Git er done
Git er done
Javascript and the iPhone: Git 'er done. Jim Laskey The James M. Laskey Group, Inc. Motivation Poolside Daily Dose of Comics How To Get There Quickly? iPhone/iPod Touch Well, Smart Devices Cross Platform Development Platform Wars Windows vs. Macintosh vs. Xwindows ... XVT Visual Basic Prograph Meanwhile Back At The Ranch Cosmic Events I HTML - Tim Berners-Lee, CERN (1989) Netscape Browser - Netscape (1994) Javascript - Brendan Eich, Netscape (1995) XML - W3C (1996) KDE - Matthias Ettrich (1996) Firefox - Mozilla Foundation (1998) RSS - Ramanathan Guha, Apple Inc (1999) Cosmic Events II XMLHttpRequest - Microsoft (2000) Webkit - Apple Inc (2002) Safari/iTunes - Apple Inc (2003) Konfabulator/Dashboard Widgets/ WebApps (2003) Squirrelfish - Squirrelfish Project (2007) Chrome, V8 - Google (2008) Webkit In Practice Webkit In Practice Tools Of The Trade Object Model Object Property1 Object Property2 Property1 ... Property2 PropertyN Object Property1 Property2 ... PropertyN ... PropertyN HTML <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <html> <head> <title>Hello</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> <p>Hello World.</p> </body> </html> CSS div.banner { color: white; background: url(images/banner.png) repeat-x; height: 44px; text-align: center; padding-top: 8px; } Javascript } function Strip(title, location, tag, graphic) { this.title = title; this.location = location; this.tag = tag; this.graphic = graphic; XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <strips> <strip> <title>9 Chickweed Lane</title> <location> index.html</location> <tag>chickweed</tag> <graphic> images/chickweed2040759080923.jpg</graphic> </strip> <strip> <title>9 to 5</title> <location></location> <tag>9to5</tag> <graphic> tmntf080923.gif</graphic> </strip> </strips> Development Tools Dashcode - Javascript Xcode - Objective C, C/C++ Webkit Javascript Debugger BBEdit, CSSEdit, Coda, SubEthaEdit Example I Browser Based Tool AZDA Chain of Command Local Daemon Apache Safari Javascript Net Ruby/CGI Pipe SSH Shebang Remote Daemon Shebang Example II Remote Control Remote Control Chain of Command Javascript WiFi Ruby/CGI Keynote Daemon Apache iPhone Pipe Ruby IPC OSAScript Demo Remote Control Example III Strip Search Strip Search Chain of Command Javascript Cron Apache iPhone WiFi XML FTP Ruby Demo Strip Search Q &A Wisdom Multi-cultural "When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" -- Abraham Maslow Multi-lingual 4GL Ada Algol/Simula APL Assembler Basic/VisualBasic BLISS C/C++/Objective-C C# COBOL Eiffel Flex Forth Fortran/Fortran5 FoxPro HTML HyperTalk Java JavaScript LabVIEW Lisp/Dylan/Scheme Lua M (Mumps) Modula/Oberon Occam Pascal/ObjectPascal Perl PHP Pilot/Tudor PL/1 Postscript Prograph Prolog Python QuartzComposer Ruby Self Serius Smalltalk Snobol SQL Sympl TorqueScript Watfor/Watbol XML Yacc/Bison/Antler Basic Toolset Core Language C/C++/Java Scripting Language + CGI Perl/Python/Ruby Web Languages HTML/CSS/Javascript/XML The End