Latest production technology and in house heat treatment ensure the reliability of our products. DURUTRAIL® Gearboxes and Gear Sets for Locomotives and Trams We create motion! MUTAX ® Worm Gear Sets MUTAX® Worm Gearboxes DURUTRAIL® Railway Technology DURUHIT® Special Gearboxes Job Order Production & Heat-Treatment Henschel Antriebstechnik GmbH Henschelplatz 1, D-34127 Kassel P.O. Box 10 16 47, D-34016 Kassel Phone: +49 561 801-61 18 Fax: +49 561 801-67 11 E-Mail: antriebstechnik@henschelgroup.com Internet: http://henschel.eu DURUTRAIL-EN 10/2006 DURUMAX® -Extruder Gearboxes HENSCHEL Power Transmission® Excellence in Railway Technology from long Tradition! Product Overview 1810 Founding of the compa ny "Gie ße re i und Ma schine nfa brik Ka s se l" by G. Chr. Ca rl He nsche l (1759 - 1835) 1837 Commis sioning of the pla nt a t Hollä ndis che r P la tz w ith the na me "He ns che l & Sohn, Ca s se l" 1848 First He ns che l-Locomotive name d "Dra che " (Dra gon) Ca rl Anton He ns che l (1780 - 1861) s ta rts w ith built up of locomotive s Expa ns ions of ope ration by Os ca r He ns che l (1837 - 1894) Details Range Details Range axle load in tons 10 to 20 t axle load in tons 10 to 15 t 1899 5.000. locomotive ha d be en produce d axle shaft Ø D 160 to 200 mm axle shaft Ø D 160 to 170 mm 1910 Ce nte na ry of the compa ny He ns che l, 10.000. locomotive ha d be e n produce d ratio i 2,4 to 3,8 ratio i 2,6 to 5,5 1923 20.000. locomotive ha d bee n produce d 1931 Ta king ove r the locomotive -ma nufa cturing of Ha nnove rs che Ma schine nfa brik AG, Ha nnoma g, Ha nnove r (se it 1846); He ns che l ris e s up to the bigge s t ma nufa cture r of locomotives Single stage bevel gearbox AK 1960 150-birthday; 30.000. Hens che l-Locomotive ha d be e n produce d for Gha na 1976 Re na me d in: "Thys se n Indus trie AG He ns che l" (shortform: Thys s e n He ns che l); 32.000. Locomotive ha d be e n produce d for Egypt 1990 Founding a ne w company w ith As e a Brow n Bove rié unde r contribution of the locomotive pa rt of He nsche l a nd W a gon Union Re na me d in: "ABB HENSCHEL AG" (3.600 e mploye e s a nd 500 million Euro sa le s volume ) 1991 De live ry of the 33.000 He nschel-Locomotive ICE-tra ction unit to the Ge rma n Na tia na l Ra ilw a ys (De uts che Bundes ba hn) The s ta nda rd ge arbox progra m ha d be e n sold to Fle nde r. The ma nufa cture of ge a rboxe s, w hich is s pe cia lise d into w orm ge a rboxe s , e xtruder ge a rboxe s, locomotive a xle ge a rboxe s a nd cus tom ge a rboxe s , re mains to He nsche l in Ka s s el. 2002 Re na me d in "He nsche l Indus trie te chnik GmbH" w ith products P ow er Tra ns mis ss ion, Mixing Te chnology a nd Ha ndling Sys te ms. 2003 KERO Holding AG ta ke s ove r He nschel Indus trie te chnik GmbH from Thyss e nKrupp Te chnologie s AG 2004 Spin-off He ns che l Antriebs te chnik GmbH Two stage helical-bevel gearbox ATV Two stage helical-bevel gearbox AKV Two stage helical-bevel gearbox Details Range RKS Details Range axle load in tons 16 to 24 t axle load in tons 18 to 24 t axle shaft Ø D 180 to 220 mm axle shaft Ø D 180 to 220 mm ratio i 2,9 to 4,72 ratio i 5,1 to 7,86 Two stage resp. three stage helical-bevel gearbox RKS-SO as well as RSKS-SO ri Details RKS-SO Range Details RSKS-SO Range axle load in tons 20 t axle load in tons 20 t axle shaft Ø D 200 mm axle shaft Ø D 200 mm ratio i 3,18 ratio i 3,72 – 6,2 Damage Analysis and Overhaul HENSCHEL Antriebstechnik GmbH has it´s headquarter in Kassel, located in the center of Germany. HENSCHEL, a company with a longstanding tradition, was founded in Kassel in 1810, their activities in building gearboxes started 1918. Henschel gearboxes are used worldwide for a variety of applications and are a synonym for quality, reliability and performance. In many areas we are viewed as the trendsetter of the industry. Precedence has been set for efficiency and reliability, yet keeping economy of scale as the highest priority. Our quality standards and the close relationships with our customers made us a dependable partner, acknowledged worldwide. Henschel stands for power of innovation and top-notch quality project engineering. Our products are constantly improved or newly developed to set the assessment objectives for the future. Tram Traction System for Low-Floor Tram in Zagreb, Croatia Maximum speed: 70 km/h Continuous rating: 3x2x65 kW Year of construction: 2004