Megan Shuffle - Broadway Dance Center


Megan Shuffle - Broadway Dance Center
Dear Group Leaders and Dancers,
1, 2 , 3… Auditions
Since 1984, Broadway Dance Center has earned a
global reputation for providing the finest multidisciplinary dance instruction, at every level, in the
heart of New York City. Whether you are interested
in drop-in classes, private classes, audition seminars,
or corporate events, BDC provides memorable and
inspiring dance training for both individuals and
groups alike.
Select a private 90-minute class with one of our
world-class faculty members. Our private master
classes are tailored to your group’s training needs,
whether your
focus is
technique, style,
Get a leg-up on the big day! Your dancers have
the training, but do they know how to audition?
Proper etiquette for auditions is a skill in itself. BDC
is proud to present a new 60-minute intensive with
a New York City dance agent for a mock audition
experience. Bring your résumés and headshots, grab
a number, and learn how to book that gig!
At BDC, and especially in Group Services, we
appreciate that each dancer may have different
needs and expectations, so please don’t hesitate to
contact us about special requests or additional
training. With a wealth of dance resources at our
fingertips, we’re certain we can offer your group the
dance experience only BDC and New York City can
Each master
class can be
designed for
any age and skill
Megan Shuffle
Megan Shuffle
Group Services Director
Our Group Services Director will gladly work with
you to find the perfect faculty member for your
training needs.
At BDC, we understand the importance of versatile
dance training, which is why we offer your dancers
a chance to study many diverse styles while also
providing a number of specialized options:
Meet the Artist
BDC’s most traditional offering is our drop-in
schedule of more
than 300 classes
per week! Take
class alongside
New York City
dancers, from
beginners to
— a wonderful
learning experience for any dancer.
All classes on our regular schedule are open to
dancers ages 13 and up. We encourage you to try
any of 50+ daily classes offered. Groups take class for
the lowest rates we have to offer!
Are you planning to see a Broadway Musical during
your visit? Have
you always
wanted to learn
from a particular
show? BDC not
only trains
performers, but
we offer the chance to study and have talkbacks with
them as well.
Precision, Precision
The Radio City Rockettes® are the gold standard
of precision dance and high-kicking glamour.
“Precision, Precision” is an exclusive 90-minute class
taught by a former Rockette. More than 30 of BDC’s
dancers have gone on to become Rockettes – maybe
your dancer will be next!
Parents and Group Leaders
Why let the kids have all the fun? We can happily
arrange special classes for parents and group leaders
too! Pick from classes such as Yoga for relaxation,
Pilates for core strength, or any of our other
numerous disciplines. Everyone moves at BDC!
BDC Local
Can’t make it to BDC this year? BDC will come to
you! Our Group Services Director can help you plan
a workshop or private class for your local school or
studio. Rates vary per workshop.
We offer classes for many different groups, from
those looking for
an office
experience, to
birthday parties
with added
dancing flair, to
celebrating a
bachelorette party. Halloween, anniversaries,
birthdays, holidays: why not learn some funky moves
before hitting the town?
Let us create the perfect package for your group.
Combine drop-in and private classes for added
discounts. Purchase 55 drop-in classes and save 10%
on a private. Ask our Group Services Director for
additional packages and rates. Each student receives
a Certificate of Achievement with any Package
Inspiring the World to Dance
Do we have to register our group before we arrive?
We highly recommend pre-registration to ensure
that your dancers can take their preferred classes.
Unannounced groups may be difficult to accommodate
and may not be eligible for discounted group rates.
Our Group Services Director is available to discuss and
customize your visit to BDC, and remove any stress
from planning your group’s dance training.
How many students qualify as a group?
A group is six or more students traveling together,
taking a minimum of 10 classes combined, and
purchasing their classes at the same time.
322 W. 45th St., 3rd Fl. • New York, NY 10036
(212) 582-9304 • email:
Inspiring the World to Dance
Do we have to choose the classes we are going to
take before we arrive?
This is best, yes! In order to accommodate your
requests, we ask that you contact the Group Services
director at least 24 hours prior to your arrival.
How do we know what classes to take?
Our staff is happy to assist you in organizing your
students’ schedules so that they are placed in classes
best suited to their individual needs.
How old do you have to be to take open class at BDC?
Students must be at least 13 years old to participate
in the majority of classes at BDC. Certain teachers may
permit younger students, but permission must be
arranged in advance through Group Services. If you
are traveling with younger dancers, why not consider a
private class?
Can my students take their classes together?
Our staff will do their best to accommodate you,
however, this is dependent upon the size of your group
and the classes you request. We feel strongly that your
dancers will flourish if encouraged to take classes
Can parents and chaperones observe the classes?
Yes! We welcome class observation. Our studios have
large viewing windows and plenty of space to get
your group
to dance
What is the best time of year for me to bring my
Groups are welcome year-round. Our busiest season is
during the summer months, so visits during this time
should be planned well in advance.
BDC is committed to reducing waste. If you prefer to receive electronic
communications in the future, kindly email
322 W. 45th St., 3rd Fl. • New York, NY 10036
(212) 582-9304 • email: