The Cactus Bloom


The Cactus Bloom
The Cactus Bloom
Arizona Questers
fun to search and a joy to find.”
Fall 2012
Greetings From Your President
Dear Quester Members,
I am happy to be your state president! I represented all 28 chapters and 461 members
from Arizona at the 62nd International Questers convention in Baltimore, MD with pride.
You will be delighted to know that the AZ delegation was greeted with words of praise
and delight for the fabulous International convention that we hosted in 2010. Thanks to
many of you and our outstanding chairman, Ginger Williams, for our success!
Speaking of International conventions, you really haven’t fully experienced Qs until
President Essie Mae
you attend one. I urge you to start planning now and adding to your ‘piggy bank’ so you
can join me at the next convention. Check the Quester Quarterly for details. Hey, the tours are great, but
meeting and networking with Qs from across the US and Canada is a real highlight. There are 12,598 of us in
48 states and 2 Canadian provinces.
At the Council Meeting at convention, each state and province president and organizers gave a report of
their year’s activities. I can testify that AZ is right up there with the ‘best’ of ‘em! You all should be proud!
Here are a few excerpts from my report:
* “AZ has a state newsletter and website. All the chapters have received approval from International for
their updated Bylaws. AZ Qs are very busy and involved in grants for P&R projects.
* We hold 2 state board meetings and 2 state meetings each year. We have successful ‘Opportunity
Drawings’ at the state meetings to raise funds for state grants that support P&R projects. Some years, we
hold a Friendship Luncheon and sometimes it is an Antique Exhibit—all with a goal to reach new members
* Chapter Presidents & Treasurers receive training each January. State board members and committee
chairs attend to meet and share about their duties. Treasurers received extra emphasis this past year.
A special recognition and congratulations goes out to 3 of our AZ chapters for hard-won grants: Sonoran
Searchers #1444 received $5500 from International to restore the Ice House at the Arcadia Ranch Museum in
Oracle, AZ. State grants went to Yucca #0826, $2800, for cases to display artifacts of Del Webb History in the
Sun Cities Historical Museum in Sun City and to Four Peaks #1207, $544, display cabinets in the River of
Time Museum in Fountain Hills. Your fellow Qs want to say ‘thank you all’ for the hard work and follow thru
with the true meaning of what Qs are all about: preservation and restoration.
Welcome to our 3 new state officers: Donna Booth, Judy O’Donnell and Gene Serbus. And, we bid a
super big THANK YOU to departing officer for a job well done: May Baker, Doris Palmer and Arlene Bright.
I have saved a delightful surprise for you . At the Annual Fall Council Meeting, November 16, 2012, our
International President will be our special guest. Not only is she knowledgeable and capable, but she is FUN!
Come to this meeting and help AZ Qs welcome Jeanne Stokebrand from Arkansas.
On a personal side: After many years of being a widow, I married Victor Charles Thomas March 16, 2012.
Note my new address (page 2 inside).
Congratulations to our President on her marriage!
Essie Mae Allbritton-Thomas, AZ Qs President
You are a lucky man, Victor Charles Thomas.
State Officers
President - Essie Mae Allbritton-Thomas
Yucca #0826
15041 W. Yosemite Dr, Sun City West, AZ 85375
623-933-9338, cell 623-810-3222
Essie is also Preservation & Restoration Chair
First Vice President - Betty Hartnett
State Organizer
Desert Sage#1287
3030 E. Ocotilla Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85028
cell 602-317-4438
Second Vice President - Donna Booth
Cholla Y Saguaro Chapter #5037
17039 N. Del Webb Blvd., Sun City, AZ 85373
Recording Secretary - Judy O'Donnell
Ho Ho Kams Chapter #0622
33144 N. 72nd Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85266
Corresponding Secretary - Pat Rinebarger
Four Peaks #1207
16324 East Carmel Drive, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Treasurer - Gene Serbus
Lulu Belle #1124.
1111 W. Latham Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007
Immediate Past President - Victoria Clark, resigned
Parliamentarian - Lois Newton
Ho Ho Kams #0622
8420 E. San Candido Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 852582402 480-991-3933
Editor reserves the right to edit all copy. Due to limited
space, we regret that occasionally submissions must be
shortened. To submit info and photos for future editions,
contact Janeen Trevillyan.
For problems receiving via either email or US Postal
Service, contact Arlene Bright, Circulation Chair.
PHOTOS are only as good as are sent in. We
apologize if some are fuzzy or low quality. Set your
digital camera on Hi-Res.
Use a good flash.
Disposables=no no! We want to see your lovely faces!
Committee Chairpersons
Finance (Ways & Means) - Ginger Williams
Ho Ho Kams #0622
2059 E. Flint Street, Chandler, AZ 85225
480-507-9068, cell 602-329-1472
Historian - Carolyn Click
Yucca #0826
10232 Gulf Hills Dr., Sun City AZ 85351
Newsletter Editor - Janeen Trevillyan
Sedona #1337
115 Schnebly Hill Rd., Sedona, AZ 86336
Newsletter Circulation - Arlene Bright
Granite Mountain #1250
35 Wildwood Drive, Prescott AZ 86305
Credentials - Phyllis Gass
Hayden’s Ferry #1245
6201 W. Shannon Street, Chandler, AZ 85226
Webmaster - Beth Niebuhr
Prescott Pines #1345
6700 Setting Bear Trail, Prescott, AZ 86305
928-858- 6700
Communications Chair - Doris Palmer
Phoenix Firebird #0629
10317 West Andover Avenue, Sun City, AZ 85351
How to log onto Questers websites:
Choose: Member Login
User name & Password: Heritage
Choose: Member Login
Login: Arizona
These are ALL
case sensitive so
remember to
capitalize words.
Password: Quester1
The Cactus Bloom is the newsletter of the Arizona State
Questers Organization, published in the fall and spring.
International & State
The Cactus Bloom
State Winners!
All chapters submitting a
‘Yearbook’ were recognized.
1st-Phoenix Firebird #0629—–>>
2nd-Verde Valley #1467
3rd-Palatki #1406
Left to right back row: Dorothy Campbell, Sharon Bradley,
Pat Rinebarger, Linda Starr, Toni Clark, and Susie Harris
Left to right front row: Toni Underwood, Doris Palmer, Betty
Harnett, Beth Niebuhr, Jeanne Fernandez, and Essie Mae.
40 years
Cholla Y Saguaro #0537->
International Convention in Baltimore!
18 AZ Qs attended the 62nd International
Convention in Baltimore, MD in May. Some brought
guests from other states with them.
AZ state president, Essie Mae Allbritton-Thomas
reported on AZ activities at the annual council. Doris
Palmer, AZ recording secy, was appointed to the
2012-2013 Internat. Nominating Committee. Beth
Niebuhr, Internat. Website Editor, made her report.
Grant Guidelines were reviewed and revised. The
Board voted to reinstate 501(c)3 properties as eligible
for International grants. 2013-2014 grant documents
will be posted on the Questers website soon.
21 grants were awarded for P & R projects, total:
$99,594. Congratulations! Sonoran Searchers
#1444, Tucson who received $5,500 for their project.
Members enjoyed tours of including Babe Ruth’s
birthplace; historic mansions, gardens, museums,
churches and America’s first cathedral; Edgar Allen
Poe’s grave; Civil War Antietam Battlefield and the
U.S. Naval Academy, the site of a battle that inspired
Francis Scott Key to pen the Star Spangled Banner.
The Bess Barden seminars featured, “Creativity of
The Shakers Community”, “The Civil War in MD”,
“Milk Glass” and “The Tussie Mussie Custom”.
Attendees were entertained with music & lectures.
An award-winning actress portrayed Rosalie Calvert,
aka the Mistress of Riversdale (a National Historic
Landmark mansion & Maryland Qs P&R project).
Another program was a lecture on the defense of our
nation and events surrounding the War of 1812.
AZ Questers!...start making your plans now to
attend next year in Arkansas, and enjoy wonderful
experiences, learn something new, and make new
friends from around the US and Canada.
40 years
<—Ocotillo #0582
25 years
Lulu Belle #1124—>
20 years
<—Four Peaks #1207
20 years
Desert Sage #1287—>
10 years
<— Palatki #1406
& Catalina
Timewalkers #1389
New Business at International Comes
from YOU - the Members!
The International Executive Board will meet in
mid-January. If you or your chapter have concerns or
items of business that you would like placed on the
agenda or if someone in your chapter wants to be
nominated for an office, please forward them directly
to Essie Mai Allbritton-Thomas, or President Jeanne
State News
Spring Meeting, April 13, 2012
The annual Spring Meeting was held at Briarwood
Country Club in Sun City West on April 13, 2012.
President, Essie Mae Allbritton-Thomas, presided.
Treasurer, Arlene Bright, gave a financial report,
for November 1, 2011 through March 31, 2012.
(Members can review this report on AZ Qs website).
State executive board and standing committee
chairs gave their reports, including Elfriede Zawicki,
Nominating Comm, State officers elected:
2nd VP–Donna Booth, Cholla Y Saguaro, #5037
Rcrd’g Secy–Judy O’Donnell, Ho-Ho-Kams #0622
Treasurer – Carolyn Click, Yucca #0826
Carolyn Click resigned & Gene Serbus, Lulu Belle
#1124 was appointed and ratified by the state board.
Beth Niebuhr, AZ webmaster, urged members to
go to our state website,, regularly.
Essie reported the State Friendship Luncheon, was
self-supporting but only 53 people attended. Thank
you to Pink Pony Chapter #1273 for hosting.
Arlene Bright presented the proposed state budget
for June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013.
A State Antique Exhibit will be held in February.
Lois Newton read the AZ State P & R Guidelines
regarding what items will/will not be considered for
grant funding. (similar to International’s guidelines)
1st VP Betty Hartnett encouraged chapters to grow
with suggestions on how to get new members.
Deadline for chapter dues is May 1.
Arlene Bright was appointed Cactus Bloom
Circulation Chair. She urged everyone to request
receipt of the Cactus Bloom via email & reminded
everyone to read the Questers Quarterly on the
International website.
Dottie Campbell, Four Peaks #1207, installed two
of the new state officers: Gene Serbus, treasurer, and
Judy O’Donnell, recording secretary. Donna Booth,
2nd vice president, was absent.
May Baker, 2nd VP, presented Yearbook awards.
Carolyn Click presented chapter anniversary awards.
Essie Mae Allbritton-Thomas announced State
P&R Grant winners and presented checks.
May Baker thanked the host chapters: Thumb
Butte #1284/programs, Verde Valley #1467/name
tags and Prescott Pines #1345/table decorations.
May then introduced the program: “The Civil
The Cactus Bloom
War Journey of John Christian
Kohls.” Dressed as a Civil
War Union soldier, Dr. John
Kohl, portrayed his greatgrandfather and told the story
of an ordinary soldier. Dr. Joye
Kohl, member Yucca #0826,
helped the audience to further
understand the soldier’s
participation and life in the war
through an A-V presentation.
Ways & Means Chair,
Ginger Williams, hosted the
Dr.s John & Joye Kohl
“Opportunity Drawings” for
15 baskets, money trees & antiques. $1,093.00 was
raised for State P&R. Thanks to: Four Peaks,
Yucca, Desert Sage, Granite Mountain, Lost
Dutchman, Ocotillo, Phoenix Firebird, Verde Valley,
Estrella, Palatki, Ho Ho Kams, Sedona, & Peridot.
NEW: Communications Chair
The state president has named Doris Palmer
to the new position of Communications
Chair. This Chair will be liaison between chapters &
our AZ Qs webmaster.
Chapters should send their notices of upcoming Qs
events to Doris. She will edit, clarify, and ready info
for posting on the state website. She will also check
the state website to keep it fresh and accurate; inform
chapters when something has been posted; and
encourage use of the website. Overall this Chair will
be responsible for website content and our
Webmaster will deal with the technical side. Let
Doris know how the website can do more for AZ Qs!
BTW: AZ Qs’ website is a great place to find a Qs
forms. The State Directory will NOT be listed at this
time to insure member privacy.
State P&R fund Donations
Gambel's Quail #1009: $83.80 + $132 +
$500 to the Railroad Museum
Rio Salado: $275.13, memory of Nancy Perry
Pleasures N Pastimes #1286: $50
Thimble Peak # 1270: $50.00
Sonoran Searchers #1444: $200.00
Desert Sage #1287: $25.00, memory of Joyce Endres
Sedona #1337: $200.00
Peridot #1175: $50.00
State & Chapter News
Essie Mae Allbritton-Thomas announced the State
P & R Grant awards at the Spring meeting:
Four Peaks #1207
for display
cabinets in the
River of Time
Museum Fountain
Hills, $544.20.
Yucca #0826,
display cabinets
at Del Webb
Museum, Sun
City, $2,800.00.
AZ Q Featured in Magazine
Congrats to Sandi Oppenheim, Lysiloma #0782,
who appeared in the May 2012 issue of Phoenix
Home & Garden magazine. "Collectible Teapots"
featured history, highlights & tips about collecting
teapots. Look for this article & see why Sandi was
singled out as ’the’ expert she is!
Essie says: If you haven’t already, read the last Quester
Quarterly - there is a lot of interesting info in there!
AZ P&R Grant Deadline: October 28, 2012
Applications from chapters for a State P&R Grant
Send to Essie Mae Allbritton-Thomas
15041 W. Yosemite Dr., Sun City West, AZ 85375
AZ State Antique Exhibit
Feb 15, 2013, 10 am to 3 pm
Theme: “Heart of Questers”
Fountain Hills Community Center
Free Admission. Open to the Public!
All Questers chapters are encouraged to display a
table of their best antiques.
Help attract new Questers!
Select a theme for your display(s). Let Pat
Rinebarger know your theme. Sales not permitted.
Contact: Pat Rinebarger, 480-837-6678
The Cactus Bloom
Ho Ho Kams #0622 (Scottsdale)
The HoHoKams’ last session of the 2011/2012
year was a tribute to Arizona’s 100th anniversary.
They toured the Scottsdale Historical Museum where
Q’s loans were on display: squaw dress & shoes/
Sandi Dimitro, 2 flags/Norma Hand, & an extensive
thimble collection of copper, silver, and sandstone
thimbles fashioned by local artisans. Next was a tour
of the Cavalliere Blacksmith Shop. Last was a short
history of the Old Adobe Mission. The morning
concluded with lunch at the Sugar Bowl in an historic
building in downtown Scottsdale. There we had a
lively discussion planning next year’s programs.
Prescott Pines #1345 (Prescott)
Prescott Pines is selling raffle tickets for a
beautiful junior sized quilt made by member & donor
Alice Obrenovich’s grandmother, Artie Phillips Bean
in Buckhannon, WV in the 1930’s. It is a double
wedding ring pattern hand pieced and hand
quilted. All proceeds
will benefit Sharlot Hall
Museum in Prescott.
Info: Patricia 928-778-1586
Drawing on 11/2/12.
Pink Pony #1273 (Scottsdale)
Pink Pony had a sad Spring when death claimed 3
of our members (names/pg 8). They were wonderful,
participating members always willing to take on
projects and present programs. We will miss them.
This Fall we have 2 prospective members coming
and would welcome more new members. Programs
will include paper dolls and an overnight trip to
Prescott. At the AZ Qs Antique Show we’ll have an
Oriental display of some very unusual items. As you
can see, despite our losses, we are going strong
AZ Qs Newsletter
The Cactus Bloom is now available on the AZ Qs
website. But we still print and distribute copies to all
members. Cost: $800-$900/year. The State Board
will have a "trial run" offering selected members a
chance to "opt-in" to an email that will have a direct
link to the Cactus Bloom. After a successful trial, all
members will be able to opt-in for email notice &
online access, if desired. Watch for details.
Chapter News
The Cactus Bloom
Four Peaks #1207 (Fountain Hills)
Sonoran Searchers #1444 (Tucson)
With membership down
to 11, our big push for
the coming year will be
to interest others to join
us. Monthly articles
appear in our newspaper
and we are hosting the
AZ State Qs Antique
L to R: Dottie Campbell, Stephanie Exhibit, Feb 2013.
Shangraw, Claire Cartmell, Pat Recent programs were:
Rinebarger, Beverlee Schutte,
“Swing Time Music,”
(seated) Kathy Buchanan.
“Meadowbrook Hall,”
“Volkswagens,” & American sculptor John Rogers
(1829-1904) who produced very popular, relatively
inexpensive figurines in the late 1800s. Our annual
box lunch raised P & R funds. In May we had a
delightful lunch & an afternoon of antiquing. Two
members attended the International Quester
Convention. We’re looking forward to our new year
of “Questing.”
The Sonoran Searchers were awarded a P&R grant
for $5,500.00 from Questers International for the
restoration of the Acadia Ranch Ice House located in
Oracle, AZ. The ice house is located on the Acadia
Ranch grounds and part of the Acadia Museum.
On June 13, 2012 Essie May Allbritton, AZ Qs
Prez, presented a check to Chuck Sternberg, Prez of
the Oracle Historical Society & Monica Sanchez,
Prez of the Acadia Museum. Sonoran Searchers on
hand were Nancy Hysong, Myrna Kutchera, Chris
Shephard, and
many other
& Museum
Lulu Belle #1124 (Scottsdale/Mesa)
Lulu Belle has had many interesting programs this
year. Member Jane
Kelley shared her
extensive collection
of Coca-Cola items.
Refreshments were
made from recipes
from a Coke cookbook & had Coke in
the ingredients!
Thimble Peak
#1270 (Prescott)
We celebrated AZ’s
100th birthday on Feb
13th with a trip to the
Tubac Historical
Museum. We joined a
school group also visiting. We highly recommend a
visit to this museum by other Qs.
In April member Nancy Kelly’s presented “Quilts
Old & New”. She showed us quilts she designed &
made, plus very old quilts from both sides of her
family. She is the granddaughter of Questers founder,
Jessie Elizabeth Bardens.
Tuzigoot #0603 (Sedona)
Tuzigoot Qs took a field trip to the stable of Annie
Savage, an accomplished horsewoman. Horsehair
and its use in weaving and the decorative arts finished
our interesting foray into the world of dressage. In
May, member Bee Keebler detailed her family
history research with good ideas to reach our own
goals in recording family history.
Verde Valley #1467 (Camp Verde & Sedona)
Our chapter was joined by 4 javelina at our Feb.
meeting. They must have heard the program was
about Chocolate!
In March,
April & May we opened our P&R
project, the historic Hance
House, in Camp Verde to the
public during the town’s “4th
Friday” events.
Yucca #0826 (the Sun Cities)
Yucca members met for lunch at Palmbrook CC
for our last meeting of the year in May. Essie Mae
Allbritton-Thomas, AZ State Prez & Yucca member,
was recently married so we surprised her with a gift
of a silver picture frame. White cupcakes served on a
milk glass cake
stand were our
special dessert!
Congrats to Essie
Mae from her
Qs friends!
Chapter News
The Cactus Bloom
San Tans, #1279 (Mesa)
Peridot #1175 (Sun Lakes)
Phyllis Spencer brought
her Aunt Jeannette’s hat
collection, presenting hat
styles by decade from WWII
thru today. She ended with
the hat & accessories she
wore herself as her ‘going
Sally Zaremba, President &
away’ set on her wedding
speaker Phyllis Spencer
day! What fun we all had!
Desert Sage #1287 (East of Metro Phx)
Desert Sage and Phoenix Firebird rented a van and
driver to visit Aqua Linda Farm in Amado near
Tubac in April. Owner Regina Loew gave us a tour of
the house and grounds. It was furnished with antique
European and Mexican furniture. 30 of us were
served a lovely lunch. As a special treat Shaw
Kinsley from the Tubac
Historical Society related history
of the Tubac area. We learned so
much about our state. On our
way home we did a little
shopping in Tubac!
Q Gail Dale with Regina Loew
Cholla Y Suguaro #0537 Sun City)
In February, Cholla Y Suguaro invited 5 women
interested in joining to an Awards Tea at the Sun City
Museum. After a tour, we presented Tom Cannon of
Museum in Phoenix
with a check for
$350 for P&R work
to their historic
San Tans welcomed several new
members from the disbanded Superstition
Seekers. The newly re-vitalized chapter
honored the Superstition Mountain
Museum in
Junction with a
Gift that will
restore an
antique well
Sedona #1337 (Sedona)
In April, Mary Beth Groseta told of her
participation in the Arizona Quilt Project - a 6-year
effort to document pre-1940 quilts in AZ. The
project resulted in quilt exhibits, a book titled Grand
Endeavors, a video
titled Arizona Quilts:
Pieces of Time, &
lesson plans for 4th, 5th
& 6th grades called
‘Quilt Ed’. She also
brought along part of her
extensive quilt collection.
Lysiloma #0782 (the Sun Cities)
In spring Barbara Dienes of the Phoenix Chapter of
the Freedoms Foundation at Valley
Forge appeared as Sharlot Hall;
Doris Palmer, AZ Qs recording
secretary celebrated Black History
Month with the history of blacks in
Arizona from the earliest days
- even before statehood.
Phoenix Firebird #0629 (W. Phx)
In observance of AZ's Centennial, our programs
were: "The African American Experience in AZ" by
member, Doris Palmer, with recipe booklets and a
meal of Soul Food; Norm Hemphill, an AZ native,
husband of member, Pat Hemphill on "Stories of My
AZ Boyhood"; "Phoenix Historic Cemeteries" by
Frank Barrios of the Pioneer Cemetery Assoc.;
member, Karen Coakley, on "Japanese Relocation
Camps in AZ". 2 of the 10 federal camps were in AZ.
Members & Chapters
Welcome New Questers:
Desert Sage #1287
Joan DeJong
Palatki # 1409
Lucille Redman
Yucca # 0826
Jane Johnson
Prescott Pines #1345
June Vance
Phoenix Firebird Chapter #0629
Carole Vendrick/was a member of Rio Salada
Donna Wisnoski
Millie DeJong
Verde Valley #1467
Glenna Carline
Pat Reuse
April AZ State Board
at Geo. Washington Carver
Museum & Cultural Center.
L to R/back: Pat Rinebarger,
Betty Hartnett, Arlene
Bright, Carolyn Click
L to R/front: Doris Palmer,
Essie Mae AllbrittonThomas, Lois Newton
This Place Matters! AZ Qs
Some members had not previously visited ’this
place’, so they took a tour as part of the spring State
Board meeting. Built in 1926 as AZ's first black high
school, it was purchased by past graduates and friends
of the school in 1996. It is a Phoenix Historic Site.
Phoenix Firebird #0629 and Desert Sage #1287 have
adopted the Center as their P&R project.
Opportunity Drawing Reminder
ITEM for the Fall Council Meeting! The money raised
helps continue the work of preserving AZ’s history.
Chapters & individuals can donate any item: gift
baskets, antiques, collectables, or money trees.
It has been suggested to have 1-2 auction items at
the Fall and Spring meetings. Would you support it?
Do you have something auction worthy?
questions? Please contact me: Chair Ginger Williams
480-507-9068 or
The Cactus Bloom
Calendar of Events
October 28, 2012
Deadline for P&R grant applications to State
November 5, 2012
Deadline - rsvp for Fall Council Meeting
November 5, 2012
AZ State Board Meeting
By Invitation
November 16, 2012
Fall Council Meeting
Palmbrook Country Club, Sun City
December 15, 2012
Deadline for Spring Issue Cactus Bloom
January 21, 2013
AZ Chapter Presidents & Treasurers
Coffee/Training, by invitation
14465 R. H. Johnson Blvd., Sun City West
February 15, 2013
State Antique Exhibit, 10:00 am-3:00 pm
Fountain Hills Community Center
13001 N. La Montana Dr.
April 12, 2013
Spring Convention
In Memoriam
Kokopelli # 1308 disbanded
Superstition Seekers #1249 disbanded
Janet Bale, Four Peaks #1207
Louinda Benson,Patti Rosichan, Phyllis Noone
of Pink Pony #1273
Pamela Balassa and Helen Parry of
Granite Mountain #1250
2013 Founder’s Award Topic
"Healing Springs of Arkansas”