16 August 2016 - Warkworth Primary School
16 August 2016 - Warkworth Primary School
Our Purpose: To inspire active learners with high aspirations to reach their full potential. Newsletter Term 3 Week 4, 16 August 2016 Cover Photo: 1st Place Mathex 2016 - Congratulations! Reuben Smith, Elise Tomkins, Ewan Waddell and Helen Ly. Dear Parents and Caregivers We had a very busy week last week with the Community 6 production of Grease, the HBC Netball Tournament, Soles for Syria fundraising event and the Mathex Competition. Grease Congratulations to all of our Community 6 students and their teachers for presenting their very polished performance of Grease. It was an ambitious undertaking and the cast performed with growing confidence to three separate audiences – the students and staff of Warkworth School, Year 7 and 8 students and teachers from Mahurangi College, and their parents and extended family. Thank you Community 6 teachers for your commitment to this production. Special thanks to every parent for supporting and encouraging your child throughout the rehearsals and the performance. We extend our sincere thanks to the following people for the additional time they spent in a variety of ways preparing for the show: Sonya Lewis, Kim and Peter Byrne, Paula Tomkins, Michelle Stanners, Tania Barber, Andy Richards, Steven and Wendy Murphy, and Gareth Edwards. We appreciate the endless support of all parents. HBC Netball On Tuesday 9 August two teams set off to compete in the Hibiscus Coast Netball tournament at Edith Hopper Reserve. Each team competed in their year groups with tremendous team spirit and sportsmanship. The Year 5 team placed 3rd in their pool, defeating Orewa, and narrowly losing to Pinehurst and Red Beach. The Year 6 team placed 2nd in their pool, defeating Gulf Harbour School and Orewa Primary, losing out to advance into the finals against Red Beach. The girls had fantastic support from parents and family from the side line. A huge thank you to our Team Managers, Supporters and to Skye Maginley and Ursula Jane-Rashleigh for umpiring on the day. Soles for Syria Many people came to school last Thursday in bare feet and contributed to the Soles for Syria fundraising event. Some people donated money to wear their shoes! They know how uncomfortable it is to be bare footed in winter. Thanks to all of these students and teachers, the School Council raised $433.20. This money will go to the students at Rangitikei College who have partnered with Relief Aid to help get blankets, clothes and other essential items to children and their families in Syria. Thank you for your compassion. Mathex We are very proud of our four Mathex teams who represented Warkworth School at the Whangarei Mathex Competition held last Friday. Congratulations to all participants and especially to Team 1 team who were the overall winners of the competition. They are featured on the cover holding the Mathex Trophy. We are very proud of being the winners of the competition and holders of the trophy for the fifth consecutive year. Congratulations to Team 2 who came third. Thank you Mrs Kirstin Crocome for preparing the teams so that they could compete with confidence and to Mrs Donovan Skeens for her support. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the parents who transported a group of students to Whangarei and encouraged them throughout the competition. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Congratulations to all team members: Warkworth 1 Team—Ewan Waddell, Reuben Smith, Helen Ly and Elise Tomkins. Warkworth 2 Team– Cameron Davey, Jasper Ashford, Connor Jollivet and Jack Peel. Warkworth 3 Team—Sophie Ewing, Shaylah Bowmast, Harrison Mann and Andrew McNaughten. Warkworth 4 Team—Rawiri Haua, Melody Bedggood, Kieran McClintock and Louise Makin. Reserve—Hubery Zhang. Maths Week If you were unable to visit the Maths Week website last week due to other commitments, it is not too late. The website has a range of interesting and enjoyable activities to help reinforce mathematical concepts as well as demonstrate how maths is used regularly in everyday life. Please take a moment to visit https://www.mathsweek.org.nz/ Enrolment Zone A reminder to anyone wishing to make submissions to the Ministry of Education regarding the proposed Warkworth School Enrolment Zone, that these must be addressed to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees and received no later than 26 August. Details of the enrolment scheme are available on the school website www.warkworth.school.nz. Change of Clothes We still have a number of students getting wet and muddy on the field at break times who do not have a change of clothes. We are very short on spare clothing. Should your child get wet and muddy and have no spare clothes, we will ring you and ask for replacement clothes to be brought to school. The best way to prevent the inconvenience to everyone is to ensure your child brings clothing to change into. Thank you for your support with this. Spare Uniform Items On that note, we are still in need of spare uniform items, particularly shorts, skorts and tshirts, and would be grateful if you have some you can donate to us. Kia ora Cynthia Holden Principal Upcoming Events: Tuesday 16 August ICAS Maths Thursday 18 August HBC Hockey Thursday 18 August Evening of Dance Friday 19 August Literacy Challenge at College Tuesday 23 August Interschool Cross Country Monday 5 September C5 Trip to Motat Community Notices • • • • PTA Fundraising Events - Term 3 Please pop the following dates into your diaries for our fundraisers for this term. More information to come... 2 September - Father's Day breakfast 8 September - School Disco 12-16 September - Book Fair Warkworth Tennis Club—Open Day Sausage sizzle, spot prizes & fun games. Sunday 4 Sept. Junior Tennis 10—11am, Senior Tennis 11—12pm. Shoesmith St, Warkworth. Contact 022 311 3216. Jnr Basketball - Harbour Basketball Association & Mahurangi College Come along & get involved with basketball on Sundays at 10am, Mahurangi College. For all primary school ages & skill levels! Sessions include skills coaching & social basketball games. Contact Zac Fitzgerald 0210659721 / schools@harbourbasketball.co.nz. Free! Warkworth Branch Pony Club - Registration Day 21 Aug 10am-12pm at Warkworth Showgrounds, SH1. All current & new members welcome. We also offer Adult memberships with regular Adult rides. Further info: Sandi Webb (President) 021485810, Pauline Colclough (Head Coach): 4257734 or Email: wwbponyclub@gmail.com Paid Adver sement