Spice of Life Awards - Gilroy Chamber of Commerce


Spice of Life Awards - Gilroy Chamber of Commerce
A publication of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce l December 2012
Gilroy Chamber of Commerce honors
those who go above and beyond…
The Gilroy Chamber of Commerce will honor and celebrate the accomplishments of the 2013 Spice of Life
award recipients at a gala event on Saturday, February 9, 2013, at San Juan Oaks Golf Club.
Sig Sanchez
The 2013
Man of the
Year, Sig
service in a
very unusual
way over
55 years
ago when a Gilroy mechanic
fixed his broken tractor and
then proceeded to encouraged
Sanchez to join him on the city
council. Like the classic American
cowboy image he conjures when
donning his trademark white hat,
Sig Sanchez is tough, resourceful
and true to his word, qualities
that have carried him through five
decades in the political corral.
Born to Spanish immigrant
parents, and the second of 11
children, his family was heavily
involved in agriculture in the
region. Eventually, Sig began
farming in Gilroy and made the
community his home. His success
in agribusiness mirrors his success
in public service -- both a result of
hard work and dedication.
Once elected to the Gilroy City
Council, Sig served for 10 years,
five as a councilman and five
as the mayor. A 16-year stint on
the county Board of Supervisors
followed, and then in 1980 he
was appointed as an at-large
director to the water district board,
where he represented portions of
the county that once served as the
boundaries for the 1967 Gavilan
Water Conservation District.
The longest serving member of
the water district’s board of directors,
he guided the agency to take a
statewide leadership role in the early
1980s on pressing water quality
problems. He was also a key player
in the 1987 merger of the Gavilan
Water District in South County with
the Santa Clara Valley Water District,
allowing for full integration of all the
county’s reservoirs and groundwater
During his busy and productive
career, Mr. Sanchez has also been
an active member of numerous
national, state, and local water
resource affiliations, including
the Agricultural Water Advisory
Committee, Central Valley Project
Authority, Pajaro River Watershed
Flood Prevention Authority, San Luis
& Delta Mendota Water Authority
Board and Finance Committee,
Uvas/Llagas Flood Control and
Watershed Advisory Committee,
Santa Clara Valley Water
Commission, Santa Clara Valley
Water District Board Ad Hoc Audit
Committee, and the South County
Regional Wastewater Authority.
He also played an instrumental role
in the 1992 development of the
San Luis and Delta-Mendota Water
Authority, a joint organization of
32 water and irrigation agencies
that contract with the United States
Bureau of Reclamation for water from
the Central Valley Project. Sanchez
also played a major role in water
importation into Santa Clara County,
both with the county board of supervisors and the South Bay Aqueduct.
And if Sig Sanchez has not
made enough of a mark on Silicon
Valley, the 10-mile of stretch of
US 101 between Cochrane Road
in Morgan Hill and Bernal Road
in San Jose bears his name, an
honor from county supervisors for
his 12-year effort to lobby various
government agencies to lay down
the road.
Our 2013 Man of the Year
has contributed decades to the
betterment of our south county
region. We recognize him for that
history of service and the positive
impact he has made for the future
of our region.
Barb Granter
The 2013
of the Year
quietly into
Gilroy in
2003 and
into the community. Canadianborn Barbara-Lee Granter is Vice
Spice of Life Awards
Sig Sanchez
Barb Granter
Costco of Gilroy
Mafalda’s Bridal Shop
Gilroy Foundation
James Dent
David Boll
Saturday, February 9, 2013
San Juan Oaks Golf Club
AWARDS, continued on page 4
GILROY, CA 95020
Return Service
Gilroy Chamber of Commerce
As 2012 comes to a close…
Chairman of the Board of Directors
of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce.
Past chair
It’s been a productive year, and my
KATHERINE FILICE • Articulate Solutions
appreciation is extended to everyone for your volunteer efforts and
chairman of the board-ElecT
ERIC GEBHARDT • Hilton Garden Inn
supporting our #1 goal: creating a
strong, local economy.
2012 was a year that brought
• Santa Clara County R.O.P.
strategic plans to fruition. One of
the key areas was the launch of
GilPAC, the political action arm
JAN PEAT • McDonald’s of Gilroy
of the Chamber. After almost 10
Vc public affairs
years of planning, we entered the
political arena with endorsements
• Farmhouse Communications
and a campaign strategy that
Vc business programs & Services
resulted in 100% of our candidates
DEBBI SANCHEZ • Fortino Winery
winning the Mayoral and Council
seats. The second key area was
JULIE ALTER • Recology South Valley
improvement in our Beer Garden
pouring stations. Newly designed
units were the creative work of Dave
chair of the board
ERIC HOWARD • Bruce’s Tire, Inc.
• Santa Barbara Bank & Trust CHAR MARRAZZO • Ellington Financial LLC
LISA CASSARA • Coldwell Banker
GREGG GIUSIANA • Retired Police Chief
GREG GALLUP • Individual
Susan Valenta • President/CEO
Michelle Garcia • Administrative Assistant
Chris Bevilacqua • Administrative Assistant
Rosie Vogel • Administrative Assistant
Sue Thurman • Business Relationship Manager
Jane Howard • Executive Director
Pam Gimenez • Office Manager
Tracy Romero • Retail Service Coordinator
Tammy Brownlow • President/CEO
Candace Van Sambeek, Administrative Assistant
EDITOR • Susan Valenta, President/CEO
Gilroy Chamber of Commerce
PRODUCTION & DESIGN • J. Chris Mickartz
InfoPOWER Communications
PHOTOGRAPHY • Larry Mickartz
InfoPOWER Communications
7471 Monterey Street • Gilroy, CA 95020
web: www.gilroy.org
e-mail: chamber@gilroy.org
phone: (408) 842-6437
Boll, Beer Committee Chair and
were a tremendous improvement.
The third key area was an approval
by the Chamber Board to renovate
the Chamber breezeway. Our
organization is very proud of having
a professional looking office in the
downtown, and the Board takes
their role seriously to ensure that your
Chamber is progressive and a key
player in downtown revitalization.
There are many people who
deserve extra thanks for assisting me
as Board Chair. First, thank you to our
President, Susan Valenta, for always
offering sound advice and helping to
make sure things ran smoothly and
efficiently. I also truly appreciate past
chair Katherine Filice for her leadership
and support. I’d also like to recognize
incoming chair Eric Gebhardt, who I
know will do a great job.
I also want to thank everyone who
served on the 2012 Board for their
tireless dedication and commitment.
Katherine Filice, Julie Alter, and Kristina
Chavez Wyatt will be stepping down
after this year and will be sorely
missed; each has been incredibly
generous with their time and talent.
Thanks to the Chamber staff as well,
who do so much every day to support
all of us in the Gilroy Chamber of
I wish you all a very happy
holiday season and a prosperous
2012 Chair of the Board
Gilroy Chamber of
A funny thing happened…
owner over the last few years about
doing expansion or upgrades on
their building or land, and you will
hear a common thread. It costs a
lot of money – not just the labor
and materials of getting the project
done – it’s the myriad of development and construction costs that
are triggered by even the smallest
changes to an existing property.
These range from CEQA and the
Americans With Disability Act, to
new energy, fire and building codes.
There is no getting around it – it is
a pay to play world. It costs a lot of
private money, and the only way to
avoid the cost of improving a property is to do nothing, which creates
more deteriorating and inefficient
Even to place a temporary
structure triggers architectural and
site reviews, plan checks, impact
fees, and other fees. There are valid
reasons why dilapidated structures
with cyclone fencing or the painted
plywood remains for way too long.
And there are valid reasons why
businesses opt to remain status quo.
Page 2 So here is a story that gives
a sobering example of what it is
like to be a business interested in
a property improvement: An estimate was done to repair the South
Valley Middle School pool. Original
estimates were one-third the amount
that the City report gave at the
November Council meeting. What
triggered the tripling of costs? It was
bringing the pool up to par with
standards set forth by Americans
with Disabilities Act. This included
remodeling the men’s restrooms,
deck area, parking lots and various
other repairs. Beyond the cost issue,
why didn’t city and school district
staff know what was going to be
required when they provided the
original cost estimate?
Well, welcome to the world of
property improvements. The triggers
that are setting this public cost are
an example of what happens every
day when business try to comply
with mysterious standards and
requirements. The only difference
is that business does not get deep
pockets of taxpayer support, such
as what Proposition 30 will provide.
In a November 23 Dispatch article,
it stated that the Council projects
Prop 30 will provide the School
District with added funds to pick up
these costs. Business and property
owners take out loans and use their
personal assets as collateral, or just
decide not to improve their property.
With the installation of our
new Mayor and City Council, we
will all be looking at opportunities for streamlining processes and
implementing cost-effective, commonsense approaches to development.
Whether public or private there is a
cost to doing business, and that is
understood. To have real progress in
our community, there needs to be a
mechanism that incentivizes positive
change instead of knocking the wind
out of every sail with a price tag no
one is willing to pay.
Gilroy Chamber of
Gilroy Business Focus I December 2012
Shopping decisions support our local economy
Either you are one of those people
that finished their holiday shopping
in July or, like me, you wait until the
mad rush during the last few shopping
days. Either way, it bodes well for
Gilroy businesses with the city being
a retail destination within the region.
Gilroy continues to see solid growth
in sales tax revenues as evidenced
by the most recent sales tax report
for second quarter 2012. For the
period ending June 30, 2012 sales
tax revenues grew by 2.3% over the
same period in 2011. Gilroy’s sales
tax revenue began to recover more
quickly than other cities following the
economic downturn primarily due to
its strong retail base. Largest gains in
the second quarter were in the areas
of apparel stores and miscellaneous
vehicle sales.
Also noteworthy are the increases
in sales tax revenues in the Downtown
Economic Incentive Area and at the
Outlets Center. The percent change
for each of these areas was 12%
and 4.1%, respectively, over the
same quarter in 2011. Auto dealers
throughout the city generated a
31.2% increase for this period.
As sales tax revenues comprise a
significant portion of the city’s general
revenue, these increases are important
to Gilroy residents and businesses.
During this holiday season we
encourage you to shop local and
support our local businesses. As
you develop your shopping list,
keep the offerings of Gilroy’s downtown businesses in mind. With two
new restaurants soon to open, the
relocation and expansion of Amoretto
Boutique, and numerous other shops
and eateries, the Downtown offers a
unique shopping experience.
Holiday shopping accounts for
a significant portion of a business’
annual revenues. Following are some
U.S. statistics that illustrate this impact:
• #1: The most requested holiday
present is a gift card
• $28.7 Billion: Total value of
gift cards purchased in 2011
• 61% of shoppers spend more
than the value of the card (25%
more on average)
• A one-star improvement in
a Yelp rating can increase
restaurant revenues by 5-9%
• 700,000: Number of seasonal
employees retailers will hire in
2012 holiday season
• 93% of consumers believe
it’s important to support local
• When customers start holiday
shopping: October 39%;
November 40%; December
The Gilroy Economic Development
Corporation (GEDC) wishes you
and your business a healthy and
prosperous holiday season. Please
contact the GEDC for assistance with
any of your business needs at 408847-7611 or president@gilroyedc.
Gilroy Economic
Holiday suggestions from the Gilroy Welcome Center
DISCOVER GILROY for the Holidays
www.gilroywelcomecenter.org is
the place to visit when looking
for holiday events, attractions and
shopping opportunities in the area.
Following are a few suggestions
from the Gilroy Welcome Center
Events Calendar:
Parade & Tree Lighting — Saturday,
December 8, annual Christmas
Parade & Tree Lighting Ceremony
in downtown Gilroy between 4th
& 7th Streets. Events begin at 3pm
with Holiday booths on 5th Street;
3:30 - Judging of Doggie Dress-Up;
5:30 - Christmas parade begins;
6:30 - Tree Lighting ceremony; 7:00
- Photos with Santa Claus at Mango
Street Kids. Enjoy the warmth of the
holidays in downtown Gilroy.
GILROY GARDENS brings you 18
nights of Holiday Lights opening
December 7. Open Fridays,
December 2012 I Gilroy Business Focus
Saturdays & Sundays in December
plus additional days before and after
Christmas, Gilroy Gardens adds to
the joyous time of the year. During
Holiday Lights you’ll find wonder
around every corner and see
millions of twinkling lights! Meet the
Peanuts gang in “A Charlie Brown
Christmas” from Knott’s Merry Farm
as they sing and dance at Lakeside
Amphitheater. Visit Santa’s Workshop
and don’t forget…there’s ice skating
Tasting Visit Fortino Winery or
Guglielmo Winery to find winethemed gifts, holiday gift baskets,
or that perfect stocking stuffer – an
ornament or beautifully wrapped
chocolate. The glitter and beauty
of the holiday season can be
experienced at both of these family
owned wineries – producing award
winning wines in the Santa Clara
Valley. Another award-winning
winery, Solis Winery is offering
vintage wines from their library
cellar each weekend through
December 31st. (Go to www.
gilroywelcomecenter.org/events for
specific dates and times.)
SHOPPING — Avoid the stress of
traffic by staying local and shopping
at one of the many stores that can
be found at the Gilroy Premium
Outlets. With 145 stores to select
from, shoppers can take advantage
of special savings and Christmas
events all during the month of
December. Looking for that special
unique gift – check out the numerous
HOLIDAY, continued on page 9
Executive Director
Gilroy Welcome Center
Page 3
AWARDS, continued from page 1
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Member FDIC
President and General Manager
of Gilroy Gardens, formerly known
as Bonfante Gardens. She had 20
years of experience with Paramount
Parks when she arrived here. In a
press release at that time, Bonfante
Garden’s board president, Bob
Kraemer, was quoted as saying,
“Granter’s expertise in management
and operations will provide the
kind of leadership we need to
carry out Michael Bonfante’s
vision of horticulture beauty and
the educational benefit Bonfante
Gardens can bring to families.”
And Barb delivered.
Barb enrolled in Leadership Gilroy
to learn about the community. She
and the other members of her class
initiated a one-day science camp
session at Gilroy Gardens providing
an educational experience for all
fourth graders in Gilroy. The highly
successful program continues today
through the School District, and
certainly, the entire Class of 2004
is credited with this unique idea;
however, our award recipient has
been a key player in the Natural
Sciences Education Day’s success,
which now includes grades K-2
and 3-5.
Barb continued her involvement
with Leadership Gilroy by helping
to develop the strategic plan for
the future of the Leadership Gilroy
(LG) Alumni program; served
as president of the LG Alumni
Committee for 2 years; and worked
with LG in developing its annual
fundraising event, The Ducky Derby.
She was awarded Leadership
Gilroy’s “Alumni of the Year” in
2008. Barb remains strongly
committed to the program, currently
serving on the board of directors
and has personally paid the tuition of
others to go through the program.
In addition to her professional
role, Barb currently serves on the
Gilroy Welcome Center Board of
Directors and was Board President in
2012; has served on the Branding
Study Committee through the
Welcome Center which developed
a Gilroy brand that is continually
implemented into our community;
and the Welcome Center’s Facility
Task Force. She dedicated a kiosk at
the Gardens to the Gilroy Welcome
Page 4 Center for promoting tourism and
Gilroy, and worked with Gilroy Arts
Alliance to bring art demonstrations
out to the Gardens.
Susan Valenta stated, “Our 2013
Woman of the Year has made efforts
throughout the community to expand
the possibilities of Gilroy Gardens from
education, recreation, art and culture,
and special events. It takes a leader
to be a force behind so many positive
outcomes, and Barb Granter has been
a role model for our community.”
Costco of Gilroy
The 2013 Large Business of the Year,
Costco of Gilroy, is a part of a worldwide organization with 598 locations
and $64 billion in annual sales. Their
operating philosophy is to keep costs
down and pass savings on to their
members. With its tremendous buying
power and a never-ending quest for
efficiency, the Gilroy location is one
of the top 25 sales tax generators in
the City of Gilroy.
The store opened in 2003 and
from the moment they opened
their doors, Costco of Gilroy has
been a generous supporter of the
community. The company provides
over 200 full- and part-time jobs
with most employees beginning their
careers in the warehouse setting and
then becoming experts in Costco
merchandising and operations.
The culture of Costco is driven by
a Code of Ethics to “Take Care of
Our Employees.” The Code ensures
that every employee is secure in their
job and will be treated fairly. It is not
unusual to see employees involved in
community events and representing
the business.
Regionally, Costco supports and
contributed to many organizations
through Gilroy, Morgan Hill, and
Hollister communities. Children in
the Gilroy Unified School District
receive 500 backpacks each
year. For the past seven years they
have organized a Costco Reading
Program, where employees volunteer their time to help children
learn to read. Through those efforts,
students have achieved remarkable
improvements in their reading skills.
In helping create a strong, local
economy, Costco in Gilroy believes
in supporting other businesses, and
they dedicate space within their
store to promote local businesses.
Over the past few years Costco’s
restaurant gift card program has
resulted in significant sales for
participating restaurant locations.
For many non-profit organizations,
Costco has been a generous
contributor, and anyone who has
held a fundraiser knows first-hand
the support that Costco provides.
True to its corporate culture, Costco
Wholesale has raised more than
$137 million for Children’s Miracle
Network Hospitals since 1988. In
all, 471 warehouses participate in
this fundraising campaign for their
local Children’s Miracle Network
Hospital with Costco in Gilroy giving
100% to the effort with a month-long
balloon campaign.
Our 2013 Large Business of the
Year makes a difference with its
commitment to their employees, the
community, and the people they serve.
Mafalda’s Bridal Shop
Through hard work and
determination, Mafalda Freitas has
built a business that draws clients
from throughout the region.
It all started with a small alterations
shop in 1991 on Westwood Drive
in Gilroy, but Mafalda’s ultimate
dream was to operate a bridal shop.
Her clients began looking to her
for advice on bridal wear, so she
converted the alteration business to
Mafalda’s Bridal & Alterations, hired
a seamstress to assist her, and within
a year had outgrown the location.
Mafalda’s found the perfect space
in – what was known at the time as
Dick Bruhn’s and M’Lady Bruhn’s –
in downtown Gilroy. Her clientele
continued to grow, and by 2008,
she saw the opportunity to lease
space at the corner of Monterey and
Fifth Streets. Her husband, Richard,
did a complete remodel, and soon
the new location became a popular
place to purchase wedding and formal wear. Opportunity also knocked
when she was offered the men’s
tuxedo rental franchise.
AWARDS, continued on page 8
Gilroy Business Focus I December 2012
What’s new with Chamber Businesses!
Expand your wireless world -- AT&T
Wireless Home Phone offers a
lower cost alternative to traditional
home telephone service. This new
wireless solution allows a customer
to keep their landline phone number
and use their existing cordless home
phone(s) to make and receive calls.
No phone jack or internet connection
required, and no software to install.
Connect up to two corded phones
or cordless phone systems. Give
Andrew Christian a call at AT&T
Mobility, 408-846-0744.
Gilroy Chevrolet/Cadillac, 6720
Bearcat Court, welcomes new
General Manager, Lee Ledger. Born
and raised in Santa Clara, Lee
brings 23 years of experience in the
auto industry including serving as
the general manager for a dealership in Colorado before returning
to Santa Clara County. Currently he
is focused on the Gilroy community,
believing that the dealership should
concentrate on their own backyard
before they reach out to other cities.
He is hiring local, marketing local
and encourages you to stop by and
give them the opportunity to get to
know you better.
Gilroy’s Best Western PLUS Forest
Park Inn was recently nominated for
Best Fan Award, 2012, and were
showcased during the best Western
International Convention and Global
Conference in October. Only five
hotels out of more than 4,000
Best Western properties worldwide
receive this prestigious honor, and
it demonstrates the special, unique
appreciation provided to their
Rewards members by Mike and
Jasmina Patel. To book your stay
call 408-848-5144 or visit
Gilroy LeTip meets weekly to
exchange qualified leads, build solid
business relationships and develop
strong presentation skills. We “put
dollars in your pocket” by increasing
referrals, in an atmosphere of loyalty and abundant “psychological
income”. They meet each
Wednesday at 11:30 am at the
Station 55 restaurant, 55 5th Street,
and invite you to stop and see how
they can help you increase and build
your business. Contact President,
Jenn Benninger, jenn@jennben.com
or 408-667-0620.
Lloyd W. Lowrey, attorney for
Noland, Hamerly, Etienne & Hoss,
has received the Client Distinction
Award, 2013 from MartindaleHubbell. Less that 4% of nearly
one million attorneys throughout the
US receive this honor. Mr. Lowrey
has been representing clients in
Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara
Counties for nearly 35 years and
is an active supporter of many
organizations in both Salinas and
Gilroy. To reach him call 831-4241414 or www.nheh.com.
blend of wineries and local venues
for enjoying the most wonderful
time of the year with your family
and guests. Tour Downtown, the
Outlets and the wineries, and blend
shopping and tasting while leaving
the driving to them. Create your day
of play by calling Ana at 408-6590050.
Celebrate Holidays at The Barn
with Jim and Debbie Hoey. They just
returned from an awesome auction at
the California Drafthorse and Antique
Show with lots of great new pieces.
Spend $50 at The Barn and you’ll
receive $10 off through December
22. The Barn is located at 2480
Hecker Pass Hwy., 408-309-1179,
open weekends, 11 am – 5 pm
or call Debbie for a weekday
Imagine life’s possibilities by trying
Penn Mutual’s Possibility Potion
Facebook app. To see how your life
could unfold, choose your favorite
topics, mix them up and then see
what could happen. Who knows,
it could inspire you to take your life
in a new direction! Mix up your
“possibility potion” today! Learn
more by contacting Jeffrey M. Orth
at Integrated Financial Benefits, 408842-2716 or www.ifitfinancial.com.
Looking for a great Gilroy memento
gift for Christmas or a birthday? The
Gilroy Museum has a brand new
25-minute DVD created by a local
film company that ties the history
of Gilroy together with photos and
exhibits from the Museum. Buy a
copy at the Museum (open Tuesdays
and Thursdays, 10 am – 4 pm) 195
5th Street, for $12 -- what a great
stocking-stuffer, and the proceeds
benefit the Museum.
Ana Lelescu, California Passport,
has put together a hand-crafted
WHAT’S NEW, continued on page 7
Temporary or long-term,
Express has skilled
workers ready to fit your
business needs.
Contact us and see how
Express can help.
Positions include:
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Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Coldwell Banker of Gilroy celebrates their one-year anniversary under new management
with a ribbon cutting and open house at their Gilroy branch. The real estate firm helps
drive a strong, local economy with matching people and businesses with prime locations
in the community, and they support local holiday giving programs including Toys for Tots,
One Warm Coat, and Habitat for Humanity.
December 2012 I Gilroy Business Focus
Business Relationship
Manager, Gilroy
Chamber of
Page 5
Heritage Bank of Commerce partners with
Rebekah Children’s Services for November Breakfast
Tom Rohlf, Senior VP/Regional Manager
Heritage Bank of Commerce
Roy Melendez, Director of Development
and Community Relations, Rebekah
Children’s Services
HERITAGE BANK OF COMMERCE and Rebekah Children’s Services teamed
up as co-sponsors of the November Chamber Breakfast Club meeting. A full
morning of introductions, networking, door prizes, and business and economic
news gave everyone the perfect start to their morning.
Based in the heart of Silicon Valley, Heritage Commerce Corp is the parent
company of Heritage Bank of Commerce established in 1994. Branch offices
are located in San Jose, Danville, Fremont, Gilroy, Los Altos, Los Gatos,
Morgan Hill and Mountain View offering a full array of innovative, customtailored business and personal banking services and products to the
communities they serve. As an example of their services, electronic deposits
services are available through Heritage Bank of Commerce. Heritage Bank
VP/Regional Manger, Tom Rohlf, extended an invitation for the community
to support the 2013 Festival of Tree, an annual signature event that benefits
Rebekah Children’s Services.
Rebekah Children’s Services (RCS) promotes the social, emotional, and
physical well being of children and families and has been providing valuable
services to the community since 1897. Today, RCS is a nonprofit (501(3) (c)
corporation that offers a full continuum of family-centered mental health care,
education and training that promote
the healing, healthy development and
future success of those they service.
RCS also offers community outreach
services that include job readiness
and job training. Gilroy based, with
offices in Campbell, RCS services are
extended to several counties.
December 12
Social Media Network
4:00 – 5:00 p.m. l The Chamber
December 13
After Hours Mixer
5:30 – 7:30 p.m. lGilroy Gardens
Co-sponsored by Coldwell Banker &
Greenwood’s South County
December 14
Government Relations Committee
7:30 – 9:00 a.m. l The Chamber
December 19
Breakfast Club
6:45 – 8:00 a.m. l Hilton Garden Inn
Sponsored by Santa Barbara Bank & Trust
for St. Joseph’s Family Center
NEW MEMBERS: Mikele Fowler (Leale’s RV Service & Repair Center) and Carlos Perez
(Golden State Portables) introduced their business services to over 75 attendees at the
November Breakfast Club meeting.
Page 6 Gilroy Business Focus I December 2012
Fortino Winery and the Gilroy Dispatch host November Mixer
With a 37-year history of creating fine wines, Fortino Winery
paired up with another long-established business, The Gilroy
Dispatch which celebrates 144 years of bringing local community
news to the south county. The prime business networking event
provided attendees a venue to meet the hosting businesses, learn
about opportunities to connect with their products and services,
and also to expand their business networks.
Fortino Winery is a popular venue for weddings, parties,
and corporate meetings with both indoor and outdoor facilities.
In addition, there is a full gift shop with picnic baskets, painted
glassware and wine accessories. Fortino Winery is located
at 4525 Hecker Pass Highway and can be reached at
408-842-3305 or www.fortinowinery.com.
The Gilroy Dispatch recently announced some changes
to their print and online products. By becoming a weekly
newspaper delivered by the US Postal Service beginning in
December, readers and advertisers will benefit from direct mail
- which will improve delivery service. Increased frequency of
website updates will deliver more local news electronically
and print subscribers will continue to enjoy free access to
web and mobile sites. Non-subscribers can sign up for online
access for a quarterly fee of $22.
ABOVE: Ernie Fortino with
Mayor Elect Don Gage.
RIGHT: Dana Arvig, Vice
President of Advertising,
Mainstreet Media Group
— Gilroy Dispatch
Jan Froom is a Good Egg
EACH MONTH, the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
presents the Nob Hill Foods “Good Egg” award to an individual,
group, business, or organization which contributes to making Gilroy a
better place to live and work. On November 21, Jan Froom received
the award at the Chamber Breakfast meeting in recognition of his
volunteer efforts with Gilroy Gardens and other local agencies.
According to Eric Howard, 2012 Chair of the Board, “Jan was
presented the Good Egg award in 2000 but his giving continues and
has no bounds.” His volunteer efforts include:
• Serving as docent volunteer at Gilroy Gardens. In addition to
helping guests navigate the park, he repaired the park’s seismograph,
created a large tree “slice” to show the growth of the tree and
the happenings in history as it grew, and he helped the Public Art
Committee in setting up the first Art in the Park Day at Gilroy Gardens.
• Volunteering for many years to cook for the Gilroy High School
spaghetti feed fundraiser – and building a steel basket system for the
large cooking pots to make the process of cooking the pasta easier.
• And continuing to volunteer for the Garlic Festival for the Arts
and Crafts Committee, for the Special Visitors Committee, and as an
active volunteer with the Parent’s Club at Rod Kelley School.
Chairman of the Board, Eric Howard, presents the Nob
Hill Foods Good Egg award to community volunteer Jan
Froom. Froom was acknowledged for his volunteerism
at Gilroy Gardens, the Gilroy Garlic Festival, and local
WHAT’S NEW, continued from page 5
Christi Garcia, Wealth Management
Advisor with LPL Financial, would
like to wish everyone a wonderful
Holiday Season and express her
gratitude to all family, friends and
clients for making 2012 such as
success. If you have not attended
December 2012 I Gilroy Business Focus
yet, plan to join Christi in 2013 for
Coffee, Conversation and Market
Conditions. Same days, the first
Friday of the month with a new
time – 9 a.m. at Station 55 upstairs.
The next Coffee Corner is January
4, 2013. Christi states, “We are
looking forward to another year of
meeting new people and building
relationships.” Call 408.842.5200
for information on building your
wealth portfolio.
Page 7
AWARDS, continued from page 4
For anyone who has visited
Mafalda’s, not only is the interior
beautiful, but the business sports
one of the most glamorous window
displays in Gilroy. Mafalda and
her staff plan the displays to show
seasonal colors and designs every
Mafalda is passionate about
Gilroy and extremely generous. She
donates to a number of non-profits,
loans dresses to high school shows,
gives students discounts on their
prom dresses, donates her time to the
I.F.D.E.S. Hall, provides a significant
discount to the Portuguese festival
queen’s pageant dresses throughout
the region, and donates her delicious
Portuguese sweet breads for
With a full staff of professional
sales representatives, seamstresses,
and bridal consultants, Mafalda’s
Bridal Shop keeps a busy schedule.
But every client receives the personal
touch and a quality, customer service
experience that keeps her business
thriving – and truly, Mafalda Freitas
is living her dream.
2013 NON
The 2013
Non Profit
of the Year,
the Gilroy
is a local nonprofit organization that
is governed by a 12-member Board
of Directors and has contributed
over $1.5 million to improving the
quality of life in the Gilroy area for
over 30 years. Working together
with their volunteer boards and fund
donors, they give charitable gifts that
provide a lasting community legacy
while striving to improve Gilroy’s
health, education, recreation, cultural
and civic life. Through their donors’
generosity and the Foundation’s
sound investment practices they have
accumulated over $8.5 million in
The Board of Directors believes
donor gifts must benefit the community.
Therefore, they invest members’
donations in an endowment, which is a
community savings account, and award
only 5 % of the principal through their
grant and scholarship programs. They
raise separate moneys to cover annual
operating costs. The Gilroy Foundation
invests its funds through its partner, the
Silicon Valley Community Foundation,
which has assets in excess of
$2 billion.
This past year, the Foundation’s
accomplishments include its
highest ever grant and scholarship
distributions of over $432,000. They
also established four new Community
Needs Funds: Agriculture, Art,
Education and Health which also
support the Competitive Grants
Program: the ongoing promotion of
their new campaign of “Give Where
You Live”: expansion of an energetic
Youth Board to include middle
school students as well as high
school students: and to continue their
signature fundraising efforts of their
the Wine Cooler Booth at the Garlic
Festival and “Day in the Country”
Silent & Live Auction Dinner event.
The Foundation believes in a
path of community awareness,
learning about the needs of others,
and to “Give Where You Live”. Our
2013 Non Profit of the Year is a
success story of philanthropy with
heart, dedication, and vision.
James Dent
When James
Dent was
hired as
for Eliot
School in
2007, he
no time in
on closing the achievement gap
and dramatically improving student
achievement. By building a strong
instructional team and piloting
innovative instructional strategies, his
approach has proven to be effective.
Under his leadership, and in
collaboration with his teachers and
AWARDS, continued on page 9
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Gilroy Business Focus I December 2012
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Chris Hoch
Mortgage Loan Officer
© 2012 everBank. all rights reserved.
AWARDS, continued from page 8
staff, Gilroy witnessed an incredible
transformation of Eliot School from
one of the District’s lowest performing
“program improvement” elementary
schools, to earn an API score of 836
and a 10 for 10 ranking for similar
schools for two years in a row.
After his first year as principal,
Eliot School was ranked the most
improved elementary school in the
Santa Clara County out of 389
schools in the 2007-08 school year.
By 2010, Eliot School had become
one of the highest performing
elementary schools in Gilroy.
Today, James Dent continues
the passion for excellence and
achievement in our schools. As the
Principal and co-founder of Gilroy
Prep School (GPS), Gilroy’s newest
charter school continues to exceed
expectations. Parents volunteer
time to help the campus succeed.
Whether it is moving furniture, pulling
weeds, organizing fundraisers, or
helping in the office, parents are
there. Through fundraising efforts
during the school’s first year, two
computer labs, an audio lab,
a library, and a playground for
students became a reality.
In 2012, news was announced
that the GPS is the highest-performing
first-year charter school out of 500 in
the state of California since 2006.
The second-grade GPS students who
took the California Standardized
Test last school year is expected to
receive an API score somewhere
between a 960 and 970. The
highest possible score is 1,000.
To demonstrate the impact of that
success, in 2011, at least 25% of
second-grade GPS students were
at a learning level that would have
merited repeating the first grade.
According to one parent, “This is
the culture that James has fostered
on campus – an environment of
parental involvement and excitement
to improve the educational process
and environment, not just for our
own children for all students at the
The Gilroy Chamber of Commerce
applauds the vision and success of
a new educational model in Gilroy
under the leadership of our 2013
Educator of the Year, James Dent.
2013 Firman B. Voorhies
Dave Boll
The Gilroy
Chamber of
awards the
Firman B.
of the Year
award to
who give of
their time and energy to further the
mission of the Chamber. The 2013
Volunteer of the Year, Dave Boll,
has a long history of service to the
Chamber and continually supports
the organization in many ways.
Dave Boll served as Chairman
of the Board in 2009 and led the
organization in a successful year
throughout his term. He has been an
active participant on the Government
Relations Committee, serving as
Chair of the committee in 2007, and
fostered the formation of GilPAC.
Dave also served two terms on
the Gilroy Economic Development
Corporation Board.
Since 2010, Dave has chaired
the Garlic Festival Beer Committee.
With an eye toward efficiency and
service, he implemented a number of
innovative ideas. Foremost was the
construction of serving stations for the
beer gardens. In 2011, a beta site
was tested in the Vineyard Garden,
and in 2012, the other two sites had
new pouring stations. Additionally,
through strategic planning, the set up
and teardown of the Beer Gardens
was completed in record time.
Dave is always a “can do”
person, and luckily for the Chamber,
he has trouble saying “no” – in
fact, when GilPAC had large signs
campaign to install, Dave took time
from a busy work weekend to help
out. He has generously offered
space to store needed materials and
equipment that would be an otherwise costly impact on the Chamber.
Dave and his wife, Eileen, own
Heartwood Cabinets which they
moved to Gilroy in 2002 from Palo
Alto. They are a custom cabinet
manufacturer that has done projects
from 400 – 12,000 square feet.
Located in the Obata Business Park,
they are one of Northern California’s
largest producers of fine cabinetry.
2013 Spice of Life Awards
Dinner And Board Installation
February 9, 2013
San Juan Oaks
Golf Club
HOLIDAY, continued from page 3
party favors make it an unforgettable
start of the New Year!
quaint antique stores, Amoretto
Boutique or Garlic City Mercantile
in downtown Gilroy. (Remember
shopping in Gilroy keeps our sales
tax dollars local!)
Ring in the New Year at the
traditional Casa de Fruta gala New
Year’s Eve party. Catered dinner
and dancing with champagne and
December 2012 I Gilroy Business Focus
holiday production to choose from –
Limelight Actors Theater performance
of “A Tuna Christmas”, a yuletide
comedy running through December
8 at the Gilroy Center of the Arts
Building. Another recommendation
to celebrate the season is South
Valley Symphony’s ‘Tis the Season….
concert at Gavilan College Theater
on Saturday, December 8.
In closing the staff and volunteers of the Gilroy Welcome Center
extend our warmest wishes to all
of you for a holiday season filled
with special moments with family
and friends. Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year!
Page 9
Member Renewals
The Gilroy Chamber of Commerce appreciates the support of our members.
Investment dollars are dedicated to vital programs such as economic development,
scholarships, business marketing, leadership programs and more. We applaud
each of you for helping make Gilroy a better place to live and work.
Phil Buchanan, D.D.S.
AAA - California State Automobile Assoc.
Barbara Drewitz
Casa de Fruta Orchard Resort
Charter Communications
Cunningham Equities Corporation
E.W. Mattos Real Estate Investments, Inc.
Nob Hill Foods
Rapazzini Winery/The Garlic Shoppe
Rosso’s Furniture
Seledon, Vanni, Humphrey &
Kawafuchi, CPA’s
Taco Bell
Cypress Point Apartments
Dentistry for Children, Michael
McKeever, D.D.S.
Frank Fabing
Gilroy Exchange Club
Gilroy Medical Pharmacy
Greenstreak Landscaping
Hayes Insurance & Financial Services
I.F.D.E.S. Lodge
Nimble Thimble at Garlic City Mercantile
Princevalle Pet Hospital
Ramada Limited
Williams Dental Lab
Aitken Associates Landscape Architects
Bannings Upholstery
Condo to Castle Properties
Platinum Theaters
South County Rockery & Building
Materials, Inc.
Staples, Inc.
Vanni Properties, Inc.
Thank You
New Members
Joyce’s Collectibles/Joyce Duarte
South County LineX
ABD Promotions
Rebekah Children’s Services
Pure Water
Heritage Bank
Send Out Cards – Selena Vella
Nimble Thimble/Garlic City Mercantile
Integrated Financial Benefits
Merry Maids
Fortino Winery
Miller Computer Systems
Grass Farm
Gilroy Dispatch
Guild Mortgage
Tony’s Embroidery
Affordable Roofing
America’s Best Value Residents Inn
Blossom Valley Foods
California Rodeo, Inc.
Castro Valley Properties
Coldwell Banker, Nancy Robinson
Excel Auto Body & Paint
A note of appreciation to November
2012 event sponsors and raffle donors:
A Festive Affair Party Rental
Best Buy
Bruce’s Tire
Comp-Connection, Inc.
Costco Wholesale – Gilroy
Dental Office of Dawn Pan, D.D.S.
Design Factory Graphics
Gilroy Assistance League
H & R Block
KLV Bookkeeping Service
Dr. A.J. Matthews, M.D.
Mc Donald’s - Super Wal-Mart
Net Fitness
Sharon Holloway. Somatic Massage
Super 8 Motel
Lowell O. Tan, D.D.S.
Thriving Canine
Page 10 Littlejohn’s Fine Jewelry
S.V. Family & Occupational Health
Shapell Homes
Sherri Stuart
van Keulen & van Keulen, A.P.C.
Weston Miles Architects, Inc.
Westwood Cleaners
Dr. Becky Kroll
18511 Mission View Drive
Morgan Hill • 408-779-7696
Physicians & Surgeons
Golden State Portables
8482 Murray Avenue
Gilroy • 408-640-9351
Equipment Rental
Leale’s RV Service & Repair
5870 B Monterey Road
Gilroy • 408-842-2442
RV Repair and Service
Gilroy Business Focus I December 2012
You’ve worked hard to build Your business.
builds healthy
do you want to give it to uncle sam?
The 2001 tax cuts are scheduled to expire
december 31, 2012. This means you could
be missing your last opportunity to save a
significant amount in tax dollars.
There is still time to put a plan in place to
help protect everything you have worked so
hard to build.
the clock is ticking. Let’s discuss your
options before it’s too late.
Lori Radich is the Site Administrator at the
Kaiser Permanente Gilroy clinic. She has been
with the organization for 30 years covering all
phases of managed care including emergency
room hospital, home health and hospice and
Kaiser Permanente (KP) has such a strong presence in the south county –
what are some of the future plans?
Kaiser Permanente (KP) wants to grow our membership in the region from our
current 38,000 members in the south county. We have been in Gilroy for 26
years with a strong focus on prevention. Looking to the future, preventative
care will continue to be our emphasis. We take a lot of pride in our innovative
approach to healthcare with treatment delivered by an entire team of healthcare professionals including physicians, pharmacists, physical therapists, nurses,
radiologists, and an entire support team.
We value your future.
Jeffrey m. orth, chfc, casl
investment advisor representative of htk • CA License #OC49291
408.842.2716 phone • 408.848.5356 fax
7881 Church Street, Suite B • Gilroy, CA 95020 • jorth@htk.com
Tell us about the economic impact of this local clinic?
Within our 66,000 square foot building, we employ 150 full and part-time
professionals with 29 of those being highly-educated and highly-trained
physicians. We use a state-of-the art electronic medical record system that
gives our doctors immediate information for effective health screenings. It also
allows every member access to their health information as well as provide a
communication tool for setting up appointments or contacting their care provider.
From a capital investment perspective, the KP Gilroy location has recently
completed an interior renovation and an expansion of the parking area.
9930 Research Drive, Suite 100
Irvine, CA 92618 • 949.754.1700
Registered representative of and securities and investment advisory services offered through
Hornor, Townsend & Kent, Inc. (HTK) • Registered Investment Advisor • Member FINRA/SIPC
9930 Research Dr. Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92618 • (949) 754-1700 • IFit is independent of HTK
Kaiser Permanente has a simple message “Thrive” –
what are some of the tools that KP offers to build a healthy community?
KP believes in healthy schools, healthy communities, and healthy workplaces.
Our employees are involved in the annual Gilroy Fun Run with our doctors on
site participating with the kids. BAWSI (Bay Area Women’s Sports Initiative) is
supported by KP resulting in 660 girls in grades 3 – 5 being able to participate
in Santa Clara and Gilroy schools. We also partner with Community Solutions in
providing a Healthy Community program in Morgan Hill and Gilroy as well as a
school-based violence and substance abuse program. Also, KP works closely with
the City of Gilroy on emergency planning.
2012 Issue…
Available at over 100
business locations
throughout the
and online.
What are some of the areas that KP likes to focus on in the south county?
KP has an emphasis in the south county on obesity prevention, violence
prevention, access to care, and promoting healthy schools, community, and workplaces. In the south county, we provide a lot of outreach to our members to ensure
preventative screening with the goal of accessing needed health care and related
services on the same day.
Does KP have some ‘best kept’ secrets?
It’s not really a secret, but people are thrilled with KP healthcare access when they
want it. We work hard to provide same-day appointments because we know that
people have busy personal and professional lives, and receiving superior care when
you need it is our goal. Combining that with 24/7 access to medical information
and healthy living tools through the kp.org website helps us all “Thrive”.
December 2012 I Gilroy Business Focus
call us today for a
complimentary consultation
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We’ll mail it to your home … subscribe
online at www.gilroytoday.com
A publication
for and about
the community
of Gilroy
Page 11
Page 12 Gilroy Business Focus I December 2012