DP Mariage completENG - Consulate General of Monaco


DP Mariage completENG - Consulate General of Monaco
Press Pack
17th June 2011
Press Centre of the Princely Governement
The Wedding: hour by Hour
p. 3
Biographical Review for H.S.H. Prince Albert
Biographical Review for Miss Charlene Wittstock
p. 5
p. 9
Concert at the Louis II Stadium
p. 11
Programme of the Day
The Civil Wedding, Sequence of Events
The appearance of the Princely couple at the Balcony of the Gallery of Mirrors
Reception for the Monegasques at the Palace Square
Concert by Jean Michel Jarre
p. 14
p. 16
p. 15
p. 19
p. 22
Programme of the Day
The religious ceremony
The offering of the bouquet at the Church Saint Devota
The Dinner and the Ball
The official dinner prepared by Alain Ducasse
The Fireworks
p. 24
p. 25
p. 31
p. 34
p. 36
p. 38
The Princes of Monaco
Biographical Review for H.R.H. la Princess of Hanover
Biographical Review for H.R.H. la Princess Stephanie
p. 40
p. 41
p. 43
The Hotels
The Champagne
The Pen
The Cars
p. 45
p. 47
p. 47
p. 48
The Official Collection
The manufacture of porcelain in Monaco
p. 49
p. 51
The Commemorative Stamp Collection
The Coin
The Postcard
p. 52
p. 53
p. 53
The marriage, the ceremony, the future Princess, the organisation of the crown
p. 55
Media Facilities
- The media centre
- Access to the media centre
- How to collect your pass
- The Technical Facilities
- Access to the photo gallery
- The link to download the information revealed on the day of the Wedding
- The Press Party on 30th June
- Useful Contacts
- The plan of the media centre
p. 56
p. 56
p. 57
p. 57
p. 58
p. 58
p. 58
p. 59
p. 60- 61
The Television
- Technical information: recording and live coverage of the Wedding
- Equipment for mobile broadcasters
- The TV Compound
- The Press Contacts for audiovisual directing
- The Director
p. 62
p. 63
p. 63
p. 64
p. 64
Police, Fire and Rescue Services, General Hospital, Monaco telecom…
p. 65
- Presentation of the Principality
p. 67
- Facts and Figures
p. 70
- The diocese of Monaco
p. 74
The Wedding Programme, hour by hour
Thursday 30 June
7 pm: Authorized journalists will be invited to attend a welcome evening organized for them on the beach of
the Hotel Meridien.
10 pm: Concert by The Eagles offered by the Princely couple to Monegasque residents, foreign nationals
working in Monaco and those living in towns and villages bordering the Principality.
15,000 people are expected to attend the concert, which will be held at the Louis II Stadium.
Friday 1st July
4 pm: Monegasque and their families assemble in the Palace Square.
5 pm: Celebration of the civil wedding of H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Miss Charlene Wittstock by His
Excellency Mr Philippe Narmino, President of the State Council and Registrar of the Sovereign Family, in
the Throne Room of the Prince’s Palace.
5.50 pm: The Princely couple will appear on the balcony of the Gallery of Mirrors (Galerie des Glaces)
after the ceremony and greet Monegasques.
6 pm: Reception offered to Monegasques in the Palace Square in the presence of the Princely couple.
Chefs from the South African hotel Fairmont Zimbali will serve typical dishes from their country, while the
Fairmont Monte-Carlo will prepare local specialities.
On this occasion, the Mayor, Mr Marsan, will present the Princely couple with a gift from the Monegasque
8 pm: Reception prepared by Joël Garault at the Hotel Hermitage for Consuls and the diplomatic corps.
8 pm: Reception in Port Hercules for residents of the Principality.
10 pm: Special show given by Jean-Michel Jarre for the occasion in Port Hercules, attended by the Princely
Saturday 2nd July 2011
5 pm: Religious wedding mass celebrated by Monseigneur Bernard Barsi, Archbishop of Monaco, in the
Main Courtyard of the Prince’s Palace.
The Palace gates will remain open to enable the 3,500 guests in the Square to see the ceremony, which will
be rebroadcast on giant screens.
6.30 pm: The Princely couple will leave for Sainte-Devote Church where, according to tradition, the
Princess will leave her bouquet.
The cortège will take Avenue de la Porte-Neuve, Avenue du Port and Boulevard Albert Ier, and will then
return to the Palace by the same route.
9 pm: Official dinner prepared by Alain Ducasse, and Ball at the Opera Garnier and on its Terraces.
Around 23.30 pm: Fireworks set to music, bringing the dinner to a close.
For more information:
The Couple
H.S.H. Prince Albert II
H.S.H. Prince Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre, Sovereign Prince of Monaco, Marquis of
Baux, was born on 14th March 1958.
His Highness is the son of Prince Rainier III, Louis Henri-Maxence-Bertrand (31th
May 1923 – Monaco 6th April 2005) and of Princess Grace, née Kelly, of
Philadelphia, U.S.A (12th November 1929 - Monaco, 14th September 1982).
H.S.H. Prince Albert II succeeded His Father, Prince Rainier III, who died on 6th
April 2005. His accession to the throne was celebrated on 12th July 2005, at the end of the period of official
H.S.H. Prince Albert II had assisted His father in conducting State affairs since 1984.
A Sovereign striving for Monaco’s sustainable future
H.S.H. Prince Albert II has proven to be particularly concerned with the Principality’s economic development in
a spirit of ethics and transparency. He is committed to a policy of developing State facilities and promoting
major projects, a policy which most notably has enabled the construction of a new hospital (Princess Grace
General Hospital) and the creation of public amenities (a hotel school, a new secondary school and nurseries) on
land formerly occupied by abandoned railroad tracks. He has also launched numerous initiatives, including
projects for the construction of state funded housing and office buildings.
Various initiatives have been conducted with a view to promoting economic activity and making the operation
of businesses more transparent, while insuring that a high ethical standard:
Creation of the legal status of Société Anonyme à Responsabilité Limitée (S.A.R.L.), a private limited
liability corporate entity, broadly equivalent to a private company limited by shares ("Ltd.") in the
United Kingdom, and a corporation in the United States.
Introduction of Tax Fraud as an offense into Monaco Criminal Law;
Introduction of the general principle of Criminal Liability of Corporate Bodies;
Adoption of measures to combat money laundering, organised crime and corruption.
H.S.H. Prince Albert II is committed to carrying out an exemplary policy in His country in environmental terms
favouring the development of public transport, ecological vehicles, renewable energies and high environmental
quality buildings.
During the early years of H.S.H. Prince Albert II’s reign, several important legislative modifications in the field
of Human Rights emerged, including:
The introduction and regulation of police custody, determining the legal regulations of wiretapping, the
restructuring and streamlining of Sequence of Events for temporary detention and the reorganization of
proceedings in absentia;
The reinforcement of protection of individuals, of their personal data and of their private lives as part of
the exponential growth in new technologies;
The reaffirmation of the principle of Freedom of Expression for the media and the organisation of a
liability system within the respect fundamental human rights and freedoms, and for public order;
The modernisation of the law on education (integration of children with disabilities) and heightened
protection of children’s rights;
The introduction of the principle of Freedom of Association and various laws relating to the transfer of
nationality, aimed at perfect equality between men and women in this matter.
A Sovereign who is fully committed to international development
H.S.H. Prince Albert II has travelled extensively around the world, visiting France, Italy, the U.S.A., Russia,
Great Britain, Germany, Japan, and China among others. In these countries he was received by the principal
heads of state and by political and economic leaders.
At the same time, he has accepted the credentials of more than fifty countries which now have maintained
diplomatic relations with the Principality.
The Prince has led the Monegasque delegation to the United Nations General Assembly since 28th May 1993.
Since the opening of the 48th Session in September 1993 in New York, His Highness has regularly taken the
floor on behalf of the Principality of Monaco.
During the 36th Plenary Assembly of the Mediterranean Science Commission, (CIESM) held in Monaco from
21st to 28th September 2001, representatives of the member states unanimously elected Monaco to head of
Commission. H.S.H. Prince Albert II, Head of the Monegasque delegation, chairs this Commission.
The CIESM, created at the beginning of this century under the leadership of Prince Albert I, is an
intergovernmental organisation made up of 23 member states, 20 of which are located along the Mediterranean
coast. Its objectives are to promote multilateral international research and to facilitate the exchange of
information, especially between the North and South coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. The CIESM cooperates
with some 500 specialised institutes.
On 5th October 2004, H.S.H. Prince Albert II presided over the delegation of Monaco in Strasbourg for the
official ceremony of accession of the Principality into the Council of Europe, as the 46th member state of the
An active sportsman who is unwavering in His contribution to protecting the global
In April 2006, H.S.H. Prince Albert II visited the North Pole by dog sled from the Russian ice-floe base, Camp
Barneo. 120 kilometres away, this journey was the opportunity for him to pay homage to His great-great
grandfather, Prince Albert I of Monaco, a pioneer of modern oceanography, who in 1906 set out to Spitzberg (in
the Svalbard archipelago) in the most successful of His four Arctic exploration campaigns. This expedition
helped raise the world’s awareness of the threats endangering the entire world in the short term future, related to
global warming and industrial pollution.
In June 2006, H.S.H. Prince Albert II founded the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation dedicated to
protecting the environment. It encourages sustainable and equitable management of natural resources and places
human beings at the centre of all its projects. The Foundation supports the implementation of innovative and
ethical solutions in three main areas: climate change, biodiversity and water.
In January 2009, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco undertook a three-week scientific voyage to the Antarctic.
He visited a large number of scientific stations and managed to rejoined the South Pole in the company of the
explorer Mike Horn. A film has been made of this journey, entitled ‘Antarctique 2009, terre en alerte’ (Antarctic
2009, Earth on alert), which was presented to the residents of the Principality in April 2009.
H.S.H. the Prince has participated in five Olympic Games, from 1988 in Calgary to 2002 in Salt Lake City as a
member of the national bobsleigh team. He has been a member of the International Olympic Committee since
1985 as well as being President of the Monaco Olympic Committee.
He is Honorary President of the International Union of Modern Pentathlon and the International Athletics
He is also a member of the Honorary Board of the International Paralympic Committee.
Education and Training
1976: H.S.H. Prince Albert II obtained His baccalaureate with distinction at the end of His secondary school
studies at Lycée Albert I in Monaco.
1976 à 1977: Familiarisation with various branches of the Monaco Government.
1977 à 1981: H.S.H. Prince Albert II attended Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts in the USA, where
he studied Political Science, Economics, Psychology, English Literature, Art History, Anthropology, Geology,
Philosophy, Sociology, German and Music.
During the summer of 1979, H.S.H. toured Europe and the Middle East with the Amherst College Glee Club
singing group.
On 30th May 1981: H.S.H. Prince Albert II graduated with a degree in Political Science. His parents, Prince
Rainier III and Princess Grace, and His sister, Princess Caroline, attend the graduation ceremony.
September 1981 - April 1982: H.S.H. Prince Albert II trained aboard the French Navy’s helicopter carrier
“Jeanne d'Arc " with the rank of Sub-Lieutenant 2nd Class. His Highness achieved the rank of Lieutenant
Commander of the Reserves.
January 1983 to the end of 1985: trained in various international groups in the USA and in Europe in the fields
of communication, financial management and marketing at ‘Morgan Guaranty Trust’ in New York; ‘MoëtHennessy’ in Paris; and at the New York law firms Rogers & Wells and Wells Rich and Greene.
20th September 1996: H.S.H. Prince Albert II received an honorary Doctorate in Philosophy from the
Pontifical University of Maynooth in Ireland.
6th November 2009: H.S.H. the Prince was awarded the Docteur Honoris Causa Insignia from the University
of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis
26th October 2000: His Serene Highness was made an Honorary Professor of International Studies by Tarrant
County College in Fort Worth, Texas.
29th March 2011: H.S.H. the Prince received an honorary doctorate from the Institut Portalis of Law and
Political Science in Aix en Provence, France.
List of Honours
21st April 2009: H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince received the ‘Grand Cross of the Grand Order of King Tomislav’
from Mr. Stjepan Mesic, President of the Republic of Croatia.
19th june 2009: H.S.H. Prince Albert II received the distinction of Commander of the Order of the Academic
Palms, presented by Mr Xavier Darcos, Minister of National Education in France.
20th October 2009: H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince was awarded the Teddy Roosevelt medal in recognition of His
work for the preservation of the environment
23th October 2009: H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince was awarded the ‘Roger Revelle’ Prize from the University of
California in San Diego.
22th September 2010: H.S.H. the Prince was made an Honorary Member of the Russian Geographic Society
19th October 2010: H.S.H. the Prince was named Honorary Member of the Ligurian Academy of Sciences and
Arts, and Honorary Member of the Italian Geographical Society
For further information:
www.mariageprinciermonaco2011.mc (press center / média center)
The Couple
Miss Charlene Wittstock
Miss Charlene Lynette Wittstock born on 25th January 1978 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe,
When she was aged 12 her family left Zimbabwe to live in South Africa.
Miss Charlene Wittstock is the daughter of Michael Kenneth Wittstock, born on 8th
February 1946 in the Republic of South Africa, and of Lynette Alice Wittstock, of English nationality, born on
1st October 1959, in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Africa.
Miss Charlene Wittstock is the eldest of three children. She has two brothers, Gareth Michael Wittstock, born on
25th June 1982 and Sean-Michael Wittstock, born on 16th September 1983. Both were born in Zimbabwe,
A Passion for Sport
At a very early age, she developed a passion for swimming.
In 1996, aged 18, she won the South African Swimming Championship.
In 2000 her team came in fifth at the Olympic Games in Sydney.
The same year, she won the gold medal in the 200m backstroke at the Marenostrum International Swimming
Meeting in Monaco ‘Marenostrum’. This is where she met H.S.H. Prince Albert II, who was presiding over the
competition, for the first time.
In 2002 she won three gold medals at the World Cup (50m and 100m front crawl, relay 4x100m) and the silver
medal at the Commonwealth Games in Manchester (4x100 relay)
In 2007, she gave up competition after having qualified for the Olympic Games in Beijing.
A commitment to the benefit of children and works of charity
Her childhood in Africa made her deeply aware of the problems underprivileged children suffer from. She gave
swimming lessons them throughout her career.
She has frequently accompanied the Prince on His trips to support charitable works.
Since 2009 she has been made an Honorary President of ‘Ladies’ Lunch Monte-Carlo’.
Since 2010 she has been a patron of the “Nelson Mandela Foundation”.
She is also a patron of the “Special Olympics Charity Foundation” and of the “Born Free Foundation”.
In addition, Miss Wittstock regularly participates in fundraising events for charities such as AMFAR (The
Foundation for Aids Research).
- She is very partial to surfing as well as mountain hiking
- Reading biographies and Ethnic Poetry from South Africa
- Modern Art
For more information:
www.mariageprinciermonaco2011.mc (Press center /media center)
The Opening of the Festivities
Thursday 30th June: Concert at the Louis II Stadium
10:00pm: Concert by The Eagles with the Princely couple in attendance, supported by
Jason Hartman
The concert
The Princely couple will attend this concert given by the legendary rock group, The Eagles.
Jason Hartman will perform the opening of the concert. Jason is a South African singer-songwriter who gained
celebrity thanks to the TV show “Idols” in 2009, which he won. This young artist very soon became a hit rock
The concert in figures
- 3 km of cables
- 180 technicians
- 10 articulated Lorries, 250 tonnes of technical equipment
- Stage area of 30 m x 14 m
- 15 days of installation: from 16th to 30th June.
- 5 days of dismantling.
Accessibility and seat allocation conditions
The Stadium opens its gates to the public at 7.30 pm.
There are 15,000 places available on the grass and on the grandstands at the Stadium.
The concert is free and is open to Monegasques, to residents and inhabitants of the neighbouring districts, and to
those who work in Monaco.
Tickets will be distributed by the Louis II Stadium ticket office in June. Two ticket offices will be open from
9.30am to 6.00pm from Monday to Friday, and from 10 am to 4 pm on Saturdays.
The ticket offices are available:
from 30th May to 11th June: for the Monegasques (two tickets per identity card)
from 6th to 11th June: for the residents (two tickets per residence card)
from 14th to 18th June: for the inhabitants of the neighbouring communes and the working population of
The Eagles
The Eagles are a California band. They originally pioneered country rock music.
The band was formed in 1970 by Glenn Frey, who was strongly influenced by
country music and Bluegrass.
Originally, the band had four members: Randy Meisner (vocals/bass), Bernie
Leadon (vocals/guitar/banjo), Don Henley (chant/drums) and the founding
member, Glenn Frey (guitar, piano and vocals).
Their first album, entitled simply The Eagles appeared in 1972 and was a great success, especially the song
Take it easy. Desperado, their second album, was released the following year. Then, their hits come one after
the other … In 1976, the group’s best known album, Hotel California, was released. In the 18 months between
December 1976 and June 1978, The Eagles sold more than 18 million copies of their albums; Their Greatest
Hits 1971 - 1975 and Hotel California.
In 1979, the band officially split up. Fourteen years later, in 1994, The Eagles reformed for a tour and to make
one more album, Hell Freezes Over.
The Eagles is a Californian band. Pioneers of country rock music; the band was formed in 1970 by Glenn Frey,
who was very influenced by country music and Bluegrass in particular.
A few key figures
The Eagles are the only band in the history of music to release three albums which exceeded ten million
sales each.
All their albums exceeded one million sales.
Overall, 120 million albums were sold worldwide.
The band won six Best Album awards and six Grammy Awards.
The compilation, Their Greatest Hits 1971 – 1975, earned the first Platinum album award from the
RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) and is the Best-selling album of all time in the
USA with over 29 million albums sold.
Hotel California has sold over 16 million copies
Greatest Hits 2 has sold over 11 million copies
In 2010, The Eagles ranked seventh on Pollstar magazine’s Top North American Tours chart and
ninth worldwide. The band performed twelve sold-out concerts in Australia at the end of the year.
Long Road Out of Eden World Tour was one of the biggest box-office successes of 2008 and 2009.
Jason Hartman
Jason Hartman began his career in 1996 while still in high school. He was one of the
three young members of the rock band Triad before joining Samson Show Band, which
was made up of his father, his brother and himself. This experience allowed him to
travel across Southern Africa including Zimbabwe and Botswana.
In July 2003, Jason and his brother, (Scott Hartman), their father (Sam Hartman) and
another band member, Donovan Thatcher, formed a new band, Men of Trees. Their
music was very varied and their repertoire included Counting Crows, Sting, and Bob
Marley along with many other styles.
Jason, who is a writer, composer and interpreter, has become a star in South Africa. Made famous by the
television programme “Idols” in 2009, a contest programme which he won, Jason Hartman very quickly rose to
the top of the charts. His first two singles, “Break the Silence” and “On the Run”, propelled him to celebrity
Jason has performed many sell-out concerts. He was chosen to play the lead role in the film A Million Colours,
the sequel to the film Lollipop, famous in the 1970s.
Jason is the eldest of the two brothers. He comes from a long line of cattle farmers, which is where his love of
nature comes from. At a very young age he learnt to speak near-fluent Zulu. Jason sees his brother Scott as “the
heartbeat of the group”. His mother, Lyn Hartman, became the band’s manager after Jason’s victory on “Idols”.
In May 2009 he received the “The Freedom of Howick” alongside fellow Idols contestant, Pixie Bennett. The
only other person to have received this award was Nelson Mandela, many years ago. [VERIFY THIS ITEM!!]
Jason has his own charitable organisation, also named Men of Trees, which has become an international
organisation with a network worldwide. He is sponsored, notably by Radox, and he has made full use of all of
his free time to promote the creation of vegetable gardens in the whole country, and particularly in the schools
and townships. His father, Sam, has played an active role in the organisation and the television channel SABC
(South African Broadcasting Corporation) has accompanied them in their battle against poverty through helping
people grow their own food.
For more information
The Wedding
Friday 1st July: The Civil Wedding
Programme of the Day
4.00pm: Opening of the Palace Square and distribution of souvenirs to the Monegasque people
4.15pm: Arrival of the guests at the Civil Ceremony
4.35pm: Arrival of the Princely Family through the door of the New Wing
5.00pm: Start of the ceremony for the Civil Wedding in the Throne Room broadcast on large screens in the
Palace Square
5.30pm: End of the Ceremony, the guests enter the Salon des Glaces
5.45pm: Guests exit through the Porte d’Honneur
5.50pm: The Brass Band of the Palace Guard and the Palladian take up their places on either side of the
Porte d’Honneur The Band will play the Formal March “Princess Charlene's Anthem” composed in
homage to the Princess. As they start to play, the window of the Salon des Glaces will open
and the monogram, “AC” will appear on all the screens in the Palace Square.
H.S.H. Prince Albert II and the Princess Charlene appear at the Palace window.
6.10pm: H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene, followed by the Princely Family, the
bridal party and the bride’s parents, leave by the Porte d’Honneur.
The Mayor, Georges Marsan, welcomes the Princely couple and presents them with a gift from the
people of Monaco.
6.20pm: Monegasque representatives offer their congratulations to the Princely couple,
Singing in Monegasque of “Jo Di Pasqua” by the group U Cantin d’A Roca, followed by the opening of
bars and buffets
H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene join the Monegasque people.
Musical Entertainment by the Brass Band and La Palladienne
7.30pm: Presentation of the Pièce Montée by the Child Chefs from the “Fairmont Monte Carlo”
8.00pm: The Princely couple return to the Palace.
8.00pm: Reception at Port Hercules for all residents of the Principality.
8.20pm: The Princely couple leave the New Wing by car to attend the
reception at Port Hercules.
10.00pm: Concert by Jean Michel Jarre attended by the Princely couple.
For more information:
The Wedding
Friday 1st July: The Civil Wedding
Gathering of the Monegasque people and their families on the Palace Square.
Celebration of the Civil marriage between H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Miss Charlene Wittstock by H.E. Mr
Philippe Narmino, President of the State Council and Registrar to the Sovereign Family in the Throne Room of
the Princely Palace.
The Brass Band of the Palace Guard and the chorus of the association “La Palladienne” take up their places on
either side of the Porte d’Honneur.
The Brass Band plays the Formal March, “Princess Charlene's Anthem” composed in homage to the Princess.
As they start to play, the window of the Salon des Glaces will open and the monogram, “AC” will appear on all
the screens in the Palace Square.
H.S.H. Prince Albert II and the Princess Charlene appear at the Palace window.
The Sequence of Events:
The Civil Wedding is celebrated in the presence of the bridal party in the Throne Room.
The marriage certificate is placed on a marble table used only on special occasions. It is then recorded in a civil
register belonging to the Sovereign Family which is kept at the Palace.
The marriage certificate is filled in by hand by a calligrapher.
The doors of the Throne Room remain open in acknowledgement of the public (in the legal sense of the term)
nature of this moment, a couple united in the presence of all.
When Miss Charlene Wittstock stands and H.E. Mr Philippe Narmino pronounces the phrase “I now pronounce
you husband and wife”, Miss Charlene Wittstock will enter into the Grimaldi family and will become Princess
of Monaco.
Princess Charlene’s Anthem
Following the civil wedding, when the Princely Couple present themselves at the balcony in front of the
Monegasque people, the Palace Guard will play “Princess Charlene’s Anthem” over the Palace Square.
The creation of this piece of music, which was commissioned on the initiative of the Police Force commanded
by Colonel Luc Fringant, was composed jointly by Warrant Officer Christian Escaffre, Head of the Brass Band
and Mr Jean-Christophe Aurnague, Official Organist of the Sacré Cœur Church in Monaco.
Originally written for the great organ, this piece was arranged and orchestrated for the twenty four musicians of
the Brass Band of the Palace Guard. There is a long history of collaboration between Jean-Christophe Aurnague
and Christian Escaffre, and this score has allowed the two to combine their sensibility, their musicality and their
creativity to produce, in the name of the Police Force, a beautiful homage to the Princess of Monaco.
For the occasion four silver trumpets have been crafted. They were made with a bell longer than on a normal
trumpet in order to attach the banners which were made especially for the event. With its brilliant and majestic
character and the harmonious sequence of sounds and styles that it offers, this piece will resound over the Palace
Square, a wedding march beautiful as a hymn. h.
The score was edited by the Publishers Delatour France, and will be published on 1st July 2011.
The Couple’s monogram
Constituted from the initial of their names, the couple’s monogram will appear on
screens in the Square as the Palace Guard Brass Band begins to play and at the same
instant the window of the Salon des Glaces will open onto the Princely Couple.
The first known monogram of a Monegasque Prince is Charles III’s (1818-1889).
Since then, all the Princes of Monaco have had their own monogram.
The Throne Room
The civil marriage between Prince Rainier III and Grace Patricia Kelly on 18th April 1956 took place in this
very same room.
The Princely Family comes together here for the most important events. This is the place where the Princes take
their oaths of service, in the presence of high-ranking State officials. Each year, on the day of the Fête
Nationale, the Sovereign family welcomes religious, civil and military authorities here as well as representatives
from the Consular bodies, those who have recently been made members of the Princely Orders of Saint-Charles
and Grimaldi, and elected representatives.
The Throne Room, also called the Grimaldi Room, is the most prestigious room in the State Apartments. The
ceiling, sumptuously decorated with frescoes by Orazio de Ferrari, reproduces the signs of the zodiac and the
story of Alexander the Great. The walls, the armchairs and the divan are covered in precious red silk damask.
The Carrara marble floor is finely decorated by a very rare mosaic.
The Empire style throne sits on top of a raised platform; behind it unfurls a sumptuous red hanging suspended
from a purple canopy of Vienna velour, bearing the design of the Princely Crown. The presence of the throne is
the unchanging emblem of the Sovereignty of Monaco.
In the Throne Room hang portraits of the Princes and Princesses of Monaco.
The room can hold around 80 people.
The Key Figures
H.E. Mr Philippe Narmino
Director of Judicial Services, President of the State Council*
(Minister of Justice)
As President of the State Council, H.E. Mr Philippe Narmino is the Princely Family’s
registrar. He is the first Monegasque person to occupy the post since the new FrenchMonegasque agreements in 2005. It is in that capacity that he will conduct the civil
marriage between H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Miss Charlene Wittstock.
“The ceremony must follow the instructions laid out in the Civil Code and should not differ from marriages
usually celebrated in the Principality. I will carry out the civil union of the couple, which prevails over the
religious wedding in criminal law. In the eyes of the people, it is this marriage which counts. So I will obtain the
free consent of the couple, ask them if they wish to take each other as husband and wife and then pronounce
them “united” according to the time honoured expression. It will be a very emotional moment for everyone”.
Philippe Narmino, Monaco Matin 21st April 2011
The State Council is duty bound, according to article 52 of the Monegasque Constitution of 17th
September 1962 to « give its advice on government bills and ordinances which are submitted to its examination
by the Prince”.
The Palace Guard (The Carabineers)
Founded on 8th December 1817 by Sovereign Ordinance of the Prince Honoré V, the Palace Guard, composed
today of 113 members, is the inheritor of a long tradition; its history is closely bound up with that of Monaco
The Guards take a military oath and receive different kinds of training in order to fulfill their many duties. The
first of these duties is to watch over the Prince and the Princely Family, to supply the Prince with the “Services
of Honour” and to ensure the guard of the Princely Palace, in front of which, every day at 11.55 am, the
changing of the guard takes place.
The Palace Guard is also responsible for maintaining public order and seeing to it that the law is respected and
its provisions carried out. . They are also sometimes called upon to provide assistance to the population,
working alongside the Monaco Red Cross.
The motto of the Troop is: Honour – Loyalty – Devotion.
The Brass Band of the Palace Guard includes 26 musicians, who all participate in the services of the Guard and
appear regularly in a variety of international concerts and festivals.
The Barracks of the Palace Guard
Built at the end of the XVIIth century, between 1793 and 1807, the current Barracks of the Palace Guard
originally served primarily as a prison.
The building has been used in many different ways over the years; as an inn (between 1843 and 1850), then as a
Hôtel des Etrangers from 1850 to 1856
Hôtel de Russie in 1859
Hôtel du Prince Albert in 1867
The building was also used as the Casino office in 1856. In 1870 it acquired the status it has today, as the
Barracks of the Palace Guard. It was also around this time that a chain barrier was put in place on the pavement
around the Barracks in the Palace Square.
Jean-Christophe Aurnague,
Official organist of the Sacré-Cœur in Monaco and composer of “Princess Charlene’s Anthem”
At the age of 13, Aurnague took his first lessons on the imperial organ at St André de Bayonne with Renée
Germain. He continued to practice on the grand organs of St Jacques de Pau and was accepted into the
conservatory in Bayonne under Marie-Bernadette Carrau. He won two medals, one of which came with a purple
ribbon, the highest honour, awarded by a unanimous decision of the jury. He continued his studies at the
conservatory in Toulouse and took classes in musical education , music history, musical analysis, harmony and
counterpoint, chamber music, harpsichord and organ. It was here, in the class of Xavier Darasse, that he won a
first prize, and was the first selected to play the grand organs of the basilica in St Sernin de Toulouse. The same
year he won the Prix Vidal awarded by the city of Toulouse and was selected to play the organ of Saint Jean de
Luz, which was played at the marriage of Louis XIV. He went to Paris to play that city’s greatest instruments
and then to Menton where he was appointed organist of the St Michel Basilica.
In 1996 he was called upon by the Principality of Monaco to become the Official organist of the Sacré-Coeur
Church. As a liturgical and concert artist, he is also the composer of a multitude of pieces of music, some of
which have been dedicated to the Principality; such as the “Monte-Carl' Toccata”.
The Partners
H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Miss Wittstock will sign the marriage registers with a pen created especially for the
occasion by Montblanc. Adorned with precious stones, this unique piece will also be decorated with the monogram
of the Princely couple.
Live coverage in the Principality
The civil wedding, on 1st July will be broadcast on two giant screens one in the Palace Square and one at the
Media Centre.
See also:
“The Partners” and “Technical Facilities: Recording and Live Coverage” in this dossier
The Wedding
Friday 1st July : Reception for the Monegasques
6.00pm: Reception organised for the Monegasque people at the Palace Square attended
by the Princely couple.
The Sequence of Events:
After the civil ceremony of the wedding and the appearance on the balcony of the Gallery of Mirrors, the
Princely Couple will join the Monegasque people in the Palace Square.
7618 personal invitations have been sent to Monegasques and their partners.
The Mayor, Mr Marsan, will present a gift to the Princely Couple from the people of Monaco.
The Fairmont Monte Carlo is handling the catering service for the cocktail party for Monegasque people. Les
Petits Chefs (see following paragraph about the cocktail party) will form a guard of honour and offer a symbolic
glass of champagne to the couple.
The Reception:
The hotel Fairmont Monte Carlo will provide the catering service for the cocktail party. They have chosen to
honour three themes symbolizing this union; the marriage of cultures, the prioritizing of local producers and the
preservation of the environment
to symbolize the marriage of the traditions of Monaco and South Africa, Chefs from the hotel Fairmont
Zimbali in South Africa will offer typical South African dishes, while the Fairmont Monte Carlo
presents specialties with a local flavour;
in order to recognize local producers, and to honour the youth and social partners of Monaco:
les Petits Chefs by FMC (cultural and educational project in collaboration with the schools François
d’Assise - Nicolas Barré and Saint-Charles) represent Monaco’s youth
the Brasserie de Monaco, a partner of the event, has created a beer for the occasion, called “Princely
the artist Matéo Mornar has created a symbolic sculpture, to be placed on the wedding cake.
for the preservation of the environment; a large part of the buffets and cutlery are biodegradable and
The South African Chefs
Dean Uren, Head Chef
As Head Chef at the Fairmont Zimbali Resort and the Fairmont Zimbali Lounge, Dean Uren runs eleven
kitchens and oversees seventy-seven chefs. His dishes are influenced both by South Africa and by his travels all
over the world. Dean Uren is particularly specialized in patisserie. He has had the honour of delighting Nelson
Mandela with his culinary expertise.
Peter Mtshali, Sous-Chef
Of South African origin, Peter Mtshali has worked in the best restaurants in his country – from Mandela Rhodes
Place on the Cape to the Sun Coast Hotel and Towers in Durban, as well as the Saxon Hotel in Johannesburg.
He has received many awards in recognition of his talents – in particular a Bronze Medal from the Chaine
Rotisserie and at the prestigious Salon Culinaire as well as a silver medal at the Hostex competition.
The Location:
The Palace Square
The Palace Square was originally called “Place d’Armes” (Arms Square) because it was used for military
During the year of 1860, what is currently the market square, situated at the foot of the rock of Monaco, became
the “Place d’Armes”. The larger surface area facilitated military development. The Square situated in front of
the Palace was then baptized the “Place du Palais” (Palace Square).
The Palace Square was previously played an important part in guaranteeing the defence of the fortress, the
surveillance of arrivals and the exercises of the soldiers of the garrison.
The Square today adds to the majesty of the front of the Princely Palace.
Its surface area is 5000m². The changing of the guard takes place every day, at 11.55am.
The Palace Square is the place where the Sovereign Prince meets His subjects. Every year on 19th November,
the day of the Fête Nationale, Fête du Prince, the people of Monaco gather in the Square to pay tribute to their
Sovereign. It’s also the place where the receptions for the important Princely events take place (700th
Anniversary of the Grimaldi dynasty in 1997, Prince Rainier III’s Jubilee in 1999).
H.S.H. Prince Albert II gave two large receptions here for the people of Monaco and their partners for His
Accession on 12th July 2005, and for His 50th birthday on 14th March 2008.
The Partners:
The Fairmont Monte Carlo
The paths of the Princely Palace and the Fairmont Monte Carlo have frequently crossed for historical
celebrations in the Principality. The Princely Palace chose the catering service offered by the hotel for
receptions given on important occasions; in 1997 for the 700 year celebration of the Grimaldi reign; in 1999 to
celebrate 50 years of Prince Rainier III’s rein and again in 2005 to celebrate the Accession of H.S.H. Prince
Albert II to the throne of Monaco.
Perrier-Jouët Champagne
Some of the most prestigious vintages of the House of Champagne will accompany all of the receptions on 1st and
2nd July. A special vintage will also be served in honour of this historic event. Perrier-Jouët's Cuvée Belle Epoque
has been served at the Monaco Rose Ball for almost ten years.
For more information:
on www.fairmont.com and press contact:
Claudia Batthyany
Tel. +377 93 15 48 66
on Perrier-Jouët, press contact:
Stéphanie Mingam
Tel. +33 (0)3 26 49 69 77
on www.monaco-mairie.mc and press contact:
Christine Goiran
Tel. +377 93 15 28 63
The Wedding
Friday 1st July: Concert by Jean Michel Jarre
At Port Hercules, with the Princely couple in attendance
8.00pm: Reception for all the residents of the Principality
10.00pm: Unique performance from Jean Michel Jarre
The concert
One of the key events of the two-day wedding celebrations will the show created by Jean Michel Jarre, courtesy
of the Princely Couple, in Port Hercules. The general public is kindly invited.
From 10.00pm onwards the Principality will vibrate with the electronic sounds of Jean Michel Jarre. Port
Hercules will be entirely transformed into a stage for the evening in order to welcome the artist, who has created
this unique concert for Monaco, and specifically for the occasion of the Princely wedding. Monaco will provide
the backdrop for a dazzling evening with a futuristic performance showcasing an “architectural” light and laser
show, HD video projections and pyrotechnics, comprising the visual portion of a musical presentation that will
appeal to everyone.
A 60 metres wide stage will be set up on the central T of the port, with 35 metre high towers and huge screens
allowing the public to enjoy the concert. The screens will be visible from the harbour basins to the North and
South, the Quai Albert I, the Avenue d’Ostende, the hill de la Quarantaine, the Avenue de la Porte Neuve and
the Rampe Major. Access will be free and open to all.
This spectacular evening concert will conclude the celebrations on Friday 1st July which begin at 5.00pm with
the civil wedding of H.S.H. Prince Albert II to Miss Charlene Wittstock.
The concert in figures
- 10 km of cables
- 250 technicians
- 20 articulated Lorries, 400 tonnes of technical material
- An infrastructure of 120 metres for a 60 metre stage
- 16 days of set-up: from 16th June to 1st July, 8 days of dismantling
Access and parking
Admission to the concert is free.
For this concert, all public car parks in the Principality will be free on 1st July beginning at noon so that the
public can park without any difficulty.
The SNCF will provide additional day and night train services;
The number of buses between Nice and Monaco will also be increased and the same applies to the buses in the
Public services in Monaco are making every effort to facilitate access to the Principality, whether by car, train or
bus, so that as many people as possible are able to attend the concert.
Jean Michel Jarre
Jean Michel Jarre first came to international fame in 1977 with his first album,
“Oxygène”. This was followed by “Equinoxe”, “Magnetic Fields”, “Zoolook”, and
“Rendez-vous”… which cemented his reputation.
During the period of composition of these works he also wrote either the lyrics or the
music to many “chansons françaises”, including “Les Mots Bleus”, “les Paradis Perdus”,
and “Où sont les femmes”…
As a pioneer and international figure in his area of music, the French composer has contributed to the
development of one of the largest revolutions in music to occur in recent years, electronic music. In line with his
innovative approach to music, he has also conceived a brand new genre and format for concerts; breaking away
from the traditional theatre and arena context.
His multimedia shows bring together state-of-the-art technologies and showcase the natural or urban
environment in which they are performed; each one is a total sensory experience, linked to a single moment in
time d conceived for a completely unique performance. Among the most memorable of his individualised shows
are the millennium concert at the Pyramids in Egypt, the concert welcoming Pope Jean-Paul II to Lyon, the
Eiffel Tower, the Sahara Desert… and of course the record-breaking concert with 3.5 million people in
attendance at the University of Moscow.
Since 2009, when Jean Michel Jarre launched his first world tour in theatres and arenas, he has performed over
180 concerts in 30 different countries.
Jean Michel Jarre is also a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations via UNESCO and a spokesperson for
its programmes devoted to the Environment and Education.
“Monaco is one of the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean. Just performing here is a great honour. It is a
true pleasure to be able to do so in such a magnificent setting, which is a sort of natural amphitheatre. The idea
is that the concert be a public event for all Monegasques. Not only must it reflect the prestigious nature of the
event, it must also be popular so that everyone in the Principality can unite on this occasion”. Jean Michel
Jarre, Monaco Matin 4th May 2011
For more information:
The Wedding
Saturday 2nd July 2011: The Religious Ceremony
Programme of the Day
5.00pm: The mass for the religious ceremony is celebrated by Monseigneur Bernard Barsi, Archbishop of
Monaco, in the Cour d'Honneur of the Princely Palace.
The doors of the Palace will remain open to allow the 3500 invited guests present in the Square to watch
the ceremony broadcast on large screens.
6.30pm: The Princely couple leaves the Palace for the Saint Devota Church, where traditionally, the Princess
will offer her bouquet.
The procession will take the Avenue de la Porte-Neuve, the Avenue du Port and the Albert I Boulevard,
and will return to the Palace by the same route.
9.00pm: The official dinner prepared by Alain Ducasse and the ball will take place at Opera Garnier and on its
11.30pm: A fireworks display will conclude the dinner with a musical presentation.
The Wedding
Saturday 2nd July – The religious wedding
5 pm: religious wedding mass, celebrated by Monseigneur Bernard Barsi, Archbishop of
Monaco, in the Main Courtyard of the Prince's Palace.
The guests:
All Heads of State from countries to which H.S.H. Prince Albert II has made official visits since His accession
to the throne in 2005, and Heads of State from countries closely connected with the Family (the United States,
Ireland and South Africa) have been invited.
The guests will be received in the Main Courtyard which holds up to 850 people.
The Prince
The Prince will be wearing His carabinier uniform (white summer uniform).
The bride and her bridesmaids
The Princess' dress
The jewellers for the wedding and the evening reception
The bridesmaids
This information will be made available online on 2nd July: www.mariageprinciermonaco2011.mc
The ceremony
The religious wedding mass will be celebrated by Monseigneur Bernard Barsi, Archbishop of Monaco.
The liturgical part of the Princely Wedding religious ceremony will be performed by The Little Singers of
Monaco (Les Petits Chanteurs de Monaco) and the Choir of Monaco Cathedral, directed by Pierre Debat,
Chapel Master at the Prince's Palace and the Cathedral. The "Little Singers of Monaco" choir was founded in
1974 by Prince Rainier III. Since it was formed in 1904, the Choir of Monaco Cathedral has performed regularly
at the services held at Monaco Cathedral. The choir is composed of 75 singers – 45 adults and 30 boys – and is
called the Chanteurs de Monaco.
The musical programme of the wedding ceremony will be performed by the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic
Orchestra, the Monte-Carlo Opera Chorus, renowned international soloists and also by the Choir of Monaco
Cathedral and Les Petits Chanteurs de Monaco, (45 adults and 30 young singers) directed by Pierre Debat.
The various musical groups will be on either side of the staircase in the Main Courtyard of the Prince's Palace,
and will accompany the ceremony in turn.
Service book and rings
This information will be made available online on 2nd July: www.mariageprinciermonaco2011.mc
An exceptional location
H.S.H. Prince Albert II has chosen to celebrate His religious wedding in the Main Courtyard of the Prince's
Palace, the doors of which, giving on the Palace Square, will remain open. The 3,500 Monegasques that are
invited will thus be able to participate in the ceremony in the Palace Square where giant screens will show live
The Main Courtyard
The Main Courtyard corresponds to the central portion of the 13th century fortress. It took its present
architectural form under the reign of Honoré II. His heir, Prince Louis I, had the great door built in the main
façade giving onto the Square and the old town. Subsequently, during the Palace renovations commenced on the
initiative of Prince Rainier III, the Main Courtyard was paved with three million white and coloured cobbles
forming giant geometric shapes.
In 1960, the Sovereign Prince opened the Main Courtyard to the prestigious National Orchestra of the Opera
which, in 1980, became the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra, bestowing international fame upon it. Since
then it has been a tradition, during the summer season, for selected classical concerts and recitals to be given in
the Main Courtyard, with the participation of the finest soloists and conductors.
The Palace Square
The Palace Square originally bore the name "Place d’Armes" due to its use for military exercises. In 1860, the
present market square, located at the foot of the Rock, became Place d’Armes. Its larger area was more suited to
military exercises. The Square in front of the Palace was then renamed the Palace Square.
In the past, the Palace Square was used to defend the fortress, to keep watch and by the garrison soldiers to
perform exercises.
With an area of 5,000 m², it now contributes to making the façade of the Prince's Palace look even more
majestic. The changing of the guard takes place every day at 11.55 am.
The Palace Square is a highly symbolic place, enabling the Sovereign Prince to meet His subjects. Each year, on
19th November – National Day or the Prince's Day, Monegasque citizens gather in the Square to pay tribute to
him. It is also used for receptions during special Princely events: the 700th anniversary of the Grimaldi dynasty
in 1997, and the jubilee of Prince Rainier III in 1999.
H.S.H. Prince Albert II has given two large receptions for the Monegasque people – on the occasion of His
Accession to the throne on 12th July 2005 and for His 50th birthday on 14th March 2008.
Key participants
Monseigneur Bernard Barsi
Monseigneur Bernard Barsi has been the Archbishop of Monaco since his episcopal
ordination on 16th May 2000. He is a Member of the Episcopal Commission for the
Catechesis and the Catechumenate and is also Chaplain General of the Confraternity of
"Beyond the media aspect, we would like the personal, deeply-felt and joyful nature of this Christian ceremony
to be discerned. It is a very special religious event. For me personally, celebrating a Princely Wedding will be a
first, a joy, and an honour. The Cathedral can only hold 500 people. The Sovereign Prince wanted to have a
ceremony that the largest number of people possible could attend. So the Palace Square and the Main
Courtyard will become an open-air cathedral where Monegasques and guests will be united in celebrating this
joyful and spiritual occasion".
Brigadier General John Jayet
Born on 7th February 1952 in New York (United States), the General has been
Chamberlain to H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco since June 2009. In this capacity he
is in charge of protocol.
Colonel Luc Fringant
Born on 22nd September 1953 in Maxéville (Meurthe & Moselle, France), Colonel
Luc Fringant is the First Aide de Camp to H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and
Highest Command Officer of the Public Forces since June 2009. He is also the
Supervisor of the Security Group (responsible for the security and safety of the
Princely Family). In the above capacities he is charge of the organization of the
ceremony in the Palace Square.
The music
Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra
Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra was founded in 1856 under the name "Orchestre du Nouveau Cercle des
From the very beginning it played a leading role in the world of music, chiefly because it has always been
directed by the very finest conductors.
In 1958 it became the Monte-Carlo National Opera Orchestra, and its current name is the "Monte-Carlo
Philharmonic Orchestra". Since 1980 it has participated actively in lyric opera creation, contemporary
choreography and the composing of symphonies and has thus achieved a balance between tradition and
In the year 2000, with the arrival of Marek Janowski, the Orchestra reached a total of 100 musicians, allowing it
to widen its already extensive repertoire.
Among its Musical Directors we note, in particular, Paul Paray, Igor Markevitch, Lovro von Matacic, Lawrence
Foster, Gianluigi Gelmetti, James DePreist and Marek Janowski.
From September 2009 until his sudden passing in March 2011, Yakov Kreizberg was the Artistic and Musical
Director of the Orchestra.
Autumn 2010 saw the launch of the label “OPMC Classics” by the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra. From
October 2010 to May 2011, "OPMC Classics" published three discs recorded as part of the national celebrations
of the Centenary of the Russian Ballet, directed by Yakov Kreizberg with work by Stravinsky, RimskyKorsakov, Ravel, Debussy, Mussorgsky, and Borodin. The discs received many accolades from the musical
Now under the presidency of H.R.H. The Princess of Hanover, the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra has
benefited from the support and encouragement of the Sovereign Princes since its foundation.
The Monte-Carlo Opera Chorus
Now composed of forty singers, the Monte-Carlo Opera Chorus performs throughout the season each year. Its
members come from all over the world, mainly from Italy and France, and their voices form a balanced
ensemble of great quality, much appreciated by the public and receiving international acclaim. Directed by
Stefano Visconti, it performs a wide repertoire from Boris Godounov to Rigoletto, and from Der Rosenkavalier
to the contemporary The Marquise of O….
The Monte-Carlo Opera chorus was created in 1879 by the first director of the Opera, Jules Cohen, former head
of the Paris Opera Chorus.
The "Little Singers of Monaco"
The choir was founded in 1974 by Prince Rainier III. A group of around thirty boys aged between 9 and 15
years old, forms part of the “The Choir of Monaco Cathedral”, an institution founded in 1904 which performs at
the regular Cathedral services.
At the same time, the Little Singers of Monaco contribute, according to the wishes of Prince Rainier III, to the
artistic influence of the Principality of Monaco worldwide, on the occasion of their many concert tours. The
choir has visited more than 35 countries since 1974, including Japan, China, South Korea, Mexico, the United
States, Argentina, South Africa, and almost all European States.
The day after the Wedding, they will fly off to Singapore where they begin a four-week concert tour of Asia
(Singapore - West Timor - China). On this occasion, they will inaugurate a Children's Centre in West Timor. In
the last two years, the young artists have been supporting a humanitarian program to collect funds to build the
The partners
For the wedding ceremonies, the Princely Couple has chosen to use a Lexus LS 600h L, a one-off model that
has been designed especially for them. The manufacturer has also supplied 6 other vehicles for the day of 2nd
July. Using a hybrid system, the car has exceptionally low CO2, NOx and particle emissions. The carbon
footprint will be calculated and offset after the wedding ceremonies.
BMW Group France
On the occasion of the Princely Wedding, BMW Group France is making available to the Prince's Palace 200
BMW Series 7 limousines. The vehicles – 100 of the stretch version and 100 of the standard version - have been
specially built for the occasion. They will be used throughout the festivities by the VIPs invited by the
Principality of Monaco.
H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Miss Wittstock will sign the marriage registers with a pen created especially for the
occasion by Montblanc. Adorned with precious stones, this unique piece will also be decorated with the monogram
of the Princely couple.
See also The Partners in this dossier.
Live coverage
The religious wedding will be broadcast live on 7 screens placed in several different locations in the
Principality, particularly on the route to be taken by the Princely couple after the religious wedding (2 July at
6.30 pm) going to Saint Devota Church and the Media Center.
The equipment will be installed as follows:
two screens in the Palace Square
one screen in Saint Devota Square, La Condamine
three screens in Boulevard Albert 1er, Port Hercules
one screen in front of the Oceanographic Museum, Monaco Ville
See also “Technical Facilities” in this dossier.
For more information:
The Wedding
Saturday, 2nd July: the Procession and the offering of the bouquet in Saint
Devota Church
6.30 pm: the Princely couple leaves the Palace to go to the Saint Devota Church where, in
accordance with tradition, the Princess shall place her bouquet.
Programme of the day (Approximate timeline)
6.30 pm: T.S.H. drive through the Palace Square to go to the Saint Devota Church in a Lexus, while the car of
the maids of honour follows them.
6.43 pm: Arrival of T.S.H. in front of the SainteDévote Church. The couple is welcomed by Monseigneur Barsi
6.50 pm: Music welcomes T.S.H. on entering the church, followed by a hymn. Mgr. Gallo reads a prayer. The
Princely couple then walks to the altar of the church. The Bride places her bouquet in front of the altar.
7.00 pm: T.S.H. exit the church and gesture to the crowd.
7.10pm: T.S.H. return to the Palace.
The Procession:
The procession will go down the Avenue de la Porte-Neuve, along the Avenue du Port and Boulevard Albert I,
and then return to the Palace along the same route. The Princely couple ride in a Lexus LS 600h L, a unique
model, especially designed for them.
The Saint Devota Church, a place of tradition and legend
Prior to 1070, when it first appears in the archives, the original chapel stood on the side of the Gaumates valley
facing the east, more or less on the same spot of land where the Chapel of Relics currently stands. It was
restored and most probably enlarged in the XVIth century. Prince Honoré II added a bay in 1606 and a porch in
1637 (current gallery). In 1870, the façade was redone and later extended in 1891 in "neo-Greek XVIIIth
century" composite style. The 15 metre high bell tower dates from 1870.
Charles Lenormand, the architect of the Cathedral and the Church of Saint Charles, was put in charge of the
extension work, which consisted of adding an extra bay, a mock transept and an apsidal chancel. The work was
carried out from 1885 to 1891. The chapel became the parish church in 1887.
The Legend
According to the legend, Devota - Devote -, a young Christian girl originally from Corsica was martyred by
Barbarus, prefect under the Emperors Diocletian and Maximian, at a date we can situate between 303 and 304.
Her body, taken and hidden by fellow believers during the night, was put into a boat destined for Africa.
However, adverse winds directed the boat towards Monaco and the Saint’s body was consequently buried in the
chapel of the glen known as "des Gaumates", close to the port, on 27th January of the same year. During the
reign of Honoré II, during the XVIIth century, Saint Devota became the Patron Saint of Monaco.
Saint Devota and Monaco
One of the oldest traditions of the Principality of Monaco that has marked the national culture in areas as diverse
as religion, folklore and popular beliefs, history, literature, art, painting and music, numismatics and stamp
collecting, is undoubtedly the legend that is known as the "Legend of Saint Devota" which was passed down
from a medieval document. This tradition holds a special place in the hearts of Monegasques, as has been
clearly demonstrated throughout the centuries in the history of the city. Saint Devota is celebrated on 27th
January of every year by a religious service. On the day before, a traditional ceremony takes place before the
Saint Devota Church during which a boat is set alight.
The officiating priest
Monseigneur Fabrice Gallo, Saint Devota Parish Priest
He was born in Monaco where he pursued his studies before entering the International Seminary of Issy-lesMoulineaux. In 1969, he was ordained at the Cathedral of Monaco by Monseigneur Ruppe and became priest of
the Saint Devota Church.
The partners:
For the wedding ceremonies, the Princely Couple has chosen to use a Lexus LS 600h L, a one-off model that
has been designed especially for them. The manufacturer has also supplied 6 other vehicles for the day of 2nd
July. Using a hybrid system, the car has exceptionally low CO2, NOx and particle emissions. The carbon
footprint will be calculated and offset after the wedding ceremonies.
See also “The Partners” in this dossier.
The Live Coverage:
Live coverage of the religious ceremony will be shown on 7 screens placed at various places around the
Principality, especially along the route the Princely couple will take after the religious ceremony (2nd July at
6:30 pm) towards the Saint Devota Church and the Media Centre.
The screens are allocated as follows:
2 screens at the Palace Square
One screen at the Place Sainte Devota, Condamine
Three screens along the Boulevard Albert 1er, Port Hercules
One screen in front of the Oceanographic Museum, in Monaco Ville
See also “Technical Facilities” in this dossier.
For more information:
The Wedding
Saturday 2nd July – the Dinner and the Ball
9.00 pm: Official dinner prepared by Alain Ducasse, followed by a Ball at the Opera
Garnier and on its terraces
The Menu and the Chef
The Princely Couple has chosen Alain Ducasse to organize the official dinner on the Opera terraces. He is being
assisted by all of the staff at Monte-Carlo S.B.M. Heightening awareness of the vulnerability of our envirmoent
will be a key part of the event. Mr Ducasse combines quintessential taste – with an accent on local products –
and refined and elegant table decorations. The vegetables for the dinner and the milk used in the desserts will
come from Roc Agel, the estate of H.S.H. Prince Albert II. The fish will be the product of sustainable trawling
practices in the Mediterranean.
Naturally, Alain Ducasse wished to honour the future Princess by choosing a "charming South African wine" to
accompany the first course. The pièce montée, the traditional patisserie creation served at French weddings, will
recall the South African national flower.
The four courses at dinner will be served from the kitchens of the Louis XV restaurant at the Hôtel de Paris
supported by a temporary kitchen built on site.
“I have created dishes in harmony with the basic tenets of the message that Prince and Miss Charlene Wittstock
wish to convey – harmony, simplicity, fairness, and modesty – the fact that we have to take care of our planet’s
rare resources. The ingredients are therefore local, sustainable and fair trade products.” Alain Ducasse
The dinner menu will be revealed on the evening of Saturday 2nd July on the Princely Wedding website:
An exceptional location
The Opera terraces (official dinner)
Surrounded by flowerbeds with a great variety of species (such as palm trees, veronicas, plumbagos, aloe,
agave, and podocarpus), the terraces of the Opera Garnier stretch out below the majestic façade of the Opera
like an esplanade overlooking the sea. They offer a panoramic view over the Riviera, from the Rock of Monaco
to Bordighera (Italy). The terraces are in full sun all day long, and in the 1920s hosted a traditional and elegant
morning promenade.
Throughout their history, the terraces were the setting for sumptuous balls – for example the 1971, 1972 and
1973 Monegasque Red Cross galas. In 1966, they hosted the magnificent and romantic ball celebrating the
Centenary of Monte-Carlo. International high society gathered around Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace –
including the Begum Aga Khan – and so many leading personalities from the worlds of fashion and culture such
as Yves Saint Laurent, Gina Lollobrigida, Jacques Chazot and Jean d’Ormesson.
Salle Garnier, Monte-Carlo Opera (Ball)
Inaugurated in 1879 by Sarah Bernhardt, the Salle Garnier of the Monte-Carlo Opera is an architectural treasure
marked by the history and choreography of 20th century lyric opera. Today it continues to host the greatest
names in opera, whilst remaining open to originality, creativity and the talents of the future.
A work commissioned by the Société des Bains de Mer
After the 1870 war, the Principality of Monaco became a favourite place for international high society. In order
to meet its cultural needs, the Société des Bains de Mer commissioned Charles Garnier, the architect of the Paris
Opera, to build a concert hall within the Monte-Carlo Casino complex.
An architectural treasure by Charles Garnier
A copper dome, decorated with sculptures and multicoloured mosaics, stands at the pinnacle of the façade of the
Salle Garnier and dominates the sea.
The hall is a perfect square of 20 metres in length, and has 600 seats, with a single row of boxes on either side of
the Princely box. A crystal chandelier, four metres in diameter and composed of five tonnes of etched bronze
and glass, decorates the ornate ceiling. Most of the chandelier was destroyed in the early XXth century, but it
was restored during the renovation of the hall (in 2005) using a photograph dating from the centenary. There are
four painted panels on the arch: La Musique by Gustave Boulanger, Le Chant by François Feyen-Perrin, La
Danse by Georges Clairin and La Comédie by Frédéric Théodore Lix.
In 2005, 126 years after it was built, Salle Garnier was completely restored by a team of expert artisans.
Through extensive research, the original colours chosen by Charles Garnier were identified, and the original
gilding and crimson curtains were restored to their former glory, adding to the spectacular view of the horizon
of the Mediterranean Sea.
The Opera today
The Monte-Carlo Opera has been directed by Jean-Louis Grinda since 2007. He is committed to reworking the
classics and revitalizing the great tradition of original creation in Monte-Carlo.
Each autumn, during the Monte-Carlo Jazz Festival, the Salle Garnier welcomes the great names of jazz.
Monte-Carlo Casino
Built by order of Prince Charles III and inaugurated in 1863, Monte-Carlo Casino, operated by S.B.M., very
quickly attracted an exclusive international clientele.
Monte-Carlo Casino is classical and grandiose, and is both an architectural treasure and a temple dedicated to
the Arts. Columns, graceful arches, paintings, sculptures and engraved glass are juxtaposed in this impressive
and monumental ensemble – a jewel of the Belle Epoque.
The rules of French roulette, still in use worldwide, were defined here at the Monte-Carlo Casino, the
international standard of European gaming tables.
Alain Ducasse, Chef
Born and raised in the South West of France, Alain Ducasse is one of the most famous
chefs of his generation. In addition to other activities, he runs three restaurants in
Monaco, Paris and London, each rewarded with three Michelin stars.
Chef, restaurateur, hotelier and teacher, in thirty years Alain Ducasse has developed a
unique savoir-faire that is expressed in his many activities in the world of contemporary
art de vivre and gastronomy.
A Monegasque citizen since 2008, he discovered Monaco in 1987 when, asked by Prince Rainier III, he took
over the kitchens at the Hôtel de Paris, the prestigious establishment belonging to Monte-Carlo S.B.M., with the
aim of making the Louis XV the first hotel-restaurant with three Michelin stars, a distinction that he obtained in
At the Louis XV, located between the Nice hinterland and Liguria, Alain Ducasse offers Mediterranean cuisine
the recognition it deserves.
In the heart of this inspiring area, in the twenty-five years of his professional career and personal involvement,
he has found unfailing support. Today Monaco is an essential anchor for his work as a chef and creator. He
trains most of his chefs, who subsequently relay his cuisine all over the world, at the Louis XV.
Monte-Carlo S.B.M. and Alain Ducasse have been chosen by Prince Albert II of Monaco and Miss
Charlene Wittstock to organize the wedding dinner on the terraces of the Salle Garnier, on Saturday 2nd
July 2011.
“The choice made by H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Miss Wittstock is an honour for me. It also honours
Mediterranean cuisine – a sincere and harmonious cuisine that pays homage to a bountiful and generous
terroir. Mediterranean cuisine also respects the environment. The Sovereign Prince and his future wife have
thus expressed their commitment to nature and to the diligent work of the men and women that produce
abundant harvests in a wise and sustainable way using good sense and wisdom. On this very special day, I
cannot fail to remember the delectable times that the Prince and his family have spent at our table”.
Press Contact:
Emmanuelle Perrier
Tel.: +377 980 68 857
The partners
The Société des Bains de Mer
Created in 1863 by Sovereign ordinance of Prince Charles III, the Société des Bains de Mer (S.B.M.)
contributed to the birth of Monte-Carlo and its first hour of glory. At that time, it organized gaming and leisure
activities as well as hotel accommodation, and also ran public services and transport between Monaco, Nice and
Menton, thus becoming a source of employment for Monegasques. Since its foundation, S.B.M. has always
played a fundamental role in the Principality. It has expanded considerably and now offers its clientele new
hotels, new casinos and unique theatre and concert facilities. It is now known as Monte-Carlo S.B.M.
The Hôtel de Paris
Inaugurated in 1864, according to the wishes of its founder, François Blanc, the Hôtel de Paris was to be “a
hotel with a level of luxury exceeding all that went before it”.
The hotel was enlarged several times between 1900 and 1910, when the Salle Empire was inaugurated.
In May 1974, Prince Rainier III celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his reign here, at a dinner attended by
the crème de la crème of international high society. The occasion was the first official event attended by
Hereditary Prince Albert.
The Hôtel de Paris also has one of the most renowned wine cellars in the world.
In 1987, the Société des Bains de Mer asked the young chef Alain Ducasse to create a gourmet restaurant, the
Louis XV, that very soon received three Michelin stars.
During the Princely Wedding festivities, the flagship of the Monte-Carlo S.B.M. hotel complex will be reserved
exclusively for some of the most prominent dignitaries and celebrities in the world. On Saturday 2nd July, the
day of the religious wedding, it will host a luncheon for royal families and heads of State.
Perrier-Jouët champagne
Some of the most prestigious vintages of the House of Champagne will accompany all of the receptions on 1st and
2nd July. A special vintage will also be served in honour of this historic event. Perrier-Jouët's Cuvée Belle Epoque
has been served at the Monaco Rose Ball for almost ten years.
See also “The Partners” in this dossier.
And also:
Société des Bains de Mer : www.montecarloresort.com
Monte-Carlo Opera: www.opera.mc
Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra: www.opmc.mc
The Wedding
Saturday 2nd July: The Fireworks
Around 11.30pm: A fireworks display will conclude the dinner
The pyrotechnics
The Princely couple has entrusted the creation of the fireworks display to the Société Jacques Couturier
Organisation which has already given fireworks displays in Monaco. The Society has won firework display
competitions three times. Mr. Couturier is the coordinator of the Monaco fireworks competition, personally
handling the administration for the competition and all security arrangements.
An original creation especially for the Princely couple
At midnight, at the opening of the ball celebrating the Princely wedding, a monumental symphonic display of
fire and music will set the sea ablaze and cover the rock with flames.
The Ball will be opened, musically, by an Irish ballad, “The Streets of Philadelphia”, and “Africa” by Johnny
Clegg; This opening to the performance honours the Princely Couple’s origins. Then a series of love songs will
follow, still accompanied by a pyrotechnic display.
→ A rain of gold over the bay of Monaco
→ • The large pyrotechnic frescoes painted in the sky, reflecting over the Mediterranean.
→ • 1001 red pyrotechnic roses creating a giant bouquet of “fire flowers” will blossom in the sky during
the “Hymne à l’amour” sung a capella.
→ • A final massive bouquet of red and silver, in the colours of the Principality.
If the crowd is convinced by the display, the foghorns of all the boats will resonate to applaude the closing of
the fireworks.
Impressive Logistics
Staggering figures
4 tonnes of fireworks
3 tug boats
2 nights of installation
10 tonnes of material
12 firing platforms
15 minutes of firework performance
300 metres high for the final flourish
15,000 individual fireworks, dazzling comets, flouring cascades, multi-coloured pearls, phosphorescent stars…
A record-breaking installation time
Thursday 30th June: the fireworks materials placed on pontoons at the Port de Fontvieille
Friday 1st July
6.00am – fireworks arrival at Port de Fontvieille
8.00am – Departure of the pontoons, pulled by tugboats; installation of the fireworks, Roquebrune Bay Anchoring
Saturday 2nd July
9.00pm – Convoy of pontoons: 3 tug boats to pull them in the Bay of Monaco
Jacques Couturier Organisation
The Jacques Couturier Organisation, winner of numerous International Festivals of Pyrotechnic Art, has an
eclectic background, the Fête Nationale 2010 in Paris, The Football World Cup, Chinese New Year in Beijing,
The Millennium at Copacabana and San Paulo, The Montgolfières World Championship, The Vieilles Charrues
and the Vendée Globe.
For more information:
Les Princes de Monaco
The Princely Family
H.R.H. Princes Caroline of Hanover
H.R.H. Princess Caroline Louise Marguerite was born in Monaco at the Princely Palace
on 23rd January 1957.
Princess Caroline pursued her secondary school studies and achieved her A Levels in
England. On her return to France in June 1974, she passed the baccalaureate with
distinction. Following this, she earned a degree in Philosophy from the Sorbonne,
minoring in Psychology and Biology. She speaks fluent English and Italian and she has
studied both German and Spanish.
H.R.H. Princess Caroline took lessons at the Ecole de Danse de Marika Besobrasova in Monte-Carlo and
studied in turn the piano and the flute. Princess Caroline enjoys sports in general and practises horse riding and
skiing in particular.
In 1979 Princess Caroline was named President of the National Committee of Monaco for the International Year
of the Child by Their Serene Highnesses the Sovereign Prince and the Princess of Monaco.
Very concerned by the distress of young people, she founded the association ‘Jeune J’Ecoute’ in 1981, a youth
hotline where troubled youngsters can talk about their problems on the telephone.
Since April 1983 Princess Caroline has been Honorary President of the Monaco Girl Guides, a youth movement
in which she took part during her childhood and teenage years. Since 1992 this movement has become the
Monaco Association of Guides and Scouts.
Outside the Principality, she has also extended her high patronage to the ‘Peter Le Marchant Trust’, an English
association which aims to organize free trips on canal boats the disabled.
On 17th December 1982 Prince Rainier III by Sovereign Ordinance, appointed Princess Caroline President of
the ‘Garden Club of Monaco’ and President of the Organising Committee for the ‘Monte-Carlo Arts Festival’
which in 1984 became Le Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo, (Monte-Carlo Spring of Arts). By Sovereign
decision, the Princess was also named President of the ‘Princess Grace Foundation’.
In 1983 H.S.H. Princess Caroline married Mr. Stefano Casiraghi
In 1985 during a press conference in Paris, the Princess officially announced the foundation of ‘Les Ballets de
Monte-Carlo’ thus fulfilling a wish very close to Princess Grace’s heart.
On 4th March 1988, Prince Rainier III, by Sovereign Ordinance, named Princess Caroline President of the
Board of the ‘Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation’. Since 1988 Princess Caroline has also been President of the
Literary Board of this same Foundation. In 1992, Her Highness was appointed the President of the Artistic
Board of the Prix Internationale d’Art Contemporain (International Contemporary Art Prize).
In April 1993, H.S.H. Princess Caroline was appointed President of AMADE Mondiale (Worldwide Association
of friends of childhood), created by Princess Grace in 1963, which aims to preserve children’s lives and to
protect them from physical and psychological abuse.
H.S.H. Princess Caroline and her husband, Mr. Stefano Casiraghi, had three children: Andrea Albert Pierre,
born on 8th June 1984, Charlotte Marie Pomeline, born on 3rd August 1986 and Pierre Rainier Stefano, born on
5th September 1987.
In October 1990 Mr. Stefano Casiraghi was killed in a boat race accident.
In January 1999 Her Highness married H.R.H. Prince Ernst of Hanover at the Princely Palace in Monaco. This
union resulted in the birth of H.R.H. Princess Alexandra of Hanover, on 20th July 1999.
On 2nd December 2003 Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, appointed H.R.H. the Princess
of Hanover as Goodwill Ambassador in recognition of her personal commitment to the protection of children
and the family, and her contribution to the promotion of UNESCO’s projects for the education of girls and
On 10th November 2005, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco conferred upon H.R.H the Princess of Monaco the
title of Commander of the Order of Cultural Merit for her contribution to the development of Arts and Culture in
the Principality, her active involvement in the Prince Pierre Foundation, the Monte-Carlo Ballets, the MonteCarlo Philharmonic Orchestra, the Opera, and the annual Spring of Arts, which are cultural organizations of
Monaco over which she presides.
For more information
The Princely Family
H.S.H. Princess Stéphanie
H.S.H. Princess Stéphanie Marie Elisabeth was born in Monaco on 1st
February 1965.
Princess Stéphanie pursued secondary school studies at the Pensionnat des Dames de Saint-Maur in Monaco,
and subsequently at Dupanloup in Paris where she studied piano and classical dance. She obtained her
baccalaureate in 1982. Princess Stéphanie speaks English and Italian fluently.
In Paris the young Princess practised gymnastics to a high level from 1974 to 1979. She was patron of the
Gymnastics Grand Prix for Paris in 1978 and 1979.
Princess Stéphanie enjoys sports and practices swimming, water skiing and downhill skiing.
In 1983 and 1984, Princess Stéphanie followed an apprentice program in fashion design at Christian Dior under
the direction of Marc Bohan.
From 1985 to 1987 she designed a collection of swimming costumes and beachwear, under the brand name
“Pool Position”.
Princess Stéphanie is President of the Youth Centre of Monaco and Princess Stéphanie Activities Centre, and an
Honorary Member of the Organising Committee of the Princess Grace Foundation in the USA.
Since 1985, she has chaired the Organising Committee of the Princess Grace Theatre and has served as the
President of the Jury of “Monte-Carlo Magic Star”. Since 2005, she has been the President of the Organising
Committee of the Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival.
H.S.H. Princess Stéphanie married Mr Daniel Ducruet on 1st July 1995. Two children were born from this
marriage, Louis Robert Paul, born on 26th November 1992 and Pauline Grace Marguy, born on 4th May 1994.
The marriage was dissolved by order of the Court of Judicial Revision on 4th October 1996.
The Princess gave birth to a little girl on 15th July 1998, called Camille Marie Kelly.
In 2003 she founded the association “Femmes face au sida” (Women against AIDS) which in 2004 became
“Fight Aids Monaco”. On 10th November 2005, H.S.H. Prince Albert II awarded her the Grand Cross of the
Order of Grimaldi, for her commitment to humanitarian efforts, particularly for her action in the battle against
HIV/AIDS, for her commitment to art, and for her support of Circus Arts through the Monte-Carlo International
Circus Festival founded by Prince Rainier III.
On 2nd June 2006 Princess Stéphanie attended for the first time a high level meeting on HIV/AIDS at the
headquarters of the United Nations in New York, in order to explain the contribution of Monaco and to declare
Her personal involvement in the fight against the disease.
On 6th October 2006 Princess Stéphanie was named a Special Representative of UNAIDS. Today she is a
‘Goodwill Ambassador’ for the same institution.
On 26th June 2010 Princess Stéphanie inaugurated a ‘Life House’ (‘Maison de Vie’) in Carpentras (Vaucluse)
in the presence of her brother H.S.H. Prince Albert II. This ambitious project was inspired by her trip to New
York in 2006. La Maison de Vie is funded by Fight Aids Monaco and since December 2010, this unique
establishment has welcomed people living with HIV/AIDS, providing them with a place to rest and find some
relief from the difficulties of life with the disease, so as to help them restart their lives.
For more information
The Wedding
The Partners
The Société des Bains de Mer (S.B.M.)
Created in 1863 by Sovereign Ordinance of Prince Charles III, the Société des Bains de Mer (S.B.M.)
contributed to the creation of the Monte-Carlo quarter and its first hour of glory. At that time, it organized
gaming and leisure activities as well as hotel accommodation, and also ran public services and transport
between Monaco, Nice and Menton, thus becoming a source of employment for Monegasques. Since it was
founded, S.B.M. has always played a fundamental role in the Principality. It has expanded considerably and
now offers its clientele new hotels, new casinos and unique theatre and concert facilities. It is now known as
Monte-Carlo S.B.M.
Hôtel de Paris
Inaugurated in 1864, according to the wishes of its founder, François Blanc, the Hôtel de Paris was to be "a
hotel with a level of luxury exceeding all that went before it".
The hotel was enlarged several times between 1900 and 1910, when the Empire Room was inaugurated.
In May 1974, Prince Rainier III celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his reign here, at a dinner attended by
the crème de la crème of international high society. The occasion was the first official event attended by
Hereditary Prince Albert.
The Hôtel de Paris also has one of the most renowned wine cellars in the world.
In 1987, the Société des Bains de Mer asked the young chef Alain Ducasse to create a gourmet restaurant, the
Louis XV that very soon received three Michelin stars.
During the Princely Wedding festivities, the flagship of the Monte-Carlo S.B.M. hotel complex will be reserved
exclusively for some of the most prominent dignitaries and celebrities in the world. On Saturday 2nd July, the
day of the religious wedding, it will host a luncheon for royal families and heads of State.
Hermitage Hotel
Built in 1900, the Hermitage Hotel, now a five-star establishment, is luxurious and in neoclassical style. Its quiet
location, its frescoes, its superb restaurant – in the Belle Epoque Room – and the glass conservatory of its winter
garden designed by Gustave Eiffel, make it a jewel among S.B.M.’s assets.
The hotel has 280 rooms, including 35 suites.
During the Princely Wedding festivities, the Hermitage Hotel will be welcoming prestigious guests. On the
evening of Friday 1st July, the day of the civil wedding, it will host a cocktail dinner party for the 500 wedding
Press Contact:
Mireille Rebaudo-Martini
Tel. +377 98 06 63 60
The Fairmont Monte Carlo
The Fairmont Monte Carlo will have the honour of providing catering services for the cocktail dinner party
offered to the Monegasques on the occasion of the civil wedding of H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Miss Charlene
Wittstock, on 1st July next.
For the occasion, three themes have been chosen to symbolize their union: a marriage of cultures, the
foregrounding of local professionals, and the preservation of the environment.
The Principality and South Africa, a marriage of traditions:
The Chefs of the South African hotel the Fairmont Zimbali will prepare typical dishes from that region
while the Fairmont Monte Carlo will prepare Monegasque specialities;
Local professionals will be foregrounded during this wedding – children and local partners:
Les Petits Chefs by FMC (a cultural and educational programme in collaboration with the Francis of
Assisi Schools - Nicolas Barré and Saint-Charles) will represent Monegasque youth, the Brasserie de
Monaco, partner of the event, will create a special beer for the occasion – “Princely Wedding”, and the
artist Mateo Mornar will present a symbolic sculpture, to be placed on the wedding cake.
Most of the buffet equipment and cutlery will be made from biodegradable and compostable materials.
The Petits Chefs will form a guard of honour and will offer the Bride and Bridegroom a symbolic glass of
The Prince’s Palace and the Fairmont Monte Carlo have been associated at many historic celebrations in the
Principality of Monaco.
The Prince’s Palace has often chosen the hotel’s catering service for the receptions given at key events: in 1997,
on the occasion of the celebrations of the 700th anniversary of the Grimaldi reign, in 1999 to celebrate the 50th
anniversary of the reign of Prince Rainier III, and in 2005 to celebrate the Accession of H.S.H. Prince Albert II
of Monaco.
Press contact:
Claudia Batthyany
Tel. +377 93 15 48 66
Perrier- Jouët Champagne
Some of the most prestigious vintages of the House of Champagne will accompany all of the receptions on 1st and
2nd July. A special vintage will also be served in honour of this historic event. Perrier-Jouët's Cuvée Belle Epoque
has been served at the Monaco Rose Ball for almost ten years.
Press Contact:
Stéphanie MINGHAM
Communications Director
Tel.: +33 (0)
H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Miss Wittstock will sign the marriage registers with a pen created especially for the
occasion by Montblanc. Adorned with precious stones, this unique piece will also be decorated with the monogram
of the Princely couple.
Press Contact:
Kristina Hartmann
Schoeller & von Rehlingen Public Relations GmbH
Tel: +49 040 / 45 01 83-17
For the wedding ceremonies, the Princely Couple has chosen to use a Lexus LS 600h L, a one-off model that
has been designed especially for them. The manufacturer has also supplied 6 other vehicles for the day of 2nd
July. Using a hybrid system, the car has exceptionally low CO2, NOx and particle emissions. The carbon
footprint will be calculated and offset after the wedding ceremonies.
Press Contact:
Etienne Plas
+32 2 745 20 22
BMW Group France
On the occasion of the Princely Wedding, BMW Group France is making available to the Prince's Palace 200
BMW Series 7 limousines. The vehicles – 100 of the stretch version and 100 of the standard version - have been
specially built for the occasion. They will be used throughout the festivities by the VIPs invited by the
Principality of Monaco.
Press Contact:
Eric De Riedmatten
Directeur of the Département for Communication
The Wedding
Official Collection of Commemorative Products
The delicate and elegant graphics include a golden banner on which the initials "A" and "C" of Prince Albert II
and Miss Charlene Wittstock are intertwined below the Princely crown. The Grimaldi family coat of arms is
also represented by a graphic variation on the identity diamond shapes of the Principality and the date of the
event – "2nd July 2011". This harmony is further enhanced by the refined colour scheme chosen by the Palace –
gold on white.
Production has been entrusted to the family firm Revol which has been renowned for more than two centuries
for its top-of-the-range porcelain. The products and the materials used have been chosen by the Sovereign and
Miss Wittstock in consultation with Revol.
Several items have been selected. Amongst others are:
The Silk Fan
The Key Ring
The Plate
The Coffee Cup and Saucer
The Mug
The Candle
The Coin
Two crystal Champagne Flutes, boxed set
The Silver Charm
All commemorative products are available from: www.souvenirs-shop.mc
Manufacture de Porcelain de Monaco
In honour of the Princely Wedding, the Manufacture de Monaco is releasing an official collection of precious
commemorative porcelain. This exclusive range of high quality porcelain has been created to celebrate the union
of H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Miss Charlene Wittstock.
The "Princely Wedding" collection is composed of exceptional pieces that are decorated with 24-carat gold. It is
both elegant and contemporary and consists of a number of products: plates, mugs, trinket trays, scented candles
and candy boxes, all decorated with the monogram of the Princely couple. The collection, of the highest quality,
has been produced in collaboration with the Prince's Palace.
The Manufacture de Monaco is recognized the world over for its production quality and unique technical
expertise. In association with the House of Swarovski, it has revolutionized luxury tableware by inventing a
technique enabling Swarovski crystal to be affixed to porcelain items such as plates, cups and vases. The quality
of its artisans and designers has played an important part in establishing the House's fame. The Manufacture de
Monaco is of international repute and is particularly well known in South-East Asia. It stands out with its unique
and ever-changing creative flair.
The firm was founded in 1973 by Erich Rozewicz and was supported by Prince
Rainier III and Princess Grace from its very creation. Since then, the company has played a major role in
Monegasque life. By appointment to H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince of Monaco since 1985, it regularly supplies
official gifts to the Prince's Palace and Monegasque Institutions (in particular the Prince's Government and the
Council of State).
Manufacture de Monaco products are available from the store located in the Metropole Shopping Center in
Tel.: (+377) 92 05 77 55
36, Boulevard des Moulins
Commemorative stamp collection
The Commemorative Coin
The Commemorative coin of the Princely Wedding has been minted in three metals:
Silver coins 900/°°°, 41mm diameter, weight 30 g
Vermeil coins 900/°°°, silver and 1 micron of gold, 41mm diameter, weight 30g
Gold coins 900/°°°, 31mm diameter, weight 17g
The coins are contained in a red box bearing the monogram “AC” interwoven with the date “2nd July”.
They will be given to the Monegasques on Friday 1st July from 4.00pm onwards at the reception given
in their honour.
The Postcard
The postcard will show the same engraving that is on the stamp, EUR 4.10, issued especially for the
occasion and created by Pierre Albuisson, Cyril de la Patelière and Claude Andréotto.
H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince and Miss Charlene Wittstock are represented in the foreground in front of
the Princely Palace.
Above the picture is the Princely couple’s monogram. At the bottom on the right is the date, 2nd July
2011, the day of the religious ceremony.
What you need to know
The Wedding
What will the Prince be wearing on the day of the wedding?
The Prince will either be in the Corps of Carabineers uniform (white summer dress).
What will Miss Wittstock’s dress look like?
The choice of dress will be kept a secret until the day of the wedding.
How many witnesses can they choose? Are they the same for the civil and religious marriages?
The civil ceremony is separate from the religious one, including for the members of the sovereign family.
Therefore, there is nothing to stop the couple having different witnesses. The institution of the sovereign family
does not oblige any particular number of witnesses for the civil marriage.
The Ceremony
How many guests are expected in the Court of Honour?
The Court of Honour can contain around 850 people.
How many Heads of State will be invited and which ones?
All of the Heads of State of the countries that H.S.H. Prince Albert II has officially visited since His accession
in 2005, as well as the Heads of States of the countries linked to the family (USA, Ireland and South Africa).
How many Police will be mobilised?
All of the Police Force and the personnel (521 people) will be mobilised (no reinforcements).
The Future Princess
After the wedding, what official role will the Princess and her family have?
H.S.H. Princess Charlene will hold the same official rank as H.S.H. Prince Albert II. During the ceremony,
when she stands and H.E. Mr. Philippe Narmino, the Princely Family’s registrar, pronounces the phrase “I
announce you husband and wife”, Miss Charlene Wittstock will enter into the Grimaldi family and will become
Princess of Monaco. In comparison her own family won’t have any particular rank.
What patronymic will the future Princess use?
It is important to distinguish the patronymic name that everyone has upon their birth from the title acquired
resulting from marriage to the Reigning Prince. Miss Wittstock will officially become “H.S.H. Princess
Charlene”. This will be her title, but she may also simply use “Charlene of Monaco”, in particular for her
The provisions of the Crown
What are the exact terms regarding the “ transfer of the crown”?
In relation to the devolution of the Crown, article 10 of the Constitution specifies that it is passed on to the direct
and legitimate descendants of the reigning Prince and takes place in order of primogeniture with male priority.
If there is no male descendant, a female child may accede to the throne.
What are the terms of the treaty binding Monaco and France?
Article 3 of the treaty signed on 24th October 2002, governing the relations of friendship and cooperation
between France and the Principality refers exclusively to the constitutional provisions concerning the transfer of
the Crown. Furthermore therefore stipulates that any incident leading to a modification in the order of
succession set forth by the Constitution should be notified to the French Republic.
What are the provisions set forth concerning “regency” and when do they become necessary?
This issue is dealt with extensively and in detail by the Statutes of the Sovereign Family.
Regency is first and foremost necessary should the reigning Prince be prevented from or unable to carry out his
duties. It is then carried out by the Crown Prince if he is of age, or failing this, by the wife of the incapacitated
Prince who has custody of the minor Crown Prince, or again failing this, by the adult heir closest to the reigning
Prince in order of succession.
Regency also takes place if the Crown Prince is a minor. The regency shall, throughout this minority, for the
length of time that the Prince is a minor, be exercised by the wife of the deceased Prince who has custody of the
child. Or, failing that, regency is exerted by the closest adult heir in the order of succession.
Should the regency not be able to be exercised by one of the members of the Sovereign family or in the event
that it is impossible for the Regent to accomplish the role, it is filled by the Regent’s Council. This council is
presided over by the President of the Crown Council and includes the Secretary of State, the President of the
State Council and the oldest member of the Crown Council appointed upon presentation by the National
Council. Only someone with Monegasque nationality may exercise the regency.
This system guards against for all eventualities. Proven when it was activated without difficulty at the end of
Prince Rainier’s reign, when the Regency was exercised by the Prince, who at the time was the heir.
Does an heir to the throne have to be of age for his accession?
Yes, an heir must be of age to access to the throne.
Media facilities
On the occasion of the wedding of H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Miss Charlene Wittstock, the media will be
received at the Media Center (see map below).
Important information
The Media Center
The Media Center will be located in the Monaco Top Cars Collection and in the Salle du Canton (Les Terrasses
de Fontvieille, 25-29, Avenue Albert II).
The Media Center will open on Wednesday 29th June 2011 at 7 am and will close on Sunday 3 July at 3pm. It
will be inaugurated by His Exellence Mr Michel Roger, Minister of State on Wednesday 29th June at 10am.
Opening times are as follows:
- Wednesday 29th June 2011: from 7am to midnight
- Thursday 30th June 2011: from 7am to midnight
- Friday 1st July 2011: from 5am to midnight
- Saturday 2nd July 2011, from 5am non-stop until Sunday 3rd July 2011, 6pm.
Media Center : Tel: (+377) 97 77 93 00
How to get to the Media Center ?
Travel and parking facilities have been provided by the Prince's Government Departments in order to facilitate
journalists' work. Free bus travel and parking in the various public car parks of the Principality has been
organized by the Public Car Parks Department and the Monaco bus company.
How to collect your pass
As soon as the Media Center opens on Wednesday 29th June at 7 am, passes and press packs can be collected
there upon presentation of an identity card.
Services offered by the Media Center
WiFi and Ethernet (3 x 100 Mb, symmetrical) will be made available free of charge to journalists to optimize their
working conditions. The service provider will provide assistance at all times during Center opening hours.
Events will be broadcast (video recordings and commentary) in four languages: French, English, Italian and
German. Infrared headsets can be collected at the same time as passes, for a deposit of 15€, so as to be able to
listen to the audio feed when working.
Lockers will be available for photographers' use. Keys are to be collected at the same time as passes, for a
deposit of 10€.
Lockable storage units of 2/3m will be available, in particular for Agency use.
A catering service will be provided throughout the event. Hot drinks will be served free of charge and a
sandwich bar and cold drinks will also be available.
Monaco Telecom is at journalists' disposal for any further requirements (telephone links and/or ISDN
(Integrated Services Digital Network):
Ms Christelle Cozzi
Tel.: (+377) 99 66 65 64;
Mobile: (+377) 6 80 86 00 00
WiFi coverage at the Media Center
WiFi coverage will be provided using the Meru system (www.merunetworks.com). Meru is the world leader in
wireless infrastructure, selected for the following reasons:
→ the ATC (Air Traffic Control) technology used by Meru guarantees balanced services and increases the
average number of potential users per access point (terminals or AP for Access Point);
→ the intelligent controller of the WiFi network has a specific security-related parameter – the Rogue –
enabling connections to the APs from other WiFi networks installed near the hotel to be controlled and
included in an "authorized" or "blocked" list (blacklist);
→ being WiFi Alliance certified, Meru Networks is interoperable with all access points not manufactured
by Meru;
→ coordinated APs, transmitting on a single channel, create the illusion of a single cell throughout the zone
covered – WiFi clients are never in roaming mode, even when they are mobile.
Monaco Telecom has installed and configured the WiFi network and will provide service throughout the event.
It will provide journalists with logins and passwords to get a connection. Journalists will also be able to connect
at the public WiFi hotspots installed at several locations in the Principality (3 hotspots on the wedding route; 12
mobile hotspots) where they can get a connection with the same login and password as for the Media Center
(distributed free of charge when passes are collected).
Media Welcome Party
On Thursday 30th June at 7 pm, authorized journalists will be invited by the DTC (Monaco Government Tourist and
Convention Authority) to attend a welcome evening on the beach of the Hotel Méridien (22 Avenue Princesse Grace). On
the programme: barbecue, relaxation and fun, a few hours before the Eagles' concert.
Please note: shuttles will be available between the Hotel and the Louis II Stadium where the concert will be held.
Hotels, restaurants, where to go
Part Work is available at the Media Centre.
To download the photos,
And for all information put on line on 1st and 2nd July can be found on the Princely
Wedding website:
Press Contacts:
Palace Press Department
Ms Christiane Stahl
Advisor to the Cabinet of H.S.H. Prince Albert II
Tel: (+377) 93 25 18 31
Ms Laetitia Pierrat
Head of the Press Office
Tel: (+377) 93 25 18 31
Ms Nadège Basile
Press attaché
Tel: (+377) 93 25 18 31
Monaco Press Centre
10 bis, Quai Antoine Ier
Mr François Chantrait
Tel: (+377) 98 98 22 22; Mobile: (+377) 6 78 63 58 25
Ms Genevieve Berti
Deputy Director
Tel: (+377) 98 98 22 22; Mobile: (+377) 06 48 16 19 41
Map of the Media Centre
Ground Floor
Map of the Media Centre
The Wedding
Technical information: recording and live coverage of the Wedding
A total of almost 500 people will work on recording and broadcasting the Princely Wedding.
The technical equipment made available by the firm R&G for the Princely Wedding fulfils two separate
functions entrusted to the Host Broadcaster at international events.
Key facts about the technical equipment:
→ The international signal (making the signal available to television companies worldwide):
→ The international signal will be produced in line with HD broadcast standards in 16/9 format and stereo
sound, and an SD resolution variant will also be available
→ The signal will be transmitted by several mobile satellite stations located in the Oceanographic Museum
Square. The OB van and related equipment will also be parked in the Square
→ The various cameras will be linked by a network of more than 200 optical fibre lines provided by
Monaco Telecom
→ Power will be provided at all locations by an independent uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system
on the SMEG (Monegasque gas and electricity company) network
→ 40 cameras will be positioned in several locations.
The following will thus be available:
Broadcasting inside the Palace courtyard
Broadcasting in the Square
Coverage of the orchestra, singers and choirs
Connections with the commentator booths
→ 7 cameras in the Palace courtyard which will be moved on Friday 1st July 2011 to the Throne Room to
provide coverage of the civil ceremony
→ 3D footage for the archives, using 5 cameras (recording separately) located in the Palace courtyard
→ The Palace website will broadcast the ceremony live on www.palais.mc.
Equipment for mobile broadcasters:
This equipment will be collected together in a special area in the pier car park. The area will be closed off and
patrolled by security guards, and the power provided by the two generators will supply uninterruptible power.
Services offered:
-Broadcasters with complementary equipment can be accommodated (TF1, France 2, TMC, ZDF, etc.) with:
→ Parking areas for OB equipment
→ Power
→ Access to nodal signals
→ Technical assistance relating to the utilization of Monaco Telecom fibres for individual broadcasters' purposes
→ Algeco production units
→ Catering
→ Specific equipment upon request*
Play-out control: managed and coordinated from an Algeco unit and a specific satellite station.
-Journalists' desks: An area will be equipped with access to the international signal, Internet and, for those who
request it, editing equipment.
-Stand-up: stand-up positions will be available in various locations on the Rock and in the town for television
companies that request them. Coordination will be organized by R&G.
TV compound:
"As host broadcaster, R&G Productions is responsible for supplying all technical resources and services
required by international broadcasters during the event, and for managing and hosting broadcasters attending the
event with their own production and broadcasting equipment. The TV compound, located on Quai Antoine 1er,
will mainly deal with receiving all the production and broadcasting vehicles, hosting TV broadcasters, and will
also deal with technical needs. An open-plan working area will accommodate all TV journalists.
R&G Productions offer the following services:
→ Parking and power for production vans, back-up vans and satellite stations
→ Nodal facility with access to an international signal and various ISO feeds for broadcasters with
production vans
→ private work areas with furniture and air conditioning (6 m x 2.5 m)
→ editing/private work booths with access to the signal pool in 16/9 SD - 16/9 HD upon request (2 m x 3
→ access to the signal pool in 16/9 SD – 16/9 HD upon request
→ Play-out
→ Multi-format players + satellite transmission (satellite station located in the TV compound)
→ Live stand-up :Stand-up positions will be located in the Palace Square, the Casino Square and above the
TV compound
→ Editing rooms with editing equipment,
→ An open space where it is possible to welcome all the television journalists.
A booking/information office will be located in the TV compound to deal with all service requests from
Broadcasters must place orders for digital and analogue lines directly with Monaco Telecom. Orders for ADSL
will be placed directly in the TV compound.
Opening hours:
Tuesday 28th June from 9 am to 9 pm
Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th June from 8 am to 10 pm, Friday 1st July 2011: 7 am to midnight
Saturday 2nd July 2011: 7 am to 2 am
Sunday 3rd July 2011: 7 am to 7 pm
The TV compound may amend its hours according to broadcasters' needs.
R&G Productions
66 rue Escudier
F - 92100 Boulogne Billancourt
Tel. +33(0)1 41 31 03 33
Fax +33 (0)1 41 31 04 05
The Director
Jérôme Revon
Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres
48 years old, married, father of 4 children
R&G, jointly set up by Jérôme Revon and his partner, has been selected by the Prince’s
Palace of Monaco to produce the international television signal for the wedding of H.S.H.
Prince Albert II of Monaco on 2nd July 2011.
A well-known director, Jérôme Revon had his first successes on CANAL+ in the 1980s and 90s. He remained
faithful to Canal+ Sport and in particular was in charge of directing coverage of the Olympic Games (Atlanta,
Athens, Beijing...), and the Ballons d’Or ceremony, as well as the 2010 World Cup. He has become the chosen
director for key ceremonies such as the Césars, the Molières, and the Victoires de la musique. He has been
entrusted with important national events such as the France 2 election evenings. In 2007, he directed Le Débat, a
debate between Nicolas Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal that was watched by more than 20 million viewers. He has
won two Sept d’Or awards, the first in 1992 for the Barcelona Olympics and the second in 1997 for best director
of live coverage.
Useful contacts
Police Department
Tel: (+377) 93 15 30 15
9, Rue Suffren-Reymond
4 & 8, Rue Louis-Notari
Monaco Government Tourist and Convention Authority
Tel: (+377) 92 16 61 16
2a, Boulevard des Moulins
Fire and Rescue Service
Tel: (+377) 93 15 66 99
11, Avenue du Port
Monaco Telecom
www. monaco.mc
Tel: (+377) 99 66 33 00
9, Rue du Gabian
Princess Grace Hospital Centre
Tel: (+377) 97 98 99 00
Emergencies: (+377) 97 98 97 69
1, Avenue Pasteur
Duty pharmacy, from 24th June to 1st July 2011
Pharmacie Ferry
Tel: (+377) 93 30 21 94
1, Rue Grimaldi
Duty pharmacy, from 1st to 8th July 2011
Pharmacie de Fontvieille
Tel: (+377) 97 97 61 40
25, Avenue Prince Héréditaire Albert
Duty doctor, from 1st to 3rd July 2011
Dr Burghgraeve
Tel: 06 48 22 23 46
30, Boulevard Princesse Charlotte (Dr Lanteri-Minet’s surgery)
Taxis – all ranks
Tel: 08 20 20 98 98
FNAC Monaco
Tel: 0825 020 020
Metropole shopping center
17, Avenue des Spélugues
Monaco Metropole shopping center
Tel: (+377)
17, Avenue des Spélugues
The Principality of Monaco
The Principality of Monaco is a sovereign and independent state as regards general principles of international law and
specific agreements with France - its territory is inalienable. The political and institutional regime under which the
Principality exists is governed by the Constitution of 17th December 1962, as amended on 2nd April 2002. The
Constitution is the fundamental Law of the State. It defines the nature of the Government, the organization of public
powers, and the relationships between them. It also enshrines the rights and public freedoms that are extended to
Monegasque citizens and foreign nationals. The Principality is a hereditary and constitutional monarchy based on the
rule of law over all institutions, and the separation of powers is protected.
The Prince is the ultimate judicial authority. The Constitution provides that the Prince delegates full jurisdiction
to the courts and other tribunals, which render justice in His name. From this principle is derived the
independence of the judiciary as distinguished from administrative authorities.
The Princely Government
The Constitution provides that executive power is derived from the high authority of the Prince. Under this
authority the Government operates through a Minister of State, assisted by a Council of Government.
The Ministers of State and the Governmental Councillors
The Minister of State represents the Prince. He is the highest authority after the Prince and is chosen by the
Prince. As the President of the Council of Government, he is responsible for the administration of the State, and
directs its executive departments in order to accomplish this task.
The Minister of State is assisted by five members of the Government – five Councillors, each of whom is the
head of a Department of the Administration.
Department of the Interior,
Department of Social Affairs and Health,
Department of External Relations,
Departments of Finance and the Economy,
Department of Infrastructure, the Environment and Urban Planning.
The Government Councillors are responsible to the Prince for the fulfilment of their departmental
Responsibilities within the Government
- The presentation of Bills:
The Prince has legislative initiative, and the Council of Government presents Bills bearing the signature of the
Minister of State to the Prince.
- The regulatory power:
The Departments of the Administration have the task of making sure that the laws are enforced. The
Government possesses regulatory power in order to accomplish this task. Like the law itself, regulatory power is
expressed in statutes of general application. There are two kinds of legal instrument of a regulatory nature:
- Sovereign Ordinances generally have the purpose of implementing laws. They only become binding upon the
signature of the Prince, and come into force only after having been published in the Journal of Monaco.
- Ministerial Decrees implement laws and Sovereign Ordinances. They do not come into force until the Prince
has declined to object to them in written form within ten days following their promulgation by the Minister.
Five assemblies and governmental bodies contribute to action taken by the Government:
The National Council
The Communal Council
The Council of State
The Crown Council
The Economic and Social Council
The National Council
The National Council is derived from the Constitution of 1911, granted by Prince Albert I. The Monegasque
Assembly is the inheritor of a long tradition. Beginning in the XVIIIth century, the Monegasques formed
representative assemblies. This double origin may explain the specific duties of the National Council, whose
members, chosen by universal suffrage, vote on laws and on the budget.
The Council’s 24 members (the number was fixed in the Constitutional revision of 2002) are elected for 5 years
by direct universal suffrage and by voting for lists of candidates, by citizens of Monegasque nationality of either
genders, who are at least 18 years old. The members are asked to approve bills of law submitted by the
Government as well as the State budget, which is put up for a vote in the form of a budget bill. With regard to
international relations, the ratification of any treaty or international convention that affects the constitutional
organisation of the State must be submitted to a vote of the National Council before coming into force. The
members of the Council can also propose legislation.
The National Council meets each year in two ordinary plenary sessions, each of which cannot exceed three
months in length. All debates are published in the Official Journal.
The Communal Council
The Communal Council is comprised of 15 members elected for four years by direct universal suffrage and voted
from a list by pluri-nominal majority in two and voted from a list by pluri-nominal majority in two sessions with the
option of vote-spitting.
The most recent communal elections took place on 13th March 2011. The term to run from 2011 to 2015 began
on 12th April 2011 with the installation ceremony for the new Communal Council.
The State Council
In Monaco the Council of State is an institution established by the Constitution whose deliberations are solely
consultative. It is made up of legal experts from a wide variety of backgrounds. It does not systematically
examine all bills of law, as opposed to its French counterpart, but nonetheless its opinion is sought by the Prince
in respect of all important legal texts.
The Crown Council
The Crown Council is comprised of 7 members. It is consulted by the Sovereign Prince regarding a number of
questions that are listed in a limited form in the Constitution, which concern His Constitutional prerogatives: the
signature and ratification of treaties, dissolution of the National Council, requests for naturalisation and
restoration of nationality, clemency and amnesty.
The Prince may consult the Crown Council on other matters that affect the interests of the State if he deems it
The Economic and Social Council
The Economic and Social Council is a consultative body instituted in 1945. Its function is to give opinions on
questions involving social, financial, commercial, industrial and tourism-related matters, and in general on
anything that affects the economic life of the Nation. This Council is consulted by the Government in respect of
bills of law or Sovereign Ordinances that fit into one of the categories described above, but it can also express
its wishes on questions that relate to these categories on its own initiative.
It is composed of 36 members who are named for three-years by Sovereign Ordinance: 12 members are
appointed by the Government because of their competence in administration. Twelve more members are chosen
by the Government from a list of names drawn up by the Trade Unions conference; and the last group of twelve
are selected by the Government from a list of names submitted by the Monegasque Entrepreneurial Federation
(Fédération Patronale Monégasque).
Monaco – Facts and figures
The Principality of Monaco is:
→ 202 hectares in size
→ 3 829 metres of coast and 5 quarters (Monaco-Ville, Monte-Carlo, La Condamine, Fontvieille,
→ 120 nationalities*, making it the most cosmopolitan State in the world
→ 35 881 residents
→ 7 870 Monegasques
→ approximately 10 000 French nationals
→ approximately 6 500 Italian nationals.
In terms of employment there are:
→ 40 000 commuting workers, including 75 % French people and more than 8 % Italians - a 30% increase
in the population every day…
→ 5078 enterprises.
In terms of access:
→ only 30 minutes from Nice, on the A8 motorway (you can get to the Principality from the European
motorway network that links Monaco to the whole of Europe)
→ close to the international airport of Nice-Côte-d’Azur, the second largest airport in France, which serves
all large French cities, Southern Europe, the Middle East and North America
→ 7 minutes via helicopter.
In terms of Government action:
→ 5% of the budget is devoted to culture
→ 24 tax information exchange agreements have been signed in the last 2 years with 24 countries,
including 13 that are OECD members
→ in 2008: on the initiative of Prince Albert II, the Prince's Government has set the objective of joining the
most humanitarian countries by 2015, allotting 0.7% of national GNP to Public Development Aid
(PDA). PDA amounted to 2 million Euros in 2000, 7.4 million Euros in 2009 and reached 9.6 million
Euros in 2010
→ 27 humanitarian aid projects have been run in developing countries
→ 8 Monegasque NGOs are partners in this domain
→ 450 hectares of palm trees have been planted in Tunisia and Morocco, and 300 Moroccan families can
now farm their land again
→ Monaco has 18 delegations at international organizations
→ The Principality was elected to the Executive Council of UNESCO in 2009 for a 4-year mandate (with
160 votes out of 178)
→ Monaco is one of the 10 main contributors to the OIF (Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie,
In 2011, Monaco celebrates:
→ The Centenary of the first Monegasque Constitution, promulgated by Prince Albert I (5th January 1911)
→ The Centenary of the Council of State (Monegasque Parliament, see the factsheet on The Principality of
→ The Centenary of the Consecration of Monaco Cathedral (11th June 1911)
→ The 5th anniversary of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (June 2006)
→ The 15th anniversary of the signature of the ACCOBAMS agreement (24th November 1996)
→ The 35th anniversary of the signature of the RAMOGE agreement (10th May 1976, amended on 27th
November 2003)
→ The 35th International Circus Festival of Monte-Carlo (from 20th to 30th January 2011)
→ The Centenary of the Monte-Carlo Rally, known as Rallye Automobile International Monaco
Monaco and the world
Through its Embassies and Consulates abroad, the Principality of Monaco is present in all continents, enabling it
to maintain direct relationships with the authorities in the countries concerned.
Monaco now has:
70 accredited foreign ambassadors in office in the Principality
130 Consulates active in 79 States
74 countries represented by an Honorary Consul or a Career Consul in office.
In addition, the Principality has 4 permanent delegations to International Organizations:
- in New York at the United Nations Organization
- in Geneva at other international organizations within the United Nations system
- in Strasbourg at the Council of Europe
- in Belgium within the European Communities.
Finally, it has a Permanent Delegation to international organizations of a "scientific, environmental and
humanitarian" nature.
The economy of the Principality
During the XXth century, the Principality of Monaco saw exceptional economic development. Its economy
provides an excellent job market and attracts several thousand workers each day.
The Principality has chosen to differentiate itself through the quality of its facilities. This dynamic infrastructure
has enabled the economy to develop and to attract investors, entrepreneurs and a skilled workforce to the
GNP in 2009:
Each sector's contributions to GNP in 2009:
GNP in 2009 amounted to 4,002,694 K€. As in all European countries, there was a reduction with respect to
2008 (-11.4 % in volume; on the basis of 100 in 2000). GNP per capita amounted to 54,464 € in 2009.
2010 turnover (excluding banks and financial activities)
12,086,581 K€
A wide variety of activities characterises the Monegasque economy.
1,179 outlets in 2010
A turnover of 1.66 billion Euros in 2010
Food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, mechanics, textiles, electronics, etc.
116 enterprises
2,933 jobs
A turnover of 887 million Euros in 2010
Relocation and selection of these firms was undertaken (factories located on upper storeys and firms chosen for
their non-polluting activities).
IT, telecommunications, maritime transport, banks, insurance
Banks, finance and financial management companies
82 establishments
73 billion Euros in asset management
The flagship sector of the Monegasque economy
→ 279,166 arrivals and 817,011 overnight stays
→ 235 cruise stopovers for 321,820 passengers
→ 564 conventions and meetings (business tourism) with 59,246 participants
Number of hotels:
2*: two
3*: five
4*: four
5*: four
Business tourism is promoted by the organization of key annual events:
→ In January: the Imagina fair (European fair for digital content creation),
→ In June: the Monte-Carlo Television Festival,
→ In September: Monaco Yacht Show, showing more than one hundred yachts in Port Hercules,
→ In October: Sportel (exhibition for the sports television industry).
For more information:
*: as at 31st December 2010; figures provided by the Department of the Interior of the Prince's Government
The Diocese of Monaco
The Christian origins of Monaco
An absence of archaeological artefacts means that it is not possible to define the exact date of the arrival of
Christianity in Monaco. Currently it can be dated back at least to the IXth century, the period of the Carolingian
Renaissance to which we attribute the cult of Saint Devota, the patron saint of the Principality and the Princely
On 6th December 1247, Pope Innocent IV gave the Republic of Genoa the authorization to build a chapel,
placed uner the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Nice, whose authority remained unquestioned until the XVth and
XVIth centuries. Thus the parish of Monaco was established, around 1252-1253, under the patronage of Saint
Nicolas, Bishop of Myrrh and protector of sailors.
Fifty years later, in 1297, the Grimaldi family founded in Monaco a Christian Community of strong faith, the
majority of whose members supported the Guelph party, which was faithful to the Church.
These are the origins of the privileged relations between Catholicism and the Principality and also the
prerogatives and obligations which belong today to its Sovereign.
The Beginnings of religious autonomy in the Principality
The Sovereign of Monaco, Hercule I (1589-1604) prepared the ground for religious autonomy in his three
fiefdoms , Monaco, Roquebrune and Menton by freeing them from the authority of the Bishops of Nice and
On 14th February 1793, Monaco was annexed to France. From this point onwards, Monaco’s religious history is
one with the history of the diocese of Nice. During the whole of the first Empire, the Bishop of Nice
administered the parish of Monaco. Two thirds of Monegasque territory was taken away with the secession of
the towns of Menton and Roquebrune in 1849.
After lengthy negotiations, a Papal Bull from Leon XIII, dated 15th March 1887 (Bulle Quemadmodum
Sollicitus Pastor), established a bishopric in Monaco, directly dependent on Rome. The bull received the
approval of Prince Charles III and a sovereign ordinance gave him legal jurisdiction over the Principality. It was
a real concordat whose object was not only to organise the ecclesiastical status of what was now a new diocese,
but also to define the place of the Catholic religion within the spiritual life of the Principality. The provisions of
this Papal Bull have the status of a treaty in international law even now, and are still in force.
From the creation of the Bishopric in 1887 to the present day, the Catholic Church of Monaco has been
directly under the authority of the Holy See; in 1981; it was elevated to the rank of Archbishopric.
No less important in its implications (as it is part of the fundamental rights guaranteed to everyone and under the
control of the Supreme Tribunal) is the constitutional principle: The freedom of Religion. In agreement with a
very long tradition of liberty and openness, this principle, which recognizes the right of everyone to follow the
dictates of conscience in these matters, prohibits all form of discrimination against non-Catholics.
The Modern Face of the Diocese
There are a number of private Catholic schools in Monaco, and Catholic education has its place in the
Major Catholic youth movements can also be found in Monaco. Subsidised by the State, these organizations
allow children from neighbouring townships to participate in cultural, educational and leisure activities,
including support services. Catholic associations provide services for disabled people and people in need,
bringing help to those who are suffering nearby and in distant places, and in this way the Church is an integral
part of the social and humanitarian concerns of all Monaco. The Principality maintains an important tradition of
such service.
The apostolic sensibility of the Church of Monaco is manifested through its use of communication for pastoral
purposes. From the early days of radio and the birth of television, the Christian message has always been
presented over the airwaves.
It was in the studios of the Monegasque radio station, Radio Monte-Carlo, that the first international Catholic
Encounters for Radio and Television took place in 1958, on the initiative of the UNDA (Catholic Association
for Television and Radio), with the help of Prince Rainier and the blessing of Telé Monte-Carlo. Their success,
as well as those of the three following Encounters was so great that they inspired Prince Rainier III to create the
Television Festival in the Principality. The ‘Rencontres Internationales’ of Monte-Carlo can thus be considered
as forerunners of the Festival of the Prince.
The Officiants at the Ceremony
The mass will be celebrated by the Archbishop of Monaco, His Excellence Monseigneur Bernard Barsi.
H.E. Mgr. Alberto Maria Careggio (Vintimille-San Remo) and H.E. Mgr. Louis Sankalé (Nice) will also
participate in the service, along with H.E. Mgr André Dupuy (Papal Nuncio in Monaco) the representative for
the apostolic Holy See.
The Clergy
The Catholic diocese of Monaco includes six parishes including the parish of the Princely Palace, and three
other chapels. There are just over 20 members of the clergy, some of which are permanent deacons. Amongst
them, a certain number exercise the totality or a part of their ministry outside of the diocese. Half of the priests
living in the Principality were ordained in the diocese.
Ecumenical Participation
Monaco is an international crossroads. In terms of religion, this reality made evident by the presence of an
Anglican church and a reformed temple, and by a generally ecumenical lifestyle among the people. This
lifestyle is in accordance with the spiritual orientation of Christianity today and with the spirit of openness
which manifests itself in worship activities throughout Monaco.
In harmony with the brotherly spirit which prevails in the ecumenical relations in the Principality, the ministers
of non-Catholic communities, Father Walter Raymond of the Anglican Communion and Pasteur Didier Meyer
from the reformed Church, who also serves the neighbouring parish of Menton, will be in attendance of this
celebration. Non-Catholic ministers are invited to participate in all important ceremonies in Monaco.