Trisomy Awareness Bracelets
Trisomy Awareness Bracelets Trisomy Awareness Bracelets is a Web site dedicated to raising awareness of all trisomy (especially rarer trisomy) conditions. Trisomy is a genetic chromosome disorder/anomaly, resulting in an extra chromosome on one of the 23 normal chromosome pairs. The most common effects of a trisomy are mental retardation and developmental delays. Basically, the presence of an extra chromosome results in a characteristic pattern of birth defects and medical conditions, some life threatening. The best known and best studied of the trisomy conditions is Trisomy 21, commonly known as Down Syndrome. But there are many children, such as Hannah, who have a rare trisomy that is not as well known or intensively studied. Some trisomies, such as Hannah’s of the 14th chromosome, are so rare they do not even have a syndrome name. We hope to help increase awareness of ALL trisomy disorders. Each organization below will receive $1 from your bracelet purchase. Unique Rare Chromosome Disorder Support Group S.O.F.T. Support Organization for Trisomy 18, 13 and Related Disorders Noah’s Never Ending Rainbow A National Trisomy Organization Trisomy Awareness bracelets are $5 each, plus shipping (and 9.25% sales tax in TN.) Order your bracelets online at E-mail us at for more information on ordering. Thank you for helping us help other families searching for information and support for their trisomy children.
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