Chrysler de México - Suppliers Partnership
Chrysler de México - Suppliers Partnership
Chrysler de México Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) Oct 23th., 2013 Materials & Waste Management and Resource Creation Environmental Vision Environmental Mission Chrysler Mexico seeks to be a World Class Manufacturing Company distinguished by its commitment to taking care of the environment. In Chrysler de Mexico, we work every day to reduce environmental impacts to nature by caring for our products and processes to be more environmentally friendly. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY “At Chrysler de Mexico we are committed to operating in an environmentally responsible manner” Continually improving our processes, products and operations, setting objectives and targets to prevent the pollution to comply with applicable government and corporate environmental requirements. Supported by the 7 environmental principles: Environmental Responsibility Pollution Prevention Supplier’s Involvement Continuous Improvement Environmental Education to Personnel Sustainable Development Internal & External Environmental Education Reduction of Waste and Losses System Management Commitment Competence of Organization Clarity of Objectives KPI Time & Budget Route Map to WCM Allocation of Highly Quality People Level of Detail Level of Expansion ENVIRONMENT PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT EARLY EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT LOGISTICS QUALITY CONTROL PROFESSIONAL MAINTENANCE AUTONOMOUS ACTIVITIES FOCUSED IMPROVEMENT COST DEPLOYMENT SAFETY WORLD CLASS MANUFACTURING Commitment of Organization Motivation of Operators 180 OP 169: ASRS (BUFFER) Rocktool Cap. 681 lts. 16 ASRS(BUFFER) OP 209 GANTRY 18 CONV 16 Op 1 47: Gantry GANTRY 16 180 180-1 Op 177: Gantry 3785 LTS. OP 170-1 LAVADORA CAP. 170 OP 189: ASRS (BUFFER) 170B Op 157-A: Gantry OP 16 0B LAVADORA CAP. 3 785 LTS. 159B 140 160 Op 137-A: Gantry Fu ture F utu re 110A-1 110A-2 110A-3 CONVEYOR 9 GANTRY 10 Future 120A-1 120A-2 120A-3 109B 150A-1 130A-1 130A-2 130A-3 90A 150A-2 Op 127-A: Gantry CONVEYOR 10 CONV 7 70A-1 60 A-1 60A-2 60A-3 70A-3 70A-2 60A-4 CONVEYOR 5 60A-5 60A-6 60A-7 60A-8 70A-4 CONVEYOR 6 70A-5 70A-6 70A-7 70A-8 Fu tu re 50A-2 50A-3 50A-4 CON VEYOR 4 50A-5 50A-6 50A-7 50A-8 40A-1 40A-2 40A-3 40A-4 CONVEYOR 3 40A-5 40A-6 40A-7 40A-8 30A-1 30A-2 30A-3 30A-4 CONVEYOR 2 30A-5 30A-6 30A-7 30A-8 20A-1 20A-2 20A-3 20A-4 CON VEYOR 1 20A-5 20A-6 20A-7 20A-8 LOAD C ONVEYOR 150A-3 130 GAN TRY 9 CONVEYOR 11 GAN TRY 11 C ONVEYOR 12 Op 067-A: Gantry CONVEYOR 13 Op 117-A: Gantry 110 120 Buffer 110A-4 OP 8 9 - A: 120A-4 100 130A-4 90 140A-1 100B 110A-5 GAN 10 120A-5 80 130A-5 lts. CON VEYOR 8 20B-2 20B-3 20B-4 CONVEYOR 1 20B-5 Op. 140A-2 C ap. 6 81 F utu re Rocktool 110A-6 30B-2 30B-3 30B-4 CONVEYOR 2 20B-6 20B-7 20B-8 70 Fu ture 40B-2 40B-3 40B-4 CONVEYOR 3 30B-5 30B-6 30B-7 30B-8 20-1 20-2 CONV 1 20B-1 Op 057-A: Gantry 60 Fu ture Op 057-A: Gantry 30B-1 Op 047-A: Gantry 50 Future Op 047-A: Gantry 40B-1 Op 037-A: Gantry Fu tu re 50B-2 50B-3 Op 037-A: Gantry 60B-1 60B-2 60B-3 50B-4 CONVEYOR 4 Op 027-A: Gantry 70B-1 70B-2 70B-3 60B-4 CONVEYOR 5 40B-5 40B-6 40B-7 40B-8 Op 017-A: Gantry 40 Future CONV 9 70B-4 CONVEYOR 6 50B-5 50B-6 50B-7 50B-8 Op 027-A: Gantry 30 F utu re Op 107-A: Gantry F utu re 110B-1 110B-2 CONV 7 60B-5 60B-6 60B-7 60B-8 22-1 22-2 Op 017-A: Gantry 20 140A-3 Op 107-A: Gantry Fu ture 120B-1 Op 107: Gantry Future 120B-2 130B-1 Op 117-A: Gantry 130B-2 90B 110B-3 LTS. 120B-3 Op 77-A: Gantry 130B-3 CONVEYOR 10 70B-5 70B-6 70B-7 70B-8 30-1 C ONV 2 10-1 10-2 LOAD CON VEYOR 170A OP 160 A LAVADORA CAP. 3785 LTS. Op 157-A: Gantry 179 Op 175B : Overhead T ransfer to ASRS B 190 Washer Machines maintenance includes change of the cleaning solution which mainly contains coolant. This solution used to be drained and was sent to the WWTP. CONVEYOR 14 1500 LTS. CONVEYOR 11 110B-4 GANTR Y 9 C ONVEYOR 12 120B-4 OP 80B LAVADORA CAP. 3785 150B-4 160-2 SUPFINAS CAP. 110B-5 Op 067: Gantry 150B-5 Op 147: Gantry CONVEYOR 8 30-4 30-5 C ONV 3 Op 017: Gantry CONVEYOR 13 150 130B-4 Op 137: Gantry 89B 120B-5 80 130B-5 Op 117: Gantry F utu re Op 077: Gantry 110B-6 Op 057: Gantry Fu ture 50-1 50-2 50 Fu ture 80-1 Op 047: Gantry Future 120-1 60-1 60-2 CONV 4 30-2 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 CONVEYOR 1 20-6 20-7 20-8 CRANK CONVEYOR 15 Op 157: Gantry 150-3 80-2 CONV 6 40-1 22-3 Op 007: Gantry 150B-6 160-1 SUPFINA CAP. 1500 110-1 CONV 7 CON V 5 Future 30-1 30-2 30-3 30-4 CONVEYOR 2 30-5 30-6 20-9 LOAD CONVEYOR CONVEYOR 14 LTS. 681 lts. 140B-4 160 roc ktool Cap. 140B-5 Op 11 7: Ga ntry 120-2 GANTRY 9 CONV 8 OP 70. Future 140 142 60-3 Op 037: Gantry 150-2 120 70-1 3785LTS. 150-1 110 100-1 OP 42-1 LAVADORA CAP. CONV 9 Op 04 7: Ga ntry CONV 1 0 90 110-2 LAVADORA 130-1 30-3 40-2 Op 02 7: Ga ntry F utu re Op 1 37: Gantry Op 027: Gantry 40 CONV 11 40-1 40-2 40-3 40-4 40-5 CONVEYOR 3 40-6 40-7 Future 30-7 Op 01 7: Ga ntry 20 140B-6 Op 10 7: Ga ntry 60-4 Future 50-1 50-2 50-3 50-4 CONVEYOR 4 50-5 Op 03 7: Ga ntry 30 142-1 Op 097 : Ga ntry 22 CONV 12 90-2 70 70-2 60 90-1 60-1 60-2 60-3 60-4 60-5 CONVEYOR 5 60-6 50-6 40-8 40-9 Future Op. C ONV 13 Op 087 -1: Gantry 140-1 LTS. 90-2 CAP. 3,785 110-3 PROVADORA DE FUGAS CAP 1800 120-3 Op 0 77: Gantry 10 142-2 Future Future 80-1 GANTRY 7 140-2 Future 110-1 110-2 110-3 80-2 CON 6 Op 05 7: Ga ntry CONV 14 Future 120-1 120-2 120-3 CON 9 CON 8 60-7 50-7 50-8 Future LOAD CONVEYOR CONV 15 140-1 140-2 140-3 140-4 Gage 1 100-1 CONVEYOR 10 100-2 CONVEYOR 7 60-8 60-9 Future BLOCK C ONVEYOR 15 Future 150-1 110-4 CONVEYOR 11 Gage 2 90-1 190-2 3,785 LTS. 120-4 CONVEYOR 12 110-5 80-3 Future Op. 190-1 Op 1 87: Gantry CONVEYOR 17 OP 160-1 LAVADORA CAP. 140-5 COMV 13 120-5 Future (BUFFER) CONVEYOR 14 140-6 Future 110-6 OP 89 ASRS CONVEYOR 15 150-2 120-6 120-7 90 140-7 60 Future 50 80-4 80-5 40 140-8 100 Future 30 CONVEYOR 18 150 Future Future 110 120-8 20 180-2 160 180-1 CONV 19 140 Future 120 Future 80 140-9 Materials & Waste Management and Resource Creation Wastewater Sludge Reduction This waste is generated when emulssion brake is carry on at WWTP. HEAD Op 77-A: Gantry OP 80A LAVADORA CAP. 3785 LTS. Op 067-A: Gantry GANTRY 11 100A A: Buffer OP 109 - Op 127-A: Gantry Op 137-A: Gantry A: Buffer OP 1 59 - Materials & Waste Management and Resource Creation By the time maintenance takes place, the main content of the cleaning solution is coolant. Then this solution is compatible with the coolant solution of the filtration systems Wastewater that used to be sent to the WWTP UBICACION VOLUMEN/ LTS OP 70 BLOCK 3,785 OP 160 BLOCK 3,785 OP 42 CRANK 3,785 OP 170 CRANK 3,785 SUPFINA OP 160-1 CRANK 1,500 SUPFINA OP 160-2 CRANK 1,500 OP 80A HEAD 3,785 OP 160A HEAD 3,785 OP 80B HEAD 3,785 OP 160B HEAD 3,785 ROCKTOOL HEAD 681 Maintenance Program 33,961 liters Materials & Waste Management and Resource Creation Situacion Actual BEFORE Sludge Generation Washer Machine Waste disposal as hazardous waste Dirty Cleaning solution that goes to the trenches At the WWTP it is stored at the tanks No. 8, 9 & 10. 11 Oil emulsion brake at the WWTP Ultrafiltration System for clear water Materials & Waste Management and Resource Creation Propuesta AFTER Washer Machine Filtration System The dirty cleaning solution from the Washer Machines now goes to the Filtration System using the existing flumes instead of going to the WWTP. In this way we have made a reduction of 30% of the treated water at the WWTP, which means a reduction of 1,080 kg/month of hazardous waste. Materials & Waste Management and Resource Creation Sludge Generation 18000 16347 15415 16000 14470 14000 13100 11890 12000 kg 10000 10780 9250 8660 7740 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Benefits: - Reduction of chemicals usage at WWTP - Reduction of hazardous wastes - Reduction of well water as cleaning solution compensates evaporation at the filtration system - Electricity reduction as one batch treatment has been reduced at the WWTP, Sep Oct Nov Dec Materials & Waste Management and Resource Creation Best Practice Saltillo Engine Plant BEFORE AFTER Environmental Awareness is the right thing to do! Cuatro Cienegas Coahuila México 11
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