Measures to Control Temperature Cracks in tbe Roof Walls of
Measures to Control Temperature Cracks in tbe Roof Walls of
11th INTERNA TIONAL BRlCKlBLOCK MASONRY CONFERENCE TONGJI UNIVERSITY, SHANGHAI, CHINA, 14 - 16 OCTOBER 1997 MEASURES TO C.oNTROL TEMPERATURECRACKS INTlIE R.o.oF WAJr:.LS OF c.oNeRETE SMALL-SIZED H.oLLOW MAS.oNRY UNIT Haibo Zhou 1 ABSTRACT This paper is based on the investigation of the temperature cracks in the roof walls of residential buildings constructed of concrete small-sized hollow masonry units in Shanghai area. We analyze the reasons why these cracks occur. Standing by the principIe of the combination of resisting and releasing the temperature cracks, the measures and the construction details are put forward to control the temperature cracks in the roof masonry walls. INTRODUCTION In recent years, the concrete small-sized hollow masonry unit (shortened as masonry below) has been widely used in Shanghai area as a kind ofnew load-bearing wall material to save soil and energy resources. By means of the improvement in design, science research, masonry products and construction,many of these masonry buildings perform well and the cracks in these masonry buildings have been controlled gradually. Keywords: Concrete Small-sized HollQ9Masonry Unit; "Resistance"; "Release" Temperature Cracks; Assistant Civil Engineer Of Shanghai Zhongfang Architectural Design Institute, 234 Meng Hua Street ,Shanghai 20001O,China 1 758 Section 1:Main types and analysis of temperature cracks Main Types OfTemperature Cracks According to the crack investigation and our return visits to those buildings constructed of masonry units, the main types of the temperature cracks in the roof walls are shown as below. (1)4So diagonal crack These cracks mainly occur at the end of interior and exterior longitudinal roof walls and the end ofthe transverse roofwalls, as shown in Fig. l-I (a) (b) (c). )1óD DO ODrroU: TIU D D O OD D TID (a)4So diagonal crack at the end ofexterior longitudinal roofwalls ~ ~ , "- / /I V (c)4So diagonal crack at the end of transverse roof walls (b)4So diagonal crack at the end of interior longitudinal roof walls Fig. l-I (2)Horizontal crack These cracks mainly occur between the bottom of the roof slabs and the roofbond beams, or between the bottom of the roof bond beams and the masonry walls. As shown in Fig. 1-2(a)(b). roo i lab . ~:. "-~ " bond M.W. M.W. M.w.---masonry wall (b) (a) Fig. 1-2 Analysis OfTemperature Cracks The difference in temperature mainly leads to these cracks. In shanghai area ,especially in the summer, The roof slabs absorb a large amount of heat in the sunlight. The highest 759 temperature in the surface of the roof will amount to about 60° C, but 40° C indoors. Because of the difference in temperature between the roof slabs and the masonry walls , also between indoors and outdoors, the temperature deformation of the roof slabs (~s) will be greater than that of the masonry walls( ~w),but the deformation of the roof slabs were restrained by the masonry walls below, shown in Fig.1-3(a). So shear forces between the roofslabs and the masonry walls come into being, as shown in Fig.1-3(b). roof slob roof sl ob 6. / 1= =z= = --- ~~ -~~;;; -- M.W. M.W. (a) (b) Fig.1-3 When the shear stress is greater than the shear strength of the bed mortar : (1 )If the roof slabs are precast, the horizontal crack will occur between the roof slabs and the roofbond beams, as shown in figure 1-2(a). (2)If the roof slabs are cast-in-place reinforced concrete, and cast monolithically with the roof bond beams. The horizontal crack will occur between the bottom of the roof bond beams and the masonry walls, as shown in figure 1-2(b). When the shear strength of the bed mortar is high enough, the roof slab,the roof bond beam and the masonry wall will work as one unit, the internal forces of masonry walls can be analyzed as following: if a small square element is isolated from the masonry wall, the horizontal shear stresses('t) on it, equal and opposite on the two faces for reasons of equilibrium,as shown in Fig. 1-4 T' j D tI --'- T' p''''''' 6'i1llG1' (a). Howeve< ,;fthe.e w...e lhe ooly """"'" lhe element would not be in equilibrium; it would spin. T' fT' Therefore ,on the two vertical faces there should exist equilibrating vertical shear stresses (T' ) of the sarne 6 ~ 6' Fig.1-4(a) I magnitude shown in Fig. 1-4 (a).That is, at any point in the IFig.1-4(b) I .I . wall, the vertical shear stresses( i )are equal in magnitude to the horizontal shear stresses('t).These shear stresses combined in such a manner that their effect is shown in Fig.l-4(b).That is ,the action of the two pairs of shear stresses on the vertical and horizontal faces is the sarne as that of two pairs of normal stresses, one tension and one compression,acting on 45° faces .When the principal tensile stress is greater than the tensile strength ofthe masonry wall,the 45° diagonal cracks will occur in the wall. Section 2: Standing by the principie of the combination of resisting and releasing the temperature cracks, the measures and construction details are put forward to control the temperature cracks in the roof masonry wall. The construction details of heat insulation used in shanghai area are obviously to reduce 760 the difference in temperature between the roof slabs and the masonry walls. (1) Both the elevated heat preservation layer and the insulation layer should be layed on the roof slabs, and the ventilate ridge should be placed too. The color of elevated slabs should be light, so as to increase heat reflection. (2)The roof expansion joints should be used at a certain interval in the roof slab joints, filled with flexible materials such as asphaIt mortar, caulked with water-proof ointment on these joints, then enhance the joints with water-proof materiais. However, these construction details of heat insulation shown above can't eliminate the difference in temperature between the roof slabs and the masonry walls. The temperature stresses still remain. Utilize the principIe of the combination of resisting and releasing the temperature cracks: the bed mortar of the roof slab should be low grade or asphalt felts should be layed on the roof bond beams, so as to allow tiny free slide on the top of the roof bond beam, to release part of the temperature deformation, and to decrease the temperature stresses in the masonry walls. Thus it canachieve the "release" of the roof slab to the temperature deformation. Meanwhile ,the mortar in the masonry walls should be high grade, and the construction operation should be standard, to ensure that mortar joints are full . The holes of masonry units where the cracks occur shown in Fig. l-I should be filled with low grade concrete, reinforced ifnecessary. The steel meshes should be placed at a certain intervaI in vertical direction in the roof masonry walls. These measures can improve the horizontal and vertical shear strength of the roof masonry walls and achieve the "resistance" of the masonry walls against the temperature stresses. In construction details' design, the anti-seismic( 6° or 7° earthquake resistance intensity in shanghai area),the leak prevention of a building and construction feasibility should be considered . The Measures OfRoofSlabs Standing by the principIe of the "release" of the roof slabs to the temperature deformation,the design method and construction process should be improved. (l)The cast-in-place reinforced concrete slabs should be designed to be simply supported to the roofbond beams. (2)The bed mortar should be low grade compo mortar(Ml.O) or asphalt felt should be layed on the top of the bond beam. (3)In order to disperse the temperature deformation of the roof and to increase energy consumption, part of the slab joints above the masonry walls should be roof expansion joints. (4)In order to prevent the roof slabs from falling down in earthquake, the tie bars should be placed between the roof slabs and the roof bond beams. Meanwhile ,in order to allow tiny free slide of the roof slabs, the joint should be elastic. (5)Construction process: After finishing construction of the roof masonry walls. First, make the roof bond beams ,and embed the joint bars between the roof slabs and the roof bond beams in the roof bond beams. Then, make the bed mortar of the precast slabs, and place the precast slabs. Or lay asphalt felts on the roof bond bearns, and make the cast-in-place concrete 761 slabs. And then grout the joints of the precast slabs . Finally make the heat insulation layer on the roof slabs. (6)Roof expansion joints I, Location: Above ali edge bond beams ,the distance of roof expansion joints should not exceed 6m in the two principal directions. 11, In order to ensure that the expansion joints can deform freely, when casting concrete or constructing the roof ,the hardness such as concrete,construction garbage should be prevented from falling into the expansion joints. (7)The construction details of the roof slabs placed on and jointed to the bond beams are shown in Fig.2-1 (a)(b)and Fig.2-2(a)(b): qJ8 0ne bar each 'oinl &<=1000 rool expansio ',oinl roo! bond eam roa! M.W. ~\:) M1.0 > "O D compO~Jr r=l rool bond beam morlar lie bar rool M.W. (a)The roofprecast slab to the edge bond beam D M1.0 compo morlar fie bar > ~\:).r' ~O r=l 51 C»«:' I i i (b) The roof precast slab to the middle bond beam Fig. 2-1 qJ8<=1000 roof ex ansia jainl rool bond beam roa! M.W. D r:l $8 <=1000 .J; aSha~I~\:) (? lelt ~ roof bond beam rool M.W. tie bar D ~\:) ~ r:l N, M lie bar li) i I i (b) The roof cast-in-place slab to the middle bond beam (a)The roof cast-in-place slab to the edge bond beam Fig.2-2 The Measures OfMasonry Wall Standing by the principie ofthe "resistance" ofthe roofmasonry walls to the temperature stresses, the measures to improve the horizontal and vertical shear strength of the roof masonry walls are shown as follow. (I)The mc:-!ar in the roof masonry walls should be high grade (not less than M7.5 ) .The construction operation should be standard,and the mortar joints should be full. (2)Aimed at the location ofthe temperature cracks in the roofmasonry walls: I, at the end of the interior and exterior rooflongitudinal walls, 762 11.. at the end of the roof transverse roof walls, low grade concrete (ClS-C20) should be used to fi11 the hollow of the rnasonry unit, reinforced if necessaI)'. Because of staggered-joint boIid ('f" the masonry walls, the concrete fi1led in the hole acts as a bolt, thus it can improve the shear strength of the masonry wall. (3) The (l/l4 ) steel meshes should be placed at a certain interval (400mm) in vertical direction in the roof masonry walls, so as to improve the shear strength of the roof masonry walls. 2000(1600) fi lled wilh co ncrele, reinforced. oof olovalion 01 w Idin sI I mosh ~I ex terior tra nsvers wali o o ... N floo elevalion o <D (2») SIGNAL PLAN OF CRACK RESISTANCE QETAILS OF ROOF WALLS The similar construction details Sho'.'ln above were used in some constructing buildings. The temperature cracks of these buildings wi11 be carefully investigated after construction. The principie of the combination of resisting and releasing the temperature cracks should be utilized proper1y. Based on the investigation of the temperature cracks, we can improve the construction details, so ás to reduce or avoid the temperature cracks in the roof masonry walls.Thus the concrete sma11-sized hollow masonry unit wil1 be applied furtherly. ACKNOWLEOOMENTS This paper is exarnined by Zhang Guanfu Vice President & ChiefEngineer Of Shanghai Zhongfang Architectural Design Institute Liu Yongfeng Vice President, Senior Engineer Of Shanghai Zhongfang architectural Design Institute Taking Charge OfScience & Technology . 763