October 06


October 06
October 2006
Volume 20 Number 4
First Event 2007 Update
October 2006
Oh how the summer has flown by,
First Event is just 4 months away!
Planning for First Event has kicked
into high gear, so look for lots of
news. Helen Boyd is confirmed as
keynote speaker and will doing
other workshops as well. We will
issue a press release shortly on it.
The format will be very similar to
past years. We will have workshops
on Thursday through Saturday.
Wednesday night pool party, Thursday night comedy show, Friday
night fashion show, Saturday night
awards banquet, and Sunday morning brunch.
The Wrentham Outlet Mall will be
sending buses over to pick us up (no
charge!). This will be an exciting
opportunity for those who are a bit
fearful about going out in public
(especially shopping) to go out as a
group. That will probably be on
Thursday. We hope to have additional outings as well.
We are already over halfway to our
goal in getting presenters and workshops. So far we have the following
Dr. Toby Meltzer
Dr. Pierre Brassard
Dr. Mark Zukowski
Christine Becker,
Diane Ellaborn,
Rebecca Shafir
Helen Boyd
Linda Marks
Laura Granger and Joan
Mike & Tasha
I am sure that there are several
people I have inadvertently omitted (my apologies). If there are
speakers that you can recommend, please contact us (or have
them contact us directly) so that
we can invite them. For those
who have already suggested people - thank you. And if we have
not yet contacted them – we are
working on it – and feel free to
have them contact us directly via
We have many vendors already
signed up, and would like to have
many more, so tell the people you
do business with, how great First
Event is.
As always we can use volunteers
to help with much of the administrative work that needs to be
done. Also, keep those ideas and
suggestions coming, please write
us at firstevent@tcne.org.
Presidents Corner
Sara Ann Thompson
Thanks to everyone
who help to make your
club a fun organization
to be a part of. The
board of Directors and
myself are here to take care of the
business part of the Tiffany Club
but it is you the members who set
the tone and make the club a fun
and pleasant environment.
Lately I have noticed that we are
having many new visitors on our
open meeting Tuesday nights. I
will take this opportunity to welcome you to the Tiffany Club.
The club is here to present a safe,
learning and fun environment for
the “Trans Community” which, of
course includes cross dressers.
First Event is on track to be the
best one ever. Diana will be writing monthly updates that will be
published here in Rosebuds but to
catch the latest information on First
Event and all other aspects of the
Tiffany Club, visit our wonderful
web site www.tcne.com. Stephanie, our web “master” has done a
wonderful job with expanding the
site this year.
Another great way to keep up with
the pulse of your club is our Yahoo
group. If you aren’t a member of
our Yahoo group, just drop an
email to Stephanie Beach and ask
her to add you to the list. webmaster@tcne.org
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
is published monthly by the
Tiffany Club of New
P.O. Box 540071
Waltham, MA 02454-0071
781-899-3563 (fax)
www.tcne.org (website)
rosebuds@tcne.org (e-mail)
Editor - Open
Advertising Manager, Contributing
Writer - Sarah Anne Thompson
Contributing Writers
- Susan Bauer
- Stephanie Robin
- Helene Stephens
- Holly Williams
Publisher, Photographer Frances Cardullo
National CorrespondentChristine Hochberg
Page 2… From the Publisher
Page 3… The Choices of Your Life
by Stephanie Robin - Part two
Page 6 … Our Sponsors
Page 7… Tiffany's Boutique
Page 8… Ode to First Time Out
Page 10… News from GenderPAC
Page 15… Halloween Party Info.
Page 16… Events Callendar
Letters, comments, articles and advertising
inquiries can be directed to our mail or e-mail
addresses. We do not recommend contact via
the telephone.
By Frances Cardullo
Cherl didn’t give me
anything to print from
the editor so I have two
or more columns to
fill. This is a rare
privilege that I will take full advantage of.
On radio talk shows they have open
forum nights. This will be an open
forum where I will cover some aspects of the club and my personal
Recently I was having a discussion
with Angela and the subject came up
of what do you do after GRS surgery.
We both came up immediately with
the same answer. You live life.
Sure I remember my first visit to the
Tiffany Club, the first time out
dressed, the first trip to the therapist,
the first day on estrogen and who will
ever forget coming out to friends and
By the time I went to Montreal for
my surgery all these firsts were behind me and I had been living in my
new presentation for well over a year.
Not only was I comfortable with it, I
had also come to realize that most of
my fears were unfounded and that
most, if not all of the naysayers were
wrong. I hasten here to say that this
is my personal experience and not
everyone will be as blessed as I have
Certainly there were no issues with
transitioning on the job. If my staff
didn’t like it, they could work somewhere else! In fact, they all embraced my transition. Owning a business and working in Harvard Square
Cambridge certainly helped.
I also didn’t lack for self confidence
and that too helped me during the
transition process. Some people are
funny. It’s almost like I had some
October 2006
terminal disease and they weren’t
comfortable talking to me about what I
was in the process of doing. I always
recognized when someone was uncomfortable and would immediately
let them know that there was no question that was off limits. When I say
“no”, that means all without exception. That also goes for anyone reading this column.
Then the questions would start…
Why was I doing it? What about my
sexuality? Was I afraid? What did
other’s think? The best one has always been what happens if you change
your mind after surgery. Let me address that one briefly because I’m sure
it’s a common thought with every preop.
First, I knew how I felt. I was way too
comfortable in my female presentation
to be worrying about living full time
post-op. In addition to that, I had
many many hours of therapy with
Christine Becker and numerous sessions with Dr. Leven, my psychiatrist.
As comfortable as I was, they both
spent a lot of time playing the devil’s
advocate. I wasn’t about to be deterred.
During all of this I was going through
hours of less than enjoyable electrolysis. I like to say that it is the electrolysis that separates the girls from the
boys. It takes real commitment to go
through over 200 hours of electrolysis.
Finally, there is the realization that
there was no turning back once I was
rolled into the operating theatre. Any
negative thoughts or regrets after surgery would be a waste of mental energy and self defeating. I vowed never
to entertain a negative thought pertaining to my surgery.
It was something that I had been waiting for all my life and no mater what
happened I would have no regrets. So,
fast forward to the present. It’s now
been two and one half years since my
surgery and I have been living life to
Continued on Page 8
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
October 2006
Part two - by Stephanie Robin Beach
I am a new member to the Tiffany Yahoo group - but not a stranger to Tiffany
Club. I am a closet CD in my mid
40's. I first joined Tiffany Club when I
was 20 but have not been a member
since I was in my early 20's. Time
passes quickly! I have attended Tiffany
Club events throughout the years and am
nervously excited about developing a
community for my femme self - Candace Kirsten Novak- (BLUSH). I look
forward to participating 'out'
here. Thank you Tiffany Club for always being there for me!!! *S* .
Do you have a story
to tell too?
This is your club. What has the
Tiffany Club meant to you?
You all have a story to tell. We
would like to share your story in
future editions of Rosebuds.
Please send your story to;
Part two of a series that began in the August - September issue of Rosebuds.
Chapter 3:
Phil came home around noon that day. He had snuck out to buy some food and
flowers for Janet. He was surprised to find Alice’s car parked in the driveway and feared
the worse. He knew the hatred that Alice had for Janet. He rushed in side. There he
found Alice sitting on the sofa watching a soap opera. She was already starting on a second bottle of champagne. Phil walked up to her and yanked her off the couch.
“What are you doing here? I told you to leave me alone!” He shouted.
She smiled a coy mischievous smile and puckered. “Come on Philly, time for a
kiss for your Alice Dear.”
“Get lost you Bitch” and he tossed her onto the couch. She bounced enjoying
his strength. It thrilled her, reminded her of the times when...
But Phil had started searching the house for Janet, calling her name. Quickly he
understood what must have happened. Janet’s nylons where still in the living room, but
the rest of her clothing was gone. Phil returned to Alice who had sunk back onto the
couch in a semi-drunken stupor, smiling her victorious smile of satisfaction.
“OK, Alice. What did you say to Janet? Where is she?” He demanded.
“I love it when you shout like that. Remember the times when you would shout
and scream and pull me over your knee and spank real hard until...”
Phil cut her off realizing the futility of just shouting. He reached over the
couch, grabbed Alice’s hair and pulled her to her feet.
“Oh Phil” She cried in ecstasy. “More...” But this time he did not give her
more. He brought her close, grabbed her by the throat and clenched the wind pipe.
“Tell me what you did to my girl, Alice or so help me...”
She twisted her head trying to get out of the strangle hold, but he was too
strong. Her anger suddenly flared as the panic of not breathing struck her full force.
Then the thought that Janet still occupied Phil’s mind, while she was available for sex,
Continued on page 5
Wigs & Hair Care, Hosiery, Body Shaping, Breast Forms, Dresses & Gowns,
Jewelry, Shoes, Cosmetics, Custom Designed Clothing, Corsets,
Private Label Cosmetics, Lessons, Photo Studio, Chaperoned Evenings,
B& B Facilities, Shopping Trips
w w w .t h e f a n t a s y g i r l .c o m
(603) 890-4931
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
Rebecca Shafir
Voice Feminization State-of-the-Art
978 287-0810
You may also contact me at First Event
My background as a speech/language
pathologist and voice coach gives you the
most effective voice therapy approaches
to date including voice analysis, computerized feedback, ear training and mind/
body vocal training strategies.
“I just wanted to extend
my appreciation to the
club for making
my first visit a very
positive one. I hope to
be back soon so
that I can join.”
Lissa 8/2/06
You Are Not Alone Group...
Is held the first and third Thursdays
of the month. It is NOT a drop in
group. You must be interviewed
first before being admitted. For
more information, please call
TCNE Tuesday nights or e-mail us
at: info@tcne.org
October 2006
October 2006
Continued from page 3
right now, here, sent her over the edge of
“The F*ckin bitch took off. She
couldn’t handle it, Phil. She said that it
was too much for her knowing that she
was a man, and that she was gay...”
Phil slapped her cheek. He hated
to strike anyone but Alice had undone
months of tender care and nurturing and
now he feared for her life. “What did you
say to her!” He demanded.
She fell to the ground onto all
fours. A trickle of blood seeped from her
mouth. She reached up to her lips, saw the
blood on her hands and glared at him
through tiny slits of eyes that shot daggers
into his heart.
“I said nothing to
your little whore.” She slowly
rose to her feet and picked up
the recorder that was on the
coffee table. Then she pushed
the play button and shouted, “You did,
you son of a bitch.”
Phil was dazed by the tape. It was
his voice and he remembered the conversation but it was months and months ago
and it had nothing to do with Janet. It was
another woman and he had regretted the
way he had been manipulated by Alice to
drop the girl. Now, regret still filling his
heart over the empowering of his groin at
the time. He stood shocked, as the tape
“How...?” He trailed.
“Oh, just a little insurance, my
Dear. I have you saying a great many
things on tape. I always keep a recorder in
my purse just in case. Don’t think that
Janet was the only Bitch I used this
method on. There was THAT girl, “ she
spat and glared at the recorder indicating
her hatred of the former girl friend, “and I
used this tape with her. I figured it worked
so well on one, why not one two.” She
smiled again but this time with love in her
“Don’t you see, Phil? I love you.
You can’t have anyone else but me. “ She
glided over to him, her arms stretch high
to hold his neck.
Phil backed up and pushed her
away. “You’re sick, Alice.” His voice
calm and resolute. No passion in his voice,
only a final understanding. “You manipulated me for the last time. I love Janet. I
took great pains to help her understand her
woman hood. She is fragile and insecure
“You just wanted to F*ck her!”
Alice screamed slapping his face. “She’s
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
just a whore, just a F*cking whore.”
Phil blocked the next strike and
held Alice’s hand inches from his face.
“You are right on one thing, Alice.” Alice looked suddenly confused. “Janet is a
‘she’. You’re not.” Phil dropped her arm
and left to look for Janet.
her heels. She tossed it in her hand for a
few moments, then said, “And I will not
let that Bitch, Alice take Phil from me. I
just know he loves me.”
Anger filled her at the thought of
Alice sleeping with Phil, being next to
him, making love to him and she tossed
the stone hard into the darkness.
Chapter 4:
Unfortunately the tracks were
Life had been hard for Janet.
near a short, but sturdy, stone wall. The
She was confusion with her gender, her
stone rebounded violently and sprang back
male appearance. She felt like a woman,
hitting Janet in the eye. The shock pushed
thought like a woman, but since she had
her off balance and her high heels slipped
a man’s body, those damn testosterones
on the loose rocky ground that lay under
kept influencing her behavthe tracks. She fell hard hitior. And now, she thought
ting her neck onto the tracks
Death was near
as she wandered the streets,
and heard a popping sound in
now the man she loved had and she knew what her head.
deserted her...for Alice.
For a moment, she
it looked like now.
As the night prolay, not feeling her arms or
gressed, Janet found herself
legs, but just drifted. In the
walking the train tracks away from town
distance she could see another shooting
and civilization. Ahead, in the distance
start falling toward her. Gradually she
she could see a small fire. She stopped.
realized that the star was a train, and her
Suddenly realizing that her life might be
predicament was dangerous. Here she lay
in danger. Then she laughed. “What the
on the tracks, probably her neck broken
hell. Here I am, no where to go, my life
and she is helpless to move.
in ruins and I am worried about being
As the train rushed toward her,
murdered? Might be easier than suicide.”
she could see its lone light begin to open
She mused.
the tunnel. Death was near and she knew
But then, she looked into the
what it looked like now. It was time for
sky. The moon glowed brightly in front
her to leave this world and all its pleasof the blanket of stars and a single shootures, all its pains. She wished secretly that
ing star streamed in front of her. She did
she could tell Phil how much she loved
not really need that omen, but it did help.
him, how much it meant to be with him,
Shooting stars, even when placed in
but the train rushed onward opening the
movies, no matter how corner, always
tunnel into death and into possibly oblivgave her a quick choking emotion and a
sentimental smile.
“It doesn’t matter. “ She said
Chapter 5:
aloud. “It doesn’t matter at all what othIt was not like death, these imers think.” She smoothed her dress with
ages of silvery webs that surrounded her.
her hands and just then realized that she
She reached out her ghostly hand to touch
had not worn nylons all day while she
one and she saw all the possibilities in the
wandered the streets.
real, living world, that it held. Another
“The universe stretches out
floated near and she touched it. In it, she
before me and I am not separate from it.
saw a life just removed from this. One
I am part of it. I am a unique person and
where she had decided not to go to the
I will not be shot down by others. This is
train tracks, but had found Phil searching
my life and I have a right to it. Besides,
for her outside of town. She saw herself
if I died, what then? Relief from the
making love and... Then, it intercepted
pain? Oh Gawd.” Her hand went quickly
more threads and merged into other realms
to her lips. “What if I had to come back
of children and marriage and death and
and do this all again?”
“No, regardless of what hapShe looked up from the webs of
pens or not, I will not sacrifice myself
possibilities and saw Paxon coming tofor other’s pleasures and comforts. I will
ward her. His old face smiling with
be myself and I really do,” she paused
warmth . Her heart leaped at the site of
and looked into the moon with tender
him. She rushed to him, or rather was sudeyes and final resolution, “...love me.”
denly was next to him, hugging him
She reached down and picked
Continued on Page 6
up a stone that she had just kicked with
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
The Laser Skin Center
30 Newbury St.
Models Resale
969 Concord St
Christine Becker L.I.C.S.W.
341 Marrett Rd
Laser Centers of New England
914 Concord St.
Glamour Boutique
850 West Side Plaza
Adams Electrology Associates
The LaseAway Center
380 Lowell St
Dianne Ellaborn LICSW
The Skin Rejuvenation Center
199 Newbury St Rt. 1 N
Grace United Methodist Church
56 Magazine St
The Fantasy Girl
Advanced Electrology and Laser
Reading & Woburn
A&A Laser Electrolysis and
Skin Care
815 Washington Street
Wigs by Sonja
74 Franklin St
Kathleen’s Skin Care
& Electrolysis
34 Odell Ave
Florence’s Fashions
68 Albion Street
Wakefield, MA 01880
Cardullo’s Gourmet Shoppe
Specialty food and confections
since 1950 (Trans Friendly)
Six Brattle Street
Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA 02138
Gender ID Card
Frances R. Cardullo
Don’t drive dressed without one!
Tiffany Club Thanks our
advertisers for their
continued support.
Please patronize them.
October 2006
Continued from page 5
“Paxon,” she asked as she looked
around. “What is this place? This is not
death, is it?”
He held her loosely and slowly
released her as he spoke. “No, my dear.
Although you are dead, in a sense, this is
where the possibilities of life have revealed themselves. You have grown much
in these past few hundred life’s. This is the
start of a new awakening of your consciousness. This is the first time, so to
speak, that you can truly choose your path
through your life.”
She turned to Paxon, her face
serious and filled with wonder. “But, I
don’t understand? It’s over. Why am I not
preparing for my next life?”
“Because your life is not over.”
“No wait. I died. There, see? “
She pointed to the broken strand that had
released her from the web. She could see
the train going into the distance and the
light of the moon, her last image of being
“And back over there, you can
jump in. If you can figure out how”, said
Paxon pointing to a few possibilities that
were within her grasp. “You see. Your
spirit has grown and now you can choose
beyond the realm of your ordinary life into
a new conscious level. You can, to an extent and in a manner of speaking, go back
in time. If you want. Remember, you create your own reality. Or I should say,
She looked at him, still a little
confused. With a deep breath, that sucked
in something like air, she folded her arms
and began to ‘stroll’ among the fibers of
her life.
“So, can I continue with my life
or should I start another on? The choice is
“Indeed it is.” Smiled Paxon. “It
always has been. Use the future that you
could have had, to affect the past you
want..” She turned to look beyond the
fibers of her old life.
He pointed to some new webs
that were just forming.
“Those are the beginnings of a
new life that await you. You no longer
need the earthy symbols you once used, to
imagine them and work with them. You
can now use the raw fibers of life to
choose your direction.”
She turned and smiled at him. “I
understand. This life, or rather, the life I
once had, had accomplished what I set it
Continued on Page 14
October 2006
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
Tiffany Club Boutique
Selected Tiffany Products can be purchased at the club or ordered over the web.
For information on web orders, please send e-mail to: webmaster@tcne.org
Tiffany Logo
Hats $17.95
Tiffany Logo
Tees $18.95
Tote Bag
Logo Journal
BBQ apron
Tiffany Ornament
Tiffany Bear
Tiffany Logo
Wall Clock
Mass Residents add 5% sales tax
Tiffany Logo
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
Ode to my first time out.
Anonymously Yours;
Stephanie Robin
Oh little faith of human kind,
you don a dress and intertwine
the fabrics oh so soft and fine,
and make a date so you can dine.
Then as you curl and primp your hair,
inside your head a thought is there:
"What will they think, those mortal fools,
who see me in such radiant pools
of colors that no mere man can wear,
but in my heart, alone I bear
the burden of man and woman both,
so to my sisters I give this oath."
"I shall be who I want to be.
A complex being inside of me.
Expressing finesse, charm, beauty and grace,
a heroine regardless of race.
Continued from Page 2
the fullest but, I haven’t forgotten my
“roots”. It was because of the Tiffany
Club that I was able to be myself in a
safe environment with no condemnation and lots of guidance from many
of the members of the club. Now it’s
my turn to give back to the new members coming along who are where I
was five years ago.
For our time has come, to the public eye.
We display ourselves though they criticize
a lifestyle they don't recognize.
But soon it’s true , they will not taunt,
as I make my way though the restaurant,
the hibbie gibbies and a nervous shake,
will fade a way as I undertake,
more outings in these clothes I wear,
that less confident men would not dare. "
My courage is high, so out I go,
with no more worries and not a woe.
Yet, still a thought, like a thief,
steals my joy and gives me grief.
"Is there lipstick on my teeth?"
© Stephanie Robin Beach 2006
Littleton, Mass
photography, driving cross country
and most of all the company of
friends and family.
None of this has changed. I still do
all of the things I used to do, I just
do them with a feminine flair. That
means being careful not to break my
nails or squeeze into tight places that
hurt my breasts.
Speaking of living life, I am looking
forward to the last weekend in September when I will be attending the
Laura and Joan weekend held in
Provincetown, MA every year. It’s a
fun time for all and a mini vacation
for me.
Theo - A British Bred Chocolate Lab
So, what’s living life for Frances?
First there’s my work. Without question, it’s very consuming of my time
and energies but I still find time to
travel and play. Play for me is the
Tuesday night meetings at the club in
Waltham. Spending time with my
dog, Theo, is play for me. Before
transitioning I enjoyed electrical wiring, computer technology challenges,
October 2006
It’s interesting to note that both
Laura and Joan had major surgery
this year. Both are doing well but
the rumor mill has it that this might
be the last year they will be doing
this wonderful weekend.
Does this mean the end of the L&J
weekend. No, I don’t think so. It’s
just time for someone else to take the
ball and run with it. I’d like to see
this become a club sanctioned function with Laura and Joan hosting it.
That gets my vote.
In addition to the L&J weekend, I’m
already looking forward to First Event
2007. It will be even better this year
with the new venue and all the planning that is going into it. First I have
to get through the upcoming holidays
in a retail environment.
Live life, love a lot, have fun, be careful and always remember this isn’t a
dress rehearsal!
October 2006
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
Visit the Tiffany Club Logo Boutique
on page seven and go to www.tcne.org
to purchase these beautiful items and
help support your club.
Rosebuds is printed monthly in full color. With rare exceptions it
might be printed bi-monthly. We guarantee at least 10 issues a year
with extra issues printed for First Event and Pride Week.
Rosebuds is now posted to the TCNE web site therefore advertisers
have the advantage of both the printed version and the electronic
version all for the price of one. Our web site gets thousands of
clicks each month giving you a large national / international window of exposure.
2006 yearly rates are as follows:
First time set up
Ad Design
Business Card 3.5 X 2
1/9th Page Vertical
2/9th Page Horizontal
1/3rd Page Horizontal
4/9th Page Vertical
1/2 Page Horizontal
Full Page Vertical
(That’s only $50 a month for four color
printed and electronic world wide exposure on the web!)
Rosebuds is set in Microsoft Publisher and printed in four colors.
The page margins are: Top, Left, Right .4 inch. Bottom .5 inch.
It is laid out in three columns each column is approximately 3 3/8 inches wide and three
rows each approximately 3 1/8 inches high therefore, our page is divided into 9ths.
We accept the following electronic files. .JPG, .PSD and .PUB
We can design your ad but if you wish photographs or illustrations in it you must submit them as a .JPG, .PSD or .PUB file. There is a flat fee of $100 for designing an ad.
You will have three to choose from and must be able to open a .PDF email file to view
your ad.
Ads are “run of the publication” with the following exceptions; Back cover (half page
only 20% sur charge. Inside back cover 10% sur charge.
All advertising rates are subject to change, current advertisers will be given one
month’s notice of pending rate changes. Interested parties should contact the editorial
staff at; The Tiffany Club Of New England, Inc. (TCNE) P.O. Box 540071 Waltham,
MA 02454-0071 Ask for a copy of our rate card.
Email: Tiffanyclub@tcne.org
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
From Gender PAC…
Since she could talk, five-year-old Nicole
Anderson has told anyone who would listen
that she enjoys being a girl. Nicole's parents,
Lauren and Tom Anderson, have let her wear
the girl's shoes she likes, play with Barbie
dolls, and grow her hair long. In her favorite
attire -- "Little Mermaid" flip flops and anything pink -- Nicole looks like any of the little
girls she plays with.
But Nicole was born Nicholas. She says having a "girl brain in a boy body" is hard. And
this Fall, her parents are planning to enroll
Nicole in kindergarten -- as a girl. Officials at
Broward County School District - the fifth
largest in the country - insist that they have
protocols for addressing student's gender identity issues . But they have yet to give the
Anderson's any indication of how they are preparing to handle Nicole's enrollment.
According to GenderPAC, Broward County is
not among the 160 school districts that have
adopted non-discrimination policies for gender
identity and gender expression. The Andersons
fear that school officials will try to force Nicole
to enroll as a boy and present herself in a masculine way."I don't want to take that child's
soul and squash it. The school doesn't have a
choice. If the school says no, they're violating
October 2006
my child's rights," said Lauren Anderson in
an interview with the Broward-Palm Beach
New Times. "The plan B is not to switch
schools or to home school. The plan B is to
say 'no' [to the school]." "Children deserve
safe environments -- at home and at school -that allow them to be authentic and explore
all of themselves. Schools need to support
children as they discover their personal identities - not impose one on them," said Taneika Taylor, Director of GenderPAC's Children As They Are program. "Gender identity" is a sense of being male or female,
while "gender expression" is how people
manifest feeling masculine or feminine by
how they look, act and dress.
From Gender Youth Network.. At a time
when most high school seniors are deciding
what to wear for their walk down the aisle to
"Pomp &Circumstance," Kevin Logan is
considering possible litigation against his
school. West Side High School in Gary, IN
banned Logan from his senior prom and is
debating his participation in graduation as
well --because he prefers to dress in female
attire. "Every year teens like Kevin are bullied -- and even killed -- simply because they
don't conform to gender norms. A recent
University of Illinois study showed that
about 1-in-5 students have seen peers who
are not masculine or feminine enough physically assaulted," said Tyrone Hanley, Youth
Program Coordinator for the Gender Public
Advocacy Coalition. "Instead of publicly punishing Kevin, West Side High School should
be sending a strong message that their school
is a safe place for all students to learn, grown
and succeed." Logan (18) was banned from
attending prom by Principal Diane Rouse when
he arrived in a formal dress and heels. In an
official statement from the school, officials
stated that" Student dress which causes an
interference with his/her work or creates classroom or school disorder is by definition inappropriate... [The] decision to not allow a male
student to wear a dress to a school-sponsored
activity... in harmony with the Uniform/Dress
Code Policy. The administration would have
erred in judgment if it had allowed the male
student the privilege of dressing as a female.
"A female student was allowed to attend the
same prom dressed in a tuxedo. According to
the GENIUS Index, which tracks and evaluates
colleges and K-12 school districts whose nondiscrimination policies and practices have
made them diversity leaders on gender rights,
more than 160 K-12 school districts have incorporated "gender identity" and "gender expression" into their policies to protect students
Continued on Page 12
A service of Worship, Hospitality
and Good Fellowship for
Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgendered
and Straight
Adults, Youth and their families, friends
and all who desire to worship where
ALL God’s children are Welcome.
Meeting each Sunday at 5:00 pm
Grace United Methodist Church
56 Magazine St
Cambridge, MA 02139
Mission Statement
Cambridge Welcoming Ministries is an open and affirming,
progressive faith community dedicated to proclaiming God’s
love for all with gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and
straight persons.
Check with your insurance carrier or agent.
You may be covered for hair prosthesis.
We recommend that you bring a close friend
or family member when choosing a wig.
October 2006
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
Continued from Page 10
from gender-based discrimination and harassment. There are currently no schools or
districts in Indiana that extend such protections
to their students." Gender identity" is a sense
of being male or female, and "gender expression" is how people manifest feeling masculine
or feminine by how they look, act and dress.
From The Pawtucket (R.I.) Times-Since he
was a little boy, he has had a flare for hair and
makeup, as well as performing on stage. Now
the two go hand and hand.
By day, Mark Smith goes by his birth name,
but on certain nights, he is billed as Starr Marquette, at least when he is posing as a female.
Being a drag queen isn't easy, and it isn't cheap
either, but when the wigs, false eyelashes and
lip liner go on, everything becomes worthwhile.
Smith makes it look easy because when he
performs, he owns the stage and the fans who
surround it. "I always liked performing," he
said. "I never thought I was a woman -- the
attention and glamour was what I was attracted
Smith, who wouldn't disclose his age, said:
"It's rude to ask a lady her age," grew up in
Cumberland, graduated from Mount Saint
Academy in Woonsocket, then attended Rhode
Island College. "I went to RIC for a year,"
Smith said. "I was always interested in art but I
knew I didn't want to be in school anymore."
So he went on to become an assistant manager
of a local record store until deciding to take up
his first love. He attended Arthur Angelo
School of Cosmetology and Hair Design in
Providence. After graduating, Smith worked at
various salons in the city. He now works at
Seiren on Wickenden Street.
"I love it there," Smith said with a smile. But
his love for hair and makeup transitions into
the night, where
he takes beauty to a whole new extreme. "It's
intoxicating. The lashes, the makeup, the wardrobe ..you don't
get to dress like that everyday," said Smith. "I
love the sheer glamour of it -- performing like
a star." Smith admits he was enamored with
the `80s new wave band, "Culture Club" and
went to one of their concerts dressed as Boy
"I was just fascinated with David Bowie and
Boy George," said Smith. "I didn't know the
whole drag thing was out there. I would see
these guys in drag and think that's the coolest
thing." Since his early days of performing in
drag, Smith has performed at many venues,
including in Toronto and New York City. "I
used to perform a lot more than I do now," he
said. "I just don't want people to get sick of
Smith credits his success to one of his best
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
friends, LaDiva Jonz, who has also been a
drag queen for many years.
"We hit it off instantly," Smith said. "She
initially influenced me to do drag."
The two met years ago. He reminisced on the
days they used to perform at Club Hell on
Wednesday night -- fetish night. Fetish night
was a perfect outlet for him, Smith said. He
was able to learn how to perform and entertain to an audience.
"Lip syncing to someone else's number -- Oh
my God, that's so cool," he said, thinking to
herself that "I could do that.'
And Smith did, performing to bands such as
Garbage instead of doing Barbara Streisand
numbers. "I have rock and roll sensibility,"
Smith noted. "I like rock chicks." Smith even
prefers to dress in Goth and punk clothing
and enjoys
shopping at Hot Topic and Bedlam on Thayer
Street. Smith admits drag queens can easily
spend an upwards of $1,000 per show. Just
the gowns cost hundreds of dollars. But besides the raw fun of performing in drag,
Smith and others help in providing money for
local charities. "We raise money for people
who are less fortunate -- local places that
really need it," he said.Recently, Smith performed at The Dark Lady in Providence. The
proceeds from this event went toward the
employees of Downcity Diner, formerly of
Weybosset Street, and to AIDS Care Ocean
State. That event raises thousands of dollars.
"He's the most generous person. He gives and
gives and gives," said Miss Kitty Litter, the
October 2006
self-proclaimed first lady of Providence and
one of Smith's friends. "Kitty only gives until it
hurts. Starr gives until he says ouch."
Smith's piece of advice for anyone interested in
doing drag is to make friends with many people who are already involved in it. And don't
forget to be nice, he said. "You can't be afraid
to step up and do anything in life," said Smith,
who plans on performing until he doesn't need
to express that side of his personality anymore.
And always remember, he said, "You can get
through anything by being fabulous.
West Side Plaza
850 Southbridge St.
(route 20)
Auburn, MA 10501
508 721 7800
Also visit us at: http://
Directions: Mass Pike to
Exit 10-12 South to 20 West
(On right next to Spa King)
October 2006
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
We all need some nurturing
Continued from Page 6
out for. I overcame my fears. And over
there, “she said pointing at the new webs,
“are the lives I am constructing from the
fabrics of my old. They are much stronger
because of my earlier successes in life.“
Janet drifted over to the fibers, an
endless array of openings awaited with
countless challenges and possibilities. She
touched one and shivered slightly, a smile
forming on her face.
“They are going to be a challenge.” She turned to Paxon. “But, I need
a rest. No more excitement for a while. I
guess, “ she said and laughed slightly, “ I
need a vacation. There has been too much
fighting and pain in this series of life’s.
Being transgendered is hard. It is time to
reap some of the rewards.”
She looked around at the webs.
They glistened with activity, but they also
were surging with other people’s life’s.
She could see hundreds of other webs constantly flow into and out of the ones she
had occupied in the past and the possible
futures. She could see some of Phil’s, at
least the one’s that had been so close to
her through her life and near her death.
Then, something happened. One
of the threads glowed brightly with emotion and she could hear, or rather feel, the
energy emanating from it. She looked
deeply into it. Then, glancing around at
some other webs near by, pulled them
together. Then neatly merged.
stepped back from her minor alteration of
fibers and smiled. Her face warm with
emotion. A tear trickled onto her cheek.
Paxon smiled and crossed over to
her. He hugged her warmly and drifted
back toward some other fibers that mingled with her ‘future’ ones.
“Then, Janet, I shall see you
‘later'. Be good and enjoy your life. And
remember, There is still a lot of challenges
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
in the one you will choose .” He smiled
at her and went into an open fiber that
joined the world. Janet was alone with
herself and the hundreds of threads of
her life’s.
Chapter 6:
As the train rushed toward her,
she could see its lone light begin to open
the tunnel. Death was near and she knew
what it looked like now. It seemed that it
was time for her to leave this world and
all its pleasures, all its pains. She wished
secretly that she could tell Phil how
much she loved him, how much it meant
to be with him. She pushed that thought
into the ether. Still, the train rushed onward opening the tunnel into death and
into possibly oblivion.
The conductor never saw her
lying on the tracks. He did see a man
rushing onto the tracks pulling something off it like a large limp doll. He held
his breath as the man furiously lifted the
bundle and cast it safely to the side of the
tracks, barely escaping the onslaught
Janet woke hours later to the
face of Phil smiling at him, her dream
fading into memory and time.
“What happened? Phil?” She
He smiled his deep warm smile
and glanced at the nurse who was tending some hanging bottles.
“I thought I was going to die.”
She said.
“So did I.” He answered and a
tear trickled onto his cheek.
She looked confused. “But, how
did I...what happened?” Her dream now
a distant light in the star field of her
“I was searching for you. Then,
I thought about the possibility that you
might...well, maybe it was too much and
you wanted to die.“ He hesitated feeling
too embarrassed to continue.
“Oh no, Phil. It was an accident.
In a sense...”, her voice drifting, not finishing the sentence.
“You poor, dear.” He brushed
her soft hair from her forehead and
kissed it. “Well, I thought you might be
near the tracks, sort of a premonition. So,
I rushed to them and started to walk
down them, away from the town. Lucky,
I guess. I really didn’t know which way
to go.”
“As I walked, I prayed to find
October 2006
you. The prayers were answered. In the
distance, just before the train came, I
could see the hobo’s little fire. And then I
saw you on the tracks. I was so excited I
started to run. Before I could call to you,
you fell. “
“Everything slowed down then.
Except the train. It seemed to pick up
speed. I looked back at the it and forward
to where you were lying on the tracks.
There was no way I could reach you, but I
ran. I ran with all my energy and life. “
“As the train closed in on you
and I was still yards away, I gave a final
desperate prayer. And with that prayer, the
energy surged into me and I was next to
you, frantically pulling your from the
tracks with not an instant to spare.”
He stopped and stood up, the
terror of the incident still fresh in his
mind. He looked back at her lying on the
bed and smiled. “ Adrenaline, I guess. But
I reached you in time.” And he choked a
tear back with the last words. “Oh Janet,
don’t leave me, please.”
She reached up to him and realized that her arms worked and that her legs
worked. Her neck was not broken. All was
mended. All was finally whole. That everything was as it should be.
“Oh, Phil. I love you. “ She
pulled him next to her and kissed him on
the neck. Her face was warm with emotion, a tear trickled onto her cheek. “Yes,
my dear. You did reach me in time”.
©1997 S. Beach Littleton, Mass
October 2006
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
The "Friends and Family"
meeting for Friday night has a
new name
"The First Friday
Discussion Group"
Christine has had people question the name of the group; Couples, Friends and Families.
Does it mean you have to be a
couple or have friends or family in
order to come?
What if they can't come or your
family has no idea and you're not
ready to tell them?
What if you used to be a couple
but your spouse left you because
you're Transgendered?
Do these things mean you can't
come to this group?
The answers to these questions
are that you can come however
you are with whoever you're with
or not with.
To try and make this easier,
Christine has renamed the group,
"The First Friday Discussion
The Group will run from 7:309:00PM and will meet the first Friday of every month. TCNE is proud
to welcome Christine Becker,
LISCW, as the Moderator of The
First Friday Discussion Group.
Christine Becker has been in private
practice for over 20 years in Lexington, Massachusetts and has been a
featured speaker at Tiffany’s First
Event since it’s inception.
Admission for the group session is
$40.00 per person or couple. Insurance will be accepted by those with
coverage. Please check with your
provider to make sure you’re covered.
The First Friday Discussion Group is
designed for those close to a Transgendered person to discuss with a
professional who understands about
what is going on with the person
and those around them. Fore more
information, you can contact Tiffany on Tuesday nights and the Friday nights when a meeting is scheduled.
Tuesday October 31st - 7:30 PM
At the scary headquarters in Waltham
No Costumes - Just dresses, skirts and
makeup. We’ll recognize you but some of
your friends and family might not but we wont
be telling anyone.
Get together in a non frightening environment
and enjoy some pumpkin pie, cake, ice-cream
and who knows what else. We promise we
won’t make you bob for apples.
Good food, good girl talk and great gossip!
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
October 2006
9 Columbus Day 10
Open Meeting
7 - 11 PM
Open Meeting
7 - 11 P M
BOD Meeting
Open to
Open Meeting
7 - 11 PM
Open Meeting
7 - 11 PM
in Harvard
Square 12—6P
Daylight Savings
ends - Set clocks
back 1 hour
Open Meeting
7 - 11 P M
Details Pg 13
October 2006
You Are Not
7:30 PM
See Page 4 for
More info
You Are Not
7:30 PM
See Page 4 for
More info
First Friday Discussion Group
See Page 15