Message from the Commodore Events Schedule


Message from the Commodore Events Schedule
November 2011
Message from the Commodore
As I write my last Semaphore article during
my year as Commodore I am reflecting back
upon this year and all of the things that we
accomplished at Bayview. It has been a great
experience working with all of the people on the
various committees and also our staff. Without the
dedication and hard work that all of these people
put in we couldn’t have accomplished so much.
Please let these people know how much they are
appreciated. Here are some of the projects and
accomplishments that this group made this year.
Replacing the docks, replacing all of the outdoor
lighting, refurbishing the men’s room, building
a new trophy case, refurbishing the club boats,
creating a new website, refurbishing the triangle
storage area, improving the restaurant food and
service, creating a Safety Committee and holding
a Safety at Sea Seminar, creating “The Bayview
Experience” and signing up new members,
selling out all of the Adult Sailing sessions,
shooting more rounds of trap than ever, running
another successful Junior Sailing program,
taking the D-Cup to new levels of competition,
and holding one of the most successful Mackinac
Races in recent memory. Once again thank you
all for your tireless work that enables Bayview
Yacht Club to be one of the most successful clubs
in the country.
Congratulations go out to all of the Bayview
boats that competed in the Chicago Yacht Club’s
Race to Mackinac. Our club won the Yacht Club
Challenge by having the best collective finishes of
all the yacht clubs that raced in the event.
My congratulations also go out to our two
members Dawn Riley and Commodore Bruce
Burton who were recently elected to the US
Sailing Board of Directors. Thank you to all of
the Bayview members of US Sailing who voted in
Bruce and Dawn I’m sure that they will do a great
job on the Board.
Bayview Yacht Club has also become a
founding member of the US Sailing Hall of
Fame. The club has fronted our donation which
will be matched by Bill Koch. I wish to thank
the Bayview members who are stepping up to
reimburse the club for its donation. If you
would like to be a part of this group of generous
supporters please contact Mark Steffke who will
make the arrangements for your donation to this
great cause.
On November 3rd the crew of the yacht
Sorcery was invited down to Joe Louis Arena to
the Redwings game where they were presented
the Sports Broadcasters Award for the top finish
amongst the Detroit sports team boats in this
year’s Mackinac Race. A great time was had
by all in a private suite provided by the Sports
Broadcasters. Many thanks go out to this group
for their support in this great addition to our
race. Another wonderful event brought to us by
one of our Mackinac Race sponsors happened
at Bayview this month. A dinner with wine
pairing, or in this case champagne, was hosted
by our sponsor Veuve Clicquot. Chef Brian outdid
himself once again with a meal to end all meals.
Each course was complimented with a different
flavor of champagne. A wonderful time was had
by all and a raffle of Veuve Clicquot gear and
champagne capped off the night.
Don’t forget to vote for your favorite
candidates in the upcoming election. The
candidates did a wonderful job in the Candidates
Forum Night at the club. The Annual Meeting and
Election is December 7th when I will be handing
over the wheel to Commodore Henderson. It
has been a very enjoyable year for me being the
Commodore of your club. It was also an honor to
serve you. I will miss being so involved in the club
as I have been for the past five years. I hope to see
you all there for the Annual Meeting. Remember
what I always say, “It’s your club. Use it.”
Commodore John C. Burke
Events Schedule
3Children’s Christmas Party
4 Turkey Shoot
7 Annual Meeting And Election
17 Beginners Trap Shoot Clinic
18 Turkey Shoot
18 Family Christmas Dinner
21 Board of Governor’s Meeting
24 Christmas Eve-open til 2:30pm
25 Christmas Day-Club Closed
31 New Year’s Eve LobsterFest
1New Year’s Day Pot Luck & Turkey Shoot
15 Turkey Shoot
29 Turkey Shoot
12 Turkey Shoot
11 Lobsterfest
24 Bayview Cruise
16 St. Patrick’s Day Party
8 Easter Sunday
Ladies Fashion Show
2012 Fitting Out Party
Bayview Experience Party
Mother’s Day
Memorial Day BBQ
Bayview One Design Regatta
Letter from the Editor
You Gotta Try This
If you have not attended one of Bayview’s
Wine Pairing Dinners you have to give it a
try. I have been to several and they are all
very good. Last week Veuve Clicquot was the
featured champagne and not only did I learn
a lot I was incredibly well fed! For starters, I
always thought of Champagne as something you
drink during the cocktail hour, or heaven forbid
put in orange juice. Chef Brian and the folks
from Clicquot showed me how wrong that was.
I didn’t know that Clicquot made a Rosé and a
Demi Sec desert champagne, but they do.
The first course was a nice serving of
Pâté de Foie Gras and lobster claw served with
Clicquot Yellow Label champagne. Yellow
label is the usual champagne you find in most
wine stores. This wonderful drink has a nice
clear, clean slightly acidic taste that really
compliments the rich Pâté. Ok, that was sort
of like a hors d’oeuvres, so that was sort of
expected. I was really surprised when the Rosé
started to flow. Chef Brian paired this wonderful
champagne with both a beef dish and a duck
dish. I was really impressed with how well
the wine complemented these dishes. I have
taken some wine classes at the War Memorial
in Grosse Pointe before and learned that wine
can enhance, even alter, the taste of food when
properly paired and I found this again at dinner.
The Champagne really provided an excellent
enhancement to the meal. Desert was a special
Chef Brian dreamed up that included ice cream
and a Cream of Wheat pancake (sorry Chef for
slaughtering the description) served with the
Veuve Demi Sec. This champagne is sweeter
than the others, with a higher sugar content. Its
sweetness compliments the desert and actually
takes some of the sweetness away making
what would seem to be too much sugar into
something much lighter.
This event was really great because Chef
Brian stepped out of the usual menu and really
impressed us with his ability. You could tell
he was enjoying not making corned beef and
cabbage again because he was really animated
when describing each dish. The desert featured
the Cream of Wheat cake I described earlier
and it was fun because it was a childhood dish
his father used to prepare in the morning. Chef
Brian turned it into desert and it was Fabulous.
Before each course he would tell the audience
what the food was, how it was prepared and why
he thought the wine and food complimented
each other. Richard from Clicquot told us how
the champagne was made, what grapes were in
it and a little history of the company. It was all
very enjoyable.
Events like these highlight some of the best
non-sailing things we do at Bayview. Barb and
I had a wonderful time with our friends, had a
great meal, maybe a little tipsy when we left and
we will be back for the next one. The result
was a fatter waistline, and a thinner wallet from
buying some wine which we will be serving for
dinner at Thanksgiving.
Free Oysters in the bar
every first Tuesday of the month
Come have Tony shuck some for you!
For Semaphore Publication:
Treasurer’s Report
September marks the end of our fiscal year. Overall the Club had a very good financial year. We fell
short of our budget expectations in some areas, but we exceeded them in others. Most notably, we
exceeded our expectations for new members and initiation fee revenue. Obviously, this is what will
contribute most to the long-term financial health of the Club.
Total operating revenue of the Club (which excludes the Regatta Fund, Building Improvement Fund, and
Control Committee Fund) was down 9% from the prior year and 11% under budget for the month of
September 2011. Total operating expenses were up 12% from the prior year and 3% more than the
budget for the month. The net operating loss for September was $45k compared with the prior year net
operating income of $10k and budgeted net operating loss of $7k.
The net operating loss for the twelve months ended September 30, 2011 was $81k compared with a
budgeted net operating loss of $39k and the prior year net operating loss after twelve months of $59k.
Net income for the twelve months ended September 30, 2011 (inclusive of all funds) was $156k,
compared with budgeted net income of $150k and the prior year’s net income through September 30 of
At the end of September 2011, the Club’s operating cash totaled $305k compared with $165k at the same
time last year. The Club’s total cash inclusive of all funds was approximately $1.0 million; up $127k from
the prior year. A more comprehensive financial report will be available and presented at the annual
S meeting
Paudit is complete.
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For Semap
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Michael Schrage, Treasurer
s Repo
s Repo
Attention Trap Shooters!
It’s that time of year to come down and make some noise at the club.
We had a fantastic turn out last year with over 1700 rounds shot and look
forward to seeing a great turn out this year. The shells and birds have been
ordered and the trap house is ready and will be in place at the end of the
month. The season will begin on December 3rd weather permitting with a
turkey shoot on the 4th.
This season brings six turkey shoots, doubles and team competition. We
will be holding a “Beginners Trap Shooting Clinic on December 17 at 11:00
a.m. for new shooters who would like to learn the proper procedure for
shooting trap at BYC.
Everyone needs to do their part so I need shooters to sign up for Range
Officer to make this work. If you have never done it, we can teach you, it’s
not that hard.
If you would like to be included in the trap group e-mail let me know at
Look forward to seeing you at the club.
at Your Club we seat 2-152.
Have Chef Brian create a memorable
experience for you and your guests!
Contact Kerrie at or
586 772 8200 / 313 343 5300
NO CASH VALUE • Some restrictions apply - ask for details • Expires 7-31-2011
Service Hours: 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM Monday thru Friday
Monday & Thursday – 8:30am until 9:00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday – 8:30am until 6:00pm
Keith Ziegler
Trap Chairman
Trap Turkey Shoots ~
December 4 and 18
January 1, 15 and 29
February 12
Trap Doubles ~
To be posted soon
Dear Fellow Members:
The holidays are a special time in all of our lives when we are able to enjoy celebrating good
times with our families and friends. I would like to think that Bayview Yacht Club plays an
integral part in making those celebrations lasting memories for all of us. The people that work
hard to allow us to enjoy ourselves year round at Bayview are our employees. They are part
of our extended family at Bayview who spend their holidays and weekends working so that
we may enjoy ourselves. One of the main reasons the club is so much fun is because these
people make us feel so comfortable and at home when we are there. I have visited many clubs
this year as Commodore and I still think that Bayview has the friendliest atmosphere of them
all. This is due in large part because of our staff. They constantly go out of their way to
make us all happy. Please join me in showing your appreciation to all of our employees by
donating once again to the Employee Holiday Fund. This is your opportunity to give a little
back to the people that have done a fabulous job this year making our club a great place to visit. Just fill out the enclosed form and include it with the payment of your monthly statement.
I would like to thank you for your generosity in providing this holiday gift to our employees. I
know it means a lot to them.
Best Wishes and Happy Holidays,
Commodore John C. Burke
What’s Happening at the View!
New Year’s Day
Christmas Party
Pot Luck and Trap Shoot
Oysters Annual Meeting
Turkey Shoot
in the bar
and Election
Bar Opens at 4:00pm Bar Opens at 4:00pm
Beginners Trap
Shooting Clinic
11:00am for
New Trapshooters
Bar Opens at 4:00pm Bar Opens at 4:00pm
21 22 23
Turkey Shoot
Christmas Eve
Lunch till 2:30pm
Bar Closes at 6:00pm
Board Meeting
Family Christmas
Dinner 4:30pm
Bar Opens at 4:00pm Bar Opens at 4:00pm
25 262728293031
31Club Closed
NYE LobsterFest
Bar Opens at 4:00pm Bar Opens at 4:00pm
Bayview Yacht Club
100 Clairpointe, Detroit, MI 48215
Club Boat Program
Junior Sailing
Mackinac Race
Babysitting Available
Restaurant Hours–
Monday & Tuesday.......... Closed
Wednesday - Thursday
Lunch......... 11:30am-2:00pm
Dinner........... 5:30pm-8:30pm
Lunch......... 11:30am-2:00pm
Dinner......... 5:30pm-10:00pm
Bar Hours–
Monday & Tuesday
4:00pm - Close
Wednesday - Saturday
11:30am - Close
Noon - Close