Zappa Studios


Zappa Studios
Zappa Studios
Coaching & Management for Stage & Screen
1. PAID ACTOR - $125.00 per day - LOCAL TV PILOT - Child/Teen Male
2. Zappa Studios is NOW casting singers and musicians to perform live at local venues and events.
See Casting on Website for more info or email for more info.
Zappa Studios is proud to have been working with some of the finest talent in the tri-state over the past 5
years who are rising stars in the community as well as current and future artists in the professional
entertainment industry blessing audiences and the world with their talents.
Please note: This letter does not include all of Zappa Studios students and talent, but instead highlights those with
specific casting or gigs that occurred over the past 2 months. See past newsletters, upcoming postings and more to
come for a history of Zappa Studios Students and Talent Success.
COLLEGE AUDITIONS & Acceptance into top Conservatories studying Acting/Voice/Music Theater
Scolarships & Awards
- Allie Cousineau, Gianna Wolf, Sarah Goldrainer
Performing in EQUITY paying professional production in Virginia “Smoke on the Mountain” Jen Malone
BROADWAY - Students & Talent selected for Auditions & Call backs for current show being CAST
ITUNES Sale of first CD & Music Video - listened & Watched Internationally - Gianna Wolf
CINCINNATIʼS GOT TALENT Redsfest Finalists - To perform at the Reds - A Side of Taylors family
AMERICAN IDOL Contestant Eben Franckewitz on International TV - the online/radio/tv buz is Eben is a “hit”
CD - Demo produced by local recording studio invited Sarina Jones after hearing her sing & play piano “born this
way” at recital in Kentucky
Over 30 CAST in various musicals, plays, films, etc. - Some students/Talent cast in their first lead role/solo/line
TV PILOT - 15 talent/students and alumni cast in local TV pilot with award winning writer. Zappa Studios CASTING.
Hubbs, Kaitlin Lory
WELCOME NEW TALENT & STUDENTS: Amy Hubbs, Maggie Miller, Kelly Hammeran, Claire Northcut, Tara
Matz, Jay Goldfarb,
Spotlight on Zappa Studios Alumni Student
Eben Christian Franckewitz
Eben Franckewitz
There are hundreds of articles/blogs
online & in print buzz on Eben
Eben’s Audition was played on KISS
107 with the judges feedback & Kelly
Rippa on Kelly’s LIVE TV show talked
about her daughter saying he is going to
be the next American Idol!
‘Eben Franckewitz is the latest 15year-old to grace the "American Idol"
seal for auditions. American Idol
judges Jennifer Lopez said of Eben’s
audition, "Some people just have it,
some people are just born to do it. I
think that's you" and Randy Jackson
praised Eben’s "Natural, God-given
gift that is pretty amazing and spoton."’
Singer, Actor, Dancer,
Performer, Comedian.
Watch Ebenʼs American
Idol audition Season 11
Idol Chatter Eben Franckewitz WHNT
IdolWatchNews: American Idol Season
11 - Eben Franckewitz ...
Eben has been singing and performing
in musicals and plays for years
including at the Cincinnati Playhouse in
the Park’s production of “A Christmas
Carol” playing the role of Peter Cratchit
& local Children’s Theater shows.
Eben studied privately with CarrieEllen & Zappa Studios preparing for
auditions and performances including
Amercian Idol & Neil Berg’s 100 Year’s
of Broadway - a contest Zappa Studios
recommended him to participate in.
Eben made the top 10 finalists along
with 4 other students and talent of
Zappa Studios & performed in the
Broadway Show.
You are MY American Idol:)
GO TEAM EBEN! Carrie-Ellen Zappa
Local actor Eben
Franckewitz a hit on
'American Idol'
Eben Franckewitz
charms us on
'American Idol'
When Eben opened his
mouth to sing Bill Withers’
‘Ain’t No Sunshine,’ he
revealed quite a lovely, high
register and ultimately
interesting voice. Eben
surely possesses a natural,
God-given ability to sing.
Zappa Studios Newsletter
November 2011
Students & Talent managed by Zappa Studios
The Reds are pleased to announce the semifinalists for the inaugural Cincinnati’s Got Talent competition at Redsfest
JUDGES: Broadway producer Rick Steiner, Bronson Arroyo, Mike Leake, and Todd Frazier with Host Jim Day
“A Side of Taylors” is a singing family from Montgomery, Ohio. Laurel is 14, Mason is 12 and plays the mandolin and
sings lead, Lydia is 10 and the dad, Chris plays guitar, managed by Zappa Studios.
They will perform at Great American Ball Park before a Reds game next year, along with the four other top finalists, says
Michael Anderson, Reds public relations manager:
(Left to Right) Mason, Lydia, Mason, Laurel, Chris Taylor - Students/Talent
“I am pleased to inform you that you have made the semi-finals for Cincinnati's Got Talent! It was an extremely
difficult decision as the talent was very strong; Page
the judges
were very impressed by your performance.
-The Executive Producer of this event for the Reds” Philip Myers
Zappa Studios Newsletter
November 2011
Zappa Studios Talent/Students
Cabaret Performers - Singing Gigs Professionally - CD’s & More
Consectetuer arcu ipsum ornare
Vehicula diam ornare magna.
pellentesque vehicula.
Sarina Jones - Student/Talent
Malesuada eleifend, tortor
molestie, a fusce a vel et. Mauris at
Playing lead role of Loraine in All
suspendisse, neque aliquam faucibus
Shook Up w/Union Kentucky
adipiscing, vivamus in. Wisi mattis leo
Community Theater. This is Sarina’s
2nd community theater musical and
suscipit nec amet, nisl fermentum
1st leading role & worked w/CEZ to
tempor ac a, augue in eleifend in
prepared auditions. She is one of the
venenatis, cras sit id in vestibulum
youngest in a competitive dance
felis in, sed ligula. In sodales
team invited to be part of an elite
suspendisse mauris quam etiam erat,
dance team and studied in New
quia tellus convallis eros rhoncus diam
York for 1 week
orci, porta lectus
workshop w/
esse adipiscing
posuere et, nisl
Praesent integer leo orci
arcu vitae
aliquam, nibh a. Diam
nobis eget, erat natoque
integer fringilla viverra.
eleifend, tortor
Fermentum pede
molestie, a
fringilla urna semper,
fusce a vel et.
pede quam scelerisque et
Ac dolor ac
enim in commodo, dictum
adipiscing amet
a consequatur
nullam, massa
lacus molestie ut
libero nec, diam et, pharetra sodales
from the show.
eget, feugiat ullamcorper id tempor
Erat felis wisi a risus.
eget id vitae.
Mauris at suspendisse, neque
faucibus adipiscing, vivamus
Justo fermentum id.
in. Wisi mattis leo suscipit nec amet,
Mauris pretium eget aliquet,
nisl fermentum tempor ac a, augue in
lectus tincidunt. Porttitor mollis
eleifend in venenatis, cras sit id in
imperdiet libero senectus pulvinar.
vestibulum felis in, sed ligula. In
Etiam molestie mauris ligula eget
laoreet, vehicula eleifend. Repellat orci sodales suspendisse mauris quam
etiam erat, quia tellus convallis eros
eget erat et, sem cum, ultricies
rhoncus diam orci, porta lectus esse
sollicitudin amet eleifend dolor nullam
adipiscing posuere et, nisl arcu vitae
erat, malesuada est leo ac. Varius
natoque turpis elementum est. In vitae laoreet. Morbi integer molestie, amet
gravida suspendisse morbi, amet
vel, wisi at, id praesent bibendum
libero faucibus porta egestas, quisque maecenas, a maecenas mauris amet
gravida neque proin amet gravida.
praesent ipsum fermentum placerat
tempor. Curabitur auctor, erat mollis.
Page 4
Zappa Studios Newsletter
November 2011
Lorem Ipsum dolor set
ahment sit loreem magna du
elam faret dolor.. Lorem Ipsu
dolor set ahment sit loreem
Consectetuer arcu ipsum ornare pellentesque vehicula,
in vehicula diam, ornare magna erat felis wisi a risus. Justo
fermentum id. Malesuada eleifend, tortor molestie, a fusce
a vel et. Mauris at suspendisse, neque aliquam faucibus
adipiscing, vivamus in. Wisi mattis leo suscipit nec amet,
nisl fermentum tempor ac a, augue in eleifend in venenatis,
cras sit id in vestibulum felis in, sed ligula.n sodales
suspendisse mauris quam etiam erat, quia tellus convallis
eros rhoncus diam orci, porta lectus esse adipiscing
posuere et, nisl arcu vitae laoreet quia tellus convallis.
Ac dolor ac adipiscing amet bibendum nullam, massa
lacus molestie ut libero nec, diam et, pharetra sodales
eget, feugiat ullamcorper id tempor adipiscing amet
bibendum nullam, massa lacus molestie ut libero eget.
Page 5
Zappa Studios Newsletter
November 2011
Zappa Studios Talent/Students
College Bound Pursuing Acting/Voice/Music Theater
Allie Cousineau
musical theater in college, study & work on
Shakespeare & teach acting.
Allie has been studying with CEZ to prepare
for auditions off and on for 6 years and a
talent off and on & has just returned as a
talent while getting ready for college auditions.
Currently starring in Dracula at MHS &
starring in the professional paying Rocky
Horror Picture Show recommended &
referred by Zappa Studios which has been
running for over a year!
Over the years Zappa Studios has hired Allie
as an acting/musical theater/choreographer/
teacher and recommended & referred her to
many productions w/many companies. Allie
has played leading roles, choreographed
shows, taught acting a her high school
summer program and most recently assistant
musically directed Little Shop of Horrors at her
high school. She plans to study acting and
GIanna Wolf-Talent/
Etiam molestie mauris ligula eget
laoreet, vehicula eleifend. Repellat orci
eget erat et, sem cum, ultricies
sollicitudin amet eleifend dolor nullam
erat, malesuada est leo ac. Malesuada
eleifend, tortor molestie, a fusce a vel et.
Ac dolor ac adipiscing amet bibendum.
Varius natoque turpis est. In vitae vel
lorem ipsum massa lacus molestie dolor.
Page 6
Zappa Studios Newsletter
January 2012
Students & Talent
Managed by Zappa
Rachel Barkalow
Cast in the lead role of Anita in “West Side
Story” with St. X.
Jen Malone - Talent
Cast in Equity Paying Professional Production
of “Smoke on the Mountain” at the Wayside
Theatre in Middletown, VA near Washington
DC. She will be playing the lead role of Denise.
Recently starred in Kentucky Cycle w/St. X.
and was nominated for best female
actress. Rachel works privately with CEZ to
prepare for auditions, call backs & working
on her roles for her productions.
This is her third show w//St X. Rachel has
received numerous compliments from
directors of film, theater and musical
theater that she is one of the most talented
actresses and performers they have
worked with.
Studies privately & Group w/Zappa
Loving it here, and it's gonna be a
great show! We run Jan 28-March 10
Leah Hall
Cast in Acting Up’s Musical
Review singing solos
Recently entered a contest
recommended & referred by
Zappa Studios & was selected
to perform at the Aronoff
Center with Broadway Stars in
Neil Bergs 101 years of
Recently starred as Amy in
Little Women w/Greater
Hamilton Community Theater
with an all adult cast. She was
the only Freshman cast in
Dracula @ MHS. Recently
starred as Aunt Polly in Tom
Sawyer w/Acting Up & as Sally
in Snoopy with GHCT with an
all adult cast, which she was
invited to be cast in. Studies
privately & Group for 6 years
with Zappa Studios.
Danny Omaits
Cast in
Cast in Acting Up’s Musical Review singing
Page 7
Recently played Friedrich in Sound of Music
recommended & referred by Zappa Studios
This was his first production with CCT. He
prepared privately at Zappa Studios for
auditions and call back. He was cast in his first
3 leads in musicals in Cinderella & Do black
patent leather shoes really reflect up since
studying with Zappa Studios.
January 2012
Students and Talent Managed by Zappa Studios
Sarah Chaney - Student/Talent
Cast in and filmed in Alabama Capitol’s music
video directed by LA this month and the video is
Invited by school teacher/choir director to sing the
National Anthem for the grand opening of the
Middletown Community Health Center - Primary
Health Solutions Building and was included in the
program. This is her 1st public solo performance.
This is the same teacher who cast her in a lead
role in “Guys & Dolls”
Cast in her first lead role in her HS production of
“Guys & Dolls” as Adeleide which she prepared for
privately with Carrie-Ellen. Her teachers/director
were very impressed with the audition.
A new student and talent preparing for auditions
with CEZ & was Cast as Nunn in Sound of Music.
This is her first production w/CCT. Recently starred
in Do Black Paten Leather Shoes Really Reflect
Reflect Up with Middletown Lyric Theater. Studying
privately & Group at Zappa Studios.
Sam Lee - Student/Talent/Intern
Cara Severson - Talent/Student
Cast as supporting lead role as
Ursula in her High School
production of “Bye Bye Birdie”
Cast in the lead role
Disney’s “Camp Rock” with the
Children’s Theater of Mason.
Cast as Nunn in Sound of Music
This is her first produciton w/CCT.
Recently starred in Do Black Patent
Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up
with middletown Lyric Theater. Lead
roles in school plays, solos in choir.
Cast as louisa in Sound of Music
This is her first production w/ CCT.
Recently played lead role in Cats with
Also starred in Annie with La Comedia,
Ruthless & Children’s Hour with
Middletown Lyric Theater.
Studying privately & Group at Zappa
Cast in her first film last summer w/
Historical Productions. Studies privately
with Zappa Studios.
Ethan Verderber
Cast in the pre-show of Disney’s “Camp
Rock” with the children’s theater of Mason.
Hi Carrie-Ellen!
I'm just emailing you to tell you how the
Guys and Dolls audition
went! It. Was. Fabulous. As soon as I
started singing my teacher and
the choreographer's eyes just lit up! They
Performing in Willy Wonka. Cast by Zappa
Studios as understudy for lead boy in World
Premiere of “Bad weather Nanny” at the
Aronoff Center.
Page 8