anatomical chart company
anatomical chart company
ANATOMICAL CHART COMPANY 2016 product catalogue price list & order form CHARTS Prices subject to change without prior notice. Price list effective 1st May 2016. Prices do not include VAT (applicable at current rate). Pages 5-27 Product Code PU PL1.5 PST PU GIANT SIZE Raised Relief RR Product Code All charts are priced as below unless otherwise stated Heavy Paper Anatomical Chart 20″ x 26″ (50.8cm x 66cm) Laminated Anatomical Chart 20″ x 26″ (50.8cm x 66cm) Styrene Plastic Anatomical Chart 19-3/4″ x 26″ (50.2cm x 66cm) Paper Anatomical Chart 20″ x 26″ (50.8cm x 66cm) Giant Anatomical Chart 42″ x 62″ (106.7cm x 157.5cm) 3-Dimensional Anatomical Charts 18″ x 25″ (45.7cm x 63.5cm) Product Name £ £8.00 £13.50 £23.50 £8.00 £43.00 £9.95 £ 978-0-7817-8654-6 978-0-7817-8653-9 978-0-7817-8641-6 NEURO1 NEURO2 CARDIO1 CARDIO2 FDU2 9880 978-0-7817-8641-6 LWW Atlas of Anatomy Skeletal LWW Atlas of Anatomy Skeletal LWW Atlas of Anatomy Skeletal Neurology Chart Set 1 (p.11) Neurology Chart Set 2 (p.11) Cardiology Chart Set 1 (p.14) Cardiology Chart Set 2 (p.14) Space-Saver Display (p.27) Portable Chart Stand (p.27) LWW Atlas of Anatomy Skeletal £13.50 £11.50 £25.50 £38.95 £38.95 £25.50 £51.00 £211.00 £83.00 £25.50 €17.00 €14.00 €31.00 €47.00 €47.00 €31.00 €61.00 €253.00 €100.00 €31.00 978-1-4698-8990-0 978-0-7817-8211-1 978-1-60547-104-4 978-1-58779-980-8 Anatomy & Pathology, 6e Diseases & Disorders, 3e Systems & Structures, 3e English and Spanish Anatomical Chart Desktop Collection £24.95 £30.50 £21.95 £32.99 €30.00 €37.00 €26.00 €40.00 978-0-7817-8665-2 978-0-7817-7361-4 978-1-60547-102-0 978-0-7817-7678-3 978-0-7817-7681-3 978-0-7817-7682-0 978-0-7817-7683-7 978-0-7817-7684-4 978-0-7817-7685-1 978-0-7817-7686-8 978-0-7817-7688-2 PASET8 Classic Anthology of Anatomical Charts, 7e (2 volume) Anatomical Visual Guide to Sports Injuries Rapid Review Reference Guide, 3e Muscular and Skeletal Systems Illustrated Pocket Guide, 2e Anatomy of the Heart Illustrated Pocket Guide, 2e Vertebral Column and Spine Disorders Illustrated Study Guide, 2e Anatomy of the Brain Illustrated Study Guide, 2e Spinal Nerves and Autonomic Nervous System Illustrated Study Guide, 2e Circulatory System Illustrated Study Guide, 2e Anatomy and Disorders of the Respiratory System Illustrated Study Guide, 2e Anatomy and Disorders of the Digestive System Illustrated Study Guide, 2e Set of 8 Study Guides £72.00 £60.00 £34.99 £7.50 £7.50 £7.50 £7.50 £7.50 £7.50 £7.50 £7.50 £44.00 €86.00 €72.00 €42.00 €9.00 €9.00 €9.00 €9.00 €9.00 €9.00 €9.00 €9.00 €53.00 978-1-4511-2776-8 978-1-4511-4500-7 978-1-60913-434-1 978-0-7817-8505-1 978-1-58255-856-1 978-1-60913-785-4 978-1-4511-1945-9 978-1-4511-8447-1 978-0-7817-9915-7 978-1-60913-112-8 978-0-7817-8020-9 Institutional Subscription (Annual) Single User Subscription (Annual) Single User Subscription (6 Month Subscription) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Atlas of Anatomy Color Atlas of Anatomy, 7e (North American Edition) Color Atlas of Anatomy, 7e (International Edition) Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 7e (North American Edition) Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 7e (International Edition) Essential Clinical Anatomy, 4e (North American Edition) Essential Clinical Anatomy, 4e (International Edition) Human Form, Human Function: Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology (North American Edition) 978-1-58255-889-9 978-1-60913-308-5 978-1-60831-756-1 978-1-4511-1031-9 978-1-4511-2791-1 978-0-7817-7918-0 Anatomy: A Regional Atlas of the Human Body, 6e (North American Edition) Anatomy: A Regional Atlas of the Human Body, 6e (International Edition) Grant's Atlas of Anatomy 13e (North American Edition) Grant's Atlas of Anatomy 13e (International Edition) Functional Anatomy Orthopedic and Neurological Examination in a Flash System Chart: Head & Trunk (p.5) System Chart: Upper and Lower Limbs (p.5) System Chart Set (p.5) System Chart Set (p27) € €10.00 €17.00 .00.00 €28.00 €10.00 €52.00 €12.00 € 28-29 30-31 32-33 Please contact your representative £73.00 €88.00 Not Available Not Available £59.00 €71.00 Not Available Not Available £56.00 €67.00 Not Available Not Available £49.00 €59.00 Not Available Not Available £33.00 €40.00 Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available £60.00 €72.00 Not Available Not Available £49.00 £43.95 £37.00 €59.00 €53.00 €44.00 Pages Product Code 978-0-7817-9193-9 978-0-7817-7835-0 978-1-4511-7335-2 978-0-7817-6530-5 978-1-60547-315-4 978-0-7817-3390-8 978-1-60831-692-2 978-1-60831-699-1 Product Name Clinical Anatomy for Your Pocket Rohen's Photographic Anatomy Flash Cards Moore’s Clinically Oriented Anatomy Flash Cards Colouring Atlas of the Human Body Lippincott’s Illustrated Q&A Review of Anatomy and Embryology Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 28e Stedman's Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, 7e Stedman's Abbreviations Acronyms and Symbols, 5e 978-0-7817-7951-7 978-1-60831-129-3 978-0-7817-8941-7 978-1-4511-4726-1 978-1-4698-8704-3 978-1-4698-3937-0 KSSET9 978-1-58779-741-5 978-1-58779-747-7 978-1-58779-743-9 978-1-58779-751-4 978-1-58779-749-1 978-1-58779-739-2 978-1-58779-735-4 978-1-58779-737-8 978-1-58779-745-3 CHMS 978-1-58779-490-2 CMS6P 978-0-671-70342-4 Spanish-English English-Spanish Pocket Medical Dictionary Spanish-English English-Spanish Medical Dictionary, 4e Medical Spanish Made Incredibly Easy! 3e Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Easy! 4e Nursing 2016 Drug Handbook, 36e Lippincott Nursing Drug Guide Blueprint for Health Chart Set Your Respiratory System Individual Laminated Chart Your Taste and Smell Individual Laminated Chart Your Brain and Nerves Individual Laminated Chart Your Ears Hearing and Balance Individual Laminated Chart Your Eyes Individual Laminated Chart Your Digestive System Individual Laminated Chart Your Skeleton Individual Laminated Chart Your Muscles Individual Laminated Chart Your Heart and Blood Individual Laminated Chart Elementary Teaching Models An Illustrated Adventure in Human Anatomy, 2e Petit Pete Skelton Dimensional Man Chart 978-1-60831-910-7 978-1-4511-7319-2 978-1-58779-959-4 978-0-683-18008-4 TRIGP TRIGL 978-0-7817-7306-5 978-0-7817-7307-2 RW1L RW2L 80401 FWC20L HWC30L EE1L LDFA105 LDSU105 LDSA105 LDC05 WA7173 WA4313 WA14573 WA8836 978-1-58779-926-6 NWC 978-0-7817-7361-4 978-0-7817-8675-1 978-0-7817-8672-0 978-1-4511-0859-0 £ £23.95 £27.00 £27.95 £29.50 £35.00 £41.95 £31.95 £32.95 € €29.00 €32.00 €34.00 €35.00 €42.00 €50.00 €38.00 €40.00 34-35 Please contact your local LWW representative £23.50 £31.95 £35.50 £36.95 £29.99 £32.50 £96.00 £13.50 £13.50 £13.50 £13.50 £13.50 £13.50 £13.50 £13.50 £13.50 £97.00 £14.50 £9.95 £28.95 €28.00 €38.00 €40.00 €44.00 €36.00 €39.00 €115.00 €17.00 €17.00 €17.00 €17.00 €17.00 €17.00 €17.00 €17.00 €17.00 €116.00 €17.00 €12.00 €35.00 A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, 5e Introduction to Massage Therapy, 3e Trigger Points: Understanding Myofascial Pain and Discomfort, 2e Travell and Simons' Trigger Point Flip Charts Trigger Points I and II (heavy paper) Trigger Points I and II (laminated) Trigger Point Chart Set Torso and Extremities, 2e (heavy paper) Trigger Point Chart Set Torso and Extremities, 2e (laminated) Points and Meridians of Acupuncture Acupoints of Traditional Chinese Medicine Deluxe Acupuncture Model Foot Reflexology Chart Hand Reflexology Chart Reflexology Chart £38.00 £43.00 £28.50 £69.00 £35.50 £48.00 £14.95 £25.50 £23.50 £27.95 £95.00 £21.50 £21.50 £13.95 €46.00 €52.00 €34.00 €83.00 €43.00 €58.00 €18.00 €31.00 €28.00 €34.00 €114.00 €26.00 €26.00 €17.00 How Does Your Fat Stack Up? Display Case How Does Your Sugar Stack Up? Display Case How Does Your Salt Stack Up? Display Case How Does Your Fat/Sugar/Salt Stack Up? Set of all 3 One-lb. Fat Replica Five-lb. Fat Replica One-lb. Muscle Replica Five-lb. Muscle Replica Understanding Your Weight Flipchart Book Nutrition and Healthy Weight Chart Set Anatomical Visual Guide to Sports Injuries Athletic Injuries of the Knee (Laminated) Athletic Injuries of the Knee (Paper) ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer, 4e £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 £268.00 £30.95 £66.00 £22.95 £65.00 £28.95 €120.00 €120.00 €120.00 €322.00 €37.00 €79.00 €28.00 €78.00 €35.00 36-37 38-39 Not Available Not Available £60.00 £13.50 £8.00 £51.00 €72.00 €17.00 €10.00 €61.00 Pages Product Code 5009-L AS3 Product Name Stretch & Strengthen Chart Male Musculature Figure £ £16.50 £1,050.00 € €20.00 €1,260.00 CPR1L CPR4L HDE-2L HDE-4L G340 A26426 A26500 A26502 A26400 DCS1 CPR for Adults Chart Choking First Aid for Adults Chart Harmful Effects of Alcohol Laminated Chart Harmful Effects of Smoking Laminated Chart Breast Cancer Model Multi-Type Breast Model Breast Examination Teaching Model (standard BSE model) Breast Examination Teaching Model (heavy duty BSE model) Testicular Self-Examination Model Healthy Lifestyles Chart Set £16.95 £16.95 £19.50 £18.50 £56.00 £201.00 £77.00 £84.00 £89.00 £23.50 €20.00 €20.00 €23.00 €22.00 €67.00 €241.00 €92.00 €101.00 € 07.00 €28.00 A26200 978-1-4511-9338-1 A26104 A26108 Injection Teaching Model Hand Hygiene Chart Male Model with Bladder Female Model with Bladder £77.00 £12.50 £147.00 £147.00 €92.00 €16.00 €176.00 € 76.00 CMT32 DG700 B13 B22 CMT2 CMT4 CMT3 CMT5 Budget Functional Francis Torso Thin Man Anatomy Overlay Chart Classic Sexless Torso 12-Part Mini Torso Budget Dapper Dan Torso Budget Little Joe Torso Budget Peter/Petra Torso Budget Tall Paul Torso £308.00 £343.00 £543.00 £213.00 £55.00 £29.50 £55.00 £172.00 €370.00 €412.00 €652.00 €256.00 €66.00 €35.00 €66.00 €206.00 F15 F-10 Economy Eye Model Classic Human Eye Model £74.00 £131.00 €89.00 €157.00 CH2 JS6513 CS22 G275 G280 G225 E10 DG133 CH8 G285 G315 Budget Whopper Eye Model Human Eye Model Eyeball with Part of Orbit Model Cutaway Eye Model Cataract Eye Model 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978-1-4697-7289-6 Product Name Cutaway Heart Model Budget Jumbo Heart Model Budget Life-Size Heart Model Two-Part Heart Model Understanding High Blood Pressure Chart £ £55.00 £48.00 £17.50 £167.00 £97.00 € €66.00 €58.00 €21.00 €200.00 €116.00 DG108 JS6520 W5314 G286 TH01 G3342 JS22 G333 G200 G334 Teeth and Jaw Development Set Giant Molar Flossing and Brushing Model Diseased Teeth and Gums Model Giant Tooth Brushing Model Lower GI Tract Human Digestive Tract Model Pancreas, Spleen and Gallbladder Model Stomach with Ulcers Model Colon Model £255.00 £42.00 £39.95 £63.00 £37.95 £70.00 £605.00 £51.00 £46.00 £54.00 €306.00 €50.00 €48.00 €76.00 €46.00 €84.00 €726.00 €61.00 €55.00 €65.00 G325 K12 H11 JS6542 H10 MS3 G350 Z4058F Z4058 Z4056 267A G345 G348 Basic Kidney Model Human Kidney and Adrenal Gland Human Male Pelvis Section Female Pelvic Section Human Female Pelvis Section Male Genital Organs Female Pelvis Section Model Female Pelvis with Femur Heads Female Pelvis without Femurs Male Pelvis Composite Pelvis and Pelvic Floor Breast Cross-Section Model Uterus and Ovaries Model with Pathologies £48.00 £81.00 £147.00 £94.00 £155.00 £846.00 £55.00 £81.00 £70.00 £70.00 £385.00 £54.00 £56.00 €58.00 €97.00 €176.00 €113.00 €186.00 €1,015.00 €66.00 €97.00 €84.00 €84.00 €462.00 €65.00 €67.00 HE27007 J11 G380 CH4 C25 BS5 C14 BS25T BS20 Uterus with Fetus Model Set Skin Section Model Skin with Burns Model Budget Super Skin Model Head with Brain Model Deluxe Head with Brain Model Human Half Head Transparent Brain Model Deluxe Brain Model £282.00 £71.00 £57.00 £48.00 £356.00 £757.00 £336.00 £946.00 £334.00 €338.00 €85.00 €68.00 €58.00 €427.00 €908.00 €403.00 €1,135.00 €401.00 50-51 52-53 54-55 Pages 56-57 Product Code Product Name £ € QS657 BS25 Neuroanatomy Head Model Brain Demonstration Model £1,891.00 £671.00 €2,269.00 €805.00 BS23 240R CH1 BS21 C18 DG178 G290 Deluxe Brain with Arteries Color-Coded 8-Part Brain Model Budget Brain Model Two-Part Brain Model Classic 5-Part Brain Deluxe 8-Part Brain with Arteries Diseased Brain in Skull £694.00 £276.00 £27.95 £219.00 £140.00 £432.00 £109.00 €833.00 €331.00 €34.00 €263.00 €168.00 €518.00 €131.00 QS662 Z4083 A76/5 BS30 A72 A73 A74 G170 G176 CHLS4 CH76 A76 Lumbar Spine with Innervation Giant Atlas/Axis Model Flexible Lumbar Vertebral Column with Herniated Disk Fifth Cervical Vertebra Flexible Vertebral Column Region Models - Cervical Flexible Vertebral Column Region Models - Thoracic Flexible Vertebral Column Region Models - Lumbar Basic Lumbar Vertebrae with Sacrum Four-Stage Vertebrae Set Budget 4-Part Lumbar Vertebrae Budget Lumbar Vertebrae with Interchangeable Discs Lumbar Vertebrae Teaching Model £803.00 £48.00 £86.00 £260.00 £69.00 £69.00 £76.00 £77.00 £120.00 £20.50 £25.95 £65.00 €964.00 €58.00 €103.00 €312.00 €83.00 €83.00 €91.00 €92.00 €144.00 €25.00 €31.00 €78.00 A59/1P A58/9 SM91 VC126 CH5900 CS85X NEURO1 NEURO2 310K CH59X A59/1 A59/1F Z4009 Vertebral Column with Muscle Painting Didactic Flexible Spine 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£312.00 £238.00 £212.00 £282.00 £73.00 £120.00 £172.00 £228.00 £124.00 £116.00 £73.00 €682.00 €523.00 €340.00 €374.00 €286.00 €254.00 €338.00 €88.00 €144.00 €206.00 €274.00 € 49.00 €139.00 €88.00 58-59 60-61 62-63 64-65 Pages Product Code CS20 CH-S2 MO12C CS20V WCPSB A41R A31R A31L A-31SPR A-31SPL OS31P OS31E OS32P A-41SP OS32E Product Name Budget Skull Budget Two-Piece Skull Budget Skull with 8-Part Brain Budget Skull with Cervical Vertebrae on Stand Mr. Thrifty Skull with 8-Part Brain Life-Size Skeletal Extremities: rigid right hand with lower arm, wire mounted Life-Size Skeletal Extremities: rigid right foot with portion of tibia and fibula wire ted Skeletal Extremities: rigid left foot with portion of tibia and fibula Life-Size wire mounted Elastic Foot Demonstration Model: Right Foot Elastic Foot Demonstration Model: Left Foot Painted Foot on Elastic Elastic Foot Model Painted Hand on Elastic Elastic Hand Demonstration Model Elastic Hand Model £ £22.95 £19.50 £50.00 £39.95 £17.95 £68.00 £65.00 £65.00 £66.00 £68.00 £94.00 £72.00 £94.00 £84.00 £70.00 € €28.00 €23.00 €60.00 €48.00 €22.00 €82.00 €78.00 €78.00 €79.00 €82.00 €113.00 €86.00 €113.00 €101.00 €84.00 Z4552 NS-50 Z4550 NS-53 Z4554 NS-52 NS-51 A80 A82 A81 A83 GPB4 G110 Knee Joint with Ligaments Functional Model of the Knee Joint Shoulder Joint with Ligaments Functional Model of the Shoulder Joint Hip Joint with Ligaments Functional Model of the Elbow Joint Function Model of the Hip Joint Functional Shoulder Joint (Right) Functional Knee Joint (Right) Functional Hip Joint (Right) Functional Elbow Joint (Right) Basic Joint Model Set 4-Stage Osteoarthritis Knee £73.00 £183.00 £73.00 £210.00 £73.00 £171.00 £187.00 £73.00 £87.00 £73.00 £73.00 £210.00 £69.00 €88.00 €220.00 €88.00 €252.00 €88.00 €205.00 €224.00 €88.00 € 104.00 € 88.00 € 88.00 €252.00 € 83.00 G181 G185 GP4 G106 G131 M10 M20 NS9 NS13 978-1-58779-467-4 978-1-58779-710-1 978-1-58779-466-7 Muscled Shoulder Joint Model Muscled Elbow Joint Model Life-Size Muscled Joint Set Muscled Knee Joint Model Muscled Hip Joint Model Muscles of the Arm (Left) Muscles of the Left Leg Muscles of the Foot Model Muscles of the Hand Model Ligaments of the Joints (Laminated) Ligaments of the Joints (Styrene Plastic) Ligaments of the Joints (Paper) 978-1-58779-838-2 978-1-58779-837-5 978-1-58779-839-9 978-1-58779-914-3 978-1-58779-913-6 Anatomy and Injuries of the Foot and Ankle (Laminated) £81.00 £111.00 £309.00 £81.00 £86.00 £428.00 £535.00 £1,298.00 £604.00 £13.50 £23.50 £8.00 £13.50 £8.00 £23.50 €97.00 €133.00 €371.00 €97.00 €103.00 €514.00 €642.00 €1,558.00 €725.00 €17.00 €28.00 €10.00 €17.00 €10.00 €28.00 66-67 68-69 Anatomy and Injuries of the Foot and Ankle (Paper) Anatomy and Injuries of the Foot and Ankle (Styrene) Anatomy and Injuries of the Hand and Wrist (Laminated) Anatomy and Injuries of the Hand and Wrist (Paper) £13.50 £8.00 €17.00 €10.00 70-71 CHM312 NS1 NS2 G198 NS54 G192 NS55 978-0-7817-8654-6 978-0-7817-8653-69 Budget Foot Model Set Deluxe Foot Model - Normal Foot Deluxe Foot Models - Flat Foot Foot and Ankle Model Functional Model of the Foot and Ankle Hand and Wrist Model Functional Model of the Hand and Wrist LWW Atlas of Anatomy Skeletal System Chat: Head and Trunk (Laminated) LWW Atlas of Anatomy Skeletal System Chat: Upper and Lower Limbs (Laminated) QS101 QS108 Z3014 Adult Skeleton - Male Adult Skeleton - Female Flexible Physiotherapy Skeleton with Stand A13 A10 A15 A5 CH168 CHA5/1 CH10N CH10 Product Code Mr. Superskeleton Mr. Plain Skeleton Mr. Flexible Skeleton WCP-1 WCP1NX WCP85 CMS65 CMS1 CH95 7032SP 7033SP 7041SP SS26AKLWH SS26AKLBK £65.00 £100.00 £100.00 £76.00 £604.00 £64.00 £549.00 £13.50 £13.50 £1,141.00 £1,138.00 £686.00 €78.00 €120.00 €120.00 €91.00 €725.00 €77.00 €659.00 €17.00 €17.00 €1,369.00 €1,366.00 €823.00 72-73 Pages 74-75 Disarticulated Skeleton Learning Set Painted & Numbered Budget Bucky Skeleton Disarticulated Budget Skeleton with Skull Numbered Budget Bucky™ Skeleton Budget Bucky™ Skeleton Product Name £707.00 £264.00 £543.00 £349.00 £302.00 £125.00 £256.00 £227.00 £ €848.00 €317.00 €652.00 €419.00 €362.00 €150.00 €307.00 €272.00 € Mr Thrifty™ Skeleton Flexible Mr Thrifty™ Skeleton with Spinal Nerves Painted Mr Thrifty™ Skeleton Painted Big Tim Skeleton My First Skeleton (Tiny Tim) Budget Bart™ Skeleton Anatomical Key Ring Collection- Hand Anatomical Key Ring Collection- Hip Anatomical Key Ring Collection- Skull Bone Socks - White Bone Socks - Black £46.00 £61.00 £74.00 £39.50 £18.50 £125.00 £2.95 £2.95 £2.95 £12.95 £12.95 €55.00 €73.00 €89.00 €46.00 €22.00 €150.00 €4.00 €4.00 €4.00 €16.00 €16.00 ACC Product Catalogue 2016 Order Form Prices subject to change without prior notice. Price list effective 1st May 2016. Prices do not include VAT (applicable at current rate). Product Code Product Name Price (£/€) Qty TOTAL Company Account No. Address Contact Tel Email Order ref Special Instructions Please return to your Wolters Kluwe representative or mail orders to: Wolters Kluwer c/o NBN International Airport Business Centre, Thornbury Road, Plymouth PL6 7PP England UK. Tel: +44(0)1752 202301 Fax: + 44(0)1752 202331 Email: © Wolters Kluwer 2016
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