A Happy Ending - Ezra International


A Happy Ending - Ezra International
Volume 9 - Number 3
EZRA International - Rescuing. Returning. Restoring.
“A Happy Ending
to a Tragic Life”
Inside This Issue
A Word From Pat
Highlights of 18 Years
of Service
Back Home in the
Holy Land ...
Israel Is Calling
Us Home
Our Partners
In Ministry
By Yuriy Cherepnin, Ezra Representative, Kazakhstan
a job for a long time, so to support the
family, Mikhail got a second job as an
auto mechanic. At his job Mikhail fell
ill with pneumonia. Yet doctors
reassured him there was nothing
serious to worry about. Mikhail forced
himself to continue working. That finally
undermined his health and in 1994 he
Gleb, Marina, Sergey, Oleg, Oxana,
and Mariya Rozentsvayg
Tatiana was restless with
despair. Her elder daughter Oxana
had already married by that time and
In 2003, her daughter Maria was born.
Rozentsvayg was born in 1946 in
was living separately from her parents.
By that time her elder sister Oxana
Kazakhstan. His parents told him little
Tatiana ultimately failed to recover
and her husband Sergei had a three-
about the past. He only knew that
after her husband’s sudden death. In
year-old son Oleg. The boy suffered
they were exiled to Kazakhstan from
1997 she died of extensive myocardial
from pancreactic diabetes. Sergei
Russia in the Soviet years. It was here
infarction. Her younger daughter
and Oxana were not well-off. Sergei
that he finished secondary school,
Marina remained alone and in an
worked as a programmer, but they also
then college and after that he worked
attempt to relieve her loneliness, she
managed to help Marina. Life became
as a mechanical engineer. While
hurriedly got married. It was soon found
very hard. Money was needed for
studying at college, he met his future
that her husband was an alcoholic.
medicines and insulin, etc. In the end,
wife Tatiana, and upon finishing their
Sometime later Marina found that she
Oxana’s and Marina’s families decided
studies they got married. Within four
was pregnant. She tried everything to
to seek opportunities to go to Israel.
years they had two daughters, Oxana
save her family and her marriage, but
Even more so now that Oxana knew
and Marina. They lived from hand to
her husband Anatoliy had only drinking
doctors there could help her suffering
mouth, hardly making enough to buy
on his mind. He also beat Marina. To
child. In 2006 they turned to the
bread. Tatiana was not able to secure
protect the baby, Marina got divorced.
Jewish agency and it was recommended
(Continued on Page Five)
Mikhail Semyonovich
The Jewish population in the United States is 5,280,000
equaling 40.5% of all Jews.
Ezra News
A Quarterly Newsletter
for Partners and Friends of
Ezra International
Vol. 9 - No. 3
Mel Hoezle
Barry Wagner
Vice President
Ezra News keeps our partners
and friends up-to-date with the
latest news, information, and
insights on what Ezra is doing
around the world to rescue,
return, and restore the Jewish
people to their God-promised
homeland of Israel. To send us
your comments and questions,
to update your mailing address,
or to request Ezra News for a
friend, please call 352.394.4673
or email us at ezrausa@aol.com.
All scripture quotations, unless
otherwise indicated, are taken
from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW
NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978,
1984 by International Bible
Society. Used by permission of
Zondervan. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2008 by Ezra
Ezra International
P.O. Box 120926
Clermont, Florida 34712-0926
Phone 352.394.4673
Email ezrausa@aol.com
Website www.ezrausa.org
Pat Frame
UK and European Director
have had the wonderful privilege of serving the Lord and the Jewish
people in the aliyah from the former Soviet Union now for over 18 years. I
have seen Old Testament prophecies unfold before my eyes as we have
helped the blind, the lame, the women with child... and many others on their
way home to the Promised Land. It has been a very real privilege to have
been involved in the lives of so many Jewish families as they make this life
changing step. There have been many changes and challenges over the
years - for those working as well as for those leaving.
ne of my highlights many years ago was sharing a meal with
Jewish survivors of the Holocaust in Kharkov, East Ukraine and local
Christians who had rescued them. We had been told they may not want to
talk of their experiences - but in fact they shared very openly and it was very
special to listen to their moving accounts.
nother highlight was in September of this year. On the 13th
of September, just before the Jewish New Year, the Jewish Agency of
Israel organized 10 special flights in one day with Olim (immigrants) from
different airports throughout the former Soviet Union, carrying 250 Olim and
300 Jewish teenagers going to Israel on study programmes. I happened
to be in Kiev at that time and was invited along to a special ceremony the
Jewish Agency held for the Olim prior to their departure. About 45 Olim were
brought from various parts of West and Central Ukraine to the Jewish Agency
offices that morning - the majority of them helped on their journey by Ezra
staff and volunteers. In fact, 14 families had been helped by Ezra also with
their papers and documents. Jewish Agency staff gave the Olim their preflight briefing and answered many practical questions. I was at the ‘top table’
along with Jewish Agency representatives, a local Rabbi and representatives
of two other Christian organizations and I was invited to share a few words.
In my 18 years of working in the aliyah this was the first time that the help
of the Christian organizations was so publicly acknowledged in front of the
Olim! The Jewish Agency handed each of the Christian organizations a letter
thanking them for their support!
n these days of economic challenge the Jewish Agency had to
cut back on many of its offices and activities. This gives Ezra even more
opportunities and challenges in the former Soviet Union. There are still
hundreds of thousands of Jewish people in the lands of the North who
need to make their aliyah - as well as in other nations. I praise God for His
faithfulness over these 18 years and look to Him for His wisdom and His
provision in what’s still to come...
Rescuing. Returning. Restoring.
Back Home In The Holy Land ...
By Peter Lucyk - Central/South American Director
the war in Lebanon started in 2006 it became
difficult to stay in their home because they
were living quite close to where the fighting
was taking place.
They decided to go back to Argentina
but after arriving back in the country it did not
take them long to realize they would not be
able to take care of their family. They realized
Peter and Ellen Lucyk with the Perpignal Family
The Perpignal family is comprised of Alberto 43
that moving back to Argentina was a mistake
but did not have the means to return to Israel.
After being told that perhaps an organization
years old, his wife Silvia 41 and their four children ranging
called Ezra International might be able to help,
in age from 17 to 6 years old. This beautiful family made
they wrote one of our representatives
aliyah for the first time in 2002 and were living in the city of
explaining their situation. After almost two
Kiriat Bialik, in northern Israel, very close to Haifa. When
years of working with this family, getting all
(Continued on Page Five)
The Promised Land Welcomes Them
Home “Again” ...
Claudio and Michell Straucler had lived in Israel
from 1988 until 2003 where their two daughters, Camila
and Mariel were born. In 2003 they decided to go for a
holiday to visit their former country of Argentina where
many of their former friends and relatives convinced them
to stay and make a life back in Argentina.
One thing led to another and their hearts took
over the logic of their heads and they decided to remain
in Argentina. Shortly they realized they had made a
tremendous mistake by staying. They tried to develop
several businesses but none of them prevailed. This was
hurtful and created a very difficult financial situation in
(Continued on Page Five)
Peter and Ellen Lucyk with the Straucler
Israel Is Calling Us Home ..!
Carlos & Maria Paluch and their two children
Daniel, 10 years old and Violeta 8 years old lived in
the northern province of Corrientes Argentina. For a
very long time they had a deep desire to immigrate
to Israel. Carlos once said that, “Israel Is Calling
Us Home!” Their terrible financial situation, as well
as many anti-Semitic situations that they confronted
each and every day of their lives would continue to
fuel their desire to go to the Holy Land.
Without any hope whatsoever about ever
being able to immigrate to Israel, they turned to
the Jewish agency where they were told of Ezra
International, a Christian organization that would
perhaps be able to assist them.
After being informed of the Paluch’s situation,
one of Ezra’s representatives got in touch with them
and found that they were in serious need of help as
soon as possible. Maria decided to go to Israel on
her own and Carlos would stay back and take care
of both children until Maria would have everything in
place for all of them to make the trip.
After two months, Maria had an apartment,
a job and everything set up with the schools in the
beautiful kibbutz of Affikim in the northern part of
Israel close to the Sea of Galilee. In February 2009
Carlos and the children were able to meet up with
his wife Maria and now they are happily living in a
beautiful and peaceful place. Peter and Ellen Lucyk,
Ezra’s Central & South American Directors had an
opportunity to visit them in April 2009 and they are
so grateful acknowledging the fact that they would
not be where they are if not for the help of Ezra
International. It has been truly a life changing
transformation helping this gorgeous family.
We are always delighted to introduce new
representatives that God has called to the work
of Ezra International. Paul and Deborah Smith
are two such people who have already proven
themselves to be a great asset to the work of Ezra.
HAVE BIBLES, WILL TRAVEL. From their home near Hawthorne, Florida, Paul
and Deborah Smith are eager to travel near and
far to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ
Jesus and to share the ministry of Ezra
International. Pastor, evangelist, and author,
Paul is an anointed speaker. Once the
youngest featured performer of the Cleveland
Opera Company, Deborah is a gifted vocalist
and pianist and an anointed worship leader and
speaker. To schedule them for your church or
group, you can call them at (352)481-4452, or
Carlos, Maria, Daniel and Violeta Paluch
email them at eternalworship@dishmail.net.
Rescuing. Returning. Restoring.
The Promised Land Welcomes Them Home “Again” ...
(Continued From Page Three)
Back Home In The Holy Land ...
(Continued From Page Three)
their papers in order, and their visas and passports
their lives. They began to long for the days in Israel
ready, they were finally able to return to Israel in
where the daughters were receiving a good education,
April, 2008.
high level of health care, good incomes and they had
many good friends. Michell’s parents were even living
them at their apartment in Kiriat Bialik after their
a short distance away in Tel Aviv.
return. The family is very happy being back in
Due to their financial situation they thought it
would be impossible for them ever to return to Israel.
After getting in touch with the Jewish agency in Buenos
Aires, they were told about Ezra International and the
possibilities of getting help for their return. After getting
their papers in order and after spending over 6 years
of struggling just to make it through each day, they
We had the privilege to be able to visit with
This story with a happy ending could not
have happened if it were not for you and other
partners who are standing with the Jewish people
through Ezra International. n
Thank you!
were finally able to return to the “Promised Land” on
October 1, 2009 to the land they loved so much. They
are now living back in their kibbutz Degania Bet, close
“A Happy Ending ...
to the city of Tiberius and next to the Sea of Galilee.
that they find documents confirming their Jewish
They have written many letters of thankfulness
(Continued From Page One)
background. Oxana and Marina addressed the
to return if not for the help that they received from Ezra
request to Ezra. By joint efforts, we managed
International paying for all their tickets. They are
to find all the necessary documents from
looking forward to the day when they will be able to
Oxana and Marina’s grandmother. After a short
thank one of our representatives personally when they
period of searching and three trips to the Israeli
are visited in the Holy Land. Their letters of thankful-
Consulate they got their visas and took a flight
ness makes us realize we are truly helping people. n
to Israel in August, 2009. n
to Ezra knowing that they would never have been able
The Jewish population of Buenos Aires, Argentina is 165,000 or 1.3% of all
Jews world wide.
Letters of Encouragement
Below are two of the many encouraging letters we receive at Ezra
from our faithful supporters. We hope they will bless you as much
much as they have blessed us.
Dear Barry:
I heard your message last night on our
Channel 17 out of Snyder, Texas. I was so blessed. I
want to send you this check to help as many as I can
to return to Israel, their home.
I appreciate Al & Tommie Cooper and all their
good work at God’s Learning Channel. I don’t know
where they find so many people that tell us the truth.
It helps us to grow in the Lord more each day.
Much love to each of you. I am 90 years old
and a widow. I live out of Sweetwater, Texas.
Mrs. W.C. Payne
Sweetwater, Texas
Dear Linda and Barry,
We know now, without a doubt, that prayer
gets answered quickly when you help God’s chosen
The first prayer was answered when Don and
I decided on a Saturday night, December 2006 that
we would love to begin helping the Jews get home as
soon as the church was paid for. The next day,
Sunday morning, enough money came in to pay off
the note on the church.
On Tuesday we paid the church off and contacted Al & Tommie Cooper of God’s Learning
Channel as to how we could get started on what we
had promised the Lord. They told us about you. We
called Ezra and you came to Abilene Bible Chapel last
We are thrilled that the enclosed checks total
$1,400.00. Four more Jewish people are going home.
Praise the Lord!
Don and Carolyn Woods
Bible Chapel
Abilene, Texas
It is always such a special joy to receive letters from the many Jewish people Ezra has assisted in their return to Israel. Here is one
such letter we would like to share with you. It is only through your continuing financial gifts that make their new lives possible.
Letter of Thanks:
My name is Sofiya Zaborova. I would like to express my gratitude to
your organization for your support that you have given to us during these past
two difficult years.
My granddaughter, Dariya Mitskevich, lost her parents at a very early age. The collection of travel
documents for Dariya’s studies in Israel was very difficult and expensive for us. We had no possiblity of
being able to pay for them. Only because of the aid given to us by Ezra International was it possible for
the dreams of this grandmother and the dreams of my granddaughter Dariya to become true. She is now
going to Israel to study!!! May her life in Israel be richly blessed.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making her dream become reality.
Sofiya Zaborova
Dariya Mitskevich
Chisinau, Moldova
Rescuing. Returning. Restoring.