Why the kind of water and the amount of water you drink may be the


Why the kind of water and the amount of water you drink may be the
hy the
kind of
water and the
amount of water
you drink may be
the most important
thing you can do
for your health.
Robert Miller, ND
15 Pleasure Road | Ephrata, PA 17522 | PH 717.733.2003 | FX 717.721.6998
835 Houston Run Drive | Suite 240 | Gap, PA 17527 | PH 717.442.3200 | FX 717.442.2615
www.tolhealth.com | director@tolhealth.com
Why The Water You Drink Is An
Important Key To Your Health?
One of the most important
things you can do to build
your health naturally may
be to make sure you are
drinking enough of and
the right kind of water.
Unfortunately, the amount
of information about water can be mind boggling. In this
brochure, I’m going to simplify the information and share
with you the results of my research on water and give you
my current recommendations for your water consumption
and water quality.
After reading this brochure carefully, and listening to my
interview with Michael Pedersen, water expert and CEO of
Western Water International, you will have a complete and
thorough understanding of the importance of water and the
steps you can take to ensure the water you and your family
drink is the best for you.
For those who want the details on my water research and
the recommendations I am making, please read this booklet
in detail. However, if you would rather not get into details
and just want the facts and recommendations summarized,
simply go to page 19.
Naturopathy 101
For those of you who are clients of Tree of Life Health
Ministries, you are aware of the principles of naturopathy.
I believe the body is an absolute miracle, and no one on
this earth can fully understand the complexity of how we
were created. You are made up of 60-100 TRILLION cells,
each an independent organism, taking in nutrients, creating
energy through the Krebs cycle in the mitochondria, and
then giving off acidic waste products. It’s similar to your car
or any engine; quality fuel delivered to the engine, energy
production and waste removal. If your car does not have a
good source of gasoline, or the fuel lines get clogged, or the
spark plugs do not start combustion, or the lines removing
the waste do not work, the engine will sputter and stall.
The underlying philosophy of classical naturopathy is that
you are going to be healthy when your cells are healthy,
and that premature aging and disease begins when the
cells become inflamed and damaged. In all likelihood, long
before you felt an ache or pain, or had a medical diagnosis
of a disease, something was going wrong at the cellular
level. If your cells do not get enough nutrients to function
properly, or an environmental toxin was interfering with
your cells, or your cells were struggling because of an acid
waste buildup in the body, the cells will start to struggle.
In the book Reverse Aging by Sang Whang, (which I
highly recommend you read), he states, “The process
of metabolism, the oxidation (burning) of nutrients to get
energy to function, creates residue waste products that
the body has to get rid of. The waste products that we
do not discard completely must be stored within our body
somewhere. The process of aging, which starts from the
very beginning of our life, is the accumulation of these nondisposed waste products. Cells deteriorate because waste
is being accumulated. Furthermore, if we can somehow pull
out the old waste products that we have stored in our body
from a few years ago, we may grow that much younger.”
In addition, your cells do not live forever. They are constantly
creating new cells and the older cells are dying off and need
to be properly removed from the body. If these new cells do
not have the proper nutrients delivered to them, or if they
are suffocating in waste products, they may not function as
well. This may create conditions for premature aging and
breakdown of the cells, which may lead to disease. Some
scientists are estimating that every second, 10 million cells
somewhere in your body are dying and need to be replaced.
That’s why it’s important to eat good food, use food based
supplements to make up what may be missing from your
diet, reduce your exposure to and cleanse the body of
environmental toxins, drink plenty of fresh, clean, highly
alkaline water, exercise, and learn to reduce stress.
On our website, www.tolhealth.com, you will find information
and streaming audio interviews with experts on these other
subjects. In our offices, we have CD’s of the interviews and
other literature to help you learn about all of these topics.
Water Is Critical To Your Health
Water sustains all forms of life, including you and your
family’s life. We can go without food for weeks, but without
water, we die of dehydration in a few days. You are a bundle
of water wrapped in skin and walking around. About 70% to
75% of your body weight is water. This translates into about
10 gallons of water for a 120 lb. person. Brain tissue is said
to be about 85% water and your blood is 90% water!
Water is the most abundant compound in the human body.
Here is a partial list of what it does:
• It is necessary for the digestion of the food you eat.
If you don’t digest foods properly, your cells will be
deprived of the nutrients they need to survive and thrive
and divide properly.
• It’s needed to transport the food to the tissues. If your
food is not transported properly, your cell health will
never be optimal.
It is critical for the elimination of acidic body waste.
Remember, acidic waste build up may be a contributing
factor to cell damage and your overall health and
It is needed for the circulation of body fluids such as
the blood and lymph. Your blood is 90% water and
holds dissolved minerals like calcium and magnesium,
making them available to body tissues where they are
required for proper health.
It acts as a lubricant in the joints and internal organs.
As it keeps them lubricated, this supports the passage
of substances between the cells and blood vessels,
another critical process in your well-being.
It supports your proper body temperature.
Martin Fox, Ph.D, an environmental researcher and
nutritionist states, “When plain water is
plentiful, blood viscosity, joint cartilage,
blood capillaries, digestion, the ATP energy
system and the spinal column, all work in
an efficient, easy manner. However, when
water consumption is limited, the body
robs some areas to protect different tissues
and organs, which results in pain, tissue
damage, and a variety of health problems.”
Dr. Fox notes that lack of water may contribute to asthma,
allergies, hypertension, high cholesterol levels, headaches,
migraines, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain,
angina pain and intermittent claudication pains (cramp like
pain in the legs due to insufficient blood supply).
I highly recommend you read his book, Healthy Water for
a Longer Life.
Another recent book worth reading is, Your Body’s Many
Cries for Water, by Feereydoon Batmanghelidj, MD. He
teaches that your body needs 6 to 8, 8 ounce glasses of
water each day, in addition to alcohol, juice, sodas, coffee
and tea.
Here’s Dr. Batmanghelidj’s recommendation for water
intake and what we recommend to our clients:
One glass, 30 minutes before each meal.
One glass about 2 ½ hours after each meal.
One extra glass before your heaviest meal or before
going to bed,
As people age, they may lose their thirst sensation and
become gradually and chronically dehydrated. All too
frequently, we tend to confuse thirst with hunger, and
instead of drinking water, we eat, with the potential to gain
weight. There’s no doubt about it, being well-hydrated is
important to your physical and mental health. Dehydration
makes a person feel tired, cranky, and stiff-jointed. It can
also bring on headaches, aches, cramps, and other more
serious physical ailments. Severe dehydration actually
causes toxic acidic build-up, causing the body’s organs, at
some point, to prematurely fail.
Also, your physical performance is dependent on water, the
essential nutrient. In some instances, fatigue and lack of
energy can be related to not enough water!
After you drink pure, highly alkalized water, as Dr.
Batmanghelidj’s recommends for a few weeks, let us
know at Tree of Life Health Ministries what changes you
experienced in energy, vitality and any other things you
may have noticed.
As you now understand, there is no
question, adequate amounts of water are
critical for your short term and long term
health. However, there are many obstacles
in your path to good water.
There are two important issues as it
relates to water. First, you have to make
sure your water is safe to drink and free
of containments. Unfortunately, our water
supply is being polluted at alarming rates from industry,
farming, chemicals we apply to our lawns and even the
increasing amount of pharmaceutical drugs in water as
humans and animals urinate them into our land and waste
Although municipalities are trying their best to provide you
with clean, safe water, it’s becoming increasingly difficult.
Well water can even become more troublesome if you live
near agriculture or industry.
Then, you need to make sure your water is optimal for you.
Just because water is free of contaminants, this does not
mean it is good for you. You need to understand these
additional critical water factors about the water you are
The pH (the measured level of acidity or alkalinity of
water) needs to be alkaline (9-10 pH is optimal).
There needs to be adequate minerals in the water
(reverse osmosis and distillation can remove these
much needed minerals).
De-clustering of the water molecules (how the water
molecules stick together).
Potential Contaminants
In Your Water
As I started to research what is happening to our water
More than half of the chemicals detected are not subject
to health or safety regulations and can legally be present
in any amount. The federal government does have health
guidelines for others, but 49 of these contaminants have
been found in one place or another at levels above those
guidelines, polluting the tap water for 53.6 million Americans.
The government has not set a single new drinking water
standard since 2001.
• Bromochloroacetic Acid, a tap water
disinfection byproduct, was found in the water supplied
to 40 million consumers. It induces gene mutations and is
associated with damage to DNA.
• Perchlorate, a rocket fuel ingredient, was found
in water provided to 26 million people. It is toxic to the
thyroid gland.
• MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether), a
gasoline additive and groundwater pollutant scheduled to
be phased out nationwide, was found in water supplied
to 12 million people. It is associated with liver and kidney
damage and nervous system effects.
• Di-n-butylphthalate, a chemical from a group
of industrial plasticizers called phthalates, was found in
water used by 5 million people. Phthalates have been
linked to birth defects and reproductive toxicity.
Nearly two-thirds of the 316 chemicals found in the nation’s
drinking water over the last five years — a total of 202 —
are unregulated. Public health officials have not set safety
standards for them, even though millions ingest them in
their tap water every day. Among the most common are
some that have been linked to serious health concerns:
To see what is being found in your municipal water, I
encourage you to visit the Environmental Working Group
website, www.ewg.org. There are many eye-opening
articles and research that will help you understand the
challenges we face today with drinking water. Also, they
have a large database that summarizes all the tests
supply, I was stunned.
Since 2004, testing by water utilities has found 316
pollutants in the tap water Americans drink, according to
an Environmental Working Group (EWG) drinking water
quality analysis of almost 20 million records obtained from
state water officials.
Total haloacetic
acids (HAAs)
25.1 ppb
68.93 ppb
0.7 ppb
60 ppb
trihalomethanes (TTHMs)
30.16 ppb
62.91 ppb
9.8 ppb
80 ppb
0.22 ppb
1.35 ppb
0 ppb
5 ppb
<0.01 ppb
0.05 ppb
0 ppb
1 ppb
5.51 ppm
7.55 ppm
10 ppm
10 ppm
0.02 ppm
0.45 ppb
150 ppb
1000 ppb
3 ppb
0.05 ppb
0.05 ppb
700 ppb
Legal at
any level
municipal water companies performed for the last few
years, and you can get an actual report of what the tests are
showing. Go to this part of their site to get a report on your
municipal water, www.ewg.org/tap-water/home. Chart 1
is an example of a municipal report for the water that is
A high copper result puts you at risk for gastrointestinal
distress, liver damage and kidney damage.
Ingesting iron from drinking water is not directly associated
with adverse health effects; however, high levels of iron
Total Contaminants Detected (2004-2009)
Nitrate, Metolachlor, Atrazine, Pentachlorophenol, Total Haloacetic Acids (HAAs),
Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs), Tetrachloroethylene, Toluene
Agricultural Pollutants
(pesticides, fertilizer, factory farms)
Nitrate, Metolachlor, Atrazine
Sprawl and Urban Pollutants
(road runoff, lawn pesticides, human waste)
Nitrate, Metolachlor, Atrazine
Industrial Pollutants
Nitrate, Pentachlorophenol, Tetrachloroethylene, Toluene
Water Treatment and Distribution ByProducts
(pipes and fixtures, treatment chemicals and byproducts)
Total Haloacetic Acids (HAAs), Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs)
Naturally Occurring
(naturally present but increased for lands denuded by spawl, agriculture, or industrial
Unregulated Contaminants
EPA has not established a maximum legal limit in tapwater for these contaminants
supplied to residents in Lancaster County. There is a list
of contaminants that exceed health guidelines and other
contaminants found. Finally, the website will give you a
summary of the pollutants and their source, similar to the
information in Chart 2: To find out what’s in your municipal
water, just go to their website and enter your zip code,
and your report will come up. If you do not have internet
access, feel free to contact our office, and we will be glad
to print your municipal report at no charge.
Here’s a list of some of the common substances that are
finding their way into our water and what it may be doing
to you and your family.
Bacteria may cause a number of gastrointestinal illnesses,
producing symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, intestinal
cramps, etc.
can cause an unpleasant metallic taste and rusty color in
the water. This discoloration can cause staining on clothing
and fabrics. High iron levels have also been associated
with corrosion of household pipes and appliances.
High nitrite levels are particularly dangerous for infants
and children under 6 months of age. Nitrites have
been found to cause ‘blue baby syndrome’, a condition
where a child is unable to process oxygen and their skin
becomes bluish in color. In adults, high nitrate levels lead
to the formation of chemicals called nitrosamines in the
digestive tract. This chemical is linked to the development
of cancer.
Nitrate, a chemical most commonly used as a fertilizer,
poses an immediate threat to infants when it is found
in drinking water at levels above the national standard.
Nitrates are converted to nitrites in the intestines. Once
absorbed into the bloodstream, nitrites prevent hemoglobin
from transporting oxygen (older children have an enzyme
that restores hemoglobin). High nitrate levels are also
particularly dangerous for infants and children under 6
months of age. Like nitrites, nitrates have also been found
to cause ‘blue baby syndrome’ in young children and the
development of nitrosamines in adults.
A positive result for lead indicates a serious risk to both
children and adults. In children, exposure to lead can cause
delays in physical and mental development, deficits in
attention span and learning disabilities. In adults, exposure
can lead to high blood pressure and kidney damage.
A positive result for pesticides indicates an increased risk
for various health conditions including blood abnormalities,
cancer, infertility, and birth defects.
Clearly, you need to make sure that your water supply is
properly cleaned of these dangerous substances. But as I
said earlier, you not only have to make sure your water is
pure, there are also other very important factors.
Chlorine – More Dangerous Than
You May Have Imagined!
In addition to potential contaminants, municipal suppliers
may add chlorine to kill bacteria and other pathogens. The
addition of chlorine to our drinking water started in the late
1890’s and had wide acceptance in the United States by
1920. Clearly, the addition of chlorine has kept our water
safe from many pathological organisms. However, as
with any strong chemical, there is always the potential for
unintended side effects.
Martin Fox, PH.D states, “I believe chlorine triggers the
growth of abnormal cells leading to tumor development,
both in atherosclerosis and cancer. The origin of heart
disease is akin to the origin to cancer. Both can be linked to
chlorine and the production of excess free radicals.”
Dr. Joseph Price, a
medical doctor, wrote
a fascinating book
in the late 1960’s
(this can be purchased
com). He
“The basic cause of
attacks and most forms
of strokes is chlorine.
The chlorine contained
in processed water.”
To support this position, Dr. Price did a series of animal
experiments on chickens. Within a few months, 95%
of the chickens drinking chlorinated water developed
atherosclerosis. To retest these results, Dr. Price divided
the original control group into two groups, conducted the
exact same experiment and obtained the exact same
Both chickens and pigeons are excellent laboratory models
in the study of atherosclerosis in humans. Recently,
Richard Bull of the Environmental Protection Agency
studied the effects of chlorinated water on pigeons. His
findings support Dr. Price’s research and go a step further.
Bull found pigeons given chlorinated water with diets low in
calcium had serum cholesterol levels 50% greater than the
unchlorinated group.
What caused this tremendous increase in serum cholesterol
levels in the pigeons? Obviously, the addition of chlorine
played a central role. But what mechanism can explain
how chlorine could trigger such an increase in cholesterol
Each cell in the body has a nucleus which contains DNA
- the chemical blueprint which determines cell replication.
Cells build tissues, tissues build organs. So, if our cells are
healthy, we are healthy. If they are malformed, we set the
stage for illness.
Now, chlorine and other chemical compounds in our drinking
water create what’s called ‘free radicals’. A free radical is
a chemical by-product of metabolism that is “looking for
an accident to happen.” Free radicals behave like bullets
flying indiscriminately and whatever they hit can become
damaged or destroyed. If our defense mechanism, our
immune system is functioning properly, we can get rid of
them. But, if our immune system is overloaded with excess
free radicals, like it is when we drink chlorinated water, we
can have a very serious problem. Free radicals can attack
the cellular blueprint, alter it, change it, to the point that
cells will multiply abnormally and then we can get a lump
or bump, which can appear in a blood vessel, in the breast,
the prostate, the pancreas, wherever.
Chlorine causes excess free radicals. Free radicals lead
to cell damage. Once the cells are damaged, we see an
elevation in serum cholesterol levels, atherosclerosis,
hardening of the arteries and plaque formation. Chlorine
can cause all these problems related to heart disease and
can also be a cause of cancer. The plaque in atherosclerosis
is essentially a benign tumor in the blood vessels.
With cancer, free radicals create malignant cells. In the
chlorination process itself chlorine combines with natural
organic matter, such as decaying vegetation, to form
potent, cancer causing trihalomethanes or haloforms.
Trihalomethanes, commonly abbreviated THM’s,
collectively include such cancer causing agents as
chloroforms, bromoforms, carbontectachloride and many
Studies in several locations throughout the U.S. revealed
that high levels of haloforms or THM’s in people’s drinking
water resulted in higher levels of cancer.
“Chlorine is so dangerous,” according to biologist/chemist
Dr. Herbert Schwartz, “that it should be banned.” He states,
“Putting chlorine in the water is like starting a time bomb.
Cancer, heart trouble, premature senility, both mental and
physical, are conditions attributable to chlorine, treated
water supplies. It is making us grow old before our time
by producing symptoms of aging such as hardening of the
arteries. I believe if chlorine were now proposed for the first
time to be used in drinking water, it would be banned by the
Food and Drug Administration.”
Drinking chlorinated water is hazardous, if not deadly, to
our health. It is as simple as that. Chlorine in our drinking
water creates THM’s and haloforms. These potent
chemical pollutants trigger the production of excess free
radicals leading to cell damage. We do not wake up one
morning with heart disease or cancer. These degenerative
diseases take years of constant insult to injury to develop.
Many doctors estimate the formation of plaque and the
hardening of the arteries leading to heart disease can take
10 to 20 years, and cancer takes 20 to 30 years to develop.
Day by day, we continually drink chlorinated water adding
excess free radicals to our bodies which can lead to serious
damage to cells and abnormal cellular growth. Eventually,
enough cells are hurt and we experience the problems of
heart disease and cancer. The origin of heart disease is
akin to the origin of cancer. Both can have their basis in free
radical damage.
What Can We Do About Chlorine,
THM’s And Other Organic
Chemical Compounds In Our
Drinking Water?
There are two solutions: buy properly bottled spring water
or purchase an effective filter unit. As you will learn in this
report, I believe filters are safer and less expensive in the
long run.
What Needs To Be In Your
but we are not done yet! There are a few properties of your
water that will make a big difference in whether your water
is actually healthy for you.
Here’s what’s important:
The pH, or level of acidity and alkalinity. I recommend
you drink water with a pH of 9 to 10.
The water tension or “wetness” of the water, so it can
hydrate you better.
The hardness, or minerals in the water.
When you have contaminants removed, a high pH, water
that is “wet” and the right minerals, you will have water that
may support your health goals and objectives.
Before we look at pH, we first need to investigate the role
of oxygen in the body and how the water you drink may
support the oxygen levels in your cells.
The Need For Minerals In
Your Water
As water flows naturally through the
ground, it picks up minerals, including
calcium, magnesium, zinc and many
It was only recently that I learned that
research has shown that we really need
these minerals. Of course, it makes sense that the best
water is the way that nature has been providing it to us for
thousands of years.
Many studies have been published on the relationship
between drinking water and cardiovascular mortality. Two
beneficial factors continually stand out – hardness and
total dissolved solids. Both have been associated with
lower mortality from heart disease. Hardness refers to the
amount of calcium and magnesium. When all of the studies
on hardness have been evaluated, you find very consistent
results, the harder the water, the less heart disease deaths.
Another factor of water is TDS or total dissolved solids.
TDS is a measure of all the minerals in drinking water.
TDS includes not only calcium and magnesium, which are
the hardness factors, but also, zinc, copper chromium,
selenium and other minerals.
A study by H.A. Saurer, called “Relationship of Water to
Risk of Dying”, concluded that people who drank water
higher in TDS had lower death rates from heart disease,
cancer, and chronic diseases than people who drank water
with low amounts of TDS.
You now know what needs to be taken out of your water,
In Great Britain, the British Regional Heart Study analyzed
253 towns from 1969 to 1973. They found 10% to 15%
more cardiovascular deaths in soft water areas than in
hard water areas. They suggest that the ideal amount of
hardness is about 170 mg/L.
For many people, to make sure they are drinking safe
healthy water, they purchase bottled water (that can be very
expensive) in plastic bottles. The reality is that if you may
be spending many of your hard earned dollars needlessly
and may be putting your health at risk.
Also, a report by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory found
that calcium and magnesium in hard water reduces the risk
of heart attack and stroke. This study compared the health
records of 1400 Wisconsin male farmers who drank well
water from their own farms. The farmers who drank soft
water suffered from heart disease, whereas, the farmers
who drank hard water were, for the most part, free of the
Here’s the problem; all plastic bottles may leach synthetic
chemicals into water, some more than others. Plastic
bottles are made from petroleum, and if heated to over 102
degrees, chemicals may start leaching into the water.
When looking at the research, two facts stand out. First,
there is a definite relationship between water hardness
and heart disease mortality. Consequently, we should drink
water that has about 170 mg/L of hardness, the level found
in Great Britain. Higher levels of TDS also appear to result
in less heart disease. Proper levels of hardness and TDS
are two of the beneficial properties in drinking water that
make it a healthy drinking water. When you bring your
water sample into our office for testing, we will measure
your TDS levels and you will see it in your report.
One of the downsides to hard water is that it can clog your
pipes, and is not very good for washing clothing and getting
soap to do its job. As a result, we often have water softeners
in our home. Although this may help with showering,
washing clothes and our pipes, it may be detrimental to our
If you have a water softener in your home, I recommend
you have a separate line going to your main drinking water
source, so these vital nutrients are not removed.
Unfortunately, we can also add to the problem if we have
a reverse osmosis water filtration system or distillation.
Although these are excellent methods of cleaning
contaminants, they may work “too well” and take out all of
the good minerals as well. As you will learn next, this is why
I do not recommend these types of water filtering systems.
However, if you do currently use reverse osmosis or
distillation and do not want to switch, I highly recommend
you add some mineral drops back in your water. Ask at our
office about what we recommend.
For quite some time, bottled water has become quite
popular, and people think this is better than drinking their
own tap water. In some instances, it may be, but this may
not be the best solution either.
The Danger Of Bottled Water
Even the popular refillable polycarbonate water bottles are
known to release BPA (Bisphenol A) into the water. The
best and healthiest solution is a quality home water filter
and refillable glass water bottles.
“It is impossible to get chemical-free water from a plastic
bottle or from the tap. A home water purifier is the only sure
solution for clean healthy water...”
-Charles Strand, author of the book, All About Water and
Editor of WaterWarning.com.
Companies like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, with their Dasani
and Aquafina bottled water products, spend millions of
dollars on ads that depict freshness and purity, when in
fact, both of these brands, like many leading brands, use
municipally treated tap water as the source. And even if the
water is good at the source, as it travels in tractor trailers in
possibly high temperatures,
sits in a warehouse and
is transported to the store
where you purchase it, the
potential for dangerous
plastics to leach into the
water increases. Have you
ever drank out of a water
bottle and noticed a plastic
Bisphenol A (BPA), a
synthetic estrogen used to harden polycarbonate plastics
and epoxy resin, is the focus of a growing number of research
studies and legislative actions, reflecting mounting scientific
evidence that it causes serious and sometimes irreversible
damage to health, even at the low doses to which people
are routinely exposed. An estimated 6 billion pounds of BPA
are produced globally annually, generating about $6 billion
in sales. It is fabricated into thousands of products made of
hard, clear polycarbonate plastics and tough epoxy resins,
including safety equipment, eyeglasses, computer and cell
phone casings, water and beverage bottles and epoxy paint
and coatings. But BPA-based plastics break down readily,
particularly when heated or washed with strong detergent.
In laboratory tests, trace BPA exposure has been shown
to disrupt the endocrine system and trigger a wide variety
of disorders, including chromosomal and reproductive
system abnormalities, impaired brain and neurological
functions, cancer, cardiovascular system damage, adultonset diabetes, early puberty, obesity and resistance to
In March 2007, Environmental Working Group published
a ground-breaking study documenting that BPS had
leached from epoxy can linings into more than half the
canned foods, beverages and canned liquid infant formula
randomly purchased at supermarkets around the country.
The EWG study, the first of its kind, helped explain why
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) had found detectable levels of BPA in the urine of 93
percent of Americans over the age of six.
There’s A Simple Solution To
Plastic Water Bottle Dangers
And Pollution:
Home water filtration is the most logical, most economical,
most convenient and healthiest alternative to tap or bottled
water. With home water filtration you can pick the degree
of purity you want and have complete control over it.
Considering the extreme importance of healthy, chemical
free water, a quality home water filter may be the most
valuable home appliance you can own. Once you look
at the facts, I believe you’ll join the millions of informed
consumers who say “It’s better for you, better for our
economy and better for our planet!”
It is unrealistic to think that water can be bottled in plastic
containers, produced at a bottling factory, transported and
stored at high temperatures for months at a time and be
purer than what a basic home water filtration system can
provide. It is impossible to get chemical free water from a
plastic bottle.
Basic home water filtration is more convenient, produces
higher quality water and costs a fraction of what bottled
water costs. “10 times the quality, 1/10th the cost and no
Bottled water causes over 60,000,000 plastic bottles to be
produced, filled, transported and disposed of every day in
America. It is an environmental nightmare.
Quality in-home water filtration is by far the best way to
ensure healthy water for you and your family and costs
you significantly less. A single home filtration system can
prevent thousands of plastic bottles per year from entering
and damaging the beautiful earth God gave us.
“There is no logical explanation for regular
bottled water use: It costs more, offers less
and pollutes our planet unforgivingly...”
- Dr. Julian Whitaker
When you purify your own water, you are saving money,
saving the hassle of carrying water, possibly drinking much
safer water, and protecting the environment. It makes
sense to start purifying your own water, rather than having
it filtered, bottled and shipped across the country for you.
Now that you have learned that filtering your own tap water
may provide you with the best quality water and save you
money at the same time, let’s start investigating what kind
of water filtering may be best.
Until recently, I have hesitated to give wholehearted
recommendations for any of the available countertop
filtration systems because each has its weaknesses. But
I would like to share information about a water filter that
you may not have heard of – it’s quite unlike anything else
on the market. It’s been developed incorporating the same
technology that NASA uses to purify drinking water for
astronauts in space. It is, in fact, a breakthrough in waterpurification technology and now has been specifically
designed for household use, making this space-age system
available to you.
Before I detail the many advantages of this system, I want
to back up and explain the three basic methods of purifying
water. Then I’ll tell you more about the choice I’ve made for
my own household: the unique filter that has impressed me
more than any other I’ve ever come across.
How Water Is Purified
Water can be purified in three ways: through reverse
osmosis, distillation, or carbon filtration. We’ll dispense with
the first two quickly.
(1)Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis forces water through a membrane with
pores so small that only water molecules get through. This
process can even be used to turn salt water into fresh
water, but not without the expenditure of large amounts of
energy. Reverse osmosis is also slow, usually requiring a
holding tank to store the accumulating clean water so that it
can be used in quantity when needed.
The main problem with reverse osmosis is that everything
is removed – every beneficial trace mineral, for example.
Absolutely pure water (H2O) may be “safe”, but safe and
healthful are not always the same thing.
In fact, as we discussed earlier, there is a large body
of research implicating “soft” water as a risk factor for
cardiovascular mortality – while drinking water that is
“hard” is consistently linked with lower mortality from heart
disease. Hardness is the amount of calcium, magnesium,
calcium carbonate, and other minerals dissolved in the
Distillation is the oldest process, and also results in
pure water – removing all good minerals as well as the
contaminants. It’s energy hungry, because the water has
to be boiled – although an industrial-scale distillation plant
can recover most of this heat energy. Even if I believed that
pure H2O is desirable, and I don’t, distillation would be the
most expensive and least practical option for the domestic
But these metals can be removed by specially designed
agents, such as certain types of ceramic material. In tests
performed to satisfy the rigorous requirements for California
certification, one type of countertop filter is proving to be
extremely effective at removing lead, mercury, and other
dangerous metals.
Distillation takes out the minerals, and as a result, tends to
be more acidic (thus containing less oxygen as well) than
other water.
(3)Carbon Filtration
That leaves carbon filtration, the purification method
favored for countertop use. Granulated Activated Carbon
(GAC) is the material of choice for removing most organic
contaminants. It has the necessary chemical (or “atomic”)
properties and when properly processed has a vast amount
of surface area. One gram of GAC typically has about
1,000 square meters of surface area (about as much as
10 football fields!). That explains why carbon-based filters
can keep working for a long time before they begin to lose
Don’t be concerned by the presence of aluminum. It’s
extremely inert in this form and does not end up in the
water that passes through it. Elemental aluminum is the
form that’s to be avoided, and test results actually show
a 96 percent reduction in aluminum in water filtered by the
Aquaspace® compound.
But filtration with GAC is more complicated than simply
providing lots of carbon surface. It’s also important to match
the chemical structure of the carob to the structure of the
substance being filtered out. In other words, you can target
particular contaminants by the specific type of GAC used
in the filter.
So, obviously, the best filters for domestic use are designed
to pull in the substances most likely to be a problem in
domestic water supplies: chlorine, chloroform, and other
chlorine derivatives; benzene and other hydrocarbons; and
other Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOC’s).
The Special Problem
Of Heavy Metals
Metals like lead and mercury have been appearing in
domestic water supplies, and their long-term effects can be
deadly. They don’t lend themselves to filtration by GAC, so
any filtration system that stops with a carbon filter is leaving
out an important part of the job.
A Space-Age Filter To The
The type I’m talking about uses the Aquaspace® filtration
compound, manufactured only by Western Water
International, and represents a huge advance in household
water purification systems. This material is approximately
70 percent granulated activated carbon and 30 percent
aluminum silicate ceramic.
The unique properties of this particular filter result in the
removal of a fairly wide spectrum of dangerous metals.
However, the lighter minerals traditionally found with
healthful spring water are allowed to remain. This gives you
all the health benefits that we discussed earlier.
The Aquaspace® filter is also very effective in removing
VOC’s and chlorine, along with a number of other common
contaminants. Remember, this filtration system was
developed incorporating the technology used by NASA
for use in outer space, so there can be no question of its
effectiveness or dependability.
Jim Lovell, Commander of Apollo 13, believes so strongly
in the Aquaspace® technology, he has become the
spokesperson for Western Water. Jim states “While taste
is important, better health is the reason to choose the
Aquaspace® water system over other brands.”
Now You’re Armed With
The Facts You Need To
Make a Good Choice
With all you now know about water filters and how to
evaluate them, you can confidently evaluate how your
current water filter, or any filter you’re thinking about
purchasing, stacks up.
To come up with this
recommendation for
a filtering system,
I did quite a bit of
research. I was very
pleased that when
I called Western
Pederson, founder
and CEO, spoke
to me for well over
three hours on two
different occasions,
patiently helping the
entire staff of Tree of Life Health Ministries understand the
science behind healthy water and why the Aquaspace®
technology is superior to what else is on the market today.
When I read the literature about Aquaspace®, I was
impressed with the research behind it and its intelligent
design. When I placed the filter on my faucet, I was equally
impressed with its performance. I sincerely believe that the
Aquaspace® filtration is a superior solution to an important
health concern.
What I also like about Aquaspace® is that there are
several options, depending upon your need and financial
resources. At the end of this brochure, you will be able to
find the Aquaspace® system that’s right for your needs. But
first, let’s investigate water clustering and pH.
Why Water Clustering And
pH Of Your Water Is Important
Simply stated, when treating water for drinking, we should
“take out the bad and leave in the good.” But the true
definition of healthy water may be more complex than
simply “take out the bad and leave in the good.” As it turns
out, it may be possible to actually alter water’s “structure”
and pH to create “healthier” water.
For example, it has been discovered
• Drinking water with an elevated pH is beneficial.
• De-clustering water (reducing its surface tension)
renders the water more “bio-available,” thus improving
the transfer of nutrients into cells – and the removal of
waste from cells.
• North Pole Water (water exposed to the north pole of
a magnet) has a calming and healing effect and will
help to overcome infection since it retards the growth
of cells.
• South Pole Water does the opposite: it’s stimulating
and encourages the growth of human cells, plant cells,
and even pathogenic cells, such as bacteria.
• Mixed pole water (both poles) seems to offer the
best of both worlds and can be used for general health
The Structure of Water
At its simplest level, water is H-O-H, or H2O if you prefer.
The more complete truth
however, is that water is
never SIMPLY H-O-H.
Liquid water can be
thought of as a seething
mass of molecules in
which hydrogen-bonded
clusters are continually
forming, breaking apart,
and re-forming. These
electronically effervescent water molecules readily break
and make bonds with chemical compounds -- some that
are essential for life, and of course, some that are less than
Water is Paramagnetic…Meaning that
it Holds a Magnetic Charge
There is a long history of the promotion of magnets
to improve the quality and health benefits of water.
Researchers found that when a permanent magnet is kept
in contact with water, the water gets magnetically charged
and acquires magnetic properties. Such magnetically
treated water affects the human body when taken internally
and regularly for a considerable period of time (Lam, 2001).
Also, when water is magnetically treated, more hydroxyl
(OH-) ions are created to form alkaline molecules, and
reduce acidity. Normal water has a pH level of about 7,
whereas magnetized water can reach a pH of up to 9.2
following the exposure to a 7000 gauss strength magnet for
a long period of time (Lam, 2001).
Let’s Further Examine the Various
Effects of Water Passed Through a
Dr. Michael Tierra L.A., O.M.D., explains that the
proclaimed healing powers of various naturally occurring
baths at places such as Lourdes, France; Sedona, Arizona
and Jesus Chahin’s well in Tlacote, Mexico, occurs in these
areas because there is reportedly higher naturally occurring
magnetic energy. One way to naturally magnetize water
is to run it through 30 feet of sand where it will emerge
negatively poled because of the effect of minute quartz
sand crystals. This water emerges saturated with oxygen
that is able to kill germs, build bodily strength and support
the immune system. Water so treated will show a change
of temperature, surface tension, viscosity and electrical
conductivity. Just as chemicals change weight after being
subjected to magnetic fields, so does water. More hydroxyl
(OH-) ions are generated to form calcium bicarbonate and
other alkaline particles. As stated above, normal water has
a pH level of around 7, while magnetized water can reach
9.2 after exposure to a 7000 gauss strength magnet. This
has been shown to be enough to destroy cancer cells as
demonstrated in the research of Nobel Prize winner Otto
Warburg, M. Von Arene, Dr. K Brewster, Dr. H. Satori, and
Dr. Keijiro Kuwabara of Japan states, “When you drink
alkaline water, you are drinking water with excess oxygen,
not in the form of O2, but in the form of OH - which is very
stable because it is mated with positively ionized alkaline
minerals. Two of these hydroxyl ions can form a water
molecule (H2O) and give out one oxygen atom. The alkaline
mineral is used to detoxify poisonous acid compounds.
When that happens, the hydroxyl ion is freed to supply
excess oxygen to the cells to prevent the development of
cancer. It is indeed the case of killing two birds with one
stone.” Dr. Kuwabara has been clinically treating diabetes
quite successfully with alkaline water. Source: Excerpts
from, Reverse Aging by Sang Whang.
Drinking Water With Less
What is a water cluster?
Three of five Nobel Prize winners during the 1990s won
for their research in the field of structured water. They
discovered that optimal healthy DNA is surrounded, and
fully hydrated, by a matrix of water that is structurally
different from tap water. Under high powered microscopes,
the water, when frozen, forms six sided, hexagonal
shaped, ring structures. These were determined to receive
and transmit electromagnetic energy, that is, frequency
vibrations that power every cell function and structure.
Magnets affect the bonding angle between the hydrogen
and the oxygen atom in the water molecule. Magnetized
water causes the hydrogen-oxygen bond angle within the
water molecule to be reduced from 104 to 103 degrees.
This in turn causes the water molecule to cluster together
in groups of 6-7 rather than groupings of 10-12 and higher.
The smaller cluster leads to better absorption of water
across cell walls. Dr. Michael Lam, MD, in his study on
magnetized water, reports that there have been numerous
reports from those drinking magnetized water on a daily
basis of people being cured of many chronic degenerative
disease such as renal stones and arthritis.
What happens when we drink water
that has smaller clusters?
Jon Barron, internationally renowned health expert,
reports, “Although all water consists of the same basic H20
molecules, water nevertheless varies according to how
these molecules bond together to form “water molecule
groups.” To put it simply, it is in the size of these groupings
that water differs.
The smaller the groupings, the more bio-available the water
is -- the more easily it is able to pass through cell walls, to
transport nutrients and remove waste, to facilitate all of the
communications systems in your body, and to pass through
your body as a whole. The larger the groupings, the more
inefficient water is at performing these same functions.
What holds water molecules together in clusters is surface
tension. This is what you see when you wash your car and
the water beads up in droplets on the hood. When washing
your car, you use detergent to break that surface tension -which breaks apart the large molecular clusters, making the
water wetter and better able to clean. Obviously, you can’t
use detergent to improve the bioavailability of your drinking
water. But you can use magnets.
Magnetizing your drinking water breaks its surface tension,
making it wetter and more useable by every cell in your body.
In addition, there’s a strong secondary benefit. Applying a
magnetic field to water can not only make it wetter, but it
can also raise its pH (up to a full point, depending on the
The ratio of small cluster water to large cluster water
changes over time in your body. When you are born, there
is a high percentage of small cluster water present. As you
age, however, that percentage steadily drops -- eventually
becoming almost nonexistent.”
“One of the problems is that small cluster water is not
stable. The electric charges inherent in water continually
cause the small clusters to bind together into larger and
larger clusters. And to make matters worse, the process
is accelerated when water is exposed to air and light.” Jon
Barron, Baseline of Health Newsletter, June 2002.
put it on the water filter housings
or place one around your drinking
water bottle.
One of the best ways to make
sure the water you are drinking
is declustered, is to use one of
our stainless steel water bottles.
It contains an AQUATOMIC®
Magnet. Just fill your container in the morning with clean
water, and you are set for the day!
Less is now more. By magnetizing water we can now
hydrate faster and more completely while drinking less.
This is a good fit for the average person’s lifestyle.
The AQUATOMIC® Magnetic
Water Treatment Device
The AQUATOMIC® AT1000 magnetic water
treatment device has
been designed to fit
many different delivery
systems (both aqueous
and non-aqueous). It
has a unique compact
design that utilizes
specially coated set of four Super-Strength Rare Earth
magnets that have the characteristics of extremely strong
Boron resident induction and excellent demagnetization
resistance capability. The AQUATOMIC magnetic hydrating
device optimizes the bio-availability of all aqueous products.
This means:
Your Water’s pH – More
Important Than You Ever
Drinking alkaline water may be one of the most important
steps you can take to build and maintain your health. The
pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. It
is rated on a scale of 1 to 14 with 7 being neutral.
We think that water is H2O, that is, two hydrogen atoms for
each oxygen atom. However, this exact 2 to 1 ratio exists
only in water with a pH of 7, where the number of H+ ions is
the same as the number of OH- ions. Think of the H+ ions
as the acids that may damage the body and the OH– ions
as what neutralizes the acids.
● Improved bioavailability
● Optimized pH
● Increased hydration
Since the build up of acid in the body may be the major
contributor to premature aging and disease, it is imperative
that we have adequate bicarbonates and OH- ions to
neutralize and clear the acids. When we cannot manage
the acids, we accumulate acidic waste in our body. These
wastes show up as cholesterol, fatty acid, uric acid, urate,
sulfate, phosphate, kidney stones, etc.
This new design incorporates an adjustable elastic strap
that can be utilized and easily adapted onto existing water
filter housings, water bottles, sun tea jars, water pitchers,
canteens, water lines, shower nozzles, garden hoses, wine
bottles, juice containers, vitamin bottles, and cosmetic jars
to name just a few possibilities.
Since alkaline water has less H+ ions than OH- ions, this
water has more oxygen atoms than half of the hydrogen
atoms. Conversely, acid water has more H+ ions than OHions; therefore, this water has less oxygen atoms than half
of the hydrogen atoms.
So, to make your water more bioavailable and to increase
your hydration, I recommend using the Aquatomic magnets
on your water. You can use it on the water filtering carafe,
Popular brand cola
Diet soft drink
excess. oxygen
Popular brand beer
R.O. filtered water
Distilled water
Typical bottled water
Filtered tap water
Alkaline water
Knowing the pH values of different drinks, one can calculate
the number of H+ ions and OH- ions in a particular glass of
water. The table on page 13 compares the pH values and
the excess oxygen counts (of oxygen deficiency counts in
some cases) in different 10 oz. drinks. By looking at this
chart, it’s clear that in addition to the 12 teaspoons of sugar
in a soda, it also is very acidic to your body. No question
about it, alkaline water can best help deliver alkalinity and
oxygen to your cells.
Herman Aihara, in his book entitled, Acid & Alkaline, states
that, “If the condition of our extra cellular fluids, especially
the blood, becomes acidic, our physical condition will
first manifest tiredness, proneness to catching colds, etc.
When these fluids become more acidic, our condition then
manifests pains and suffering such as headaches, chest
pains, stomach aches, etc.” According to Keiichi Morishita,
in his book, Hidden Truth of Cancer, if the blood develops
a more acidic condition, then our body inevitably deposits
these excess acidic substances in some area of the body
such so that the blood will be able to maintain an alkaline
A glass of alkaline water (10oz.) with a pH of 10 contains
10^21 hydroxyl ions (OH-) and each one of them are
mated with positively ionized alkaline minerals such as
Ca++,Mg++,Na+, K+, etc. Since there is more calcium in
the water than any other alkaline mineral, if we assume that
every ionized mineral was calcium, it translates into 33.3
mgs of ionized calcium atoms in the glass.
Drinking 5 glasses of this water daily will gradually lower
the body’s acidity and enable the body to dispose of all the
waste products produced daily and then some. This is a
critical component of building your health.
The Importance Of Bicarbonates
And Your Long Term Health
Sang Whang defines the aging process as the accumulation
of non-disposed acidic waste within the body. Based on this
definition, the reduction of accumulated acidic waste is the
reverse aging process.
A paper by Drs. Lynda Frassetto and Anthony Sebastian of
the University of California, San Francisco, Department of
Medicine and General Clinical Research Center supports
Yang’s contention. It’s title is, Age and Systemic Acid-Base
Equilibrium: Analysis of Published Data, published in 1996.
The abstract of the paper is given below.
To investigate whether systemic acid-base equilibrium
changes with aging in normal adult humans, we reviewed
published articles reporting the acid-base composition
of arterial, arterialized venous, or capillary blood in ageidentified healthy subjects. We extracted or calculated blood
hydrogen ion concentration ([H+]), plasma bicarbonate
concentration ([HCO3-]), blood PCO2, and age, and
computed a total of 61 age-group means, distributed among
eight 10-year intervals from age 20 to 100 years. Using
linear regression analysis, we found that with increasing
age, there is a significant increase in the steady-state blood
[H+] (p.001), and reduction in steady-state plasma [HCO3-]
(p.001), indicative of a progressively worsening low-level
metabolic acidosis. Blood PCO2 decreased with age
(p.05), in keeping with the expected respiratory adaptation
to metabolic acidosis. Such age-related increasing
metabolic acidosis may reflect in part the normal decline of
renal function with increasing age. The role of age-related
metabolic acidosis in the pathogenesis of the degenerative
diseases of aging warrants consideration.
In layman’s terms, it means that as we get older we have
more acid radicals [H+] and less bicarbonate [HCO3-],
which may bring about age-related metabolic acidosis.
As we age, starting around age 45, we lose the alkaline
bicarbonate buffer – bicarbonate in our blood. An insufficient
amount of bicarbonate in our blood reduces our capabilities
to neutralize and dump the acid our body produces.
Sang Whang believes that acid accumulation is the cause
of physiological aging; therefore, he views the reduction
of accumulated acid as the possible reversal or slowing of
physiological aging.
Bicarbonate is an alkaline buffer that neutralizes excess
acid in the blood and maintains a healthy blood pH value.
Medical science has discovered that as we age, we lose
bicarbonate in the blood, noticeably so after the age of 45.
This is the average age when we begin to show signs of
diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, osteoporosis,
arthritis, kidney stones, migraine, and even cancer. The
decline of bicarbonate in our blood may be the cause of
physiological aging. If we could charge bicarbonate to
the blood -- like a battery charger charging electrons to
a battery -- we may help the human body maintain good
health and live longer.
The National Academy of Sciences (USA) and the
associated National Research Council (USA) have
evidence that groups of people demonstrate increased
longevity (a low death rate) if they reside in areas of
the United States that have relatively high levels of
bicarbonates in the drinking water. In contrast, groups of
people demonstrate decreased longevity (a high death
rate) if they reside in areas of the United States that have
relatively low levels of bicarbonates in the drinking water
(see National Academy of Sciences, 1981. Panel on Aging
and the Geochemical Environment of the U.S., AGING AND
Press, Washington, D.C. and see CHEMICAL QUALITIES
A POSITIVE WAY, The Science of the Total Environment,
54 (1986) pp. 207-216).
Increasing Your Bicarbonate
You have now learned that there is a correlation between
the aging process and lower levels of bicarbonates.
So, how do you get more bicarbonates? There are two
methods, drinking alkaline water and taking supplemental
sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate.
Here’s how alkaline water helps you create bicarbonates.
Your stomach pH needs to be around 4. Drinking high
pH alkaline water elevates the stomach pH, forcing the
stomach to produce hydrochloric acid to bring the pH back
to 4. While increasing the hydrochloric acid it must also
produce bicarbonate, which goes into the bloodstream.
drops of AlkaLife® into every water, coffee and tea I drink.
Drinking 20 drops of AlkaLife® a day in water will input
5x1021 number of OH – ions into the body to neutralize an
equal number of H+ ions, which are the acid radicals.
As you drink 5-6 glasses of pure water a day with 3-4 drops
of AlkaLife, you will begin the process of helping your body
remove acids. The first 5 glasses of alkaline water you drink
cancels the acidic waste producted that day and the 6th
glass is needed to reduce old accumulated waste.
Sang Whang (author of Reverse Aging) believes that
we may be extending life for one extra day because we
drank 4 glasses of alkaline water and that for each glass
of alkaline water, you may be extending your life for about
6 hours. This is because the alkaline water increases the
bicarbonate levels in the body.
Alkalizing Your Water With
Here’s how this happens. The ingredients in the stomach
cell that make hydrochloric acid (HCl) are carbon dioxide
(CO2), water (H2O) and sodium chloride (NaCl) or
potassium chloride (KCLl).
NaCl + H20 + CO2 = HCl + NaHCO3
KCl + H20 + CO2 = HCl + KHHCO3
As you can see, the byproduct of making of hydrochloric
acid is sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) or potassium
bicarbonate (KHCO3.)
So, now you understand why the pH of your water is so
critical. As you drink alkaline water, you are supporting the
productions of bicarbonates to help clear acidic waste from
your body. This could possibly have significant short and
long term health benefits and slow down or reverse your
aging process.
And now, it’s never been easier to drink alkaline water.
AlkaLife®, invented by Sang Whang, is the original alkaline
concentrate to make ordinary drinking water alkaline (pH
about 10) by adding a few drops of it to a glass of noncarbonated drinking water. As the alkaline water goes into
your stomach, your stomach pH will increase, thus inducing
your stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid. When
your stomach produces hydrochloric acid, it also produces
bicarbonate and interjects it into the bloodstream; thus
increasing the blood’s bicarbonate content. The ingredients
of AlkaLife® are diluted potassium hydroxide and sodium
Therefore, I highly recommend you also increase the pH
of your water with AlkaLife® drops. I personally put a few
AlkaLife® is an alkaline concentrate. Four drops will
transform ordinary drinking water into strong high pH
alkaline water.
AlkaLife® comes in a 1.25 oz (37 ml) bottle and produces
approximately 1,200 drops.
Directions: Squeeze 4 drops of Alkalife® solution into an
8-10 oz glass of water. Adults 120-150 lbs, drink 5 glasses
daily. Adults 180 lbs, drink 6 glasses. Children under 60
lbs, drink 2 glasses.
Before recommending a product,
I want to make sure it does
what it claims. So, we did some
experimentation. In this picture you
see my son, Eric Miller, measuring
the pH of various sources of water.
He then took 8 oz of the water and
added 3 drops of AlkaLife® and he
measured again. I was pleasantly
Here’s what we found.
Ephrata Tap Water
Voss (bottled water)
Evian (bottled water)
Fiji (bottled water)
pH after AlkaLife added
Just Say No To Carbonated
Each of these municipal and bottled waters were acidic
(less than pH 7), and all of them became alkaline when
just three drops of AlkaLife® were added. As you drink
the alkalized water, your stomach will start creating more
hydrochloric acid and bicarbonates that will help remove
the acid wastes in your body that are slowly destroying you.
As we were testing water for pH, we found something quite
interesting. There is a carbonated water called S. Pellegrion.
Eric measured the pH of 4.74. This is very acidic, due to the
carbonation. This, or any carbonated drink, will have a high
amount of H + ions (that are acidic) and very few OH- ions
that are alkaline.
tablet form.
Since there is some strong evidence that
bicarbonates support the clearing of acid
waste, I also recommend the regular use
of another one of Sang Whang’s products,
Bicarb-Balance. This product is a combination
of potassium bicarbonate and sodium
bicarbonate in a tablet form with a time release
compound. It is enteric coated to prevent it
from dissolving in the stomach where it would
be damaged by stomach acid. It dissolves slowly in the
intestines to allow maximum absorption of bicarbonate into
the bloodstream.
Each tablet contains 200 mg of potassium bicarbonate and
73 mg of sodium bicarbonate with a time release compound
and enteric coating. Take 1 tablet after each meal.
You now know quite a bit about water. Let’s review:
Our water is being polluted by industrial waste, human
waste (including pharmaceutical drugs), herbicides
and pesticides. Many of these chemicals are extremely
dangerous and need to be removed from your drinking
The chlorine in municipal water may have some
serious effects to your health as well.
We need the good minerals in the water. Some
methods of purification like reverse osmosis and
distillation, remove the good minerals as well, and may
lower the pH, making the water acidic.
Consequently, your body now has to deal with the acids
from the hamburger on its own, without the bicarbonates.
As a result, acids build up further in your body, further
causing premature aging and possibly creating conditions
that will cause cellular breakdown and disease.
Bottled water is expensive, the plastic bottles are
becoming a real challenge to our environment,
and it may be possible that the water may become
contaminated from the plastic bottles.
So, if you are going to do some fast food, pass on the cola
and drink a full glass of alkaline water with it to help your
body buffer the acids that produced from the food.
The Aquaspace® filters, designed from NASA
technology, may be the best method and most
economical way to clean your water while allowing the
good minerals to remain.
You can make the water more easily available to you
by using the Aquatomic magnets to de-cluster it.
You will increase the pH by using the Aquatomic device
and adding AlkaLife® drops to your water. This may
increase your own production of the much needed
bicarbonates. Bicarbonates are needed to remove
acids, which may be the cause of premature aging and
When he added the drops of AlkaLife®, the pH was virtually
unchanged at 4.76, still very acidic. What we were able to
learn from this was that the carbonation is so acidic, even
the very alkaline AlkaLife® cannot budge it.
So clearly, anything carbonated is very acidic. You have
just learned that when we drink alkaline water, it raises the
pH of the stomach and as a result, the stomach creates
more bicarbonates to deal with acids.
However, when you eat foods and drink an acidic beverage
with it (i.e. hamburger and cola), the acidic cola keeps the
stomach acid, and as a result, your stomach does not raise
the pH or create bicarbonates.
Adding Even More Bicarbonates
To Your Bloodstream
In addition to helping your body create bicarbonates by
drinking alkaline water, you will increase your bicarbonate
levels even more as you take additional bicarbonates in
You will further enhance your bicarbonate levels by
taking 1 Bicarb-Balance tablet after each meal.
How Is Your Water?
Tree of Life Health Ministries will be glad to test your water.
Just bring in a clean, sterilized jar of your drinking water. If
you have municipal water, we will test for:
• Bacteria
• Lead
• Pesticides (atrazine/simazine)
• Total Nitrates / Nitrites
• Total Chlorine
• pH
• Total Hardness
And if you have well water, we will test for:
• Bacteria
• Lead
• Pesticides (atrazine/simazine)
• Copper
• Iron
• Total Nitrates / Nitrites
• pH
• Total Hardness
• Total Chlorine
Finding The Solution That’s
Right For You.
Fortunately, there are several options available to you
depending upon your budget, water needs and health
Carafe® Portable
Pour Thru
If you are looking for an inexpensive solution to filter your
water, and your water
source is municipal or
well water that is free
of bacteria and cysts,
you can simply use
the portable pour thru
The Carafe® Portable
Pour Thru Water Filter:
CA-100 offers you the
chance to experience
the benefits of the patented Aquaspace® Compound at
the most affordable price on the market. This disposable
filter allows you to take the system wherever you go. The
Aquaspace® Compound has been tested and certified
by the National Testing Laboratories for lead and VOC’s
Reduction and for chlorine, taste, and odor removal. You
can be certain with each use that all of the toxins and
Volatile Organic Compounds, chlorine, bad taste and odors
have been removed from your water, leaving behind pure
and mineral-rich water to better your health.
Rated “Clearly the best” by Choice Magazine (Australian
Consumer Reports), this simple container is maintenance
free and each filter will clean 500 gallons of water. It should
be replaced every 500 gallons or 12 month, whichever
occurs first. You’ll never have to worry about clean water
again. And best of all, this only amounts to $.11 per gallon
of water. How much are you paying for a gallon of bottled
water that may be giving you toxic chemicals?
If you are concerned about fluoride or other heavy metals in
your water, you may want to use the Carafe portable Pour
Thru Plus Fluoride for $59.95. The Aquaspace® Fluoride
Reduction Compound in this unit reduces fluoride and
heavy metals, yet retains minerals in your water. Due to the
extra filtering capacity, this unit will only filter 250 gallons or
6 months, whichever comes first.
AQUATOMIC® AT-1000 - $49.95
Making Your Filtered Water
Even Better!
As we discussed earlier,
your water can be more
hydrating if the water
clusters are smaller. So,
if you want to further
improve the water
quality, simply place the
Hydrating Device to your
Also, to increase the pH add, the AlkaLife® Drops to your
filtered water as well.
Counter Top Units
If your water contains bacteria or cysts, or you want a more
convenient method to have filtered water, you will want
to use one of the counter top units. It uses no electricity
and takes about 10 minutes to hook up. A small level that
attaches to your faucet allows you to instantly have filtered
water available.
Plus with
The Aquarius Twin
Plus With Aquatomic
incorporates the patented Aquaspace® Filter Media with
a Doulton Ceramic filter and the Aquatomic magnet. The
Aquaspace® Filter Cartridge (AR-100) delivers chemical
free water while retaining the essential minerals. The
Doulton Ceramic Cartridge (AR-900C) controls both
bacteria and cysts, while the Aquatomic magnet ensures a
higher pH and improved bioavailability.
The Aquarius Twin Plus incorporates a dual host diverter
which returns your treated water to a dedicated spout on
your faucet.
There are no more messy leaks or drips like most
conventional counter top units and the unit comes with an
elongated hose which allows you to place the unit away
from the sink area, free from clutter unlike most conventional
models. The unit comes complete with cartridges installed,
so simply hook it up and enjoy! The Aquaspace® 9 3/4”
Filter Cartridge (AR-100), rated 1 micron, should be
replaced every 12 months and The 9 3/4” Royal Doulton
Ceramic Cartridge (AR-900C), rated 0.2 micron, can be
replaced every 24 months (cleanable).
Aquaspace® Fluoride Reduction Cartridge reduces fluoride
and heavy metals, yet retains minerals in your water. The
Royal Doulton Ceramic Cartridge controls bacteria and
cysts while the Aquatomic magnets increases hydration
and pH.
The AQ-435F/AT contains:
• The AQUATOMIC® Magnetic Hydrating Device
declusters the water thus increasing its bio-available
and hydration levels of your filtered water.
The patented Aquaspace® Media Cartridge: AR100 - delivers chemical free water while retaining the
essential minerals.
The set of two of Aquaspace® Fluoride Reduction
Cartridge AR-100F (one inside the unit and one extra
to change after 6 months) - reduces unwanted fluoride
and heavy metals.
The Royal Doulton Ceramic Cartridge (AR-900C)
controls both bacteria and cysts from your drinking
To raise the pH of you water, simply add the AlkaLife®
To raise the pH of you water even more, simply add the
AlkaLife® drops.
The Ultimate Water
Purification Aquarius Triple
Plus with Aquatomic - $379.95
Under the Counter Units
If you don’t care for the thought of having these filters sitting
on your countertop, no worries, as each of these units are
available as under the sink units. We just need to install
a separate water faucet on your sink, and you will have
filtered water at the press of the lever on the faucet.
AQ-125 - $269.95
If your water contains fluoride or other heavy metals, and
you want the ultimate in protection, filtering and hydration,
then you will want the Aquarius Triple Plus with Aquatomic
magnets. The Aquarius Triple is an attractive sink-top filter
system which sits away from your sink utilizing our twin
hose diverter valve system. This system is designed for
you to install without tools and guarantees no more messy
leaks or spills on your counter top since the filtered water
now dispenses from the end of your faucet!
The Aquaspace® Compounds reduce organic, industrial
and agricultural pollutants including chlorine, chloroform,
herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metals such as lead. In
addition, Aquaspace® removes unpleasant colors, odors,
tastes, sediment and turbidity. It does not remove beneficial
dissolved minerals that are essential for good health. The
Now you can have the best of both worlds, right under your
kitchen sink! The Aquarius Twin Plus: AQ-125, incorporates
the patented Aquaspace® filter media with a Doulton
Ceramic filter. The Aquaspace® delivers chemical free
water while retaining the essential minerals. The Doulton
Ceramic filter controls both bacteria and cysts.
This system comes complete with a stainless steel spouted
faucet and installation kit which includes wall mounting
bracket. The lever on the faucet can be left in the up position
for continuous hands off flow for the washing of vegetables
or filling those large pots for boiling water.
AQ-135F - $379.95
Now you can have the best of both worlds, right under your
kitchen sink! The Aquarius Triple : AQ-135F incorporates
the patented Aquaspace® Media Cartridge with Aquaspace
Fluoride Reduction Cartridge and Royal Doulton Ceramic
The AQ-135F contains:
• The patented Aquaspace® Media Cartridge: AR100 delivers chemical free water while retaining the
essential minerals.
The set of two of Aquaspace® Fluoride Reduction
Cartridge: AR-100F (one inside the unit and one extra
to change after 6 months) - reduces unwanted Fluoride
and heavy metals.
The Royal Doulton Ceramic Cartridge: AR-900C
controls both bacteria and cysts from your drinking
This system comes complete with a lead free faucet
with ceramic valve and installation kit. The unit also
has a wall mounting bracket. The lever on the faucet
can be left in any position for continuous hands off flow
for the washing of vegetables or filling those large pots
for boiling water.
Water is essential for life. It supports digestion, the
transportation of nutrients, elimination of acids and wastes,
is the major component of blood and lymph and provides
lubrication for your body. You should be consuming at least
six 8 ounce glasses of water per day.
Unfortunately, your water supply may not be the best for
you. Wells may have many contaminants, and even treated
municipal water may contain contaminants or chlorine.
Bottled water is very expensive, is creating an environmental
problem and may contain dangerous plastics and phalates
if stored improperly in transit.
The most economical and safest water supply may be to
have a home purifier.
In my opinion, of all the methods to purify water, a carbon
filter with other NASA developed filtering compounds to
remove contaminants (as manufactured by Aquaspace®)
is clearly superior to all other methods and provides you
with the purest water while keeping the critical minerals you
As you use high powered magnets on you water, you will
“de-cluster” the water and make it more available to your
cells. (See page 11 for more detail)
Adding 3 Drops of Alkalife to every 8 ounces of water you
drink raises the pH of the water so that your body will make
more of the critically needed bicarbonates to neutralize acid
waste in your body. (see page 14 - 16 for more detail)
If you have municipal water without fluoride or safe well
water, an Aquaspace® Carafe (page 17) with Aquatomic
magnets may be all you need. If you wish to remove
fluoride, use the carafe with fluoride removal.
If you have bacteria or cysts in your water, or want the ease
and convenience of a counter top (page 17-18) or under
the counter unit (page 18 - 19), the Aquarius Twin Plus with
Aquatomic will meet your needs.
If you’re concerned with fluoride or heavy metals, the
Aquarius Triple Plus with Aquatomic magnets counter top
(page 18) or under counter (page 19) units will meet your
Finally, always add 3 drops of Alkalife to every 8 oz of water
and you will know that you are drinking safe, pure and the
healthiest water you can drink!
s you have learned in this newsletter, you are being exposed to a multitude of pollutants from your water sources and a water
purifier is a necessity. Unfortunately, there are now toxins in our water, air, our food, the packaging that our water and food is stored in,
and in personal care products we use on our body. More than ever, in addition to reducing the toxin load you receive, it’s imperative that
you take proactive steps to remove the toxins you have accumulated over a lifetime. Tree of Life Health Ministries is proud to be a leader
in offering you the most advanced, comprehensive detox and purification programs to assist you.
Call our office or visit our website to learn more about how these
modalities can assist you in detoxification and purification.
As you rest comfortably with your feet in warm water, ionic footbaths gently support lymphatic detoxification. Visit our
website and listen to the interview with Dr. Earl Anderson for full details, or request a free CD.
As you sit in our comfortable far infrared sauna, environmental toxins stored in your fat cells may
be removed through the perspiration process. Visit our website and listen to the interview with Jill
Harrison, a sauna expert, for full details or request the free CD.
As you stand on the world’s most advanced whole body vibration therapy machine for just 10 minutes, all of your
cells will be energized and your circulatory and lymphatic systems may increase toxin removal and increase
nutrient and oxygen delivery.
To ensure that your body continues to detox on a daily basis, I recommend Daily Detox Drink, the
unique “Detox Cocktail” suggested by Dr. Sherry Rogers, MD. Drinking this delicious drink daily,
may support your body’s ability to remove dangerous toxins.
To really jump start your body’s detox, I also recommend the Standard Process 21-day “Purification
Program”. This is a complete detoxification program that supports all of your elimination channels. Our purification
experts will help you understand the program and successfully guide you through it.
Choosing a reliable air purification system is easy at Tree
of Life. Tree of Life offers a variety of Air Oasis™ products
to accomodate all of your pure air needs. These well researched products will
offer you the most advanced purifiers on the market for your home or business.
We also carry induct units designed to be placed in the duct work of your air
conditioning system to provide whole house air purification. Our air purification
specialist will discuss all of your purification system options to assure that
you are purchasing the best unit for you and your family. Please see our Air
Purification brochure for detailed information and facts you should know about
indoor air quality and what is polluting our outdoor air.
Come to Tree of Life Health at either our Gap or Ephrata
office and ask for a FREE Petri dish. What are we seeing? These test results have detected mold, bacteria and yeast
in homes. White is common for mold, or you could see green and black. Red colonies could indicate bacteria growth
and yeast is usually earthy tones, pinkish and shiny, smooth and dense. What is in your home?
15 Pleasure Road | Ephrata, PA 17522 | PH 717.733.2003 | FX 717.721.6998
835 Houston Run Drive | Suite 240 | Gap, PA 17527 | PH 717.442.3200 | FX 717.442.2615
www.tolhealth.com | director@tolhealth.com