The Rock 16 July 2015 - St Peters Lutheran College


The Rock 16 July 2015 - St Peters Lutheran College
The Rock
Matthew 16:18 “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and
on this rock I will build My church…”
St Peters Lutheran College Sing Together Festival
Christine Taylor, Head of Choirs
WEEK 1 TERM 3, 16 JULY 2015
Please check the online calendar for the most
up-to-date details
Friday 17 July
Boarder Olympic Themed Weekend
12:20pm-1:00pm Career Guest Speaker: Melbourne
University – Jon Worthen, Career Centre
3:30pm-5:30pm AIC Cross Country Meet
Saturday 18 July
Boarder Olympic Themed Weekend
8:00am-1:00pm AIC Basketball and Tennis Trials
8:00am-4:00pm Years 8 to 12 - South East
Queensland Rowing Championships , ake Kawana,
Kawana Waters
5:30pm-9:00pm Giving Back to Gondwana Choirs Music Soirée, Concert and Cocktail Party, Performing
Arts Centre
6:00 pm-10:00 pm All Star Basketball Game,
Auchenflower Basketball Stadium
Sunday 19 July
Boarder Olympic Themed Weekend
8:00am-4:00pm Years 8 to 12 - South East
Queensland Rowing Championships, Lake Kawana,
Kawana Waters
10:00 AM-1:00 PM
Brisbane Sings Combined Rehearsal (La Cordelle
Building - Padua College, 80 Turner Road, Kedron)
Monday 20 July
The Sing Together Festival is a great opportunity for local upper primary school choirs (Years 4-6) to
perform in a non-competitive environment, learn from each other, and be inspired by working with
the guest conductor.
This year, guest conductor, Marianne Rigby-Black from Victoria led more than 320 students from eight
choirs. The combined repertoire was The Great Australian Bight (Sherelle Eyles), Step by Step (trad.
arr. Jenny Mathers), “Pie Jesu” from Requiem in D Minor Op.48 (Gabriel Fauré), Blue Notes (Kirby
Shaw) and Tama Tu (Sally Albrecht). The workshop day was very educational and lots of fun for the
students and staff alike. Particularly popular was the choralography added to some of the combined
repertoire. The evening concert was a wonderful celebration of choral music and the joy of singing
Thank-you to Marianne and our wonderful festival accompanist, Christian Gante and congratulations
to all the schools that took part!
St Peters Indooroopilly is on Facebook
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// Head of College...................................2
// Ministry...............................................2
// Deputy Head of College.......................3
// Around the School...............................3
// Careers................................................4
// Junior School.......................................5
// Middle School......................................6
// Junior High...........................................7
// Senior School.......................................8
// Music...................................................9
// The Arts.............................................10
// Boarding............................................10
// Boys Sport (Years 8-12)......................11
// Girls Sport (Years 8-12)......................13
// Primary Sport....................................15
// Directory............................................15
Multicultural Week
8:35am-9:55am Year 12 Science - Dr Michael
Bermingham, PAC Theatrette
12:20pm-1:00pm Career Guest Speaker: Monash
University – Maxine Day, Career Centre
6:00pm-8:00pm SPOSA Committee Meeting, Ross Roy
Tuesday 21 July
Multicultural Week
8:00am-5:00pm Year 10 - Australian Brain Bee
Challenge, University of Queensland
8:30am-9:15am Parade of Nations - Whole of College
Assembly, Chapel Forecourt
3:30pm-8:00pm Chorale Extended Rehearsal, PAC
6:30pm-8:00pm Year 10 into Year 11 2016 Subject
Selection Evening, Chapel
Wednesday 22 July
Multicultural Week
8:30am-3:10pm Year 11 Art Workshop, St Peters and
GoMA, Southbank
8:30am-12:45pm Year 12 - QIMR Lecture Series,
QIMR Berghofer, Herston
9:00am-2:30pm Future Problem Solving State Bowl,
Years 5 –11, PAC Theatrette, Flexi-purpose Room,
Woodrow Library
12:20pm-1:00pm Career Guest Speaker: Sydney
University, Jit Loh, Career Centre
6:00pm-8:00pm Multicultural Gala Evening, PAC
Thursday 23 July
Multicultural Week
7:45am-12:00pm Community Hub Group, P&F Centre
(top floor)
8:05 am-3:10 pm Inter House Athletics Carnival, Years
4-6, Mayer Oval
8:05am-9:15am Year 10 - Time Management Seminar,
Elevate Education, Various classrooms
8:05 AM-9:15 AM
Year 7 Brainstorm Presentation - Cyberia, PAC
The calendar continues on page 2
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Welcome to a new
semester! It is always
slightly daunting to
think about what has to
be achieved between
now and the end of the
school year – I wish you
every blessing as the
activities of this school
Term begin to unroll.
During the break, many
students embarked on college trips and camps
to places such as New Zealand, AIS Canberra, the
Sunshine Coast and Central Australia. Students
also competed for their home nations in the
Pacific Games being held in Port Moresby, PNG.
These are wonderful experiences that give
another context to the learning at St Peters.
This semester, St Peters Indooroopilly and
Springfield will host students from sister schools
in France and arrange exchanges in Germany.
Our musicians will travel to Japan – and so the
cycle of friendly global interaction between our
young people and students from across the
world continues to build. Next week, we will
celebrate Multicultural Week and recognise
the international make-up of our community.
Parents are welcome to join students and
staff for the annual Multicultural Parade to be
held in the courtyard in front of the Chapel on
Tuesday 21 July beginning shortly after 8.15am.
Congratulations (in advance) to the students and
staff who are organising this event for 2015.
Campus Safety
As part of our continuing review and
improvement of safety for pedestrians within
the Campus, a boom gate will be installed on the
roadway adjacent to the Prep School carpark.
The boom gate will allow the road to be closed to
through traffic at peak times for pedestrians in the
Prep School and Junior School carpark areas from
7.45am to 8.30am and from 2.45pm to 3.30pm on
school days. The boom gate will be in operation
from Monday 20 July. Thank you for your support
with this very important safety issue.
9:30am-2:30pm Year 12 - Economics Student
Conference, University of Queensland, St Lucia
10:20am-11:00am Year 8 Brainstorm Presentation
- Cyberia, PAC Auditorium
11:30am-3:00pm Brisbane Bands Festival, Queen
Street Mall
12:20pm-1:30pm Multicultural Event: American
Experience, Chapel Forecourt
3:30pm-5:30pm AIC Cross Country Meet, TBA
6:00pm-10:00pm Boarder Brother and Sister
8:20am - 9:30am Senior School Parent Support
Group Gathering, P&F (top floor)
Adrian Wiles, Head of College
Welcome back! I pray you had restful and
refreshing holidays. It’s always exciting to come
together again, to share and meet with old
friends, make new ones, to face the challenges
of school, learn new things, hone skills, and
welcome new students.
As we continue our school journey together, we
are reminded that we have a God who promises
to journey with us always, to guide us and
protect us along the way, as the prophet Isaiah
…This is what the LORD says—….“Do not fear, for
I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by
name; you are mine. 2 When you pass through
the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass
through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
(Isaiah 43:1,2)
On our journey, like on every journey, we are
challenged to step out of our comfort zone, try
new things, interact with new people, face new
At the beginning of the holidays an intrepid
group of 15 Year 11 students from St Peters
Indooroopilly, accompanied by three teachers,
did exactly that. We travelled to the Red Centre
of our continent for an immersion trip of
service and exploration, learning more about
our country and its original inhabitants and
interacting with new people in new places
and new situations. The social service trip was
organised through a Sydney company called
Red Earth and took us to iconic Australian
landscapes, including Uluru, King’s Canyon
and the MacDonnell Ranges; brought us new
experiences, such as riding a camel, living in
swags under the stars (with dingoes howling and
wild donkeys braying nearby), getting warmth
(and food) from a campfire, hearing some of the
stories (or songs) of the traditional owners of
the land (the Anangu living in the APY lands in
Northern SA), learning the Emu dance, finding
and eating witchety grubs, cleaning out an old
water hole and building some seats for future
groups like ours to sit around the campfire and
interact with the local people.
Everyone participated, in spite of the challenges,
which included no showers and only a long drop
toilet for six days; a bus breakdown in the middle
of nowhere; limited water supply at times;
sickness; and changing itinerary. We found that,
as we journeyed together, we grew from a band
of individuals into a cohesive group, where all
were included and cared for.
On Sunday 12 July, the new pastor of St Peters
Lutheran Church Indooroopilly was installed by
District Bishop Noel Noack in a joyful service
that featured Saints and Singers singing with
the congregational choir and other school
representatives. This is the finalisation of a long
process that began after Pastor Peter Bowmer
left and his position was split into two full time
positions: Senior pastor of the school (filled by
Pastor Thomas Böhmert) and congregational
pastor (now filled by Pastor Matthias Prenzler).
He comes to us from Bethlehem Lutheran
Church, Adelaide, with his wife Julie and young
children Zoe and Lucas. We rejoice with the
congregation and look forward to a close
cooperative relationship with him. I am sure
you will see Pastor Matthias around the school please say hello and make him welcome.
Pastor Thomas Böhmert, Indooroopilly Chaplain
We left after 12 days in the desert as changed
people, with a greater understanding of the
huge size of this country; the challenges this
poses to those who live there; an appreciation
for the incredible beauty of God’s creation; the
importance of water and the protection of water
sources; the warmth of the locals; their ancient
stories that describe the landscapes; and their
appreciation for the connection between us. We
return not just with many stories to tell, but also
as ambassadors for people who are so easily
overlooked or pushed aside in the wider political
discourse of our country.
God uses our journeys to change and develop us
and as we continue to journey together here at
St Peters I pray that you may always be aware of
his presence and open to his guidance. May His
blessing be with you all as step into this term.
Pastor Thomas Böhmert, Indooroopilly Chaplain
2 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015
Drop off and Pick up
around Grounds
For the safety of all
students on campus,
I would like to remind
to follow the below
guidelines when
driving and parking
around the College.
When driving in and around the school, it is
important to follow these key safety tips:
• Parents and visitors are asked to set down and
pick up students outside the College grounds.
These restrictions apply from 7.00am to
8.15am and again between 2.30pm to 3.30pm.
The below locations are not set down/ pick up
»» Ross Roy visitors parking;
»» College Bus Stop;
»» Area immediately behind Chapel and
beside Boys Boarding;
»» 25m pool carpark; and
»» Juniors School Staff lower carpark, near
Stolz Oval.
• The general speed limit on campus is strictly
25kph. While driving past the Prep School the
speed limit is 10kph (which is just above quick
walking pace);
• Inside the grounds, at all times, drivers are to
follow the road rules, signs and directions as
they would on any public road. ‘No standing’
and ‘parking’ signs have been placed to treat
specific risks. Never double park or park in ‘no
stopping’ zones;
• Several areas on the roads throughout the
college have been designated as high traffic
pedestrian zones. These areas are indicated
by a large painted red area within a yellow
border. When approaching any of these
zones, please be very cautious and aware that
pedestrians may wish to cross and that they
have right of way; and
• Students are not permitted to drive through
the College grounds at any time.
Cafe 45 /
Middle School
We are always looking for wonderful
parents to assist the staff at the Cafes
with serving our students. If you are
able to assist with Tuckshop in the Junior
School, Grandstand Café or Café 45
please contact Deb Grading or click here
to register on Volunteer Spot.
Please contact Debra Grading,
Café and Tuckshop Manager,
regarding Tuckshop rosters.
P: 33776243
Thursdays, 7.45am – 12.00pm,
P&F Centre
This group meets every Thursday term.
All parents and community are welcome
to join us for a coffee, chat and craft.
Warm welcome to the new families to St
Peters Lutheran College.
Please contact Sandie Fraser on or Jo Potts
on for
further information.
We would like to thank you for your cooperation
in this matter.
Lisa Delaney, Deputy Head of College
Access previous issues of The Rock
on the Publications page of
St Peters’ website.
Performances include:
• Japanese Taiko Drummers
• Irish dancers
• Violin solos
• BellaVoce choir and more!
3 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015
Career Events
I extend a warm welcome back to our parents
and students!
This term requires major decision making
from Year 12’s in terms of post-school options,
especially if they applying for local tertiary
courses. To assist in this process, I will be
facilitating information sessions to assists
students and parents commencing next Monday
20 July at 8.05am for the students. In addition,
we have the major interstate universities
offering support to students on campus this
week and next. I encourage all to capitalise on
this opportunity; details published below. This
week I have included reflections from some of
the students who were fortunate enough to
participate in experiences during the holidays
which enhanced their awareness of the world
of work. I actively encourage all students to
engage in work experience opportunities
during their holiday breaks. I had the privilege
of accompanying three students aboard the
USS George Washington which was a very
enlightening and enjoyable experience.
USS George Washington Tour
The monstrosity of the USS George Washington
puts all other Australian Ships to shame when
it come to sheer size and capabilities. The ship
is close to 300m long and almost 100m wide,
soaring over 250 feet in the air – taller than some
buildings in Brisbane's CBD. The opportunity
to take a tour of this ship was an awesome,
mind-blowing experience. After arriving at the
port we were professionally handled by the US
Naval personal, and shortly after a quick brief,
we were headed to the aft port side entrance.
We were chaperoned into the main hangar
where we were pleasantly welcome aboard the
ship. The crew then walked us onto one of four
aircraft elevators and in about seven seconds we
were on the flight deck of the ship surrounded
by dozens of aircraft ranging from the F/A 18
super hornet, EA-18 Growler C-2 Greyhounds and
SH-60 Seahawks.
The ship tour was an awesome experience that
gave insight into the operation and workings of
the US Navy. The tour was thoroughly enjoyed
by all who attended and I would encourage
everyone to take a tour of the ship next time she
docks in Brisbane. – Callum Ferguson, Year 11
On 22 June, three St Peters students were invited
to go aboard the U.S.S George Washington, an
enormous aircraft carrier. It was an amazing
experience and we witnessed how the pilots
brought the planes and helicopters from the
landing strip on the top deck, down into the
next level. The crew were extremely nice and
answered many of our questions. There were a
lot of photo opportunities, and we seized every
one. Thanks to the US Navy and Mrs Estevao for
this unique opportunity. – Tarja Walsh, Year 10
The other week I, and two other St Peters
students, had the opportunity to take a tour of
the U.S.S. George Washington which was in port
in preparation for war games with the Australian
armed forces. There were so many interesting
things which happened while on board, too many
to write about, but the highlight was definitely
getting up close and personal with some of the
million-dollar aircraft. We were given a brief
look around the hangar bays on the inside of
the boat, we were then taken up the aircraft
elevator on the outside of the ship- to then be
given complete access to the entire flight deck on
top! The staff on board were more than happy to
answer any questions we had in regards to the
ship and life in the Navy itself, something which
gave both the others and I a great insight into
both their lives and the fascinating processes
which happen in and around the ship. Overall,
this was an incredible experience and I am sure
this is something I will remember for a long time.
– Lachlan Bridge, Year 12
Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital Nursing
My time at the Royal Brisbane’s Women’s
Hospital was an enjoyable, memorable
experience, increasing my knowledge in the
areas of nursing. I have had my career pathway
set out, as well as useful sources of study in the
future. Being able to see the different parts of
the hospital which is not shown on television
was eye opening as I was able to determine
exactly which areas I am most attracted or suited
to for future jobs in the nursing world. I would
recommend this experience for anyone interested
in midwifery or nursing in the future – here; you
can truly see if the hospital environment is where
you would like to base your future.
– Georgia Mehmet, Year 12
Upcoming Events
All welcome to attend:
• University of Melbourne: Friday 17 July,
lunchtime, Careers Centre (Theile House,
Room 4A);
• Monash University: Monday 20 July,
lunchtime, Careers Centre;
• Australian National University: Tuesday 21
July, lunchtime, Careers Centre;
• Sydney University: Wednesday 22 July,
lunchtime, Careers Centre;
• Medicine talk by Dr Dave Kennedy: Thursday
23 July, Period 6, Auditorium;
• Marketing talk by Ms Jill Brennan: Thursday
23 July, Period 8, Auditorium;
• QTAC Information Session for Year 12
Parents: Tuesday 4 August, 6.307.30pm; and
• Tertiary Studies Expo (TSXPO): 18-19 July, RICC
Brisbane Showgrounds.
Jacqui Estevao, Careers Counsellor
St Peters Indooroopilly is on Facebook
Like us at:
Shop 45 News
Shop 45 has been advised that, due to
the low Australian dollar, our supplier
will raise their existing uniform costs
effective this financial year. As of Term 4,
you will see some small price increases
across the uniform range. We will
endeavour to keep these price rises to a
minimum where possible.
Term 3 Hours of Operation
In term 3, Shop 45 will be open on
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays,
7:45am – 4:00pm.
Second Hand Blazers
Shop 45 will not accept second hand
blazers until 2016.
Fiona Bassingthwaighte and
Donna Gordon, Shop 45 Managers
Triple P Seminars
Triple P seminars last 90 minutes and you can
do one, two or all three in the series. They
target everyday concerns, such as how to
encourage responsible behaviour, improve family
relationships, deal with independence or manage
problems at school or with friends. They are
also an excellent opportunity for you to discuss
thoughts and ideas with other parents. The
seminars are not meant to “fix” all the challenges
that you may have, instead they are designed to
give you some tips and new ways to think about
your parenting that can help you develop strong
relationships with your teenager. These seminars
are suitable for parents who are having mild to
moderate difficulties with their teenager.
Raising Competent Teenagers:
5 and 19 August, 6:30-8:00pm
Getting Teenagers Connected:
26 August, 6:30-8:00pm
Seminars are a open to all St Peters parents
with children aged 13-17, and will be held at the
St Peters P&F Centre (top level).
to Julie Burton:
Please indicate which seminars you will be
attending (all, Seminar 1, 2 or 3).
*Limited bookings available
4 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015
A very warm welcome is extended to all Junior School families in our Junior School. This term we
particularly welcome Grace Fry Prep A, Tharushi Mathavan—Prep C, Archer Kennedy—1B , Charudhi
Mathavan—3C, Alex Lancaster 4B & Harrison Lee in 4C. We are confident that your educational
journey with us will be a positive and rewarding one.
We would also like to thank Mrs Jenelle King who will be working in 2A after the departure of
Ms Amanda Morton late last term, as we find the best possible teacher to work in this classroom for
Semester Two.
Term 3 is always busy. Watch for some of the events including Multicultural week, special assemblies,
Jeans for Genes Day, our annual Bush Dance, the portfolio conferences and the Junior School Music
concert to name a few.
Multicultural Week
Junior School
Parent Gatherings
Tuesday 28 July, 8.20am–9.30am,
Junior School Library
Thursday 20 August, 8.20am–9.30am,
Junior School Library
20 – 24 July (Week 2)
Junior School Parent Support Group Meeting
Pictured: Multicultural Day 2014
Each year, the College celebrates the rich diversity of cultures that make up our community in our
Multicultural Week. Students will participate in activities spanning the course of next week. Our
whole College Flag ceremony will take place on Tuesday morning at 8.30am. Parents are welcome to
attend. Our students are encouraged to wear national dress of their heritage, or costumes denoting a
culture that is familiar to them.
Senior students from our Multicultural committee will be organising activities each lunchtime during
the week for our students to gain further appreciation of the importance of multiculturalism in
today’s world.
As a culmination of the week Friday 24 July, we will be revisiting some highlights of the week at our
assembly and follow this with a special morning tea. This will provide an opportunity for children
to sample a range of foods from countries all over the world. Following the success of last year’s
tasting plates, we will be aiming to devise a menu for a tasting plate in each classroom consisting
of approximately four to five different foods that children can sample from a range of different
countries. We will be calling on the assistance of our class parent reps to help co-ordinate the food
for this multicultural morning tea along with the support of parents to contribute to this morning
tea. Further information regarding the details of this shared morning tea will come out via the
classroom teachers.
Athletics Carnivals
This term, athletics plays an important role in our Physical Education program. Students have already
been participating in activities aligned with this towards the end of last term. The Year 4-6 carnival
will take place on Thursday, 23 July commencing at 8.30am on Mayer Oval. Details of this day will
come out via email to parents of Year 4 students.
The Prep to Year 3 carnival will be held on Thursday, 6 August from 10.45am – 2.30pm on Stolz Oval
and will be detailed in the coming week.
Pam Carden, Head of Junior School
The first Junior School Parent Support Group
meeting will be held on Tuesday 28 July,
(Week 3) at 8.30am on the Library deck. The
major focus for this term will be the annual
Junior School Bushdance. As you may be aware
the Bush Dance is a community event where
the students will be showing off the dances that
they learn throughout the term in PMP and HPE
lessons. Aligned with this are the fundraising
opportunities which together have grown to be
a very successful major community event. This
has only been made possible by the work of the
Junior School parents and we will continue to
rely heavily on everyone to support this event for
its success to continue.
At our first meeting, we will outline the
responsibilities for each year level and
how the evening works. Nominated parent
representatives are vital to this meeting. If you
are able to come along, your attendance will be
most appreciated.
Winter uniform
With winter firmly upon us please ensure your
children have the appropriate winter uniform
for school. Tracksuit jacket and tracksuit pants
should be worn with the sport uniform. A winter
woollen jumper is to be worn with the formal
uniform only. It is particularly important that all
items of clothing are marked with your child’s
name for ease of identification if misplaced or
placed in lost property. Please take the time
to remark your child’s clothing if the name has
faded. This will assist with returning lost items to
the rightful owner.
Like us at:
5 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015
Year 5 News
Welcome to what promises to be a very
exciting term for Year 5 students. The students
have settled in well and are full of energy and
enthusiasm for the journey ahead.
your child’s form teacher as soon as possible.
All information pertaining to camp will be
uploaded on Access 45 Moodle, Pastoral pages
in due course.
Without a doubt, the highlight of Term 3 is Year 5
camp at the Kindilan Outdoor Education Centre
from Wednesday 29 July to Friday 31 July.
A warm welcome to Ms Joy Tobiano who will be
teaching 5D whilst Mr Robin is on leave, and to
Jacob Palmer, a new student who has joined 5B.
On Wednesday, 22 July from 7:00 – 8:00pm
in the Chapel, we will host a Year 5 Camp
Information Evening for parents of Year 5
students. A representative from Kindilan
Outdoor Education Centre will speak about
the programme and facilities and address any
queries you may have. Permission, dietary and
medical forms will be sent home with your child
early this week and we would be very grateful
if they could be completed and returned to
We will begin the term with our new unit
of inquiry for “Sharing the Planet” in which
students investigate how organisms adapt to
their environment to survive. Exploring two and
three dimensional shapes will be our first unit
in Mathematics and in Christian Studies, we
will explore the history of early Christianity. Our
focus in English is report writing and building our
reading and comprehension skills.
Year 6 News
Homework this term will take a slightly
different structure. The children have received
a homework schedule with the tasks and due
dates. As a preparation for High School it is
essential to assist the children to develop habits,
maintain structures and adhere to deadlines;
your assistance is greatly appreciated. We
Children’s Book Week
During Term 3, the Woodrow Library celebrates
Children’s Book Week, which officially takes
places from 22-28 August. 2015 marks the 70th
Anniversary of the Children’s Book Council of
Australia and this year’s Book Week theme is
‘Books Light Up Our World’. Some of this year’s
short-listed books will be shared during Library
lessons, particularly those from the Picture Book
Category. The emphasis will be on critiquing
and analysing literature, using appropriate
metalanguage to discuss these texts. I look
forward to hearing our students’ insights.
The Books Rock Café is Back!
Year 5 Teachers
Welcome to Term 3! Also, a warm welcome to
our new member of Year 6, Finn Milne-Begley,
who is placed in Form Class 6B.
Woodrow Library
commonly hear ‘I left it on the table at home’
or ‘it is in Mum/Dad’s car’, so we will be taking a
more rigid approach with these excuses and the
children will be completing homework tasks at
lunchtime. The use of their diary will be closely
monitored and sighted weekly by their Form
Class Teachers. Students are required to bring it
to every class so they can write in homework and
any reminders. Please parents, would you ensure
you sight and sign your child’s diary weekly.
Year 6 Teachers
The Books Rock Café is back! Each week, we
will select two guests whose reading efforts
are worthy of recognition. These students will
each receive a take-away hot chocolate with
marshmallows and are also permitted to invite
a friend to the café. Next week’s guests at The
Books Rock Café are Ruby Whayman (6B) and Jill
Campbell (6B). Congratulations. We’ll see you at
Morning Tea on Wednesday!
Christina Wheeler
Middle School Teacher-Librarian
Monday: Opti-MINDS
Tuesday: Logic Lunchtime
Non-electronic games.
Years 5–12 welcome
Wednesday: Years 7-12
Robo Club
Junior High and Senior
students who are entering
the RoboCup competition.
Thursday: Middle School
‘Robo Club’
Middle School students who
are entering the RoboCup
Contact Simon Canfield for more information
Access previous issues of The Rock
on the Publications page of
St Peters’ website.
Friday 24 July, 6.30 – 9.00pm,
Senior Gym
You can choose to dress up as
your favourite character from a
movie or book!
Middle School
Parent Gatherings
Tuesday 4 August, 8.00am - 9.30am,
P&F Centre
6 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015
Head of Junior High
Welcome to Term 3. It was lovely to greet the students this week and hear about their holiday
adventures. Generally the students appear well rested and ready for the long term ahead.
This week we welcomed 16 new students to Junior High from all corners of the globe. We wish them
and their families all the best as they settle in to life at St Peters.
We also welcome Mr Martin Brabec who will be replacing Mr Schaefer (7F, Science, German) while
he is on leave for Semester 2. Mr Brabec was able to join us for a few days at the end of last term to
meet his classes.
We received news over the holidays of the success of one of our students in the 2015 Lord Mayor’s
Young Environmental Photographer of the Year Award. Congratulations go to Year 7 student Kylie
Langford’s achievement as a finalist in 2015 Awards for her photograph We Are the One World in the
category ‘Consume Less, Share More’.
“This photo was taken on my primary graduation night. It shows two girls of different nationalities
sharing the food and enjoying the night. Children in Brisbane are from all over the world. We share
the joy and diversity of their cultures brought to our land. Our future will be built on multiculturalism
and it is important that we appreciate and accept people of all nationalities. We are building the
future, we are the one world.”
Kylie’s photograph has been on display at the Collector’s Café in the Queensland Museum and will
then travel around Brisbane and be displayed at the Brisbane Square Library, on the screens in King
George Square and the City Mall, and at the Green Heart Fair. Well done Kylie!
Ironbark 2016
Junior High
Parent Gatherings
Please join Trish Allen for a fun
social evening.
Tuesday 28 July, 6.00pm–8.00pm,
P&F Centre
Please bring a small platter to share and
your own drink of choice. Tea/coffee will
be available.
Year 8
Morning Tea
Friday 24 July, 8:00am,
100 Acre Bar, St Lucia
RSVP to Catherine Burnie
In 2016 the Ironbark timeslots will be:
Ironbark Class Dates
Term 2 2016
Tuesday 12 April to Saturday 14 May 2016
Term 4 2016
Tuesday 17 May to Saturday 18 June 2016
Tuesday 4 October to Saturday 5 November 2016
Tuesday 8 November to Saturday 10 December 2016. *Please note:
returns during school holidays
Next week we will run two parent sessions to explain how the process of allocating students to
Ironbark groups works. Year 8 parents are invited to attend one of the following sessions:
• Monday 20 July (Term 3 – Week 2): 9.00am - 9:45am in the Chapel; and
• Monday 20 July (Term 3 – Week 2): 6.00pm - 6:45pm in the Chapel.
A Selection Form will be handed out at the parent session and will be due back by Monday 27th
July. You will be asked to rank all four time slots in order of preference and to provide any relevant
information about your choices.
Ironbark is an integral part of a St Peters education and we look forward to sharing the experience
with you.
Junior High Homework Club – Starts Again Next Week
Junior High runs a lunch time ‘Homework Club’ for students to access during the school day. Students
attend the club for a variety of reasons including:
• To assist with completing work due to limited time in the evenings;
• The need to access their computers during lunch;
• To seek extra assistance with particular subject areas;
• Teacher directed as a result of incomplete work or poor progress; and
• Parent directed.
The room opens at 12:40pm. Homework Club is MSN2 (Flexible Learning Space).
Term 2 Results
There are no Parent Teacher Interviews for Junior High this term. However, if you have concerns
about your child’s results, particularly for those subjects that run all year, please be sure to contact
the teacher to seek clarification and advice.
How to Foster Successful Communication Between Home and School
Click here to read this article.
Maths Team Challenge
Congratulations to the students who competed
at the Maths Team Challenge at Churchie at
the end of last term. The competition was of a
very high standard and teams faced some very
difficult questions. The day was divided into two
sections, the relay and the team challenges.
The charismatic intermediate team came third
and the bold senior team placed second. These
are outstanding results from a lovely bunch of
students. Thank you to senior students who were
made themselves available in the middle of their
exam block or were finishing their Extended
Essay drafts.
• Junior Team 1 (Year 7): Kohsuke Miyazaki,
Julia Baird, Lucy Carra-Schulz, Sean Chen,
Matt Culican;
• Junior Team 2 (Year 8): Joe Manjaly, Justin
Yung, Millie Biggs, Jenna Bligh, Hosanna Chan,
Daniel Scott;
• Intermediate Team (Year 10): Jordan Yee,
Emi Erni, Miranda Kidd, Anneka Smith,
Declan Kemp; and
• Senior Team (Years 11/12): Wilson Hsu, Amelia
Horrocks, Bridget Seawright, Lachlan Huang,
Brandon Lee.
This is a sample of one of the senior team’s
questions, see how you go:
2015 is a Lucas-Carmichael number, a positive
integer n such that if p is a prime factor, p+1 is a
factor of n+1. In other words 2015 = 5 x 13 x 31
while 2016 has factors of 6, 14 and 32. There are
two Luca-Carmichael numbers smaller than 2015
with prime factors less than 20. Find one.
Simon Canfield,
Exceptional Learners Department
Trish Allen, Head of Junior High
7 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015
Head of Senior School
I extend a warm welcome to the many new and
returning families this semester! Term 3 is the
‘premiership quarter’ for Year 12’s. With the QCS
Test less than 7 weeks away and mock exams
looming for our IB students, the Year 12’s will hit
the ground running this week to ensure the best
possible start to a busy term.
Winter Uniform
Senior School students have been reminded of
the full winter uniform expectations. Blazers
must to be worn, along with formal hats, to and
from school each day. Blazers are also to be worn
to Chapel and Assembly unless students are in
sports uniform for PE or Lifeskills classes.
Please remember that students are not
permitted to drive on campus at any time.
Taiwan Cultural Tour
In March, I visited Taiwan. St Peters hopes
to build an ongoing relationship with the Tzu
Hui Institute of Technology in Kaohsiung, and
believes that this organisation can provide our
students with opportunities to participate in
cultural tours of Taiwan over the coming years.
Years 10 and 11 students have the opportunity
to participate in 2015. The 17 day tour will
include time at the Institute participating in
classes and staying in the on-site dormitory,
and experiencing the rich cultural history and
exciting cities of Kaohsiung and Taipei. The
tour will run from Saturday November 26 to
Monday December 12 and cost approximately
$5,100 (inclusive of meals, dormitory and hotel
accommodation, transport in Taiwan, entry fees
to various tourist/cultural sites, and flights). To
express interest in your child attending please
email me ( I will
be in touch about a future information evening.
We understand that this is short notice, and as a
result we may not be able to run the 2015 tour
if we don’t attract sufficient student numbers.
In this instance we will endeavour to run a
trip in 2016 and provide details of this early in
Term 3, 2015.
Adam Forsyth, Head of Senior School
Student Leadership Application Process
Applications opened this week for Student
Leadership positions (2015/2016). Each Year 11
student has been emailed nomination forms and
an overview providing a timeline for key dates
this term. It is an exciting time for many students
who are interested in pursuing a leadership
position at the College. It is pleasing that so
many students want to give back to the school
and be role models through servant leadership
The first stage of the application process is a
written application addressing the following
selection criteria:
• Leadership Philosophy;
• Personal Qualities;
• Prior Involvement; and
• Goal Statement.
Senior School
Parent Gatherings
Please join Dr Adam Forsyth and Rachel
Turnbull for a fun social evening.
Thursday 23 July, 8.20am to 9.30am,
P&F Centre
Please bring a small platter to share and
your own drink of choice. Tea/coffee will
be available.
Langer Library
Term 3 will be an
exciting time at the
Langer Library. From
Week 3 watch out
for our Australian
Children’s Book Week
display. Running for
over a month we will be
focusing on the varied
Older Readers’ books,
basing our display
on this year’s slogan
- Books light up our
world and also look out for the lovely Book Week
firefly icon.
These application are due at the end of Week 3
(Friday July 31). No late applications will be
On Wednesday the 19 August we will have our
Years 7, 8, and 9 Literature Day. Guest authors
include Brian Faulkner and Simon Higgins.
To assist students with their applications and
develop a greater understanding of leadership
philosophies, a series of Leadership Breakfasts
have been organised with guest speakers. These
will occur on a Tuesday and Thursday morning
until Week 3 in the back dining hall of Café 45,
with a cooked breakfast being served at 7am (for
a 7:15am start).
Another focus this term is our new Wheeler’s
eBook Platform where we will be adding lots of
new Australian eBook titles. Check it out here
For a comprehensive overview of the application
process, click here.
Jan Lewis, Senior School Resource Centre
Duke of Edinburgh
I wish each student well on their journey
through this process. Should you have any
further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact
me on 33776 522 or via email d.rushmore@
David Rushmore, Deputy Head of Senior School
Monday: Opti-MINDS
Tuesday: Logic Lunchtime
Non-electronic games.
Years 5–12 welcome
Wednesday: Years 7-12
Robo Club
Junior High and Senior
students who are entering
the RoboCup competition.
Thursday: Middle School
‘Robo Club’
Middle School students who
are entering the RoboCup
Contact Simon Canfield for more information
Congratulations to Old Scholar Bryan Kassulke
(2014) who received his Duke of Edinburgh Gold
Award at a ceremony held at City Hall on 1 July.
The Gold is the highest level of the Award
programme and requires persistence and
dedication to complete.
Anne Tetley-Jones,
Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator
8 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015
Director of Music
Duke of Edinburgh
International Award
During the holiday break the St Peters String
Quartet (Lachlan Huang, Annabelle Lee, Harry
Swainston, Erna Lai) performed at the Duke
of Edinburgh’s International Award Ceremony
at Brisbane City Hall. This was a high profile
performance with the Master of Ceremonies
mentioning that the group were “extremely
professional and wonderful ambassadors for
St Peters”.
Welcome to Term 3 and greetings from Oberlin
Conservatory of Music, Ohio, USA! This is my
third year serving as a faculty member of Credo
Chamber Music – teaching life through the
instrument. Credo is a three-week intensive
music camp where aspirational secondary and
undergraduate string players coming from all
around the globe get together to develop their
gift, acknowledge the source and respond
with service. The faculty members comprise of
leading professionals from major U.S. orchestras
and tertiary conservatories. This year the
repertoire includes: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven,
Schubert, Mendelssohn, Sibelius, Grieg,
Brahms, Schumann, Kodaly, Glass, Dowland,
Britten, and Vaughn Williams. Click here for
more information.
One of my personal highlights this year is the
opportunity to play on 1718 “Chanot-Chardon”
Stradivarius violin, valued at 4.5 million USD,
and a c.1825 Tourte gold mounted tortoiseshell
bow, worth around $200,000 USD! I have been
fortunate enough to play on a number of great
instruments and bows in the past, but each
time the experience is very different. The Strad
sounds almost like a Guarneri and has plenty of
horse power. The Tourte is very well-balanced
and responsive. This is certainly the dream
combination for any string players! The other
highlight for me is watching the 84 years old
double bass legend Francois Rabbath giving
an “unbelievable” concert. It is unbelievable
because he plays his instrument like a violin!
I hope our student musicians will have the
opportunity to join this great music camp in
the future.
This Saturday Neon Pulse and Saint and Singers
are involved in “Giving back to Gondwana
Concert”. The aim of this event is to provide
music bursaries for talented indigenous children
to attend Gondwana National Choral School,
Sydney, in January 2016. I hope our parents
and students will support this great initiative.
Click here to book.
Finally, many congratulations to St Peters
musicians who have been selected to join 2015
State Honours Ensemble Program, which will
take place at Queensland Conservatorium’s
South Bank campus, from 1–4 October. These
dedicated students will work with both leading
Australian and American faculties in an intensive
training camp. We look forward to hearing them
sharing their experiences in Term 4!
Congratulations: Samuel Arnott (Year 11,
Trombone); Laura Davis (Year 11, Clarinet);
Samuel Doherty (Year 12, Trumpet); Benjamin
Haselgrove (Year 10, Oboe); Liam Hinde (Year
10, Euphonium); Jonah Jacobson (Year 11,
French Horn); Jack Payne (Year 11, Tuba); Nicola
Robinson (Year 11, French Horn); Alex Strimaitis
(Year 12, Tuba); Tarja Walsh (Year 10, Flute);
Tomas Williams (Year 12, Trumpet); and Hannah
Wilson (Year 12, Voice Alto).
David Deacon, Head of Strings
Australian String
Teachers National
St Peters string students participated in the
National String Teachers Conference held in
Brisbane during the holiday break. Well done
to Courtney Schuurs and Annabelle Lee for
performing in solo masterclasses and also to
Yangyang Li, Jasmin Wexselblatt, Nicholas Miles,
Tristan Jones, Heather Deacon, Elanore Tomsett
and Alexis Evans for their performance in the
chamber music workshops.
David Deacon, Head of Strings
Dr Nelson Wu, Director of Music
Congratulations Will Shi
Jive Into June
Lev Vlassenko Piano Competition 23 August –
4 September at Queensland Conservatorium,
Griffith University.
Following on from the hugely successful
night of Jazz with James Morrison, the music
department, in conjunction with the Music
Support Group, hosted “Jive into June” on the
last day of Term 2. What a great opportunity
for students and their families to relax and
celebrate the holidays! Café 45 came alive to
the sounds of our own Stage Bands, who were
followed by the amazing talents and sounds
of the Late Shift Big Band. There were lots of
games and fun activities as well as a few musical
surprises throughout the evening. One of these
was the debut performance of the President
of the Music Support Group, Mr Sam Fielder
who demonstrated his vocal prowess with a
fabulous rendition of Frank Sinatra’s “The Lady
is a Tramp”.
Jive into June is a major fundraiser for the Music
Support Group and monies raised go to assist
their activities throughout the remainder of the
year and beyond. Thanks go to: the students
who performed on the evening and their
families; other students and families for their
attendance; Music Support Group members
for their attendance and work; The Late Shift
Big Band for providing support at no cost; and
finally to the St Peters Music Staff for their
commitment to our students and to each other.
Below, is an excerpt of an email from a parent
who was in attendance on the night. I think it
says it all!
“We all had such a ball groovin, laughing, eating
and going slow in a blissfully formless way! The
kids go so hard all term with mad schedules and
hormones and this forum allows us super uncool
parents to drink in their relaxation, celebrations
and friendships in close company and safety.”
Grant Mason, Head of Bands
Congratulations to Will Shi (2013) who has been
selected as one of twenty pianists to compete
in the first round of the 2015 Lev Vlassenko
Piano Competition. The four finalists will play
a concerto with the Queensland Symphony
Orchestra in the Theatre on Friday, 4 September.
The Lev Vlassenko Piano Festival is a biennial
Brisbane piano event. It provides talented
Australian and New Zealand based performers
aged 16 – 30 with a platform to develop
professionally and artistically. The competition
honours the memory of the late Professor Lev
Vlassenko, the world-renowned international
concert pianist and teacher.
Will Shi will give a recital in the PAC Auditorium
on 18 August, 12:30-1:30pm in preparation for
the competition.
Christine Taylor, Head of Choirs
9 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015
Drama News
VaPAR Visual and
Performing Arts
On Par
Drama students may be interested in
two programs offered by the Queensland
Theatre Company.
Young Playwrights Award Entries close 4
September 2015
Years 8 -12 students are encouraged to submit
an original play that will be judged by a panel
of industry professionals. The winner will
be announced on 18 September and win
dramaturgy lessons with the Queensland Theatre
Company, a gift voucher for Queensland Theatre
Company shows and a professional reading of
their work. Click here for more information.
Theatre Residency Week
Sunday 27 September – Saturday 3 October,
Stuartholme School, Toowong
This is a week long residence program for
students in the September school holidays.
Students embark on a week of intensive skills
development workshops, view live performances
and network with leading artists. Registrations
close 28 August.
6:00pm, St Peters
Performing Arts Centre
• Visual Art, Design, Media, and Film &
Television exhibitions;
• Capture exhibition;
• Peoples Choice Awards for Visual Art;
• Artist floor talks;
• Music performances;
• 'The Beach' performed by St Peters
students; and
• Matt Hollywood's 'The Las Vegas
Refreshments available preshow and
at interval.
Click here for more information.
Tickets $10. Click here to book!
Kerri Mecklem, Teacher
Term 3 Trading Hours
Shop 45 is open Mondays, Tuesdays
and Thursdays 7:45-4pm.
This exhibition will be included in VAPar.
Send a maximum of 3 high quality
images to
Entries close Monday 3 August
Girls' Boarding
We welcome seven new girl boarders this term.
Pictured are Mele Fa'aoso, Bella Whytcross, Mia
Whytcross, Kiara Lung and Jemilla Duffy. We also
welcome Samara Crawford and Jessica Cannon.
Kim Holman, Head of Girls Boarding
Choral Bursaries
at St Peters Church
Calling All St Peters Choral Singers!
• Do you love to sing in choirs?
• Would you like to earn a little
extra ash?
St Peters Lutheran Church is looking
for young singers who are interested in
applying for their one remaining Choral
Bursary for 2015.
The choir performs a wide variety of
music at our monthly Sunday Choral
Services and other festival services
throughout the year.
Interested applicants can contact the
Choir Director Tricia Elgar for further
information. or 3279 0976
Keep up to date with
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10 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015
Boys Sport Coordinator, Matt Bradforde phone: 3377 6234 mobile: 0434 072 059 email:
Welcome back to all students!
Term 3 is shaping up to be another busy term as we focus on our new in season sports for this term;
Cross Country, Basketball and Tennis. Please remember that these sports take precedence over
other training sessions and we expect players to remain committed to their teams and the sport over
the term.
For boys keen on representing the college in Athletics this year, it’s also time to consider
incorporating pre-season training into your schedules. More information below.
Term 3 Sport Clashes
It is important for all students and their parents to note that there is a strong chance of sporting
‘clashes’ at the beginning of this term. With Basketball, Tennis, Cross Country and pre-season
Athletics all in Term 3, students may find that they have two commitments that overlap. With this
in mind, it is vitally important that your son communicates with the coordinator of their selected
sports so that arrangements can be made to best accommodate all students. Unfortunately this is
not uncommon for this time of the year, but with clear communication and planning ahead of time
most situations can be managed. If there are any major issues, please come to Sports House and see
Mr Bradforde – the sports team are here to support all boys in their sporting pursuits.
New activities and
points system for races.
Come dressed in your
Houses colours.
Cross Country
The Cross Country season is the now priority of Boys Sport for the first three weeks in Term 3.
Students who have played rugby, football or represented the school in swimming will be requested
to run in the upcoming practice meets and the AIC Championships. While some students are not
‘natural’ cross country runners, St Peters require ten students to compete in each age group and it is
hoped that any student who is approached to run will proudly represent the College.
AIC Athletics
AIC Cross Country meets will be occurring on the following dates:
• Friday 17 July: Juniors (St Laurence’s, Runcorn) and Seniors (St Patrick’s, Curlew Park) 2:30-6:00pm;
• Wednesday 22 July: All ages (Limestone Park) 1:00pm-5:00pm;
• Wednesday 29 July: Juniors (Padua College, Banyo) and Seniors (Marist College, Ashgrove)
2:30-6:00pm; and
• Wednesday 5 August: AIC Championships (all ages) Limestone Park, Ipswich, 8:30-12:30pm.
Students will be transported to and from each carnival.
These AIC Cross Country meets are a great way to prepare for the AIC Cross Country Championships
held in August. We strongly recommend all boys in the AIC Cross Country Squad attend.
For information on the AIC Cross Country season, please contact the Coordinator Mr
Peter Dawson ( or the manager Mr Steve Petherick
( for more information.
In Term 4, Athletics is the priority sport
as a part of the AIC Competition. It is not
too late to sign up! Pre-season trainings
will occur on Monday and Wednesday
afternoons and will start later in Term 3.
AIC Basketball and Tennis
Before the first round of AIC fixtures next Saturday (25 July), our Years 7-12 Basketball and Tennis
players will compete in trial games against St Edmunds College on Saturday 18 July. Please note that
this season Basketball and Tennis fixtures will follow a split round format, with certain age groups
playing away each week while others play at home. The details, times and venues for games are best
found on the St Peters App or over the coming pages.
We look forward to enjoying some exciting games this weekend versus St Edmunds. A reminder that
these games are practice matches, and will also provide an opportunity for boys and coaches to
finalise team selections for the first round of AIC competition. Good luck to all players.
Basketball players in Years 4, 5 and 6 will compete in intra-school trials this Friday afternoon (17 July)
on the outside gym courts from 3:30-5pm. Students that have registered their interest have been
advised of the details via email. Per this information provided, the games on Friday will provide an
opportunity for team selection ahead of the AIC season.
Like us at:
Keep up to date with Sport with
Tennis players in Years 5 and 6 also have intra-school trials this Friday afternoon on the Lohe Street
courts from 3:30-5pm. Again, information has been sent by email to interest players and boys hoping
for selection in the St Peters team are encouraged to attend.
We welcome our Junior students joining AIC Basketball and Tennis and look forward to them enjoying
their experience throughout the season.
Boys Sport
Find Boys Sport on page 12…
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11 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015
Boys Sport Coordinator, Matt Bradforde phone: 3377 6234 mobile: 0434 072 059 email:
AIC Basketball Trial
St Peters vs St Edmunds 18 July
Please be at the courts 30 minutes before your game starts for warm up.
St Peters
St Edmunds College
Indoor Gym
Outdoor Ct 1
Outdoor Ct 2
Indoor Court 1
1st V
*Years 4, 5 & 6 teams will play intra-school games at St Peters on Friday 17 July, 3:30 – 5:00pm.
• St Peters: entry via Lambert Road, Indooroopilly; and
• St Edmund’s College: Mary Street, Woodend.
AIC Tennis Trial
St Peters vs St Edmunds 18 July
Warm up commences at 8:00am.
St Edmunds Courts
St Edmunds Courts
St Edmunds Courts
St Marys College
St Marys College
St Marys College
St Marys College
St Peters – Lohe St Courts
St Peters – Lohe St Courts
St Peters – Lohe St Courts
St Peters – Lohe St Courts
St Peters – Stolz Courts
St Peters – Stolz Courts
• St Edmunds Courts:
Mary Street, Woodend;
• St Marys College:
Mary Street, Woodend (across
parking lot);
• St Peters Lohe St Courts:
Enter off Lohe Street,
Indooroopilly; and
• St Peters Stolz Courts:
Enter off Lambert Road,
*Years 5 and 6 teams will play fast four games and trials will be held at St Peters Friday 17 July,
Support Junior High
your 2015/16
Click here to order
or contact: Alison Arnold
or 0733776503
Access previous issues of The Rock on the
Publications page of St Peters’ website.
12 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015
Girls Sport Coordinators, Susannah Treschman and Kerry Schreiber phone: 3377 6218 email:
Welcome to the start of another exciting term for girls sport. Term 3 is always our biggest term with
our Winter Sports now in season and taking priority, with Rhythmic Gymnastics holding their big
competition on Friday 7 August, with BSRA Regattas and Head of the River happening and Athletics
starting up. All girls in the school are encouraged to find something to be a part of and any girls
finding it difficult to juggle all of their commitments are invited to come to Sports House to seek our
assistance in helping you fit it all in. We look forward to seeing all girls participating in some way
during the term and remember spectators are always a lovely addition to our sporting program.
Winter Fixtures: Netball, Hockey, Volleyball,
and Tennis
Friday 17 and Saturday 18 July is the start of our official Winter Fixtures season. We wish every
team the very best for the start of their season. Please see the information below for all game times
and venue details for each team. This is also published on the St Peters App and Portals for your
convenience. All girls in the school are always emailed the upcoming round information on Monday
evening so please encourage your daughter to check her emails regularly to keep up to date with all
information regarding sport.
New activities and
points system for races.
Come dressed in your
Houses colours.
Coordinator: Mr Cameron Glass
Saturday 18 July
MBC Hockey Fields, P&F Oval
MBC Hockey Fields, Jim Britton Oval
Junior A
MBC Hockey Fields, P&F Oval
• MBC: 450 Wondall
Road, Manly West
Coordinator: Mrs Lauren Coote
Saturday 18 July
MBC, Inside Court
Snr A
MBC, Inside Court
Snr B
MBC, Inside Court
Snr C
MBC, Outside court 3
Year 10 A
MBC, Outside court2
Year 10 B
MBC, Outside court 2
Year 10 C
MBC, Outside court 1
Year 9 A
MBC, Outside court 1
Year 9 B
MBC, Outside court 1
Year 9 C
MBC, Outside court 2
• MBC Venue:
450 Wondall Road,
Manly West; and
• Som Hse Venue:
Cannon Hill District
Netball Association,
Wynnum Road,
Cannon Hill.
Coordinators: Mrs Kerry Schreiber
and Mrs Susannah Treschman
Next week sees the start of our 2015 QGSSSA
Athletics season. It is sure to be a busy season
and one that the girls will enjoy being part
of. Training takes place on a Monday and
Wednesday afternoon during the season and
there are Friday night warm up meets at the QG
Athletics Track which start on Friday 7th August
from 4pm – 7.30pm. The QGSSSA Championship
is on Friday 16th October during the school day
at QSAC.
All girls interested in participating in Athletics this
season were invited to attend the sign ons on
Thursday lunch this week, where there was more
information regarding the season handed out.
This information will be available on the St Peters
App and Portals shortly and all information
published in The Rock as it is relevant.
For next week girls are invited to turn up
at training on Monday and/or Wednesday
3.30pm–5.00pm on Mayer Oval. No previous
experience is necessary and we encourage all
girls to come down. Please note that you must
attend your Winter Sport training as the priority.
Year 8A
MBC, Outside court 4
Year 7 A
MBC, Outside court 3
Year 7B
MBC, Outside court 3
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Year 7C
Som Hse Courts, Cannon Hill,
court 5
Coordinator: Mrs Gabrielle Baker
Girls Sport
Find more Girls sport draws on page 14…
St Peters Indooroopilly is on Facebook
Like us at:
We wish all our Rhythmic Gymnasts the best of
luck in the final few weeks of their season.
There is a full dress rehearsal for the Rhythmic
Gymnastics competition at training next
Wednesday, 22 July, for all teams 3.30-6pm.
An audience is welcome from 4pm in the
St Peters Gym.
The final competition at Moreton Bay College is
in Week 4 on Friday 7th August. An audience is
welcome. The competition day draw order will
be available soon on the portal.
Time to train in synchrony with the team – no
absences please.
13 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015
Girls Sport Coordinators, Susannah Treschman and Kerry Schreiber phone: 3377 6218 email:
Coordinator: Mrs Jenni Gagen
Coordinator: Mrs Lynne Rech
Friday 17 July
Churchie, Hilton St, East Brisbane
Snr A
Churchie, Hilton St, East Brisbane
Snr B
Churchie, Hilton St, East Brisbane
Snr C
Churchie, Hilton St, East Brisbane
Jnr A
Churchie, Hilton St, East Brisbane
Jnr B
Churchie, Hilton St, East Brisbane
Jnr C
Churchie, Hilton St, East Brisbane
• MBC Venue:
Churchie, Hilton
Street, East
After a week at Maroochydore for Rowing Camp,
the girls are ready for the BSRA season. Final
crew selections were made and the girls settled
into moving forward and ensuring they were fit
and technically ready for the competitive season
ahead. We’d like to take this opportunity to
thank Lynne Rech, Jon Trovas, Monique Fulcher,
all coaches and parents for all of their hard work
in organising this camp and ensuring the girls
had a fabulous time. The girls and school greatly
appreciate your efforts.
Bus Details
A bus will depart from Mayer Oval at 3.20pm to take students to Churchie. Parents are encouraged
to pick their daughter up from Churchie but a return bus will leave East Brisbane at approximately
6.30pm to return the girls to the Dohler Bus Stop at St Peters.
Coordinator: Mr Todd Rankin
Saturday 18 July
MBC Courts, Court 1
Snr A
MBC Courts, Court 1
Snr B
Snr B2
Com 3
St Aidan’s
St Aidan’s Courts, Centenary
State High School, Court 2
Com 2
10 B
Som 3: Yr 9
Somerville Courts, The Gap State
High School, Court 4
MBC Courts, Court 2
MBC Courts, Court 2
UQ, Indoor Gym Court
MBC Courts, Court 2
MBC Courts, Court 1
St Hildas
St Margaret’s Courts, Court 2
Volleyball Support Group Meeting
Thursday 23 July, 6:25pm. Meet outside Thiele House/Cafe 45 and
then move to the Staff dining room for a prompt 6:30pm start.
• MBC: 450 Wondall
Road Manly West;
• Somerville House:
The Gap State
High School, 1020
Waterworks Road;
• St Aidan’s:
Centenary SHS,
Moolanda Street
• St Margaret’s:
Phillip Harris Sport
Centre, Lapraik St
Ascot; and
• St Peters:
University of
Queensland Indoor
Gym Court, UQ
Sports Fitness
Centre, Union Road,
St Lucia.
Finally, as a precursor to the BSRA season our
girls and boys are competing this weekend at
the South East Queensland Championships at
Kawana. We wish all crews the best of luck and
hope the wind stops to ensure calm conditions
and fast racing. This will be a tester event where
we can see if our hard work has paid off and
which athletes will be selected to move on to the
State Championships.
Bus Tickets Available Now
Gap/Ashgrove Brisbane Bus Lines Run
10 trip, 20 trip and Term passes are now available
at St Peters' Business Office, located behind the
Performing Arts Centre. Passes are based on a $5.00
per trip fare.
*Please note that casual tickets and cash handling on
the bus is unavailable.
14 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015
Primary Sport Coordinator, Peter Dawson phone: 3377 6584 email:
“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.” – Anon
Years 4–6 Athletics
The Years 4–6 Athletics Carnival will be held in Week 2, Term 3. The Carnival will take place at
St Peters Mayer Oval on Thursday 23 July. It will be an all day event.
Sport for Life!
This year, the carnival will be a Year Level competition with students competing in their year level
from school. This should save confusion for students on the day. All parents are welcome to attend.
The Sport for Life! program was
developed and implemented in 2006
for students in Years 5-7. The focus
of the program is for all individuals to
participate and have fun in sporting
based activities. The Recreational
Sport Program will enable students to
learn new skills in a particular activity.
Students will take part in a different
activity for each of the first four weeks of
Term 1 and Term 2.
Due to time constraints, not all the Athletics events will be run at the Thursday Carnival. Instead, they
will be run during the second week of Term 3. A program has been sent via email to all parents and
students with all the details.
• 800m: Monday 20 July, 3:30pm – 4:00pm (Mayer Oval). All students welcome to compete;
• Shot Put, Long Jump, 100m, 200m: Thursday 23 July; and
• High Jump: Friday 24 July during Sport for Life.
Years 5 and 6 AIC BOYS Cross Country Training
The only students able to attend Cross Country training from now on will be the boys selected on the
AIC Cross Country Team. This is for Year 5 and Year 6 Boys only.
Girls Club Netball
Following Round 3 of the WDNA Competition there has been a number of division changes for the
StPeters Teams. The following will be in place from Round 4 (Saturday 2 May) onwards.
• St Peters 1 (12yrs): Division 3 at 10:20am;
• St Peters 2 (11yrs): Division 3 at 9:10am;
• St Peters 3 (10ys): Division 2 at 8:00am;
• St Peters 4 (10yrs): Division 2 at 8:00am; and
• St Peters 5 (11yrs): Division 4 at 9:10am.
Parents are able to access the draws by working through the following steps:
»» 1. Western District Netball Association Website;
»» 2. Go to the COMPETITIONS tab at the top of the page;
»» 4. Selecting the correct age and division from the GRADE drop down menu.
In addition to this, structured Sport
Development activities will run
throughout the year. This will be done
during the last four weeks of each
term and allow students to practice
fundamental sporting skills, including
kicking, striking, throwing and catching.
This program encourages students
to be active, have fun and improve
coordination skills, further building their
confidence. These sessions are organised
to supplement AIC and Primary Girls
Sporting competition that is available for
students in Years 4-6.
PDF versions of the Season Draws will also be available on the portals.
Middle School HPE
Training Times
HPE Dates Term 3
• Athletics: Monday 13 July – Friday 24 July;
• Field Games:
Monday 27 July – Friday 14 August; and
• Hip Hop Dance: Monday 17 August –
Wednesday 16 September.
Primary Girls Netball
• 11yrs Girls: Friday morning 6:30am – 7:30am;
• 10yrs and 12yrs Girls: Friday afternoon 3:30pm – 4:30pm; and
• All teams: Wednesday afternoon 3:30pm – 5:00pm (Harts Road Courts).
Access previous issues of The Rock on the
Publications page of St Peters’ website.
Reception 3377 6222 •
Years 10-12 3377 6562 •
Enrolments 3377 6236 •
Years 7-9 3377 6503 •
Finance Office 3377 6277 • Shop45 3377 6209
Years 5-6 3377 6123 •
Boys’ Boarding 3377 6100 • Girls’ Boarding 3377 6900
P-4 3377 6565 •
Leave Approval •
Click here to view the complete contact list
15 // THE ROCK 16 JULY 2015