MHJH Highlights - Berea City School District


MHJH Highlights - Berea City School District
Middleburg Heights Junior High
7000 Paula Drive
Middleburg Hts., OH 44130
Mr. Paul Kish, Principal
MHJH Highlights
NOVEMBER 15, 2013
Volume I, Issue III
Report Cards Available on Infinite Campus
9th Grade Fall Formal Dance/6:30pm
BMI/Vision and Hearing screenings 7th & 9th grades
Winter Sports Pictures after school
BMI/Vision and Hearing screenings 7th & 9th grades
Thanksgiving Break—No School
Athletic Hotline
7th/8th Band Holiday Concert and 7th Orchestra
8th/9th Orchestra Holiday Concert and 9th band Concert—
Attendance Line
Main Office
A word from Principal, Paul Kish
First Quarter Merit Roll, Honor Roll, and Principal's Roll
MHJH students have done very well academically in the first grading period
at MHJH! We are proud to list so many students that have attained academic success. These students are to be commended as well as their parents for
a job well done!
Merit Roll students have attained a 3.00-3.49 GPA.
Honor Roll students have attained a 3.50-3.99 GPA.
Principal's Roll students have attained a 4.00 GPA or above.
A list of these students is posted in the newsletter – take a look!
Safety Concerns at MHJH
In light of the recent events at our junior high I thought that the most recent newsletter should
reflect on what has happened and what is being addressed regarding these incidents. The
safety and security of our students is of the highest priority and I want to ensure all parents
that this will continue to be the case. We do not work in isolation; many people in the school
district, police department, and fire department work in cooperation to assess facts and make
decisions on important matters such as these. A basic breakdown is as follows:
Tuesday, November 5th
Following the discovery of a statement written in the boys' restroom indicating that
someone had hidden a gun, the building was placed in lockdown. This means that all
students were secured and kept in their classrooms until the facts were assessed by
the proper authorities. The proper precautionary measures were taken and it was determined that the building was safe to return to a regular schedule. An all-call was
made to parents to inform them of the incident.
Wednesday, November 6th
Another handwritten statement was found in the same restroom. This statement claimed that there was a bomb in the building. Authorities were notified, safety
procedures enacted, and the building was evacuated. The situation was assessed by
the MHPD and the MHFD in collaboration with school officials. It was determined
that the building was safe for students to return to classes. An all-call was again
made to parents to inform them of the incident.
Thursday, November 7th
A statement was read to students during announcements to ensure them of
their safety and that authorities are working on the case. A police officer was stationed at the school to assist. A number of rumors spread through social media regarding the possibility of another threat. The rumors were identified and investigated;
no credible evidence was found to support any of the rumors. An all-call was made to
parents to inform them of the rumors. However, a large number of parents came to
the school to pick up their student. The office staff did not have the logistics to accommodate the large number of parents all arriving within the short time period.
Eventually, all parents and students requesting to go home were accommodated. The
superintendent made an all-call summarizing the incidents and general facts.
Authorities continue to investigate these incidents that have induced panic in our school
and in our community. We take these crimes very seriously and we are working with local authorities to bring a resolution. If anyone has information to assist in the investigation please
call the school or call the MHPD.
Ninth Grade Fall Formal
Special thanks to the MHJH PTA and to grade nine class advisor Amy Jambor for organizing the first annual ninth grade fall formal that was held on Saturday, November 9th. Approximately 300 tickets were sold and the event was well attended. Students appeared to have a
great time as they enjoyed music, dancing, and socializing. The theme of the dance was a masquerade as identified by a committee comprised of ambitious ninth graders. Thanks to all that
MHJH Information on Twitter
Please follow us on twitter @MHJHTitans. Mr. Bollin Assistant Principal, is the point
person for this account and he updates information on twitter regarding our school. Morning
announcements and other school information are displayed on a continual basis. As of this
date we have 252 followers. Create a twitter account; you do not have to "tweet" your own happenings; you can simply follow us and others for up-to-date information.
Reporting a child absent
Please use the direct phone line for Attendance 216-676-0913. This leaves the main switchboard open for all other calls regarding school business. The attendance line is available 24
hours a day/7 days a week. A reminder to parents to please let the attendance office know
when your student is out sick, going on vacation, arriving late, or leaving early. Please leave the
name and grade of the student, reason for being absent, and whether the absence is going to be
all day or a specific time of the day. If you leave a message on the machine, make sure you say
the date the event is occurring. The attendance line is available to leave messages regarding attendance anytime during the day or night. MHJH needs to have notification from a parent before
a student leaves the building. Students who are feeling ill should see the nurse between the
hours of 8:00 am – 3:00 pm. During any other time, a student should come to the school office
for help. Students should not contact parents via cell phone during the day to go home. If students do call, parents should call attendance to let us know you want your student to be ready
to leave, and at what time.
Great American Fundraiser
Thank you to the students and their families for participating in the cookie dough/magazine
fundraiser. Congratulation to Giovanni Hutchings for winning 4 Kalahari Water park passes
and $25.00 in the “cash machine” for being our top seller.
The Special Education Presentation "The Big Picture of Special Education in the Berea City School
District" scheduled on November 20th has been CANCELLED due to low enrollment. The Parent
Advisory Committee will look at rescheduling in the Spring 2014. We apologize sorry for
any inconvenience.
A Note from the Music Department……..
Our music students will be presenting some outstanding concerts in
December, as performers. Perhaps your family is looking for a concert
to attend as audience members. There are several outstanding concerts
scheduled in our community that you may want to see:
Sunday, November 24th at 3:30 pm at Cleveland State University Waetjen Auditorium:
Ohio Music Education Association Northeast Regional Orchestra. Admission and parking
are free. The student musicians in this full symphony orchestra were selected through competitive auditions in September. They are the top high school musicians from Northeast Ohio. This
year’s guest conductor is Mr. Steven Huang from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. There will be
four Berea-Midpark students and one Middleburg Heights Junior High School student representing Berea City Schools this year. Top chairs from this group will be performing with the
OMEA All-State Orchestra at the OMEA Convention in Columbus in February, 2014.
Saturday, November 30th at 7 pm at Baldwin-Wallace Kulas Auditorium: The Cleveland
Pops Orchestra conducted by Carl Topilow. This concert is a fundraiser for the Berea Education Foundation, the organization who enhances opportunities for Berea City Schools students.
Tickets are $50 and $75, (216) 898-8270. Mrs. Deb Wesoloski, our orchestra director, will be
conducting Leroy Anderson’s “Sleigh Ride,” an auction item her family purchased at last year’s
Education Foundation Auction.
Sunday, December 15th at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Bagley & Eastland Roads, 8:30 am
and 11 am: Christmas Cantata with Mrs. Lois Hines. Several of our students, parents, and
teachers perform in this lovely annual full orchestra & chorus presentation. Donations accepted.
Sunday, December 15th at Baldwin Wallace Kulas Auditorium at 2 pm and 4 pm: BaldwinWallace Youth Orchestras. The 2 pm concert features the two younger string orchestras, and
the 4 pm concert features the Junior Youth Orchestra (strings) and Senior Youth Orchestra (full
symphony orchestra). Many of our students participate in these groups.
Congratulations to 9th grader Cecilia Hiros on being selected by audition to perform with the
OMEA Northeast Regional Orchestra that will be performing at Cleveland State University in November.
It’s never to late to join PTA! Membership is only $7.00 per person or
$10.00 per household and can be sent in through the main office. PTA
is offering a new variety of spiritwear! Orders are due Friday, November 22nd and will be ready b3fore winter bread. These are a great gift
idea for the Titan on your holiday shopping list! Size samples are
available at Luna, 113 Front St. in Berea. Order forms are available in
the main office or they may be found on the PTA page of the MHJH
website. Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 12th in the Library at 7pm.
Maria Bartch
Susan Bachie
What is in a Number?
In the library world, we often use numbers to help us assess our usefulness. At the MHJH Library, we are off to a very busy beginning and here are some numbers that illustrate just how
busy this place has been. All students who come to the library are supposed to sign in so we
can track our usage. Often, the students forget and I have changed the location of
the sign in sheet (therefore, adding to their confusion) but in spite of that, there
have been 5564 student visits in the first quarter. You might wonder what they
are doing and where the students are coming from….. They come from Reading
class, Enrichment Period and Study Hall. When they arrive they browse for and
checkout books, they take AR quizzes on the computers, they work on a class assignment, or print a document or current event for class. Many students also
come to checkout a textbook for overnight use. The Accelerated Reader Program
is a big reason why the library is such a busy place. In the first quarter, students checked out
5021 books from the library and another 1009 books from their classroom libraries. During that
time, the student have taken and passed 1900 quizzes! Since the library is new to everyone, the
7th and 8th grade students came to the library in early September for orientation. Both grades together add up to 1000 students and 40 classes. So- Wow! We have been busy but we are anticipating even stronger numbers as the year goes on. Finally, parents, please encourage your students to read 30 minutes every night. That’s a number that you can monitor at home that will
help our numbers in the library!
Yearbook orders are now being taken online at
They will be on sale until Friday, November 22nd and packages begin at $20.00. Students may
also pick up an order form from the main office to place their order.
Census Verification Forms/Infinite Campus Parent Portal
This is another reminder to have all Census Verification forms returned to your child’s homeroom teacher immediately if you haven’t done so already. Parents/guardians are permitted to
update any phone/email changes and add any non-household contact information to the Parent
Portal at any time which includes any individual you have given permission to pick your child up
from school. This is to ensure that we have all the most up-to date contact information for our
records. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Rinas, Records Secretary at ext. 7740.
8th Grade Polaris Career Center Field Trip
8th graders will have the opportunity to visit Polaris Career Center during the week of November
18th. This trip will provide students with exposure to the various vocational programs that will
be available to them during their junior and senior years of high school. Field trip permission
forms were distributed to students on October 31st during Enrichment and are due back by November 8th.
FOR Club (Friends of Rachel), has been established at Middleburg
Heights Junior High to promote a culture of kindness and compassion in
our school and community. Rachel Joy Scott, one of the first victims of
the tragic Columbine school shooting, may be gone from earth but she is
certainly not forgotten. By promoting her philosophy that, “you never
know how far a little kindness can go”, this club seeks to create a positive
permanent culture change in our school. This club’s focus is to promote
random acts of kindness that will foster a safer learning environment and a more inviting campus for our student body. There will be an informational meeting held in early November for anyone interested in joining this club, and to brainstorm ideas about this year’s activities. Please
watch and listen to the morning announcements for more details.
Sign Language club is meeting on Mondays after school! Students are
encouraged to stay and try it out. Come when you can. Contact Mrs.
Ticherich (library room 4) or with any questions. Student should be picked up in front of the library at 4;15pm.
News from the PE Department
The 9th grade PE Survey Fitness class is new curriculum and was implemented for the first
time this fall. Three sections were taught by Ms. Hunter using state of the art equipment. With
the use of grant money secured by the Department of Academic Affairs, the District was able
to purchase MyZone Heart Rate monitors, Spin Bikes, treadmills, elliptical machines and various resistance equipment. The highlight of the course is the Heart Rate monitors. The course
was enhanced by the use of a projector so the students could have real time feedback of their
current efforts as their heart rate information was projected on a screen.
Each student in the course was issued their own heart rate monitor for use during first quarter. The monitors were registered on line at where they entered their
personal information. At the completion of each class, the monitors would upload the data
and send an email to the students providing them with data about their maximum heart rate,
their average heart rate and how many calories they burned. The idea behind the MyZone
heart rate monitors is to convert the user's heart rate (effort) into points. For each minute the
user spends in a specific target heart rate, they earn points. For the Fitness course, the students had target points for each day of the class. This data was also included in the email the
students received.
For the first time use of these materials, several students earned 100 plus percent in the class
as students began competing against each other in class to see who could earn the most
points. For first quarter the student who earned the most points was Leslie ContrerasFranco with 3540 points and an average effort of 75%. For the girls, Alexis Schydzik was
second with 2782 points. For the boys, Jordan Muchewicz was to top point earner with 3039
points. Billy Tyler was second with 2816 points followed by Corey Hedrick in third with
2806 points.
Students have the option of purchasing the heart rate monitors for their continued personal
use at the end of the semester. LifeWorks Fitness Center in Middleburg Heights also uses the
MyZone monitors in their facility and the monitors can be transferred over if the students
choose to continue using the equipment.
Watch for more exciting MyZone news second semester.
Way to go 9th grade Fitness students!!!
Mr. Davidson's Health classes are currently working with Operation Keepsake. Inc. This is an
organization that educates students on good character, decision making skills, helps develop
self control when making risky health choices and abstinence. Instructors will be in class for
two weeks providing learning objectives in these areas.
Mrs. Dobbs 8th grade Fitness classes will be working on their post assessment fitness goals for
2nd quarter.
8th grade Fitness test leaders for 1st quarter were:
Matt Kirchner – mile run
Jada Malone – shuttle run
McKenzie Whitehead – sit-ups
Allison Ellis – jump rope
Alexis Reynolds – sit and reach
Congratulations to the following students for receiving “Merit Roll” for the first nine
weeks of school
Agnew Bryce
Allen Destiny
Allen Tyler
Anderson Matthew
Andrews Michaela
Arcangelini Randal
Ardner Christopher
Armstrong Franklin
Arnold Jacob
Ashforth Hailey
Aten Alexis
Azzano Harry
Baher Thomas
Banaszak Kayleigh
Barkley Jasmyn
Barnes Rachel
Baron Michael
Beight Sarah
Biehl Grace
Bird Arielle
Bittel Danielle
Bittel Michaelanna
Bittner Amanda
Bobincheck Rebecca
Bound David
Bowers Kelsey
Bradford Jalen
Bradford Kaitlyn
Bradford Kayley
Bradley Tayvion
Bradley Jacob
Braford Drew
Brandt Jesse
Doolittle Cassie
Ducat Dawson
Dudas Ryan
Duliba Nathan
Edwards Robert
Ehasz Jamie
El-Khoury Cassandra
Erison Benjamin
Eschuk Jacob
Evans Dustin
Everhart Matthew
Fahl Bishop
Fallaro Calysta
Farunia Qusae
Fauskey Dominic
Fayne Alexis
Feliciano Nicholas
Fendrick Cassandra
Finkel Hunter
Finneran Michael
Florentz Lindsey
Flowers Donald
Friscone Cierra
Fudale Brendan
Fugate Alyssa
Furia Seth
Gagliardi Isabella
Gagliardo-Lehr Serenity
Gall Ronald
Gallagher Corey
Gamble Shaena
Gannon James
Gazda Mercedes
Jackson Isaiah
Jacobs Ciera
Jagielski Nicole
James Alexandra
Januszewski Bryan
Jarjabka Chelsea
Jelen Kyle
Johnson K'Ana
Justice Olivia
Karriker Caley
Kennedy Leah
Kincaid Hannah
Kirby Tricia
Kirkwood Rhiannon
Kleeh Tyler
Koch Mikayla
Kollecker Sean
Kong Kathryn
Konyk Yashca
Kostansek Kyle
Kramer Andrew
Krupa Sara
Krupla Mary
Kuhns Emily
Kwiatkowski Katy
Lane Ethan
Lang Russell
Laux Patricia
Lee Andrew
Lester Kyle
Linnert Matthew
Louden Cami
Loushin Alyssa
Neumann Colin
Nguyen Tam
Nightengale Jesse
Novak Timothy
Oberle Margaret
Ocejo Victoria
Oden Kionna
O’Donnell Caitlin
Osborne Julia
Otero Miranda
Ottinger Gabriel
Pachla Michael
Patel Harshkumar
Patel Rudra
Paulocsak Sarah
Paulus Isabella
Perry Isaiah
Peters Eric
Peterson Sean
Phillips Starr
Phillips Octavia
Pino Lydia
Poole Eric
Poschner Christian
Price Darius
Punchak Ellisa
Purcell-Reschke James
Puryear Taylor
Quintana Olivia
Radtke Jacob
Ramos Bailey
Ramos Luis
Rashid Genesis
Stafford Kevin
Staley Alexander
Starling Taylor
Staten James
Steele Deshanell
Strinka Nathan
Stutzman Devon
Styles Mark
Sweeney Kaela
Talbot Kinison
Tarantowski Cole
Terry Demetrius
Thomas Manpriet
Thomas Micah
Thomas Joshua
Titchenell Christopher
Torres Fernando
Treiber Ty
Tube Caitlin
Tucker Ethan
Tuttle Makayla
Tyler William
Tyndall Joshua
Videc Alexis
Vidovic Katie
Vojteh Filip
Vrazalica Jasmina
Wahdan Inas
Walter Diana
Wathey Jeremy
Wentzel Aidan
Wicks Cameron
Williams Nicholas
Breault Sebastian
Bright Samuel
Brooks Diamanto
Brown Ashley
Brown Molly
Brown Hope
Bruce Sean
Bryant Colin
Burgert Abby
Burghardt McKenzie
Burkart Eric
Burke Kaley
Burke Samantha
Butler Tr'evon
Buttitta Gina
Bycznski Trevor
Calfee Branden
Calta Gloria
Carlson Tanner
Carpenter Sarah
Case Joshua
Castillo Angelique
Chaney Haleigh
Charbat Sarah
Chima Ava
Cochran Michael
Cockerell Anya
Cohill Dwayne
Colella Damian
Collopy Benjamin
Cook Alex
Cortimilia Baileigh
Crayton Maura
Davis-King Michael
DeJesus Juan
Demeter Noah
Dew Kaitlyn
Dick Hannah
Gehring Juan
Gentle Alec
Gibbons Kayla
Gladura Rianon
Gleason Barbara
Glime Harley
Glover Julia
Goliat Heilman Kaitlyn
Green Ivy
Greene Luc
Griffin Adrian
Grimesey Ryan
Gummere Serena
Hagan Robert
Hale Mikhayla
Hasan Taief
Hedrick Arianna
Helman Harley
Helsel David
Hendrickson Brian
Herb Austin
Hickman Santana
Higgins Sierra
Hill Kayla
Hill Lucas
Hiller Jeremy
Hines Peyton
Hinton William
Hockenberry John
Hoff Eleksa
Hoffman Alyssa
Hofmann Alejandro
Holland Tyrese
Holmes Emily
Holt Andrew
Hudak Alexis
Hulvey Tyshanna
Huskey Leah
Lozano Justin
Lozano Emmanuel
Lucas Tenzin
Lynch S Claire
Manning Delaney
Manthey Quinn
Marone Jada
Marshall Casey
Martinez Sheyna
McClain Ryan
McCluskey Stephanie
McCree Nzuri
McCune Kyle
McDonald Juliauna
McGhee Korin
McKnight Alyssa
Meder Camrin
Medina Alexis
Medina Mariah
Michalske Theodore
Mills Abbey
Minniti Salvatore
Miske Kelsi
Mitchell Taylor
Mixter Dylan
Mizway Garret
Morelli Matthew
Mortensen Magnus
Mosko Jenna
Motoc Dylan
Muchewicz Justin
Muchewicz Jordan
Munoz Nicholas
Murtaugh Bradley
Nagpure Parth
Naylor Nino
Nedley Cody
Nero Tristyn
Razayeski Eric
Reese Hunter
Reynolds Alexis
Rhoades Kyle
Rickman Belinda
Ridella-Cummins Joshua
Roberto Jacob
Roberts Zavier
Roberts Kristina
Robertson Alexis
Robinson-Jones Michael
Rocco Raimondo
Rogers Kayla
Rosenberger Jacob
Roufaeil Marla
Rouwenhorst Savana
Sacco Drema
Santoro Melissa
Santos Edwin
Sapp Kelsey
Schirra Cassandra
Schoenhofer Andrew
Schwebs Michael
Schwind Andrea
Sebek Michael
Sellman Meagan
Shane Margaret
Shirley Alex
Sloane Nathan
Smith Ben
Smith Hannah
Snyder Brenna
Snyderburn Natalie
Solon Ryan
Soto Ryan
Southerland Charles
Sprowls-Taylor Devin
Stack Jacob
Williams Pricilla
Wohlgemuth Logan
Wood Elijah
Yeigh John
Yerkey Stephen
Young Gage
Young Jerry
Zabura Nichole
Zeitz Brittany
Zeitz Katelyn
Zsembik Lukas
Abdelsayed Andrew
Abdulla Noor
Abraham Cara
Agresta Samantha
Altenhof Audrey
Amend Madalyn
Anderson Alexis
Ang Faith
Anous Abdulrahman
Antl Kelly
Armstrong Kanje
Assink Owen
Atol John Agustin
Aurand Hope
Bachie Andrew
Baker Daniel
Baker Raelyn
Baker Skye-Forest
Baker Taylor
Baker Zachary
Barnett John
Barrett Hailie
Barwidi Priya
Beechuk Mackenzie
Belle Brannai
Benuska Kevin
Berendsen Chyann
Beres Alexandra
Bichara Dakota
Birchenough Abigail
Birkley Bailey
Bischoff Bruce
Bicshoff Kellie
Blisch Matthew
Bonness Samantha
Bonsey Robert
Botta Max
Bradford Jornee
Bradt Ethan
Bradt Isabel
Branchick Kelsey
Bratulic Justin
Brewer Lauren
Bricker James
Brown Faith
Brown Russell
Browning David
Bryant Derek
Budzilek Zachary
Bullitt Calista
Buncher Hannah
Buncher Noah
Burnett Tabitha
Burns Mackenzie
Byrnes Gavyn
Cammerata Jacob
Campbell Hunter
Carney Robert
Case Autumn
Caspio Vanessa
Chapman John
Ciacchi Natalie
Citovic Stevan
Cola Samantha
Conway Shaelyn
Coughlin Patrick
Courtwright Roman
Crespo Nico
Crichlow Cynthia
Crofford Kennedy
Crosby Kamerin
Crowe Jacob
Cummings Riley
Cutter Nicholas
Cwiklinski Maria
D’Aurelio Matthew
D’Agostino Kelly
Darby Shane
Dashiell Madeline
Davis Kylie
Davis Michael
Deatsch James
DeBina Isaac
DeCesare Felicia
DellaPenna Jessica
Diack Jessica
Diaz Soto Brenelly
Dickerson Aryanna
Dignan Natalie
Dinin Andrew
DiSalvo Victor
Dixon Jalen
Dockery Kaelynn
Earls Melaina
Ebenger Sara
Eble Matthew
Eble Zachary
Echeandia Cruz Jose
Edeburn Sarah
Elkins Brittany
Ellis Allison
Enderlein Amanda
Evanoff Abigail
Exner Amber
Fadrowski Kayla
Fahl Alexis
Fairchild Kevin
Farris Olivia
Faught Sarah
Fausnaugh Alexander
Fegan Kyle
Ferguson Jennifer
Filo Jana
Florentz Madison
Flowers Alexis
Fossett Shanyla
Fox Andrew
Franz Logan
French Brandon
French Nathaniel
Friend Benjamin
Frye Michael
Gardner Regan
Garibotti Brandon
Gerakis Alexander
Gmucs Alexis
Graley Anthony
Greene Kameron
Greenwell Sabra
Griffie Katlyn
Gunsch Theresa
Gutchall Grant
Hakim Buchra
Hancock-Phillips Alyse
Hani Amal
Hani Elizabeth
Harris Destinee
Harris Sarah
Hartman Sarah
Hedrick Corey
Herbst Genevieve
Hericks Thomas
Herrman Ryan
Hinton George
Hiros Cecilia
Host Jackson
Howlett Jordan
Hoye Kiera
Hull Claire
Humphreys Marissa
Ijams Rhavyn
Jackson Courtney
Jackson Jordan
Jackson Naomi
Jankowski Morgan
Jelen Hannah
Johnson Amaya
Jokkel Jaret
Jones Jacob
Justavick Kaitlyn
Kamel Adam
Kaminski Lindsay
Kara Stephen
Karullus Ryan
Karnok Ariel
Karnok Emily
Karp Eliza
Karpinski Michael
Kenney Jordan
Kichurchak Alyda
Kilpatrick Robert
Kirby Taylor
Kirchner Matthew
Kirksey Lukas
Kittell Shayla
Kleem Jacob
Klimo Alyssa
Komar Abby
Konesky Colin
Korman Kevin
Kovar Abigail
Kreal Tyler
Krug Maxwell
Kryvyak Yana
Kudlaty Emiley
Kurek Natalie
Kutsar Angelina
Kutsar Anthony
Lariviere Jaret
Lash Alexis
Laska Leigha
Laska Nicole
Lee Alexis
Lee Alyssa
Lehnert Ted
Lindo Breanna
Lindo Caitlyn
Loucka Devon
Loucks Lauren
Lozinak Caitlin
Lubowicki Robert
Lucas Isaac
Lynch Spencer
Mach Janessa
Magalski Zachary
Maggio Randy
Makselan Marissa
Mann Stephanie
Marotta Madeline
Martin Cody
Martin Vanessa
Massaro-Kravanis Olivia
Matejka Lauren
Matejka Michael
Matese Samantha
Mayne Skyler
Mazur Michael
McArdle Cade
McArdle Heather
McCoy Megan
McFadden Jared
McGreevy Olivia
McKenney Kassidy
McLaren Riley
Meier Jackson
Mendis Joseph
Mesich Melissa
Meyer Moira
Michailuk Makayla
Mikhael Katherine
Miller Grace
Miller Nicholas
Miller Rosemarie
Mills Austin
Minch Jessica
Mischler Jackson
Miu Hannah
Montag Marissa
Montelone Aleaha
Mora Benjamin
Moravec Caitlin
Mountcastle Taylor
Muldoon Olivia
Mullenax Ryleigh
Munsterman Carter
Mutti Hannah
Myers Kylee
Myers Ryan
Naig Haley
Nedoma Margaret
Nguyen Tri
Nguyen Vikki
Nigro David
Norgrove Marissa
Norris Cameron
O’Brien Jesse
O’Donnell Colleen
O’Flanagan Ryan
O’Neill Caitlin
O’Neill Nicole
Obrzut Christopher
Ohman Aaron
Oravets Michael
Otto Rebecca
Overton Josef
Pahulu Alexis
Parker Rachel
Parso Julia
Pennington Kristen
Perruchon Makayla
Perzel Samantha
Peterson Nicole
Pettry Tori
Pietro Madalyn
Poindexter Taylor
Poole Richard
Pruente Jared
Radel Kayla
Rambeau Molly
Randolph Zachary
Rector Kyle
Reid Skylar
Reyes Noah
Reynolds Danielle
Rezek Dakota
Rhodes Kara
Richards Diaz Eric
Riegelmayer Adam
Rindal Claudia
Rivera Ryan
Roberto Jennifer
Robinson Megan
Rodgers Lyndsey
Rodriguez Alexia
Rodriguez Alyssa
Rodriguez Emilee
Rollins Logan
Rorick Alexis
Rosenjack Charity
Ross Mark
Ruebensaal Callaghan
Ruscin Hannah
Ruzbihan Qadr-Rifky
Ruzicho Ciera
Santiago-Lewis Angelina
Saridakis Jordan
Sasak Daniel
Sayers Joseph
Scarton Alexandria
Schall Gregory
Scheel Troy
Schuller Alexis
Schultheis Elizabeth
Schultz Dirk
Schwartz Emma
Scott Emily
Secotte Allison
Seditz Gregory
Sedlacek Andrea
Sefik William
Sevastos Constantine
Sevastos Demitra
Shaffer Hannah
Shean Feras
Shkembi Daniela
Short Ryan
Siggers Omar
Simon Violet
Simpson Trevor
Smearman Alexander
Smith Brandon
Smith Cory
Smith Grant
Smith Jamie
Smith Makayla
Spangler Rebecca
Sparano Alexis
Sparano James
Sperry Edward
Stackhouse Evan
Stackhouse Molly
Stafford Mariano
Stephens Raygan
Stern Hannah
Stocker Aaron
Stone Taylor
Straka Erin
Svrga-Wolf Kaylen
Ta Lawrence
Taraczkozy Nicholas
Tarantowski Morgan
Taweel Nerjes
Taweel Ouday
Taylor Lauren
Theberge Ashleigh
Thomas Cameron
Thomas Emma
Thomas Kate
Thompson Jared
Thorn Dominique
Tokay Haylee
Tolliver Kaylee
Torkowski Dakota
Torres Emmanuel
Torres Natalia
Truong Thai
Tulak John
Turman Jeremy
Turner Parris
Tyndall Taylor
Urey Kayla
Valentine Emily
Valentino Loryn
Vandercook Jonathon
Varn Amanda
Verba Aimee
Videc Ashley
Vinson Nathaniel
Volety Rohit
Von Ahn David
Wahdan Malek
Waite Joshua
Waldron Bryce
Wallencheck Logan
Wargelin Maya
Wargelin Rebecca
Washington Steven
Watson Anthony
Weaver David
Weihrouch Megan
Wellman Cierra
Whitsel Emma
Wieneke Tessa
Williams Mikaylah
Williamson-Schydzik Alexis
Wilson Mario
Winegar Lacey
Witkowski Melanie
Wong Chun
Wozniak Joseph
Wright Colton
Wright Jaremy
Yankovitz Madison
Yost-Vecchio Paige
Zaferopolos Cullen
Zaferopolos Ian
Zanath Eric
Zelek Chloe
Zimerla Madelynn
Zitiello Nautica
Zurowski Alyssa
Alberino Rocco
Albert Cole
Alhalabi Celine
Allen Marissa
Amantea Dominic
Andrews Jacob
Apathy Alex
Armendarez Olivia
Ashriem Jasmin
Aurand Brenna
Baciak Amy
Baciak Kaylie
Baglier Dominic
Baranuk Megan
Bartch Sophia
Bartlett Margaret
Birchenough Michael
Bodenmiller Brynne
Boledovic Zachary
Boutros Maribelle
Bradshaw Christopher
Brant Anna
Bright Abigail
Brooks Mickenzie
Brown Angela
Brown Preston
Bruce Mitchell
Buckholz Miller
Budzik Cameron
Burchett Aaron
Butean Alexandru
Buxton Rachel
Calaway Margaret
Calvis Julianne
Campbell Christine
Campbell Julia
Card Tiana
Carter Skyla
Castenir Krysten
Chapman Julia
Chen Yue Xuan
Cogar Audrey
Cole Jacob
Coss Madalyn
Cressman Joseph
Crofford Sevahna
Crowe Jaret
Culkar Isabel
Cunningham Ryan
Cwiklinski Abigail
Dabran Kaitlyn
Dashiell Gabriella
Daugherty Ian
DeCesare Brian
Delgado Alexander
Desimone Bianca
Dezort Emily
Disher Kelian
Dort Garrett
Drager Erika
Drager Greta
Dranuski Richard
Ducat Grace
Elam Kydon
Evanoff Grace
Fazio Christina
Fievet Marcus
Finn Thomas
Force Emily
Fredericy Samuel
Gable Megan
Gangale Rachel
Garibotti Justin
Ghose Shaarav
Gorman Matthew
Green Jacob
Gudel Kayla
Gunnoe Gavin
Hall Rachel
Hammer Sasha
Hapner Morgan
Harshey Bryan
Heil Emily
Herron Caitlin Mary
Hill Allison
Hinman Ethan
Hinman Zachary
Hinton Henry
Hinton Kathryn
Hiros Madeline
Hoessle Zachary
Hunt Philip
Hunter Ethan
Husein Mustafa
Isheim Alexis
Jackson Cierah
Jefferies Jake
Kaminski Olivia
Karanouth-Schuler Joyce
Kautenburger Sophie
Kenney Jared
Kenney Tyler
Kiml Trinity
King Cierra
Klier Jacob
Kolesar Cameron
Kuhrt Sarah
Lambert Mandy
Le Donne Gaia
Lecomte Madysen
Lester Danielle
Lisiewski Dominic
Lizanich Hallie
Lockart Gavin
Loescher Megan
Lowell Emily
Luong Dawn
Makselan Grace
Martin Lisa
Maschmeier Lydia
Masie Madelyn
Maver Brenden
McFetridge Owen
McGannon Amber
Melnik Roman
Meyer Tyler
Miclau Tyler
Mihu Sierra
Miller Dana
Miller Eric
Mitchell William
Miu Alexander
Mlady Anthony
Morales Blaise
Morrow Sean
Moskal Callie
Naumovski Alexsandra
Nolan Aubree
O’Brien Hailey
O’Brien–Scheffer Isabella
O’Flanagan Emmett
Otto Autumn
Pearce Casey
Pedraza Alicia
Perry Reid
Peterson Lauren
Peto Tyler
Petrus Jacob
Pickryl Dylan
Poole Douglas
Porch John
Principi Jenna
Puri Raima
Quinones Mia
Rabljenovic Anja
Radtke Joshua
Rahe Jacob
Ramirez Joshua
Randolph Katherine
Redetzki Tyler
Reece Kayla
Roden Kylie
Russo John
Ruvolo Anthony
Ryan Jenna
Sangret Rachel
Scarton Lindsey
Scherer Desiree
Scherer Kayla
Scheu Thomas
Seballos Morgan
Seidel Jacob
Senoyuit Isabelle
Shaffer Grace
Siddiqui Sana
Simonitis Kayla
Singh Mandeepk
Singh Tarini
Skrzypek Mckenna
Sleeth Samantha
Smeader Andrew
Son Rose
Spaw Kevin
Srinivasan Ananya
Stone Tarah
Strnad Taylor
Suesse Jessica
Sulminski Anna Marie
Summersett Jazmin
Sutter Jacob
Swinnerton Hayley
Thai Samantha
Thompson Alysha
Titus Nathan
Truong Callie
Tulcewicz Paige
Tyler Joshua
Ujczo Jennifer
Ulman Tessa
Valencic Katherine
Vargo Madison
Vargo Mia
Verba Virginia
Wade Adam
Wagner Benjamin
Waite Hannah
Walker Jacob
Walter Jacob
Warzel Jessica
Williams David
Windahl Erika
Winstead Natalie
Woodworth Brianna
Wozencraft Emma
Wright Joshua
Yakimow Matthew
Yates Leiana
Young Madelene
Zeleznik Tatum