ASBURIAN - First United Methodist Church, Carbondale
ASBURIAN - First United Methodist Church, Carbondale
ASBURIAN 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. Worship Services 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Sermon: Where Children Belong Rev. Alan Rhein Scripture: Mark 10:13-16 Anthem: 8:15 10:45 African Psalm Sanctuary Choir, flute & Percussion Newsletter of: The First United Methodist Church 214 W. Main St. Hymns: 545 548 614 558 The Church’s One Foundation In Christ There Is No East or West For the Bread Which You Have Broken We Are the Church Dear Friends: This coming Sunday, October 4, is World Communion Sunday. This is the Sunday when Christians around the world celebrate Holy Communion. Most, if not all, Christian denominations celebrate Holy Communion, but often at different times and in different ways. Some have Communion every Sunday and some have it once a month as we do. Some use small unleavened pieces of bread, while others use a loaf of bread as we do. At any rate, this is the Sunday that most Christian churches will celebrate this important service of the Church in whatever way is their custom. It is a time when we can put aside those things that divide us as a Church, and focus on what we have in common - - remembering when Jesus shared His Last Supper with His disciples in the upper room, what it meant for them, and what it means for us. With all that we find to divide us, it is important to emphasize on what unites us together. This service does that. Here at FUMC we will have Holy Communion at both services - - 8:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sometimes parents ask whether their children are free to take the elements as adults do. This is up to the parents. Some parents prefer to wait until their children have a deeper understanding of what the service means before the child participates in the service. Other parents allow their child to receive the elements and discuss what the service means with their children. At any rate, either is acceptable in the United Methodist Church. We will have different symbols to remind us of the many different traditions that celebrate the day with us. Carbondale, IL 62901 Our Mission Statement: “Called together by the Holy Spirit, we proclaim God’s presence and love in the world through prayer, worship, education and service. We invite children, youth and adults to become disciples of Jesus Christ, live fully in the Holy Spirit, and embrace God’s love.” Sound System Operators: 8:15 Joe Swindell 10:45 Ron Browning Also, this Sunday is the first Sunday in our “Treasure” study series which is a part of our Financial Commitment Campaign this year. On October 11, our associate, Tom Byford, will begin our series of sermons around the theme of, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” As you have already been made aware, the goal of these messages is to encourage each of us to prayerfully consider what God has done in our life and commit ourselves financially--out of a sense of thanksgiving, not out of obligation. I remind you also to remember these services in prayer as each of us seeks God’s desire for the giving of our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness in the coming year. Liturgists: 8:15 Helen Deniston 10:45 Jessie Fyffe See you Sunday, Altar flowers this week are given by Julie Beck and Carol Mocaby in memory of Linda Walker. Pastor: The Rev. Alan R. Rhein Associate: Tom Byford Dir. of Christian Education: Necia Jannings Prayer Chain: Sue Hall (457-8283) or email Sara Hinde at Broadcast: 10:45 service is heard live on WCIL-AM (1020) For van rides: Call the church office (457-2416) Email: Website: Facebook: Twitter: @FUMCCarbondale Musings In Church This Sunday October 4, 2015 Indoor Greeters: Jim & Mari Ann Oberg Acolytes: 10:45 Sam Baker, Jackson Beaupre October Ushers: John Williams, Captain; 8:15 Kathy Hollister, John Phelps, Joe Swindell, Dick Verduin 10:45 Terri Glasser, Tricia Thomas, Bruce Wallace, Steve Yarbrough Alan PARISH pulse In Church This Week As of September 29, 2015 30 Wednesday 9-3 Healing Touch (by appt.) 10:00 Children’s StoryTime, Diane Dorsey Memorial Library, Rms. 412, 413 4:45 Handbells Rehearsal 6:00 Grateful Hearts, Room 308 6:00 Wednesday Night Youth, for 6th-8th graders, Rms. 404 & Fellowship Hall (led by John & Sara Hinde) 5 Monday Meals on Wheels 10:00 Outreach to Oak Grove 6:30 Good News, Atrium 7:00 Boy Scouts, Fellowship Hall 6 Tuesday 8:30 Men’s Group Meeting, Heritage Room 9:00 Daniel Plan, Rm. 402 10:15 Beginning Yoga, Rm. 404 6-7 Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 1 Thursday 5:45 Gentle Toning, Stretch, & Yoga, 402 7:00 Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary 7 Wednesday 9-3 Healing Touch (by appt.) 10:00 Children’s StoryTime, Diane Dorsey Memorial Library, Rms. 412, 413 4:45 Handbells Rehearsal 6:00 Grateful Hearts, Rm. 308 6:00 Wednesday Night Youth, for 6th-8th graders, Rms. 404 & Fellowship Hall 2 Friday 10-12 Church Women United, Heritage Rm. 12:00 Reservation deadline for Cache River District UMW program and luncheon, Call Sue Stucky, 618-995-1309 3 Saturday 4 Sunday World Communion Sunday 8:15 Worship Service 9:30 Sunday School for all ages Church-wide study begins on Treasure: A Stewardship Program on Faith and Money 10:45 Worship Service 8 Thursday 5:00 Priscilla Circle, Rm. 210 6:00 Education Meeting, Rm. 410 7:00 Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary 9 Friday 2:15 Bus trip to St. Louis for dinner and the Symphony, featuring Beethoven’s 9th 10 Saturday 6:00 Saturday Night Live, home of Paul and Evangeline Chugh PARTICIPATE IN OUR STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN BEGINNING OCTOBER 4th . . . and continuing through the month • The congregation will join together for a church-wide experience with the study of Treasure by Jacob Armstrong. Starting this Sunday, daily devotionals and Bible studies will be based on these readings. On October 11, Tom Byford begins our series of sermons around the theme of, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Pick up your copy of Treasure Daily Readings in the Narthex. • Make plans to join us in the coming weeks in one of the classes participating in the Bible Study of Treasure. They are: Electives Class (Heritage Room); Investors Class (Rm. 404); and Renew Class (Rm. 201). Sympathy to Betty Crippen and family, on the death of her brother, John Goins of Mounds, IL, who died on September 25, 2015. Sympathy to Pam & Chuck Reno on the death of their sister-in-law Jacqueline “Jackie” Reno on September 22, 2015. Join us Tuesday, October 13 for a trip to Chatham to spend the day volunteering at the Midwest Mission Distribution Center. Sign-up in the Narthex. Altar flowers are needed for November 1 Thank you From the Staff Parish Relations Committee When should we have a thankful heart? 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “ …give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Many hands help to make our church thrive. We would like to thank our church staff for their dedication and commitment to FUMC. Sunday, October 25, will be “Pastor-Staff FUMC STAFF: Appreciation Sunday.” After the 10:45 a.m. serAlan Rhein – Pastor vice, please join us for a reception in the Atrium. Tom Byford – Associate THERE ARE MANY WAYS THAT Robert Weiss – Music Director YOU CAN SHOW YOUR GRATITUDE: Anita Hutton – Organist and Parish Visitor • Write a card or note of thanks and place it Necia Jannings – Director of Christian Education in the “Basket of Thanks” in the Atrium Sharon Ranmar – Office Manager on October 4, 11, 18 or 25. Julia Morrill – Office Assistant Janet Earnest – Finance Staff • Tell them! – Feedback is always appreciated! Jeff Peterman – Custodian • Share your cooking talents! Jack Peterman – Sunday Custodian Shelli Peterman - Relief Custodian Carol Williams – Nursery Worker Tiffany Morris – Nursery Worker Disciples for Sunday, October 4, 2015: Outside Greeters: Joyce & Bill Crippen Van Drivers: Dan Anderson III, George Everingham, Shelby Seegers-Schafer Welcome Center: 8:15 Jan Verduin; 10:45 Sara Hinde Coffee Hosts: 8:15 Deanna & Ron Diel; 10:45 Jackie Cox, Angie Voss No Parish Nurse this week No Children’s Church this week Nursery: Angie Voss - Info; Tabitha Koch - Youth October Nametags: Aveniel Cherry United Methodist Women Upcoming Events . . Thursday, October 8 Priscilla Circle, Room 210, 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 14 Women’s Wednesday Fellowship, Heritage Room, 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Sue Peterman, Anna Marie Smith Program: “The Earth: Plants, Insects, Animals, and The Human Influence,” Plant Exchange Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00 a.m. Beginning Oct. 6 Join our group as we take the next step in The Daniel Plan Tuesday, October 20 Morning Circle, Mc. Donald’s West, 9:30 a.m. Hostess: Dorothy Rudoni; Co-hostess: Judy Dillinger Children’s Story Time Saturday, October 24 Cache River District UMW Spiritual Growth Retreat, Little Grassy Registration: 9:30 a.m. (Registration and Luncheon $10.00) Speaker: Dr. Gynelle Baccus, “Miss Caregiver” will share some zany stories about caregiving and life. Contact: Sue Stucky by October 2nd - 618-995-1309 JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT At the Carson Center in Paducah Thursday, October 15 - Tickets still available Parents and children are invited to join us each Wednesday at 10:00-11:00 a.m. in the Diane Dorsey Memorial Children’s Library Jane Robertson shares stories, craft activities, music, and lots of activities for preschool & early elementary children!!! 2015 Spiritual Care Day is October 8. Pre-registration is required by October 1st. Free event! Contact Sara Hess, 618-457-5200, Ext. 67801. Speakers inclulde: Verletta Saxon and Rev. Ralph Brandon. “Where’s the hope, where’s the help?” Reserve a seat by emailing Tom at ASP COFFEE TIME FUNDRAISER FAIR TRADE AND ORGANIC COFFEE FROM JUST COFFEE CO-OP PRICE DISCOUNTED O, Christmas Tree! CHOICES INCLUDE: Medium Roast, Breakfast Blend, and Decaf Dark Roast COST PER BAG ONLY $9 OR 3 BAGS FOR $25 COME AND PICK UP YOUR ORDERS IN THE OFFICE OR AT CHURCH ON SUNDAY NEEDED BY DECEMBER 12 It is never too early to think about the holidays! It has been our Church’s yearly family tradition to have a ‘real’ tree in the Sanctuary -- this year by December 12. If you have a tree on your property you would be willing to cut OR if you are willing to donate a purchased tree, please contact Joyce Crippen (549-8039). SUNDAY CHRISTIAN EDUCATION M E N T A L W ELLN ESS FAI R SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 University Baptist Church 700 S. Oakland 618-457-0323 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. - UNIVERSITY MALL • Tools for stress mgmt. • Relaxation activities • Physical activity demos • Memory wall for loved ones we’ve lost • FREE event! • Learn about community resources • Agencies on hand to explain their services For more information contact Dan Hyson, 618-457-5200, ext. 67840 or by email: Coats will be distributed at DROP OFF SITE: University Baptist Church University Baptist Church Saturday, October 10 700 South Oakland 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Carbondale, IL HELP KEEP THE HOMELESS WARM! Carbondale Public Library is collecting blankets, sleeping bags, coats, hats/gloves/scarves, socks, and backpacks (new or nearly new) to distribute to our local homeless and impoverished population. Donate until October 8th. Drop off items at the Public Library M-Th, 9 am-8 pm.; Sat. 9 am-6 pm Call 618-457-0534 for more information. TRIVIA NIGHT TO BENEFIT THE WOMEN’S CENTER DOORS OPEN AT 6:00 P.M. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 COPPER DRAGON, 700 E. GRAND AVE., CARBONDALE CASH BAR • POPCORN • 50/ 50 DRAWING • $5 GRAB BAG GIVE-AWAY Register online at; register by email at $20 per person in advance; $25 at the door FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2015 Includes a richly entertaining and uplifting Christmas program at Badgett Playhouse, Down Home Country Christmas, followed by a great dining experience at Patti’s 1880’s Settlement. After dinner, step outside for a beautiful and brilliant village light display and decorations. Spend time shopping in the quaint boutique shops. Depart at 12 noon; arrive back in Carbondale by 9:00 p.m. Cost per person: $87.00. Call Don Boehne at 618-549-1319 All payments are non-refundable AFTER Nov. 11, 2015 Children’s Opportunities Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Children’s Sunday School - (K - 5th grade) uses Deep Blue from Cokesbury. The morning begins with music at 9:30 in Room 415. Lessons are as follows: October 4 Lesson - Abraham and Sarah - Genesis 12:1-9; 15:1-6 All the families of earth will be blessed because of you. (Genesis 12:3) Sundays at 10:45 a.m. Children’s Church - (K - 5th grade). All children are invited to Children’s Church following the Children’s Time at the 10:45 a.m. worship service. October Lesson: Stewardship - Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27; James 1:5. God gives us all abilities and we are to be faithful stewards of those abilities using them to serve Him. “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others.” (1 Peter 4:10a) Youth Opportunities, 9:30 a.m. Faith development through Bible lessons, emphasizing a relationship with God through Jesus. Middle School meets in Room 410 and uses On the Go. High School Class meets in Room 409 and uses a variety of materials connecting the lessons of the Bible with issues relevant to today’s youth. Adult Opportunities, 9:30 a.m. Renew, a group of women seeking deeper meaning in their lives through Bible study, reflection, and prayer, meets in Room 201. SPECIAL OCTOBER STUDY - Treasure, by Jacob Armstrong. Women of all ages are welcome to join us. HomeBuilders Class For adults of all ages, this class focuses on social issues, relationships, spiritual issues and current events in building stronger values, growing in faith, and developing loving, lasting relationships. NEW THIS FALL - The DVD-lead study by Philip Yancey, Vanishing Grace: Whatever Happened to the Good News? Join us! The Investors Class, an intergenerational class for all adults meets in Room 404. NEW THIS FALL Study of Adam Hamilton’s, “The Call.” Life and Message of the Apostle Paul. SPECIAL OCTOBER STUDY - Treasure, by Jacob Armstrong. Everyone welcome! The Electives Class, meets in the Heritage Room. Scripture studies led by John Sims. SPECIAL OCTOBER STUDY - Treasure, by Jacob Armstrong. The Challengers Class, a class for special needs adults, meets in Room 212 on the second level. They use the Adult Friendship Curriculum. This class is led by Susan Watson and Dan Anderson III. Small Group Opportunities The Daniel Plan meets in Room 402 at 9:00 a.m. on most Tuesdays, Check the church calendar. Everyone Welcome. Grateful Hearts meets in Room 308 at 6:00 p.m. most Wednesdays. NEW THIS FALL - “Grace,” by Max Lucado. We hope you’ll join us! IN MEMORY From July 1, 2015 through, September 30, 2015, the following memorials were received: Sandy Bartelsmeyer Building Fund Karl Bartelsmeyer Spartan Sams RV Club M. Kent Bishop Music Fund Don & Jean Boehne Nelda & Conrad Hinckley William & Jane Workman Sally & John Washburn Joe & Vi Hankla Dick & Barb Swinburne Dick & Jan Verduin Sharon Ranmar Andy & Janet Earnest Dan & Barb Kimmel Janice Henry Don & Irene Carlton Sam Indorante & Carolyn Gibson William & Evelyn Bailey Sue Peterman Walter & John Shipley Larry & Sharon Meyer M. Kent Bishop (Continued) Music Fund Anita Hutton Bill & Joyce Crippen Ellen Troutt-Ervin Leon & Vickie Bagley Greg & Linda Meredith Candy Duncan Evans Ron & Lorraine Stadt Dick & Carole Daesch David Newmyer & Sue Burroughs Duane & Sue Stucky Joseph Powers & Duane Cole Robert & Jan Weiss Ron & Cheryl Browning Mary Stanton Anne Roessler Bill & Carolyn Bird Garry & Janet Wear Shelby Seegers-Schafer Doug & Barb Bedient Don & Edie Ahrendt John & Aveniel Cherry Bobbi & Jerry Levelsmier Jessie Fyffe Mike Hanes Virginia Neill Diane Dorsey Children’s Library Harry Schulz, Jr. Pink Panther’s Volleyball Team Robert & Meg Buser Virginia Neill Building Fund Andy & Janet Earnest Karl Bartelsmeyerr Steve and Pam Yarbrough Sharon Ranmar Bob Harper Bill & Bettye Doerr Virginia Neill (Continued) Building Fund Gordon & Carol White Joe & Bobbe Lenzini Wilma Davis Mike & Joyce Vancil Don & Mary Stucky Marianne Lather Joe & Vi Hankla Virginia Neill General Memorials Sidney & Alice Smith Cecile Crawshaw Mary L. Goodman John & Aveniel Cherry Bill & Joyce Crippen Michael & Emma Jean Durr Charles & Diane Bell Kathryn Simonds Linda Wertheim Anita Hutton Kathryn Schwartz Kay Brechtelsbauer S.T. & C.K. Utz Jared & Maryann Dorn Patsy Parker Robert & Marybelle Trieb Dorothy Vogler Jeffrey & Barbara Doherty Mary F. Jackson Nancy C. Williams Linus & Pamela Mahon Virgil A. Beadle, Jr., D.D.S., P.C. Bill & Shirley Bergner Don & Irene Carlton Crystal & Dominic Calufetti Ron & Sharon Benton Dan & Barb Kimmel Tony Intravaia Carolyn Saunders Virginia Neill (Continued) General Memorials James & Katherine Smith Kevin & Stacy Holloway Linda M. Jones Lisa Dover Doug & Barbara Bedient Roger Norman Kathleen Kowal Carol Harper Dennis & Mary Litzsinger Frank Bleyer Donald & Betty Darling Phyllis Patterson General Memorials Emma Smith Becky Baker Vera Pittman Building Fund LeRoy Pittman Rita Powers Music Fund Sue Hall