The E Employ e yee New ewws for r April il 2008 8
The E Employ e yee New ewws for r April il 2008 8
500 Court C Street ~ Martinez, M CA 94553 9 You ur comments and suggestions are welco ome. e-Mail the Communiccations and Community C Re elations Office at info@4cd The Employee Neewws for April 2008 Budget Forums Begin April 14 You are invitted to atten Y nd an upcom ming budge et forum hossted by Chancellor He elen Benjam min and Finance e and Admin nistration sttaff. These forum ms have bee en planned to provide an update on the Disttrict’s current budget and a to o review the e 2008-09 budget b outlo ook and impact of the state’s fisccal problems on the D District. The need for enrollment growth g and the importa ance of stud dent retentiion will also o be discussed. DATE M Monday, Ap pril 14 T Thursday, A April 17 T Thursday, A April 17 W Wednesday y, April 23 M Monday, Ap pril 28 M Monday, Ap pril 28 LOC CATION Brentwoo od Center District Office O DVC CCC LMC San Ram mon Campus TIME 11:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. LOC CATION Roo om 12 Board Room BFL L Communitty Room HS-101 Libra ary Commu unity Room, L109 W-2 204 Tenured Faculty Honored An achievem A ment of tenu ure receptio on honoring g newly tenured facultyy for the 20 008-09 accademic ye ear was held prior to th he March 26, 2008, Go overning Bo oard meetin ng. The ho onorees are e: Joseph DeTorres, Business (CCC); ( Pam mela Hawk kins, Manag gement (DV VC); C Colin McDo owell, Nursiing (LMC) and a Randy y Watkins, Computer C I Information n Systems (C CCC). The honoree es in attend dance were in ntroduced by b their colle ege preside ent w shared a few perso who onal comments and congratu ulations. In addition to o the G Governing B Board and administrato a ors, th he festive occasion dre ew wellw wishers from m among the faculty’s co olleagues, family, f and friends. d Pamela “I’m lovin’ it,”” exclaimed H Hawkins whe en asked about a her fo our ye ears in the classroom after 14 ye ears workin ng in manag gement at Extend ding warm cong ngratulations to o Pamela and Colin C (forefront)) were presid dents (left to rig ght) McKinley Williams W (CCC), ), Judy Walterss (DVC) and Peter Pe Garcia (LM MC) Governing g Board VP She heila Grilli (in red ed) and Memb ber Dr. Anthonyy Gordon (far le eft). DVC. Hawkins remarke D ed, “Being with w students is like be eing plugge ed into the fountain f of yo outh.” Prior to beco P oming a pro ofessor at LMC, L Colin danced pro ofessionallyy in London n and New Y York for 20 years. y It is well-known w that he will break out in a dance e in the classsroom if he e se ees his stud dents’ eyes s becoming “glazed ovver,” noted President Peter P Garcia. Be sure to co ongratulate e our new te enured facu ulty membe ers! CCC Power Outage Sparks $5,000 Sponsors hip sh By Michele Jackson, Outreach B O C Coordinato or Something good g came out of a po ower outage e at CCC on n March 14 4. I refused to cancel a m meeting with h KBLX so we w met at the t Ground Round Restaurant up p the street. As a result of th his meeting, CCC secu ured a $5,0 000 sponsorrship from KBLX K for th he Culinary Food & Wine evvent on April 27. including 30/60 KBLX is giving the colle K ege many options o for the t FREE advertising, a 3 secon nd co ommercialss, a news in nterview (with Niki on the t morning g show), a one-hour o in nterview on the P Public Affairss Show (to air on Sunday mornin ngs), ticket give-away g c campaign, and Website sttream. KBL LX, 102.9 FM, is known n as The Qu uiet Storm. KBLX has a tremendou K us “Food & Wine” listening audien nce and I trrust that CC CC’s pa artnership with w KBLX has only just begun! First District Information Security Officer on Board A Adam Jacobs (pictured d in the serrver room) brings a co ouple of imp portant cred dentials to his h new role as the Disttrict’s first in nformation emic degree es security officer. He has acade uter science e from both h Harvard in compu (B.A.) an nd Stanford d Universityy (M.A.). He e is also a Certified Info ormation Syystems Security Profession nal (CISSP)), a d by the Inte ernational certificattion granted Informattion System ms Security Certificatio on Consortium. oming on bo oard in Novvember 200 07, Since co Jacobs has h been working w out of the Distrrict Office with the Distrrict’s compu uter networrk staff, and d reports to o Associate Vice Chancellor/Chief In nformation Officer O Mojd deh Mehdiza adeh. The position p wass created after a 2006 in ndependen nt audit requ uested by Mehdiza adeh. “Theirr No. 1 reco ommendatio on to us wa as to hire a full-time f po osition as an n information securityy officer,” Mehdizadeh M says. “A lot of important measures were already in place,” notes Jacobs, who collaborates with all three District campuses. He says it is a growing trend for organizations the size of the District to have a dedicated individual who is strictly devoted to information security, bringing coherence to everyone’s efforts. Jacobs is primarily addressing four areas: • Developing security policies and procedures • Implementing enhanced information security • Being available to respond to events • Letting everyone know what good practices are The need for security has arisen as work increasingly involves information technology, points out Mehdizadeh. Information security can be integrated into planning at the earliest stages. “As we implement new technologies, Adam is in the mix and looking at it from a security standpoint,” she says. For instance, he is assessing the demand and capacity for using network resources. “…not sharing accounts and passwords are a huge step to keep the campuses secure.” -- Adam Jacobs Besides technical work carried out behind the scenes, Jacobs adds individual actions that also contribute to information security. “Putting on a screensaver with a password when you walk away, even just for a second, and not sharing accounts and passwords are a huge step to keep the campuses secure,” Jacobs says. “A lot of it is cultural—individuals getting in the habit of locking screens when they walk away, and co-workers giving them a hard time if they don’t. People understand the importance, just like locking your house or car. It’s a matter of turning understanding into action.” District Governance Council Represents Constituent Groups The District Governance Council (DGC) is comprised of constituency representatives from faculty, management, classified, students and other key District personnel. The purpose of DGC is to provide a forum for strengthening the participation of representative groups to meet, discuss and debate issues of Districtwide concern while acknowledging the autonomy of the individual colleges and respecting the role that training, education, and experience play in individual influence and participation. DGC also influences Districtwide policies and procedures by making well-informed decisions and forwarding them as recommendations to the Chancellor and/or Governing Board in accordance with operational procedures. Meetings are held monthly from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the District Office located at 500 Court Street in Martinez. The meetings are open to the public. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 22, 2008. Contact the DGC Chairperson Amy Rutherford at District Receives $287,374.28 PG&E Rebate Pacific Gas and P a Electric c (PG&E) Company C offficials Tom m Guarino, Governmen G nt Relationss re epresentativve, and Jerrry Long, acccount execcutive, were e on hand at a the Marcch 26, 2008, G Governing B Board meetiing to prese ent the first rebate che eck to the District. D The check fo or $287,374 4.28 repressents energy efficiencyy rebates ass noted below: C Contra Cossta College Lig ghting and Plug P Load $65,502 2.15 D Diablo Valle ey College Lig ghting and Plug P Load Retrofits R $125,339 9.10 D District Officce HV VAC, Lightin ng, and Plu ug Load Rettrofits $52.251 1.68 L Medanos College Los Lig ghting, and Plug Load $44,281 1.35 Re eceiving the PG&E P rebate check are (left to right) Chan ncellor Helen Benjamin, B d member Jo Ann Cookma an, Chief Board Faciliities Planner Ray Pyle, Board Vice Presiident Sheila Grilli, G PG&E Account A Repre esentative Je erry Leong, PG G&E Gove ernment Relattions Represe entative Tom Guarino, Boa ard Member Dr. D Antho ony T. Gordon, and Board Student Member Pamela Hampton. H The rebate is used in co ombination with Measure A fundss to implem ment the ene ergy efficiency measures. Guarin no in nformed the e Governing g Board tha at voters levverage bond d resourcess through partnerships p s su uch as the one in whic ch the Distrrict and PG& &E are eng gaged. The District’ss Chief Fac cilities Plann ner Ray Py yle noted th hat the Distrrict’s volunttary articipation in PG&E’s s energy effficiency stra ategies will bring addittional rebate es over time pa and meet the e District’s goal to reduce energyy consumption and its correspond ding impactt on he environm ment. th The District expects e to receive reb bates for itss solar parking canopie es projects in the nearr uture. It wass also noted d that the District D will routinely r pa articipate in the applica ation process fu fo or PG&E rebate consid deration. C Classified d Employe ees Inforrmed An attentive group of ov A ver 80 classified employees participated p d in a recent “Chancellor’s C Chat.” Emplo oyees gathered to hea ar comments frrom key adm ministrators s and mana agers on top pics off importancce, including g budget, computer c se ecurity, enrrollment, em mergency preparednes p ss, D Datatel, and ethics. Chancellor Helen C H Benja amin reportted a Districct enrollment growth projection p in n 2007-08 of o 2.8%, after years y of dec cline. “Our focus need ds to be on recruiting and a retainin ng students, sa aid Benjam min. We all share s in the e responsib bility to provvide our stud dents with an ou utstanding experience e in and outt of the classsroom and d to encoura age prospective stude ents to o come to college c to atttain their educational e goals. Associate Viice Chance A ellor/Chief In nformation Officer Mojjdeh Mehdiizadeh announced a D Datatel training program m for Collea ague has been develo oped and is in review by b the C Chancellor’s s Cabinet. The T training g program in ncludes the e establishm ment of Pro ocess Experrt Teams, imprroved proce esses throu ugh use of technology, t , opportunitties to sharre best prractices and to becom me more invvolved in the e state-wide e Datatel users group (3CDUG). District Emergency Serrvices Coorrdinator Ted D ddy Tersteg gge updated d employee es on D Districtwide emergency y preparedn ness activitiies, includin ng the purcchase of an emergencyy ge enerator for each colle ege, an emergency tra ailer for the District Police Departtment (with pllans to purcchase addittional trailers for each campus), and a the recceipt of nearly $10,000 0. in grrant funds for f public education materials. m In n an effort to o increase the awaren ness and prreparednesss abilities of o our Distriict, Officer Terstegge ha as developed a one-hour block of o emergenccy procedures training g for employees. To date, this training has h been provided to over o 100 ne ew-hires. Additional A ortunities fo or in-service e of Districtt employeess are being g developed d and will be e trraining oppo m made available later thiis year. With the imp W plementation of the Disstrict's Com mmunity Em mergency Response Te eam (CERT T) P Program, ap pproximately y 70 emplo oyees have completed the basic 24-hour 2 cou urse of trraining. The e CERT pro ogram is nationally reccognized an nd well-supp ported at lo ocal, regional, and state levvels. It prov vides comm munity members with basic b skills that t allow th hem to safe ely es of emerg gency or dissaster. Alth hough CERT groups have been trrained and are asssist in time be eing organiized at Los Medanos College C and d Diablo Va alley Colleg ge, new classses will be e offfered soon n at Contra Costa Colle ege and oth her District locations. New Employees Join the District as noted in The District’ss welcome mat is out for f the follo owing new employees e n the March h 20 008 Govern ning Board agenda. CLASSIFIED Location Name Ti t l e C CCC Willia am Bell P Police Services Officerr D District Officce John Brooks S Senior Computer and Network N Sp pecialist D DVC Jane Kincaid E Evening Pro ogram Moniitor David d Martinez P Police Services Officerr Jennifer Milton S Senior Admissions/Reccords Assisstant L LMC Javon n Sanders P Police Services Officerr Robin n Scheier P PBX Operattor-Receptio onist Jamilla Stewart P PBX Operattor-Receptio onist MANAGEMEN NT Location Name Ti t l e D District Officce Brian n Adair D Director of Facilities F Su upport Kudos to Chancellor Benjamin Chancellor Helen C H Benja amin was re ecently hon nored as on ne of the Ea ast Bay Bussiness Time es 20 008 Women of Distinc ction. The award a recog gnizes local women who are makking a difference in their comm munity. udy Jacobss, East Bay Business Times T asso ociate editor, wrote in a recent column, Ju “H Honorees are a proof tha at women are a continuing to make e remarkab ble achievem ments and in nroads in arreas that we ere not too long ago off o limits to them. t And they’re t also o very involved in n their comm munities, vo olunteering their time to t serve on nonprofit boards, b lead ding orrganizations, getting in nvolved in their t childre en’s activitie es and men ntoring othe er women at a th heir own companies an nd through professional associations.” g are respo onses to several questtions Helen n was asked d as part off the The following omination process. p Th hey are reprinted here to better acquaint you u with Helen. The full no arrticle appea ars in the February 29, 2008, issu ue of the “E East Bay Bu usiness Tim mes.” Person you would most like to o meet and d why: At th his momentt, that perrson is Fannie Lou Ha amer, civil riights activisst and truly a woman of courage e. She place ed her own n life at the risk for the cause of o freedom. Favorite e activities outside of work: w Spen nding time with w my friends,, reading re eally good books, b watcching great movies, scrapbo ooking and walking! F First job: A babysitter at the age of o 14. Helen sharing a light-hearted d m moment in the Chanccellor’s Offfice. Proudest acccomplishm P ment: I have e no a accomplishm ment of whiich I am mo ost proud. I do, however, loo ok forward to the day when w my cu urrent piano o lessons result in my being able e to play a piece p of classical musiic without errror. That will w be a pro oud momen nt! Community involvemen C nt/volunteerr activities: I currently serve on th he John Mu uir Physicia ans N Network boa ard, the Con ntra Costa Council, an nd the Yose emite National Institute es board off directors, am mong others s. I serve att the nation nal level on the board of o the American A Association of Commun nity College es and as a mentor forr those who o aspire to the t commu unity co ollege presidency. C Congratulati ons, Helen! Governing Board Meeting Set for April The Governiing Board is s scheduled d to meet according a to o the follow wing schedu ule on W Wednesday, , April 30, 2008, 2 in the e Library at Los Medan nos College e, 2700 Easst Leland R Road, Pittsb burg pen Session n: 4:30 p.m m. Op Board agend das, attachm ments, and d minutes arre available e at the follo owing link: htttp://www.4 ard/agenda.asp. LMC Foundation Welcomes Governing Board As part of the upcoming A g Governing Board me eeting and study session, the LM MC Foundattion w host a welcoming re will eception for the Goverrning Board d members in the Art Gallery G be eginning att 6:00 p.m. This event is one wayy the Goverrning Board d and colleg ge foundatio on m members ca an work together to build strongerr relationships. Similarr events will be co onducted at a DVC and CCC when n the Goverrning Board d holds their meeting at a those ca ampuses la ater this yea ar. Doug Roberts Ass umes New Post su Moving on to M o Santa Rosa Junior College C afte er 14 years at CCCCD D, Associate e Vice C Chancellor o Finance and of a Adminiistration Do oug Robertss was hono ored at a farrewell re eception he eld on Marc ch 27, 2008. The recep ption was attended by colleaguess from the co olleges and d District Offfice, who th hanked Dou ug for his stewardship s p of the Disttrict’s budge et, frriendship, and a sense of o humor. Snapshots frrom Doug’s s farewell show him in a reflective e moment (top ( photo) as he lookss hrough a me emory book k presented d to Doug by b his staff. In the botto om photo, Doug D creates th la aughter with h his comed dy routine im mpersonatiing W. C. Fields. F W wish you We u well, Doug g! Governing Board Regular Meeting of March 26, 2008 The Contra Costa Community College District (CCCCD) Governing Board met in the George R. Gordon Education Center on March 26, 2008. The regular meeting began with a closed session at 4:30 p.m., followed by open session at 6:00 p.m. Highlights of the meeting are: Welcome for Newly Tenured District Faculty The Governing Board welcomed the following newly tenured faculty at a reception held in the District Office lobby: Joseph DeTorres, Contra Costa College Pamela Hawkins, Diablo Valley College Colin McDowell, Los Medanos College Randy Watkins, Contra Costa College PG&E Delivers Initial Rebate Check of $287,374.28 PG&E’s Tom Guarino and Jerry Leong presented the Governing Board with a $287,374.28 rebate check for energy efficiency improvements completed so far. A total of almost $7.5 million in rebates will be given back to the District and returned to the Measure A Bond fund that can be used for additional infrastructure improvements. CCC Educational/Facilities Master Plan Report CCC president McKinley Williams presented his college’s educational and facilities master plans. Governing Board Welcomes New Measure A Bond Oversight Committee Member The Governing Board approved Ed Balico to replace Maria Alegria, representing foundation interests at Contra Costa College. Diablo Valley College’s 3/14/08, Special Report to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) DVC president Dr. Judy Walters presented the DVC response to the nine recommendations offered by the July 2007 ACCJC Special Visiting Team regarding the unauthorized changing of grades at the college. The team will return to the college on April 4, 2008, to validate the report. Support for Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi’s Assembly Bill 1754 – Community Colleges: Grade Changing Policy The Governing Board reviewed and agreed to write a letter of support for this statewide draft legislation that calls for the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to distribute a model policy on grade changing to each community college district in California. New Agreements Approved The Governing Board approved a number of agreements including the following: • A DVC renewal agreement to provide bilingual Algebra and Geometry courses to the Mt. Diablo Unified School District; • A new CCC Memorandum of Understanding to serve as a partner in the Contra Costa County Zero Tolerance Access and Visitation Program; and • A new LMC agreement with Holy Names University to provide clinical experiences for their Master of Science, Nursing Program students. Upon approval at the next regular meeting, complete Governing Board minutes for this meeting will be posted at: THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING/STUDY SESSION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD WILL BE HELD ON APRIL 30, 2008, AT 4:30 P.M. AT LOS MEDANOS COLLEGE LIBRARY, 2700 E. LELAND ROAD, PITTSBURG, CALIFORNIA