MYOB Accounting/Premier Getting Started guide


MYOB Accounting/Premier Getting Started guide
Getting Started
Installing the program
First-time and upgrading customers should do these tasks to install the
Upgrading from a previous version
Only customers upgrading from previous versions need to do these tasks
What’s new
A: Support and training options
Assistance from Certified/Qualified Consultants
D: Cover Plan
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd.
MYOB Singapore Pte Ltd
© MYOB Technology Pty Ltd 2005
All rights reserved.
Information supplied by the member companies of the MYOB group (whether in user documentation and other
literature, video or audio material, training courses, websites, advice given by staff, or provided by other means)
is intended only to illustrate general principles, and may not be complete, accurate or free of error. As
accounting standards, taxation requirements, legislation and the circumstances of individual businesses vary
widely, this information cannot be considered authoritative and may not apply to your specific situation. You
should obtain competent advice from a qualified accounting, taxation, information-technology or legal
professional before acting on such information. To the extent permitted by law, member companies of the
MYOB group are not liable for any special, consequential, direct or indirect damages arising from loss of
function, profits or data resulting from your application of such information. In the event that any of the above
limitations are found to be unenforceable, the MYOB member company’s liability is limited to the return of any
fees or monies paid for the purchase of the product or service.
MYOB® , MYOB Accounting™, MYOB BusinessBasics™, MYOB ODBC DeveloperPack™, MYOB ODBC Direct™,
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Marcia Bascombe, Hedley Finger, Suchitra Govindarajan, Sheetal Laviena, Neil McRobinson, Julian Madsen,
Rushana Raheeman, Mirjana Sicevic, Lisa Sinclair, John Wilson, Joe Zolin.
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
MYOB Licence Agreement
Agreement (Agreement). As you have purchased the Product (consisting of the User
Documentation and the installation CD or other media containing the Software),
following notification of the Licence you are now legally bound by its conditions.
HOWEVER, if the Licence Agreement contains anything of which you were not aware
prior to purchasing the Product or do not agree to be bound by, DO NOT INSTALL THE
SOFTWARE but return the Product to the reseller in its entirety and a full refund of the
purchase price will be made. By installing the Software and keeping the Product you are
confirming that you have purchased the Product subject to this Licence and are bound
by its provisions.
TRIAL VERSION SOFTWARE LIMITATION. If you use this Software on a trial basis prior to
purchase, then additional restrictions govern its use. The Trial Version is intended to be
used only for evaluation purposes and whilst you may create your own company data
files (“Company Files”) you will have access to your Company Files only for a period of
30 days from the date of creation of each Company File. Thereafter, you will be able to
access the Company Files created by you only upon your purchase of the full version of
the Software product licence. Upon your purchase of the full version of the Software
product licence, the restrictions in this paragraph (Trial Version Software Limitation)
shall no longer apply, but you acknowledge that your use of the full version of the
Software product licence will be conditioned on your agreeing to the terms of the
Software Licence Agreement accompanying the full version of the Software product
Scope of Licence
MYOB Technology Pty Ltd (the Publisher), through its local publishers and
distribution agents, hereby grants to you, the original purchaser, a paid-up,
personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable Licence to use the Software and the
User Documentation only in the region, territory or country specified on the
packaging, or in all countries in Asia except Hong Kong and China, subject to the
terms and conditions of this Agreement.
a Activation You must register the Software and activate the company files you
create with MYOB. You may only access each company file you create for 30 days
without registering the Software and activating the file. After 30 days the com-
Getting Started
pany file will become read-only until you register and activate the company file.
You are entitled to activate up to five (5) company files. If required, you can
obtain additional activations by contacting MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd.
b Number of Users
If you have purchased:
i) a Single User Software Licence then you may use the Software on only one
computer that you own or operate at a single physical location in respect of
company files you have activated. You may transfer the Software from one
such computer to another that you own or operate provided that you do not
use or permit the usage of the Software on more than one computer or computer terminal at a time. In the event of an upgrade or Product exchange the
Licence hereby granted is automatically transferred to the new version or
ii) a Multi-User Software Licence then you may use the Software on only one
computer network that you own or operate at a single physical location and
only then in respect of company files created and activated by you or by
another licensed user. You may transfer the Software from one computer to
another that you own or operate on this network provided that you do not use
or permit the usage of the Software on more than the licensed number of
computers or computer terminals at a time, nor permit the usage of the Software on more than one network at any one time, nor permit the Software to
be used in respect of company files that you have not activated or have not
been created by you or by another licensed user.
c Updates and Upgrades In the event of an upgrade, update or product
exchange, the Licence hereby granted is automatically transferred to the new
version or product. All rights in respect of the original Product shall lapse and no
further use of these shall be permitted.
d Portable or Home Computer and Archive Copies You may make a copy of the
Software and install it on either a portable computer or a computer located in
your home provided that the copy is for your own exclusive use and is not operated simultaneously with the original of the Software. Otherwise, you may not
copy or duplicate the Software, except as necessary solely for archival purposes,
Software error verification, or to replace defective storage media, provided you
keep the original and the copies. You may not alter, decompile or disassemble
the Software. You may make copies of the User Documentation up to but not
exceeding the number of multi-user Licences you have purchased.
e Transfers You may not sub-license, lease, rent or lend the Software or the User
Documentation or otherwise transfer any of your rights under this Agreement.
Subject to the prior written consent of the Publisher and the agreement of the
transferee to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, you may permanently
transfer the Software (together with any backup copies you have made) and the
User Documentation. However, you may not retain any copies of either the Software or the User Documentation.
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or
of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or
exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and
you may also have other rights that vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In the
event that any of the above limitations or exclusions are held to be unenforceable,
the Publisher’s total liability shall not exceed the amount of the Licence fee you paid.
f Term The Licence granted in this Agreement is effective until terminated. You
may terminate it at any time by destroying the Software and User Documentation, together with all copies, or by returning them to the Publisher. If you fail to
comply with any term or condition of this Agreement, this Licence will terminate
and, upon any such termination, you agree to destroy the Software and User
Documentation, together with all copies, or to return them to the Publisher. Termination of this Licence shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other remedies available to the Publisher.
Entire Agreement
This Licence constitutes the entire agreement between the Publisher and the
Licensee and any prior representations, statement or undertaking howsoever made
are expressly cancelled. No amendment or modification to this Licence shall be
valid unless it shall be in writing and signed by an authorised representative of the
g Protection and Security You agree to use your best endeavours and to take all
reasonable steps to safeguard the Software to ensure that no unauthorised person has access to the Product and that there is no unauthorised copying or distribution of the Software or User Documentation.
Limited Warranty & Disclaimer
The Publisher warrants that the media on which the Software is recorded and the
User Documentation provided with it are free from defects in materials and
workmanship under normal use for a period of 30 days from the date of your
original purchase. Except for the limited warranty described above, the Software is
sold ‘as is’, and you are assuming the entire risk as to its quality and performance. It
is your responsibility to verify the results obtained from the use of the Software.
If during the 30-day limited warranty period, you discover physical defects in the
media on which the Software was recorded or in the User Documentation, the
Publisher will replace them at no charge to you, provided you return the item to be
replaced with proof of purchase to the Publisher. THIS IS YOUR SOLE REMEDY. IN
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
1 Installing the program
First-time and upgrading customers should do these tasks to install the software on Windows. As this Getting Started guide refers to both MYOB Premier and
MYOB Accounting, the document uses the term MYOB accounting software.
Checking the Windows requirements and package contents
Make sure that each Windows computer on which you intend to install this
software has these minimum resources.
MYOB Premier or MYOB Accounting CD
MYOB accounting software User Guide
35 Mb additional disk space for each company file
Registration Card—located at the back of this guide
800 x 600 screen resolution with 16-bit colour
MYOB training form.
Pentium processor with 200MHz and 32 Mb RAM
50 Mb free hard disk for program installation
In addition to this Getting Started guide, the package that you purchased
should contain these items:
Windows 98, 2000, Me, XP, Windows NT4 (Service
Pack 6) or higher
Microsoft Word® 8 to 2003
compatibility Microsoft Excel® 8 to 2003
Dial-up connection for accessing MYOB Help and
Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer 5, or later
QuickTime 4 or later
Adobe Reader 4 or later
Getting Started
Checking the Windows requirements and package contents
Install MYOB accounting software
Installing MYOB accounting software on all versions of Windows is very
similar. An autorun window lets you install MYOB accounting software and
other useful programs, such as Adobe Reader, and learn about support
plans and other services.
The procedure in this section is for installing MYOB accounting software
on a workstation to be used by one person to enter transactions into one
or more company files.
MYOB Premier1 is a network-ready application that comes with a single
licence. However, if the volume of your transactions grows too great for
one person to handle, you can purchase additional workstation licences so
that several users can access the company file simultaneously. See the
section ‘To obtain additional workstation licences’ in Chapter 15,
‘Managing user accounts and company files’, in the User Guide.
Once you’ve obtained these additional workstation licences, your
company file must be set up for multiple users. See Appendix C, ‘Setting
up a company file for multiple users on Windows’ in the User Guide.
To install MYOB accounting software
1 If the security access set up on your computer only allows people with
administrator privileges to install programs, log in as an administrator.
2 Save any open documents and close all other programs.
5 When installation is complete, click Finish. The default browser displays
the What’s New in This Version topic from MYOB Help.
Looking up What’s New in MYOB Help If the browser did not
display the What’s New in This Version help topic, see ‘What’s new’ on
page 15.
6 If you are installing MYOB Premier with the intention of allowing multiple
users to access a company file at the same time, repeat this procedure to
install the program on each computer in the network that will access the
company file.
7 Continue with the relevant tasks:
If you are upgrading from MYOB Accounting v14 or MYOB Premier v8,
you should upgrade your company file. See ‘Upgrading company files’
on page 7.
If you are upgrading from MYOB Accounting v13 or MYOB Premier v7,
or earlier, you need to do the following.
a Upgrade your company file. See ‘Upgrading company files’ on page 7.
b Activate your existing company file. See ‘Activating existing company
files’ on page 9.
c Edit your user accounts. See ‘Editing upgraded user accounts’ on
page 12.
3 Insert the MYOB accounting software CD into the drive.
Installing from the Windows Explorer window If an installation
window does not appear, open the CD drive—usually the d:\ drive—in
Windows Explorer and double-click autorun.exe.
4 In the window that appears, please proceed to the install page and follow
the on-screen instructions for installation.
MYOB Accounting only supports a single user and cannot be networked.
Chapter 1 : Installing the program
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
2 Upgrading from a previous version
Only customers upgrading from previous versions need do these tasks.
Upgrading company files
Company files created by previous versions of MYOB Premier or MYOB
Accounting need to be upgraded so that they can be used with this
If you customised any reports, forms, letters or spreadsheets while using
the previous release of MYOB accounting software, you need to copy
these template files from the relevant folders to the corresponding folders
in the MYOB Premier v9 or MYOB Accounting v15 installation folder.
You must perform all the tasks in the following sections with each
company file.
To upgrade your company file
1 Back up existing company files before upgrading them. Once a company
file is upgraded you will no longer be able to open it in the previous version
of MYOB accounting software.
2 Start the upgrade assistant.
MYOB Premier Go to the Start menu and choose Programs,1 MYOB
Premier v9, MYOB Tools, and then MYOB Premier v9 Upgrade
MYOB Accounting Go to the Start menu and choose Programs,1
MYOB Accounting v15, MYOB Tools, and then MYOB Accounting
v15 Upgrade Assistant.
1 ‘To upgrade your company file’ below.
2 ‘Upgrade customised templates’ on page 8.
3 If you are upgrading from MYOB Premier v7 or MYOB
Accounting v13 or earlier, you must also activate your
company file. See ‘Activating existing company files’
on page 9.
4 If you are upgrading from MYOB Premier v7 or MYOB
Accounting v13 or earlier, you must also edit your user
accounts. See ‘Editing upgraded user accounts’ on
page 12.
3 In the Welcome window, click Next.
4 In the Find File to Upgrade window, click Find File. Then in the Select
Company File to Upgrade window, navigate to and click the company file
to be upgraded, and click Open.
Getting Started
All Programs in Windows XP.
Upgrading company files
In the Find File to Upgrade window, the path and file name of the
selected company file appear below the Find File button.
The proposed path and file name of the company file as it will be after
upgrading appear below the Save As button.
5 If you want to change the location or file name of the upgraded company
file, click Save As. In the Save As window, navigate to your preferred
folder, type a new file name, and click Save.
2 In the Welcome window, click Next. The Copying Files window appears.
In this window, note that the path to your previous MYOB software is
displayed in the Source field. The path to your current MYOB software is
displayed in the Destination field.
If the previous version cannot be found If your previous MYOB
software was not installed in the default location, a message may appear
stating that the previous version could not be found. To manually locate it,
click the Browse button and locate the program folder of your previous
MYOB software. Click the .exe file (for example, myob.exe) and then click
Open. The correct path should now be displayed in the Source field.
6 Click Next.
7 In the Confirm window, click Next to start the upgrade.
8 In the Complete window, either click Next to upgrade another company
file or click Finish to close the upgrade assistant.
9 Continue with ‘Upgrade customised templates’ below.
Upgrade customised templates
Did you customise any reports, forms, letters or spreadsheets while using
the previous version of MYOB accounting software? If so, you need to
upgrade those customised templates so that you can continue using them
in MYOB Premier v9 or MYOB Accounting v15. You can either do this by
using the Templates Upgrade Assistant [option A] or by copying them
manually [option B].
MYOB Accounting Go to the Start menu and choose Programs,2
MYOB Accounting v15, MYOB Tools, and then MYOB Accounting
v15 Templates Upgrade Assistant.
3 Click Start. The Templates Upgrade Assistant will first move the templates
in MYOB Premier v9 or MYOB Accounting v15 into folders with the prefix
‘Old’ (for example Old Forms, Old Custom, Old Letters), and then copy
the templates from your previous version into the appropriate folders (for
example, Forms, Custom, Letters) in MYOB Premier v9 or MYOB
Accounting v15.
When the templates have been copied, the Finished window appears.
4 Click Finish to close the Templates Upgrade Assistant.
Templates must be upgraded on all workstations Premier users,
note that your custom reports, forms and letters must be upgraded on
every workstation that uses them, not just the workstation where the
company file is located.
To upgrade customised templates using the Templates
Upgrade Assistant [option A]
1 Start the Templates Upgrade Assistant. To do this:
MYOB Premier Go to the Start menu and choose Programs,2 MYOB
Premier v9, MYOB Tools, and then MYOB Premier v9 Templates
Upgrade Assistant.
5 If you are upgrading from:
MYOB Premier v7/MYOB Accounting v13 or earlier, continue with
‘Activating existing company files’ on page 9.
MYOB Premier v8/MYOB Accounting v14, your upgrade is complete.
All Programs in Windows XP.
Chapter 2 : Upgrading from a previous version
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
To manually copy customised templates [option B]
3 Shift-click only the custom template files you created.
CAUTION : Avoid overwriting standard templates The standard
templates included with MYOB accounting software may have improved
features. So make sure you select only the templates that you created,
ignoring the old standard templates, so that you do not accidentally
overwrite upgraded standard templates in the v9 (or v15) installation folder.
If you customised any reports, forms, letters or spreadsheet templates with
the previous version, you need to copy these customised templates to the
corresponding folders in the MYOB Premier v9 or MYOB Accounting v15
installation folder.
1 In Windows Explorer, locate the installation folder of your previous version
of MYOB accounting software and open it (for example, the folder located
at C:\Myob14). The installation folder contains these folders:
File extensions
Type of file
User-customised reports templates
Standard and user-customised forms
Spredsht *.xlt
Standard and user-customised Microsoft
Word word-processing templates
Standard and user-customised Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet templates
2 Open a templates folder for example, Forms to copy custom forms.
4 Go to the Edit menu and choose Copy.
5 Open the corresponding folder in the MYOB Premier v9 or MYOB
Accounting v15 installation folder (for example, the folder located at
C:\Myob15). If you are copying custom forms, this would be the Forms
6 Go to the Edit menu and choose Paste.
7 Repeat step 2 to step 6 for each of the remaining folders: Custom, Letters
and Spredsht.
8 If you are upgrading from:
MYOB Premier v7/MYOB Accounting v13 or earlier, continue with
‘Activating existing company files’ below.
MYOB Premier v8/MYOB Accounting v14, your upgrade is complete.
a confirmation process is carried out once or twice a year for the life of
the file to ensure that the company file and serial number continue to
Activating existing company files
Premier v7/Accounting v13 or earlier upgraders only. Follow
this section only if you are upgrading from MYOB Premier v7/MYOB
Accounting v13 or earlier. This section does not apply if you are upgrading
from MYOB Premier v8 or MYOB Accounting v14.
A new activation and confirmation method replaces the previous
registration method used. The principal differences between the new
activation method and the previous registration method are:
a new 12-digit serial number replaces your present serial number
there is now a unique code for each company file
Getting Started
You must initially activate, and subsequently confirm, all existing company
files, and any company files you create. You can activate and confirm
company files manually (MYOB Premier or MYOB Accounting reminds you
when confirmation is due) or you can set up automatic confirmation.
Company files can be used for 30 days without activation but, after that
time, become read-only until activated. You can still view transactions and
Activating existing company files
print reports from a read-only company file but will not be able to enter
any new transactions until the file is activated.
You can activate and confirm company files either over the Internet or by
telephone—choose the appropriate method:
To activate a company file over the Internet, page 10
To activate your company file by telephone, page 11.
4 In the Company File Activation window, click the I want to activate my
company file online radio button and click Continue. The Company File
Activation window appears whenever you open a company file that is not
5 In the Company File Activation – Online window, type your 12-digit
serial number in the Serial Number field and press TAB. A unique code is
generated in the Company File Code field.
To activate a company file over the Internet
Before you activate a company file Make sure you back up each
of your existing company files, then upgrade the original company files to
the new data format—see ‘Upgrading company files’ on page 7.
1 Make sure that you are connected to the Internet so that the MYOB
accounting software can communicate with the MYOB activation server.
2 Start the MYOB accounting software and open an upgraded company file.
The Sign-on window appears.
3 Complete the Sign-on window.
6 Click Continue. Your serial number and the company file code are sent to
the MYOB server, which returns a confirmation code that activates the
company file.
7 In the Company File Activation – Activated window, click OK. Consider
automating subsequent confirmations—see ‘To set up automatic
company file confirmation’ on page 11.
8 Repeat from step 2 to activate other company files.
9 Continue with ‘Editing upgraded user accounts’ on page 12.
a Type ADMINISTRATOR in the User ID field. The Administrator user
account is built in and corresponds to the former master password.
b Type your previous master password in the Password field (or leave it
blank if there were none).
c Click Single-user Access and click OK.
Chapter 2 : Upgrading from a previous version
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
To activate your company file by telephone
Before you activate a company file Make sure you back up each
of your existing company files, then upgrade the original company files to
the new data format—see ‘Upgrading company files’ on page 7.
5 Call MYOB at the specified number and follow the instructions to receive
your confirmation code.
6 Type the code in the Confirmation Code field and click Continue.
Once-only confirmation code After you activate the company file,
the confirmation code cannot be used again to activate this or any other
company file. You must obtain a different confirmation code from MYOB for
each company file whenever confirmation is required.
1 Start the MYOB accounting software and open an upgraded company file.
The Sign-on window appears.
2 Complete the Sign-on window.
7 In the Company File Activation – Activated window, click OK.
8 Repeat from step 1 to activate other company files.
9 Continue with ‘Editing upgraded user accounts’ on page 12.
To set up automatic company file confirmation
If you are connected to the Internet, MYOB accounting software can
automatically confirm the activation of company files without any
intervention from you. If you are not connected to the Internet at the time
confirmation is attempted, a window appears asking you to connect.
1 Open the company file to be automatically confirmed.
a Type ADMINISTRATOR in the User ID field. The Administrator user
account is built in and corresponds to the former master password.
b Type your previous master password in the Password field (or leave it
blank if there was none).
c Click Single-user Access and click OK.
3 In the Company File Activation window, click the I want to activate my
company file by phone radio button and click Continue. The Company
File Activation window appears whenever you open a company file that is
not activated.
2 Go to the Setup menu and choose Preferences.
3 In the Preferences window, click the Security tab.
4 Mark the I Prefer to Use Automated Online Company File Confirmation
5 Click OK. The MYOB accounting software will confirm the company file
whenever required and notify you on each occasion.
4 In the Company File Activation – By Phone window, type your 12-digit
serial number in the Serial Number field and press TAB. A unique code is
generated in the Company File Code field.
Getting Started
Activating existing company files
Editing upgraded user accounts
Premier v7/Accounting v13 or earlier upgraders only. Follow
this section only if you are upgrading from MYOB Premier v7/MYOB
Accounting v13 or earlier. This section does not apply if you are upgrading
from MYOB Premier v8 or MYOB Accounting v14.
Version 8 of MYOB Premier and version 14 of MYOB Accounting
introduced user accounts, a new security measure to control which staff
members are allowed to open a company file. User accounts also disallow
certain transactions that staff members must not be able to do. For
example, if you have set up personal cards to record details about family
members, you may want to disallow the editing of these cards by all staff
except yourself and another trusted employee.
then reveal the sub-passwords to the appropriate staff members. A subpassword did not allow you to edit or delete other sub-passwords.
A single sub-password could be shared by different employees who would
each have their own user ID for transaction tracking.
User accounts
User IDs and passwords in previous releases
In MYOB Premier v8 and MYOB Accounting v14 onwards, user accounts
determine both who can open a company file and, once it is opened, what
command centres and windows can be accessed and which transactions
can be posted. Each account consists of a user ID associated with a unique
password. (That is, user IDs and passwords are not separate as they were in
previous releases.)
In MYOB Premier v7/MYOB Accounting v13 or earlier releases of MYOB
accounting software, User IDs and passwords worked differently to how
they now work.
Transaction restrictions are now linked to a user account, that is, to the
combination of user ID and password. User account passwords cannot be
shared, as sub-passwords previously were.
User IDs were a means of recording who performed particular
transactions. They did not determine who could open a company file and
perform transactions. In fact, if you opened a company file and
accidentally mistyped your user ID, MYOB accounting software accepted
the mistyped name and stored it as a new user ID. The mistyped user ID
would have been recorded against any transactions performed in that
MYOB accounting software records user IDs against transactions as before
but only the Administrator can create user IDs. They are no longer created
automatically when you log on.
User IDs
The special Administrator account has unrestricted access to all
transactions, and can create, edit and delete ordinary user accounts. The
Administrator account also permits the administrator to perform other
maintenance tasks not available to ordinary users.
A master password allowed you
to create sub-passwords, restrict transactions associated with each subpassword, and edit or delete sub-passwords.
Master passwords and sub-passwords
A sub-password was associated with restrictions as to which command
centres could be accessed and which transactions could be posted. You
could create different sub-passwords with different restrictions profiles,
Chapter 2 : Upgrading from a previous version
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
Upgrading user IDs and sub-passwords
When you upgrade an old company file, the master password is changed
to the Administrator account, former user IDs to new user accounts and
former sub-passwords to new user accounts. All new user accounts are
initially inactivated to prevent employees from logging on before access
restrictions are set up. In this procedure, you assign passwords to the new
user accounts and edit their transaction restrictions.
To edit converted user IDs and sub-passwords
1 Start MYOB Premier or MYOB Accounting.
2 Open a converted company file.
3 Complete the Sign-on window.
6 If a message appears warning that the company file has never been
verified, click No.
7 In the message advising you that the converted company file contains
previous user IDs that have been inactivated, click Yes.
Opening the User Access window If the MYOB accounting
software command centre appears immediately, choose Preferences from
the Setup menu, click the Security tab, and click the Password button.
The User Access window displays previous user IDs converted to user
accounts and previous sub-passwords also converted to user accounts.
The user accounts derived from former user IDs have no restrictions but
user accounts derived from former sub-passwords preserve their
restrictions. For more information, click Help and choose Help for This
Former user IDs converted to
user accounts
Former sub-passwords
converted to user accounts
(note the Password# prefix)
a Type ADMINISTRATOR in the User ID field.
b Type your previous master password in the Password field (leave it
blank if there were none).
Restrictions preserved in the
selected user account (from
former sub-passwords only)
c Click Single-user Access and click OK.
4 If the Company File Activation window appeared, click I want to
activate my company file later and click Continue.
5 If a message appears advising how many days are left to activate, click OK.
Getting Started
Editing upgraded user accounts
8 In the User Access window, edit user accounts derived from former
user IDs.
a Click a name (that is, former user ID) in the User ID list and click Edit.
f In the Edit User Details window, click OK. Back in the User Access
window, scroll the Not Allowed /Available Functions list and note that
the user has acquired the restrictions of the former sub-password.
g In the User Access window (while the user is still selected in the User ID
list), further fine-tune access to functions by marking or clearing the Not
Allowed column next to function names.
h Repeat from step a for each new user account derived from a former
user ID.
Users can now log on to this company file with the user IDs and passwords
you entered, and have access to all functions except those disallowed.
9 When all user accounts are updated in the User Access window, click OK.
b In the Edit User Details window, clear the Inactive User checkbox.
c Type a password in the Password field and retype it exactly in the
Confirm Password field.
d Click the Copy Restrictions search icon (
e In the Select from List window, choose a user account derived from a
former sub-password—that is, any with a Password# prefix—and click
Use User. This is a quick way of adding former sub-password restrictions
to an upgraded user account.
Chapter 2 : Upgrading from a previous version
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
3 What’s new
The new features include:
expanded recurring transactions options (see below)
improved emailing (see page 16)
enhanced company file auditing (see page 17)
audit trail tracking system
company file audit assistant
improved transaction tax code reporting
ability to send your transactions to accountants
enhanced credit control (see page 19)
new reports (see page 20)
miscellaneous changes and enhancements (see page 21)
easier account reconciliation
improved account list layout
other changes and enhancements
Expanded recurring transactions options
The Save Recurring Transactions window has been renamed the Edit
Recurring Schedule window and now offers more scheduling options.
You can now:
specify the duration of a recurring schedule (indefinite, until a certain
date, a certain number of times)
enter your own ID number for a recurring transaction
Getting Started
choose to be alerted when a scheduled transaction is coming up
choose to record a recurring transaction automatically and be alerted
when the transaction has been recorded.
Expanded recurring transactions options
A new Recurring Transactions List window (accessible by going to the
Lists menu and choosing Recurring Transactions) has been added to
allow you to view and sort transactions, select and edit transaction details,
update scheduling options and delete or post a transaction. This window
removes the need for the Recurring Templates tab in the Sales and
Purchases registers.
Improved emailing
The following improvements have been made to the email feature.
Send forms and statements in a batch
Email customer statements
You can send your invoices, statements and purchase orders in a batch
using the Print/Email Invoices, Print/Email Statements and Print/Email
Purchase Orders options.
In addition to sales and purchase forms, you can now email statements—
both activity statements and invoice statements. To email statements, click
Print/Email Statements in the Sales command centre.
Edit default email subject and message
To send an invoice or a purchase order in a batch, select To be Printed, To
be Emailed or To be Printed and Emailed from the Invoice Delivery
Status list (Purchase Delivery Status list for purchase orders) in the
transaction window, as highlighted below.
You can now edit the default email subject and message for a sale,
purchase or statement. In the Email Defaults window (on the Reports &
Forms tab of the Preferences window, click the Emails button) you can
change the subject or message for all of the sales, purchases and
statements that you send.
Alternatively, you can individually change the subject or message in the
Review [...] Before Delivery window when preparing to send an email.
Chapter 3 : What’s new
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
When you do this, the invoice, statement or purchase order appears on the
To Be Printed tab or the To Be Emailed tab of the Review [...] Before
Delivery window. You can then select the invoices, statements or purchase
orders you want to print as a batch, as shown in the window below.
Enhanced company file auditing
A range of new features have been added to help you ensure the accuracy
of information in your company file. These features are outlined below.
Company file audit assistant
The Company Data Auditor is a series of windows that guide you through
the process of performing a high-level integrity check of the data in your
company file. To access the auditor, from the Accounts command centre,
click Company Data Auditor.
There are three windows in the assistant:
1 The Company File Overview window displays basic information about
the company file such as the file name, version number, location, size,
locked periods, last backup date, etc.
2 The Account Reconciliation Review window lists your bank and credit
card accounts and the date when these accounts were last reconciled. You
can reconcile these accounts from this window.
3 The Data Exception Review window allows you to check your
transactions for exceptions. You can use the auditor to:
Getting Started
reconcile invoices with the linked receivables account
reconcile purchases with the linked payables account
compare item values with the linked inventory account
scan for future dated transactions
scan for prepaid transactions
review audit trail changes
check for tax amount exceptions (sales and purchases)
check for tax code exception (invoice and cash transactions).
Enhanced company file auditing
If an exception is found, a link to a relevant exception report is provided.
The following exception reports have been added to help the audit
process. For more information on each report, see ‘New reports’ on
page 20.
The transactional, tax, accounts and system changes that are recorded are
outlined below:
Transactional • deletion of transaction
Receivables Reconciliation Exceptions report
change of card selection
change of ID #
change of date
change of amount on any line
change of account on any line
Payables Reconciliation Exceptions report
Inventory Value Reconciliation Exceptions report
Future Dated Transactions report
change of item selection
Prepaid Transactions report
change of job selection.
Audit Trail report
deselection of tax on any line of a sales or purchase transaction
Transaction Tax Code report
change of tax code for a sales or purchase transaction
Audit trail tracking system
A new tracking system has also been added to track specific transactional,
tax, account and system changes made to your company file. To use this
feature, mark the Use Audit Trail Tracking preference in the Security tab
of the Preferences window. You can then print an Audit Trail report
which lists all the changes recorded in a specified date range.
Chapter 3 : What’s new
change of tax amount for a sales or purchase transaction
addition of transactions with a tax code other than the default code
for the selected card or account (invoices only, not orders or
addition of transactions with a changed taxable amount
change of the linked account selection in any of the Tax Code
Information windows.
change of the current account number
change of the account's opening balance
addition of a new account
deletion of an account.
change of the linked account selection in any of the Linked
Accounts windows
change to the lock periods security preference. (A change to the
lock period date, as well as the selection/deselection of the
preference, are tracked.)
change to the Transactions CAN’T be Changed; They Must be
Reversed preference
change to the Use Audit Trail Tracking preference.
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
Improved transaction tax code reporting
Send your transactions to accountants
The new Transaction Tax Code report lists all transactions with both the
default tax code and the entered tax code for each transaction.
The recent acquisition of Solution 6 means that you can now work with
your accountant much more efficiently. If your accountant has MYOB
Accountants Office, you can use the new Send to Accountant feature to
send (via email or disk) a listing of all your transactions to your accountant.
In addition to this report, you can now filter the Tax Code Exceptions
reports to view a list of transactions where the default tax code has been
changed and where no tax code has been entered.
Your accountant can quickly and easily import those transactions into their
systems to audit and produce financial reports.
Enhanced credit control
You can now control credit by setting and enforcing credit limits, and
placing customer accounts on hold.
If you are logged in as the Administrator you can set your preferences to
enforce credit limits:
warn users before recording a sale that will exceed a customer’s credit
prevent certain users from recording a sale that will exceed a customer’s
credit limit. When you use this preference, you set an override password
to allow approved users to record the sale.
Getting Started
You can also put a customer’s account on hold. This prevents users from
recording further sales to the customer. You may, for example, want to put
a customer account on hold when the customer’s account is overdue.
You set credit holds by marking the Place this customer on Credit Hold
checkbox in the new Credit Limit & Hold window (click the Credit Limit
& Hold button in the Selling Details tab of the customer’s card).
Enhanced credit control
New reports
The following reports are added for this release.
Receivables Reconciliation Exception report displays the total of all
the balances for all your customers and the current balance of the linked
debtors account, and compares them. If the comparison shows an outof-balance amount, any entries to the linked debtors account that have
been generated by a journal entry or a Receive Money transaction are
Payables Reconciliation Exception report displays the total of all the
balances for all your suppliers and the current balance of the linked
creditors account, and compares them. If the comparison shows an outof-balance amount, any entries to the linked creditors account that have
been generated by a journal entry or a Spend Money transaction are
Inventory Value Reconciliation Exception report displays the total of
all on-hand inventory values and the current balance of the linked
inventory account, and compares them. If the comparison shows an
out-of-balance amount, any entries to the linked inventory account that
have been generated by a journal entry or a cash transaction are
Audit Trail report lists transactional, tax, account or system changes
made to your company file. For more details on the specific changes
that are recorded, see ‘Enhanced company file auditing’ on page 17.
Future Dated Transactions report lists transactions dated later than the
current date.
Prepaid Transactions report lists all transactions (excluding deposit
payments) that have a payment date prior to the date of the invoice or
Transaction Tax Code report lists all transactions with both the tax
code assigned to the transaction and the default tax code. Also see
‘Improved transaction tax code reporting’ on page 19.
Chapter 3 : What’s new
Recurring Transactions List report displays the names of the recurring
transactions and for each one, provides the type, the frequency of
posting, the date last posted, the next due date for posting, the kind of
alert you receive and the number of posts remaining on the schedule.
In addition to these new reports, the following enhancements have been
made to existing reports.
Improved drill down in the Accounts List Summary and Accounts List
Detail reports. You can now display the transactions that make up an
account balance by clicking the balance in the report.
Job report improvements include the following:
a subtotal by job filter has been added for activity, customer and
employee slip time billing reports
header jobs now appear on the Jobs List report and detail jobs are
grouped under their header jobs
additional report fields in the Jobs List report. These include:
Header/Detail, Sub Job Of, Job Description and Reimbursable.
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
Miscellaneous changes and enhancements
Easier account reconciliation
Improved account list layout
The following changes now make the account reconciliation process
The Accounts List window now includes a column displaying the tax code
assigned to an account. Also, shading has been added to alternate lines of
information to make it easier to view accounts.
You can view a list of your bank and credit card accounts and the date
these accounts were last reconciled in the Account Reconciliation
Review window of the Company Data Auditor. You can also reconcile
these accounts from this window.
You can view a previous reconciliation report. When you highlight
Reconciliation Report in the Index to Reports window and click
Customise, the Advanced Filters tab is displayed. Select the account
for which you want to show a previous reconciliation and then enter the
date of the previous reconciliation in the Statement Date field.
Transactions selected for reconciliation in the Reconcile Accounts
window are now shaded to make it easier to see which transactions
have been selected and which transactions are still outstanding.
If your bank offers downloadable statements via the Internet, you can
use the new Get Statement function in the Reconcile Accounts window
to bring these statements into MYOB Accounting and MYOB Premier
and automatically match statement transactions against those in MYOB
Accounting and MYOB Premier.
Getting Started
Other changes and enhancements
When you record a sale or purchase you can now choose the printing
stationery you require. Click Print and choose either your default form
or another form from your forms list.
New invoice form fields allow you to print the total quantity of items
included on an item invoice and the total time billed on a time billing
The MYOB Premier file extension has been changed from ‘.prm’ to
‘.myo’. This change has been made to avoid conflicts with other
program shortcuts.
Scroll-wheel mouse support has been added. For example, for reports
that contain many lines you can now use the scroll-wheel mouse
functionality to scroll through the report.
Miscellaneous changes and enhancements
Chapter 3 : What’s new
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
Appendix A Support and training options
What we offer
MYOB offers a range of support services to assist you in making the most of
your software. This section contains information on the various support
options that are available for your MYOB accounting software.
What MYOB Technical Support covers
the version of the operating system (to find out, right-click the
My Computer icon and choose Properties; the General tab of the
System Properties window displays the version).
the version of your MYOB accounting software (to find out, start your
MYOB accounting software, go to the Help menu and choose About
MYOB productName).
the serial number of your MYOB accounting software.
Our Technical Support staff can offer assistance with installing, using and
troubleshooting your MYOB accounting software.
3 Have paper and pen ready to record any instructions or advice given by
the Technical Support representative.
Please note that this support covers only the usage, commands and
functions of the software. Support cannot be given for problems arising
from hardware or operating system faults, incompatible hardware or
software, or network faults or misconfigurations. Contact your reseller,
consultant or a professional advisor about these kinds of problems.
4 Call while sitting at your computer with your MYOB accounting software
running, ready to follow any instructions and advice from the
Getting ready to call
Assistance is only available to registered customers of MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd.
and MYOB Singapore Pte. Ltd.
1 Note down what you did and what happened when the problem
occurred. Record the wording of any message that appeared. Make copies
of any company files involved, then try to reproduce the problem.
2 Gather the following information about your computer and your MYOB
accounting software:
the computer type, model and processor.
Upgrade Support
If you have upgraded from an earlier version or another MYOB product,
you are entitled to 30 days of Upgrade Support from the date you received
your software.
You can telephone, fax or email us for help for 30 days from the date you
register your new software. If you have difficulty working with the manual
or online help system, Upgrade Support will help get your MYOB software
‘up and running’ on your computer.
For Upgrade Support, please call the corresponding phone number for
your area, Monday to Friday from 9.00am–6.00pm and Saturday from
Malaysia: 1300 88 6962
Singapore: (65) 6479 1619
At times when the support workload is heavy, it may be a while before a
Technical Support Representative can assist you. Priority telephone
support is available for a small investment —see ‘Cover Plan’ below.
MYOB Cover Plan
Courses vary in length from half to full day and concentrate on giving
you the instruction, hands-on experience and confidence to manage
your accounts with MYOB software. MYOB EduServices courses are
available in Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Penang or Kuching) and
For more information, please call (603) 8991 0104 for Malaysia or (65)
6479 5779 for Singapore. Alternatively, email
for Malaysia and for Singapore.
MYOB offers an optional technical support plan called MYOB Cover Plan.
The MYOB Cover Plan provides you continuous technical support from
MYOB Asia Technical Support Staff via phone, fax and email, which is valid
for a year.
The other benefits of subscribing to Cover Plan include:
Free software updates (if there is a release during your subscription
period), ensuring your software runs efficiently and is always compliant
with the latest operating software
Technical support notes on the web
Exclusive MYOB Cover Plan subscriber discounts on MYOB training and
MYOB Countdown Privilege Card—Use your card and get instant
discounts at over 80,000 retailers in 25 countries worldwide
MYOB MarketPlace—a quarterly mailer where you can advertise your
products and services to all MYOB users in Malaysia and Singapore
Tips & Techniques booklet on how to make the most of your MYOB
accounting software.
MYOB EduServices
Enhance your MYOB software and business skills by attending our
MYOB EduServices training courses and workshops. MYOB training
courses will help you familiarise yourself with the specific features and
tools in MYOB software to enter your day-to-day transactions. MYOB
workshops are designed for you, the business owner, to manage your
business better.
Appendix A : Support and training options
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
Appendix B Assistance from consultants
We at MYOB realise that your purchase of MYOB software was based on a
careful decision to maintain a dependable record of your company’s
accounting. After making such a decision, you probably also want to
ensure your company’s accounting information is set up, recorded and
maintained properly in MYOB accounting software.
If you are looking for local, personalised assistance and advice beyond that
which you find in the learning tools in the MYOB accounting software Help
Library or from MYOB’s support services, you should consider beginning a
partnership with an MYOB Certified/Qualified Consultant in your area.
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about members of
the MYOB Certified/Qualified Consultants Panel.
What is the Certified/Qualified Consultants Panel?
Although MYOB accounting software is easy to use, there has always been
a demand from our users for local software experts or consultants to help
them implement and utilise our products quickly and easily. All our users
are proficient in running their own businesses, but many lack the time or
accounting and computer acumen to automate their manual accounts.
Consultants can also help tailor our products to suit the specific
requirements of your business.
The panel consists of independent consultants across Asia who have
exhibited a certain level of knowledge, skill and experience in our
products. Certified/Qualified Consultants have to meet stringent criteria in
order to be admitted to the panel.
MYOB provides a continual flow of information, resources and knowledge
to ensure that Certified/Qualified Consultants are kept up to date with the
latest product developments, techniques and tips. We support
Certified/Qualified Consultants by promoting their services to our users.
Who are Certified/Qualified Consultants?
The panel consists of professionals who provide a wide array of services
and include:
computer consultants
value added resellers
business advisers
management consultants.
This demand was the catalyst behind the formation of the
Certified/Qualified Consultants Panel.
What services do Certified/Qualified Consultants offer?
MYOB’s technical support team works closely with Certified/Qualified
Consultants to provide a complete support solution for you as the user of
our software products. Our technical support team provides answers to
general questions concerning the use of our software via phone, fax and
email. Certified/Qualified Consultants offer a broader range of services
which may include:
How can I find a Certified/Qualified Consultant who’s
right for me and my business?
When choosing a consultant to work with you, it is important that you feel
comfortable with them and feel that they are the right choice for your
business. The following suggestions should help:
Read the consultant’s business description
Speak to the consultant
Discuss, with the consultant, your business and what sort of help you
are looking for
Ask them relevant questions about what they can offer you.
on-site services
demonstrations of the software
installing the software
analysing the accounting needs of your business
customising the software to suit your business
bookkeeping services.
Consultants have different levels of experience and qualifications and they
offer a varying range of services at different prices, so make sure you
identify what is important to you.
The range of services will differ for each Certified/Qualified Consultant
depending on their qualifications and business focus. Certified/Qualified
Consultants recommend that, in addition to using their services, you
should purchase MYOB Cover Plan so that answers to operational
questions are only a phone call away.
How do I locate a Certified/Qualified Consultant in my
What is it like to work with a Certified/Qualified
With some up-front preparation, entering a partnership with an MYOB
Certified/Qualified Consultant can be an efficient and rewarding
experience for your company. Detailed below are some suggestions for
working with a Certified/Qualified Consultant.
Before the first meeting:
In most areas throughout the region, you will be able to find a
Certified/Qualified Consultant who can assist you. There are a number of
ways you can find a local MYOB Certified/Qualified Consultant:
If you have access to the Internet, you can find a frequently updated list
of all Certified/Qualified Consultants at for
Malaysia and Singapore.
If you plan to call MYOB Technical Support with a question about MYOB
accounting software, you can ask your Technical Support
Representative to provide a list of Certified/Qualified Consultants in
your area.
Appendix B : Assistance from consultants
To serve you best, a Certified/Qualified Consultant will need to know
details about your business, including the products and services you buy
and sell, the computer equipment you currently use, the number of
employees you have, and your general expectations of a computerised
accounting system such as MYOB accounting software. We recommend
that you prepare this information before your first meeting with a
Certified/Qualified Consultant.
Be sure the Certified/Qualified Consultant knows everything about your
company that you think might be pertinent to a discussion about your
company’s business activity.
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
(Keep in mind that the Certified/Qualified Consultant will probably be
working with your company’s confidential financial information when
he or she assists you.)
Create an outline of your expectations. What do you expect a
Certified/Qualified Consultant can achieve working with you and your
Be sure you explain how much time you want to spend at the first
Prepare your questions for the Certified/Qualified Consultant in writing
so you are sure you remember to ask everything. Your employees can
benefit a great deal from your relationship with a Certified/Qualified
Consultant. Be sure to consider their training needs.
If your company already employs an accountant, consider discussing
the Certified/Qualified Consultant’s role with your accountant.
Getting Started
During the first meeting:
Review the list of expectations that you created before you set up the
meeting to ensure the Certified/Qualified Consultant is prepared to
meet your expectations.
To get the most return on your investment, designate an employee to
answer the telephone at your company when the Certified/Qualified
Consultant is helping you.
Most likely, a number of issues will arise during your meeting. Be
prepared to take notes and write down questions as you proceed
through the meeting.
Continually review your progress through the meeting, and be sure to
keep your goals and objectives in mind while you work.
At the conclusion of the first meeting, be sure to schedule and set an
agenda for the next meeting immediately.
Appendix B : Assistance from consultants
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
Appendix C Registration
First-time customers should register their software before they begin using it.
Registering your software
You need to register your software so that you can:
activate any company files you create
receive Installation Support
join and receive any software updates which may become available
during your membership.
Registration required for activation MYOB accounting software
allows you to enter data into a new company file for a trial period of 30
days. After 30 days, the company file will become read-only. You will be
able to view transactions, print reports and export data, but not enter
transactions. After you activate the company file, you will be able to enter
transactions—but you need to be registered before you can activate files.
email address
postal address (including PO boxes) where mail is normally delivered—if
business type, for example, service, manufacturing, wholesale, retail,
operating system—Windows 98, Me, NT, 2000 or XP.
First-time users
If you live in Malaysia, complete the form MYOB Registration—Malaysia.
If you live in the Philippines, complete the form MYOB Registration—
If you live in Singapore, complete the form MYOB Registration—
If you live in a country other than those above, say Brunei, complete the
form MYOB Registration— International.
Information required for registration
You need to gather the following information before registering:
serial number from your installation CD
part number from your installation CD
product version number
date of purchase
contact name
organisation or company name, or trading name
telephone numbers
Users upgrading from previous versions
If you are upgrading from a previous version, regardless of where you live,
complete the form MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15 Upgrade.
To register by telephone
Philippines—BCS Systems & Technologies, Inc.
2A H&M Building, 13-15 Linaw Street, Sta Mesa Heights,
Contact your nearest MYOB representative. Please quote your MYOB
accounting software serial number:
Quezon City 1114, Philippines.
International—MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd.
Lot L5-i-1, Enterprise 4, Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil,
Phone number
Available times
(603) 8991 0166
Monday to Friday—9.00 am to 6.00 pm
Select Option 1
Saturday—9.00 am to 1.00 pm
(65) 6479 2409
Monday to Friday—9.00 am to 6.00 pm
Select Option 1
Saturday—9.00 am to 1.00 pm
Email all details on the registration card.
(632) 448 5128 to 34
Monday to Saturday—8.30 am to 5.30 pm
Monday to Friday—9.00 am to 6.00 pm
Saturday—9.00 am to 1.00 pm
57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
International (603) 8991 0166
Select Option 1
To register by fax
Fax the completed registration card to your nearest MYOB representative.
We will fax and mail you confirmation of your registration.
Malaysia: (603) 8991 0177
Singapore: (65) 6479 3778
Philippines: (632) 712 6446
International: (603) 8991 0177
To register by email
After we have received your registration details, we will email you
confirmation of your registration.
To register by mail
Fill in and mail the registration card to your nearest MYOB representative:
Malaysia—MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd.
Lot L5-i-1, Enterprise 4, Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil,
57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Singapore—MYOB Singapore Pte. Ltd.
315, Alexandra Road #04-01B, Performance Centre, Singapore 159944.
Chapter C : Registration
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, asia
MYOB Registration - Malaysia
When you register you will receive your registration number. This must be entered into MYOB Accounting / Premier in order to continue using your data file.
All sections must be fully completed before MYOB can process your registration.
Please print all information clearly. Thank you!
• Important • Operating System - Tick the operating system you use (Tick one only):
Windows 98
Windows NT
Date of purchase
Windows 2000
Windows ME
Processor and speed (i.e. Pentium 4 @ 800MHz): __________________________________________
Company/Organisation name
(Please show the main name to register your software)
Trading as (If different than the above registration name)
Contact name
Laser/Inkjet (Plain paper)
Dot - matrix (Continuous)
Business type. Please tick one:
Finance / Real Estate
Wholesale / Retail
Construction / Storage
Other (please specify) ____________________________________
Serial number:
MYOB Accounting
Phone (Please include area code)
MYOB Premier: Single User
MYOB Premier: Multi-User
Organisation from whom you purchased MYOB software.
How did you learn of MYOB products?
Product review
Other. Please specify ______________________________________
Address - (No PO boxes please)
Windows XP
Detach and complete this form and fax to (603) 8991 0177, or fold, seal, attach
postage & post.
Authorised signature and company stamp
Seal along edges
Published and distributed in Asia by:
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 510950H)
Complete this card and send it
to us today.
Fold here
Fold here
Lot L5-i-1, Enterprise 4,
Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil,
57000 Kuala Lumpur,
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd.
MYOB Registration Card
MYOB Registration - Philippines
When you register you will receive your registration number. This must be entered into MYOB Accounting / Premier in order to continue using your data file.
All sections must be fully completed before MYOB can process your registration.
Please print all information clearly. Thank you!
• Important • Operating System - Tick the operating system you use (Tick one only):
Windows 98
Windows NT
Date of purchase
Windows 2000
Windows ME
Processor and speed (i.e. Pentium 4 @ 800MHz): __________________________________________
Company/Organisation name
(Please show the main name to register your software)
Trading as (If different than the above registration name)
Contact name
Laser/Inkjet (Plain paper)
Dot - matrix (Continuous)
Business type. Please tick one:
Finance / Real Estate
Wholesale / Retail
Construction / Storage
Other (please specify) ____________________________________
Serial number:
MYOB Accounting
Phone (Please include area code)
MYOB Premier: Single User
MYOB Premier: Multi-User
Organisation from whom you purchased MYOB software.
How did you learn of MYOB products?
Product review
Other. Please specify ______________________________________
Address - (No PO boxes please)
Windows XP
Detach and complete this form and fax to (632) 712 6446, or fold, seal, attach
postage & post.
Authorised signature and company stamp
Seal along edges
Published and distributed in Asia by:
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 510950H)
Complete this card and send it
to us today.
Fold here
Fold here
2A H&M Building, 13-15 Linaw Street,
Sta Mesa Heights, Quezon City 1114,
BCS Systems & Technologies, Inc.
MYOB Registration Card
MYOB Registration - Singapore
When you register you will receive your registration number. This must be entered into MYOB Accounting / Premier in order to continue using your data file.
All sections must be fully completed before MYOB can process your registration.
Please print all information clearly. Thank you!
• Important • Operating System - Tick the operating system you use (Tick one only):
Windows 98
Windows NT
Date of purchase
Windows 2000
Windows ME
Processor and speed (i.e. Pentium 4 @ 800MHz): __________________________________________
Company/Organisation name
(Please show the main name to register your software)
Trading as (If different than the above registration name)
Contact name
Laser/Inkjet (Plain paper)
Dot - matrix (Continuous)
Business type. Please tick one:
Finance / Real Estate
Wholesale / Retail
Construction / Storage
Other (please specify) ____________________________________
Serial number:
MYOB Accounting
Phone (Please include area code)
MYOB Premier: Single User
MYOB Premier: Multi-User
Organisation from whom you purchased MYOB software.
How did you learn of MYOB products?
Product review
Other. Please specify ______________________________________
Address - (No PO boxes please)
Windows XP
Detach and complete this form and fax to (65) 6479 3778, or fold, seal, attach
postage & post.
Authorised signature and company stamp
Seal along edges
Published and distributed in Asia by:
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 510950H)
Complete this card and send it
to us today.
Fold here
Fold here
315, Alexandra Road #04-01B,
Performance Centre,
Singapore 159944.
MYOB Singapore Pte. Ltd.
MYOB Registration Card
MYOB Registration - International
When you register you will receive your registration number. This must be entered into MYOB Accounting / Premier in order to continue using your data file.
All sections must be fully completed before MYOB can process your registration.
Please print all information clearly. Thank you!
• Important • Operating System - Tick the operating system you use (Tick one only):
Windows 98
Windows NT
Date of purchase
Windows 2000
Windows ME
Processor and speed (i.e. Pentium 4 @ 800MHz): __________________________________________
Company/Organisation name
(Please show the main name to register your software)
Trading as (If different than the above registration name)
Contact name
Laser/Inkjet (Plain paper)
Dot - matrix (Continuous)
Business type. Please tick one:
Finance / Real Estate
Wholesale / Retail
Construction / Storage
Other (please specify) ____________________________________
Serial number:
MYOB Accounting
Phone (Please include area code)
MYOB Premier: Single User
MYOB Premier: Multi-User
Organisation from whom you purchased MYOB software.
How did you learn of MYOB products?
Product review
Other. Please specify ______________________________________
Address - (No PO boxes please)
Windows XP
Detach and complete this form and fax to (603) 8991 0177, or fold, seal, attach
postage & post.
Authorised signature and company stamp
Seal along edges
Published and distributed in Asia by:
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 510950H)
Complete this card and send it
to us today.
Fold here
Fold here
Lot L5-i-1, Enterprise 4,
Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil,
57000 Kuala Lumpur,
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd. (International)
MYOB Registration Card
MYOB Accounting v15 / Premier v9 Upgrade
When you register you will receive your registration number. This must be entered into MYOB Accounting / Premier in order to continue using your data file. Your 30 days of upgrade
support also begins when you register. To gain ongoing priority support, you can also purchase MYOB Cover Plan.
All sections must be fully completed before MYOB can process your registration.
Please print all information clearly. Thank you!
• Important • Operating System - Tick the operating system you use (Tick one only):
Windows 98
Windows NT
Date of purchase
Windows 2000
Windows ME
Processor and speed (i.e. Pentium 4 @ 800MHz): __________________________________________
Company/Organisation name
(Please show the main name to register your software)
Trading as (If different than the above registration name)
Contact name
Laser/Inkjet (Plain paper)
Dot - matrix (Continuous)
Business type. Please tick one:
Finance / Real Estate
Wholesale / Retail
Construction / Storage
Other (please specify) ____________________________________
Serial number:
MYOB Accounting
Phone (Please include area code)
MYOB Premier: Single User
MYOB Premier: Multi-User
Organisation from whom you purchased MYOB software.
How did you learn of MYOB products?
Product review
Other. Please specify ______________________________________
Address - (No PO boxes please)
Windows XP
Detach and complete this form and fax to (603) 8991 0177, or fold, seal, attach
postage & post.
Authorised signature and company stamp
Seal along edges
Published and distributed in Asia by:
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 510950H)
Complete this card and send it
to us today.
Fold here
Fold here
Lot L5-i-1, Enterprise 4,
Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil,
57000 Kuala Lumpur,
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd.
MYOB Accounting and Premier
Upgrade Card
Appendix D Cover Plan
If you want to purchase an MYOB Cover Plan subscription, complete the
appropriate application form.
If you live in Malaysia, complete the form MYOB Cover Plan - Malaysia.
If you live in Singapore, complete the form MYOB Cover Plan - Singapore.
If you live in the Philippines, call (632) 448 5128 to 34 Monday to
Saturday 8.30am to 5.30pm.
Appendix D : Cover Plan
MYOB Premier v9/MYOB Accounting v15, , asia
MYOB Cover Plan - Malaysia
Use this application if you wish to purchase a MYOB Cover Plan subscription after you have registered. MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to vary the benefits and the components of
MYOB Cover Plan from time to time without notice. Price and information are valid as of April 2005, but are subject to change without notice.
How to order
Business Name & Contact
Detach and complete the form. Fax or mail to MYOB or your Certified Consultant.
Please tick your below:
Company name
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd.
Contact name
Lot L5-i-1, Enterprise 4, Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil,
57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: (603) 8991 0166 Fax: (603) 8991 0177
Address - (No PO boxes please)
MYOB Certified Consultant
Please list the Certified Consultant’s name:
1 year of MYOB Cover Plan
RM390* - MYOB Accounting
RM650* - MYOB Premier
(1 to 2 licences)
RM900* - MYOB Premier
(3 licences)
Phone (Please include area code)
We will automatically add any remaining introductory support to your MYOB Cover
* Prices subject to change without notice.
MYOB Accounting v15 Serial Number
MYOB Premier v9 Serial Number
Signature and Company Stamp
Your Serial Number must be given in order to join the MYOB Cover Plan. Your Serial
Number can be found on the back of the CD sleeve, the base of the box, or inside the
front cover of this Getting Started Guide.
Fax or Mail to MYOB or your Certified Consultant. This form can be folded, sealed, postage
applied and mailed ‘as is’. Please ensure that any payment (if paying by cheque) is securely
enclosed before posting.
Getting Started
Seal along edges
Published and distributed in Asia by:
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 510950H)
Complete this card and send it
to us today.
Fold here
Fold here
Lot L5-i-1, Enterprise 4,
Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil,
57000 Kuala Lumpur,
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd.
MYOB Cover Plan Card
MYOB Cover Plan - Singapore
Use this application if you wish to purchase a MYOB Cover Plan subscription after you have registered. MYOB Singapore Pte. Ltd. reserves the right to vary the benefits and the components
of MYOB Cover Plan from time to time without notice. Price and information are valid as of April 2005, but are subject to change without notice.
How to order
Business Name & Contact
Detach and complete the form. Fax or mail to MYOB or your Qualified Consultant.
Please tick your choice below:
MYOB Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Company name
Contact name
315, Alexandra Road #04-01B, Performance Centre, Singapore 159944.
Tel: (65) 6479 2409 Fax: (65) 6479 3778
Address - (No PO boxes please)
MYOB Qualified Consultant
Please list the Qualified Consultant’s name:
1 year of MYOB Cover Plan
Phone (Please include area code)
S$210* - MYOB Accounting
S$330* - MYOB Premier
(1 to 2 licences)
S$525* - MYOB Premier
(3 licences)
We will automatically add any remaining introductory support to your MYOB Cover
* Prices subject to change without notice and include 5% GST.
MYOB Accounting v15 Serial Number
MYOB Premier v9 Serial Number
Your Serial Number must be given in order to join the MYOB Cover Plan. Your Serial
Number can be found on the back of the CD sleeve, the base of the box, or inside the
front cover of this Getting Started Guide.
Signature and Company Stamp
Fax or Mail to MYOB or your Qualified Consultant. This form can be folded, sealed, postage
applied and mailed ‘as is’. Please ensure that any payment (if paying by cheque) is securely
enclosed before posting.
Seal along edges
Published and distributed in Asia by:
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 510950H)
Complete this card and send it
to us today.
Fold here
Fold here
315, Alexandra Road #04-01B,
Performance Centre,
Singapore 159944.
MYOB Singapore Pte. Ltd.
MYOB Cover Plan Card
MYOB Contact Information
For more information, please contact your nearest MYOB representative.
Published & Distributed in Asia by:
MYOB Asia Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 510950H)
Lot L5-i-1, Enterprise 4, Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Phone: (603) 8991 0166 / 1300 88 6962 (outside Klang Valley)
Fax: (603) 8991 0177
Kuching Office
Phone: (6082) 240 240
Fax: (6082) 250 335
MYOB Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Co. Reg. 200104210H)
315, Alexandra Road #04-01B, Performance Centre, Singapore 159944.
Phone: (65) 6479 5779
Fax: (65) 6479 3778
Authorised Distributor:
BCS Systems & Technologies, Inc.
2A H&M Building, 13-15 Linaw Street, Sta Mesa Heights, Quezon City 1114, Philippines.
Phone: (632) 448 5128-5134
Fax: (632) 712 6446