File - Holy Family Birth Center


File - Holy Family Birth Center
Birth Center
Mission Statement z
The Mission of Holy Family Services is to provide maternal and infant care in the context of
the Family. Services will be rendered in a God centered atmosphere of compassion and love.
Every individual, as God’s creation, has the right to safe, satisfying health care with respect
for dignity and cultural variations. The individual has the right to self determination, to
adequate information and to achieve participation in all aspects of care.
Board of Directors
Mary de Hoyos, President
Frank de Hoyos, Vice-President
Maria Balli, Secretary
Cynthia Rivas, Treasurer
Uvaldo Cantu
Claudia Chila
Leona Diener
Teresa Gallegos
Rita Sperstad
Out Going Members:
Stanley Fisch
Claudia Sanders
Heather Swanson, DNP, CNM, FNP
Clinical Director/Administrator
Gina Cardona MSN, CNM
Staff/Senior Midwife
Shawn Pompa, MSN, CNM
Staff/Volunteer Midwife
Crystal Hernandez
Maria Pena & Damiana Becerra
Laura Bonilla, Marylu Romero,
& Jessica Rojo
Front Office & Medical Assistants
Senor Epifanio Garcia
The Story of Jason
~By His Mother
“I came from the mountains of Guatemala
with no electricity or roads and little way to
feed my family. I arrived at Sacred Heart
Church at 8 months pregnant after traveling for 2 months through Mexico,
mostly on foot. They helped me with clothes and food. I had nowhere to
go. A volunteer there told me about Holy Family. The midwives from Holy
Family came to check on me and listen to my baby’s heartbeat. Then I
went to stay at La Posada. The sisters at La Posada took me to Holy Family
when it was time and they helped me birth my baby. It was a long hard
labor, as I was in a place so far away from home, but they helped me feel
safe. Even though I had nothing to give, they still helped me. They came to
visit me after and brought clothes and diapers for the baby. They took good
care of me and I will always remember their kindness.”
Most of the families we serve are from the immediate
area. Though we have some “Legacy Babies” of
mothers who return from hours away to deliver
where they were born, and on occasion women like
Jason’s mother. Whether alone or coming with
generations of family, all come seeking respectful
compassionate care, and are a reminder of strength
of women, the importance of birth, and the value of
Holy Family that extends beyond the area.
Annual Report 2015 - DIRECTOR’S VOICE:
I write with the expectation that this will be my last report as the Director of Holy Family. I began as
a volunteer here in 2009, became the Clinical Director 2011, and soon after took on the role of
Operations Director. I accepted the position with the voiced expectation I’d be here 2-3 years.
When that time passed without someone to take over the director role I decided to stay till I was led
to go elsewhere. It took me a while to feel the Lord nudging me elsewhere, but that time has come. I
married a fellow Nebraska native in Dec of 2014 and will be returning
‘home’ with him later this year. Thankfully his work in the oil field has allowed me to stay in
Texas as we wait on the Lord’s direction for us, as well as that of Holy Family. It has been a
great joy and blessing to be one of the stewards of Holy Family. I expect this will be my most
rewarding professional work.
In early December I submitted my resignation to the Board of Directors effective the end of
June. At this time we do not have a Clinical Director to replace me, so please share this
vacancy with those who may be interested. This position is listed on our website as well as the
American Association of Birth Centers website. As needed, I’m willing to stay beyond July 1st to mentor someone into
the role or to assist the Board with other plans. Your prayers and support regarding the future of Holy Family are
appreciated. My husband Ben and I are leaving behind a fire pit area with porch swings that we hope are enjoyed by
Holy Family staff and volunteers for years to come.
Sustainability: I have shared in the past about long term sustainability concerns that are
multifaceted. They range from how to follow a group of dedicated and hard working sisters,
aging buildings, to our modest revenue from client services due to the high number of women
on Medicaid, CHIP, and those paying cash on an income based sliding scale. We have
recently changed billing companies, hired someone p/t to assist with billing matters in house,
and have adjusted our rates after reviewing associated costs of care. We strive to remain
affordable for cash pay clients and to optimize and facilitate timely billing for those with
If you are interested in participating with sustainability efforts now is the time to step up. A group called “Friends of
Holy Family” has formed and has a facebook page (see post on our facebook wall or website). This group will be
focused on grassroots efforts to support Holy Family and the Holy Family Board of Directors with efforts including
fundraising, refurbishing/replacing buildings, coordinating volunteers, identifying potential new board members., etc.
Former staff & volunteers Anna Shields and Crystal Stewart are heading it up. As our board considers all options
including the possibility of closure, I hope those with a desire for Holy Family to continue will share their talents and
gifts. When Holy Family does close, whether it be later this year or years from now, I hope it is done in celebration and
remembrance the wonderful gift it has been to the community and lives it has touched locally and across the U.S.
Services: We continue to provide free pregnancy testing and prenatal classes open to the public, assistance with
health insurance applications, emergency food assistance, and women’s/maternal/newborn care, with a focus on
maternal and newborn care. This past year we have continued to partner with The March of Dimes, as well with the
AABC and their “Strong Start” program (a Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services project). Both have
provided support for our prenatal education efforts with a strong focus on reducing pre-term birth.
We continue to turn no one away who is seeking prenatal care based on ability to pay. Our hope is that most will stay
to deliver at the birth center, but if they choose not to or have health concerns that require a planned hospital delivery,
we are happy to assist with their transfer of care. We are here to provide women family centered prenatal care and to
assist in the prevention and early detection and treatment of health concerns.
Annual Report Continued...
We are pleased to report the following stats for 2015:
• 20.9% combined antepartum and intrapartum transfer rate: Of 162 women intending to deliver at Holy Family
by the end of their prenatal care128 were able to stay and delivery with us.
• 5.5% c/s rate of those that were intending to deliver at Holy Family at the end of their prenatal care
• 10.5% Intrapartum transfer rate: Of 143 women admitted to the birth center, 128 stayed and delivery with us.
• 2.8% c/s rate of those that were admitted for labor at Holy Family
• 2.9% Preterm birth rate: Births <37wks of all of those intending to deliver at Holy Family during their prenatal care.
• 99.2% Breastfeeding initiation rate of those intending to deliver at Holy Family at the end of their prenatal care
Our statistics meet and exceed Healthy People 2015 and 2020 goals and are a vast improvement over the high preterm
and c-section birth and low breastfeeding rates nationally and in the Rio Grande Valley. Though 128 births in an area
with a high birth rate is far from statistically significant, our outcomes are significant to the individual deciding on their
birth options, as well to our volunteer CNMs and RNs who we hope will be impacted beyond their time at Holy Family to
better maternal and newborn outcomes.
Education: We continue to precept and host CNM, FNP, RN, MA and other students from around the RGV and U.S.
We are also very pleased that several of our past volunteers are attending graduate school to
become nurse-midwives.
Sister Anne’s 50th Jubilee: One of our founders
Sister Anne Wojtowicz, CNM, FNP celebrated 50
years of religious services this year. Her service and
work before and since her years at Holy Family were
shared -all very impressive!
Thank you for taking time to read this report and the remaining newsletter. Feel free to contact
me for questions about this report or other inquiries at the office phone or
Heather Swanson, DNP, CNM, FNP, IBCLC
Upcoming Events:
Organizational Meeting
Location TBD, Check out our
facebook page for more
APRIL 1, 2016
Former Holy Family Volunteers
and Staff are invited back ‘home’
for a potluck and fellowship on the
patio. Supper starts @ 6p. Check
online or call for more information.
APRIL 2, 2016 @
Annual Birthday Party
This celebration is free for all of
our patients and their families
thanks to our generous donors.
Nurse-Midwifery Fellowship Program
Fellowships, also known as Residencies, for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
(APRNs) continue to grow in popularity across the U.S.. Holy Family has offered
Fellowships for decades, and has influenced the practice of nurse-midwives across
the U.S. working in various settings. This program is open for application to new
graduates or experienced nurse-midwives. During their fellowship they receive
mentorship in their role as an out-of-hospital nurse-midwife. Fellowships give back
to the profession and preserve the midwifery model of care at Holy Family. They
ensure those seeking care are not turned away and that time is available for
education, longer appointments as needed, and continuous labor support.
2015 Nurse-Midwifery Fellows
Anna Shields
Sara Proett
Emily Siemer
Ruthie Gerson
Crystal Stewart
Kimberly Gallion
Caroline Byrd
Leslie Ramirez
Molly MacMorris-Adix
Devon Jennings
Family is like my midwifery home. Even though I was
only there 7 months, it feels like that’s where my midwifery
adolescence/formative years happened. Just like your
childhood home, it makes you who you are as an
adult....Holy Family is certainly the living, breathing
example of the ‘give a man a fish...’ midwifery wisdom.
~Sent recently from a 2013 CNM Fellow
Blessed by Volunteers
Holy Family Early Morning
In the birth house time stops. The sun has set and rises again yet I took no notice.
When I open the door to a new morning, the dawn has left a thin blanket of dew to
softly cover the perfect lawn of green reaching grass blades. So many birds are
talking at the same time. Their chatter is the morning. Two birds I've never seen
before, beautiful and brightly colored. I wonder where they are from, and where
they are going on their journey ... or is this their home for a while? Time is moving
again, and I cannot begin to comprehend the wonder of a new life.
Poem by Caroline Byrd, MSN, CNM Fellow 2015-2016
We continue to be blessed with generous volunteers
that come throughout the year to assist with specific
needs for a day, a week, months, or even longer.
Their generosity has allowed us to care for more
families, spend more time with them in clinic and
providing prenatal education, improve our facilities,
and they have blessed us in more ways than simply
their professional skills. The friendships established
and the fellowship enjoyed are priceless.
We are pleased to share that four of our 2015
volunteers have either recently been admitted to or
are currently in graduate school to become CNMs!
2015 Volunteers
Olivia Adam
Leah Harbordt
Sarah Kohlbry-Cheetham
Many thanks to our midwifery
Diana Cedillo, Doula
volunteers who have made it
possible for our CNMs to take time Edward Garcia, IT
to do things like get married, go on Colleen Grimes, RN
maternity leave, take medical and Laura Bietzel, RN
Lindsey Pepin, RN
personal leave, and simply have
allowed us to get caught up with
Kelly Loney, RN
things. In addition to our CNM
Rachel Maddox, RN
Fellows the following are those
Sydney Tyson, RN
who have served a significant
Ellen Hoppe, RN
amount of time volunteering at
Laura Gibbs, RN
Holy Family this past year.
Kim Gallion, RN, CNM
Liz Bodner, CNM
Hannah Epstein, CNM
Gail Raymon, CNM
Heather Sevcik, CNM
Crystal Stewart, CNM
Anna Shields, CNM
Frank Butzen
My First Holy Family Catch!
Written by Molly MacMorris-Adix MSN, CNM Fellow 2015, who was also born at Holy Family
“Without a doubt I get my passion for women's health issues from my mother, a midwife of 30 years. For
whatever reason however, I was uninterested in direct patient care until I landed at Holy Family as a general
volunteer in 2009. While scurrying about in the office or enjoying a large group dinner late in the evening, I
was able to witness first hand the amazing work of the Holy Family midwives and nurses, and I had my
light bulb moment. This was my vocation. Fast forward a few years through the roller coaster ride of
nursing and midwifery education, and I was back at Holy Family for a summer
fellowship as a midwife in 2015.
It's an interesting thing, stepping into the midwifery role and having your first labor
"alone". Gina, my friend and senior midwife for the day was available in the clinic next
door, I had a great nurse, a new doula, and with all the spiritual support that surrounds
Holy Family -I was by no means alone. Yet this was an opportunity to own the
management and be the midwife! It's a big step as new grad, and its a process for sure.
This is what that first step looked like for me...
After working for several hours with a second time mom to encourage her baby to
rotate out of a posterior position, which had caused a classically longer labor and increased
back pain, the mom asked about going to the hospital. She was coping well and I was
confident she was finally making progress. Yet, with her request, my new grad
insecurities flooded in and I had to very intentionally put them aside. I asked the mom
to let me check her before we discussed transfer.
She took three steps from the bathroom, grabbed her husband and hung from him as
she started to involuntarily push. I had to squat between dad's legs to confirm my
suspicion, the baby had just started to crown. As awkward as the whole situation
was, I knew I'd be able to catch the baby where we were. I asked for the birth kit and
that Gina, the Senior midwife on, be called in per the routine. Gina however walked
into the room at that moment, per that funny way at Holy Family where people
wander in at exactly the right moment.
Gina immediately gave the parents strong clear instruction to move toward the bed, to have better delivery
space. The dad however, carrying mom, somehow did a half lean into the bed and both ended up in a sort of
lean-squat-standing position over the end of the bed, half in and half out, mom on top of dad. This position
was no less awkward than the first. The birth was then a quick straightforward catch of a vigorous baby girl.
The mom would later describe it as an "air-birth" as opposed to the water birth she had desired.
In so many ways, this was a great birth. Remembering to have
trust in myself and my capabilities as a midwife. Working with a really
wonderful family. A rather humorous shuffle into an "air birth". And
catching my first Holy Family baby... a baby girl in the same room where I
was born, caught by Sister Angela some 28 years ago. I feel so very blessed
to be following in the footsteps of those who have come before me -all the
Holy Family nurses, midwives, staff, and volunteers who work endless
hours to provide high quality maternity care that is respectful, life-changing,
and occasionally, a little comical.”
A Katherine Abelson
Mark & Grace Adam
Marian Anderson
Barbara Anderson
Ken & Lorrie Ball
Pedro & Faith Ballesteros
Maria Balli
Patricia Barnes-Light
Earl & Lynette Beitzel
Claire Bettler
Doris Bourret
Michael & Hannah Bracklin
Frank Butzen
Carl & Margaret Christensen
Katherine & Patrick Cole
Pablo & Genell Cardona
Ruthann Cazalas
Constance Conover
Patricia Crabtree
Darrel & Leona Diener
Mary Alice Dooley
Alfred Dabrowski
Donald J. Dziadosz
Kitty Ernst
Donna M. England
Jesus Esquierdo
First Christian Church
Stanley & Nivia Fisch
Nathan J. Fisch
Daniel & Alice Flaherty
Nelly & Carlos Garcia Garcia &
Robert Gialdini
Jorge Gomez
Christina Gonzales
Richard A. Gonzalez
Marsha Griffin
Terry & Loma Gray
Kevin Lynch
Pamela Haskins
Kurt Harbordt
Kristin Higgs
Jeremy & Diana Jolles
Diane M. Justusson
Wally Lentz
Brenda Lopez
Judith Livingston
Katherine Loney
Cynthia Lopez Rivas
Theresa Luginbuhl
Joan Lum
Kevin & Monica Lynch
Rebecca Macintosh
W.R. & N.J. MacMorris-Adix
Molly MacMorris-Adix
Eugene & Lorraine Mason
Mary P. Miller
J. Phillip Moyer, MD
David & Joanna Moyer-Diener
Sister Angela Murdaugh
Heather Murphy
Patricia A. MyNaugh
Brent & Jane Niemeier
Pamela & Thomas Nye
Patricia Olenick
Migdalia Penaloza
Kori Pienovi
Frank & Valerie Pompa
Janette Rierson
Sandy Sanchez
Terria Schmidt
Kathryn Schrag
Glenda Schrick
Robert Shimek
Erin Smith
Kris & Rita Spertad
Tabor & Susie Stamper
Karen Sullivan Sanders
Robin B. Supplee
Ben & Heather Swanson
David & Rebecca Weaver
Hunter & Courtney Wilde
Barbara Woster
Basilica of Our Lady of San
Harlingen Pediatrics
The Ruben Solis Agency
And Many Anonymous Donors
Many Thanks to Our Generous Grant Donors!
Racine Dominican: The Mission Fund
Kenedy Memorial Foundation
March of Dimes
AABC & CMS “Strong Start” Initiative
Valley Baptist Legacy Foundation
Texas “Choose Life” Grant
Note: The Kenedy Memorial Foundation is organized exclusively for charitable purposes. Founded in 1961 by Sarita Kenedy East,
granddaughter of Mifflin Kenedy and Petra Vela Kenedy, the Foundation has donated more than 200 million dollars to charitable causes and
organizations in Texas. In South Texas, where the majority of its contributions have been made, the Foundation is one of the major charity
contributors. Holy Family has been a recipient of this grant in the past and is grateful to be continuing this partnership.
Interested in donating a specific item Holy Family is in need of ?
We accept a variety of donations, which can be sent or dropped off. If we or our clients/families are unable to use them we will pass
them along to someone who can. We also have an Amazon Wish list. Go to, click the wish list link at the top
right of the page, type in “Holy Family Birth Center” to find our list. Other significant needs are vehicles to replace the ones
currently used to make home visits. Please contact our office for questions. Thank you!!
M AY G O D B L E S S YO U ~ H A P P Y N E W Y E A R A L L O F U S AT H F S !
Holy Family Services
5819 N FM 88 Weslaco, TX 78599
Phone: 956-969-2538 Fax 956-969-5884
We’re on the Web!
or Friend us!
Holy Family is a clinic and free standing birth center near Weslaco, TX. If you are interested in volunteering
please send us an email! If you would like to make a donation, you can send a check, payable to Holy Family
Services, or you can use the PayPal link on our webpage.
As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, all financial and in-kind donations are tax-deductible.
5819 N FM 88
Weslaco, TX 78599