satellite planning guide - Cardiovascular Research Foundation


satellite planning guide - Cardiovascular Research Foundation
October 11-15, 2015
San Francisco, CA I The Moscone Center
Table of Contents
This guide is designed to assist companies
sponsoring a Breakfast Meeting, Presentation
Theater Program, or Evening Program in
planning and conducting their programs at
TCT 2015. Included in this guide are specifics
pertaining to logistical management,
promotion opportunities, and important
deadlines to ensure a successful satellite
Faculty Information.................................................................................................................................................3-4
If you have any questions or would like
more information, please contact:
Tara Donegan
Program Project Manager, Industry Relations
CRF Center for Education
Cardiovascular Research Foundation
Tele: 646-582-6588
Fax: 646-434-4713
Utilizing TCT Faculty............................................................................................................................................... 3
Utilizing Non-TCT Faculty..................................................................................................................................... 3
Faculty Conflicts....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Honoraria..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Speaker Ready Room.............................................................................................................................................4
- Speaker Ready Room Hours.............................................................................................................................4
Logistical Information............................................................................................................................................5-8
Audiovisual.................................................................................................................................................................. 5
- Session Recording: MP4 Video File or DVD................................................................................................ 5
Badge Policies........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Program Agendas..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Food and Beverage.................................................................................................................................................. 7
Housing......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Room Setup................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Signage......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Satellite Program Registration............................................................................................................................... 9
Advance Registration (Pre-registration)......................................................................................................... 9
On-site Registration................................................................................................................................................. 9
Lead-Retrieval Systems.......................................................................................................................................... 9
Post-meeting Reporting........................................................................................................................................ 9
Promoting a Satellite Program........................................................................................................................10-14
Promotion by CRF.................................................................................................................................................. 10
Attendance............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Pre-meeting Promotion....................................................................................................................................... 10
On-site Promotion...................................................................................................................................................11
- Satellite Symposia Kiosks..................................................................................................................................11
- Satellite Symposia Agenda Wall......................................................................................................................11
Promotion by the Sponsoring Company........................................................................................................12
- Satellite Symposia Guide...................................................................................................................................12
- TCT Pre-registration List...................................................................................................................................12
- Marketing Pieces..................................................................................................................................................12
- Promotional Approval........................................................................................................................................12
- Daily Bag.................................................................................................................................................................12
- TCTMD......................................................................................................................................................................13
- Enduring Material Options from MedReviews...........................................................................................13
Official TCT Publications...................................................................................................................................... 14
- TCT Daily................................................................................................................................................................. 14
- Cardiology Today’s Intervention.................................................................................................................... 14
- Sponsored Supplements and Monographs............................................................................................... 14
Important Deadlines..................................................................................................................................................15
Faculty Information
The sponsoring company or its organizing
agency is responsible for confirming
presenters and communicating important
information about the program directly to
the presenters.
• Breakfast Meetings generally have
between two and four presenters,
including a program chair.
• Presentation Theater Programs
generally have between two and four
presenters, including a program chair.
• Evening Programs generally have
between four and eight presenters,
including a program chair.
Utilizing TCT Faculty
TCT faculty may be invited to speak at a
program, and there is no limit to the
number of TCT faculty included in a satellite
program. Please note that housing
arrangements for TCT faculty are made by
CRF. You may find a list of TCT faculty at:
Utilizing Non-TCT Faculty
While satellite sponsors are not required
to use TCT faculty, CRF is not responsible
for any costs associated with non-TCT
faculty participation in a satellite program,
including but not limited to travel,
housing, TCT registration fees, and
Faculty Conflicts
Although not mandatory, it is an industry
standard to pay honoraria to satellite
program presenters. On average, satellite
program chairs are compensated $2,500,
and other presenters are typically
compensated $1,500 for their
participation. Sponsoring companies
are required to compensate presenters
directly, regardless of whether the
presenter is a TCT faculty member.
The Cardiovascular Research Foundation
requests that TCT faculty not commit to
conflicting speaking engagements.
Whenever possible, the Cardiovascular
Research Foundation will notify the
sponsoring company or its organizing
agency of any scheduling conflicts.
However, the Cardiovascular Research
Foundation is neither required to nor
responsible for notifying sponsoring
companies or their organizing agencies
of faculty conflicts or for resolving
scheduling conflicts.
Faculty Information
Speaker Ready Room
One of the keys to a successful satellite
program is ensuring that slide presentations
run properly during the live program.
Therefore, presenters must visit the Speaker
Ready Room well in advance of their
presentation to allow for sufficient time to
review slides (times noted below).
Breakfast Meeting presenters must visit
the Speaker Ready Room one day prior to
the Breakfast Meeting. Speakers may not
download their presentations in the
meeting room or use their own laptops.
Presentation Theater Program presenters
must visit the Speaker Ready Room one
day prior to or at least four hours prior
to the Presentation Theater Program.
Speakers may not download their
presentations in the meeting room or use
their own laptops.
The Speaker Ready Room is located in the
Moscone North Lobby and may be visited
during the following dates and hours:
Speaker Ready Room Hours**
Sunday, October 11
6:30 am-7:00 pm
Monday, October 12
6:30 am-6:30 pm
Tuesday, October 13
6:30 am-6:30 pm
Wednesday, October 14
6:30 am-6:30 pm
Thursday, October 15
6:30 am-3:00 pm
** Times subject to change
Please note the following presentation
format instructions:
• Microsoft Office PowerPoint (PPT and
PPTX formats) with linked or
embedded videos will be accepted
• Only fonts standard with Microsoft
Office may be used
• All original video files, even if
embedded, must be submitted
• Videos must be saved in one folder;
subfolders are not permitted
Please note that if a presentation is not
uploaded in the Speaker Ready Room at
least four hours prior to the presentation
time (or the day before if you have one of
the first presentations in the morning), the
presentation may not be properly recorded
or included in any media distributed after
the show (eg, DVDs or online distribution
of the session’s content).
Evening Program presenters are required
to visit the Speaker Ready Room at least
four hours prior to their Evening Program.
After this time the presentation will have
to be provided at the Hilton San Francisco
Union Square Satellite Speaker Ready
Room one (1) hour prior to their
Evening Program.
Logistical Information
Standard audiovisual (AV) setup is
included in the Breakfast Meeting and
Presentation Theater Program application
fee, which includes:
• LCD projector
• Front screen projection
• A computer on the podium to
advance slides
• Podium with microphone
• Head table microphones (max 6)
• One audience microphone for Q&A
• Technical support
All Breakfast Meeting and Presentation
Theater Program rooms will be networked
with the Speaker Ready Room.
The sponsoring company is responsible
for the audiovisual (A/V) needs for their
evening program (including power,
networking, labor, etc). Please contact
PSAV to make audio-visual arrangements.
It is strongly advised that A/V be ordered
by September 11, 2015.
Drew Lanning
Senior Sales Manager
Tel: 415-403-2199
Session Recording:
Recordings of your session are available
through OVATION. Please complete the
online quote form to receive an estimate
for options on session recordings.
Additional AV equipment and services
such as videotaping may be ordered
through PSAV. For additional information,
including pricing, please contact:
* For more information, please contact
Amanda Eaves at 615-333-3939 or
Ricky Rodriguez
Allied Sales Manager, PSAV® Premier Global Events
925 Freeport Parkway, Suite 100
Coppell, TX 75019
Tel: 214-210-8011
Fax: 855-834-6223
Logistical Information
Badge Policies
All persons associated with a Breakfast
Meeting, including presenters, organizers,
and employees of the sponsoring
company, are required to wear a TCT
badge to grant them admission into the
convention center.
All persons associated with a Presentation
Theater Program, including presenters,
organizers, and employees of the
sponsoring company, are required to
wear a TCT badge to grant them
admission into the convention center.
“Breakfast Meeting Only” badges will be
available in the rare instance that
someone is not registered for TCT
(eg, non-TCT faculty or medical education
staff member). These badges are clearly
marked and will not grant access to any
other areas within the convention center.
Those wishing to attend sessions in
addition to the Breakfast Meeting must
register for TCT and pay appropriate
registration fees. There is a limit of ten
Breakfast Meeting Only badges per
sponsoring company.
Up to ten “TCT Daily” badges (for day of
your program only) will be granted at no
additional cost in the rare instance that
someone is not registered for TCT
(eg, non-TCT faculty or medical education
staff member). A list of names, degrees
(if applicable), and affiliations for the
badges must be submitted via email to
Tara Donegan at by
September 18, 2015.
A list of names, degrees (if applicable),
emails, and affiliations for Breakfast
Meeting badges must be submitted via
email to Tara Donegan at
by September 18, 2015.
For an Evening Program, presenters,
organizers, and employees, are not
required to wear a TCT badge, as the
events will be held at the Hilton San
Francisco Union Square. However,
attendees will be encouraged to bring
their badges in order to expedite
the registration process.
Program Agendas
Program agendas must be submitted
to the Cardiovascular Research
Foundation by August 3, 2015.
Agendas submitted after that date
will not be included in the TCT
Satellite Symposia Guide but will
be posted on the TCT conference
Program agendas must be
submitted through our online
agenda system. Once sponsors
enter the agenda and click “submit,”
the agenda will be sent to CRF for
review. A link to the online system
and your login credentials will be
provided by CRF.
Upon approval by CRF, the
agenda will be published on the
TCT conference website, The online
agenda submission site can be
accessed at In
order to create your program in the
online agenda system, you will
need to enter your username and
password that will be provided to
you by email. If you are unable to
locate your username and
password, please contact Tara
Donegan at
Logistical Information
Food and Beverage
A continental breakfast is included in the
Breakfast Meeting application fee. This
includes coffee, tea, fruit juices, and
breakfast pastries (the Cardiovascular
Research Foundation reserves the right to
make minor adjustments to the menu).
Additional menu items may be ordered
through the official convention center
caterer. Breakfast will be served each
morning at 6:30 am. If you intend to order
additional menu items, the convention
center requires that all menus be ordered
by September 18, 2015, and finalized ten
business days prior to the Breakfast
Meeting. For additional information,
including pricing, please contact:
Included in the application fee for lunchtime
Presentation Theater Programs are 200
boxed lunches. The menu will be selected by
the Cardiovascular Research Foundation
and will be shared with the sponsoring
companies at a later date. Sponsoring
companies have the option to upgrade or
enhance the menu but will be responsible
for the upgraded/enhanced menu costs. If
ordering additional menu items, the
convention center requires that all menus be
ordered by September 18, 2015, and
finalized ten business days prior to the
Presentation Theater Program. For
additional information, including pricing,
please contact:
Robert Duncan
Exhibitor Sales & Marketing Manager
SAVOR . . . San Francisco at
The Moscone Center
Catering | Concessions | Special Events
Tel: 415-267-6427
Fax: 415-974-4074
Robert Duncan
Exhibitor Sales & Marketing Manager
SAVOR . . . San Francisco at
The Moscone Center
Catering | Concessions | Special Events
Tel: 415-267-6427
Fax: 415-974-4074
Sponsoring companies may host a cocktail
reception and/or dinner reception up to
30 minutes preceding an Evening Program
inside their assigned program space.
Arrangements for food and beverage
orders should be made directly with the
Hilton San Francisco Union Square. It is
strongly advised that food and beverage
be ordered by September 11, 2015.
To make catering arrangements,
please contact:
Irene Mak
Event Manager
Hilton San Francisco Union Square
Tel: 415-202-7765
Please be aware that food and beverage
for evening programs is not covered in
the application fee and will be billed to
you directly by the hotel.
Logistical Information
Housing arrangements may be made
through the official TCT Housing Bureau,
Convention Management Resources
(CMR), and can be made online when
registering for TCT. Sponsoring
companies with representatives who
are not registered for TCT but require
housing should contact Noelle Moss at or 415-979-2231.
Room Setup
Presentation Theater Program rooms are
set up with one head table, one podium,
and theater-style seating for approximately
200 attendees. This setup maximizes
attendance and may not be adjusted.
Presentation Theater Program rooms
cannot accommodate tables for product
displays or demonstrations. Due to security
issues, sponsoring companies may access
the Presentation Theater Program room 30
minutes prior to the start of the program.
Breakfast Meeting rooms are set up
with one head table, one podium, and
theater-style seating for approximately
100 attendees. This setup maximizes
attendance and may not be adjusted.
Breakfast Meeting rooms cannot
accommodate tables for product displays
or demonstrations. Due to security issues,
sponsoring companies will not have
access to Breakfast Meeting rooms until
6:00 am on the day of the meeting.
Room setup may be customized to meet
the needs of the Evening Program;
however, any food and beverage ordered
must be contained within the assigned
room (eg, reception and/or dinner). The
standard setup is typically composed of
half rounds. Sponsoring companies or
their organizing agency should work
directly with the Hilton San Francisco
Union Square in conjunction with PSAV to
confirm room setup. Sponsors may access
the room three hours prior to the start of
their program.
Please contact Irene Mak and
Drew Lanning by September 11, 2015,
to confirm your room setup.
Irene Mak
Event Manager
Hilton San Francisco Union Square
Tel: 415-202-7765
Drew Lanning
Senior Sales Manager
Tel: 415-403-2199
The sponsoring company or its organizing
agency is responsible for providing one
28” x 44” sign to be placed outside the
meeting room and one 22” x 28” sign to be
placed on the “Satellite Symposia Agenda
Wall” (see page 11 for details). Easels will be
provided by the Convention Center. Signs
for Breakfast Meetings and Presentation
Theater Programs placed elsewhere in the
convention center are prohibited (with the
exception of the commercial supporter’s
booth) and will be removed and discarded.
Signs do not require approval by the
Cardiovascular Research Foundation nor
does the TCT logo need to appear on the
sign. Directional signs to the Breakfast
Meeting and Presentation Theater Program
rooms are produced and placed by the
Cardiovascular Research Foundation
throughout the convention center.
The sponsoring company or its organizing
agency is responsible for providing one
28” x 44” sign to be placed outside the
meeting room (easels will be provided by
the hotel) and one 22” x 28” sign to be
placed on the “Satellite Symposia Agenda
Wall” (see page 11 for details). No other
promotional items are authorized to be
placed outside of the assigned Evening
Program room. CRF will provide directional
signage only.
CMR, the official TCT Registration Bureau,
will manage registration for all TCT satellite
programs. The registration process will
include pre-program and on-site
registration, and post-program reporting.
Registration for Satellite Programs
Advance Registration
Physicians and allied health professionals
will be prompted to register for satellite
programs when they register for
TCT 2015 in early August 2015. Industry
professionals will not be permitted to
pre-register for satellite programs.
Attendees registering online will be
directed to the complete satellite program
schedule and can register for programs of
interest with a simple mouse click.
Additionally, those attendees who have
already registered for the meeting will
receive email notifications from CMR with
a link to the online satellite program
registration page encouraging them to
register for satellite programs.
In early August 2015, the contact listed on
the sponsoring company’s application will
receive a link and login credentials to
CMR’s registration reporting portal. This
reporting portal will allow sponsors
on-demand access to the list of registered
attendees for their satellite program. The
sponsoring company will also receive this
list directly from CMR every Friday
starting in early August 2015. The reports
will include the following attendee
Mailing address
IMPORTANT: These weekly reports are
provided purely for informational purposes
only. No other uses are permitted. Per the
Cardiovascular Research Foundation’s policy,
these reports /lists cannot be gifted, sold,
traded, or otherwise shared with any other
company, entity or person. Names and contact
details may not be entered into a database or
distribution list for future uses.
On-site Registration
CMR will continue to collect registrations
for satellite programs on-site at TCT, at
the TCT Attendee Registration Desk, and
at self-registration kiosks located in the
convention center until the day of the
satellite program.
Lead-Retrieval Systems
Sponsoring companies are entitled to
lead-retrieval systems (number of systems
noted below) on-site to track satellite
program attendance. Satellite sponsors will
be responsible for the on-site operation of
lead-retrieval systems. The tracking
systems will require at least one person per
system to scan badges as registrants arrive
for the satellite program. Satellite sponsors
will be responsible for the cost of the
lead-retrieval system if lost or not returned.
The systems are battery operated and do
not require electricity.
reakfast Meeting sponsors will
receive two lead-retrieval systems
resentation Theater Program
sponsors will receive two
lead-retrieval systems
vening Program sponsors will receive
four lead-retrieval systems
Pickup and Drop-off
reakfast Meeting sponsors may
pick up the lead-retrieval systems (2)
at 6:00 am at the Lead-Retrieval Desk
at TCT Registration in the Moscone
South Lobby and are responsible for
dropping-off the systems at the same
location between 8:00 am-8:30 am.
resentation Theater Program
sponsors may pick up the
lead-retrieval systems (2) at 11:00 am
at the Lead-Retrieval Desk at TCT
Registration in the Moscone South
Lobby and are responsible for
dropping-off the systems at the
same location within one hour of
the end of their program.
• Evening Program sponsors may
pick up the lead-retrieval systems (4)
by 5:00 pm at the Lead-Retrieval Desk
at TCT Registration in the Moscone
South Lobby and are responsible for
dropping-off the lead-retrieval systems
at the same location by 8:30 am the
following morning.
Post-meeting Reporting
A complete list of satellite program
attendees collected from the lead-retrieval
systems will be provided to the sponsoring
company or organizing agency two
business days after the close of TCT via
email. Additionally, all sponsoring
companies or their organizing agency will
receive a comprehensive report seven
business days from the close of the meeting
via email. This report will contain a list of:
hose who pre-registered for the
satellite program and attended
• Those who pre-registered for the
satellite program but did not attend
• Those who registered for the
satellite program on-site
For additional information or to order
additional lead-retrieval machines,
please contact:
Brian Roy
Lead Retrieval Administrator
Convention Management Resources, Inc.
Tel: 415-979-2224
Promoting a Satellite Program
Promotion by CRF
Pre-meeting Promotion
E-blast – Website – TCT App
The Cardiovascular Research Foundation
promotes the satellite program schedule
through several methods prior to and
on-site at TCT.
Satellite Symposia Guide
The Cardiovascular Research Foundation
will also e-blast the satellite program
schedule to over 70,000 prospective and
confirmed attendees of TCT at least three
times prior to TCT. In addition, satellite
program schedule will be included online
at and listed in
the official TCT Events app.
While CRF makes every effort to
promote and encourage attendees
to attend your satellite program, CRF
cannot guarantee attendance. It is the
sponsoring company’s responsibility to
create awareness of its program at TCT
through pre-meeting mailings and on-site
promotions to draw attendees to their
satellite program.
The Satellite Symposia Guide is a
brochure that includes a complete listing
of all satellite programs and includes each
satellite program’s agenda (assuming
the agenda has been submitted to the
Cardiovascular Research Foundation and
has been approved), the invited faculty,
and the location of each of the satellite
programs. The Satellite Symposia Guide is
disseminated at the registration counters
on-site at TCT and distributed at the
satellite symposia kiosks and in the TCT
daily bags. Please see Promotion by the
Sponsoring Company for information
about additional advertising opportunities
in the Satellite Symposia Guide. Also
included in the Satellite Symposia Guide
is a registration mechanism instructing
attendees on how to register for satellite
programs (online and email).
Promoting a Satellite Program
Onsite Promotion
Satellite Symposia Wall
Satellite Symposia Kiosks
To enhance awareness of your satellite
program, we have created a Satellite
Symposia Wall. The wall will be located
in the convention center in the Moscone
Lower Level North-South Concourse,
outside Hall D, and you will be able to
add a 22” x 28” sign for each satellite
program the day before its occurrence.
Please note that each day’s signs will be
removed at the end of that day. Signs
should be created on poster board (or
another light substrate) and will be affixed
to the Satellite Symposia Wall with Velcro
by staff.
Brochures promoting satellite programs
may be placed at official satellite symposia
kiosks located in several strategic places
throughout the convention center. In
compliance with ACCME guidelines,
distributing industry-sponsored meeting
information in any other location in the
convention center is strictly prohibited
with the exception of in the sponsoring or
supporting company’s booth.
Sponsoring companies or their
organizing agency may send 500
brochures for distribution at the satellite
symposia kiosks beginning on September
8, 2015, for arrival on or before
October 1, 2015, to the address below.
All boxes must be labeled:
Freeman – Show Management Material
CRF Transcatheter
Cardiovascular Therapeutics
Hold for TCT 2015 – Satellite Symposia Kiosk
245 S. Spruce Ave., Suite 100
S. San Francisco, CA 94080
igns for the Symposia Wall may
be no larger than 22” x 28.” Any
size larger will NOT be placed,
as the structure won’t be able to
accommodate it.
lients not printing through the
official TCT Decorator, Freeman, or
not delivering in advance to Freeman,
will need to deliver their 22” x 28”
sign to the Information Booth located
in the Moscone South Lobby starting
on October 11th. The sign should be
labeled “For TCT 2015 Symposia Wall.”
Please note that signs will not be
immediately placed. Signs delivered
will be placed by the end of that day.
• If the sign is needed for your event,
you will be responsible for removing it
from the wall and placing it outside of
your program room. CRF will not be
responsible for this.
• Each morning and evening, the
Symposia Wall will be reviewed and
any past program signs will be
removed and thrown away.
We strongly encourage you to ship this
sign in advance to TCT to the address
below. Please note the shipping deadlines.
Advanced Shipping
For advanced shipping, signs must arrive
on or before October 1, 2015. All boxes
must be labeled:
Freeman – Show Management Material
CRF Transcatheter
Cardiovascular Therapeutics
Hold for TCT 2015 – Satellite Symposia Kiosk
245 S. Spruce Ave., Suite 100
S. San Francisco, CA 94080
Direct to Show Site
Freight will be accepted on or after
October 9, 2015. Shipments delivered
before this date will be refused and
retuned to sender. All boxes must
be labeled:
The Moscone Center
CRF Transcatheter
Cardiovascular Therapeutics
C/O Freeman
Show Management – Satellite Symposia Kiosk
The Moscone Center
747 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Please note that CRF will not provide
signs for the Satellite Symposia Wall.
Signs for the Satellite Symposia Wall
are the responsibility of the sponsoring
Promoting a Satellite Program
Promotion by the
Sponsoring Company
Although the Cardiovascular Research
Foundation promotes all scheduled
satellite programs, sponsoring companies
and their organizing agencies are strongly
encouraged to promote satellite programs
independently, as creating awareness
does have an impact on attendance.
There are a variety of ways
to accomplish this.
Satellite Symposia Guide
Sponsoring companies may advertise
in the Satellite Symposia Guide. The
cost of placing a four-color 8.5” x 11”
advertisement in the Satellite Symposia
Guide is as follows:
• $6,500 for one advertisement
• $10,000 for two advertisements
• $15,000 for three advertisements
Marketing Pieces
Promotional Approval
Marketing materials must include
registration details. Attendees may
register for satellite programs by visiting
the website:
Advertisements, brochures, flyers, and
postcards must be approved by the
Cardiovascular Research Foundation
before printing. Submissions must be sent
via email as PDF attachments with page
divisions clearly defined to Tara Donegan
at by August 28, 2015.
The TCT logo must be included on
marketing pieces promoting the
satellite program, except for signage.
Logos may be downloaded online:
The TCT logo may be anywhere on the
printed piece, but the phrase “A Breakfast
Meeting at”, “A Presentation Theater
Program at” or “An Evening Program at”
must be placed directly above the TCT
logo (see example below). The logo may
not be altered in any way.
Satellite sponsors may be promoted by
mailing a marketing piece to the TCT
pre-registration list. Included in the
application fee, the TCT pre-registered
list will be provided for one-time use.
The list will be sent four weeks prior to
the conference via email to sponsoring
companies or their organizing agency as
an Excel spreadsheet. The list includes
mailing addresses only for pre-registered
physicians and healthcare providers
(industry representatives are excluded)
and contains approximately 2,500-3,000
names (subject to change). The list is
seeded and companies who mail to the
list more than once will be billed
$3,500 for each use.
TriStar Publishing is the official daily bag
provider for TCT. This shared marketing
opportunity offers sponsoring companies
the opportunity to deliver brochures,
flyers, and invitations directly to the
attendees as they enter the convention
center. Promotional pieces must be
approved by the Cardiovascular Research
Foundation. Please contact Tristar
Publishing for additional information,
including quantities, pricing, and
shipping labels.
For more information, please contact:
Advertisements must be approved by the
Cardiovascular Research Foundation and
must be sent via email to Tara Donegan at by September 9, 2015.
Payments must be received prior to
this date.
TCT Pre-registration List
Daily Bag
Marketing materials should instruct
attendees wishing to register by email to
include their name, contact information,
and the program for which they are
registering. The mandatory information to
be included in order for your brochure to
be approved includes:
• Title of meeting
• Location
• Date
• Time
ME statement for meetings
supported through an educational
grant (if applicable)
• Faculty
• TCT logo (as described herein)
egistration details (as described
Nan Blunk, Brennah Tate, or
Darcey Tenbrink
TriStar Publishing, Inc.
7285 W. 132nd Street, Suite 300
Overland Park, KS 66213
Tel: 913-491-4200
Fax: 913-491-4202
Email: Nan Blunk,
Brennah Tate,
Darcey Tenbrink,
Promoting a Satellite Program
TCTMD offers many opportunities to
promote a satellite program. E-blasts
(electronic email messages) distributed to
members of the opt-in TCTMD database
reach over 40,000 subscribers. The cost
to distribute one e-blast is $18,000 during
peak dates. TCTMD is available to design
the e-blast for an additional $2,500.
Sponsoring companies will receive e-blast
metrics two weeks following the e-blast
Sponsoring companies may also host
an online version of a satellite program
on TCTMD for up to one year, extending
the life of the satellite program. This
year, TCTMD is pleased to offer two
opportunities to extend a satellite
program far beyond TCT 2015:
Option 1: Within the “TCT 2015 Slide
Presentation” section of TCTMD, there will
be a Satellite Program tab. This tab will take
you to a listing of satellite programs by day.
The page for each day will list that day’s
satellite programs with links to individual
pages on which the presentations will be
posted. The presentations will be listed in a
table. On this page, each presentation title
will launch a webcast of the presentation
slides with synchronized audio that
progresses without user intervention.
Cost: $12,500
Option 2: CRF will design and develop
a webcast console within TCTMD’s
multimedia section under “Educational
Webcasts” or “CME Programs”
(depending on CME accreditation). A
webcast program will be developed that
starts with a program-specific landing
page designed with the program’s themes
and will provide information about the
topics being discussed as well as the
presenters participating. Links will be
placed in a table along with profile photos
and affiliations for each presenter. These
links will launch the presentation slides
with synchronized audio that progresses
without user intervention.
Cost: Starting at $25,000
Both options include the recording and
synchronizing of all slide presentations
that are part of the satellite program and
hosting for six months (longer terms
available). Should you wish for your
satellite program to be CME accredited
by CRF or another accrediting agency
(Option 2 only), TCTMD can also host
pre-test, post-test, and evaluation
forms for CME-accredited programs
(additional fees apply). TCTMD will
promote the enduring materials through
advertisements in an edition of the
TCTMD weekly electronic newsletter and
also distribute a stand-alone email on a
mutually agreed upon date during the
life of the program.
For more information about TCTMD,
please contact:
Joshua D. Hartman
Cardiovascular Research Foundation
Executive Director, Center for Education
Tel: 646-434-4604
Fax: 646-434-4462
Enduring Material Options
from MedReviews
eview Article: A 6- to 8-page
printed article summarizing your
satellite program written by a key
opinion leader or faculty member
from your satellite program. The
review article will be published in
Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine
and distributed to all 26,000 US
cardiologists. It will be archived
online at PubMed and Index Medicus
and available for download at
Cost: $70,000
• Journal Supplement: A 36- to
48-page printed supplement that
is poly-bagged with Reviews in
Cardiovascular Medicine and mailed
to all 26,000 US cardiologists. The
publication will be archived online
at PubMed and Index Medicus
and available for download at The
supplement will open with an
introduction from the chairperson
and consist of articles that summarize
each presentation given at the
satellite program.
Cost: $130,000
• Monograph: An 8-page printed
booklet that is poly-bagged with
Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine
and mailed to all 26,000 US
cardiologists. The monograph will
contain a summary of the satellite
program with key corresponding
thumbnails (slides), as developed by
your presenting faculty. Slides will
also be accessible for download at
Cost: $70,000
For more information about MedReviews,
please contact:
Jeff Arnold
Vice President, Marketing
MedReviews, LLC
Tel: 860-430-1086
Promoting a Satellite Program
Official TCT Publications
Extend your educational reach at TCT when you advertise in official TCT publications.
TCT Daily
Cardiology Today’s Intervention
TCT Daily is distributed on-site each
morning during the conference.
Advertising in TCT Daily allows your
satellite program to stand out and get
noticed. After your satellite program,
change your ad to a corporate or
product ad to make the most of
your TCT exhibition.
Extend your educational reach with
enduring materials provided by
Cardiology Today’s Intervention.
Deadlines for TCT Daily
Ad close: August 19, 2015
Materials due: September 9, 2015
Satellite program sponsors can take
advantage of a special rate to advertise
their event in the September-October
issue of Cardiology Today’s Intervention.
Produced in association with CRF,
advertising in Cardiology Today’s
Intervention allows your satellite program
=to reach 20,000+ cardiovascular
professionals with a proven interest in
interventional procedures by mail and every
TCT 2015 attendee through distribution in
bins throughout the convention center for
a total reach of 23,000+.
Opening Issue of TCT Daily
Distributed on-site Monday, this special
opening issue will let you reach TCT
attendees prior to the start of exhibits.
This special rate is only available
to advertisers promoting their satellite
programs at TCT 2015 and may not be
applied to premium positions.
TCT Daily Opening Issue Pricing
(One issue, four-color included)
Full or half page: $3,744.25 net
Cardiology Today’s Intervention Pricing
(Four-color included)
Full page: $4,150 net
Half page: $3,150 net
TCT Daily Pricing
(Three issues, four-color included)
Full page: $9,775.00 net
Half page: $7,862.50 net
Deadlines for TCT Daily
Opening Issue
Ad close: August 19, 2015
Materials due: September 9, 2015
Sponsored Supplements
and Monographs
A 16-page write-up of your satellite
program will be created based on
transcripts, slides, and faculty interviews.
This supplement will be distributed with
a selected issue of Cardiology Today’s
Intervention to 20,000+ cardiovascular
professionals with a proven interest in
interventional procedures.
Please Call for Pricing
The sponsor will also receive 1,000
overruns of the supplement for corporate
use. For more information about TCT Daily,
Cardiology Today’s Intervention, or
sponsored supplements and monographs,
please contact:
Kathy Huntley
Senior Account Manager
Tel: 856-848-1000 ext 249
Deadlines for
Cardiology Today’s Intervention
Ad close: August 3, 2015
Materials due: August 19, 2015
Important Deadlines
August 3, 2015
Program agendas due. Submit via the TCT satellite program agenda
August 28, 2015
Promotional pieces must be submitted for approval to
Tara Donegan at
September 9, 2015
Advertisements must be submitted to the Cardiovascular Research
Foundation for the Satellite Symposia Guide; payment must be received.
September 11, 2015
Deadline to place catering order with the Hilton San Francisco Union
Square for Evening Programs.
September 11, 2015
Deadline to order A/V with PSAV for Evening Programs. Deadline to order
any Evening Program session recordings with Ovation.
September 11, 2015
Deadline to order additional catering with SAVOR for Breakfast Programs
and Presentation Theater Programs.
October 1, 2015
Shipping deadline for brochures to be included in satellite symposia kiosks.