May 1999 Newsletter
May 1999 Newsletter
Zipin excites with tale of lreland tour O'Connor wins Merckx f rame Over 15 club membe.s and friends gathered for the Aprilmeeting. Club president Carol Schroeder presided. Paui Zipin gave a fascinatinq slide prcsentauon about his l7{ay bike tour of ir€land. Paulsaid that h€ thought his presentatlon should be entitled 'The Beaury of Gore'Tex" because the weather the tour was ahost €lways rciny and cooL. The tempenatune usually stayed in the 50s and 6Os, only going up ro the 7Os when the sun came out. During rhis trjp, the sun onlycame out 3 times. PauJ'sfrstday in lr€land was July 27, atime when it's usually in the upper go's here in the Triangle. On his frrst $e .adiaror in his hotel room was on. snd when he iooked out the window he could see smoke coming out of thE neaFby chimneysl According t! Paul, the lrish claimed that last summer's weather was the day, Paul noticed that worct in memory They advised Paulthat the besttimero go was actuallyin the wlnter, noi the summer. The weather in thewinter, they r€ason, is the same as the weatlen in the summer, butther€ erc far fewen tourisls in tie winrerl No.mally, lneiand has €bout3 1/2 million inhabitants, 1 1l2 million living in Oublin. in the summer, the population [caDdn'ed on pese 7) fter r€ading lnto Thin Air by Jon Krakauer, my imagination was captured. Thus, in November, 1SS8, my mother and I decided to visit Nepaland also tourlndb and Bhut€n. However, after investigatjng tr€kkng toups,'we d+ cided to embark on a culElral expedition. This optjon would give us a general ove} vjew of the countnies and their histories. After mor€ than thirty hours jn a pl6ne, nry mother and lfound ourseives driving in a cab through the dusty srr€els of Kathmandu. Besides buses, bicycles wenethe main mode oftransportatjon. Wherher used to commute to workoras pLrsh c€rls ro take vegetables to marke! bicyctes are an imponant part of every day life in the city. Even though I didnt see any "offrcial t€ndem s,' therc were m8ny bicycles with two or more riders on th€m. Although we wene stillshaking off jet lag, ourfrrstdayin Nepalbegan at7:OO a. m. meeting our mountain bike guide. He was very surprised when he saw how t6tl and blonde" I was compared to the peiite Nepaliwomen. We sha.ed a rhr€e, witi ourguide and a Scorsman who was going ro be our companion on thls alliay mount€in bjke adventure. After being frt with a mountain bike,we wer€ outon the busy s!'€e!s ofKatlmandu, rlding on the lefiside. ltwas a chailenge to negotjate the haffrc circles fmm the opposire side of ttre rcadt As we teft the ciiy tramc began to subside. A,lthough it seemed as if I was lnsidc lhis issuo of NL Oicycle News NCBC Ecing team scores litst victory....."........6 EWisE meeting gets rcsulE hom FHA.............6 ................... LAB highlighb Kentucky Hl|y............... 7 riding on flat [cantinued oh pase a) Nhere rides start Member benefils Classified Ads Make some money for the summen ridesl You can have a FBEEone month ad for cycling equipmentand accessories. No change for NCBC members, Non-members pay $5 per ad. Send classified sd and check payable io NCBC lifnon-fiernberlto NC Bic@e y'y'eul'Editor, 7 bkehurst Cour! Dunham, NC 27713. Bike travel ca€es for rent NCBC hss good hardshell bike casEs Evailabla for rent to members. The fee is $1 per day with a retundable deposil of $20O. The charges for late drop{ff and for canceljng a reservation less than one month in advancE are both $25. To reserve a c6se call Danny Thom8s at 851-4223 befoae 'l O p.m. 3. Ord NCBC Jerseys R.r.igh virrea. Our colorful club iersey is still available in all sizes. $55 to members. Made by Aussie a topquality cycling iersey. Contaet Henri Bohl at 552€ 1 04 or come to the next club meeting, NCBC Member Discount Dont foEet to ask fur the discount that is avai,ab,e to club members at arEa bicycle shops (e)rcept for RE} You can use this newsletter as pmof of membership if the NCBE Display advertising mailing label has your name snd an expimtion date that shows y6u to be a member in good stsnding. Faach a targctad audicrue for pannias par rozdar Next NCBC Meeting May3, lSSg Kir* of THrs rs a GHEAT EEALI Charges KjldairE 7:OO PM -4rz '(. 'li . 'f:-ilt Pr€sbyterian Churrh. Kildair€ Farm Boad & High Meadow Drive, Cary lir ':..: f-.-..* for commercialads €r€:S25 for 1/4 page, $5O for 1/2 page, and $'lOO fora tullp6ge. Pr+ pa),rnent may be required, Please seno copy. art, and check to the NC Bicvcle News Edi@r at Po Box 10346. B6leioh. Nc 27605. lhe ilE Bicrcle NdM ar.EpE comftftiel adletu:*nants ifttey are Elated t the .tub's p,noes lhe ne$letter$ notabltgdtedt publsh sLbmiEed Yrsrtt,tr^(BAw(65ft( at l*v,//w\ryt(Elte. NagC PrEsiden! Pr€sident ce r"/r., c6 c tfl{ Club Officers and Lontacts Schmeder 7851507 Newsletter Edhor Tim Hunter Zearfoss 851-2O0O Newsletter Stsfft Secr€taryrreasure. Bohl 552-6104 Membership List A Johnson Bide Calendar/Webmaster NewsleuEr Mailing John Bobin!,ec David Cole 362€574 Vice carrl Jirn Henri 5449'132 4A7A457 460.0118 Dear reader How Well, as lwr'rte these words t}le Spring 1SSS rally is undar lts a beautiful day for cycling bui deadlines dontwait. Aprilis the cnuelestmonth, isnt it? You have in )EUr hands another gr€a! issue of r'r'CBlcycle Ir'ew, Ourfront-page article is an exciting mountain-biking t€le by membenSt€lla Sable. Stellatooka trip few can match: to Kad]mandu, Nepal. ldon't oftEn highlightthe club meeting notes in dris space. but this month is spscial. At the April meeting Paul Zpin told a "chilling't€le Ebout his l Tday toun of lreland- Bead it instead of going there younseli lf you're in the mood for a long ride, check out the May ride calendar. Club webmaster. ride calendaFmasten, and geneml all-mund leader David Cole is doing a wonderfuljob oforgsniz, ing a fullmonthly slst€ oigroup .ides. Congrats to member David Saussy on his r€centwinning ride. Read aboutd1e NCBtr Bacing/Team Mindspring win on page 6. Also on page 6 is a press release frEm dle League of American Bicyli6ts about tie successes rhar came out of their rccent meeting with the Federal Highway Adminisrration. way. lo reach us! article, story, or ahnouncement for t"he NC Bicycle News? Do you have an Ourdeadline for aftlcles is the 15th of the month. YoL can send it by emailto Or you can mail itto m€ at7 LakehurstCourt, Durham, NC 27713-Orca me at home at 5443132 befor€ 1O:OO PM. Want to add a your ride to the ride calendar? CallDavid Cole at 362-9578, oremailhim at dlcole@vnet David willputyour ride onthe NCBC ride calendar that appeaE in both the l/l] Bicycle News and an oor weh page. The deadline foradding a nide to the calendanthatwil tie newsletter is the 1sth of the month. Want to put something on the NCBC WWW page? appear in EmailDavid Cole at dlcole@vnet Expiring memborihipi FitEt call Robeft E Allen Judy & Joe By8n Jeff Sosa S. Kathryn Armentrout Henri Bohl Helen Brown Chet & C\,rldy Buellvan Den Randy Carroll Leslie Clitrord Clal"kClingenpeel Marge Cronin John Dekker Kris & BDb Door Lee Doss Renie Edgington Don Edwards Sed-l El,iott Phillip & Donna Galloway Barbara Haney Bich & Pat Hunt Miri6m Jemigan Aan K. Ksmada Drsw Kline Bruce M. Lee John Lunsford Kean McBride Brian Mccrodden Shirley & Dan MclErJghlin Usa & Fred Nslson Sridhar 6Vnthb Wagne. Balph C. White Jr. D ANAL CAIItr Cheryl Braunstein Bonny & Tony Br€uer Jonathan D. BucklEy Paul & Page ConwEy Steve Cottrell John L Crill David Easter John Graeber Sharon Myers &Sara Haines David & Carol Hansel Beid Highley Kim Kimbr€ll Boss & Unda Knowles Kathedne O'Malley BobShafe. WElt€I L Squeri JacqujSult Jon & Susan Supler Gr€gg & Debby Waffen Alan & Loretta Woodall Nolcome new and relurning membera Barello Callahar Marlys A" De Alba John M. Fox David Hughes Charles S. Meek Joseph Bob & Christi Meglaughlin Catiy Jack& Donna Powelt Gary Spizizen Lsnce Taster Bic Taylor Bruce E Tucke. FIpE CALENDAF May rides Date Day 5/01 Time 8:00am Sa Oistance 50 Pace Leader l8 19CP Gordon Strout gstrolt@gmgx Phone 554 0154 782-5511 (h) Food Lion on 401 in Rolesvile Coufty Fnendly Flty. Note fev! sumorer (w) Fraiklii staidng t me. 5/01 8:00am Sai 30 14 16CP 552'6104 HenriBoh Sunset Ridge Shopping Gnter@ First Citjzens henri@aisvote. 5/08 9:00anr Sat 54 18'20 llike l4ialace 847 4766 772 2055 Six FodG Station walklll@aur. acatel.conr 5/08 Sal 5116 Sun 1214 9:00an) lack Powe I Duiram. 9nay selt'contaiied Iuly oaded b cycle tourino sag vehce or motels oi route. Yo! nde yourbke,you cook, you eat, you tent camp, and enjoy a I the befefits. Conlact lack before llay 3 for more deta ls. only serious nquiries, pease 14 l6CP Heni Boh 552 6104 Sunset H dge Shopp ng Center@ Firct Cltzers Bank henri@a svote. l416 5/1s ltlicha". o'Con- 572-6336 Hal Anyone nlerested n he p ng the asi 200KofAllohnson s 6001( Bre l'4onisville Town me scout mocorno@cre. 5122 Sat 6:3oam 102 any 5122 Sat 8:0oam 30 l4 16CP Spadanburg, SC. Assault on t4t. l'{ tchelll Spailanburg keewheelers HenrlBohl 552 6104 Sunset Ridge Shopping Center@ Cit zens Bank henrl@aisvote. 17 lgCP Gordof Strcut gstroul@gmgw. 5s4 0rs4 782-5slr (h) (w) Food Lion on 401 n Rol6vlle New monthy ride Scenc SeventyFive. Even, paceine ndlngwith sev eralstops. Legend * CP ND Pickup dde, pace al rideE discretron Controlled pace No drop For lho lalesl rido info scc lha NChC w-cb 2aga al h llp ://w w w. t rc kl i ta. co m/n c b c ffi MAL t{{( Hanison &uare Irlon 5i45pm 25 35 18 20 l4on 5:45pnr 2A 25 19-20 lon Buck ey 616 4274 5i45pm 35,40 19 20 lon Buckley 6764214 Hanington Grove Swim jdbucke@us. ClLrb Hamigton Grove swm Cub 6:00pm 25 35 t6 r8 460,9373 Gthy Dnscol Spin Cycle cath) I l:30arn 20-25 18-22 483-5061 Dav d Saussy RlP. LaL or ema llor more lnlo. dls l 2I 2 3@llaxowel come cori Thur 6r0opm 30-35 17-19 Ben l4h 831-1122 te Ben.Wh te@mi Thurs 851 4264 Ed Dowrirg 6:00 io l,laccregor V I age 0h l,1e o Velo ohme ove 6r0opm 30 35 20+ Thur 4145pm 20 25 19 ?A Thur 6r00pm 22-34 14 16 Sat 10r00am 30 40 13,15ND Sat 9rooanr 50 12 15 2A+ 20 24 Sat/Sun 9:3oam 50 60 Sat/Sun 9i00am 35-55 Su,t 9r00an) 40-60 Alex GalLego 460 9373 Spir Cycle alex@hesp ncyc loi 6764274 Hanington Grole Swm Cub Kevin Cogg ns 464 9373 5p n Cyc e PaulZpn Vanous. V{eekly social ride wit h stop forlunch. WalterSqueri 847-3887 816 1027 319 0455 Bikeline of Gar- 7134233 2668 Timbre Dive, Gamer Buckley e com Gl iorstarting point after Tuesday (PauL,lames, orll/alter). t4ission Va ley Six Forls 17 kelin@hesp nryc The Spin Cyde 464-9313 Sa t Siation P ck LrP ride Box Village. Weekly ride, d ferent routes, ndudes a store stop. \ Sun l slx Forks Shtion. P ck-up 35 55 ide 6uggasliona for Fidors At riders are strongly encoumged to wear helmets. Please inform the ride leader if you plan t' leave the .ia" U"ri.t"'l*"i ii," .ched;bd e!€n6 Bicycles are deemed to be vehicles in-N-orth Carolina- NCBC ". to sha.e the road snd obEv all traffc laws The NCDoT h8s informative ili L""*""g;" "Jia" "peratoG at919_733'2804. and csn be cont€cted materialon cycling gixes only, Plaase! ffii""thatthe Na Nc.,,e rides listed inthis calendar are for ovclists onlv' I Page 5 I NCBC Racing/Team Mindspring Scores First VictorY! BY Rich Cyclists' meeting with Transportation of f icials results itn lts 5;;r"';i;; irom Federar Highway Administration Hunt Team member David Saussyscored the irstwin for NCBC Bacing/Team Mindspring by winning the 35+ 'ace at Greenville, SC in March. A great start ,or ths teaml Planning is under way for our first race. We'r€ holding it June 1 2 al the Stste Highway Patml training gaound in 6a._ ner. lf you'd like to help out at the mce, just let Rich Hunt The NCBC Bacing Team/Team Mindspring is a team thai is actively focused on sttracting dders new to racing, so we'r€ always sctlvely recflliung members Any member of NCBC is eligibleto joint}le team. For details, seethe team website,, or contact the team Pr€sident, Flich Hunt by emailat or byphone at 303-2463. O Club financial report by Henri Bohl, Treasurer Washingtua D.C. -fhe Federal Highway AdminisFation has issued an Action Plan to encouragethe use of Federal TEA-21 tunding for bicycling, sndto increase the satuty and use of clrling as a modE of transPortatjon. The Action Plan was sent to LEague of Ameriiirn Bioyclists' Executrve Dir€ctor Jody Newman by FHWA Administrator Kenneih F. Wykle, in resPonse to a meeting held by the League last November with lls Departmen! of Transport€tion Secretary Rodney Slater, Dongressman James L. Oberst€r' and Adminish'ator Wykle. The Plan details 1 2 steps that the FHWA has pledged to take, bssed on suggestions made by the League at the No\,€mber meeting. that '\r'r'e are delighted with the commiffient to bicycling Slater €nd Wykle have expr€ssed," said Newman, "and look forward to a str€ng and meaningful implement€tion of the Action Plan. TEA-z 1 makes SB _ 4 billion potentially awilable for cycling, andwe would liketo see every Penny spenL Although FHWA and the us Department of Transportation cannot dictate to the statEs as to how to spend the funds, they can cer' tainly bdng a grcat deal ofweight and influence to dre Prcc- cash on Hand AssETs NCBC Balance Checking TOTAL CASH AND BANK 490.90 ACCTS 49O.OO LIABIL:TIES ASSETS - LTAB|L|TIES O,OO 490.00 March lncome and Expenses Catego.y Description 03/ o't-o3 / s1 INCOME 210.00 Brevet Memberships _r:19S 435.00 EXPENSES Bulk Mailing 100.00 Cycling CaPs 1632.22 9.54 Gifts Given Printing - Newsletter 31'1.45 42.36 Sofiware ln t}le letter to Newman, \ ,^lkle wrote: "we are strong ad_ vocates of bicycling and walking as modes oftransportauon, and look forward to implementing almostallofyour sugge$ tjons....We are committed to working with Ststes and loc8lities to encouragethe use ofFedenal€id funding for Pruiecrs and programs to increase the uss and satuty of bicycling and walk' ing." St€ps detsiled in the Plan include a memorandum thatwill go out to all FHWA feld offrces fnom Wyk1e, reafnrming strong agency support and guidance language for bicycling projects and programs;a haining course on bicycle facilily planning and designi r€views of stEte transportation Plans to make sur€ that bicycle and pedestrian goals ar€ includedi and di+ semination of "best practices" for implementing bicycle proi ects and prog.ams to all st€tes and municiPlities. Congrcssman Obeastar, ranking member of the House TEnsportation Committee and a leading advocate for cycling on CapitolHill, hss committed to holding followuP meetlngs for $e League in his Dfnce with the Depardnent of TtEnsportation and the FHWA to check on the progress that is being made.llnderthe pian, allsteps ar€ to be completed byD+ cember 15, 1999. "Our goalis to make Amenica more bicycle-friendly, ' said EarLJones Pr€sident ofthe League of American Blcyclist's, 'and we willcontinueto wo* on the federaland loc6l leveLs to increase the use and safety of bicycling fo. both r€creation and transportatjon.rr O TOTAL EXPENSES TOTAL INCOME - EXPENSES Bic yc lists, 2 o?-a 2 2 " 1 3 3 3, bike Ie ag ue@b ik eIe ag ue. o rg. NA $ Nrir* lreland, f rame giveaway highIight April meeting [caDtjnued frnn PasE 1] swells to 7 million. This made it had to actually meeta r€al" lnish pe.son. Everybody he spoke to wasvisiting. organized by the Bicycle Ad!€nturc Club, this tour was the frl'st organized tour Pauland his witu had taken. Paulsaid tneir prices were sbout 4oplo of what a professionally organized tourwould charge.ln general,the tourgrcup at€ blEaKast and dinnertogether but usuallydid not ride as a group. Thei. group leaden specialized in gourmet rcstaurants. Paulsaid rher€ was 'a lot offood on this trip." Out of defer€nce to the weather, tneir normalriding wffr included long-sleeved Gor'Tex iersey, long GoFTex pants, a hat, and boots. Onthe first day, Paulstarted ow by having E flaL Paul noted th6t ther€ was not much traffic. "Nobody lives there, and the ones thar do are tfyjng to leave,'he explained. The smallpopulauon means there's noi manyplacesto go, eitner. This meantf]attney typically had to ride fairly long dis' t€nces, usually between 30 and 50 miles, between stops. The grEup rcde through Galway, one ofthe largest towns in western lrEland. One ofthe only large towns, in fact "After Galway," Paulexplained, the next lErgesttown has only310O peoplel" These smalltowns frequendy contain only a gas st€tion and E genenalstor€. However smallthe towns were, though, the inns in which they st€yed allserved gourmetfood. Since lreland is 6 poor oountry, the chetb couldn't afford to importa lot ofingr€dients, so the menus always featured local food. They glways offer€d 3 kinds oisslmon and 4 kinds of mutton," said Paul. These fam ilystyle meals also invariably ift cluded pot€toes cooked 5 differcnt way6. Paul found the numl atmosphere very scenic. "Everli,vher€ you go there's a postrard picturc," he said. The roads ar€ h€ quendy blocked byfreeranging sheep, cows, and other farm animals. Paul noted th8twhile tne animals don't chase !ou, the don't move out ofthe way, either. Bicycie Outfitters gives away Eddy Merckx frame Ex-club prcsident GilbertAnderson, owner of Bicycie Outfrt- t€rs, bmughta new Eddy Merckxframe to the meetjng. io r6ise money to support Handonneurs. Al Johnson, long-tjme club member and randonneur, picked the winning ticket, which ap Gilberc raffled off the propriately enough was held by Mike o'Connor, Mike isE Brcst-Paris hopetuL O tle League of American Bicyclists highlights Kentucky rally ATTEMION: All Biclclists, Adventu.ists and People who to have tun. Join yourfamily and friends and cometo an exciling League ofAmedcan Bicyclists rally. These rallies prcmise fantastic rides, interesting workshops and greatven dors. Butthey offer so much more..... "Bourbon, Bams, & Bluegrass' LOVE Louisville, Kentuclry - June 47, lgsg Have you ever been to the Bluegr€ss St€t€? If not, this is the time fDr you to discoveriis beauty. Think of rolling hills, horses, southem hospitaliw and sood food. Join us in historic Louisville, one of tne oHes! cities west oftne Appalachjan Mount€ins. Famous for Churchijj Downs andthe Kentucky Derby, ColonelSanderc and his famous recipe chicken, Maker's Mark Bourbon, and the Louisville Slugger, Lo!isville has something for everyone. Come to the Galt House Hotei andjoin us for "Bourbon, BEms & Bluegrsss." Enioy . Mount€in bike rides at General Buder State Park a formenski nesort, now home to collegiate and natlonalMTB championships . The Fniday NightHeadlight Ride [headlighis and rear neflectErs requir€d, MTB or hybrid tires necommended.l.A ch€nc€ t! jump on a BMX and try outthe track 6tE.P.'Tom" Saw)€r Park..A guided ur ofLouisville's BiveF walk - a six mile trail hugging the banks of the scenic Ohio Biver that €ffor'ds an "up close and personal" lookatthe Ohio Fliver Canal Locks. . A privale screening of'Vietnam Long Time Coming," the document€ryfi1m chronicling the jounneyby bike ofUS EndViehamese vet€rans, both disabled and abl+ bodied, frcm Hsnoito Ho ChiMinh City [sponsored by World T.E.A.M. Sportsl.. The League's Annual Members Meeting, featu.i.g 6 specialtrjbule by League President Earl Jones and Philip Milbum, C.O.O. of USA Cycling t! Marshall"Major" Tar lon, an early hero o, Lhe brcycung wodo and tte man r€spons, ble for breaking down the racial barriers of early 20th century t bikng. Congressman James L Oberst€r [DMN]and tl.S- De- partrnent of Transportation Secret€ry Bodney Slat€r ar€ ex pected t! atiend. o {Cmtinued hah page 1J illusion. I was climbingl Once oui of the city and into the valley, w€ foliowed a singl+track dirt path up and down, up and dolvn. The r€ad was like one speed bump after anothen cEters, potholes, sand, stones and pieces of broken bdck. As we rEde, we encount€rcd the native people carrying piles of stick and cooking wood. We passed many women canrying baskeis tull of sand orgnavelon theirbacks. eyonnng The scenery was jusi like it had been piG tur€d in the guide books. itwas beautitul. The landscape was grEen and yellowt€rraced frelds planted wjih wheatand mustard. Bice would be plant€d in these fields duning the nainy seasDn. Along the 'bike tnail' thene were homes with colorful vegetable gardens. Suddenly, the singletrack dirt bike back were barefoot. Bicycling the hills in North Baleigh had been good tnaining for what I encountened in the Kathmandu VElley. Aften four and a half hourc of 't€chnically challenging" t€main, I was glad Ficycling the hills [&ii:.f,',ir=r,i concentration to ride along4** this path. rl lf I bumped into the edge ofthe path on As lgotcloser, Jfound him over rhe side ofthe path in the bushes. He crEwled up the I Gfoot dilrh and dnagged his bike wirh him. He was co\l ;F;:+##;"ffi- had been good training for what I loncounlered in tho bushes. lhe gude rr0ol had caur.loned I ;t:,":*fl}5[flfl#";:i*f I Ka villages should be vlsited only by the mor€ adventurous lourists on a mouft bananas were mashed. However, b+ cause we werE ravenous, everyihing t€sted good, even the dried biscui! cookiesl As we sat in the generalstore frnishing our lunch. it was clearthat we were the main attraction to the local villageps. A young Newariman, anxious lo p.actice his English, invit€d usto his home for some traditional bLtter tea. The Newad people are the original settlers of the Ka$mandu Valley and are famous for their wood caruings. The loung man's homewas verysimple. He lived with his wife and child, his mother, father and three brothers in this home. The kit hen consist€d ofa wood stEve in the corner. Ther€ was no other kitchen turnitur€. The young m6n's room had a small Hindu shrine. E bed thar he shared with his wife and child and two posters ofr"Ihe Mona Lisa." He was very prcud of his home. The family had their own well which was considercd € real luxury. After our tea br€ak, we conquered our last hill of the day. Leavlng the scent ofpine for€si and fresh airbehind us we r€rurned to tne City of Kathmandu, futlysarisfied with this introductjon to Nepal and its culture. This adventurc could only have been had on a mount€in bike. What a gr€at way to spend the day- riding 6 bikel O in North Faleigh the left, I would tlp the bike over. Un the other h€nd, if I got too close to the edge on the dght, I could go overdre side into the bramblesl At one point, ounguide disappear€d from the path. fi ma n d u va I tey t€in bike.' After we left the terraced felds, we visited several villages and their town squares. The town squa ne usually consisted of a wat€nfount€in [since therc is no running waren in the locat homesl, a community bathing €.ea, s Hindu shrjne and a big tree for shade. Cows and goais wer€ everwherc BeauUtu childr€n wlth happysmiling faces came to grcet us. lt was obvious that these villages do not oet much 'tourisi traffic, As we contjnued, the "rcsd" became even more dusty and uneven. Many Umes it seemed barely passable on a mountsin bike. We never saw any cars in the countysidel Everyone was walking and usually in barE feet or in 'flip iops.' Even the people carrying the hea\ry loads on their he€d snd on thei. to stopforlunch. We stopped in 6 village generalstorc for our box lunch snd cold drinks. unfortunately, since oun guide had earlier fallen off the path, oursandwiches wer€ pr€ssed and the North Carolina Bicycle, lnc. Name: Address: City: _ State: - Email address: I am irl€resl€d ir: - (pl€.s€ .hcct ill ilat apply) l.n I'liles/T p Speed tr tr tr O O O tr tr 5tol0 20lo 30 ltlou ai! lile.ide3 B O tr orcrnlgit ild6. o tr O tr tr O tr Diy rides Toiriig Commltiry Ia[dem.ide3 lotozo 30lo a0 50lo 100 100+ l0to12 12tol{ lato15 16tolE lEto2o 20+ i, assisting witt: lll that rDply) irteiest€d (pl€are .he(l Ri& Trp6s (w): Phone (H): ZIP: O L..ding o Lr.ding oYernight rides O DdYiry sAG rgon d.y des tr Slid€ ltiols tr Ed't. rional piogla'rr tr So.i.l eYs.ts tr tr o o GiouD .oollng ollb offi.or lleuslettcI .rti.let ll6*sl6tt€r artworl tr I€rslott€r Lring/l.rort o llewslottor nailing Occupation: lnterests: WAIVER: lN coNstDEMTtoN oF youR ALlowNG ME To pARTtctparE tN NoRTH CaRoLINA BtcycrE CLUB RtDEs AND EvENrs, l, INTENDINC TO BE LECAIIY BOI]NDI RELEASE AND DISCHARGE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGE FOR DEATH' PERSONAL INJURY OR wHrcH I MAy HAVE, oR wHtcH MAy HEREAFTER accRUE To ME, AS A REsULT oF My paRTlctpATtoN lN CLUB THts watvER/RELEASE rs TNTENDED To DTSCHARGE tN AovANcE THE NoRTH CARoUNA BrcycLE CLUB, lNc., rrs OFFICERS, RIDE LEADERS, AND MEMBERs FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND AIL IIABILIry ARsING OUT OF OR CONNECIED IN ANY WAY wrH My pARTtctpATtoN lN CLUB RrDEs AND EVENT5, EVEN THoUGH THAT LtABtLtry MAy ARrsE our oF NEGLtcENcE oR CARELE5SNESS oN THE PART oF THE NoRTH CARoLINA BICYCLE CLUB. INc., ITs oFFICER5, RIDE LEAoEPS, AND/oR MEMBERS, PRoPERTY DAMACE, RIDES AND EVENTS. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT sERrous AcctoENTs occAstoNA[y Do occuR oN BtcycLE R|DEs ANo THAT paRTtctpANrs occAsloNALLY susTAtN MoRTA! oR sERrous pERsoNAt tNJURtEs, aND/oR pRopERTy DAMAGE, A5 A coNsEeuENCE. KNowNG THE I HEREBY acREE To A55UME THosE RtsKs aND To RELEAsE AND HoLD HARMtEss THE NoRTH CARoLINA BrcycLE CtuB, lNc., trs oFFlcERs, RtoE LEADER5, AND MEMBERS wHo (THRoucH NEGLtcENcE oR CARELESNEss) MtcHT oTHERWSE RlsKs, NEVERTHEIESS, Signature: Pa.ent or Guardian: (if undet lS) Date: Dues: $1 5.00 per year, either single or family. tlail your completed applicabon and check to NCAC, P.O. gox32031, Raleish, NC 27622 Norlh Zzrolina Eicycle Zlub, tnc. BULK RATE POSTACE PAID ?.O. gox v2o7t klcigh, Nc 27022 Nl0l nenLrsr. hip expirei David & lliry loI0-Hall :106 Persifinon P.l " Ap!x Nl ?;/502-r271 CARY, NC 275L7 0300 I trlfY $ttE$ EuEilt - illY {J g, tat EL g, ET Be{ister Io IUin 14-241 t ll$t $hoppin[ $proe! $t,000 Bi[E$ >i L C' lrlE u, qo E > Cit ?r) Seriously fun stuff. Pleasant Valley Promenade . 6234 Glenwood Ave., Rateigh . 782-1000 New Hope Commons . 5408 New Hope Commons Dn, Durham . 4194A00 Spacial Saro Hours: Pli* vdld Mav 1121. 1999 caimt Mon-Fi:lOam-gpm,Sat:gefi-gpm&Sun:11am-Epm be ffibi0ed x/ih odEr oi!.r or ,rin arciasss. ouantlei, eiois aid sizes may vay by s&(E stasbG tll @hplre ddik aid