augmented endoscopy
augmented endoscopy
AUGMENTED ENDOSCOPY Giuseppe Galloro University of Naples - School of Me Dept. of Clinical Medicine and Sur N III: SIS NTED COPY oro Controversial point Topic discussed for a long time Flat and depressed lesions Debated between western and eastern position N III: SIS Paris and Vienna symposia unified western an eastern positions (endoscopic and pathologica Nowadays we speak a common language BASAL MEMBRANE NTED COPY oro SM 3 N III: SIS NTED COPY oro Tools of the modern endoscopy N III: SIS NTED COPY oro TRADITIONAL CRHOMO--ENDOSCOP IN DIAGNOSIS OF EARLY CRC N III: SIS NTED COPY oro Two endoscopic dyes INDIGO CARMINE CRESYL VIOLET CONTRAST/CONTACT DYE ROUGH MITOTIC INDEX MINIMAL CHANGES EVALUATION absorbed by Golgi organelles actively proliferating cells mucosal dyschromia (rednes, palenes) irregularity of sm vascular pattern mucosal roughness converging folds erosions Quantitative ratio To identify shape, margins and size of the lesio N III: SIS NTED COPY Lee BE BMC Gastroen Nagahama T Gastrointest En To allow diagnosis according Paris classificatio oro peduncolated flat-elevated elevated sessile flat depressed N III: SIS NTED COPY oro Quantitative ratio Prognostic ratio RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SHAPE AND SIZE OF THE TUMOR AND DEEP INFILTRATION RATE ZOOM-ENDOSCOPY ENDOSCOPY N III: SIS NTED COPY oro IN DIAGNOSIS OF EARLY CRC N III: SIS Very important breakthrough of japanese scho Explosive impact on endoscopic and clinical practice COLON PIT PATTERN ACCORDING KUDO CLASSIFICATION PP 3 l NTED COPY PP 1 PP 4 PP 2 PP 5 i oro N III: SIS NTED COPY oro Qualitative ratio Allows a differential diagnosis between neoplastic, benign, and malignant lesions PIT PATTERN NON NEOPLASTIC ADENOMA LGD I - II ( n° 726) ( n° 504) ( n° 212) ( n° 10) ( n° 0) ( n° 0) III l ( n° 8661) ( n° 267) ( n° 6278) ( n° 1751) ( n° 0) ( n° 365) III s ( n° 285) ( n° 3) ( n° 167) ( n° 79) ( n° 11) ( n° 25) IV ( n° 1971) ( n° 52) ( n° 1082) ( n° 395) ( n° 73) ( n° 369) ( n° 266) ( n° 0) ( n° 40) ( n° 64) ( n° 56) ( n° 106) V n ( n° 195) ( n° 0) ( n° 0) ( n° 13) ( n° 128) ( n° 54) Vi ADENOMA HGD SM MUSC CARCINOMA CARCINOMA N III: SIS NTED COPY oro High agreement, in skilled hands, between pattern and histological findings FUJI T. KIESSLICH R. HIRATA M. Gastrointest Endosc 2006 Br J Cancer 2010 Gastrointest Endosc 2011 82 - 92% 87 - 94% 96% This agreement is different for the severa pattern IS GREATEST FOR PIT PATTERN 1 AND IV IS LOWEST FOR PIT PATTERN I1 AND COMPUTED VIRTUAL CHROMOENDOSCOPY N III: SIS NTED COPY oro IN DIAGNOSIS OF EARLY CRC N III: SIS NTED COPY oro “F the first step of early changing cancerogenesis consists in angio-neogenesis “F If we have a tool allowing the exploration o superficial vascular net F then we could improve diagnostic endoscopic performances F” Skinner J Dig D Nowadays we have something like that CVC allows an endoscopic evaluation superficial sub-mucosal mucosal vascular pattern N III: SIS i - scan NTED COPY CVC in diagnosis of early colorectal lesions been studied very close oro 105 papers in last 5 years N III: SIS CVC follows a learning curve The technique is rapidly learned Neumann H Gastrointest Endosc 2013 DIFFERENTIATION BETWEEN NEOPLASTIC AND NON NEOPLASTIC COLORECTAL LESIONS CVC ALONE IS BETTER THAN NTED COPY oro WL ENDOSCOPY OR CHROMOENDOSCOPY Togashi K Gastrointest Endosc 200 CVC + MAGNIFICATION IS BETTER THAN MAGNIFICATION ALONE Yamamoto H J Gastroenterol 201 DETECTION OF POLYPOID AND NON POLYPOID COLORECTAL LESIONS CVC ALONE IS NOT SUPERIOR TO WL ENDOSCOPY + The most used classification is that by Kanao and micro vessels, using NBI) Kanao H Gastrointest End N III: SIS NTED COPY oro CLEAR PITS NO OR OPAQUE M.V. CLEAR PITS FINE M.V. VIA THE PITS IRREGULAR PITS IRREGULAR M.V. DIAMETER/DISTRIBUTION IRREGULAR PITS N PITS NON WELL DISTINCT IRREGULAR M.V. VIA PITS IRREGULA IRREGULAR M.V. VIA PITS DIAMETER/DISTRIBUTION DIAMETER AVASCU N III: SIS ZOOM - MAGNIFYING ENDOSCOPY TRADITIONAL CHROMOENDOSCOPY COMPUTED VIRTUAL CHROMOENDOSCOPY NTED COPY oro LEADS TO AN INCREASE OF ENDOSCOPIC PERFORMANCE N III: SIS ZOOM - MAGNIFYING ENDOSCOPY TRADITIONAL CHROMOENDOSCOPY COMBINATION COMPUTED VIRTUAL CHROMOENDOSCOPY NTED COPY oro ALLOWS FURTHER IMPROVEMENT OF DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS N III: SIS NTED COPY oro Augmented endoscopy nowadays is a fact Chromoendoscopy, magnification, and CVC are new but present technologies We have to know how to use them We have to use them always in the diagn colonoscopy Augmented endoscopy racks should represent standard instrumentation in all the endoscopic ce and not just in dedicated-tertiary dedicated centers