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Machine Learning for Sensorimotor Procesing Daniel D. Lee Biological inspiration u Biological motivation for the Wright brothers in designing the airplane Robot dogs Custom built version u Sony Aibos Platforms for testing sensorimotor machine learning algorithms Robot hardware u Wide variety of sensors and actuators. Perception and motor control u Wide variety of sensors and actuators are readily available Legged league u u u u u u Each team consists of 4 Sony Aibo robot dogs (one is a designated goalie), with WiFi communications. Field is 3 by 5 meters, with orange ball and specially colored markers. Game played in two halves, each 10 minutes in duration. Teams change uniform color at half-time. Human referees govern kick-off formations, holding, penalty area violations, goalie charging, etc. Penalty kick shootout in case of ties in elimination round. Recently implemented larger field and wireless communications among robots. Upennalizers in action u GOOAAALLL! 2nd place in 2003. Robot software architecture Perception (Sensors) u Sense-Plan-Act cycle. Cognition (Plan) Action (Actuators) Perception View from Penn’s omnidirectional camera Robot vision Color segmentation: estimate P(Y,Cb,Cr | ORANGE) from training images Region formation: run length encoding, union find algorithm Distance calibration: bounding box size and elevation angle Camera geometry: transformation from camera to body centered coordinates u Tracking objects in structured environment at 25 fps Image reduction Deterministic position: L È(53,65,27) (52,67,35) ˘ Í(48,68,31) ˙ O Í ˙ M (250,213,196)˙˚ ÍÎ u (xball , yball ) Probabilistic model (Kalman): P(xball , yball ) 144 ¥176 ¥3 RGB image to 2 position coordinates Image manifolds È0.0˘ Í0.5˙ Í ˙ Í0.7˙ Í1.0 ˙ Í ˙ Í M ˙ Í0.8˙ Í ˙ Í0.2˙ Í0.0˙ Î ˚ Pixel vector u Variation in pose and illumination give rise to low dimensional manifold structure Matrix factorization Data matrix: ÈÊ M ˆ r ˜ Í Á X = x1 ÍÁ ˜ ÍÎÁË M ˜¯ ªWV ˘ ÊM ˆ Á xr ˜ L˙ ˙ ÁÁ 2 ˜˜ ˙˚ ËM ¯ v1 vM W11 x1 WNM x2 x3 x4 xN M xi =  Wik vk k =1 u u Learning and inference of hidden units is equivalent to matrix factorization. Prior probability distribution of hidden variables. Linear factorization (PCA) ÈÊ M ˆ r X = ÍÁ x1 ˜ ÍÁ ˜ ÍÎÁË M ˜¯ ˘ ÊM ˆ Á xr ˜ L˙ ˙ ÁÁ 2 ˜˜ ˙˚ ËM ¯ u W ,V subject to constraints: M W TW = I k=1 VV T diagonal Xij ª  WikVkj u min X - WV Equivalent to singular value decomposition. Degeneracy eliminated by constraining W orthonormal, rows of V orthogonal. PCA representation W: 49 hidden units V ¥ X = Original: u Linear model: representation uses positive and negative combinations to reconstruct original image. Vector quantization M Xij ª  WikVkj k=1 min X - WV W ,V Winner take all constraint: ÈÊ 0 ˆ ÍÁ 0 ˜ V = ÍÁ ˜ ÍÁ 0 ˜ ÍÁ 1 ˜ ÎË ¯ ˘ Ê0ˆ ˙ Á1˜ Á ˜ L˙ ˙ Á0˜ ˙ Á0˜ Ë ¯ ˚ Unary vectors u u Columns of V constrained to be unary. Winner take all competition between hidden variables in modeling data. VQ representation W: 49 hidden units V ¥ X = Original: u Weights cluster data into representative prototypes. Constraints and representations Model Constraints Representation VQ vk = d kk' very sparse r r v ⋅ v¢ = 0 distributed for some k’ PCA u u Hard constraints give rise to very sparse representations, with bases identifiable as prototypes. Soft constraints lead to a very distributed representation but with features difficult to interpret. Biological motivation u u u Firing rates of neurons are nonnegative Synapses are either excitatory or inhibitory What are the functional implications of these nonlinear constraints for learning? Nonnegative constraints Hidden Prior: M hidden variables P (v) > 0 iff v ≥ 0 v1 Excitatory Weights: Wij ≥ 0 Visible Variables: M xi ª ÂWik vk k =1 u vM W11 WNM Noise s1 x1 s2 x2 s3 x3 s4 N visible variables Nonnegative hidden variables and weights. x4 sN xN Nonnegative factorization algorithm min W ≥0,V ≥0 F =  X ij - (WV )ij ij Derivatives: ∂F = (W T WV )ij - (W T V )ij ∂Vij ∂F = (WVV T )ij - ( XV T )ij ∂Wij u 2 Inference: Vij ¨ Vij (W T X )ij (W T WV )ij Learning: Wij ¨ Wij ( XV T )ij (WVV T )ij Multiplicative algorithm can be interpreted as diagonally rescaled gradient descent. Convergence proof G ( v , vn ) Upper bound: F ( v ) £ G ( v , vn ) F (v) vnvn +1vmin F ( vn ) = G ( vn , vn ) v Update rule: vn +1 = arg min G (v, vn ) v F (vn +1 ) £ G (vn +1, vn ) £ G (vn , vn ) = F (vn ) u Minimizing auxiliary function G is guaranteed to monotonically converge to local minimum of F. NMF learning NMF representation W: 49 hidden units V ¥ X = Original: u u Learned weights decompose the images into their constituent parts. Nonnegative constraint allows only additive combinations. Learning nonlinear manifolds Kernel PCA, Isomap, LLE, Laplacian Eigenmaps, etc. u Many recent algorithms for nonlinear manifolds. Locally linear embedding r r E(W ) =  Xi -  Wij X j i j r r F(Y ) =  Yi -  WijY j i u 2 2 j LLE solves two quadratic optimizations using eigenvector methods (Roweis & Saul). Translational invariance u Application of LLE for translational invariance. Action M. Raibert’s hopping robot (1983) Inverse kinematics l1 q2 l2 q 3 l3 q1 H = R(q1 ) oT (l1 ) o R(q2 ) oT (l2 ) o R(q 3 ) oT (l3 ) u Degenerate solutions with many articulators. Eye movements Eye muscles (Yarbus, 1967) u Fast eye movements to scan visual environment Neural integrator Pastor et al., PNAS 91, 807 (1994) Control of eye position Line attractor u Low dimensional dynamics for motor control Gaits u 4-legged animal gaits Walking Inverse kinematics to calculate joint angles in shoulder and knee u Parameters tuned by optimization techniques Behavior SRI’s Shakey (1970) Finite state machine Search for ball See ball Goto ball position Kick ball u Close to ball Event driven state machine. Sensor-actuator mapping Sensor space u Actuator space Construct low dimensional representations for reasoning about sensor stimuli to motor responses Image correspondences Object 1 u Object 2 Correspondences between images of objects at same pose Data from the web... u Learning from examples Given Data (X1,X2): N1 examples n labeled of object 1 correspondences (D1 dimensions) N2 examples of object 2 (D2 dimensions) X1 D1¥n D1¥N1 ? X2 D2¥n ? D2¥N2 u Matrix formulation (n << N1, N2 ) Supervised learning D1¥n D1¥N1 ? D2¥n ? D2¥N2 Training Data u Fill in the blanks: (D1 +D2 ) ¥ n labeled data D1 ¥ D2 parameters Problem overfitting with small amount of labeled data Supervised backprop network Original: Reconstruction: Original: Reconstruction: u 15 hidden units, tanh nonlinearity Missing data D1¥n D1¥N1 ? D2¥n ? D2¥N2 D1+D2 EM algorithm: Iteratively fills in missing data statistics, reestimates parameters for PCA, factor analysis u Treat as missing data problem using EM algorithm EM algorithm X1 min min  Xi - WiYi Yic =Y jc Wi Yi ¨ RYi 2 i X Wi ¨ Wi R -1 so that Y T Y = I X2 Y1 Y Y2 u Alternating minimization of least squares objective function. PCA with correspondences Original: Original: u 15 dimensional subspace, 200 images of each object, 10 in correspondence Common embedding space Two input spaces Common low dimensional space LLE with correspondences r1 1 1 r1 E(W ) =  Xi -  Wij X j i j r1 1 r1 F(Y ,Y ) =  Yi -  WijY j 2 r2 2 r2 + Yi -  Wij Y j 2 1 j r2 2 2 r2 E(W ) =  Xi -  Wij X j i 2 2 i 2 i Correspondences: u j j r1 r 2 i Œ Sc : Yi = Yi Quadratic optimization with constraints is solved with spectral decomposition LLE with correspondences Original: Original: u 8 nearest neighbors, 2 dimensional nonlinear manifold Summary u u u u Adaptation and learning in biological systems for sensorimotor processing. Many sensory and motor activations are described by an underlying manifold structure. Development of learning algorithms that can incorporate this low dimensional manifold structure. Still much room for improvement…
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