s - Bellaire Community Group
s - Bellaire Community Group
1 Bellaire Communitty Group Keeping eping Quali Quality of Liffee Our Priority! June 201 2 6 Our Elected Offfiicials…….3 Mayor Derrick: Sweetthea heart Trail Zone 1 Trager: Items off note forr Daytona Beach Zone 2 Woods: Orange Ave work Fundrai$er Number e s.............5 A Native Remembeers: Surffiing…………….. …… ….6 Save Our Neighborrhoods: SON Update …………… …7 From the Desk of the Chief of Police………..……………….9 Join us! Thursday, Junee 16, 2016 at Schneb nebly Recreeation Center nter 1101 N. Atlan ntic Ave. ntic Share a meal at 6 p.m. Meeting starts 6:30 p.m. 7KLV0R 0RQWK WK¶VV'LQQHU: ($4 donaation) Tasty deli sand dwiches and sides, dessert rts aand n beverages! nd Welcome to Hurricane Season! As I am writing thiss, we are expeeriencing our ffiirst Tropical Storrm m in tthe he offfiicial st start of tthe he Season…June 1 . In this political season we fi find ourselves in, it’s not surrpr prising we can ffee eel strong n winds. Beffor ore we started our political forrum um at last month’s meeting, we had Caaptain Jen bringing us up to date on the crime activity in Zone 2 and and throughout the beachside. Tom Clig, code enffoorcement offfiicer ffo or the beach c side, e was also in atten ndaan nce. He shared with us the progress on some trou ubled properrtties in our area. The political ffoorum with tthe he mayoral cannd didates, Derrick Henry, Fred Hoff fffm mann, David R Rho hody annd Ken Stricklaand nd wennt over very well witthh our members. The members commented to me afftterrward that they are able to make a more meaani ningfful ul vote afftter having heard directly ffrrom the candidaattes, raatther than basing their vote on whether they y like someone’s yard sign. The questions the candidates were asked came ffrrom m me as well as ffrrom the members. If there are questionss you would like asked e forr a parrtticular race, please s don’t hesitate to send me an email at Steve@KoenigRealty.com. This month’s political ffor orru um will feaatture the candidat d es ffo or Volusia Couunty Sheriff. Four candidates withdrew fr from the race, buut that still leaavves 6 active candidaattes. How these cand n idaattes respond to questionns will give us a pretttty good indicaattion of their ind n ividual demeaanor nor. I have a strong ffee eeling you will ffiind this ffor orum extremel e y inffor ormative and enterrttaining. We just attttended a ffund undraiserr ffo or Sons off the Beach at Crabby Joe’s on Sun Glow Pier. We appr p eciate Crabby Joe’s manaagger, Luke Zona, ona supporrtting the SO S B’s efffo orrtts. There was live music and and a delicious array of lunches to chooose ffrrom. The event was extremely well atttended. Paul Zimmerman, our ffounde ounnder and current president off Sons of the Beach, has said that that the SOB’s have only just began to fi fight. Paaul will give us an updaatte at at our next meeting on the h ir effor ffforrtts to protect the historic naatture off ourr beach. We have ffal allen shorrtt of reaching ourr goal off $5,000. We are currently at $4 4,900. Your supporrtt is greaatly appreciaatted. Please help us reach our goal. The list of contributors is on pag ge 5. Hope to see you at at our meeting. I guarantee you will ffeeel more conn nected to the community we call home. Thaank nks ffor or the journey, Steve Koenig 2 BELLAIRE COMMUNITY GROUP 2000 N. Halifax Daytona Beach, FL 32118 2016 Officers Chair Steve Koenig Office: 386.257.6700 Cell: 386.795.0023 steve@koenigrealty.com Vice Chair Paul Zimmerman, Founder 386.316.6259 ptzimm@bellsouth.net Treasurer and Marketing Manager Nancy Koenig 386.679.3363 nancy@koenigrealty.com Contributors Derrick Henry Ruth Trager Pam Woods Weegie Kuendig Mike Chitwood Paul Zimmerman Steve Koenig Vol 10, Issue 6: June 2016 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Political Forum – Volusia County Sheriff Race: a) Wendell Bradford b) Dave Brannon c) Michael J. Chitwood d) Eric Dietrich e) James Gillum f) Brett Keenan 3. Paul Zimmerman, President, Sons of the Beach, Update 4. 50-50 Drawing 5. Adjourn meeting Put tables and chairs away and go home more connected with the community you call home! 3 Our Elected Offficials ficialss Derrick Henrry, y, Maayyor o off Da ayyttoona Beach Since late last year, construction has been underway on new pedestrian and cycling friendly paved paths in ourr historic doowntown area. Commissionerr Kelly White, whose zonne includes Beach Street, has been a vocal advoocate of creating more pedestrian and biking ffrie riendly areas as a way forr residents and tourists to enjoy ou o r area’s naatur tural amenities and beauty. On Thursday, July 14 a section off the newly created “Sweetheart Trail” will open to the public with an inaugural walk, run and bike ride after a brief ribbon cutting ceremony at 5:30 pp.m. The event will take pplace behind City Island Library. The newest section off completed trail is located in the area between the News-Journaal Centerr and the International Speedway Boullevard bridge. It has contemporary shade structures and lighting is set to be installed. The segment of of the trail is named after early Daytona philanthro opists Mr and Mrs. Mr. Mrs Charles Burgoyne’ss 75-foot yacht named Sweetheart, which was built on City Island in the late 1890s used ffor or sponsoring trips allong the Halifaax x River. The trail is part of Daytona Beach’s section of the East Coast Greenway, a 2,900-mile-loong shared-use trail between Calais, Maine, and Key West, Florida. The trail enters Daytona Beach at Sickle i kl r P Park, k unde d r the h Seabre b eze Bridge id , and nd continues south to Beville Road. By using existing sidewalk where possible and strategically fin nding state grant dollars, the project has made rapiid progress and future sections are now in the design phase. Ruth th T Trraag gerr,, Z Zo one 1 C City ity C Co ommissioner CONGRATULAT TIONS TO ALL OUR RECENT GRADUATES! I think this is what we w call the lazy, hazy, crazy days oof summer, but with everything thhat is happening in Daytona Beach, it is anything buut lazy. The Friends of the Bandsheell and the Boardwalk Merchants are having thhe tribute concerts at the Bandshell with addiitional fireworks on Saturday - a great way to spend a Saturday night under the stars at the ocean. The Me M morial Day celebration was very special honoring i former mayor Bud Asher and with the Color Guard and awards to some deserving veterans and the fflly-over by the Spruce Creek Gaggle airplanes. s Our commissioner, Pam Wooods, has just won an award ffrom rom the Florida League of Cities ffor or her work. CONGRATULATIONS! Just a reminder (of course you do not need one) but we are now in hurricane seeason, and we should all check our supplies and pplans. The police are still having a problem with car bbreak-ins so lock your cars, rs take your keys, and remo ove your valuables. The year is almost half over, r and the Fourth of July with all the celebrations andd races and visitors will be here before we know it. Tanger Outlets plans to open beffore ore Christmas and Daytona One is moving right along. A new Wawa is being planned for Daytona Beach and alsso a new Aldi and a Twistee Taste. It is great that everyone else is discovering what we knew all along g - Daytona Beach is a wonderfful ul place in whicch to live!! 4 A Few Word dss ffrrom P Pa am W Wo oodss,, Z Zo one n 2 Ciity C C Co ommissioner Summerrttime – when the commission ffiinds ou ut the current values off prope o rrtty aand nd starrtts looking seriou usly at the budget ffo or the upcom ming year. The good news is val a ues went up again. The commission has discussed its priorities ffor or ffundi unding and should be able to determine a budget in the coming weeks. Commercial and residential pro ojjects, big and small, are on-going. As they develop, more job opporrttunities become available. It is imporrttaant nt to keep moving ffor orward. We are coming to the end of work on Orange Avenue. It has been such a huge underrttaking! I drive thaatt road almost every day and continue to be amazed at at the depth of of work going on there. This is such a lesson off how an aging inffrrastructure impacts a city and the costs assocciaatted with maintenance. It is critical to plan ffor or these ne n eds. Maintenance is basic to quality of liffee forr everyone. o I will not be writing arrtticles ag gain until Septemberr as I will be visiting ffam amily and en njjoying some time away y. So until then - have a won nderffu ul summer! Paam . Foreclosures/Bankruptcies/Real Estate 5 ANNUAL FUND RAI$ER UPDATE A Total as of 6.6.16 is $4,900—thankk you! We’re almost there. If you haven’t yet given this year, please consider it. We hope to meet orr exceed last year’s total. We know what the donation means: you support ou ur efffor orts and our goals. ZĞƐŝĚĞŶƚƐ;ΨϭĂŶĚƵƉͿ Anonymous (4) Basima Amawi Ron Cammarata Bob and Dot Ducharme CC Lista French Michael McCachren David and Kathryn Owens Alane Patterson Lori Torregrossa Rick Holmes EĞŝŐŚďŽƌƐ;ΨϮϱĂŶĚƵƉͿ Anonymous (5) William Brogdon, Jr. Pat and Larry Carrico Sam Compton Randy Croy Dawn and Ralph DeJesus Dan and Dee Dillman Lucille and Willard Eaton Richard and Mary Fagan Christine Franczek Pat and Fred Gruner Ed and Connie Howe Mary Johnson Jackie Kessler Irene Koutouzis John and June Lane Richard and Joyce Larocque Jean Leigh-Manuell Valerie and Ronald May Barbara Mulder Bill and Jacky Murphy Gretchen Neal Ann Oakley Robert Patrick Russell Rhodes Thomas and Jean Ross Bill Scheeler Steve and Kim Schlossberg Charles Starkenstein Frank Stein R. Lawrence Vandeenberg Lisa Gall and David Brown Herb Stofsky CLLU Pat Thomason Frank and Terree Tumminello Doreen Vandyke k -Sauer Chuck and Marry Welch Lola Yellen Judy d Sterling Peter and Bonnie Krajc Robert Dambrose &ƌŝĞŶĚƐ;ΨϱϬĂŶĚƵƉͿ Anonymous (2) Ray and Kate Abels Lee Apperson Will Arsenault Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Borns Christine Cantin Nancy Close Ron and Otilia Donovan Gary and Kathy Droppa John and Debbie Durzbick Joe and Pat Giardina Bruce and Diane Hufnagel Mark Jones Larry and Clara Keller Bill Kooy Pressure Cleaning George Leigh-Manuell Gus and Laurie Massfeller Todd and Michele McCall Sandra F Morris Denny L. Snyder Tony and Ginny Stellitano Lin and Bill Wenigger Ed and Nan Wiedeemer WĂƚƌŽŶƐ;ΨϭϬϬĂŶĚƵƉͿ Anonymous (1) Lawrie Davidson Shirley and Herb Dietrich Bohdi and Nancy Lewandowskyj Megan O’Neill and Danny Haughn Albert and Nanette Petrella Paul and Trudie Skinner Bill and Dottie Stose Paul Zimmerman Clint and Mary Bro ooks ^ƉŽŶƐŽƌƐ;ΨϮϬϬĂŶĚƵƉͿ Chris Brown Daphne Hioteles Don and Hannah King Steve and Nancy Koenig Rice & Rose Law Firm Ron Rabenold 6 A Native Remembers By Paul Zimmerrm mann Nothing sa s ys summer like the h month of June. I got up thi this morning and like I do every morrni ning, I went down and looked aatt the ocean at Harrttffo ord Approach to check k the surf and see if there weere aany ny waves. Summer time is usually when our oceann is ffllat. Unless the tropics seend us a storrm m, you caan n usuaally water ski off fff ourr beach in the months of June, July, annd August. When I got down the h re this morning, I was surpr p ised to see there was a little 2 ffoot oot souuth swell rolling in. The T light wind was on shore, out of thhe sou utheast, which is not optimal ffor or surffiing cond c itions, buut the tide was incoming and almost high andd I knew thaatt would give the waves a little bump in size. It looked ridable with potential (east coast surffeer’s ffav avorite word) and it was only 7 AM, so I went home aand nd grabbbed my paddle board aand nd went out. It was the right decision. o I caught some good ones. I surffed ed alone ffoor almost an hour beffor ore Georrggia caam me oout on her surf ski to join in onn the ffun un. During that hourr of solitude, I remembered that I hadn’t writttten this arrtticle aand n it was in nd thaatt state off mind tha hatt I caam me up with this month’ h s topic. Surffiing is a sporrtt where the greaatt majorrity of time and energy is spent preparing orr setttting up for for ac a tually engaging in the sporrt rt of riding a wave. e This mor o ning I was in the waatter ffor orr aabout bout 90 minutes, aand nd in tho h se 90 minutes I probably spe s nt 5-6 minutes actually su urffiing a wave aand nd I must havve caught aatt least 20 waves. The rest off the time is spent padd p ling out or jockeying ffor or position or to caattch the ffaace of the wave at at its peak k (the highest point off energy). So whenn people say they’re “going surffiing,” thaatt is only a small par p rtt of what thhey are actually doing. Now there is no doubt, surffiing the wave is where the exhilaration, ffun, unn, and excitement is ffou ound, bu butt the older I get, the more I enjoy the time between waves. I have been surffiing ffoor 54 years; that is a lot of time beetween rides. That is a lot of o time reading tthhe ocean aand nd how tthe he waterr moves under the enerrgy gy and for force of a swell--a swell thaatt has sometimes traveled hundreds of miles to crash on ourr beach in thaatt verry spot where I am surffiing. That’s pretttty cool in itself. Everryy wave is uniquue. There are cha h racteristics that h t are similar but b t no two are the saam me. In surffiing there is aan n intoxicaattion brought oon by solitude, ocean movement, physical exhilaration, the beauty of nature, aand nd the paradoxical relationship between of the intensity off being in the moment and the sense of being in a timeless staatte. That uniqueness separaattes me fr from the reality thatt ex e ists in the world of drry y land. This must be why I have bbeen doing it ffo or all these years and I love it as much as I did when I ffiirst paddled ouut in 1962. Isn’t a separaattion ffrrom realitty y brrought on by the intoxication of a unique and beaauutifful ul exxperience what we all seek, either in a person orr place whenn we travel to a new destinattion or go on vacation? We waant nt something new, some pperson, place, orr experience thaatt intensiffiies the moment andd ffor orces us to realize thaatt we are alive and tthat hat we are aware of it. If it wasn’t ffoor the booredom off the ffam amiliar, there would be no need to seek out tthe he unique. It seems to me humans are caaug ught in conffllict. We seek the unffam amiliar, but b we are really more comffor orttable with the or ffam amiliar. Thee ffam amiliar drones on aand nd we don’t even notice-but occasionnally we take a chance. I knoow lots of ffol olks who haav ve moved here fo for its unique charac a teristics. They loved what made us, us: it made them ffee eel alive. They ffel elt tthe he intennsity of the unffam amiliar. But it seems humans caann onl onnly stand so much off that. Padddling my board and looking back at the towers on the coastline made it all too clear. The comforrtt of tthe he ffam amiliar has too strong an allure aand nd we set abouutt turning the unffam amiliar back into the ffam amiliar. I am a grateffuul that it is impossible to alter the uniqueness of the surffiing experience and a tthat hat thaatt experience fo for me is always only one step offff the shore line….it is my reffug uuge. Til next time, Paul 7 Save Ourr Neighborhoods Dear Bellaire Friends and N ighbors: Ne Is it just me, orr did others d drive back and forth over the Orange Ave Bridge in its final d ys? I always loved that bridge. da Ah, well….so mucch for nostalgia. As they say, a done deal. Yet I sttill marvel at the county decision making ki process – nott necessarily in i a good d wa w y. The majorr contractor fo for the new bridge is a company that constructs and repairs new bascule (draw) bridges as well - two things we were told couldn’t be done. Dru Driscoll, Fire Chief of Daytona Beach, was the guest speaker at SON at the last meeting. I think everyone was impressed by his sinceriity, enthusiasm, innovative thinking, and his passi s on for the Fire Department. He spoke about the sto oried history of the DBFD, the many services beyond putting out fires, stafffing fing and the potential future fu of the department, including innovative prograams about recruitment and using the right respon nse of resources for long term savings. Chief Driscoll would make a great addition to anyone’s neighborhood meeting. It was a pleasure to see so many resiidents from so many neighborhoods at the last Commission meeting as the after-hours perm mitting process and new rules were presented and v voted on in the afffirma irmative by the Commission. The u unity of sentiment was overwhelming. Many had thee courage to stand up and speak. k I think these new ordinances will go a long way toward revitalizing Seabreeze and other areas, once they are implemented. And more good news: A new, beauttiful, very appropriate development was announced at the South Atlantic Neighborhood meeting. The River Point Townhouse project (where the White Pearl high-rise condo had been approved many years ago) received pra p ise all around. Th he next Save Our Neighborhoods meeting will be June u 22 at the Peninsula Club. The current Superviso or of Elections will be the guest and will have lots of voting information to pass along. Bring a neighbo or and a snack at 6:15. A always, thanks ffo As or the opportuni t ty, Weegie Kuendig dkuendig@aol.com 254-5141 Weegie Kuendig is a Candidate for Daytona Beach Zone 2 Commission Seat. BREAKER PANEL UPGRADES • LIGHTS DIMMERS • FANS GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES 8 Community Information and Announcements Important Phone Numbers " Code Enforcement Clig says…. Mayor’s Offfic fice 671-8007 Park Facilities 671-3400 Police Chief Chitwood 671-5102 Trash Collection 671-8670 Waterr Billing 671-8100 Animal Control 671-5100 Beach Patrol 239-6484 Building Permits 671-8140 Citizen Complaints 671-8010 Code Enfforc orcement 671-8262 Garage Sale Permits 671-8140 Police Department 671-5100 Please make sure ĂůůǀĞŚŝĐůĞƐŝŶ ĚƌŝǀĞǁĂLJ have current tags and are running! Not Getting Our Email? We won’t sell your address (or give it away) to anyone. To get on our mailing list, go to bellairecommunitygroup.com! Elected Of Ele Off fffiicial Con Conttac act Inf nffoo NAME TITLE ZONE PHONE VOICEMAIL EMAIL 386.671.8010 386.671.8007 Henryd@codb.us Derrick Henry Mayor Ruth Trager Commissioner Zone 1 386.671.8401 386.671.8001 Tragerr@codb.us Pamela Woods Commissioner Zone 2 386.671.8402 386.671.8002 Woodsp@codb.us Kelly M. White Commissioner Zone 3 386.671.8403 386.671.8003 Whitek@codb.us Robert A. Gilliland Commissioner Zone 4 386.671.8404 386.671.8004 Gilliandr@codb.us Patrick J. Henry Commissioner Zone 5 386.671.8405 386.671.8005 Henryp@codb.us Paula R. Reed Commissioner Zone 6 386.671.8406 386.671.8006 Reedp@codb.us 9 From the Desk k of the Police Chiief From Chieff Chitwood Back by popularr demand is the annual Daytona Beach’s Citizens Police Academy. The coursse of instruction, which begins on Tuesday, August 30, is a perffeect way for residents to become fa familiar with the b i func basic functions off th theeir police department and learn about the training our offfic icers receive. &ULPHVFHQHLQYHVWLJDWLRQDQGHYLGHQFHFROOHFWLRQ 'HPRQVWUDWLRQVE\.-9 and SWAT units $IILLHOGWULSWRDVKRRWLQJUDQJHZKHUHDFDGHP\ participants can test their marksmanship skills The next opportunity to get an inside look at our police department is Tuesday, August 30, from 6 to 8:30 PM at Police Headquarters, 129 Valor Boulevard in Daytona Beach. There is no cost for the ten-week program, which will be every Tuesday evening through November 1. There is absolutely no experience necessary to partake in the activities – just an investment of time and an interest in learning about our police department. Space is limited so please register early by calling. To register, please contact Nick Fiore at (386) 671 5291. What topics are in i cluded? 2IIILLFHUWUDLQLQg re r quirements &RQVWLWXWLRQDOODZSUHVHQWHGE\WKH6WDWH $WWRUQH\¶V2IIILLFH . RITCHEY automotive group 551 N. Nova Rd. • 386-255-4444 JonHall.com i 932 N. Nova Rd.• 386-236-5000 RitcheyCadillac.com 6 5 0 N . N ova R d . • 3 8 6 - 2 5 5 - 2 2 5 2 • S u b a r u O f D a y to n a . c o m 614 N. Nova Rd. and 998 N. Nova Rd. 386-236-5159 386-236-5156 RitcheyAutos.com 901 N. Nova Rd.• 386-255-9374 • DaytonaHyundai.com 122489 l Campaign Contributions gratefully accepted: Mary Weegie Kuendig Campaign, 718 N. Wild Olive Ave. Daytona Beach, FL 32118 Email if you are able to volunteer or want a sign for your yard: weegie4zone2@gmail.com Primary Election August 30th. Political ad paid for and approved by Mary Weegie Kuendig for Daytona Beach City Commission, Zone2 10 11 KOENIG R E A L T Y Your Beachside Specialists Steve Koenig, Broker Nancy Koenig, Realtor $15 OFF SERVICE CALL IF YOU MENTION THIS AD 386-257-6700 KoenigRealty.com Your Local Full Service Real Estate Company We want your House to Sell House Few houses are available for our buyers. o Now is the Time! CONTACT US FOR A PRICE CONSULTATION 0N YOUR PROPERTY LET US MANAGE YOUR PROPERTY WE OFFER WORRY FREE PROFESSIONAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT www.RiceRoseLaw.com Paul E. Rice, Jr. Board Certified Divorce & Family Law www.AdamWarrenForCircuitJudge.com 222 Seabreeze Blvd. | Daytona Beach | 386.257.1222 For a description of the full range of services provided go to KoenigRealty.com YOUR REFERRALS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED! 12 Thankkss for the JJou ou urney! Auburn, Cornell, & Bucknell: Larry & Clara Keeller BelAire & Driftwood: Pete Prutsman Boylston: Nan Weidemer & Frank Stein Brookline: Lucie Teeters & Bill Kooy Cobblestone Village: John McGuinness Columbus: Frank & Terre Tumminello Daytona Beach Harbour: Alfonso Garritano Flagstone: Bryan Poaches, Jr. Golf: Joe Magiera Grandview: Mary Anne Keane Hartford & Euclid: Mike & JoAnn MacMillan N Halifax, Jacaranda, Chipeway, & all other streets: Nancy Koenig and Nikolai Hargreaves Manhattan: Sheryl Cola Morningside: Ted & Cindy y Beers Nautilus: Charlotttte Odegaard N. Peninsula: Lawrie Davidson Stanford: Kathy & Bill Lazarus Pelican & N Oleander: Diane and Phiilip Hartley Plaza Blvd: Jeff Fillegar Seabreeze High School Area: Paul Zimmerman Seaview: Paul & Trudie Skinner University Area: George & Clarke Smith Williams: Megan O’Neill & Pete Pruttsman Woodland: Don Hietala Waverly: Margaret Fathi Zelda & Flushing: Elly & Rachael Pettersen Special thankkss to our other volunteerrss: F Fra rank Stein, Mike Campanalee,, Nancy W Wiinebrennerr,, Reba Peters rss,, and Clarke Smith. A particularr thankkss to Hannah King for herr clerical expertiisse!