Bargara Coral Coast Qld Bargara Coral Coast Qld


Bargara Coral Coast Qld Bargara Coral Coast Qld
Bargara Coral Coast Qld
Newsletter - January 2012
Ruth Jung - Villa 72
I was born in Murwillumbah NSW. When I was four
years old and my baby sister was 6 months my parents shifted
to Qld. They settled at Conondale in the hinterland of the
Sunshine Coast. There they took over the telephone exchange
and Post Office. Dad later built the general store and oil
depot. So I have been associated with business all of my life.
I did all of my schooling at Conondale State School.
After leaving school I continued to work in the Post Office
and telephone exchange. After some time I transferred to
Victoria for more experience in postal duties. I was there for
two years.
On returning home to Conondale, I went to Ballina
NSW to visit relations and whilst there decided I needed an
occupation change. So I was the first licensee of the Total
Service Station. There was a big two bay workshop, so I employed a mechanic as I wasn‟t about to handle that side of the
Ruth Jung - Villa 72
business. I managed the sales and driveway. That was in
days when we gave good old fashioned service, a rare service
given today. While at the service station I met and married
my late husband Barrie. Barrie was a local builder born and
bred in Ballina. He wasn‟t interested in garages only building
and selling beautiful homes, so we had many shifts while
there. I sold the service station and then I looked around for
another challenge.
This time a ladies fashion shop in Ballina. As a lot of
the better fashion were manufactured in Melbourne, they
didn‟t make clothes in suitable fabrics and styles for our climate. So I had a factory on the Gold Coast make some of the
sportswear. These were made under my own label “Ruth‟s
Frock Shoppe, Ballina NSW”. I then got to choose my own
fabrics and styles. I had this business for 20 years and
certainly saw a lot of changes in fashion over the years. It
was very successful and I owe a lot of credit to Barrie and our
son Kevin who gave me their full support. I also employed
excellent staff and that is important.
In 1988 Barrie and I decided it was time to retire and
join the nomads to see how the other half lived. By this time
our son had left home so we severed our ties in Ballina and
sett off. We took 12 months to go around OZ. We didn‟t
know where we really wanted to settle, but we liked Bundaberg. I guess the real estate was still in our blood, this is the
sixth property in the Bundaberg district.
Ruth Jung - Villa 72
Fortunately Barrie and I retired early as Barrie
passed away suddenly seven years ago aged 64 years, too
young but who are we to argue.
For the past six years I have been actively involved on
the committee of the Bargara Probus Club, serving two terms
as president, four terms as visits and entertainment. At
present I an organising a four day bus trip for next year.
I am pleased that I am living at Palm Lake Resort. It is
comforting to have so many friends around. There is always
someone to chat to over coffee and interesting things to do.
We would like to say thanks to you all for your
support, cards, good wishes and flowers in the
recent loss of mum Florrie. I know we will miss
her dearly but also can feel at ease knowing
she had a wonderful time here at the resort.
Many thanks for making Mum, Bob and I part
of your families.
Michele and Bob Mackenzie
Denis and Denise Buckingham
Villa 10
Barry and Jennifer Hearn
Villa 14
What a great start to the New Year!
We hope you settle in quickly and begin to
take advantage of all that the Resort has to
Welcome from Management, staff and
your new neighbours.
Residents wanting to attend the Tuesday Night Roast must
complete the sheet in the Meal Registration folder located
under the notice board in the clubhouse by Friday and for
Wednesday Lunch Roast by the Sunday afternoon before.
Please Note:
The first meal for 2012 will be:
Wed January 4:
Residents DINNER (Roast) 6pm
Thur January 5:
Fri January 6:
Lucky Villa Recent Winners
Keith & Sheila Villa 105
John & Jenny Villa 7
Bill & Sandra Villa 71
Kevin & Kaye Villa 53
Lucky Villa returns Tuesday January 10.
Meat Tray
Raffle Winners
Charlene Villa 107
Irene Villa 31
Thanks to IGA Bargara for sponsoring the raffle.
Happy Birthday Wishes to:
Evelyn Milne #96
January 18
Stan Bachelor # 91
January 22
Ruth Tevelen #117
January 24
Tilly Devine #108
January 30
If you would like to have your birthday included in
the newsletter, please fill in the form below and put
in my mailbox (Villa 133) - Thanks Leonie
------------------------------------------------Names / Villa
Day (e.g. 24) / Month (e.g. 12)
Our super
Meg with
Kevin and
Kaye Pettit
who have
taken out the
honor of
being the
Stage 2 is
really blossoming, streets are filling and sites are being snapped up
With Guest Speaker
7th January
2012 at 2pm
in the Country Club
Afternoon Tea Provided
RSVP by 3rd January 2012 to
“Special Events” folder at the Registration
Desk in the Country Club.
On behalf of all the staff at the Resort, I would
like to sincerely thank our Residents for your
many, many cards and good wishes for the
Christmas Season that were received through the office. They
make for very rewarding reading and I can assure you they are
much appreciated. Some notables among them were hand-made,
no doubt the results of some concentrated „Card-making‟ classes at
the Resort. Thanks to all. Wendy.
An exceptionally good night was enjoyed at the Residents Christmas Dinner on 20th December. The table
settings set the theme, the decorations were classically elegant and
the food was traditional and sumptuous. Plump roast turkey, ham
and baked vegetables followed by individual plum puddings with
brandy custard curbed the most voracious appetite! Congratulations on a superb effort Kylie! A special Christmas based “Trivia”
quiz had the brains in overdrive and after 25 questions and several
drawn „tie-breakers‟ the winners shared the spoils. Irene, Villa #31
won the Christmas Hamper and the Meat Tray was won by Charlene, Villa #107. Santa even managed to make an appearance. He
was in extremely good spirits on arrival, but somewhat exhausted
by the time he personally distributed a gift for each family and had
all the „children‟ sit on his lap!
Nights like these take a lot of organisation and effort and I offer our
thanks to the volunteers who help to make it happen. Walter Elliott
Holdings provide a number of benefits for our enjoyment and these
can only continue to be provided while Residents are prepared to
be involved. Please consider volunteering in the New Year. The
activities can be wide ranging from working with: art and craft,
library, bowls, workshop, computers, cards, bus newsletter, concerts, music barbecues kitchen and bistro.
Speak to your Residents Committee or Chrissie (Caretaker) for more information to take up
the challenge and be a volunteer in our community. Very Best Wishes from Mike, Wendy
Chrissie, Brian, Meg, Tara and Kylie.
“Beautiful Bargara and Bountiful Bundaberg”
How fortunate we are to be living in this unique
region of Australia. An enviable climate, pristine
coastline, bustling city centre, flourishing manufacturing and sugar industries, the home of Ginger
Beer and Bundaberg Rum, agriculture macadamia, avocado, melon, tomato and root vegetable crop farms
in abundance - all forming the fascinating kaleidoscope of our
Flights to Brisbane take only 45 minutes from the recently expanded Bundaberg Regional Airport and the Tilt Train is a popular
transport alternative. One of our three major hospitals has just seen
a $30 million expansion providing excellent facilities and specialist
services. Schools - both public and private, primary and secondary,
trade training centres, TAFE and a university provide outstanding
educational opportunities.
A ten minute drive from Bargara will take you to Mon Repos
Turtle Rookery, the „secret‟ the rest of the world is yet to discover.
This exclusive spot is Australia‟s most significant mainland turtlenesting beach and so far this season 160 turtles have nested. You
can enjoy dolphin spotting And beachcombing at Bargara, safe
swimming and kayak locations, fishing, boating and outstanding
dive locations all along the coastline.
Bargara has plenty to offer the shopper with the choice of major
supermarkets, boutiques, restaurants and our own colourful weekend markets. There are endless walks and a relaxed, holiday mood
all year round. Central to all of this is Palm Lake Resort Bargara
- a place you will proudly call “Home”. With only sixty five remaining sites in Stages 2 and 3 - there really is no better time to
visit to secure your site or residence. To become a part of our
vibrant community and enjoy all the benefits of the Resort in this
picturesque region contact the Sales Office:
Wendy, Mike or Meg on
1800 501 119 TODAY.
A recent study found that the average Aussie walks about 900 miles
a year. Another study found that Aussies drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year. That means that, on average, Aussies
get about 41 miles to the gallon!
Makes you damned proud to be an Aussie!
An Aussie and a little man were sitting at a bar in Sydney
when this huge, burly American guy walks in. As he passes
the Aussie, he hits him on the neck knocking him to the floor.
The big, burly Yank says, "That's a karate chop from Korea."
Well, the Aussie gets back on his barstool and resumes drinking his beer.
The burly Yank then gets up to go to the bathroom and, as he
walks by the Aussie, he hits him on the other side of the neck
and knocks him to the floor."That's a judo chop from Japan",
he says.
The Aussie decides he's had enough and leaves. A half hour
later he comes back and sees the burly Yank bastard sitting at
the bar. He walks up behind him and smacks him on the head,
knocking him out.
The Aussie says to the bartender, "When he wakes up mate,
tell him that was a crowbar from Bunnings."
The secret of enjoying a good Aussie wine:
1. Open the bottle to allow it to breathe.
2. If it doesn’t look like its breathing give it mouth to
Keep your information to yourself with InPrivate Browsing
Sometimes you don‟t want to leave a trace of your browsing or
search history activity on your computer. InPrivate Browsing helps
prevent your browsing history, temporary Internet files, form data,
cookies, and user names and passwords from being retained by the
browser. You can start InPrivate Browsing from the Safety menu,
or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P (Figure 1 Below)
Internet Explorer will launch a new browser session that won‟t
keep any information about WebPages you visit or searches you
perform. Closing the browser window will end your InPrivate
Browsing session.
Figure 1
Bargara - Did You Know
(1921 Population 21)
The Hummock (Sloping), a remnant volcanic formation was
named by Matthew Flinders in 1802. It hosts the geologically rare
cinder cone and provides fertile land for sugar cane. Augustus Barton, a semi-retired grazier, took an interest in sugar farming and
built his Mon Repos homestead c1884, using scoria stones from
Sloping Hummock to build walls around the cane fields. The finest
surviving example of the stone walls, constructed using South Sea
Islander indentured labour, is behind the Mon Repos beach and is
listed on the Queensland heritage register. (The Mon Repos sugar
plantation became the Qunaba refinery in 1900 when it was taken
over the Queensland National Bank, hence 'Qunaba').
Graham & Evelyn’s Vanuatu Trip
After a four hour delay at the airport we arrived in Vanuatu with
Robyn and David to be greeted by the staff at the hotel who went
out of their way to make our stay memorable. The first few days we
spent lazing round the pool which was only four steps from our
room and checking out Port Villa and the markets for shopping. A
shopping trip to China Town was also a must before starting on any
sight seeing.
A bus trip round the island surprised us with the diversity of
the flora and scenery. We had a stop at a small museum where USA
had quite a large base during World War II then on to lunch where
we were entertained by local musicians. A trip to the Cascade Falls
had spectacular views although we didn't make it to the top.
One day we hired a car with a driver and guide to visit the
Crystal Blue Lagoon - a very pretty place where the water is really
crystal blue. From there we went on to the Secret Garden - a
magic place where you could spend all day checking out the history
and culture. In our opinion it is a must for any visitor to Vanuatu.
Wherever we went the local people made us feel so welcome.
Our last day was spent at Erakor Island. We went by barge at a cost
of $10 which included the return trip and lunch on the beach.
We picked up this simple but very tasty recipe during our
travels of New Zealand‟s South Island.
Cheese rolls are a very popular food in Otago and Southland,
where they are commonly found as a menu item at cafeterias.
( Good with an Amber Ale) Keith & Leonie, Villa 133
2 cups grated tasty cheddar cheese
1 x 250 ml can reduced cream
1 packet onion soup mix (32 g)
16 slices toast bread
100 g butter, melted
Preheat the grill to high.
In a bowl, combine the cheese, reduced cream and onion soup
Cut the crusts off the bread slices and use a rolling pin to
flatten each slice a little.
Spread cheese mixture evenly over the bread slices and roll
up into a cigar shape.
Brush each roll evenly with melted butter and place in a
shallow baking tray.
Place under the grill and grill until golden brown, turning to
ensure all side are cooked.
Please send any interesting recipes that you have picked up
on your Overseas or Australian trips to Leonie at Villa 133
Art and Craft Programme 2012
Our regular programme of workshops is in recess for the school holidays,
but please feel free to use the facilities in the art and craft studio for your
personal projects, and enjoy our summer exhibition of artwork featuring a
Christmas/Summer holiday theme. We hope it may provide inspiration for
many other budding artists and craftspeople!!
2012 programme resumes on Mondays from 9.30 to 12.30
30th January, 6th February. Chinese brush painting with Lesley McAteer.
13th and 20th February: Watercolour workshop with visiting artist.
27th February and 5th March: Tissue painting: Lesley McAteer.
12th and 19th March: Pen and ink drawing. Demonstration by
Diana Pertot..
Hopefully back to Tuesdays again when water aerobics finishes
Tuesday, 27th March and 3rd April: Painting without a brush. Heather
Please remember to look in the Arts/Crafts Folder in the Country Club for
details of what to bring to the above workshops, also of course to register
your name so we know how many will be attending.
It is hoped to offer a series of five Introduction to Pottery Classes on the
first Monday of each month, beginning in April.
Exciting news for all those interested in Craft. Beginning on the first
Friday in March ,
Friday Craft Afternoons
will be held from 1.30 to 3.30pm in the
Country Club.
Bring your current project and enjoy the
company. Enquiries Jan Wishart #01
Resort Activities
Tuesday 9.00 am
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
7.00 pm to 9.00 pm
Learn to play bowls: Beginners
Welcome!! Any resident wishing to
learn the basics of lawn bowls may
contact Jean Villa 110 to arrange a
mutually suitable time for an
introduction to this sport..
Flat-soled footwear must be worn.
Royce Parker (Villa 4) has taken
over as ‘Bowls Co-ordinator’
Monday in the Observatory,
1.30 pm to 4:30pm If you missed
the last series of lessons and wish to
learn bridge, Register your interest
with Heather at Villa 97.
The Courtesy Bus Departs Friday
9am from The Country Club
The Courtesy Bus Departs
Wednesday 9am From The
Country Club Entrance
Resort Activities
If you would like to play Bingo,
please fill in the expression of interest form in the Activities Folder
under the noticeboard in the
Thursday & Friday Noon to 2.00
Tuesday 2:00 pm in Craft Room
Ladies Card Players meet Thursday afternoon at 1.00 pm in the
Gym Instruction: Remember to
sign in for your fitness training at
the gym each Friday from 7am to
11am. Leanne will design a program for each individual’s level of
fitness. Don’t forget to bring a
towel & wear appropriate footwear
See Palm Lake Resort Hair Studio
Refer Ad for details
Resort Activities
Thursday 8.45 am
Mixed, Full & Half Court
Wednesdays 6:45 pm
Racquets available. All
standards, Learners
Tuesday, Thursday &
Friday 2.00 pm on the
DVD Channel.
See the white board near
post boxes for details.
Easy listening music is
played each day on the
Resort Camera channel.
Tuesday 10.30 am
Friday 2:00 pm
Wednesday 2.00 pm, the
Fun Dance Fitness Class
Monday 9.00 am
"The grand final for the Palm Lake Resort ' Medal of Medals '
was played on November 22 in hot, humid conditions . The
winners of the previous monthly events competed against
each other in 4 divisions for men and three for the ladies . At
the presentation to the winners listed below, Mike D'Arcy announced the resort's intention to continue with the Bargara
Veterans sponsorship for 2012 . It is likely that the year will
commence with a BBQ style get together at the resort for the
vet players" .
Div 1 - Ray Austin .
2 - Alan Almond
3 - Barry Tatnall
4 - Ron Howard
Div 1 - Desley Harrington
2 - Laurel Mathews
3 - Jill Serra.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the
newsletter in the past few months, without your
contributions we would not be able to produce
an interesting newsletter. Keep sending in your
Happy New Year to you all at Palm Lake
From the Newsletter Team:
Leonie, Keith and Wendy
Newspaper delivery: To have the paper delivered into the Village contact Newsxpress Bargara on 4159 1466 or call in to
talk to the friendly staff at 15 See St.
Outward mail: Standard letters may be left for pick up by
our local Mailperson. The mailbox is the last on the southern
wall clearly marked “Australia Post Outgoing Mail”.
Sewing Machine Supplies: Palm Lake Resort Residents
shopping at Corbett & Sons Sewing Machine Centre in
Bourbong Street will receive 10 per cent discount on their
purchases. See Peter or Kate. ID may be required.
Ann Bradley JP: Villa 100 / Phone 7100, By appointment
Mario Pertot JP: Villa 18 / Phone 7018
Bob Hill JP: Villa 38 / Phone 7038
Michelle Mackenzie JP: Villa 86 / Phone 7086 or
0417730963, Available most times just ring.
Combined Sharpening Services: For sharpening all your
Domestic and Commercial Tools, Knives, Scissors, Garden
and assorted tools, Call Russell on 4159 1066 to arrange a
time to suit.
Home Handyman Maintenance: Gazza‟s home maintenance
& repairs for all types of household jobs below $3,000. Top
quality work at the best price. Phone Mob: 0409 513354 4154 7871
Lucky Villa Prize: Like to win some cash?
Spend $1.00 per villa each week at Tuesday night dinner or
Wednesday lunch to enter the weekly draw to win all the cash
collected. Drawn at dinner each Tuesday night.
Money collected at Wednesday lunch will go into the following week‟s Tuesday night draw.
Tilt Train Tickets: No need to go into Bundaberg, tickets are
available through Darryl & Sharon at the Bargara Convenience Store in Bauer Street. Open 7 days 6:30am—7pm
Phone 4159 2929 or email:
If you are planning a function this year and intend using the
Country Club for your venue, please see Chrissie (Caretaker)
to arrange for the event and the details to be entered into the
Diary on the registration Desk. Early bookings are advised
now that there are so many of us here.
The 2012 Diary is available now, so if this is your big year
for a special birthday, anniversary or family reunion don‟t
A message regarding
Please be aware homes under construction are
CONSTRUCTION ZONE AREAS and as such you are not
permitted to walk through them for Workplace Health and
Safety reasons. We know you are interested and want to see
the progress on new homes but you must be escorted through
the site with an accredited blue card holder.
Author Clive Cussler Most famous creation is marine engineer,
government agent & adventurer Dirk Pitt. The Dirk Pitt novels frequently take on an alternative history perspective, such as " what if
Atlantis was real?", or "what if Abraham Lincoln wasn't assassinated, but was kidnapped?"
The first two Pitt novels, The Mediterranean Caper and Iceberg,
were conventional maritime thrillers. The third, Raise the Titanic!,
made Cussler's reputation and established the pattern that subsequent Pitt novels would follow: a blend of high adventure and high
technology, generally involving megalomaniacal villains, lost ships,
beautiful women, and sunken treasure.
Cussler's prefers fantastic spectacles and outlandish plot devices.
The Pitt novels, in particular, have the anything-goes quality of
the James Bond or Indiana Jones movies. Clive Cussler has had
more than seventeen consecutive titles reach The New York
Times fiction best-seller list.
131 223
131 444
State Emergency Service
132 500
SES Bargara
4159 2866
Tropical Cyclone Warnings
1300 659 212
Wide Bay/Burnett Area Office
4190 4810
Bundaberg Base Hospital
4150 2222
Bundaberg Regional Council
1300 883 699
(Customer Service)
Bundaberg Airport (Flight Information)
131 313
Qld Rail Enquiries
131 617
Caretakers Office
Ext. 7000
Open 9am to 11am - Tues - Fri.
4150 5100
In the event of an emergency after hours, please contact
Caretakers after first notifying the relevant service.
Resort Sales Office
Ext. 7901 or Ext. 7902
1800 501 119
4130 5553
Sales Office Fax:
Office Hours:
9.00am to 4.00 pm Mon - Fri
10.00 am to 2.00 pm Weekends
Please phone for an appointment.
Stephanie McKay
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
Don‟t forget to ask for your “Rewards Card”
Phone for your appointment at Palm Lake Resort Hair Studio
on 7804 or call Stephanie
direct on 4159 2666 or on 0418192154.
If salon is unattended on any of the scheduled days, please ring
Stephanie on her mobile. Stephanie lives only a short distance
from the salon and can be back within a few minutes
Opening and Closing Times over Christmas./New Year
An older man, not in the best physical condition, asked the
Trainer in the gym, "I want to impress that beautiful
girl. Which machine should I use?"
The trainer replied, "Use the ATM machine outside the gym!"
Secret to a long happy marriage: An old woman was sipping
on a glass of wine, whilst sitting on the patio with her husband, and she says , “I love you so much , I don’t know how I
would live without you”...Her husband ask, “Is that you or the
wine talking?”...She replies, “It’s me ...talking to the wine.”
Kia Ora,
Here we are, in the New Year. Did anyone make the fatal
mistake of making a New Years Resolution? You do know
you are doomed with failure, don‟t you. There is never
enough chocolate, Baileys, pizza, warm soft bread dripping in
butter, croissants with cheese and ham, smooth creamy
sauces , rich gooey desserts, (and did I mention chocolate?) to
be had, by any one person, at any one time. And that‟s the
Rules. So you can see where you‟ve gone wrong now can‟t
you. It‟s useless to resist, just go with it. Life‟s too short not
to enjoy it.
I hope that this new year will bring about joy, happiness and
love for you all.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for
your continued support that you have given Brian and I during
2011. There are a lot of people in our community that give us
a helping hand without our even having to ask. Sometimes, it
can be as little as a Thank you for a job well done, but it
means the world to us. It is always nice to be acknowledged,
even tho that is not the reason you do something. So now it‟s
our turn to acknowledge you. This is such a great place to be,
and it is you, the resident, that makes
it that way.
Happy, Healthy Christmas and
Joyous New Year to you all.
Haere mai
Brian and Chrissie
The Christmas Party