manual The ModelNumberwill befoundon a plateattachedto your Saw at the rearof the base.Alwaysmentionthe ModelNumberwhen requestingserviceor repairparts. All parts listed herein may be ordered through SEARS, ANDCO.Whenorderingpartsby mail,sellingprices ROEBUCK will be furnishedon requestor partswill beshippedat prevailing pricesand you will be billedaccordingly. REPAIRPARTS,ALWAYSGIVETHE FOLWHENORDERING L O W I N GI N F O R M A T I OANS S H O W NI N T H I SL I S T , MODELNO. 572.247202 Sears SERVICE is at YOUR SEFVICE 1. T h e P A R TN U M B E R 2. The PARTDESCRIPTION 3. The MODELNUMBER572.247202 4. The NAMEOF ITEM-SCROLLSAW/SANDER FULLONEYEARWARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN SCROLL-SAW SANDER lf this CraftsmanScroll-Saw/Sanderfails to give complete satistactionwithin one year from the date of purchase,return it to the nearestSearsstore throughout the Unit€d States,and Searswill replace it, free of charge. lf ihis Scroll-Saw/Sanderis usedfor commercialor rentalpurposes,this warrantyappliesfor only 90 days from the date ot purchase. This warranty gives you specific legal rights,and you may also haveother rights which vary f rom state to state. S e a r s ,R o e b u c ka n d C o . BSC 41-3 Sears Tower Chicago, lL 60684 Y o u r S e a r sm e r c h a n d i s eh a s a d d e d v a l u ew h e n y o u c o n s i d e r that Sears has service units nationwide staffed with Sears t r a i n e d t e c h n i c i a n s . p r o f e s s i o n atle c h n i c i a n ss p e c i f i c a l l y trained on Sears Products, having the parts, tools and e q u i p m e n tt o i n s u r et h a t w e m e e t o u r p l e d g et o y o u . . . . w e s e r v i c ew h a t w e s e l l . U.S.A. Sears,Roebuckand Co.,Chicago,Ill. 60684 Made inU.S.A. 6 v ERRFTS}IRJI. IMPOKTANT MAINTDNANCE INFOKMATION Y o u r C r a f t s m a n @S c r o l l S a w / S a n d e rw a s t h o r o u g h l yi n s p e c t e dt o r i g i ds t a n d a r d sp r i o r t o l e a v i n g t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r ' sf a c t o r y a n d s h o u l d g i v e y o u many yearsof satisfactoryservice. O c c a s i o n a l l yw, h e n t h e C r a f t s m a n @ S c r o l lS a w / S a n d e ri s r e m o v e df r o m i t s c a r t o n a n d t h e t a b l e a t t a c h e d t, h e u s e r w i l l n o t i c et h a t t h e b l a d e d o e s n o t a p p e a rt o b e p e r p e n d i c u l atro t h e t a b l es u r f a c e ( F i g u r e1 ) . Beforeattemptingto correct this condition,first checkto seethat the tableis in its horizontalor zero degree(0") position.Use a squareor other rightangle device(a pieceof paperwilt suffice)to check the blade positionrelativeto the tablesurface(Figure2). lf the bladeis not perpendicular to the table,simply pushthe upperarm of the saw framein the direction that will correctthe bladealignment(Figure3). Handlingthe saw by holdingthe upperarm of the saw frame (Figure4) can also causethe saw bladeto tilt from the true verticalposition.This is not an unusualconditionand can be easilycorrectedby, again, applyingslightpressureto the upperarm of the saw frame in the directionthat will correctthe alignment ( F i g u r e3 ) . lf the useravoidsthe naturaltendencyto use the upper arm of the frame as a handlewhen liftingor movingthe saw,thereshouldbe no furtherneedto realignthe blade.Figure5 showsthe properway to pick up the ScrollSaw. Beforedecidingon any adjustment,it is recommendedthat you operatethe saw and make some trial cuts so that you can experiencescrollcutting. Be sure to check the mountingof the saw bladein the bladeholderpriorto cutting.Generallythe blade is mountedso that the teethare facingfront. However,the bladecan be mountedwith the teethfacing the side. Always have the saw teeth oriented to a downwardcut. i'l li i Figure1 Figure3 Form No. 380226 21-11/83-ZO Figure2 Figure4 Figure5
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