Bulletin - Trinity United Methodist Church


Bulletin - Trinity United Methodist Church
 Easter Sunday
March 27, 2016
Forty-five past Ten in the morning
Please stand in body and/or spirit.
Out of reverence for God and respect for fellow worshipers, please silence all electronic devices.
Childcare for children age 3 and younger is available in our nursery (room 209A). Please see an usher for more information.
Selections for Strings
Good Christian Friends, Rejoice
O Risen Lord
In Joseph’s Lovely Garden
arr. John Behnke
K. Lee Scott
arr. Clarence Dickinson
Pastor Bill Davis
Welcome to Trinity United Methodist Church. God’s love be in us and among us as we greet all who enter our doors as children of God.
Please take a moment to complete the Connection Card and prepare to place it in the offering plate later in the service.
Christ is Alive! Let Christians Sing
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Glory to God the Father,
who has woven garments of glory for the resurrection.
Worship to God the Son,
who was clothed in them at his rising.
Thanksgiving to God the Spirit,
who keeps them for all the saints.
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
Blessed are you, O Lord God, Sovereign of all;
for in raising Christ from the dead, and in raising us with Christ,
you have fashioned for yourself a new people,
washed in the waters of baptism,
sealed with the gift of the Spirit,
and invited to the banquet of the Lamb!
In the beauty of this Easter morning,
set our minds on the new life to which you have called us;
place on our lips the words of witness for which you have anointed us;
and prepare our hearts to celebrate the festival of the resurrection
with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
We ask this through your Son, Jesus the Christ,
our Passover and our Peace,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever. Amen.
arr. Cathy Moklebust
Greg Saunders
Hymnal no. 302
Pastor Bill Davis
Jeff Miller, Jill Robinson, Holly Stowell, Tom Tyler
Children are invited to stay and participate in worship. However, if necessary, preschool-age children (those not yet in kindergarten) may go to
room 209B & elementary-aged children (kindergarten through 2nd grade) may go to room 206 for Storytime.
Scatter the Darkness, Break the Gloom
Trinity Trebles, Girls Ensemble, Chancel Choir
arr. Starke/Schultz
Acts 10:34-43
Pew Bible, NT, Page 129
The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.
Beatus Vir
See music notes for translation: Psalm 112
1 Corinthians 15:19-26
Pew Bible, NT, Page 176
The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.
Greg Saunders
Giacomo Puccini
Greg Saunders
Luke 24:1-12
Pew Bible, NT, Page 90
The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ.
Pastor Bill Davis
“In Fact ”
Pastor Bill Davis
Thine Be the Glory
Hymnal no. 308
The Apostles’ Creed
Brothers and sisters, I invite you to profess the faith of the church.
Do you believe and trust in God the Father?
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
Do you believe and trust in his Son Jesus Christ?
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and will come again to judge the living and the dead.
Do you believe and trust in the Holy Spirit?
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen. THE PEACE
The risen Christ came and stood among his disciples and said, ‘Peace be with you.’
Then were they glad when they saw the Lord.
Alleluia. The peace of the risen Christ be always with you.
And also with you. Alleluia.
Let us exchange signs of reconciliation and peace.
Blessed are you, God of all majesty,
for in the miraculous power of your love
you raised Jesus Christ from the dead;
and in fulfilment of your promises,
you made him the first of many to receive your gift of eternal life.
As Christ now lives and reigns with you,
receive the tithes and gifts we gratefully bring
in the cause of joyfully sharing your good news of salvation with others;
through him who lived our life, died our death, and was raised for our sake,
Jesus Christ our living Lord. Amen.
Christ the Lord is Risen! Alleluia!
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below:
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Johan Roman/S.D. Wolff
Hymnal no. 94
Musical Setting B
Hymnal no. 18
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
We invite all persons to the Lord’s Table. This is the table, not of the church, but of the Lord. It is made ready for those who love God and
for those who hope to love God more. So, come, you who have much faith and you who have little, you who have been here often, and you who
have not been here for a long time or ever before, you who have followed, and you who have stumbled. Come, because it is the Lord who invites
you. It is Christ’s will that those who seek him will meet him here at his table.
Following the direction of the ushers, please come to the Communion station nearest you. The center station is for those who require glutenfree bread. We serve Holy Communion by intinction. Please extend your hands to receive the bread and then dip the bread into the cup as it is
offered to you. After you partake, you also may kneel at the rail for prayer and meditation.
God of our salvation,
we give you thanks for this holy mystery
in which we enjoy communion with the risen Christ
and with all who love him in earth and heaven.
We pray that, strengthened by his grace,
and sent out in the power of your Spirit,
we may give ourselves for others
and serve you faithfully all our days;
in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lift High the Cross
Pastor Bill Davis
Hymnal no. 159
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Go in the peace of the risen Christ.
And the God of peace,
who brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus,
the great Shepherd of the sheep,
by the blood of the eternal covenant,
make you complete in everything good,
so that you may do his will,
working among us that which is pleasing in his sight;
and the blessing of God almighty,
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
be among you and remain with you always.
Alleluia! Amen.
Pastor Bill Davis
Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah
G.F. Handel
Everyone is invited to sing the Hallelujah Chorus; you may come forward and stand with the choir or sing from the pews,
where you will find the music; please leave the music there following the service.
Overture from Suite in D
POSTLUDE (please be seated)
Our Christian love and sympathy is extended to the family of longtime Trinity Member, Bill Detroy.
On Wednesday, March 30th, Bill Detroy’s family will be joining us for Trinity’s Table to celebrate his life.
On Thursday, March 31st, there will be a Memorial Service at the Semper Fidelis Memorial Chapel,
18900 Jefferson Davis Highway in Triangle, VA at 10 AM. After at 1 PM there will be a small
graveside service at the Quantico National Cemetery, 18424 Joplin Road in Triangle, VA.
Please join us following worship in the Narthex for fellowship and refreshments with our church family.
The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God.
Our Discipleship from Last Sunday, March 20th
Worship: 162 Offering: $6,561.76
Weekly Electronic Offering: $4,033.21
Those Serving at Worship Today:
Acolyte: Logan Williams
Chancel Steward: Ellan Moore
Communion Stewards: Eva Collins, Ellan Moore, Kay Stewart
Communion Servers: Jon and Michelle Hoganson, Jess Stewart
Counters: Jodi Capps, Mike Cooley
Crucifer: Aidan Gibson
Greeters in Narthex: Greg Dorris with Luke, Amanda, Courtland
Greeter at Church Office: Lori Murphy
Greeters in Parking Lot: Andy and Cheryl Dichter
Guest Musicians: Monika and Mark Dorosheff, violin; Ann Steck, viola; Susanna Mendlow, cello;
Adam Celli, bass; Susan Rider, trumpet; Virginia Sircy, organ
Liturgist: Greg Saunders
Pew Duty: John Ploch
Sound: Harley Hopkins
Ushers: Liz Connolly, Mike Cooley, Mac McClellan, Pat McClellan, Pat Nordine, Lucelle O’Flaherty (Head Usher)
Music Notes
O Risen Lord by K. Lee Scott (b. 1950) sets text by John Mason Neale (1818-1866) in a lilting choral work celebrating
the Easter story. Scott, known for his compositions for the church, has published over 300 anthems, hymns and works
for ensemble.
O risen Lord, O glorious Son, now is the mighty battle won; Songs of praising we are raising, Alleluia. On the third morning he arose,
shining in victory o’er his foes; Earth is singing, heaven is ringing, Alleluia. After the death that him befell, Christ our Lord, has harrowed
hell. Sing with gladness, gone is sadness, Alleluia. The Lord of all things lives anew, and all his saints are rising too; May our living be
thanksgiving; Alleluia.
In Joseph’s Lovely Garden is a traditional Spanish melody arranged by Clarence Dickinson, with words by his wife, Helen
Dickinson. Trinity’s Dr. Paul Taylor has arranged the violin descant for the fourth verse of this lovely Easter carol. A
founder of the American Guild of Organists and the School of Sacred Music at Union Theological Seminary, Clarence
Dickinson (1873-1969) was known as the Dean of American Church Musicians.
Scatter the Darkness, Break the Gloom is a setting by Ralph Schultz of text by Stephen Starke. This joyous hymn pairs
Easter text with the bright Bensaçon tune, found in our hymnal at #202.
Beatus Vir by Giacomo Puccini (1712-1781) is a setting of Psalm 112. Puccini “senior” (greatgreatgrandfather of the
opera composer) was head of the illustrious musical family of five generations who were concerned primarily with creating sacred works for religious worship in the Italian town of Lucca. His works alternate counterpoint with homophonic texture and demonstrate striking harmonic changes to illustrate the text. Beatus Vir concludes with the Gloria
Patri and a final setting of the Magnificat.
Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights in his commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon earth, the righteous generation shall be blessed. Glory and prosperity will be in his house, and his justice will last from one generation to the next. A light has risen
for the upright in the darkness, one who is merciful, compassionate and just. Happy is the man who sympathizes and shares, who chooses
his words judiciously. Since he will not be moved for eternity, the just man will be always remembered. He shall not fear evil tidings, his
heart is ready to hope in the Lord. His heart is made strong, he will not be moved until he looks down upon his enemies. He disperses, he
gives to the poor, his justice lasts for all generations. His horn will be exalted with honor. The evil will see and be angry. He will grind his
teeth and wither away. The desire of the wicked shall perish. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in
the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.
Christ the Lord is Risen! Alleluia! This joyful work was transcribed and edited by S. Drummond Wolff from a work by
Johan Helmich Roman (1694-1758). Wolff took the first movement of Roman’s Jubilate Deo and set it to Easter text
from I Corinthians 15:20and Revelation 7:12.
Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah: Almost certainly, the Hallelujah Chorus is the most frequently-sung choral selection in
all of classical music. Composed by Handel in 1741 when he was 56, using a libretto created from a collection of Bible
texts about the life of Christ sent him by friend and patron Charles Jennens, it is said that it took him less than one
month to compose Messiah. The tradition of standing during the Hallelujah Chorus began during a performance on
March 23, 1743. King George II was attending and when the Chorus began, he rose. It is unclear why he stood, however people around the world still rise to their feet whenever they hear the first notes!
The flowers adorning the altar and narthex are
given to the glory of God and our risen Savior by the following:
Anonymous, in honor of Linda Cancellieri. (1 hydrangea)
Anonymous, in honor of Pastor Bill Davis. (1 hydrangea)
Steve and Connie Blood, with gratitude for and appreciation of our Christian Education Director, Nicole Colbert.
Steve and Connie Blood, with gratitude for and appreciation of Jenessa Stokes’ enthusiasm and generosity of spirit
in serving Trinity UMC & its members. (4 hydrangea)
Steve and Connie Blood, with gratitude for and appreciation of Ronnie Willett’s dedication and giving spirit in serving the needs of Trinity UMC & its members.
Steve Blood, in honor of, Trinity Preschool Director, Gloria Oberkehr, for her dedication, enthusiasm and tireless
energy in working for the children of Trinity’s Preschool.
Beth Bowers, in memory of Jack Bowers. (2 lilies)
Carol Bowers, Harley and Carson Hopkins, in honor of our families and in memory of our fathers. (2 azaleas)
Mary Beth Buchholz, Jeff, Julianne and Elizabeth Lane, in loving memory of our wonderful parents, Ruth and Ernie
Buchholz and Bill Lane. (1 hydrangea)
Mary Beth Buchholz, Jeff, Julianne and Elizabeth Lane, in loving memory of our cherished friend, Mark Leatherman. (1 hydrangea)
Susan Collins, in memory of loved ones. (1 hydrangea)
Virginia Collins, in memory of John D. Collins, Jr., John D. Collins III and Jim Collins. (2 hydrangeas)
Martha Ellett, in memory of Mary and Bob Ellett.
Martha Ellet, in memory of William Ragland. (2 azaleas)
Michelle and Jon Hoganson Family, in loving memory of Beverly Lovasz and Emily Sammis, Michelle’s mother
and grandmother. (2 azaleas)
Dylan, Taylor and Ayden Hoganson, in honor of Russ and Mary Lee Hoganson and Joseph Lovasz with love from
their grandsons. (3 azaleas)
Linda Lowery, in memory of my parents, Arleeta and Glenn Scillian. (2 azaleas)
Nancy Hill, in memory of Gary M Hill. (3 lily)
Nancy Hill, in memory of Clifton and Louise Redman.
Nancy Hill, in memory of Clair and Ruth Hill.
Lucelle O’Flaherty, in memory of my father, Dan O’Flaherty and in honor of my mother Resa O’Flaherty. (1 azalea)
Resa O’Flaherty, in memory of my wonderful husband, Judge Daniel F. O’Flaherty. (2 azaleas)
Resa O’Flaherty, in honor of my daughters, Lucelle O’Flaherty and Susan O’Flaherty Griffith. Thanks for all they
do for me.
Linda Pitts, in honor of loved ones. (1 lily, 1 hydrangea)
Linda Pitts, in honor of Amanda, Drew and Kendall Martin.
Jill Robinson, in memory of Muff and Norm Nash. (5 hydrangeas)
Jill Robinson, in memory of my parents and brother.
Jill Robinson, in memory of Shirley and Bill Crowe.
Jill Robinson, in honor of Julianne and Elizabeth Lane.
Al, Em and Ted Rusch, in loving memory of Thomas and Mancha Holland. (1 lily / 2 azaleas)
Al, Em and Ted Rusch, in loving memory of Alfred and Greta Rusch.
El, Em and Ted Rusch, in loving memory of Mancha H. White.
Eric Schilling, in honor of my parents, Dan and Jean Schilling. (3 lilies)
Secret SPARKS!, in honor of Debbie Barbara. (1 hydrangea)
Secret SPARKS!, in honor of Steve and Connie Blood. (1 hydrangea)
Secret SPARKS!, in honor of Virginia Carl. (1 lily)
Secret SPARKS!, in honor of Linda Coleman. (1 lily)
Secret SPARKS!, in honor of Ruth Hartley. (1 hydrangea)
Secret SPARKS!, in honor of Jeff Miller. (1 hydrangea)
Secret SPARKS!, in honor of Ellan and Pat Moore. (1 azalea)
Secret SPARKS!, in honor of a wonderful member, Renée Rupple. (1 hydrangea)
Kay and Herb Stewart, in loving memory of our parents, Leigh and Louise Stewart and John and Frances Walker.
(1 lily/1 hydrangea)
Sue and Jess Stewart, in memory of our parents, the Judkins and the Stewarts. (2 hydrangeas)
Jenessa Stokes, in honor of my beautiful daughter, Jada’s 18th birthday. (1 lily)
Jenessa Stokes, in honor of the Mitchell Family.
Tracy and Chris Stone Family, in honor of Tom and Mary Ellen Thomas. (1 hydrangea)
The Mark Webster Family, in memory of Webster and Patullo family loved ones. (2 hydrangeas)
Susan Willis, in honor of family, near and far, and in memory of beloved parents, Ken and Barbara Hanst and
Newton and Ruth Willis. (1 azalea)
Ronnie Willett, in honor of my father, Howard Willett, and in loving memory of Barbara Willett. (1 lily)
Ronnie Willett, in honor of our Trinity Family. (1 hydrangea)
Q & A with Pastor Bill: Are you
interested in becoming a professing
member of Trinity UMC? Please join
Pastor Bill for supper and conversation at Atlantis Restaurant in the
Bradlee Shopping Center on Sunday,
April 3rd at 5:30 PM. RSVP to pastor@trinityalexandria.org.
April Christian Ed Event
“As he walked by the Sea of Galilee he saw two brothers, Simon, who was called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a
net into the sea- for they were fishermen. And he said to them
‘Follow me’ and I will make you fish for people.”
Matthew 4:18-19
Please join us April 10th for crafts and fun! Lunch is
Homemade Macaroni & Cheese, salad, and dessert,
and drinks. Hope to see you all there.
Bikes for the World Bike
Collection - Have you been
looking for a mission opportunity to invite your neighbors
to, so they can experience Trinity UMC in action? Let them
know they can donate bikes
they’re not using at our 20th
annual Bikes for the World event Saturday, April 23rd
from 9AM to Noon. Reuse of bikes is a really green way
to provide badly needed, reliable and easy-to-maintain
transportation in many developing countries - Ghana,
Panama, Costa Rica, Barbados and Uganda are a few.
What condition? “Serviceable” is good enough! We also
need a few folks to greet donors and fill in donation receipts or to do a bit of light wrench-turning. Contact
Gordon Johnson at 703-751-7195 or gfbj_va@yahoo.com
to volunteer or if you have questions.
Mark Your Calendars
March 28th ~ Easter Monday
Church Office Closed
April 10th ~ Christian Ed Event
April 16th ~ Inova Community Blood Drive
Breakfast - 7 AM
Blood Drive - 730 AM
April 23rd ~ Spring Clean Up
Bikes for the World
Donation - 9 AM
Trinity’s Table
Wednesday, March 30th
5:30 - 7:30 PM
Hosted by Stokes Family.
This week’s Charity:
Wounded Warrior Project
May 15th ~ Pentecost
General Tso’s Chicken
General Tso’s Tofu
Beef and Broccoli
Homemade Eggrolls (reg/veggie)
Fried Rice
Tyler’s Stuffed Brownies
May 10th - 20th ~ General Conference
RSVP on the Connection Card.
May 8th ~ Ascension Sunday
Mother’s Day
Sign Up For Trinity’s Semi-Annual Community Blood
Drive. Trinity’s Semi-Annual Blood Drive will be held
Saturday, April 16th, 2015, from 7:30 - 11 AM. As usual, it
will be the same morning as the Trinity Men’s Pancake
Breakfast, available from 7:30 - 10 AM. The pancakes are
yummy, so come and bring your friends and neighbors for
a good pancake breakfast before donating blood! Gluten
Free available. Childcare will be available.
The blood drive will be held again in Inova’s bloodmobile
and Inova Blood Donor Services continues to have an immediate need for most blood types. Remember to eat a
good breakfast before donating, you need to be well for at
least 3 days prior to donating, and you must bring a photo
ID to present to INOVA personnel.
It must be at least 56 days (8 weeks) since you last donated,
so you can’t have donated since February 20th. Most
healthy people can be blood donors and must be at least 16
years old, with signed parental consent form, or 17 years
old and up with no consent form (no upper age limit), well
for 3 days (no symptoms of illness, including colds), and
110 pounds minimum. The donation process takes about 1
hour and plenty of slots are available. Please consider participating in this worthy mission.
Please consider participating in this worthy mission: To
make an appointment, visit www.inovabloodsaves.org, click
Donate Blood and use sponsor code 3515 or contact
Carol Bowers at carol_bowers@cox.net or 703-534-5230.
Volunteers are needed for signing people up by phone,
reminder calls, registration the day of the drive, and to provide baked goods for the event. To sign up to volunteer,
Save the Date! The Trinity
MOPS Preschool will hold its
Spring Fling Fundraiser
Saturday, April 30th at 7:30
PM at the Durant Center.
Invitations will be coming out
soon! It will be a great opportunity to support the preschool and visit with new
and old friends. At this time we are seeking donations
and/or sponsorships. Money raised will go towards
playground improvements. The donation and sponsorship form can be found in the weekly Trumpeter
or by contacting the Church Office.
Trinity Church’s
April 23rd
Contact Church Office with questions.
Walk for a Good Cause & in Good Company! The 35th
annual Step ALIVE! Walkathon will be held on Sunday,
May 1st, to raise funds for ALIVE!’s Child Development
Center (CDC), a highly-rated full-day preschool program
serving children of low-income working parents. Choose
to participate in a 5k or 5-mile stroll through beautiful Old
Town Alexandria. The walk begins and ends at First Christian Church, 2723 King Street, Alexandria, VA. On-site registration and T-shirt distribution will start at 1:15 PM with
the walk kicking off at 2:00 PM. Join us for a picnic and live
music along with prizes at the conclusion of your walk. To
pre-register visit: www.alive-inc.org/walkathon2016.shtml.
August 1st - August 5th ~ 530-830 PM
Wesley Theological Seminary
From the Office of the Dean
In Honor of the Rev. Dr. Youtha Hardman-Cromwell
Celebration Service and Worship
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
11 AM
Oxnam Chapel
A Celebratory Luncheon
Immediately following the worship service
The refectory
You are cordially invited to celebrate the
Scholarly and teaching ministry of the
Rev. Dr. Youtha Hardman-Cromwell
On Tuesday, April 5 at 11 AM, Wesley Theological Seminary’s chapel service will honor Dr. Hardman-Cromwell’s
years of service to the seminary, students, alumni and the
church. Afterward, a celebratory luncheon in the refectory
will honor Dr. Hardman-Cromwell as colleagues and
friends give thanks to her transformational labor for peace,
justice and full inclusion into the family of God.
These events will happen at Wesley’s main campus at 4500
Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016.
Limited parking is available on campus with ample street
Please RSVP by March 31 to
(202) 885-8611 or mdavenport@wesleyseminary.edu.
2016 clergy appointments posted on
conference website: Bishop Young Jin
Cho and his Cabinet are sharing this year’s
projected clergy appointments as they are
made. The March 2016 listing can be found
on the Virginia Conference website by going to www.vaumc.org and clicking on
“Offices & Staff” > “Bishop” > “Projected
Appointments March 2016.”
Young adult missionaries sought: Are
you graduating soon? What are your plans
for the next two years? Be part of a lifetransforming mission opportunity by becoming a Global Mission Fellow. The United
Methodist General Board of Global Ministries is looking for candidates to serve as young adult
missionaries for the 2016–2018 term. Application
“As for God, his way is perfect. The Lord’s word is flawless; he
shields all who take refuge in him.” Psalm 18:30 (NIV)
S.H.I.E.L.D: What do powerful kings, vegetables, nightmares, blazing fires, a giant statue, conniving coworkers,
and lions have in common? They all play a part in the fantastic true story of four young exiles who are determined
to stay faithful to the Living God. Join us at Camp Highroad (www.camphighroad.org) this summer as we dive into the
lives of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. We’ll
experience with them the power of the Living God as He
rescues them from impossible situations, and we’ll learn
with them about the God who is “a shield for all who take
refuge in Him.”
April 10th to be conferencewide day to pray for General
Conference: The United
Methodist Council of Bishops
has invited each annual conference in the denomination to designate one day to hold a
24-hour prayer vigil for General Conference. Bishop
Young Jin Cho has selected Sunday, April 10th, to be the
day for the Virginia Conference prayer vigil. The Virginia
Conference delegation committees for worship and devotional life, conference Board of Discipleship and Kindred
Project are developing resources that can be used for this
event as well as during days following April 10th and
throughout General Conference. District offices will coordinate the scheduling of local churches that wish to participate. We at Trinity Church will offer prayers for General
Converence during worship that Sunday. For more information, go to www.vaumc.org/2016GeneralConference.
60 Days of Prayer for General Conference to begin
March 31st: The Upper Room has created resources for
60 Days of Prayer to help every local congregation pray
with the delegates and church leaders for the 2016 General Conference. The 60 Days of Prayer begin March 31st
and extend through May 29th. The denomination’s legislative assembly is May 10th-20th in Portland, OR. The prayer
guide is available online, as a PDF download and a daily
email service. Prayer-bead kits with a commemorative medallion are also available. For more information, visit
The Welcome Statement of Trinity United Methodist Church is:
“Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.” Matthew 10:40
Trinity United Methodist Church is committed to be a congregation of Open Hearts, Open Minds and Open Doors. We believe all people are of
sacred worth and dignity as part of God’s creation and as demonstrated by the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. As God’s love extends to all, we
welcome everyone without exception, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, family structure, socio-economic or marital status, sexual orientation,
gender identity, physical or mental ability, faith history or life experience.
We recognize that we are all different, and those differences make us a stronger community of faith as we worship together to grow in our relationship with God and one another.
The Mission of Trinity United Methodist Church is:
Building a strong Christian community to find, share, and celebrate the love of Christ in our hearts, neighbors and our world.
10:45 AM
3:30 PM
Easter Sunday
Worship (Sanctuary)
Cadet Girl Scout Troop #2402 (Fellowship Hall)
10:00 AM
7:30 PM
Easter Monday
Church Office Closed
Bi-District Trustee Meeting (Fellowship Hall)
Investment Committee Meeting (Parlor)
9:00 AM
7:00 PM
Fit4Mom (Fellowship Hall)
Boy Scouts #113 (Fellowship Hall)
2:30 PM
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
6:15 PM
7:30 PM
Trinity UMC Staff Meeting (Parlor)
Trinity’s Table (Fellowship Hall)
Centering Prayer (Chapel)
Trebles’ Choir Rehearsal (Music Suite)
GriefShare (Parlor)
9:00 AM
3:00 PM
6:15 PM
7:45 PM
Fit4MOM (Fellowship Hall)
Odyssey of the Mind (Youth Room)
Trinity Ringers Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Music Suite)
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:30 PM
3:00 PM
5:30 PM
Second Sunday of Easter
Sunday School
Worship (Sanctuary)
Girl’s Ensemble Rehearsal (Music Suite)
Junior Troop #6098 (Fellowship Hall)
Q&A with Pastor Bill (Off-Site)
Trinity United Methodist Church
2911 Cameron Mills Road
Alexandria, VA 22302
Phone: (703) 549-5500 | Fax: (703) 549-7410
Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 5 PM | Friday 9 AM - 2 PM
Find us on the Web: www.trinityalexandria.org | Facebook: Trinity UMC-Alexandria
Trinity United Methodist Church Staff
William A. Davis, Jr.
Beatriz M. Cook
Director of Music
Linda Cancellieri
Nursery Supervisor
Maria Medrano
Director of Christian Education
Nicole S. Colbert
Director of Trinity MOPS
Gloria Oberkehr
Nursery Assistant
Gloria Portillo
Administrative Assistant
Jenessa M. Stokes
Buildings and Grounds
Ronnie Willett