KA1000RR Remote Receiver


KA1000RR Remote Receiver
KA1000RR Remote Receiver
Designed for people with moderate
to profound hearing loss. The
KA1000RR notifies you to various
alerts such as doorbell, telephone,
videophone and emergency alarms.
• Flashes a connected lamp with distinct flashing patterns to distinguish between the telephone, doorbell
and other signaling devices
• Extend notification system to multiple locations using
one or more remote receivers
• Receives signals from all KA1000 and KA300 transmitters
• Various transmitters allow you to customize for your
specific household or lifestyle needs
• Optional accessories:
- KA300 Alarm Monitor System with optional
Weather Monitor accessory
- KA1000 Alarm Clock with bed shaker
• Desktop model
• ON/OFF button for normal room lighting
• No wiring required
NOTE: Requires KA1000/KA300
transmitters in order to function.
Krown Manufacturing, Inc.
3408 Indale Road
Fort Worth, TX 76116
Voice: (817) 738-2485
TTY: (817) 738-8993
Fax: (817) 738-1970
E-mail: info@KrownMfg.com
Website: www.KrownMfg.com
KA1000 or KA300
NOTE: Krown products carry a 1-Year Limited Warranty