EnginEEring is our Passion


EnginEEring is our Passion
E n g i n ee r i n g i s o u R P a s s i o n
Future with Innovation
E n g i n ee r i n g i s o u r
Pa s s i o n
The past year was a rather special lived out daily. Due to the lack of speone for the fiwa)group – we celebrat- cialised staff, we are pursuing new
ed the 40 th anniversary of our found- methods in searching for future staff.
ing. Since 1972 we have grown stead- We are thus turning more directly toily: a local provider of EMR planning wards universities and other educaturned into an international company tion institutions at home and abroad,
group with branches in Germany, for example. Naturally, internal and Our guiding principle is:
Austria, Romania and China.
external training of our employees re- Using opportunities and reacting
mains a supporting pillar in our efforts quickly to our customer’s requireWe can now say that in the area of
to gain the best qualified staff. In ad- ments. This way we will also open up
EMR and automation technology,
dition, we go to great lengths for staff new markets in the future and conthe fiwa)group is one of the largest
loyalty and gaining new employees.
tinue to grow steadily.
engineering service providers in the
Bavarian chemical triangle and in The economy is becoming ever more
Germany. Over the last four decades, internationally oriented – this trend
the fiwa)group has always adapted could also be clearly recognised at
to changing conditions and conse- our numerous exhibition appearances H. P. Wagner
quently it has always been able to this year. The fiwa)group accompa- CEO fiwa)group
grow steadily even in periods when nied and continues to accompany its
the economy has been less dynamic. customers on its way into new marWe create top-quality jobs and are kets and new countries.
always a skilled partner for our customers. Concepts such as “innovations” or “know-how” are not empty
catchwords for fiwa)group but are
Project highlights 2012
Crucible rotary weighing – new in weighing technology
Until now, transport crucibles were fiwa)group’s solution:
Traditional load cells would be con-
filled in a so-called rotary (or filling
siderably damaged or completely
carousel) manually by operating staff
(see images 1 and 2). Through a lot
of experience with the filler, the crucibles are only filled relatively optimally
as the fill level on the crucible is only
checked visually when filling. The
main problems are described in brief
To calculate the weight at each of
the three crucible recording positions
on the rotary, load cells are installed.
the crucible position are mounted a communication link with a weigh
onto the rotary using slip rings and bridge whereby the weights are autotransferred to the weighing terminal.
be utilised optimally, i. e. it should three crucibles, certain necessary
not contain too little product and it data must be entered from the filler
must also not be overfilled. Overfill- on the weighing terminal.
When transporting via lorry, the total
weight of the crucible (three crucibles
per trailer) and the vehicle must not
exceed 40 tonnes in accordance with
the Road Traffic Act (StVO). Too little
content means, among other things,
under these raw conditions.
The signals from these load cells and It would also be possible to create
in the following. Each crucible must Before each weighing process with
ing poses an enormous risk potential.
destroyed after a short period of time
matically delivered to the fiwa weighing terminal. One option would be
to carry out a communication setup
with a process database (e. g. fiwa
iMesCC) instead of entering operating data manually. For this non-
A maximum fill weight for each cruci- contact and user-friendly solution it
ble is stored in an external database; would be ideal to furnish the cruciall truck and trailer information is bles with RFID radio chips.
also stored here. The database can
be adapted and/or changed without
problem by an administrator.
With this technology, considerable
cost reductions can be carried
out from production to handover
that more transport/deliveries are After entering the necessary informa- of goods. The fiwa)group has the
required than necessary. Too little tion, a signal light gives the approval know-know for all the applications
content may also cause considerable for the filling process. The operating described.
problems for the customer’s produc- staff now receive the individual maxition. All of the problems described mum fill weight for each selected cruabove are virtually excluded due to cible via a remote display. The inacthe fiwa)group’s innovative solution.
curacy of weighing is less than one
kilogram per ten tonnes of fill weight.
Image 1: Top view “rotary” in crucible hole
Image 2: Side view – crucible hole with weighing kits
Project highlights 2012
Automation of a calcium carbide furnace in Sweden
In August 2011, the modernisation of Acceptance and clarification took What was most pleasing about this
the automation of a calcium carbide place on site in Sweden. The other project was its timely implementafurnace was begun at our customer processes such as preparing the tion: the schedule was kept and the
specifications, software, documen- furnace’s downtime could even be
SKW-Metallurgy Sweden AB.
The task was very challenging in terms
of the timescale and costs. Commis-
tation and FAT were carried out by reduced by half.
Overview of project highlights
sioning was carried out already in The control side range of approx.
April/May 2012. The particular chal- 1200 DE/DA and approx. 2000 coulenges for this project lay in the cou- pler signals to other controls.
pling and integration of the new PCS7
system V7.1. The system had to be
coupled to various external PLC and
hardware controls. The new weighing system (SIWAREX FTA) was used
and a fully automatic formula control.
The aim of the measure was a considerable increase in quality and a
saving of up to 50 % in energy consumption. Operating the plant has
ƒƒ Integration of PCS7 V7.1
ƒƒ Coupling to various external PLC and
hardware control
ƒƒ Completely automatic formula control
ƒƒ Around 1200 DE/DA, approx. 2000
coupler signals
ƒƒ Simplification of plant operation,
reduction of energy consumption of
up to 50%, increase in quality
also been massively simplified.
Vinnolit Burghausen
On 9 th October 2012, the PVC raw of PVC pastes is thus increasing to and cost estimation of the EMSR part.
Vinnolit 100 000 tonnes a year. Vinnolit relied The project scope ranged in the area
GmbH & Co. KG officially put the ex- on well-established partners includ- of approx. 400 measuring stations.
tension of the E-PVC plant into op- ing the fiwa)group as well.
In detail engineering, device acquisi-
eration with a ceremony.
tion and documentation was also in-
As a long-standing partner company
At the Burghausen site, the E-PVC of Vinnolit Burghausen, the technioperation was gradually extended cians from the fiwa)group were already
over the last two years. The capacity requested for concept development
cluded in fiwa)group’s service scope
alongside the entire EMSR hardware
During the construction period, the
fiwa)group team supported the companies carrying out the assembly
with help and advice. Despite an extremely ambitious schedule, all deadlines could be kept.
Overview of project highlights
ƒƒ EMSR planning of the new E-PVC
unit of Vinnolit Burghausen
ƒƒ Project size approx. 400 measuring
ƒƒ Detail engineering, procurement
of equipment and documentation
In the photo from left to right: Vinnolit
plant manager Mr Ulrich Woike,
Plant tour in the extended E-PVC plant
Mr Günter Helmberger, Mr Franz Kobler
ƒƒ Close collaboration with the
­participating partners and support
in word and deed
Linde AG in Duisburg
At the site in Duisburg of the com- even ABB Freelance. Over the course new PCS7 program had to be conpany Linde AG, the existing au- of the conversion, the old measuring structed exactly according to the
tomation technology of 11 large station was moved to new premises prescribed standards to be able to
compressors was converted and and completely built up again. The process the operation and observareplaced by a modern, so-called fiwa)group also installed a new LWL tion of the so-called ROC (remote op“machine process guide system”.
The main task was to perform the
automation of 5 air compressors, 2
oxygen compressors and 4 nitrogen
compressors (together with related
equipment) with a Siemens PCS7
process guide system.
plant bus for this in collaboration with eration centre). The ROC at the Linde
Linde Gas München. All previously site Leuna an der Saale is the central
existing control sections such as the control centre for various air separaold measuring panel sections or sig- tion plants in Europe. Although this
nals from the old measuring station extensive conversion took place durhave been completely rebuilt in the ing ongoing operation, there were no
new measuring station. As a result, plant failures. The fiwa)group team
the entire control of the plant takes was also able to keep to all predeter-
The fiwa)group’s service range was place largely via the process visualisa- mined conversion deadlines.
extensive: beginning with the on-site tion from the new measuring station.
recording of hardware and software
through to commissioning the entire
system and training the operating staff.
Overview of project highlights
The company KMO-Turbo was responsible for the connection and the
conversion of the pump protection.
So far, control takes place in various For this, some couplings had to be
ways. Simple handwheels in a meas- constructed with the new PCS7-PLS.
uring panel section are used, as well The fiwa)group worked together with
as various control systems such as the company F&S for the decentralSiemens S5 and S7, Teleperm M or ised hardware planning. The entire
ƒƒ Stock-taking of actual state including
hardware and software configuration
ƒƒ Planning necessary process guide
system components
ƒƒ Detailed planning and construction of
new control cabinets
ƒƒ Detailed planning of new routing of
signals from measuring panel section
to the new input and output cards
Intuitive operation – producing safely and efficiently
Complex processes are demanding but also due to poorly constructed and implementing an optimal user infor the operating staff. To direct the user interfaces. Even the integra- terface. Experience and showing an
flood of data into controllable path- tion of package units (PLC/SIS/etc.) interest in individual requirements are
ways – and yet create an interface makes operation easier, reduces in demand here.
that can be operated intuitively, clear data storage and reduces maintestructures are necessary. It is only nance costs for the entire plant. Simthus that safe and effective work is ulations as close to 100 % as pospossible.
Intelligent alarm management concepts do not allow any information
overflow and give the operator the
best conditions for maintaining abso-
sible – together with the customer,
show potential weaknesses before
are comparatively unproblematic in
this phase.
lute control over the process even in The fiwa)group has been a reliable
particularly challenging and/or critical partner for custom operating consituations. Unnecessary costs result cepts for 40 years. We advise our
not only due to improper operation customers with the aim of designing
Project highlights 2012
Application of peak load
Improvement in efficiency through
­intelligent energy management
shedding module
Project aims:
For companies with high energy con- tion and in implementing peak load Using an energy management sys-
ƒƒ Capping consump-
sumption, it is especially important monitoring (load shedding). The glass tem helps to reduce energy costs
tion peaks
ƒƒ Minimising control
to monitor active power and standby manufacturer carried out a decen- considerably and to use energy in a
power precisely. If consumption ex- tralised energy data acquisition for its company efficiently.
ƒƒ Minimal use of ac-
ceeds the amount agreed with the sites across Europe. Using the ABB
tive load shedding
energy supplier, even if only for a energy management system, peak
short time, the next highest level ap- powers are avoided and it is thus
plies through to the end of the billing possible to reach an optimised powperiod! The aim is therefore to prevent er band in the long term. To perform
peak energy values and to manage load shedding, configurable condienergy consumption intelligently. The tions were specified to the individual
peak load monitoring module from consumers – such as the following:
ABB continuously calculates the en- ƒƒ Changing priorities,
ergy drawn and forecasts the amount
switching sequence
of energy still remaining or when it is ƒƒ Switch-on/switch off times
exceeded according to the contrac- ƒƒ Switching frequency
tually determined peak power. If the ƒƒ Process parameters
forecast calculation determines it will
be exceeded, an intervention into the
process then takes place.
All of this also contributes to lowering
the carbon footprint. There are also
tax benefits, exemption from network
fees and reduction of the EEG levy.
Overview of the project highlights
ƒƒ Implementation of module peak load
monitoring/load shedding
ƒƒ Prevention of exceeding the energy
power peaks
ƒƒ Prioritisation of consumers for sequential load switch-off
ƒƒ Capping of consumption peaks and
minimisation of control energy
ƒƒ Reduction of energy costs by means
The consumers are arranged accord-
of effective energy use and improve-
ing to priority. Consumers with higher
ment of carbon footprint
priority are only switched off if lower pri-
The fiwa)group supported ABB dur- ority ones cannot perform the necesing the introduction of the „cpmPlus sary savings themselves. It is therefore
Energy Managers“ at a leading com- possible to switch off the right consumpany in the glass industry and both er, depending on need, to reduce the
in carrying out energy data acquisi- load and so lower the peak load.
COVA Technology: a new pioneering oil extraction method
Since 2004, the companies ASMO- Functional principle:
CO and OMV PETROM have been
Except for the gas a frequency converter, both from the
successfully testing a new artificial
lift process and the Austrian manufacturer B&R Automa-
extraction method for oil which is
completely different from all other
existing and widely broadcast tech-
nologies. This completely new ex-
are based on the
traction principle and the remarkable
principle of bringing
results from its first application in oil
the liquid to the sur-
fields have brought about a rigorous
face using borehole
approach regarding expansion of the
pumps that are fed
area of application for this technol-
into the extraction
ogy. It was also necessary to repro-
pipe and plunged
duce the good results under a variety
of technical conditions (e. g. heavy
and viscous oil, higher water content, drill holes that are not exactly
vertical, etc.) and under the more
severe climate conditions (very low
temperatures). After seven years of
testing, COVA technology has finally
proven to be practicable, reliable and
extremely profitable. This technology
Schematic representation of the
COVA functional
process, tion, and the GSM modem for the
artificial data transfer.
into the oil.
cal on site or in remote operation, and
the PLC can be accessed on site, using a laptop via a local ethernet connection. The remote operation and
monitoring station collects all data
sent to the borehole or received from
there in real time and records it. The
archive files are accessible for rapid
ogy, the oil is not cal reports.
face using a flexible circulating oleophilic element (the EFCO belt). The
acquisition of the EFCO belt allows
the natural stickiness of the oil on an
oleophilic surface to be exploited.
Overview of project highlights
ƒƒ Automation of the extraction processes by ICA-Systems/fiwa)group
ƒƒ Main control components PLC,
frequency converter and GSM
ƒƒ Uniform graphical user interface both
International is the license holder for of the fiwa)group. The main components of the control are the PLC and
on site and in remote operation
ƒƒ Recording and reporting by central
remote operation and monitoring
EMR-HW planning in laboratory
The project EMR HW planning in the By remotely accessing a central da- around 2000 PCE loops which are
laboratory for the company Wacker tabase it was possible to ensure the supplied and controlled in over 40
Chemie AG started for us at the end variety of stakeholders involved the MSR cabinets.
same version.
In spite of the very tight schedule, the Planning included the ventilation sys6 floor building was opened in 2012.
From basic planning to commissioning and moreover in running operation, the CAE tool used – ComosPT
(Siemens AG) – was the daily tool for
rapid planning and documenting.
the system AP1000
pumped but transported to the sur-
Romania and worldwide. ASMOCO ICA-Systems, a Romanian subsidiary
of 2010.
Surface equipment for
With COVA technol- and simple evaluation using graphi-
is the object of a patent protected in The automation was carried out by
the Romanian national territory.
The graphical user interface is identi-
tem including temperature and humidity controls, refrigeration, the flue
gas scrubber, the laboratory furnishings and some smaller disciplines in
the building.
Overview of project highlights
ƒƒ Planning and documentation by
Comos PT
ƒƒ Air conditioning and ventilation systems, flue gas scrubber and laboratory furnishings
ƒƒ Synchronous versions by means of
central database with remote access
ƒƒ Around 2000 PCE loops in 40 MSR
The scope of the MSR planning was
User screen on
remote operator
Exhibitions and events 2012
PRE-VENT at the Achema 2012
side showed an ever increasing in- The fiwa group Asia Ltd., took part
ternationalisation. The official visitor this year in the 23 rd MICONEX (Mulnumbers over the five exhibition days tinational
were stated to be 167 000.
The PRE-VENT GmbH presented its
own valve series in the exhibition area
“pumps, compressors and fittings”.
Numerous new contacts could be
ence and Exhibition). The exhibition
took place from 21 st to 24 th August
2012 in Shanghai, in the Shanghai
World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center.
established and there were already
many specific queries on site. After
The PRE-VENT GmbH, a member of the exhibition, a number of customer
fiwa)group, after 2006 and 2009 (then visits and orders followed. Many visiPRE-VENT GmbH
still EMRS-Tech GmbH) was once tors found it extremely positive that a
exhibition stand in
again represented at the ACHEMA.
hall 9 stand C 65
The ACHEMA is the leading inter-
valve manufacturer can also provide
engineering services at the same time.
national event for the chemical and As a result, fiwa Engineering will have
process industry and takes place a stronger presence at the next exevery three years in Frankfurt am hibition in order to present the fiwa)
Main. This year, approx. 3700 exhibi- group’s entire service range in more
tors showcased from 18 th to 22 nd detail. The exhibition appearance
June across a total of 136 400 m². also resulted in collaboration with the
Like the exhibitor side, the visitor “Klinger group” for the Dutch market.
MICONEX is one of the largest international specialist exhibitions in the
area of measurement, automation
and control technology. Experts and
decision-makers get together to gain
Meorga 2012
information on the latest technolo-
th June), gies and innovations from the over
This year the PRE-VENT GmbH took March), Leverkusen (27 part again in all four MSR special Ludwigshafen (19 th September) and 500 international exhibitors. Over
th November). What is 10 000 visitors came from the oil &
exhibitions in Germany. The events Bochum (7 took place in Frankfurt am Main (21 st special about these relatively small gas, chemical, energy, metal, autoexhibitions is that they are organ- mobile and new energies industries.
ised in those places where potential
customers are located. Through informative, technology-oriented company talks, you can present your
company to an expert audience. At
these events mentioned, you largely
come into contact with people from
The exhibition was a complete success for the fiwa)group as the subsidiary PRE-VENT appeared at its own
stand and there presented the valves
BR 11, BR 12, BR 33, BR 82 and the
new BR 21.
production such as production engi- The visitors showed great interest in
neers or production managers. Due the PRE-VENT® products and there
to their positive experiences, PRE- were many interesting discussions
VENT will also be present at the Me- which sought future cooperation with
orga exhibitions in 2013.
fiwa)group at
Aluminium 2012
From 9 th to 11 th October 2012, the
largest industry exhibition for the
aluminium industry in the world took
place in Düsseldorf. With 21 300 visitors and 961 exhibitors, this exhibition
underlined its position as one of the
most successful industry exhibitions.
An increasing internationalisation can
also be observed in this market. Due
to the strong demand from a variety
of customers, the fiwa)group made own production management soft- MES software displays processes
The fiwa)group would like
the decision to present at this exhibi- ware iMES CC. Using a fully functional transparently and thus highlights opti-
to say thanks for all the
tion relatively recently.
At the exhibition stand that was part
of the higher level hall 10 casting pavil-
heavy-duty weighing module, we were misation options. Our exhibition items
able to persuade people on location were topped off by our gas dosing cabhow exactly these systems work.
ion, interested parties and customers The iMES CC presentation encoun-
inet which you can use to vividly explain
how the sink gas application works.
were able to find out a lot about the tered a lot of interest among visitors This exhibition appearance enabled
fiwa)group’s products and services. from the steel works and casting sec- us to highlight our expertise in this
The main focuses were the weighing tor. Here too, a simulation showed area to both existing customers and
and gas dosing technology and our interested visitors how the intelligent to new interested parties.
Cluster Congress at TU
The fiwa)group was a participant at
the Cluster Congress at the Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich).
On 25 th July 2012, the Cluster Congress of the 19 Bavarian clusters with
accompanying expert exhibition under the auspices of the Bavarian Economic Minister Martin Zeil.
The congress was supported by the In the congress’s plenary session, companies and universities. In the
Bavarian State Ministry for the Econ- Economy Minister Martin Zeil and accompanying expert exhibition, the
omy, Infrastructure and Technology. Science Minister Dr Wolfgang Heu- clusters showcased innovative prodPrevious successes of the cluster of- bisch
top-quality ucts and services together with their
fensive were illustrated and the public speakers from business and science key players. The fiwa)group was also
were presented further goals of the provided insights into the success- represented at this.
ful cooperation of the clusters with
visits, discussions, contacts
and experiences at the
40 year anniversary of the fiwa)group
Part of the fiwa workforce at the customer celebration on 27 th September 2012
The management of the fiwa)group
Mayor Hans Steindl and the management of the
Ingrid Heckner, Member of the
State Parliament (MdL)
As already mentioned above, the Political personalities as well as long- sential as the well-known proverb
fiwa)group celebrated an important standing customers and partner teaches us: “you always meet twice”.
anniversary in 2012. A “one man” companies appeared at the celebracompany turned into the largest tion on 27 th September. Numerous
engineering service provider in Ba- speeches were sometimes about
varia 40 years later. This event was personal memories but they also
of course dutifully celebrated. On mentioned key words such as exper28 th June, the employee celebration tise and entrepreneurial spirit, reliabiltook place – later on the Burghausen ity, trust and honesty.
mayor Hans Steindl mixed among
the workforce; he congratulated us
personally on this joyful occasion.
rienced, reliable engineering partner
for its customers. Over the last 40
years, sustainable company management created a good foundation
for a positive future for the traditional
company. The declared goal was to
Ultimately, long-term success is also be at the top and to stay there.
based on long-term relationships
with customers and employees that
The company founder Rainer Finze, have to be nurtured and maintained.
who unfortunately died in 2006, was Besides the groups mentioned, we
also not forgotten. The whole work- must not forget other interest groups,
force observed one minute’s silence however. Careful and honest dealin his memory.
The fiwa)group was and is an expe-
ings with everyone involved are es-
Günter Helmberger in conversation with
Werner Heidelsperger
Barbara Oberhuber and
Günter Helmberger
Ewald Schindlbeck (left) and Volker Radius (right) from Wacker
Chemie AG at the presentation of gifts to Hans Peter Wagner
Hans Botz, first director of the Association of medium-sized businesses
Alexander Geith, first chairman
of the trade association
Dr. Willi Kleine (former plant manager at Wacker Chemie AG) as chairman of the Economic Advisory Council of Bavaria District Inn/Salzach
presents his deputy, Hans Peter Wagner, with a gift
In the photo from left to right: Mr Markus Ober (Borealis Burghausen),
Mr Ludwig Hafner (B&R) and Mr Wolfgang Esterbauer (fiwa)group)
fiwa RO Managing Director Wolfgang
Mr Wagner during his speech
Esterbauer and Branch Manager
Cristian Lazar
From life in the company
New construction in
Since the foundation of the Nünchritz
branch in 2000, the fiwa)group at this
location has grown steadily. Due to this
extremely positive development, the
construction of a company building on
Karl-Marx-Straße 31 d was decided.
655 square metres of office space are
across two floors. This project is supported by the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRD) and the
Free State of Saxony. The completion
of the structural work will be in December 2012. The move from Friedrichvon-Heyden-Platz to the new premises
is set to take place in the second quarter of 2013. Customers and employees
should understand this considerable
investment as a recognition of the fiwa)
group’s long-term commitment to the
location in Nünchritz.
COMOS Sales and service partner for Romania
Since 2005, the fiwa)group has been Specialised in the oil & gas, pharma- IMOL, SC OMV PETROM SA and SC
working around the world as a cer- ceutical, environmental technology, CONTINENTAL SRL. Because of its
tified Siemens partner for SIMATIC food, steel, chemical and petrochem- excellent customer relations with SC
PCS7 and the chemical industry. The ical industries, SC FIWA RO SRL of- OMV PETROM SA, its many years
Romanian branch of the engineer- fers a variety of engineering services of experience in the oil and gas ining company (SC FIWA RO SRL) has in Romania. These include skilled dustry and its partnership relationalso been working as a sales and plant planning and designs in the ar- ship with Siemens, it was clear that
service partner for the software solu- eas of process automation, process the company now also functions as a
tion C
­ OMOS since August 2012.
control engineering, ICA technology, COMOS­partner in Romania.
weighing technology, electrical engineering design, building services
engineering, communication and security technology, software development and data technology.
“With SC FIWA RO SRL, we have
gained a competent partner in Romania that knows local requirements
exactly and develops and carries out
equally excellent engineering solu-
Over the last few years, SC FIWA RO tions”, says Steffen Rosa, Global
SRL has become a talking point due Partner Manager Comos at Siemens
to successful project implementa- Industry Software.
tion for companies such as Siemens
New fiwa)group website –
The new fiwa)group homepage has Under “Company”, you can then
been online since 1 st May 2012. We find out about the company with its
are happy to be able to present to values and goals. The fiwa)group’s
you our modern and fresh website.
On the homepage, the visitors are
welcomed with information about the
fiwa)group. A short company presentation, the heading with the latest
news and an overview of the service
portfolio whet your appetite for more.
Thanks to the structuring and the
clarity, the visitor is provided with a
Under News, you receive information on exhibition appearances, con-
areas of expertise are presented in
detail under “Services” and our own
developed innovative solutions such
as our own production management
system iMES CC or tools for weighing industrial furnaces are presented
under “Products”.
People who are interested can send
us a query at any time using the con-
Fully informed:
tact form. Under “Downloads” you
a user-friendly inter-
also have the possibility of download-
face invites you to
ing information.
find out more about
the fiwa)group and
its services.
gresses, innovations and news about Visit us at
the entire fiwa)group.
Umweltpakt Bayern
(Bavaria Environmental Agreement)
The Umweltpakt Bayern is an agree- impact of the company and thus enment between the Bavarian State sure the long-term success of the
Government and Bavarian business- company. A certifiable environmental
es on a voluntary basis and on the management standard should also
basis of autonomy and cooperation.
be sought.
In it, the agreement partners declared
their firm conviction that natural living
conditions can be better protected
by a voluntary and reliable cooperation between the state and business
than just with laws and ordinances.
Most recently, these 35 agreement
partners in the county also include
the fiwa)group with its voluntary environmental protection service – the
tem in accordance with DIN EN ISO
14001. Systems like these coordinate
and control environmentally relevant
activities, reduce the environmental­
District administrator Erwin Schnei-
District administrator
der: “The priority is the proactive pre-
Schneider presents the
vention of future environmental damage and not its repair. With the view
to sustainable development in Bavaria, the Umweltpakt is therefore at
the same time a source of inspiration
for new paths, methods and topics.”
Source: “Alt-Neuöttinger Anzeiger”, May 17 th 2012
fiwa)group with a participation certificate for
Umweltpakt Bayern.
From life in the company
Promotion of new talent
in the fiwa)group
This year, the fiwa)group also took
part again in numerous school and
university exhibitions and job fairs at
home and abroad. The fiwa)group
has now gone one step further and
for the first time it will offer a dual
course of study in the field of electrical engineering in autumn 2013.
Part of the fiwa)group’s personal development strategy is supporting the
regional and national training companies and schools on the one hand and medium-term and long-term staff. The Thanks to the mix of ages, the comestablishing contact with students increasing lack of specialised staff can pany benefits from the experience
through various events on the other. only be prevented by timely setting a of long-standing employees and the
The students have the opportunity in new direction – a company’s potential new approaches of younger colour company to gain practical experi- depends heavily on its employees. The leagues.
ence or to receive support for final pa- fiwa)group would like to be successful
pers. Through regular presence, the in the future with highly qualified, motifiwa)group can assure itself of future vated and contented employees.
Recertification of the
The fiwa)group funding
and donations
This mix is part of the fiwa)group’s
secret to success.
Appointments in the
The fiwa)group was successfully The fiwa)group was also able to sup- The following positions were filled
recertified again in August 2012 ac- port social, charity and cultural es- again within the fiwa)group:
cording to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 tablishments and associations in the
and DIN EN ISO 14001:2009.
region in 2012, including:
Recertification according to
The SGU management system was ƒƒ Förderkreis Caritas
DIN EN ISO 9001:2008,
once again confirmed and thus also ƒƒ Salzach Brückenlauf Burghausen
DIN EN ISO 14001:2009
and the SCC rules.
Branch Manager
Director China
James Zhan
Cristian Lazar
extended through to 2015 according ƒƒ KulturVerein inn.drei.viertel
to SCC regulations (version 2011).
ƒƒ Lions-Club Altötting-Burghausen
ƒƒ Alztaler Schützen Emmerting
ƒƒ Wintersportgemeinschaft
ƒƒ Aventinus Gymnasium
ƒƒ SV Wacker Burghausen
ƒƒ Musikschule Burghausen
The management team wishes these
men great joy and success in their
new roles.
Girls’ Day 2012
On 26 th April 2012 it was Girls’ Day company and the presentation of the
again in Germany. Girl pupils from individual departments, the day ofyear 5 upwards received the oppor- fered the young ladies an insight into
tunity to learn about technical and the world of services and products of
scientific careers.
an international engineering company.
Traditionally, women give these areas The girls seized the opportunity to
little attention when choosing a ca- find out about new careers and exreer and therefore, on Girls’ Day, the perienced a varied day at fiwa)group.
girls are given the opportunity to find
out about these “unfamiliar” professional fields.
The fiwa)group took part in Girls’ Day
for the third time and invited 6 pupils
Girls’ Day 2012
to Burghausen. During the tour of the
future day for girls in the fiwa)group
New offices in Landau
fiwa)group company anniversaries
On 14 th August 2012, the colleagues In 2012, the fiwa)group was able to We congratulate those celebrating
at the Landau branch moved into not just look back proudly to its own anniversaries and thank them for
new offices. The move was neces- company anniversary but also to its their engagement within the comsary to create the ideal working con- employees who had their 5 th, 10 th, pany, their faith and loyalty, because
15 th or even 25 th anniversary with the company’s success is based on
The colleagues continue to be the the company. Traditionally those cel- this. We wish them all the best for the
“spearhead” of the fiwa)group in the ebrating are invited to dinner for this future and we look forward to many
Rhine-Main region: they look after special occasion.
more years together.
our existing customers and acquire
new customers. The main activities
in Landau are energy management,
operator effectiveness, plant IT security, batch systems, and system
migrations. Its customers include
renowned firms in the chemical and
pharmaceutical industries as well as
the metal and glass industries.
Finze & Wagner
Ingenieurgesellschaft UDI mbH
Marie-Curie-Str. 5
The management team
76829 Landau, Germany
congratulates all those
fon +49 6341 557555-0
and looks forward to con-
fax +49 6341 557555-19
tinued work together.
celebrating an anniversary
BSV Fi&Wa e. V.
The members of BSV Fi&Wa e. V.
fiwa)Training centre –
extract from training in 2012
again pursued their common sporting ambitions in 2012. Cycling was
particularly popular, whether it was
cross cycling or mountain biking.
However, running, fishing, football,
volleyball, bowling and skiing were
also popular.
In 2012, trips together and competitions were also on the agenda again.
Triathlon Burgkirchen
There were even two teams from BSV ƒƒ ABB 800xA Safety
in June 2012
Fi&Wa e. V. competing in the triath-
configuration & maintenance
lon on 26 th June in Burgkirchen and ƒƒ ABB 800XA System Engineering
ƒƒ Sartorius scales
ƒƒ Safety aspects in combustion
came a reasonable second place. ƒƒ ABB Freelance
ƒƒ SIMATIC Factory Automation
They showed that their teamwork ƒƒ B&R Aprol Control Training
ƒƒ SIMATIC PCS 7 Redundancy
also works outside of the company. ƒƒ B&R Aprol E-Camp End Audit
In September, part of the club took ƒƒ AUCOPLAN V7
part in the Eddy Merckx Classics in ƒƒ CE-Koordinator
ƒƒ Comos
ƒƒ ELOP II Projector
ƒƒ Explosion prevention – ATEX and
ƒƒ Honeywell automation days 2012
ƒƒ KNX
ƒƒ OPC Server und Client
Training (H)
ƒƒ SIMATIC PCS7 Process Control
Safety (SAF)
ƒƒ SIMATIC Upgrade Workshop
PCS7 V8.0
ƒƒ SIMATIC WinCC advanced course
ƒƒ Procurement procedure from A–Z:
lawful organisation of public
ƒƒ PNOZmulti
ƒƒ WinMOD simulation machining
ƒƒ PRODOK Basic & Detail
ƒƒ Certification as safety experts
Finze & Wagner EMSR Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
Piracher Straße 76–78, DE-84489 Burghausen,
fiwa)group, ABB, Vinnolit, Siemens,
Copies, even as excerpts, are only permitted with approval of the author.
Finze & Wagner
EMSR Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
Phone +49 8677 884-0
Fax +49 8677 884-333
Piracher Straße 76–78
DE-84489 Burghausen
From life in the company