2016 Prize List - Oregon High Desert Classics
2016 Prize List - Oregon High Desert Classics
Maplewood, Inc. Buy your next winner in the USA! Osilvis 17.1h Chocolate Palomino By Silvio II Out of Iregina(Nimmedor) Cartouche Z 16.1h Grey By Carthago Out of Fernando(Le Mexico) Hunters & Jumpers made in the USA! Foals to 8 yr. olds available today! Julie Winkel Maplewood Stables, Inc. 425 W. Laramie Dr. Reno, NV 89521 (775)742-4615 匀愀氀攀猀 簀 刀攀渀琀愀氀猀 簀 匀攀爀瘀椀挀攀 簀 倀愀爀琀猀 䈀攀愀瘀攀爀 䌀漀愀挀栀 匀愀氀攀猀 漀昀昀攀爀猀 琀栀攀 栀椀最栀攀猀琀 焀甀愀氀椀琀礀 刀嘀 猀愀氀攀猀Ⰰ 爀攀渀琀愀氀猀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 猀攀爀瘀椀挀攀 椀渀 䌀攀渀琀爀愀氀 伀爀攀最漀渀⸀ 伀甀爀 猀愀氀攀猀 猀琀愀昀昀 琀爀攀愀琀 攀瘀攀爀礀 挀甀猀琀漀洀攀爀 眀椀琀栀 爀攀猀瀀攀挀琀 愀渀搀 瀀漀猀猀攀猀猀 琀栀攀 欀渀漀眀氀攀搀最攀 愀渀搀 攀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀 琀漀 昀椀渀搀 礀漀甀 琀栀攀 瀀攀爀昀攀挀琀 刀嘀⸀ 䤀昀 礀漀甀 愀爀攀 氀漀漀欀椀渀最 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 戀攀猀琀 攀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀 䌀攀渀琀爀愀氀 伀爀攀最漀渀 栀愀猀 琀漀 漀昀昀攀爀Ⰰ 挀漀洀攀 椀渀 愀渀搀 瘀椀攀眀 漀甀爀 攀渀琀椀爀攀 昀氀攀攀琀⸀ 㘀㈀㤀㔀㔀 䈀漀礀搀 䄀挀爀攀猀 刀搀⸀ 䈀攀渀搀Ⰰ 伀爀攀最漀渀 㤀㜀㜀 眀眀眀⸀戀攀愀瘀攀爀挀漀愀挀栀猀愀氀攀猀⸀挀漀洀 ⠀㔀㐀⤀ ㌀㈀㈀ⴀ㈀㠀㐀 -1- You’re invited to Break out of the gates first. Join us in the Kendall hospitality tent at the Oregon High Desert Classics and enjoy a glass of champagne. As Central Oregon’s only Porsche dealership, we are proud to provide you with exceptionally engineered luxury vehicles and are thrilled to be sponsoring the Oregon High Desert Classics. 1045 SE 3rd St, Bend, OR 97702 800-842-1584 bend.porschedealer.com -2- Sponsored by: Gallop's Saddlery -3- -4- -5- -6- 2016 OREGON HIGH DESERT CLASSICS I & II BENEFITING THE J-BAR-J YOUTH SERVICES, BEND, OREGON STAFF AND OFFICIALS Dianne Johnson, Show Manager..................................................................... Kirkland, WA (425) 823-2802, dianjnsn@aol.com Zoe Gilbert, Event Coordinator.............................................................................. Bend, OR (541) 678-4472, zgilbert@jbarj.org Hans Van Meenan, Grounds Manager................................................................... Indio, CA Adrienne Karazissis, Show Secretary...........................................................West Hills, CA (818) 987-3336, ak@westpalmsevents.com Peggy Fackrell, USEF Jumper & Equitation Judge..................................... Carmichael, OR Max von Zimmermann, USEF Jumper Judge......................................................Selah, WA John Bahret, USEF Jumper Judge................................................................ Middletown, RI Bev Bedard, USEF Steward...................................................................... ....Camp Hill, PA Jil Edwards, USEF Steward...............................................................................Bothell, WA Paul Jewell, USEF Course Designer...........................................................Lambertville, NJ Nancy Wallis, USEF Course Designer & Judge..........................................Lambertville, NJ Liz Hambleton, USEF Course Designer....................................................Sammamish, WA Wade Worley, Announcer................................................................................ Portland, OR Dr. Jennifer Sparks, DVM, Veterinarian...................................................... Mt. Vernon, WA (425) 330-6057 Flying Horse Photography, Photographer......................................................... Boulder, CO Dynamic Video Productions, Video............................................................... Beaverton, OR Ron Gallagher, Farrier........................................................................................... Bend, OR OREGON HIGH DESERT CLASSIC I OREGON HIGH DESERT CLASSIC II USEF Hunter & Hunter Seat Equitation Judges USEF Hunter & Hunter Seat Equitation Judges Susan Ashe........................................... Wellington, Fl Chance Arakelian.....................Rancho Santa Fe, CA Otis Brown........................................ Georgetown, KY Sarah Booker.......................................Columbia, MO Scott Williamson............................. Chagrin Falls, OH George Thornbury...................................Goshen, OH July 27 - 31, 2016 July 19 - 24, 2016 Approved By: USEF - Premier PCHA - "A" WCHR - #2 OHJA WSHJA ENTRIES CLOSE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 2016 20% of your entries, etc. are tax deductible as a charitable contribution to J Bar J Youth Services REGULAR SHOWS OF THE USEF, INC. Every class offered herein which is covered by the rules and specifications of the current USEF Rule Book will be conducted and judged in accordance therewith. -7- GENERAL RULES AND INFORMATION 1. CLOSING OF ENTRIES: High Desert Classic #1: Entries close Wednesday, June 15, 2016 High Desert Classic #2: Entries close Wednesday, June 15, 2016 2. ENTRY PROCEDURES: One check per owner. Exhibitors may pay either by check or credit card (Visa or Mastercard). Exhibitors may enter on line by credit card only, at www.horseshowtime.com or equestrianconnect.com. NO FAXED ENTRIES. 1. Exhibitors may choose to pre-pay all fees before the closing date of entries. 2. Exhibitors may pay the total of: 1.) A deposit fee of $50 per horse 2.) All stall and tack room fees 3. If the entry blanks are postmarked on or before the closing date of entries AND are properly filled out, the $50 entry deposit will be credited to the entries due. LATE AND/OR IMPROPER ENTRIES WILL FORFEIT THE ENTRY DEPOSIT FEE. TO BE COMPLETE ENTRY FORMS MUST INCLUDE: 1.) HORSE'S NAME AND COMPLETE DESCRIPTIONS. 2.) ALL CLASSES OR SECTIONS ENTERED. 3.) ALL MANDATORY SIGNATURES 4.) ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIP NUMBERS 4. Trainers and owners may leave a signed open check or credit card authorization for charges during show. All accounts to be closed by 5:00 Saturday of each horse show week. Any accounts not closed each week will be charged $100. 5. ALL ENTRIES WHICH ARE LATE WILL BE ASSESSED A $75 LATE FEE. NO EXCEPTIONS 6. Exhibitors will receive their prize money within three weeks after the Horse Show. 3. CREDIT CARDS: Exhibitors wishing to pay by credit card will be charged a $40.00 convenience fee. 4. USHJA HORSE REGISTRATIONS: All horses competing in Federation non-breed restricted licensed competitions with hunter, hunter breeding, jumper and hunter seat equitation classes (except those activities enumerated in GR901.9, items 1-11) must be properly identified and must obtain a Registration Number from USHJA. A registration number for each horse must be entered on all entry forms for licensed competitions. 5. CREDENTIALS: Exhibitors must present the following credentials to the horse show. 1.) USEF/USHJA membership card 2.) USEF/USHJA amateur certification 3.) USEF/USHJA Small, Junior Hunter & Pony measurement card 4.) USEF/USHJA horse recording 5.) EC membership Card WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT PHOTO COPIES OF THE ABOVE CARDS BE SENT WITH ENTRIES. 6. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS: Entries must be paid by draft payable in US Funds or check on Canadian US Dollar account. Canadian checks with US Funds written on the face of the check will not be accepted. 7. POST ENTRIES: Post entries accepted the day of the class will be charged $10/class. 8A. HIGH JUMPER NOMINATING FEE: Horses entered in any 1.20m or higher jumper class must pay a $150 High Jumper Nominating Fee. This allows jumpers to add / scratch classes the day before at no charge and are exempt of the schooling fee. Horses entered only in the YJC classes DO NOT have to pay the High Jumper Nominating Fee. 8B. LOW JUMPING NOMINATING FEE: Horses entered in any jumper classes below 1.20m must pay a $45 Low Jumper Nomination Fee. This fee allows jumpers to add / scratch classes the day before at no charge. Horses entered only in the YJC classes DO NOT have to pay the Low Jumper Nominating Fee. 9. HUNTER / EQ FEE: Horses or ponies entered in any hunter or equitation classes at this show must pay a $45 Hunter / EQ Fee. This fee allows hunters and equitation entries to add / scratch classes up to 5:00pm the day before. 10. SUBSTITUTIONS: With a vets certificate, a new horse may be substituted for a scratched horse. There will be a $50.00 office charge. 11. Cancellation of Entries and Refunds: Exhibitors cancelling entries after the closing date shall forfeit their entry fees, except in the case of disability of a horse, when entries shall be refunded on presentation to the Show Secretary, a certificate of disability from a qualified veterinarian PRIOR to the first class in which the horse is entered. 1) No refunds of entry fees shall be made after the first class in which the horse is entered unless the certificate of disability is issued by the Official Show Veterinarian on duty. 2) A $50 or 15% of remaining entry fees (whichever is greater) office charge will be made on all cancellation of entries. No refund of entry fees for classes already held prior to notification to the Horse Show Office. 3) No refund of stall fees unless requested directly to the show secretary before July 10, 2016. 4) Refunds will be mailed within three weeks after the Horse Show. 12. Returned Checks/Credit Cards: There will be a penalty of $75 per check/credit card returned by the bank for any reason. No checks/credit cards will be processed through the bank a second time. To retain entries, the fees and penalty must be paid by Money Order, Cashiers Check or Cash before 4 PM the day before the Horse Show starts. In the event a check/credit card is returned after the completion of the show, it will be handled in accordance with USEF GR913. No personal checks will be cashed at the Show. Please plan accordingly. 13. Mailing: Mail entries and fees to: Adrienne Karazissis (818) 987-3336 ak@westpalmsevents.com PO Box 1092 Camarillo, CA 93011 NO FAXED ENTRIES 14. USEF FEE: For every horse participating in any competition recognized by the USEF, a $16 USEF fee will be collected ($8 shall be a Drugs & Medication fee to provide for research, inspection and enforcement of rules regarding use of medications and drugs; see GR407.1, .2 and .3. -8- GENERAL RULES AND INFORMATION (continued) 15. USHJA SUPPORT FEE: Every horse entered in any compeptition recognized by the USEF will be assessed a $7.00 USHJA Support Fee. 16. PCHA FEE: For every horse participating in the competition, a $3 PCHA fee will be collected. 17. NON SHOWING HORSES: Non showing horses will pay a fee of $150. 18. MEASUREMENT AND AMATEUR CERTIFICATION:. All Small, Junior and Pony Hunters must possess and present a current Measurement Card to the show secretary before numbers may be picked up. If the cards are not available, measurement will be required. Photocopies of current Amateur Certification of Junior Memberships may be included with entries or made available when picking up numbers. 19. MANAGEMENT: Management reserves the right to cancel or combine any classes that do not fill to their satisfaction. Equitation classes not filling may be combined with the next age group. Notice will be given to exhibitors affected. Management reserves the right to start the first class of any session 30 minutes earlier than the scheduled time if entries warrant. Management reserves the right to make changes of arenas, judges, or class orders to facilitate time schedule and conditions. 20. COMBINED CLASSES & SECTIONS: Any class or section that does not have at least five entries 12 hours before the first class is scheduled (unless otherwise specified) will be combined. Please check the 2013 USEF rules for combing sections. 21. TROPHIES, RIBBONS, PRIZE MONEY: Trophy and ribbons will be awarded to eight places in all Hunter, Equitation and Junior classes. Hunter prize money will be divided 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%. Jumper prize money will be divided 25%, 23%, 20%, 17%, 15%. Grand Prix prize money will be divided 30%, 22%,13%, 8%, 6%, 5%, 4%, 3%, 3%, 2%, 2%, 2%. USHJA International Hunter Derby prize money will be divided 30%,22%,13%,8%, 6%,5%,4%,3%,3%,2%, 2%, 2% & Mini Grand Prix, Pro/Am Relay Team Challenge, USHJA National Derby and Classic prize money will be divided: 30%, 22%, 15%, 10%, 7%, 6%, 5%, 5%.USHJA Children's/Adult Amateur Hunter Championship prize money will be divided (Team) 30%,22%,15%,10%, 7%, 6%, 5%,5%, (Individual) 30%, 22%, 13% 8%, 6&, 5%, 4%,3%, 3%, 2%, 2%, 2% 22. HORSE SHOW OFFICE: Show office hours are: Monday(#1) Tuesday(#2): 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday(#1) Wednesday through Sunday(#2) 7:00 a.m. to 5:00pm. Phone Number During Show Only: (541) 312-4021 23. STABLING: Please note that in the event the supply of stalls is exhausted, preference will be given to those exhibitors who are showing at both shows. Portable box stalls with doors provided. Shavings may be purchased. Stalls will be available for occupancy at 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning July 17, 2016 and 12:00 noon July 25, 2016 and must be vacated no later than 7:00 a.m., Monday July 25, 2016 and August 1, 2016. Fee for box stalls for each show shall be $230. Please indicate arrival and departure date and who you are to be stabled with on the entry blank. Exhibitors do their own stall cleaning. No refund of stall fees unless requested directly to the Show Secretary before July 10, 2016. Refunds after those dates will only be made if the stall is reissued to another entry. 24. SHAVINGS & MANURE DISPOSAL FEE: There will be a $45 per horse shavings & manure disposal fee. 25. SCHOOLING AND EXERCISE: Schooling areas will be available for use before, during and after the show. Schooling in the performance rings will be limited. Schooling will be allowed over a course on Monday July 18, 2016 and Tuesday July 26, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. There will be no schooling in the Grand Prix Ring. A schooling fee of $40 will be charged all entries. Hard hats must be worn while schooling., 26. MOTORIZED VEHICLES: Minors who do not have a valid driver's license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds if licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver's license. The parent(s), legal guardian(s), or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from the operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), guardian(s) and / or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and / or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with Chapter 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. 27. HAUL-INS: Haul ins will be allowed with managements approval. 28. RV PARKING: Electricity and water will be provided on a first come first serve basis (limit of 28) for a fee of $350.00 per week. Please send in RV Form (In Prize List) with your entries. 29. FOOTING: Competition rings are grass. Warm-up areas are grass and all weather footing. Hunter & Jumper Rings are 300 X 150, Grand Prix ring is 320 X 320. 30. DRESS: It is compulsory for all persons at Federation licensed hunter, jumper or hunter/jumper competitions, when mounted anywhere on the competition grounds, to wear properly fastened protective headgear which meets or exceeds ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) / (Safety Equipment Institute) standards for equestrian use and carries the SEI tag. It must be properly fitted with harness secured. It is compulsory for rider in Paso Fino classes, both open and breed restricted including Hunter Hack, where jumping is required and when jumping anywhere on the competition grounds to wear properly fastened protective headgear which meets or exceeds ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) / ( SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards for equestrian use and carries the SEI tag. It must be properly fitted with harness secured. A Show Committee must bar riders without protective headgear from entering the ring for classes in which protective headgear is required and may bar any entry or person from entering the ring if not suitably presented to appear before an audience. 31. Competition management may fine any individuals including trainers, owners, exhibitors, or their agent up to $100 for improper disposal of needles or other sharp disposable instruments. 32. RINGSIDE TENTS: Tents may be put at rigside for $100 / per week. Please check with management for placement. -9- GENERAL RULES AND INFORMATION (continued) EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN WHICH IS COVERED BY THE RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT FEDERATION RULE BOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDGES IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH Life, senior active, and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above and COmbined Driving Competitions at the advanced level, Dressage, Reining, and Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular CompeTItions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions, and Combined Driving Competitions upon payment of a $30 SHOW PASS fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the requirements of this rule; 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk/trot and academy classes (Academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA endorsed Reining Competitions;8) Opportunity classes; 9) CITIZENS OF OTHER NATIONS WHO HAVE PROOF, IN ENGLISH, OF CURRENT MEMBERSHIP IN GOOD STANDING OF THEIR OWN NATIONAL FEDERATION: 10) USEA BEGINNER NOVICE DIVISION; AND 11) ASSISTANT HANDLERS IN DRESSAGE SPORT HORSE BREEDING CLASSES. • USEF ENTRY AGREEMENT • By entering a Federation - licensed Competition and signing this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives, employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of USEF (“the Federation”) and the local rules of the competition. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and of the competition. I will accept as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and agree to release and hold harmless the competition, the Federation, their officials, directors and employees for any action taken under the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter and/or participate under the Rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered. I also agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/or the Competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cablecasts, broadcasts, internet, film, new media or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the competition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. The construction and application of Federation Rules are governed by the laws of the State of New York, and any action instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR 908.4 - 10 - CHAMPIONSHIPS WILL BE AWARDED IN THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 18-35, 3'6" Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 36 & O, 3'6" Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 18-35, 3'3" Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 36 & O, 3'3" Adult Amateur Working Hunters, 18-30 Adult Amateur Working Hunters, 31-39 Adult Amateur Working Hunters, 40-49 Adult Amateur Working Hunters, 50 & Over Regular Conformation Hunters High Performance Working Hunters Performance Working Hunters, Fences 3'6" First Year Green Working Hunters Second Year Green Working Hunters Green Conformation Hunters Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’ Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’3” Performance Working Hunters, Fences 3'3" Baby Green Working Hunters Training Working Hunters Wishful Working Hunters Schooling Working Hunters Just A Working Hunter Small Working Hunters Large Working Hunters Thoroughbred Working Hunters Non-Thoroughbred Working Hunters Junior Working Hunters, Large, 15 & Under Junior Working Hunters, Large, 16-17 Junior Working Hunters, Small, 15 & Under Junior Working Hunters, Small, 16-17 Junior Working Hunters, 3'3" Modified Junior/Amateur Owner Working Hunters Children’s Working Hunters, 12 & Under Children’s Working Hunters, 13-14 Children’s Working Hunters, 15-17 Short Stirrup Working Hunters (Horses) Young Hunters Short Stirrup Working Hunters (Ponies) Long Stirrup Working Hunters Pre-Children’s Working Hunters Pre-Adult Working Hunters Low Children's Working Hunter Low Adult Working Hunter Small Pony Hunters Medium Pony Hunters Large Pony Hunters Large Green Pony Hunters Small/Medium Green Pony Hunters Children’s Hunter Pony Pony Equitation Short Stirrup Equitation (Horses) Short Stirrup Equitation (Ponies) Long Stirrup Equitation Pre-Children’s Equitation Pre-Adult Equitation Low Children’s Equitation Low Adult Equitation Opportunity Cross Rail Equitation Adult Equitation, 18-30 Adult Equitation, 31-39 Adult Equitation, 40-49 Adult Equitation, 50 & Over Amateur Equitation Limit Adult Equitation Novice Adult Equitation Maiden Adult Equitation Limit Children Equitation Novice Children Equitation Maiden Children Equitation Opportunity Walk Trot Equitation Opportunity Walk Trot Obstacle Equitation, 16-17 Points will be awarded; 1st - 10, 2nd - 6, 3rd - 4, 4th - 2, 5th - 1, 6th - 1/2 Conformation & Pony Model Class will be awarded half points - 11 - Equitation, 14-15 Equitation, 12 - 13 Equitation, 11 & Under Children’s Pony Equitation Amateur Owner/ Junior Jumpers Jumpers, 0.70m Jumpers, 0.75m Jumpers, 0.80m Jumpers, 0.85m Jumpers, 0.90m Jumpers, 1.00m Jumpers, 1.05m Jumpers, 1.10m Jumpers, 1.15m Jumpers, 1.20m Jumpers, 1.25m Jumpers, 1.30m Jumpers, 1.40m Thoroughbred Jumpers Pony Jumpers Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.10m,18-39 Adult Amateur Jumpers,1.10m,40& Children’s Jumpers, 1.10m, 15-17 Children’s Jumpers, 1.10m, 14 & U Children’s Jumpers, 0.90m Adult Amateur Jumpers, 0.90m Children’s Jumpers, 1.00m Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00m Modified Amateur/Junior Jumpers Training Jumpers Special Jumpers Low Jumpers Beginning Jumpers Schooling Jumpers Hopeful Jumpers Limit Jumpers Wishful Jumpers Just A Jumper USEF Competition Name: Oregon High Desert Classic #1 & #2 USEF# 6915 & 5390 are operated in accordance with the curret rules of USEF, of which body it is a Regular Member Competition and are rated: "A" Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 3'6" "A" Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 3'3" "A" Green Working Hunters "A" Green Conformation Hunters "A" Junior Working Hunters "A" Junior Working Hunters, 3'3" "A" Pony Hunters "A" Regular Conformation Hunters "A" High Performance Working Hunters "A" Performance Working Hunters, 3'6" "A" Performance Working Hunters, 3'3" "A" Green Pony Hunters - 12 - "C" Pre Green Working Hunters "C" Children's Pony Hunters "C" Children's Working Hunters "C" Adult Amateur Working Hunters "C" Thoroughbred Working Hunters HUNTERS OREGON HIGH DESSERT CLASSIC I All Hunter Classes to be judged on performance and soundness unless otherwise noted. The last class is under saddle. DIVISION/CLASS SECTION CLASS DIVISION FEE CLASS FEE PRIZE MONEY PER CLASS REGULAR CONFORMATION HUNTER SECTION - FENCES 3'9" USEF “A” RATED Regular Conformation Hunters *42, 44, 47, 137, 138, 128 $300 $300 + $18 Handy class is 138. Model - Class 42 must be entered $100 US separately at a fee of $30. To be judged 70% on performance and 30% conformation. HIGH PERFORMANCE WORKING HUNTER SECTION - FENCES 4' - 4'6" USEF “A” RATED High Performance Working Hunters 48, 49, 139, 140,129 Handy class is 140 $350 $75 $400 $22.50 $100 US $230 $50 $100 + $15 PERFORMANCE WORKING HUNTER SECTION - FENCES 3'6" USEF “A” RATED Performance Working Hunters 54, 55, 145, 146, 56 Handy class is 146 GREEN WORKING HUNTER SECTION - USEF “A” RATED First Year Green Working Hunters 133, 134, 223, 224, 618 Handy class is 134 135, 136, 225, 226, 619 Handy class is 136 Second Year Green Working Hunters $300 $300 + $18 $100 US $300 + $18 $100 US $300 GREEN CONFORMATION HUNTER SECTION, FENCES 3'6" - USEF “A” RATED Green Conformation Hunters *41, 44, 45, 131, 132, 127 $300 Handy class is 132. *Model - Class 41 must be entered separately at a fee of $30. To be judged 70% performance and 30% on conformation. PRE-GREEN WORKING HUNTER SECTION - USEF “C” RATED Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’ SPONSORED BY: EBERHARDS DAIRY USHJA PRE-GREEN WORKING HUNTER CHALLENGE, 3' Class 159 will be the first round of the Challenge Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’3” SPONSORED BY: STERLING ESSENTIALS USHJA PRE-GREEN WORKING HUNTER CHALLENGE, 3'3" Class 143 will be the first round of the Challenge 64, 65, 158, 159, 66 Braiding Optional $230 160 51, 52, 142, 143, 53 $230 144 THOROUGHBRED WORKING HUNTER SECTION - USEF "C" RATED TAKE 2 THOROUGHBRED WORKING HUNTERS Not to Jog Not to Jog $50 $100 $50 $500 $50 $100 $50 $500 Braiding Optional 60, 61, 148, 149, 57 PERFORMANCE WORKING HUNTER SECTION - FENCES 3'3" USEF “A” RATED SPONSORED BY: AVION WATER Performance Working Hunters 67, 68, 161, 162, 69 $230 Handy class is 162 AMATEUR OWNER HUNTER SECTION, FENCES 3'6" - USEF “A” RATED SPONSORED BY: LIGHTACRES - SUE LIGHTNER Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 18 - 35 461, 462, 576, 465 $250 Fences 3'6" Handy class is 462 Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 36 & Over 463, 464, 577, 466 $250 Fences 3'6" Handy class is 464 . JUNIOR/ AMATEUR OWNER WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC, 3'6" 582 SPONSORED BY: LIGHTACRES - SUE LIGHTNER AMATEUR OWNER HUNTER SECTION, FENCES 3'3" - USEF “A” RATED SPONSORED BY: LIGHTACRES - SUE LIGHTNER Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 18 - 35 504, 505, 595, 508 $275 Fences 3'3" Handy class is 505 Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 36 & Over 506, 507, 596, 509 $275 Fences 3'3" Handy class is 507 JUNIOR/ AMATEUR OWNER WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC, 3'3" 597 SPONSORED BY: LIGHTACRES - SUE LIGHTNER - 13 $300 + $18 $100 US $50 $50 $100 + $15 $50 $250 + $16.50 $100 US $250 + $16.50 $100 US $500 $50 $250 + $16.50 $100 US $250 + $16.50 $100 US $50 PRESENTED BY: SMARTPAK CHILDREN'S & ADULT AMATEUR HUNTERS WEST REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS SPONSORED BY: GALLOPS SADDLERY $2,500 USHJA Children's & Adult Amateur West Regional Team Championship 460 $180 / Team $2,500 A team will consist of a minimum of three horse and rider combinations, but not more than four. $2,500 Children's & Adult Amateur West Regional Individual Championships 575$185 $2,500 The top 40 placed horse and rider combinations from the team competition are eligible to compete Riders must apply with USHJA by May 21 to be eligible to compete in the USHJA Chidren's & Adult Amateur West Regional Championships. Participants will accrue zone HOTY bonus points for their respective placing. For entire specifications please go to - www.ushja.org/chaahunter SCHEDULE FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIPS FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Official Jog Draw for order of go for team competition with a welcome party for riders, parents, owners and trainers. SPONSORED BY: ZONE 8 HUNTER COMMITTEE Team Competition with a complimentary breakfast for riders, parents, owners and trainers. SPONSORED BY: ZONE 9 HUNTER COMMITTEE Draw for order of go for indiviual competition. Individual competition with a complimentary breakfast for riders, parents, owners and trainers. SPONSORED BY: ZONE 10 HUNTER COMMITTEE - 14 - $10,000 USHJA INTERNATIONAL HUNTER DERBY - SPONSORED BY: BEAVER COACH 536 $325 $10,000 USHJA International Hunter Derby is open to all horses and riders. All riders will jump a course of at least ten fences 3'6" to 4', with a maximum of 50% of the jumps set at 3'6". There must be four 4'0" to 4'3" fences in the course, set as option jumps. The format of this class will be a two round hunter classic. Round 1 will be a hunter classic course. The top 12 will return for Round 2 which will be a handy hunter course. A jog will be held prior to Round 1. To be judged by two pairs of judges, judging independently. The Open Numerical Scoring System will be used. Bonus Points may be awarded in the Handy Hunter round for style and handiness. A maximum of 10 bonus points per team of judges may be awarded. Ribbons through 10th place will be awarded. Formal attire required. Riders must complete a USHJA Exhibitor Declaration Form. If the Exhibitor Declaration Form is not complete and submitted to the show office at the time of entry or at least one hour prior to the start of the class, riders will not receive points for their respective hunter divisions for the derby class. OPEN TO ALL HORSES ENTERED IN THE HORSE SHOW. $5,000 USHJA NATIONAL HUNTER DERBY - SPONSORED BY: PETERKIN & ASSOCIATES 355 $250 $5,000 The USHJA National Hunter Derby is a two round hunter classic with round 1 being judged on performance, hunter pace and style, quality and substance, movement and brilliance. After each round additional points will be added with one point for each high option fence jumped without major fault (maximum of four points). In addition, after round 2, a maximum of 10 bonus points may be awarded by the judges to each horse/rider combination for handiness of round and brilliance of pace. The score will be announced separately and added to each rider's score. Fence heights will be 3'0" with four option fences set at 3'3" to 3'5". JUNIOR HUNTER SECTION - USEF “A” RATED Junior Working Hunters, Large, 15 & Under 469, 470, 579, 476 $250 Junior Working Hunters, Large, 16 - 17 467, 468, 578, 475 $250 Junior Working Hunters, Small, 15 & Under 473, 474, 581, 478 $250 $250 + $15 $100 US $250 + $15 $100 US $250 + $15 $100 US $250 + $15 $100 US $500 Junior Working Hunters, Small, 16 - 17 471, 472, 580, 477 $250 Handy classes are 468, 470, 472, 474 JUNIOR/ AMATEUR OWNER WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC, 3'6 582 $50 SPONSORED BY: LIGHTACRES - SUE LIGHTNER JUNIOR HUNTER SECTION, 3'3" - USEF “A” RATED Junior Working Hunters, 3'3" 501, 502, 594, 503 Handy class is 502 JUNIOR/ AMATEUR OWNER WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC, 3'3" 597 SPONSORED BY: LIGHTACRES - SUE LIGHTNER MODIFIED JUNIOR/CHILD & AMATEUR/ADULT HUNTER SECTION Adult Amateur Working Hunters, 18 - 30 Adult Amateur Working Hunters, 31 - 39 Adult Amateur Working Hunters, 40 - 49 Adult Amateur Working Hunters, 50 & Over CHILDREN’S WORKING HUNTER SECTION - USEF “C” RATED Braiding Optional $140 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $100 $100 $100 $100 $50 $50 $50 $100 $100 $100 Not to Jog 243, 244, 247 241, 242, 246 239, 240, 245 - 15 - $250 + $15 $100 US $500 Not to Jog 227, 228, 235 229, 230, 236 231, 232, 237 233, 234, 238 Children’s Working Hunters, 12 & Under Children’s Working Hunters, 13 - 14 Children’s Working Hunters, 15 - 17 $50 Not to Jog Modified Junior/Child & Amateur/Adult Working Hunter 339, 340, 341 Open to Junior/Child and Amateur/Adult Hunters. Fences 3’3” ADULT AMATEUR HUNTER SECTION - USEF “C” RATED $250 HUNTERS PONY HUNTER SECTION - USEF “A” RATED Small Pony Hunters Medium Pony Hunters Large Pony Hunters 371, 375, 481, 584, 489 $250 $200 372, 376, 482, 585, 488 $250 $200 373, 378, 484, 587, 487 $250 $200 Model - Classes 371, 372, 373 must be entered $100 US separately at a fee of $30. Conformation classes are:375,376, 378 Handy classes are 481, 482, 484. 588 $50 $500 PONY WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC SPONSORED BY: RED GATE FARM Classes 584, 585 & 587 will be the first round of the Classic GREEN PONY HUNTER SECTION - USEF “A” RATED Small/Medium Green Pony Hunters Large Green Pony Hunters 369, 374, 480, 583, 485 $230 $100 370, 375, 483, 586, 486 $230 $100 * Model - Classes 369, 370 must be entered separately at a fee of $30. Conformation classes are 374, 375 CHILDREN’S PONY HUNTER SECTION - USEF “C” RATED Not to jog Children’s Pony Working Hunters CHILDREN"S PONY WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC Class 589 will be the first round of the Classic 379, 490, 491, 589, 492 590 Braiding Optional SHORT AND LONG STIRRUP WORKING HUNTER SECTION Short Stirrup Working Hunters, Horses, 17 & Under 515, 516, 601, 602, 517 Fences 2’3” Riders may not cross enter into any classes except Short Stirrup Hunters, Ponies, Short Stirrup Equitation & Low Hunters SHORT STIRRUP WORKING HUNTER, HORSES CLASSIC 603 Classes 602 will be the first round of the Classic Short Stirrup Working Hunters, Ponies, 17 & Under 511, 512, 598, 599, 513 Fences 18” Riders may not cross enter into any classes except Short Stirrup Hunters, Horses, Short Stirrup Equitation & Low Hunter SHORT STIRRUP WORKING HUNTER,PONIES CLASSIC 600 Classes 599 will be the first round of the Classic Long Stirrup Working Hunters, Horses, 18 & Over 519, 520, 604, 605, 521 Fences 2’3” Riders may not cross enter into any classes except Long Stirrup Equitation & Low Hunter LONG STIRRUP WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC 606 Class 605 will be the first round of the Classic $230 $50 $50 $100 $300 Not to Jog $230 $50 $50 $230 $300 $50 $50 $230 $50 $50 Braiding Optional Not to Jog PRE-CHILDREN’S & ADULT WORKING HUNTER SECTION Riders may not cross enter into rated sections and/or classes with fences 3’ or higher. Fences 2'6" Pre-Children’s Working Hunters 527, 528, 609, 610, 529 $230 $50 Pre-Adult Working Hunters 523, 524, 607, 608, 525 $230 $50 PRE-ADULT/PRE-CHILDREN'S WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC 611 $50 Classes 608 & 610 will be the first round of the Classic LOW CHILDREN’S & ADULT WORKING HUNTER SECTION Riders may not cross enter into rated sections and/or classes with fences 3’ or higher. Fences 2'9" Low Children’s Working Hunters 498, 499, 592, 500 Low Adult Working Hunters 494, 495, 591, 496 LOW ADULT/LOW CHILDREN'S WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC 593 $300 $50 $50 $50 $300 $300 $300 Classes 591 & 592 will be the first round of the Classic Braiding is Optional Not to Jog NON-RATED HUNTER SECTIONS Non-Thoroughbred Working Hunters, Fences 3’ 62, 63, 150, 151, 58 Small Working Hunters, Fences 3’ 152, 153, 249, 250, 156 Open to horses 16 hands and under. Large Working Hunters, Fences 3’ 154, 155, 251, 252, 157 Open to horses over 16 hands Baby Green Working Hunters, Fences 2’6” 84, 85, 175, 176, 284, 285 179 Open to horses & ponies in their first year of showing (after October 1 of the previous year) SPONSORED BY: JESSIE LANG - 16 - $230 $230 $50 $50 $230 $50 $330 $50 HUNTERS Just A Working Hunter, Fences 2’6” Open to horses and ponies. Schooling Working Hunters, Fences 2’3” Open to horses and ponies. SPONSORED BY: JTS ANIMAL BEDDING Wishful Working Hunters Open to horses and ponies. May be shown at either a trot or canter. Fences 18" Training Working Hunters, Fences 2’ Open to horses and ponies Young Working Hunters, Fences 2' Open to horses 5 years old and younger LOW WORKING HUNTER SECTION 86, 87, 177, 178, 286, 287,180 $330 $50 81, 82, 172, 173, 280, 281, 282 $330 $50 71, 72, 164, 165, 271, 272, 73 $330 $50 75, 76, 167, 168, 274, 275, 77 $330 $50 78, 79, 169, 170, 276, 277, 278 $330 $50 $100 Braiding Optional Low Working Hunters, Fences 3’ Low Working Hunters, Fences 3’3" Low Working Hunters, Fences 2’3” Low Working Hunters, Fences 3’6” Low Working Hunters, Fences 2’ Low Working Hunters, Fences 2’6” Low Working Hunters, Fences 2’9” Low Working Hunters, Fences 18” Not to Jog 59, 147, 248, 620, 621 50, 141 80, 171, 279, 385, 389, 514, 518 43, 130, 222 74, 166, 273 83, 174, 283, 393, 397, 522, 526 255, 259, 493, 497 70, 163, 270, 381, 510 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 EQUITATION SECTIONS Exhibitors must show in the Equitation Sections that correspond with their Hunter Sections Last class Not to Jump Pony Equitation 263, 264, 266 $50 Children’s Pony Equitation 267, 268, 269 $50 Short Stirrup (Horses) Equitation, Fences 2’3” 386, 387, 388 $50 Short Stirrup (Ponies) Equitation, Fences 18” 382, 383, 384 $50 Long Stirrup Equitation, Fences 2’3” 390, 391, 392 $50 Adult Amateur Equitation, 18 - 30, Fences 3’ 342, 343, 350 $50 Adult Amateur Equitation, 31 - 39, Fences 3’ 344, 345, 351 $50 Adult Amateur Equitation, 40 - 49, Fences 3’ 346, 347, 352 $50 Adult Amateur Equitation, 50 & Over, Fences 3’ 348, 349, 353 $50 Equitation, 16 - 17, Fences 3’ 356, 357, 364 $50 Equitation, 14 - 15, Fences 3’ 358, 359, 365 $50 Equitation, 12 - 13, Fences 3’ 360, 361, 366 $50 Equitation, 11 & Under, Fences 2'6" 362, 363, 367 $50 Pre-Children’s Equitation, Fences 2’6” 398, 399, 400 $50 Pre-Adult Equitation, Fences 2’6” 394, 395, 396 $50 Low Children’s Equitation, Fences 2’9” 260, 261, 262 $50 Low Adult Equitation, Fences 2’9” 256, 257, 258 $50 Limit Adult Equitation, Fences 2’6" 40, 126, 221, 338, 459, 474 $25 Novice Adult Equitation, Fences 2’3" 38, 124, 219, 336, 457, 572 $25 Maiden Adult Equitation, Fences 2’ 36, 122, 217, 334, 455, 570 $25 Limit Children's Equitation, Fences 2’6 39, 125, 220, 337, 458, 573 $25 Novice Children's Equitation, Fences 2’3" 37, 123, 218, 335, 456, 571 $25 Maiden Children's Equitation, Fences 2’ 35, 121, 216, 333, 454, 569 $25 Opportunity Walk Trot Equitation 401, 402, 530, 531, 612, 613 $25 Opportunity Walk Trot Obstacle Course 403, 404, 532, 533, 614, 615 $25 Opportunity Cross Rail Equitation 405, 406, 534, 535, 616, 617 $25 EQUITATION AND MEDAL SECTION For specifications for Medal Classes please with the horse show office. ARIAT National Adult Medal 354 TAYLOR HARRIS Insurance Services (THIS) Children’s Medal 368 PESSOA/U. S. Hunter Seat Medal 479 ASPCA Horsemanship Class 254 MARSHALL & STERLING/U. S. Pony Medal Class 265 - 17 - $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 EQUITATION DIVISION Washington International Horse Show Equitation Classic Jumper Phase Washington International Horse Show Equitation Classic Hunter Phase Platinum Performance USEF Show Jumping Talent Search Class - *1 USHJA 3'3" Jumping Seat Medal NCEA Junior Medal PCHA Horsemanship Class, 14 & Under, Fences 3' ONONDARKA Medal Open to riders 12 & under. Fences 3' Foxfield Medal - PCHA Membership - Adults. Fences 3' Foxfield Medal - Open to Riders 12 & Under. Fences 2'9" Cloverleaf Medal - Fences 3' OHJA Junior Medal - Membership required OHJA Senior Medal - Membership required OHJA Children’s Medal - Membership required OHJA Adult Amateur Medal - Membership required OHJA Mini Medal - Membership required Lead Line Class 181 $50 253 $50 407 316 437 453 332 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 566 567 450 451 452 330 331 568 541 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $15 HORSES ENTERING THE GROUNDS FOR THE OREGON HIGH DESERT CLASSICS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY DOCUMENTATION OF EQUINE INFLUENZA VIRUS (EIV) AND EQUINE HERPESVIRUS (EHV) VACCINATIONS WITHIN SIX MONTHS PRIOR TO ENTERING THE SHOW GROUNDS. - 18 - JUMPERS JUMPER DIVISION Ties for other than first place will be placed according to the time taken to complete the course. The jumping will be deter mined by drawing the horses names individually, starting with the first position and then working down. Championships will be decided on points. Time allowed will be based on a minimum speed of 382 yards per minute. Jumper Heights 0.70 m = Fences 2'3" in height 0.75 m = Fences 2'5" in height 0.80 m = Fences 2'7" in height 0.85 m = Fences 2'9" in height 0.90 m = Fences 2'11" in height DIVISION/CLASS 0.95 m = Fences 3'1" in height 1.00 m = Fences 3'3" in height 1.05 m = Fences 3'5" in height 1.10 m = Fences 3'7" in height 1.15 m = Fences 3'9" in height SECTION AMATEUR OWNER/JUNIOR JUMPER SECTION Amateur-Owner/Junior Jumpers, 1.25m SPONSORED BY: DAVID ROBINSON FAMILY Amateur-Owner/Junior Jumper Classic, 1.25m SPONSORED BY: DAVID ROBINSON FAMILY YOUNG JUMPER CHAMPIONSHIPS YJC Five Year Old Qualifying Class, 1.15m YJC Five Year Old Qualifying Class, 1.15m YJC Six Year Old Qualifying Class, 1.25m YJC Six Year Old Qualifying Class, 1.25m YJC Seven Old Qualifying Class, 1.30m YJC Seven Old Qualifying Class, 1.30m PACIFIC NORTHWEST YOUNG JUMPERS PNW Four Year Old Class, 1.00m PNW Four Year Old Class, 1.00m PNW Five Year Old Class, 1.10m PNW Five Year Old Class, 1.10m PNW Six Year Old Class, 1.15m PNW Six Year Old Class, 1.15m PNW Seven Year Old Class, 1.15m PNW Seven Year Old Class, 1.15m CHILDREN’S / ADULT AMATEUR JUMPER SECTION Children’s Jumpers, 15 - 17, 1.10m Children’s Jumpers, 14 & Under, 1.10m Children’s Jumper Classic, 1.10m Adult Amateur Jumpers, 18 - 39, 1.10m Adult Amateur Jumpers, 40 & Over, 1.10m Adult Amateur Jumper Classic, 1.10m SPONSORED BY: DAVID ROBINSON Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00m Children’s Jumpers, 1.00m Children's/Adult Amateur Jumper Classic, 1.00m SPONSORED BY: VALOR FARM Adult Amateur Jumpers, 0.90m Children’s Jumpers, 0.90m Children's/Adult Amateur Jumper Classic, 0.90m Modified Amateur/Junior Jumper, 1.15m SPONSORED BY: MORGAN CAPLANE EQUESTRIAN Modified Amateur/Junior Jumper Classic, 1.15m JUMPER SECTIONS 1.20 m = Fences 3'11" in height 1.25 m = Fences 4'1" in height 1.30 m = Fences 4'3" in height 1.35 m = Fences 4'5" in height 1.40 m = Fences 4'7" in height CLASS CLASS FEE PRIZE MONEY PER CLASS $70 $400 + $15 540 $125 $1000 + $40 291 411 295 412 296 413 $50 $75 $50 $75 $50 $75 13, 99, 194, 305 317 434 288 408 289 409 292 410 Jumpers, 1.10m Jumpers, 1.15m Jumpers, 1.20m SPONSORED BY: DESCHUTES BREWERY Jumpers, 1.25m SPONSORED BY: DESCHUTES BREWERY Jumpers, 1.30m SPONSORED BY: LES SCHWAB TIRES Jumpers, 1.40m SPONSORED BY: LES SCHWAB TIRES - 19 - 1.45 m = Fences 4'9" in height 1.50 m = Fences 4'11" in height 1.55 m = Fences 5'1" in height 1.60 m = Fences 5'3" in height $500 $500 $500 $50 $60 $50 $60 $50 $60 $50 $60 $250 $250 $250 $250 10, 96, 191, 302, 420 11, 97, 192, 303, 421 537 8, 94, 189, 300, 418 9, 95, 190, 301, 419 538 $50 $50 $75 $50 $50 $75 21, 107, 202, 314, 435, 551 22, 108, 203, 315, 436, 552 553 $50 $50 $75 16, 102, 197, 309, 426, 545 17, 103, 198, 310, 427, 546 622 12, 98, 193, 304, 422 $50 $50 $75 $50 539 $75 7, 93, 188, 299, 417 1, 88, 182, 290, 414 2, 89, 183, 293, 415 $50 $65 $65 3, 90, 184, 294, 416 $65 $250 + $20 4, 91, 185, 297 $65 $250 + $20 5, 92, 186, 298 $100 $600 + $30 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $250 + $20 $250 + $20 JUMPERS Jumpers, 1.45m SPONSORED BY: LES SCHWAB TIRES Jumpers, 1.05m Training Jumpers, 1.05m 6, 187 23, 109, 204, 318, 438, 554 24, 110, 205, 319, 439, 555 Jumpers, 1.00m 19, 105, 200, 312, 432, 549 Limit Jumpers, 1.00m 20, 106, 201, 313, 433, 550 Open to horses and ponies that have not won 6 first place ribbons in the jumper division 430, 431 TAKE2 THOROUGHBRED JUMPERS, 1.00M 548 TAKE2 THOROUGHBRED JUMPER CLASSIC, 1.00M Jumpers, 0.90m Special Jumpers, 0.90m Pony Jumpers, 0.95m PONY JUMPER CLASSIC Schooling Jumpers, 0.85m Jumpers, 0.85m Jumpers, 0.80m SPONSORED BY: JTS ANIMAL BEDDING Low Jumpers, 0.80m Jumpers, 0.75m Beginning Jumpers, 0.75m Jumpers, 0.70m Just a Jumper, 0.70m Hopeful Jumpers, Fences 2’ Wishful Jumpers, Fences 2’ SPECIAL CLASSES $125 $1000 + $40 $50 $50 $50 $50 $60 $100 $250 $750 14, 100, 195, 307, 424, 543 15, 101, 196, 308, 425, 544 18, 104, 199, 311, 428 547 34, 120, 215, 329, 449, 565 33, 119, 214, 328, 448, 564 31, 117, 212, 326, 446, 562 $50 $50 $50 $60 $50 $50 $50 $300 32, 118, 213, 327, 447, 563 29, 115, 210, 324, 444, 560 30, 116, 211, 325, 445, 561 27, 113, 208, 322, 442, 558 28, 114, 209, 323, 443, 559 25, 111, 206, 320, 440, 556 26, 112, 207, 321, 441, 557 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 SPECIAL CLASSES $1000 Some Day Farm Pro/Am Team Relay 306 $100 per team $1000 1.10m. Table II. A team will consist of a professional and a junior or amateur. The junior or amateur will ride the horse over the Power section of the course and the professional will ride the horse over the special section, with the riders switching in a designated area on course after the speed portion of the course has begun. $2500 Mini Grand Prix 542 $200 $2500 1.20m. Table II, Sec 2(a). To be eligible a horse must have been shown in at least one class in the Jumper Division. No cross entry with Classes 423 Nominating fee of $50 (non-refundable) is due by closing date of entries. Starting fee of $150 is due by 5 p.m. July 23/30, 2016. Total fee $200. Post entries in this class will be accepted until 5 p.m. July 23/30 at a penalty of $35. Total fee $235. $25,000 Kendall Porsche of Bend Grand Prix 423 Regional Standards. To be eligible a horse must have been shown in at least one class in the Jumper Division. Table II, Sec.2(a). Nominating Fee of $150 (non-refundable) is due by close of entries. Starting fee of $325 is due by 5 p.m. July 22, 2016. Total fee $475. Post entries in this class will be accepted until 5 p.m. July 23, 2016 at a penalty of $75, making the total fee $550. $475 $25,000 HORSES ENTERING THE GROUNDS FOR THE OREGON HIGH DESERT CLASSICS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY DOCUMENTATION OF EQUINE INFLUENZA VIRUS (EIV) AND EQUINE HERPESVIRUS (EHV) VACCINATIONS WITHIN SIX MONTHS PRIOR TO ENTERING THE SHOW GROUNDS. 20% of your entries, etc. are tax deductible as a charitable contribution to J Bar J Youth Services - 20 - SCHEDULE OF EVENTS TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2016 TUESDAY EQUUS TACK CARLSON SIGNS GRAND PRIX RING JUMPER RING 1 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Jumpers, 1.15m, ll.2.c. Jumpers, 1.20m, ll.2.c. Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.2.c. Jumpers, 1.30m, ll.2.b. Jumpers, 1.40m, ll.2.b. Jumpers, 1.45m, ll.2.b. Jumpers, 1.10m, ll.2.c. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 18-39, 1.10m, ll.2.b 9. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 40 & Over, 1.10m, ll.2.b 10.Children's Jumpers, 15-17, 1.10m, 11.2.b. 11.Children's Jumpers, 14 & Under, 1.10m, ll.2.b. 12.Modified Amateur/ Junior Jumpers, 1.15m, ll2.b. 13.Amateur Owner/Junior Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.2.b. 14.Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.b. 15.Special Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.b. 16.Adult Amateur Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.b. 17.Children's Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.b. 18.Pony Jumpers, 0.95m, ll.2.b. 19.Jumpers, 1.00m, ll.2.b. 20.Limit Jumpers, 1.00m, ll.2.b. 21.Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00m, ll.2.b. 22.Children's Jumpers, Low, 1.00m, ll.2.b. 23.Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.b. 24.Training Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.b. TRIPOWERALERON CONSTRUCTION TRAINING STABLES JUMPER RING 2 HUNTER RING 1 8:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. STELLAR SPORT HORSES HUNTER RING 2 8:00 a.m. 25.Hopeful Jumpers, Fences 2', IV.2.b., Optimum Time 26.Wishful Jumpers, Fences 2', IV.2.b., Optimum Time 27.Jumpers, 0.70m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 28.Just a Jumper, 0.70m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 29.Jumpers, 0.75m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 30.Beginning Jumpers, 0.75m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 31.Jumpers, 0.80m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 32.Low Jumpers, 0.80m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 33.Jumpers, 0.85m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 34.Schooling Jumpers, 0.85m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 35.Maiden Children's Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2' 36.Maiden Adult Equitation 37.Over Jumps, Fences 2' 38.Novice Adult Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2'3" 39.Limit Children's Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2'6" 40.Limit Adult Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2'6" 57.TAKE 2 Thoroughbred Working Hunters, Under Saddle 58.Non-Thoroughbred Working Hunters, Under Saddle 59.Low Working Hunters, Fences 3' 60.TAKE 2 Thoroughbred Working Hunters 61.TAKE 2 Thoroughbred Hunters 62.Non-Thoroughbred Working Hunters 63.Non-Thoroughbred Working Hunters 64.Pre Green Working Hunters, Fences 3' 65.Pre Green Working Hunters, Fences 3' 66.Pre Green Working Hunter, Under Saddle, Fences 3' 67.Performance Working Hunters, Fences 3'3" 68.Performance Working Hunters, Fences 3'3" 69.Performance Working Hunters, Under Saddle, Fences 3'3" 41.Green Conformation Hunters, Model 42.Regular Conformation Hunters, Model 43.Low Woring Hunters, Fences 3'6" 44.Green Conformation Hunters 45.Green Conformation Hunters 46.Regular Conformation Hunters 47.Regular Conformation Hunters 48.High Performance Working Hunters 49.High Performance Working Hunters 50.Low Working Hunters, Fences 3'3" 51.Pre Green Working Hunters, Fences 3'3" 52.Pre Green Working Hunters, Fences 3'3" 53.Pre Green Working Hunter, Under Saddle, Fences 3'3" 54.Performance Working Hunters, Fences 3'6" 55.Performance Working Hunters, Fences 3'6" 56.Performance Working Hunters, Under Saddle HUNTER RING 3 8:00 a.m. 70.Low Working Hunters, Fences 18" 71.Wishful Working Hunters 72.Wishful Working Hunters 73.Wishful Working Hunters, Under Saddle 74.Low Workiing Hunters, Fences 2' 75.Training Working Hunters 76.Traiing Working Hunters 77.Training Working Hunters, Under Saddle 78.Young Working Hunters 79.Young Working Hunter 80.Low Working Hunters, Fences 2'3" 81.Schooling Working Hunters 82.Schooling Working Hunters 83.Low Working Hunters, Fences 2'6" 84.Baby Green Working Hunters 85.Baby Green Working Hunters 86.Just A Working Hunter 87.Just A Working Hunter 20% of your entries, etc. are tax deductible as a charitable contribution to J Bar J Youth Services - 21 - SCHEDULE OF EVENTS WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2016 WEDNESDAY EQUUS TACK CARLSON SIGNS GRAND PRIX RING JUMPER RING 1 TRIPOWERALERON STELLAR CONSTRUCTION TRAINING STABLES SPORT HORSES JUMPER RING 2 HUNTER RING 1 HUNTER RING 2 8:00 a.m. 88. Jumpers, 1.15m, ll.2.c. 89. Jumpers, 1.20m, ll.2.c. 90. Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.2.c. 91. Jumpers, 1.30m, ll.2.b. 92. Jumpers, 1.40m, ll.2.b. 93. Jumpers, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 94. Adult AmateurJumpers, 18-39, 1.10m, ll.2.b. 95. Adult AmateurJumpers, 40 & Over,1.10m,II.2.b. 96. Children’s Jumpers, 15-17, 1.10m, ll.2.b. 97. Children’s Jumpers, 14 & Under, 1.10m, ll.2.b. 98.Modified Amateur/ Junior Jumpers, 1.15m, ll.2.b. 99. Amateur Owner/Junior Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.2.b. 8:00 a.m 111. Hopeful Jumpers, Fences 2’, IV.2.b.,Optimum Time 112. Wishful Jumpers, Fences 2’, IV.2.b. Optimum Time 113. Jumpers, 0.70m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 114 Just a Jumper, 0.70m,V.2.b., Optimum Time 115 Jumpers, 0.75m,IV.2.b., Optimum Time 116. Beginning Jumpers,0.75, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 117. Jumpers, 0.80m,IV.2.b., Optimum Time 118. Low Jumpers, 0.80m,IV.2.b., Optimum Time 119. Jumpers, 0.85m IV.2.b., Optimum Time 120. Schooling Jumpers, 0.85m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 121. Maiden Children's Equitation Over Jumps Fences 2' 122. Maiden Adult Equitation Over Jumps Fences 2' 123. Novice Children's Equitation Over Jumps Fences 2'3" 124 Novice Adult Equitation Over Jumps Fences 2'3" 125 Limit Children's Equiation Over Jumps Fences 2'6" 126 Limit Adult Equitation Over Jumps Fences 2'6" :00 a.m. 8 100. Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b 101. Special Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 102.Adult Amateur Jump ers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 103.Children’s Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 104.Pony Jumpers, 0.95m, II.2.b. 105.Jumpers, 1.00m ll.2.b. 106.Limit Jumpers, 1.00m, ll.2.b 107.Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00m, II.2.b 108.Children’s Jumpers, Low, 1.00m, II.2.b 109.Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.b. 110.Training Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.b. 7:30 a.m. 127. Green Conformation Hunter Under Saddle 128. Regular Conforma - tion Hunter Under Saddle 129. High Performance Working Hunter Under Saddle 130 Low Working Hunters, Fences 3’6” 131 Green Conformation Hunters 132 Green Conformation Hunters, Handy 133 1st Year Green Working Hunters 1341st Year Green Working Hunters, Handy 1352nd Year Green Working Hunters 1362nd Year Green Working Hunters, Handy 137Regular Conformation Hunters 138 Regular ConformationHunters, Handy 139 High Performance Working Hunters 140 High Performance Working Hunters Handy 141 Low Working Hunters, Fences 3’3” 142 Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’3” 143 Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’3” 144. USJHA PRE GREEN HUNTER CHALLENGE, 3'3" 145 Performance Working Hunters, Fences 3'6" 146 Performance Working Hunters, Handy Fences 3'6" 8:00 a.m. 147 Low Working Hunt ers, Fences 3’ 148 TAKE 2 Thoroughbred Working Hunters 149 TAKE 2 Thoroughbred Hunters 150 Non-Thoroughbred Working Hunters 151 Non-Thoroughbred Working Hunters 152 Small Working Hunters 153 Small Working Hunters 154 Large Working Hunters 155 Large Working Hunters 156 Small Working Under Saddle 157 Large Working Hunters Under Saddle 158 Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’ 159 Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’ 160. USJHA PRE GREEN HUNTER CHALLENGE, 3' 161. Performance Working Hunters, Fences 3'3" 162 Performance Working Hunters,Handy, Fences 3'3" HUNTER RING 3 8:00 a.m. 163 Low Working Hunters, Fences 18" 164 Wishful Working Hunters 165 Wishful Working Hunters 166 Low Working Hunters, Fences 2’ 167 Training Working Hunters 168 Training Working Hunters 169 Young Working Hunter 170. Young Working Hunter 171 Low Working Hunters, Fences 2’3” 172 Schooling Working Hunters 173 Schooling Working Hunters 174 Low Working Hunters,Fences 2’6” 175 Baby Green Working Hunters 176 Baby Green Working Hunters 177 Just A Working Hunter 178 Just A Working Hunter 179 Baby Green Working Hunters Under Saddle 180 Just A Working Hunter Under Saddle 20% of your entries, etc. are tax deductible as a charitable contribution to J Bar J Youth Services - 22 - SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2016 THURSDAY EQUUS TACK CARLSON SIGNS GRAND PRIX RING JUMPER RING 1 TRIPOWERALERON STELLAR CONSTRUCTION TRAINING STABLES SPORT HORSES JUMPER RING 2 HUNTER RING 1 HUNTER RING 2 7:30 a.m. 181. Washington Intertional Horse Show Equitation Class 182. Jumpers, 1.15m, ll.2.c. 183. Jumpers, 1.20m, ll.2.c. 184. Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.2.c. 185. Jumpers, 1.30m, ll.2.b 186. Jumpers, 1.40m, ll.2.b. 187. Jumpers, 1.45m, ll.2.b. 188. Jumpers, 1.10m, ll 1. 189. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 18-39, 1.10m, ll.2.c 190. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 40 & Over, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 191. Children’s Jumpers, 15 - 17, 1.10m, ll.2.c 192. Children’s Jumpers, 14 & Under, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 193. Modified Amateur/ Junior Jumpers, 1.15m, II.2.b. 194. Amateur Owner/ Junior Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.2.b. 8:00 a.m. 206. Hopeful Jumpers, Fences 2’, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 207. Wishful Jumpers, Fences 2’,IV.2.b., Optimum Time 208. Jumpers, 0.70m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 209. Just a Jumper,0.70m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 210. Jumpers, 0.75m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 211. Beginning Jumpers, 0.75, IV.2.b., OptimumTime 212. Jumpers, 0.80m, II.2.b. 213. Low Jumpers, 0.80m, II.2.b. 214.Jumpers, 0.85m II.2.b. 215.SchoolingJumpers 0.85m, II.2.b., 216. Maiden Children's Equitation Over Jumps Fences 2' 217. Maiden Adult Equi tation Over Jumps Fences 2' 218. Novice Children's Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2' 3" 219. Novice Adult Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2' 3" 220. Limit Children's Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2'6" 221. Limit Adult Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2'6" ALERON TRAINING STABLES 621. Low Working Hunter Fences 3' 239. Children's Working Hunter 15 - 17 240. Children's Working Hunter 15 - 17 241. Children's Working Hunter 13 - 14 242. Children's Working Hunter 13 - 14 243. Children's Working Hunter 12 & Under 244. Children's Working Hunte 12 & Under 245. Children's Working Hunter Under Saddle 15 - 17 246. Children's Working Hunter Under Saddle 13 - 14 247. Children's Working Hunter Under Saddle 12 & Under 8:00 a.m. 195. Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 196. Special Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 197.Adult Amateur Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 198.Children’s Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 199. Pony Jumpers, 0.95m. II 2.b 200.Jumpers, 1.00m, II 2.c 201.Limit Jumpers, 1.00m, II.2.c 202. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00, II 2.c 203.Children’s Jumpers, 1.00m, II 2.c 204.Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.c. 205.Training Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.c. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 248. Low Working Hunter 618. .First Year Green Fences 3’ Working Hunter 249. Small Working Under Saddle Hunter 619. .Second Year Green 250. Small Working Working Hunter Hunter Under Saddle 222. Low Working Hunter 251. Large Working Hunter Fences 3’6” 223. First Year Green 252. Large Working Hunter" Working Hunter 253. Washington 224. First Year Green International Working Horse Show 225. Second Year Green Equitation Class Working Hunter 254. ASPCA 226. Second Year Green Horsemanship Working Hunter Class 620. Low Working 255. Low Working Hunter, Hunter, Fences 2’9” Fences 3' , 256. Low Adult Equitation 227. Adult Amateur Over Jumps Working Hunter 257. Low Adult Equitation 18 - 30 Over Jumps 228. Adult Amateur 258. Low Adult Equitation Working Hunter Not to Jump 18 - 30 259. Low Working Hunter, 229. Adult Amateur Fences 2’9” Working Hunter 260. Low Children's 30 - 39 Equitation Over 230. Adult Amateur Jumps Working Hunter 261. Low Children's 30 - 39 Equitation Over 231. Adult Amateur Jumps Working Hunter 262. Low Children's 40 - 49 Equitation, 232. Adult Amateur Not to Jump Working Hunter 263. Pony Equitation 40 - 49 Over Jumps 233. Adult Amateur 264. Pony Equitation Working Hunter Over Jumps 50 & Over 265. MARSHALL & 234. Adult Amateur STERLING/U.S. Working Hunter Pony Medal 50 & Over 266. Pony Equitation 235. Adult Amateur Not to Jump Working Hunter 267. Children's Pony Under Saddle Equitation Over 18 - 30 Jumps 236. Adult Amateur 268. Children’s Pony Working Hunter Equitation Over Under Saddle Jumps 30 - 39 269. Children’s Pony 237. Adult Amateur Equitation, Working Hunter Not to Jump Under Saddle 40 - 49 238. Adult Amateur Working Hunter Under Saddle 50 & Over HUNTER RING 3 8:00 a.m. 270. Low Working Hunter, Fences 18" 271. Wishful Working Hunter 272. Wishful Working Hunter 273. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’ 274. Training Working Hunter 275. Training Working Hunter 276. Young Working Hunter 277. Young Working Hunter 278. Young Working Hunter Under Saddle 279. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’3” 280. Schooling Working Hunter 281. Schooling Working Hunter 282Schooling Working Hunters Under Saddle 283. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’6” 284. Baby Green Working Hunter 285. Baby Green Working Hunter 286. Just A Working Hunter 287. Just A Working Hunter 20% of your entries, etc. are tax deductible as a charitable contribution to J Bar J Youth Services - 23 - SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2016 FRIDAY TRIPOWER ALERON STELLAR EQUUS TACK CARLSON SIGNS CONSTRUCTION TRAINING STABLES SPORT HORSES GRAND PRIX RING JUMPER RING 1 JUMPER RING 2 HUNTER RING 1 HUNTER RING 2 7:30 a.m. 407. USEF Show Jumping Talent Search 1* 288. PNW Five Year Old Class, 1.10m, 11.2.b 289. PNW Six Year Old Class, 1.15m, ll.2.b 290. Jumpers, 1.15m, ll.2.b 291. YJC 5 Year Old, 1.15m, ll.1 292. PNW Seven Year Old Class, 1.20m,ll.2.b 293. Jumpers, 1.20m, ll.2.b 294. Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.2.b 295. YJC 6 Year Old, 1.25m, ll.2.b. 296. YJC 7 & 8 Year Old, 1.30m, ll.2.b. 297. Jumpers, 1.30m, ll.1. 298. Jumpers, 1.40m, ll.1. 299. Jumpers, 1.10m, ll.1. 300. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 18-39, 1.10m, ll.1. 301. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 40 & Over, 1.10m, ll.1. 302. Children’s Jumpers, 15 -17, 1.10m, ll.1. 303. Children’s Jumpers, 14 & Under,1.10m, ll.1. 304. ModifiedAmateur/ Junior Jumpers, 1.15m, ll.1. 305. Amateur-Owner/ Junior Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.1. 306. $1000 PRO/AM TEAM RELAY 8:00 a.m. 307.Jumpers, 0.90m, ll,2,c 308.Special Jumpers, 0.90m, ll,2,c 309.Adult Amateur Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.c 310.Children’s Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.c 311.Pony Jumpers, 0.95m, II 2.c. 312. Jumpers, 1.00m, II.2.b 313. Limit Jumpers, 1.00m, II.2.b 314. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00m, ll.2.b 315. Children’s Jumpers, 1.00m, 11.2.b 316. USHJA 3'3" Jumping Seat Medal 317. PNW Four Year Old Class 1.00m, II.2.b 318.Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.b. 319.Training Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.b. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 339. Modified Junior/ 320. Hopeful Jumpers, Child & Amateur/ Fences 2’, II.2.b., Adult 321. Wishful Jumpers, Working Hunter Fences 2’,II.2.b., 322. Jumpers, 0.70m, 340. Modified Junior/ Child & Amateur/ II.2.b. Adult 323. Just a Jumper, Working Hunter 0.70m,II.2.b., 341. Modified Junior/ 324. Jumpers, 0.75m, Child & Amateur/ II.2.b. Adult Working Hunter 325. Beginning Jumpers, Under Saddle 0.75, II.2.b. 342. Adult Amateur 326. Jumpers, 0.80m, Equitation Over II.2.b. Jumps, 18-30 327. Low Jumpers, 343. Adult Amateur 0.80m, II.2.b. Equitation Over 328. Jumpers, 0.85m Jumps, 18-30 II.2.b. 344. Adult Amateur 329. Schooling Jumpers, Equitation Over 0.85m, II.2.b., Jumps, 31 - 39 345. Adult Amateur 330. OHJA Children’s Equitation Over Medal Jumps, 31 - 39 331. OHJA Adult Amateur 346. Adult Amateur Medal Equitation Over 332. Onondarka Medal Jumps, 40-49 333. Maiden Children's 347. Adult Amateur Equitation Over Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2' Jumps, 40-49 334. Maiden Adult Equi 348. Adult Amateur tation Over Jumps Equitation Over Fences 2' Jumps, 50 & over 349. Adult Amateur 335. Novice Children's Equitation Over Equitation Over Jumps, 50 & over Jumps, Fences 2'3" 350. Adult Amateur 336. Novice Adult Equitation, Not to Equitation Over Jump, 18-30 Jumps, Fences 2'3" 351. Adult Amateur 337. Limit Children's Equitation, Not to Equitation Over Jump, 31-39 Jumps, Fences 2'6" 352. Adult Amateur 338 Limit Adult Equitation, Not to Jump, 40-49 Equitation Over 353. Adult Amateur Jumps, Fences 2'6" Equitation, Not to Jump, 50 & Over 354. Ariat National Adult Medal 355. USHJA NATIONALHUNTER DERBY 8:00 a.m. 356. Equitation Over Jumps, 16-17 357. Equitation Over Jumps, 16-17 358. Equitation OverJumps, 14-15 359. Equitation OverJumps, 14-15 360. Equitation OveJumps, 12 - 13 361. Equitation OveJumps, 12 - 13 362. Equitation OveJumps, 11 & Under 363. Equitation OveJumps, 11 & Under 364. Equitation Not to Jump, 16-17 365. Equitation Not to Jump, 14-15 366. Equitation Not to Jump, 12 - 13 367. Equitation Not to Jump, 11 & Under 368. Taylor Harris Insurance Services Children's Medal 369. Green Small/Medium Pony Model Hunter 370. Green Large Pony Model Hunter 371. Small Pony Model Hunter 372. Medium Pony Model Hunter 373. Large Pony Model Hunter 374. Green Small/Medium Pony Conformation Hunter 375. Small Pony Conformation Hunter 376. Medium Pony Conformation Hunter 377. Green Large Pony Conformation Hunter 378. Large Pony Conformation Hunter 379 Children’s Pony Working Hunter 380. Children’s Pony Working Hunter Under Saddle HUNTER RING 3 8:00 a.m. 381. Low Working Hunter, Fences 18” 382. Short Stirrup Equitation Over Jumps(Ponies) 383. Short Stirrup Equitation Over Jumps(Ponies) 384. Short Stirrup Equitation Not to Jump(Ponies) 385. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’3” 386. Short Stirrup Equitation Over Jumps(Horses) 387. Short Stirrup Equitation Over Jumps(Horses) 388. Short Stirrup Equitation Not to Jump(Horses) 389. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’3” 390. Long Stirrup Equitation Over Jumps 391. Long Stirrup Equitation Over Jumps 392. Long Stirrup Equitation Not to Jump 393. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’6” 394. Pre Adult Equitation Over Jumps 395. Pre Adult Equitation Over Jumps 396. Pre Adult Equitation Not to Jump 397. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’6” 398. Pre Children's Equitation Over Jumps 399. Pre Children's Equitation Over Jumps 400. Pre Children's Equitation, Not to Jump 401. Opportunity Walk / Trot Equitation 402. Opportunity Walk / Trot Equitation 403. Opportunity Walk / Trot Obstacle Course 404. Opportunity Walk / Trot Obstacle Course 405. Opportunity Cross Rail Equitation 406. OpportunityCross Rail Equitation HORSES ENTERING THE GROUNDS FOR THE OREGON HIGH DESERT CLASSICS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY DOCUMENTATION OF EQUINE INFLUENZA VIRUS (EIV) AND EQUINE HERPESVIRUS (EHV) VACCINATIONS WITHIN SIX MONTHS PRIOR TO ENTERING THE SHOW GROUNDS. - 24 - SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 286. SATURDAY, JULY 23, 2016 SATURDAY EQUUS TACK CARLSON SIGNS GRAND PRIX RING JUMPER RING 1 TRIPOWERALERON CONSTRUCTION TRAINING STABLES JUMPER RING 2 HUNTER RING 1 8:00 a.m. 408. PNW Five Year Old Class, 1.10m, ll.2.b 409. PNW Six Year Old Class, 1.15m, ll.2.b 410. PNW Seven Year Old Class, 1.20, ll.2.b 411. YJC 5 year old, 1.15m, II.2.b 412. YJC 6 Year Old, 1.25m, ll.2.b. 413. YJC 7 Year Old, 1.30m, ll.2.b. 414. Jumpers, 1.15m, ll.1 415. Jumpers, 1.20m, ll.1. 416. Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.1 417. Jumpers, 1.10m, ll.2.c 418. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 18-39, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 419. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 40 & Over, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 420. Children’s Jumpers, 15-17, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 421. Children’s Jumpers, 14 & Under, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 422 .Modified Amateur,Junior Jumpers,1.15m, ll.2.c 8:00 a.m. 440. Hopeful Jumpers, Fences 2’, II.2.b. 441. Wishful Jumpers, Fences 2’,II.2.b., 442. Jumpers, 0.70m, ll.2.b. 443. Just a Jumper, 0.70m, ll.2.b. 444. Jumpers, 0.75m, 11.2.b 445. Beginning Jumpers, 0.75, ll.2.b. 446. Jumpers, 0.80m, ll.2.c. 447. Low Jumpers, 0.80m, ll.2.c. 448.Jumpers,0.85m,II.2.c., 449.Schooling Jumpers, 0.85m, II.2.c., 450 Cloverleaf Medal 451.OHJA Junior Medal 452.OHJA Senior Medal 453.PCHA Horsemanship Class, 14 & Under 454. Maiden Children's Equitation Over Jumps Fences 2' 455. Maiden Adult Equi tation Over Jumps Fences 2' 456. Novice Children's Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2' 3" 457. Novice Adult Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2' 3" 458. Limit Children's Equitation Over Fences 2'6" 459. Limit Adult Equitation Over Fences 2'6' 5:30 p.m. 423. $25,000 Kendall Porsche of Bend Grand Prix 8:00 a.m. 424. Jumpers, 0.90m ll,2,b 425. Special Jumpers, 0.90m, ll,2,b 426. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.b 427. Children’s Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.b 428. Pony Jumpers, 0.95m, II. 2.b 430. TAKE Thoroughbred Jumpers, 1.00m, II.2.b 431. TAKE Thoroughbred Jumpers, 1.00m II.1 432. Jumpers, 1.00m, II 1 433. Limit Jumpers, 1.00m, II.1 434. PNW Four Year Old Class 1.00m, II.2.b 435. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00m, ll.1 436. Children’s Jumpers, 1.00m, II.1 437. NCEA Junior Medal 438. Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.1 439. Training Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.1 - 25 - 8:00 A.M. 460. USHJA CHILDREN'S/ADULT AMATEUR HUNTER CHAMPIONSHIPS - TEAM 461. Amateur Owner Working Hunter 18-35 462. Amateur Owner Working Hunter Handy, 18 35 463. Amateur Owner Working Hunter 36 & Over 464. Amateur Owner Working Hunter Handy, 36 & Over 465. Amateur Owner Working Hunter Under Saddle, 18-35 466. Amateur Owner Working Hunter Under Saddle, 36 & Over. 467. Junior Working Hunter Large,16-17 468. Junior Working Hunter Large, Handy,16-17 469. Junior Working Hunter Large,15 & Under 470. Junior Working Hunter Large, Handy 15 & Under 471. Junior Working Hunter Small, 16-17 472. Junior Working Hunter Small, Handy,16-17 473. Junior Working Hunter Small, 15 & Under 474. Junior Working Hunter Small,Handy15 & Under 475. Junior Working Hunter Large,16-17 US 476. Junior Working Hunter Large, 15 & Under US 477. Junior Working Hunter Small, 16-17 US 478. Junior Working Hunter Small, 15 & Under US 479. PESSOA / U. S. Hunter Seat Medal STELLAR SPORT HORSES HUNTER RING 2 8:00 a.m. 480. Green Small/MediumPony Working Hunte 481. Small Pony Working Hunter, Handy 482. Medium Pony Working Hunte Handy 483. Green Large Pony Working Hunter 484. Large Pony Working Hunter, Handy 485. Green Small/Medium Pony Working Hunter Under Saddle 486. Green Large Pony Working Hunter Under Saddle 487. Large Pony Working Hunter Under Saddle 488. Medium Pony Working Hunter Under Saddle 489. Small Pony Working Hunter Under Saddle 490. Children’s Pony Working Hunter 491. Children’s Pony Working Hunter 492. Children’s Working Hunter Pony Under Saddle 493. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’9” 494. Low Adult Working Hunter 495. Low Adult Working Hunter 496. Low Adult Working Hunter Under Saddle 497. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’9” 498. Low Children’s Working Hunter 499. Low Children’s Working Hunter 500. Low Children’s Working Hunter Under Saddle 501. Junior Working Hunter, 3'3" 502. Junior Working Hunter,3'3", Handy 503. Junior Working Hunter, 3'3" US 504. Amateur Owner Working Hunter, 18 -35, 3'3" 505. Amateur Owner Working Hunter, Handy, 18 - 35, 3'3" 506. Amateur Owner Working Hunter, 36 & Over, 3'3" 507. Amateur Owner Working Hunter, Handy, 36 Over,3'3" 508. Amateur Owner Working Hunter Under Saddle, 18 - 35, 3'3" 509. Amateur Owner Working Hunter Under Saddle, 36 & Over, 3'3" HUNTER RING 3 8:00 a.m. 510. Low Working Hunter, Fences 18” 511. Short Stirrup Working Hunter, Ponies 512. Short Stirrup Working Hunter, Ponies 513. Short Stirrup Working Hunter Under Saddle(Ponies) 514. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’3” 515. Short Stirrup Working Hunter, Horses 516. Short Stirrup Working Hunter, Horses 517. Short Stirrup Working Hunters Under Saddle(Horses) 518. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’3” 519. Long Stirrup Working Hunter 520. Long Stirrup Working Hunter 521. Long Stirrup Working Hunters UnderSaddle 522. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’6” 523. Pre Adult Working Hunter 524. Pre Adult Working Hunter 525. Pre Adult WorkingHunterUnder Saddle 526. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’6” 527. Pre Children’s Working Hunter 528. Pre Children’s Working Hunter 529. Pre Children’s Working Hunter Under Saddle 530. Opportunity Walk / Trot Equitation 531. Opportunity Walk / Trot Equitation 532. Opportunity Walk / Trot Obstacle Course 533. Opportunity Walk / Trot Obstacle Course 534. Opportunity Cross Rail Equitation 535. OpportunityCross Rail Equitation SUNDAY EQUUS TACK CARLSON SIGNS GRAND PRIX RING JUMPER RING 1 TRIPOWERALERON STELLAR CONSTRUCTION TRAINING STABLES SPORT HORSES JUMPER RING 2 HUNTER RING 1 HUNTER RING 2 8:00 a.m. 543. Jumpers, 0.90m, ll,2,b 536. USHJA INTERNA544. Special Jumpers, TIONAL HUNTER 0.90m, ll,2, b DERBY 545. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.b 537. Children’s Jumper Classic, 1.10m, ll,2a/b 546. Children’s Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.b 538. Adult Amateur 622. Children/Adult Jumper Classic, Amateur Jumper 1.10m, ll, 2 a/b Classic, 0.90m 539. Modified Amateur/ II.2.b Junior Jumper Clas547. Pony Jumper Classic, sic, 1.15m, ll,2.a/b 0.95m, II.2.a/b 540. Amatuer Owner /Junior Jumper Classic, 548. TAKE 2 Thoroughbred 1.25m ll,2. a/b Jumper Classic 541. Lead Line Class 1.00m, II.2.a/b 542. $2500 Mini Grand 549. Jumpers, 1.00m, Prix II 2.b 550. Limit Jumpers, 1.00m, II.2.b 551. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00m, ll.2.b 552. Children’s Jumpers, 1.00m, 11.2.b 553. Children/Adult Amateur Jumper Classic, 1.00m II.2.b 554. Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.b. 555. Training Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.b. 8:00 a.m. After the conclusion of After the conclusion of 556. Hopeful Jumpers, Class 536 Class 536 Fences 2’,II.2.b., 575. USHJA CHIL583 Green Small/Mediu557. Wishful Jumpers, DREN'S/ADULT Pony Working Hunter Fences 2’, II.2.b., AMATEUR 584. Small Pony Working 558. Jumpers, 0.70m, HUNTER CHAMHunter ll.2.b. PIONSHIPS - INDI- 585. Medium Pony 559. Just a Jumper, VIDUAL Working Hunter 0.70m, ll.2.b. 576. Amateur Owner 586. Green Large Pony 560. Jumpers, 0.75m, Working Hunter Working Hunter ll.2.b. 18-35 587. Large Pony Working 561. Beginning Jumpers, 577. Amateur Owner Hunter 0.75, ll.2.b. Working Hunter 588. Pony Working Hunter 562. Jumpers, 0.80m, 36 & Over Classic ll.2.b. 578. Junior Working 589. Children's Pony 563. Low Jumpers, 0.80m, Hunter Large,16 -17 Working Hunter ll.2.b. 579 .Junior Working 590. Children's Pony 564. Jumpers, 0.85m, Hunter Large, Working Hunter II.2.b. 15 & Under Classic 565. Schooling Jumpers, 580. Junior Working 591. Low Adult Working 0.85m, II.2.b., Hunter Small, Hunter 566.Foxfield Medal 16 - 17 592. Low Children's Adult 581. Junior Working Working Hunter 567.Foxfield Medal Hunter Small, 593. Low Adult & Low 12 & Under 15 & Under Children's Working 568. OHJA Mini Medal 582. JUNIOR/AMATEUR Hunter Classic 569. Maiden Children's OWNER WORKING 594. Junior Working Equitation OverHunter,3'3" HUNTER CLASSIC Jumps Fences 2' 595. Amateur Owner 570. Maiden Adult Equi- Working Hunter, tation Over Jumps 18 - 35, 3'3" Fences 2' 596. Amateur Owner 571. Novice Children's Working Hunter, Equitation Over 36 & Over, 3'3" Jumps, Fences 2' 3" 597. JUNIOR/AMATEUR 572. Novice Adult OWNER WORKING Equitation Over HUNTER CLASSIC Jumps, Fences 2' 3" 573. Limit Children's Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2' 6" 574. Limit Adult Equita tion Over Jumps, Fences 2'6" 8:00 a.m. 97 J Bar J Boys Ranch 62895 Hamby Road Bend, OR 97701 www.jbarj.org Hamby SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SUNDAY JULY 24, 2016 20 - 26 - HUNTER RING 3 8:00 A.M. 598. Short Stirrup Woring Hunter, Ponies 599. Short Stirrup Woring Hunter, Ponies 600. Short Stirrup Working Hunter Classic Ponies 601. Short Stirrup Working Hunter, Horses 602. Short Stirrup Working Hunter, Horses 603. Short Stirrup Working Hunter Classic Horses 604. Long Stirrup Working Hunter 605. Long Stirrup Working Hunter 606. Long Stirrup Working Hunter Classic 607. Pre Adult Working Hunter 608. Pre Adult Working Hunter 609. Pre Children’s Working Hunter 610. Pre Children’s Working Hunter 611. Pre Adult & Pre Children's Working Hunter Classic 612. Opportunity Walk / Trot Equitation 613. Opportunity Walk / Trot Equitation 614. Opportunity Walk / Trot Obstacle Course 615. Opportunity Walk / Trot Obstacle Course 616. Opportunity Cross Rail Equitation 617. OpportunityCross Rail Equitation - 27 EC 1st Yr COLOR SEX RIDER 2nd Yr USEF Release, Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Indemnification Birthday PCHA Sm Md HEIGHT Signature: Print Name: Signature: Yes Is Rider/Handler a U.S. Citizen (please circle): YES Print Name: Emergency Contact Phone No. SIGNATURE: No NO NO Lg Cell Phone State Mandatory Schooling Fee, $40 per horse Shavings & Manure Disposal Fee, $45 per horse SIGNATURE: Print Name Emerg. Contact Phone #: Print Name: TRAIN- TOTAL AMOUNT OWED: PCHA Fee $3 USHJA Support Fee $7 USHJA Show Pass Fee, $30 USEF Show Pass fee, $30) USEF Fee, $16 per horse (Drugs & Meds $8, USEF $8) Non Showing Fee, 150 Convenience Fee (Credit Cards) $40 Ringside Tents, $100 / Week Patron's Tables, $1800, $1000, $250, $150, $20 RV parking hook-ups @$350 / Week Hunter / EQ Fee, $45 Low Jumper Nominating Fee, $45 High Jumper Nominating Fee, $150 Horse Deposit $50 TOTAL ENTRY FEES FROM ABOVE: DIVISIONS / CLASSES CREDIT CARD PAYMENT ______Stalls for week 1 @ $230 Print Name Signature Exp. Date VISA/MC # USEF/USHJA# Barn Phone E-Mail PCHA Phone City Address # RIDER SIGNATURE: ASPCA# Date of Birth PCHA Date of Birth ZIP Trainer Name TRAINER Entries Close June 15, 2016 ZIP State EC CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Oregon High Desert Classic #1 (US Funds) Emergency Contact Phone Number: Stable With:_______________________________________________________ MAIL TO: Adrienne Karazissis (818) 987-3336 (425) 894-3136 PO Box 1092, Camarillo, CA 93011 NO FAXED ENTRIESArrival Date:_______________________________________ _______________ Exhibitors may enter on line by credit card only, at www.horseshowtime.com or equestrianconnect.com Payment #_______________________________Total Enclosed $____________________ Print Parent//Guardian Parent/Guardian Sig.: Name: Is Rider/Driver/Vaulter a U.S.isCitizen: (Required if Rider/Handler a minor) Print Name: (if applicable) coacH RIDER/HANDLER IGNATURE: S Signature: Is Rider/Handler a U.S. Citizen (please circle): YES Print Name: Print Name: Print Name: trainer (mandatory) Parent/Guardian Signature: (Required if Rider/Driver/Handler/Vaulter/Longeur is a minor) Print Name: Print Name: Signature: Vaulter/Longeur (mandatory) SIGNATURE: oWner/agent OWNER/AGENT (mandatory) rider/driver/Handler/ BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank and all terms and provisions of this Prize List. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature shall have the same validity, force and effect as if I affixed my signature by my own hand. BOD 1/23/11 Effective 12/1/11 I AGREE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following: I AGREE that the “Federation” and “Competition” as used above includes all of their officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and affiliated organizations. I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, or as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the Competition involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering, or death (“Harm”). I AGREE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arises or results, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them harmless with respect to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while at the Competition. I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and, if applicable, EV114 and I understand that I am entitled to wear protective equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do so while WARNING that no protective equipment can guard against all injuries. If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume all of the obligations of this Release on the child’s behalf. I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition. I AGREE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and treatment to the Federation on the official USEF accident/injury report form. release, assumption of risk, Waiver and indemnification this document waives important legal rights. read it carefully before signing. I have read the United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) Entry Agreement (GR906.4) as printed in the Prize List for this Competition and agree to all of its provisions. I understand and agree that by entering this Competition, I am subject to Federation Rules, the Prize List, and local rules of the competition. I agree to waive the right to the use of my photos at the competition, and agree that any actions against the Federation must be brought in New York State. United StateS eqUeStrian Federation, inc. entry agreement USEF/ID # AGE NAME OF HORSE EC Social Security # or TIN # E-Mail Birthday PCHA State JULY 19-24, 2016 RIDER Please Circle below if applicable USEF/USHJA# ZIP City State Address Address Rider Name Prize money paid to if other than owner EC Name PCHA USEF/USHJA# Phone USEF/USHJA# Phone Social Security # or TIN # E-Mail City ZIP Address State City Address OREGON HIGH DESERT CLASSIC #1 Rider Name OWNER Owner Name MANDATORY ZIP - 28 - Crossroads Training, LLC Hunters/Jumpers/Equitation/School Horse Lessons Courtney Reid creid.crossroads@gmail.com 503.314.4708 Located at Westside Stables 17265 SW Swank Rd Sherwood, OR 97140 - 29 - Some Day Farm Catherine Cruger and Kendall Entler www.SomeDayFarmLLC.com | 541-848-8519 20361 Tumalo Road Bend, Oregon 97701 Equestrian Connect is Oregon High Desert Classics’ Official Entry Partner. DBC LLC. Willow St. Folsom, CA STOP MAILING YOUR ENTRIES Join hundreds of OHDC exhibitors and submit your horse show entries online through Equestrian Connect! Equestrian Connect is a web service where you store your data once, and use it to automatically fill out all your entry forms. In just a few clicks, you can submit your forms online to the OHDC horse shows, and hundreds more across the country. Whether you are an amateur or professional, large barn or small, you will complete your entries in minutes. To learn more, visit our website. Equestrian Connect offers a free 45-day trial. photo credit: Sara Jorgensen Contact us at: info@equestrianconnect.com 310-906-0041 www.equestrianconnect.com Mandy Porter of ACP Enterprises and Wild Turkey Farm counts on Equestrian Connect for all their horse show entries. Over 100 shows in California, plus 300 more nationally are accepting entries electronically through Equestrian Connect: West Palms • Langer Equestrian • Foxfield Horse Shows Camelot Events • HITS • HMI Sonoma Horse Shows Oregon High Desert Classics • Collman Equestrian Productions Menlo Charity Horse Show • Thunderbird Show Park Evergreen Classic • Cascade Horse Shows Pin Oak Charity Horse Show - 32 - - 33 - 2016 Pacific Coast Horse Show Association P.O. Box 5570, Glendale, CA 91221 (818) 842-8194 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION NEW RENEWAL Senior: $75.00 Junior/Western Junior: $55.00 SPECIAL – Senior for 3 years: $200.00 STEWARD Life: $1,000.00 SPECIAL – Junior for 3 years: $150.00* *no increase if a junior becomes a senior during 3 year plan SHOW MANAGER SHOW CONTACT NAME ______________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________________ CITY / STATE ______________________________________________________________ ZIP______________ TELEPHONE __________________________________________________ E-MAIL_______________________ DATE OF BIRTH REQUIRED __________________________________________________________________ ❑ Amateur ❑ ❑ Professional Hunter/Jumper ❑ Western CREDIT CARD VISA____ MC____ #____________________________________________Check# __________________ NAME ON CARD ____________________________________________________________________________ BILLING ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE____________________________________________________3 DIGIT CODE ______________________ NAME OF TRAINER ______________________________________________________________________________________ Pacific Coast Horse Show Association P.O. Box 5570, Glendale, CA 91221 (818) 842-8194 HORSE REGISTRATION Horse must be registered to complete for Year End Awards SHOW NAME OF HORSE ________________________________________________________________________ Hunter/Jumper Western Color____________ Sex___________ Ht._________ Yr. Foaled____________ Breed ________________________________ OWNER OF HORSE ______________________________________________________________________________ (OWNER MUST BE PCHA MEMBER) YEARLY REGISTRATION: $40.00 LIFETIME REGISTRATION: 100.00 SHOW NAME CHANGE: $10.00 FORMER NAME_________________________________________________________________ TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP: $10.00 FORMER OWNER________________________________________________________________ - 34 - - 35 - - 36 - HUNTERS OREGON HIGH DESSERT CLASSIC II All Hunter Classes to be judged on performance and soundness unless otherwise noted. The last class is under saddle. DIVISION/CLASS SECTION CLASS DIVISION FEE CLASS FEE PRIZE MONEY PER CLASS REGULAR CONFORMATION HUNTER SECTION - FENCES 3'9" USEF “A” RATED Regular Conformation Hunters *41, 49, 50, 149, 150, 140 $300 $300 + $18 Handy class is 150. Model - Class 41 must be entered $100 US separately at a fee of $30. To be judged 70% on performance and 30% conformation. HIGH PERFORMANCE WORKING HUNTER SECTION - FENCES 4' - 4'6" USEF “A” RATED High Performance Working Hunters 51, 52, 151, 152,141 Handy class is 152 PERFORMANCE WORKING HUNTER SECTION - FENCES 3'6" USEF “A” RATED SPONSORED BY: ADVANCED ENERGY Performance Working Hunters 60, 61, 159, 160, 62 Handy class is 160 $350 $75 $400 $22.50 $100 US $230 $50 $100 + $15 $100 US GREEN WORKING HUNTER SECTION - USEF “A” RATED First Year Green Working Hunters 45, 46, 145, 146, 137 Handy class is 146 Second Year Green Working Hunters 47, 48, 147, 148, 139 Handy class is 148 GREEN CONFORMATION HUNTER SECTION, FENCES 3'6" - USEF “A” RATED Green Conformation Hunters $300 $300 $300 + $18 $100 US $300 + $18 $100 US *40, 43, 44, 143, 144, 138 $300 $300 + $18 Handy class is 144. *Model - Class 40 must be $100 US entered separately at a fee of $30. To be judged 70% performance and 30% on conformation. PRE-GREEN WORKING HUNTER SECTION - USEF “C” RATED Not to Jog Braiding Optional Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’ 54, 55, 154, 155, 58 $230 $50 $100 SPONSORED BY: EBERHARDS DAIRY Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’3” 56, 57, 156, 157, 59 $230 $50 $100 SPONSORED BY: STERLING ESSENTIALS USHJA PRE GREEN WORKING HUNTER CHALLENGE 158 $75 $750 Classes 155 & 157 will be the first round of the Challenge THOROUGHBRED WORKING HUNTER SECTION - USEF “C” RATED Not to Jog Braiding Optional TAKE 2 THOROUGHBRED WORKING HUNTERS 68, 69, 161, 162, 63 $230 $50 $150 PERFORMANCE WORKING HUNTER SECTION - FENCES 3'3" USEF “A” RATED SPONSORED BY: AVION WATER Performance Working Hunters 76, 77, 170, 171, 172 $230 $50 $100 + $15 Handy class is 171 $100 US AMATEUR OWNER HUNTER SECTION, FENCES 3'6" - USEF “A” RATED SPONSORED BY: LIGHTACRES - SUE LIGHTNER Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 18 - 35 392, 393, 531, 532, 398 $275 $250 + $16.50 Fences 3'6" Handy class is 393 $100 US Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 36 & Over 394, 395, 533, 534, 399 $275 $250 + $16.50 Fences 3'6" Handy class is 395. $100 US JUNIOR/ AMATEUR OWNER WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC 592 $100 $1000 SPONSORED BY: LIGHTACRES - SUE LIGHTNER Classes 532, 534 will be the first round of the Classic AMATEUR OWNER HUNTER SECTION, FENCES 3'3" - USEF “A” RATED SPONSORED BY: LIGHTACRES - SUE LIGHTNER Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 18 - 35 388, 389, 527, 528, 396 $275 $250 + $16.50 Fences 3'3" Handy class is 389 $100 US Amateur Owner Working Hunters, 36 & Over 390, 391, 529, 530, 397 $275 $250 + $16.50 Fences 3'3" Handy class is 391 $100 US JUNIOR/ AMATEUR OWNER WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC 592 $100 $1000 SPONSORED BY: LIGHTACRES - SUE LIGHTNER Classes 528, 530 will be the first round of the Classic - 37 - $10,000 USHJA INTERNATIONAL HUNTER DERBY 477 $325 $10,000 USHJA International Hunter Derby is open to all horses and riders. All riders will jump a course of at least ten fences 3'6" to 4', with a maximum of 50% of the jumps set at 3'6". There must be four 4'0" to 4'3" fences in the course, set as option jumps. The format of this class will be a two round hunter classic. Round 1 will be a hunter classic course. The top 12 will return for Round 2 which will be a handy hunter course. A jog will be held prior to Round 1. To be judged by two pairs of judges, judging independently. The Open Numerical Scoring System will be used. Bonus Points may be awarded in the Handy Hunter round for style and handiness. A maximum of 10 bonus points per team of judges may be awarded. Ribbons through 10th place will be awarded. Formal attire required. Riders must complete a USHJA Exhibitor Declaration Form. If the Exhibitor Declaration Form is not complete and submitted to the show office at the time of entry or at least one hour prior to the start of the class, riders will not receive points for their respective hunter divisions for the derb class. OPEN TO ALL HORSES ENTERED IN THE HORSE SHOW. $5,000 USHJA NATIONAL HUNTER DERBY 262 $250 $5,000 The USHJA National Hunter Derby is a two round hunter classic with round 1 being judged on performance, hunter pace and style, quality and substance, movement and brilliance. After each round additional points will be added with one point for each high option fence jumped without major fault (maximum of four points). In addition, after round 2, a maximum of 10 bonus points may be awarded by the judges to each horse/rider combination for handiness of round and brilliance of pace. The score will be announced separately and added to each rider's score. Fence heights will be 3'0" with four option fences set at 3'3" to 3'5". JUNIOR HUNTER SECTION, 3'6"- USEF “A” RATED Junior Working Hunters, Large, 15 & Under 402, 403, 537, 538, 410 $275 Junior Working Hunters, Large, 16 - 17 400, 401, 535, 536, 409 $275 Junior Working Hunters, Small, 15 & Under 406, 407, 541, 542, 412 $275 Junior Working Hunters, Small, 16 - 17 404, 405, 539, 540, 411 $275 Handy classes are 401, 403, 405, 407 592 $100 $250 + $15 $100 US $250 + $15 $100 US $250 + $15 $100 US $250 + $15 $100 US $1000 385, 386, 525, 526, 387 Handy class is 386 592 $250 + $15 $100 US $1000 JUNIOR/ AMATEUR OWNER WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC SPONSORED BY: LIGHTACRES - SUE LIGHTNER Classes 536,538, 540, 542 will be the first round of the Classic JUNIOR HUNTER SECTION, 3'3" - USEF “A” RATED Junior Working Hunters, 3'3" JUNIOR/ AMATEUR OWNER WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC SPONSORED BY: LIGHTACRES - SUE LIGHTNER Classes 526 will be the first round of the Classic MODIFIED JUNIOR/CHILD & AMATEUR/ADULT HUNTER SECTION Adult Amateur Working Hunters, 18 - 30 Adult Amateur Working Hunters, 31 - 39 Adult Amateur Working Hunters, 40 - 49 Adult Amateur Working Hunters, 50 & OVER ADULT AMATEUR WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC CHILDREN’S WORKING HUNTER SECTION - USEF “C” RATED - 38 - Braiding Optional $220 $50 Not to Jog 369, 370, 515, 516, 379 371, 372, 517, 518, 380 373, 374, 519, 520, 381 375, 376, 521, 522, 382 523 Children’s Working Hunters, 12 & Under Children’s Working Hunters, 13 - 14 Children’s Working Hunters, 15 - 17 CHILDREN'S WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC Classes 565, 567 & 569 will be the first round of the Classic $100 Not to Jog Modified Junior/Child & Amateur/Adult Working Hunter 245, 246, 383, 384, 247 Open to Junior/Child and Amateur/Adult Hunters. Fences 3’3” ADULT AMATEUR HUNTER SECTION - USEF “C” RATED $275 $230 $230 $230 $230 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $100 $100 $100 $100 $500 $230 $230 $230 $50 $50 $50 $50 $100 $100 $100 $500 Not to Jog 446, 447, 568, 569, 450 444, 445, 566, 567, 449 442, 443, 564, 565, 448 570 HUNTERS PONY HUNTER SECTION - USEF “A” RATED Small Pony Hunters Medium Pony Hunters Large Pony Hunters 415, 420, 421, 545, 546, 430 $250 $200 416, 422, 423, 547, 548, 429 $250 $200 417, 426, 427, 551, 552, 428 $250 $200 Model - Classes 415, 416, 417 must be entered $100 US separately at a fee of $30. Conformation classes are:420,422, 426 Handy classes are 421, 423, 427 PONY WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC SPONSORED BY: RED GATE FARM Classes 546, 548 & 552 will be the first round of the Classic 553 $50 $500 GREEN PONY HUNTER SECTION - USEF “A” RATED Small/Medium Green Pony Hunters Large Green Pony Hunters 413, 418, 419, 543, 544, 431 $230 $100 414, 424, 425, 549, 550, 432 $230 $100 * Model - Classes 413, 414 must be entered separately at a fee of $30. Conformation classes are 418, 424 CHILDREN’S PONY HUNTER SECTION - USEF “C” RATED Not to jog Children’s Pony Working Hunters CHILDREN"S PONY WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC Class 555 will be the first round of the Classic 433, 434, 554, 555, 435 556 Braiding Optional SHORT AND LONG STIRRUP WORKING HUNTER SECTION Short Stirrup Working Hunters, Horses, 17 & Under 456, 457, 574, 575, 458 Fences 2’3” Riders may not cross enter into any classes except Short Stirrup Hunters, Ponies, Short Stirrup Equitation & Low Hunters SHORT STIRRUP WORKING HUNTER, HORSES CLASSIC 576 Classes 575 will be the first round of the Classic Short Stirrup Working Hunters, Ponies, 17 & Under 452, 453, 571, 572, 454 Fences 18” Riders may not cross enter into any classes except Short Stirrup Hunters, Horses, Short Stirrup Equitation & Low Hunter SHORT STIRRUP WORKING HUNTER,PONIES CLASSIC 573 Classes 572 will be the first round of the Classic Long Stirrup Working Hunters, Horses, 18 & Over 460, 461, 577, 578, 462 Fences 2’3” Riders may not cross enter into any classes except Long Stirrup Equitation & Low Hunter LONG STIRRUP WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC 579 Class 578 will be the first round of the Classic $230 $50 $50 Not to Jog $230 $50 $50 $230 $50 $230 $300 $50 $50 LOW CHILDREN’S & ADULT WORKING HUNTER SECTION Riders may not cross enter into rated sections and/or classes with fences 3’ or higher. Fences 2'9" Low Children’s Working Hunters 440, 441, 561, 562, 558 $230 LOW CHILDREN'S WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC 563 Class 562 will be the first round of the Classic Low Adult Working Hunters 437, 438, 559, 560, 557 $230 LOW ADULT WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC 593 Class 560 will be the first round of the Classic - 39 - $300 $50 Braiding Optional Not to Jog PRE-CHILDREN’S & ADULT WORKING HUNTER SECTION Riders may not cross enter into rated sections and/or classes with fences 3’ or higher. Fences 2'6" Pre-Children’s Working Hunters 468, 469, 583, 584, 470 $230 $50 PRE-CHILDREN'S WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC 585 $50 Class 584 will be the first round of the Classic Pre-Adult Working Hunters 464, 465, 580, 581, 466 $230 $50 PRE-ADULT WORKING HUNTER CLASSIC 582 $50 Classe 581 will be the first round of the Classic Braiding is Optional Not to Jog NON-RATED HUNTER SECTIONS Non-Thoroughbred Working Hunters, Fences 3’ 70, 71, 164, 165, 64 Small Working Hunters, Fences 3’ 72, 73, 166, 167, 65 Open to horses 16 hands and under. Large Working Hunters, Fences 3’ 74, 75, 168, 169, 66 Open to horses over 16 hands $100 $300 $300 $300 $300 $50 $50 $50 $50 $230 $230 $50 $50 $230 $50 $300 $300 HUNTERS Baby Green Working Hunters, Fences 2’6” Open to horses & ponies in their first year of showing (after October 1 of the previous year) SPONSORED BY: JESSIE LANG Just A Working Hunter, Fences 2’6” Open to horses and ponies. Schooling Working Hunters, Fences 2’3” Open to horses and ponies. SPONSORED BY: JTS ANIMAL BEDDING Wishful Working Hunters Open to horses and ponies. May be shown at either a trot or canter. Fences 18" Training Working Hunters, Fences 2’ Open to horses and ponies Young Working Hunters, Fences 2' Open to horses 5 years old and younger LOW WORKING HUNTER SECTION 93, 94, 186, 187, 190 $230 $50 95, 96, 188, 189, 191 $230 $50 90, 91, 182, 183, 184 $230 $50 79, 80, 174, 175, 81 $230 $50 83, 84, 177, 178, 87 $230 $50 85, 86, 179, 180, 88 $230 $50 Braiding Optional Low Working Hunters, Fences 3’ Low Working Hunters, Fences 2’3” Low Working Hunters, Fences 3’6” Low Working Hunters, Fences 2’ Low Working Hunters, Fences 2’6” Low Working Hunters, Fences 2’9” Low Working Hunters, Fences 18” $100 Not to Jog 53, 67, 153, 161 89, 181, 295, 299, 455, 459 42, 142 82, 176, 92, 185, 303, 307, 463, 467 270, 274, 436, 439 78, 173, 291, 451 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 EQUITATION SECTIONS Exhibitors must show in the Equitation Sections that correspond with their Hunter Sections Last class Not to Jump Pony Equitation 263, 264, 266 $50 Children’s Pony Equitation 267, 268, 269 $50 Short Stirrup (Horses) Equitation, Fences 2’3” 296, 297, 298 $50 Short Stirrup (Ponies) Equitation, Fences 18” 292, 293, 294 $50 Long Stirrup Equitation, Fences 2’3” 300, 301, 302 $50 Adult Amateur Equitation, 18 - 30, Fences 3’ 250, 251, 258 $50 Adult Amateur Equitation, 31 - 39, Fences 3’ 252, 253, 259 $50 Adult Amateur Equitation, 40 - 49, Fences 3’ 254, 255, 260 $50 Adult Amateur Equitation, 50 & Over, Fences 3’ 256, 257, 261 $50 Equitation, 16 - 17, Fences 3’ 278, 279, 286 $50 Equitation, 14 - 15, Fences 3’ 280, 281, 287 $50 Equitation, 12 - 13, Fences 3’ 282, 283, 288 $50 Equitation, 11 & Under, Fences 2'6" 284, 285, 289 $50 Pre-Children’s Equitation, Fences 2’6” 308, 309, 310 $50 Pre-Adult Equitation, Fences 2’6” 304, 305, 306 $50 Low Children’s Equitation, Fences 2’9” 275, 276, 277 $50 Low Adult Equitation, Fences 2’9” 271, 272, 273 $50 Limit Adult Equitation, Fences 2’6" 39, 136, 244, 368, 514 $25 Novice Adult Equitation, Fences 2’3" 37, 134, 242, 366, 512 $25 Maiden Adult Equitation, Fences 2’ 35, 132, 240, 364, 510 $25 Limit Children's Equitation, Fences 2’6 38, 135, 243, 367, 513 $25 Novice Children's Equitation, Fences 2’3" 36, 133, 241, 365, 511 $25 Maiden Children's Equitation, Fences 2’ 34, 131, 239 363, 509 $25 Opportunity Walk Trot Equitation 311, 312, 471, 472, 586, 587 $25 Opportunity Walk Trot Obstacle Course 313, 314, 473, 474, 588, 589 $25 Opportunity Cross Rail Equitation 315, 316, 475, 476, 590, 591 $25 20% of your entries, etc. are tax deductible as a charitable contribution to J Bar J Youth Services - 40 - EQUITATION DIVISION EQUITATION AND MEDAL SECTION For specifications for Medal Classes please check with the horse show office. ARIAT National Adult Medal TAYLOR HARRIS Insurance Services (THIS) Children’s Medal PESSOA/U. S. Hunter Seat Medal ASPCA Horsemanship Class U. S. Adult Equitation Class NCEA Junior Medal MARSHALL & STERLING/U. S. Pony Medal Class Washington International Horse Show Equitation Classic Jumper Phase Washington International Horse Show Equitation Classic Hunter Phase Platinum Performance USEF Show Jumping Talent Search Class - *1 USHJA 3'3" Jumping Seat Medal PCHA "Victor Hugo Vidal" Adult Horsemanship Class Open to PCHA members 35 & Over, Fences 3' PCHA Horsemanship Class, 14 & Under, Fences 3' ONONDARKA Medal Open to riders 12 & under. Fences 3' Foxfield Medal Open to riders 12 & under. Fences 2'9" Foxfield Medal - PCHA Membership - Adults. Fences 3' Cloverleaf Medal - Fences 3' OHJA Junior Medal - Membership required OHJA Senior Medal - Membership required OHJA Children’s Medal - Membership required OHJA Adult Amateur Medal - Membership required OHJA Mini Medal - Membership required Lead Line Class 377 290 408 249 524 346 265 193 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 248 $50 317 192 378 $50 $50 $50 362 238 $50 $50 507 $50 506 359 360 361 236 237 508 482 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $15 HORSES ENTERING THE GROUNDS FOR THE OREGON HIGH DESERT CLASSICS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY DOCUMENTATION OF EQUINE INFLUENZA VIRUS (EIV) AND EQUINE HERPESVIRUS (EHV) VACCINATIONS WITHIN SIX MONTHS PRIOR TO ENTERING THE SHOW GROUNDS. 20% of your entries, etc. are tax deductible as a charitable contribution to J Bar J Youth Services - 41 - JUMPERS JUMPER DIVISION Ties for other than first place will be placed according to the time taken to complete the course. The jumping will be deter mined by drawing the horses names individually, starting with the first position and then working down. Championships will be decided on points. Time allowed will be based on a minimum speed of 382 yards per minute. Jumper Heights 0.70 m = Fences 2'3" in height 0.75 m = Fences 2'5" in height 0.80 m = Fences 2'7" in height 0.85 m = Fences 2'9" in height 0.90 m = Fences 2'11" in height DIVISION/CLASS 0.95 m = Fences 3'1" in height 1.00 m = Fences 3'3" in height 1.05 m = Fences 3'5" in height 1.10 m = Fences 3'7" in height 1.15 m = Fences 3'9" in height SECTION 1.20 m = Fences 3'11" in height 1.25 m = Fences 4'1" in height 1.30 m = Fences 4'3" in height 1.35 m = Fences 4'5" in height 1.40 m = Fences 4'7" in height CLASS 1.45 m = Fences 4'9" in height 1.50 m = Fences 4'11" in height 1.55 m = Fences 5'1" in height 1.60 m = Fences 5'3" in height CLASS FEE PRIZE MONEY PER CLASS AMATEUR OWNER/JUNIOR JUMPER SECTION Amateur-Owner/Junior Jumpers, 1.25m SPONSORED BY: DAVID ROBINSON FAMILY Amateur-Owner/Junior Jumper Classic, 1.25m SPONSORED BY: DAVID ROBINSON FAMILY YOUNG JUMPER CHAMPIONSHIPS YJC Five Year Old Qualifying Class, 1.15m YJC Five Year Old Qualifying Class, 1.15m YJC Six Year Old Qualifying Class, 1.25m YJC Six Year Old Qualifying Class, 1.25m YJC Seven Old Qualifying Class, 1.30m YJC Seven Old Qualifying Class, 1.30m PACIFIC NORTHWEST YOUNG JUMPERS PNW Four Year Old Class, 1.00m PNW Four Year Old Class, 1.00m PNW Five Year Old Class, 1.10m PNW Five Year Old Class, 1.10m PNW Six Year Old Class, 1.15m PNW Six Year Old Class, 1.15m PNW Seven Year Old Class, 1.20m PNW Seven Year Old Class, 1.20m CHILDREN’S / ADULT AMATEUR JUMPER SECTION Children’s Jumpers, 15 - 17, 1.10m Children’s Jumpers, 14 & Under, 1.10m Children’s Jumper Classic, 1.10m Adult Amateur Jumpers, 18 - 39, 1.10m Adult Amateur Jumpers, 40 & Over, 1.10m Adult Amateur Jumper Classic, 1.10m SPONSORED BY: DAVID ROBINSON FAMILY Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00m Children’s Jumpers, 1.00m Children/Adult Amateur Jumper Classic, 1.00m SPONSORED BY: VALOR FARM Adult Amateur Jumpers, 0.90m Children’s Jumpers, 0.90m Children/Adult Amateur Jumper Classic, 0.90m Modified Amateur/Junior Jumper, 1.15m SPONSORED BY: MORGAN CAPLANE EQUESTRIAN Modified Amateur/Junior Jumper Classic, 1.15m JUMPER SECTIONS 12, 109, 211 $70 $400 + $15 481 $125 $1000 + $40 197 321 201 322 202 323 $50 $75 $50 $75 $50 $75 223 339 194 318 195 319 198 320 Jumpers, 1.10m Jumpers, 1.15m Jumpers, 1.20m SPONSORED BY: DESCHUTES BREWERY Jumpers, 1.25m SPONSORED BY: DESCHUTES BREWERY Jumpers, 1.30m SPONSORED BY: LES SCHWAB TIRES Jumpers, 1.40m SPONSORED BY: LES SCHWAB TIRES - 42 - $500 $500 $500 $50 $60 $50 $60 $50 $60 $50 $60 $250 $250 $250 $250 9, 106, 208, 330 10, 107, 209, 331 478 7, 104, 206, 328 8, 105, 207, 329 479 $50 $50 $75 $50 $50 $75 20, 117, 221, 344, 492 21, 118, 222, 345, 493 594 $50 $50 $75 15, 112, 216, 336, 486 16, 113, 217, 337, 487 595 11, 108, 210, 332 $50 $50 $75 $50 480 $75 6, 103, 205, 327 1, 97, 196, 324 2, 98, 199, 325 $50 $65 $65 3, 99, 200, 326 $65 $250 + $20 4, 100, 203 $65 $250 + $20 5,101, 204 $100 $600 + $30 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $250 + $20 $250 + $20 JUMPERS SPECIAL CLASSES Jumpers, 1.45m 102 SPONSORED BY: LES SCHWAB TIRES Jumpers, 1.05m 22, 119, 224, 347, 494 Training Jumpers, 1.05m 23, 120, 225, 348, 495 Jumpers, 1.00m 18, 115, 219, 342, 490 Limit Jumpers, 1.00m 19, 116, 220, 343, 491 Open to horses and ponies that have not won 6 first place ribbons in the jumper division 340, 341 TAKE2 THOROUGHBRED JUMPERS, 1.00M 489 TAKE2 THOROUGHBRED JUMPER CLASSIC, 1.00M Jumpers, 0.90m 13, 110, 214, 334, 484 Special Jumpers, 0.90m 14, 111, 215, 335, 485 Pony Jumpers, 0.95m 17, 114, 218, 338 Pony Jumper Classic 488 Schooling Jumpers, 0.85m 33, 130, 235, 358, 505 Jumpers, 0.85m 32, 129, 234, 357, 504 Jumpers, 0.80m 30, 127, 232, 355, 502 SPONSORED BY JTS ANIMAL BEDDING Low Jumpers, 0.80m 31, 128, 233, 356, 503 Jumpers, 0.75m 28, 125, 230, 353, 500 Beginning Jumpers, 0.75m 29, 126, 231, 354, 501 Jumpers, 0.70m 26, 123, 228, 351, 498 Just a Jumper, 0.70m 27, 124, 229, 352, 499 Hopeful Jumpers, Fences 2’ 24, 121, 226, 349, 496 Wishful Jumpers, Fences 2’ 25, 122, 227, 350, 497 $125 $1000 + $40 $50 $50 $50 $50 $60 $60 $50 $50 $50 $60 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $250 $250 $300 SPECIAL CLASSES $1000 Ride, Drive & Drink Class 213 NO ENTRY FEE $1000 1.05m1.10m. Table 3. A team must consist of one person 21 years of age or older. Time runs from start of jumping until completion of last beer and crossing the finish line. Knockdowns and missing as obstacle will have 4 seconds added to their time. After jumping the course the team will proceed to the wheelbarrow part of the class. One person will wheel their partner through the obstacle course to a designated spot. One team member will drink a beer. The team will then switch positions and proceed to another designated spot where one of the team will drink another beer. Then the team will run through obstacles to the finish line. $2500 The Stirrup Cup, In Memory of Dina Happy, Mini Grand Prix 1.20m. Table II, Sec 2(a). To be eligible a horse must have been shown in at least one class in the Jumper Division. No cross entry with Class 333 . Nominating fee of $50 (non-refundable) is due by closing date of entries. Starting fee of $150 is due by 5 p.m. July 30, 2016. Total fee $200. Post entries in this class will be accepted until 5 p.m. July 30 at a penalty of $35. Total fee $235. $25,000 Sheri Allis Memorial Grand Prix Regional Standards. To be eligible a horse must have been shown in at least one class in the Jumper Division. Table II, Sec.2(a). Nominating Fee of $150 (non-refundable) is due by close of entries. Starting fee of $325 is due by 5 p.m. July 29, 2016. Total fee $475. Post entries in this class will be accepted until 5 p.m. July 29 , 2016 at a penalty of $75, making the total fee $550. 333 483 $200 $2500 $475 $25,000 Max von Zimmermann Perpetual Trophy April 13, 1929 - May 14, 2004 Max was a Northwest treasure for 35 years, competing in Hunters, Jumpers, and in the early years he rode cutting horses and Eventing. He devoted 25 years to breeding, and bred some of the top horses both on the West Coast and Nationally in the 1970's and 80's. 20% of your entries, etc. are tax deductible as a charitable contribution to J Bar J Youth Services - 43 - SCHEDULE OF EVENTS WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 2016 WEDNESDAY EQUUS TACK CARLSON SIGNS GRAND PRIX RING JUMPER RING 1 8:00 a.m. 1. Jumpers, 1.15m, ll.2.c. 2. Jumpers, 1.20m, ll.2.c. 3. Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.2.c. 4. Jumpers, 1.30m, ll.2.b. 5. Jumpers, 1.40m, ll.2.b. 6. Jumpers, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 7. Adult AmateurJumpers, 18-39, 1.10m, ll.2.b. 8. Adult AmateurJumpers, 40 & Over,1.10m,II.2.b. 9. Children’s Jumpers, 15-17, 1.10m, ll.2.b. 10. Children’s Jumpers, 14 & Under, 1.10m, ll.2.b. 11.Modified Amateur/ Junior Jumpers, 1.15m, ll.2.b. 12. Amateur Owner/Junior Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.2.b. :00 a.m. 8 13. Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b 14. Special Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 15. Adult Amateur Jump ers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 16. Children’s Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 17. Pony Jumpers, 0.95m, II.2.b. 18. Jumpers, 1.00m ll.2.b. 19. Limit Jumpers, 1.00m, ll.2.b 20. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00m, II.2.b 21. Children’s Jumpers, Low, 1.00m, II.2.b 22. Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.b. 23. Training Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.b. TRIPOWERALERON STELLAR CONSTRUCTION TRAINING STABLES SPORT HORSES JUMPER RING 2 HUNTER RING 1 HUNTER RING 2 8:00 a.m 24.Hopeful Jumpers, Fences 2’, IV.2.b.,Optimum Time 25.Wishful Jumpers, Fences 2’, IV.2.b. Optimum Time 26.Jumpers, 0.70m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 27.Just a Jumper, 0.70m,V.2.b., Optimum Time 28.Jumpers, 0.75m,IV.2.b., Optimum Time 29.Beginning Jumpers,0.75, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 30.Jumpers, 0.80m,IV.2.b., Optimum Time 31.Low Jumpers, 0.80m,IV.2.b., Optimum Time 32.Jumpers, 0.85m IV.2.b., Optimum Time 33.Schooling Jumpers, 0.85m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 34.Maiden Children's Equitation Over Jumps Fences 2' 35.Maiden Adult Equitation Over Jumps Fences 2' 36.Novice Children's Equitation Over Jumps Fences 2'3" 37.Novice Adult Equitation Over Jumps Fences 2'3" 38.Limit Children's Equiation Over Jumps Fences 2'6" 39.Limit Adult Equitation Over Jumps Fences 2'6" 7:45 a.m. 40. Green Conformation Hunters, Model 41. Regular Conformation Hunters, Model 42. Low Working Hunters, Fences 3’6” 43. Green Conformation Hunters 44. Green Conformation Hunters 45. 1st Year Green Working Hunters 46. 1st Year Green Working Hunters 47. 2nd Year Green Working Hunters 48. 2nd Year Green Working Hunters 49. Regular Conformation Hunters 50. Regular ConformationHunters 51. High Performance Working Hunters 52. High Performance Working Hunters 53. Low Working Hunters Fences 3' 54. Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’ 55. Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’ 56. Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’3” 57. Pre-Green Working Hunters, Fences 3’3” 58. Pre Green Working Hunter Under Saddle 3' 59. Pre Green Working Hunter Under Saddle 3'3" 60. Performance Working Hunters, Fences 3'6" 61. Performance Working Hunters, Fences 3'6" 62. Performance Working Hunters Under Saddle HUNTER RING 3 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 63. TAKE 2 Thoroughbred 78. Low Working Hunters, Working Hunters Fences 18" Under Saddle 79. Wishful Working Hunt64.Non-Thoroughbred ers Working Hunters 80. Wishful Working HuntUnder Saddle ers 65. Small Working Under 81. Wishful Working HuntSaddle ers Under Saddle 66. Large Working Hunt- 82. Low Working Hunters, ers Under Saddle Fences 2' 67. Low Working Hunters, 83. Training Working Fences 3’ Hunters, 68. TAKE 2 Thoroughbred 84. Training Working Working Hunters Hunters 69. TAKE 2 Thoroughbred 85. Young Working HuntHunters ers 70.Non-Thoroughbred 86. Young Working HuntWorking Hunters ers 71.Non-Thoroughbred 87. Training Working Working Hunters Hunters Under Saddle 72. Small Working Hunt- 88. Young Working Hunters ers Under Saddle 73. Small Working Hunt- 89. Low Working Hunters, ers Fences 2’3” 74. Large Working Hunt- 90. Schooling Working ers Hunters 75. Large Working Hunt- 91. Schooling Working ers Hunters 76. Performance Working 92. Low Working Hunters, Fences 3'3" Hunters,Fences 2’6” 77. Performance Working 93. Baby Green Working Hunters, Fences 3'3" Hunters 94. Baby Green Working Hunters 95. Just A Working Hunter 96. Just A Working Hunter 20% of your entries, etc. are tax deductible as a charitable contribution to J Bar J Youth Services - 44 - THURSDAY EQUUS TACK CARLSON SIGNS GRAND PRIX RING JUMPER RING 1 8:00 a.m. 97. Jumpers, 1.15m, ll.2.c. 98. Jumpers, 1.20m, ll.2.c. 99. Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.2.c. 100. Jumpers, 1.30m, ll.2.b 101. Jumpers, 1.40m, ll.2.b. 102. Jumpers, 1.45m, ll.2.b. 103. Jumpers, 1.10m, ll 1. 104. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 18-39, 1.10m, ll.2.c 105. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 40 & Over, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 106. Children’s Jumpers, 15 - 17, 1.10m, ll.2.c 107. Children’s Jumpers, 14 & Under, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 108. Modified Amateur/ Junior Jumpers, 1.15m, II.2.b. 109. Amateur Owner/ Junior Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.2.b. TRIPOWERALERON STELLAR CONSTRUCTION TRAINING STABLES SPORT HORSES JUMPER RING 2 HUNTER RING 1 HUNTER RING 2 8:00 a.m. 110. Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 111. Special Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 112.Adult Amateur Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 113.Children’s Jumpers, 0.90m, II.2.b. 114. Pony Jumpers, 0.95m. II 2.b 115.Jumpers, 1.00m, II 2.c 116.Limit Jumpers, 1.00m, II.2.c 117. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00, II 2.c 118.Children’s Jumpers, 1.00m, II 2.c 119.Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.c. 120.Training Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.c. 97 8:00 a.m. 121. Hopeful Jumpers, Fences 2’, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 122. Wishful Jumpers, Fences 2’,IV.2.b., Optimum Time 123. Jumpers, 0.70m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 124. Just a Jumper,0.70m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 125. Jumpers, 0.75m, IV.2.b., Optimum Time 126. Beginning Jumpers, 0.75, IV.2.b., OptimumTime 127. Jumpers, 0.80m, II.2.b. 128. Low Jumpers, 0.80m, II.2.b. 129.Jumpers, 0.85m II.2.b. 130.SchoolingJumpers 0.85m, II.2.b., 131. Maiden Children's Equitation Over Jumps Fences 2' 132. Maiden Adult Equi tation Over Jumps Fences 2' 133. Novice Children's Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2' 3" 134. Novice Adult Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2' 3" 135. Limit Children's Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2'6" 136. Limit Adult Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2'6" 8:00 a.m. 137. First Year Green Working Hunter Under Saddle 138. Green Conformation Hunter Under Saddle 139. Second Year Green Working Hunter Under Saddle 140. Regular Conforma - tion Hunter Under Saddle 141. High Performance Working Hunter Under Saddle 142. Low Working Hunter Fences 3’6” 143. Green Conformation Hunter 144. Green Conformation Hunter, Handy 145. First Year Green Working Hunter 146. First Year Green Working Hunter, Handy 147. Second Year Green Working Hunter 148. Second Year Green Working Hunter, Handy 149. Regular Conformation Hunter 150. Regular Conformation Hunter, Handy 151. High Performace Working Hunter 152. High Performance Hunter, Handy 153. Low Working Hunter Fences 3’ 154. Pre Green Working Hunter, Fences 3’ 155. Pre Green Working Hunter, Fences 3’ 156. Pre Green Working Hunter, Fences 3’3” 157. Pre Green Working Hunter, Fences 3’3” 158. USJHA PRE GREEN HUNTER CHALLENGE 159. Performance Working Hunter, Fences 3'6" 160. Performance Working Hunters, Handy Fences 3'6" J Bar J Boys Ranch 62895 Hamby Road Bend, OR 97701 www.jbarj.org Hamby SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 20 - 45 - 8:00 a.m. 161. Low Working Hunter Fences 3’ 162. TAKE 2 Thoroughbred Working Hunter 163. TAKE 2 Thoroughbred Working Hunter 164. Non Thoroughbred Working Hunter 165. Non Thoroughbred Working Hunter 166. Small Working Hunter 167. Small Working Hunter 168. Large Working Hunter 169. Large Working Hunter 170.Performance Working Hunters, Fences 3'3" 171.Performance Working Hunters, Handy, Fences 3'3" 172.Performance Working Hunters Under Saddle.3'3" HUNTER RING 3 8:00 a.m. 173. Low Working Hunter, Fences 18" 174. Wishful Working Hunter 175. Wishful Working Hunter 176. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’ 177. Training Working Hunter 178. Training Working Hunter 179. Young Working Hunter 180. Young Working Hunter 181. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’3” 182. Schooling Working Hunter 183. Schooling Working Hunter 184. Schooling Working Hunters Under Saddle 185. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’6” 186. Baby Green Working Hunter 187. Baby Green Working Hunter 188. Just A Working Hunter 189. Just A Working Hunter 190. Baby Green Working Hunters Under Saddle 191. Just A Working Hunter Under Saddle SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2016 FRIDAY EQUUS TACK CARLSON SIGNS GRAND PRIX RING JUMPER RING 1 7:30 a.m. 192. USHJA 3'3" Jumping Seat Medal 193. Washington Intertional Horse Show Equitation Class 194. PNW Five Year Old Class, 1.10m, 11.2.b 195. PNW Six Year Old Class, 1.15m, ll.2.b 196. Jumpers, 1.15m, ll.2.b 197. YJC 5 Year Old, 1.15m, ll.1 198. PNW Seven Year Old ClaSS 1.20m ll.2.b 199. Jumpers, 1.20m, ll.2.b 200. Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.2.b 201. YJC 6 Year Old, 1.25m, ll.2.b. 202. YJC 7 Year Old, 1.30m, ll.2.b. 203. Jumpers, 1.30m, ll.1. 204. Jumpers, 1.40m, ll.1. 205. Jumpers, 1.10m, ll.1. 206. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 18-39, 1.10m, ll.1. 207. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 40 & Over, 1.10m, ll.1. 208. Children’s Jumpers, 15 -17, 1.10m, ll.1. 209. Children’s Jumpers, 14 & Under,1.10m, ll.1. 210. ModifiedAmateur/ Junior Jumpers, 1.15m, ll.1. 211. Amateur-Owner/ Junior Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.1. 213. RIDE DRIVE DRINK CLASS 8:00 a.m. 214.Jumpers, 0.90m, ll,2,c 215.Special Jumpers, 0.90m, ll,2,c 216.Adult Amateur Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.c 217.Children’s Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.c 218.Pony Jumpers, 0.95m, II 2.c. 219. Jumpers, 1.00m, II.2.b 220. Limit Jumpers, 1.00m, II.2.b 221. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00m, ll.2.b 222. Children’s Jumpers, 1.00m, 11.2.b 223. PNW Four Year Old Class, 1.00m, ll.2.b 224.Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.b. 225.Training Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.2.b. TRIPOWERALERON STELLAR CONSTRUCTION TRAINING STABLES SPORT HORSES JUMPER RING 2 HUNTER RING 1 HUNTER RING 2 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 245. Modified Junior/ 226. Hopeful Jumpers, Child & Amateur/ Fences 2’, II.2.b., Adult 227. Wishful Jumpers, Working Hunter Fences 2’,II.2.b., 246. Modified Junior/ 228. Jumpers, 0.70m, Child & Amateur/ II.2.b. Adult 229. Just a Jumper, Working Hunter 0.70m,II.2.b., 247. Modified Junior/ 230. Jumpers, 0.75m, Child & Amateur/ II.2.b. Working Hunter Adult 231. Beginning Jumpers, Under Saddle 0.75, II.2.b. 232. Jumpers, 0.80m, 248. Washington International II.2.b. Horse Show 233. Low Jumpers, Equitation Class 0.80m, II.2.b. 249. ASPCA 334. Jumpers, 0.85m Horsemanship II.2.b. Class 235. Schooling Jumpers, 250. Adult Amateur 0.85m, II.2.b., Equitation Over Jumps, 18-30 236. OHJA Children’s 251. Adult Amateur Medal Equitation Over 237. OHJA Adult Amateur Jumps, 18-30 Medal 252. Adult Amateur 238. Onondarka Medal Equitation Over 239. Maiden Children's Jumps, 31 - 39 Equitation Over 253. Adult Amateur Jumps, Fences 2' Equitation Over 240. Maiden Adult Equi Jumps, 31 - 39 tation Over Jumps 254. Adult Amateur Fences 2' Equitation Over Jumps, 40-49 241. Novice Children's Equitation Over 255. Adult Amateur Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2'3" Jumps, 40-49 242. Novice Adult Equitation Over 256. Adult Amateur Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2'3" Jumps, 50 & over 243. Limit Children's 257. Adult Amateur Equitation Over Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2'6" Jumps, 50 & over 244 Limit Adult 258. Adult Amateur Equitation, Not to Equitation Over Jump, 18-30 Jumps, Fences 2'6" 259. Adult Amateur Equitation, Not to Jump, 31-39 260. Adult Amateur Equitation, Not to Jump, 40-49 261. Adult Amateur Equitation, Not to Jump, 50 & Over 262. USHJA NATIONALHUNTER DERBY 8:00 a.m. 263. Pony Equitation Over Jumps 264. Pony Equitation Over Jumps 265. MARSHALL & STERLING/U.S. Pony Medal 266. Pony Equitation Not to Jump 267. Children's Pony Equitation Over Jumps 268. Children’s Pony Equitation Over Jumps 269. Children’s Pony Equitation, Not to Jump 270. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’9” 271. Low Adult Equitation Over Jumps 272. Low Adult Equitation Over Jumps 273. Low Adult Equitation Not to Jump 274. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’9” 275. Low Children's Equitation Over Jumps 276. Low Children's Equitation Over Jumps 277. Low Children's Equitation, Not to Jump 278. Equitation Over Jumps, 16-17 279. Equitation Over Jumps, 16-17 280. Equitation OverJumps, 14-15 281. Equitation OverJumps, 14-15 282. Equitation OveJumps, 12 - 13 283. Equitation OveJumps, 12 - 13 284. Equitation OveJumps, 11 & Under 285. Equitation OveJumps, 11 & Under 286. Equitation Not to Jump, 16-17 287. Equitation Not to Jump, 14-15 288. Equitation Not to Jump, 12 - 13 289. Equitation Not to Jump, 11 & Under 290. Taylor Harris Insurance Services Children's Medal HUNTER RING 3 8:00 a.m. 291. Low Working Hunter, Fences 18” 292. Short Stirrup Equitation Over Jumps(Ponies) 293. Short Stirrup Equitation Over Jumps(Ponies) 294. Short Stirrup Equitation Not to Jump(Ponies) 295. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’3” 296. Short Stirrup Equitation Over Jumps(Horses) 297. Short Stirrup Equitation Over Jumps(Horses) 298. Short Stirrup Equitation Not to Jump(Horses) 299. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’3” 300. Long Stirrup Equitation Over Jumps 301. Long Stirrup Equitation Over Jumps 302. Long Stirrup Equitation Not to Jump 303. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’6” 304. Pre Adult Equitation Over Jumps 305. Pre Adult Equitation Over Jumps 306. Pre Adult Equitation Not to Jump 307. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’6” 308. Pre Children's Equitation Over Jumps 309. Pre Children's Equitation Over Jumps 310. Pre Children's Equitation, Not to Jump 311. Opportunity Walk / Trot Equitation 312. Opportunity Walk / Trot Equitation 313. Opportunity Walk / Trot Obstacle Course 314. Opportunity Walk / Trot Obstacle Course 315. Opportunity Cross Rail Equitation 316. OpportunityCross Rail Equitation 20% of your entries, etc. are tax deductible as a charitable contribution to J Bar J Youth Services - 46 - SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 286. SATURDAY, JULY 30, 2016 SATURDAY EQUUS TACK CARLSON SIGNS GRAND PRIX RING JUMPER RING 1 7:30 a.m. 317.Platinum Performance USEF Show Jumping Talent Search 1* 318. PNW Five Year Old Class, 1.10m, ll.2.b 319. PNW Six Year Old Class, 1.15m, ll.2.b 320. PNW Seven Year Old Class, 1.20m, ll.2.b 321. YJC 5 year old, 1.15m, II.2.b 322. YJC 6 Year Old, 1.25m, ll.2.b. 323. YJC 7 Year Old, 1.30m, ll.2.b. 324. Jumpers, 1.15m, ll.1 325. Jumpers, 1.20m, ll.1. 326. Jumpers, 1.25m, ll.1 327. Jumpers, 1.10m, ll.2.c 328. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 18-39, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 329. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 40 & Over, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 330. Children’s Jumpers, 15-17, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 331. Children’s Jumpers, 14 & Under, 1.10m, ll.2.c. 332 .Modified Amateur,Junior Jumpers,1.15m, ll.2.c 5:30 p.m. 333. $25,000 Sheri Allis Memorial Grand Prix 8:00 a.m. 334. Jumpers, 0.90m8 ll,2,b 335. Special Jumpers, 0.90m, ll,2,b 336. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.b 337. Children’s Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.b 338. Pony Jumpers, 0.95m, II. 2.b 339. PNW Four Year Old Class, 1.00m, ll.2.b 340. TAKE 2 Thoroughbred Jumpers, 1.00m, II.2.b 341. TAKE2 Thoroughbred Jumpers, 1.00m II.1 342. Jumpers, 1.00m, II 1 343. Limit Jumpers, 1.00m, II.1 344. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00m, ll.1 345. Children’s Jumpers, 1.00m, II.1 346. NCEA Junior Medal 347. Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.1 348. Training Jumpers, 1.05m, ll.1 TRIPOWERALERON CONSTRUCTION TRAINING STABLES JUMPER RING 2 HUNTER RING 1 8:00 a.m. 349. Hopeful Jumpers, Fences 2’, II.2.b. 350. Wishful Jumpers, Fences 2’,II.2.b., 351. Jumpers, 0.70m, ll.2.b. 352. Just a Jumper, 0.70m, ll.2.b. 353. Jumpers, 0.75m, 11.2.b 354. Beginning Jumpers, 0.75, ll.2.b. 355. Jumpers, 0.80m, ll.2.c. 356. Low Jumpers, 0.80m, ll.2.c. 357.Jumpers,0.85m,II.2.c., 358.Schooling Jumpers, 0.85m, II.2.c., 359 Cloverleaf Medal 360.OHJA Junior Medal 361.OHJA Senior Medal 362.PCHA Horsemanship Class, 14 & Under 363. Maiden Children's Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2' 364. Maiden Adult Equi tation Over Jumps Fences 2' 365. Novice Children's Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2' 3" 366. Novice Adult Equitation Over Jumps, Fences 2' 3" 367. Limit Children's Equitation Over Fences 2'6" 368. Limit Adult Equitation Over Fences 2'6' ALERON TRAINING STABLES HUNTER RING1 CONT. 400. Junior Working Hunter Large,16-17 401. Junior Working Hunter Large, Handy,16-17 402. Junior Working Hunter Large,15 & Under 403. Junior Working Hunter Large, Handy 15 & Under 404. Junior Working Hunter Small, 16-17 405. Junior Working Hunter Small, Handy,16-17 406. Junior Working Hunter Small, 15 & Under 407. Junior Working Hunter Small,Handy15 & Under 408. PESSOA / U. S. Hunter Seat Medal 409. Junior Working Hunter Large,16-17 US 410. Junior Working Hunter Large, 15 & Under US 411. Junior Working Hunter Small, 16-17 US 412. Junior Working Hunter Small, 15 & Under US - 47 - 8:00 A.M. 369. Adult Amateur Working Hunter 18-30 370. Adult Amateur Working Hunter 18-30 371. Adult Amateur Working Hunter 31-39 372. Adult Amateur Working Hunter 31-39 373. Adult Amateur Working Hunter 40-49 374. Adult Amateur Working Hunter 40-49 375. Adult Amateur Working Hunter 50++ 376. Adult Amateur Working Hunter 50++ 377 . Ariat National Adult Medal 378. PCHA "Victor Hugo Vidal" Adult Horsemanship Class 379. Adult Amateur Working Hunters Under Saddle, 18-30 380. Adult Amateur Working Hunters Under Saddle, 31-39 381. Adult Amateur Working Hunters Under Saddle, 40-49 382. Adult Amateur Working Hunters Under Saddle, 50 & Over 383. Modified Junior/ Child & Amateur/ Adult Working Hunter 384. Modified Junior/Child & Amateur/Adult Working Hunter 385. Junior Working Hunter, 3'3" 386. Junior Working Hunter,3'3", Handy 387. Junior Working Hunter, 3'3" US 388. Amateur Owner Working Hunter, 18 -35, 3'3" 389. Amateur Owner Working Hunter, Handy, 18 - 35, 3'3" 390. Amateur Owner Working Hunter, 36 & Over, 3'3" 391. Amateur Owner Working Hunter, Handy, 36 & Over, 3'3" 392. Amateur Owner Working Hunter 18-35 393. Amateur Owner Working Hunter Handy, 18 35 394. Amateur Owner Working Hunter 36 & Over 395. Amateur Owner Working Hunter Handy, 36 & Over 396. Amateur Owner Working Hunter Under Saddle, 18 - 35, 3'3" 397. Amateur Owner Working Hunter Under Saddle, 36 & Over, 3'3" 398. Amateur Owner Working Hunter Under Saddle, 18-35 399. Amateur Owner Working Hunter Under Saddle, 36 & Over. STELLAR SPORT HORSES HUNTER RING 2 8:00 a.m. 413. Green Small/Medium Pony Model Hunter 414. Green Large Pony Model Hunter 415. Small Pony Model Hunter 416. Medium Pony Model Hunter 417. Large Pony Model Hunter 418. Green Small/Medium Pony Conformation Hunter 419. Green Small/MediumPony Working Hunter 420. Small Pony Conformation Hunter 421. Small Pony Working Hunter, Handy 422. Medium Pony Conformation Hunter 423. Medium Pony Working Hunte Handy 424. Green Large Pony Conformation Hunter 425. Green Large Pony Working Hunter 426. Large Pony Conformation Hunter 427. Large Pony Working Hunter, Handy 428. Large Pony Working Hunter Under Saddle 429. Medium Pony Working Hunter Under Saddle 430. Small Pony Working Hunter Under Saddle 431. Green Small/Medium Pony Working Hunter Under Saddle 432. Green Large Pony Working Hunter Under Saddle 433. Children’s Pony Working Hunter 434. Children’s Pony Working Hunter 435. Children’s Working Hunter Pony Under Saddle 436. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’9” 437. Low Adult Working Hunter 438. Low Adult Working Hunter 439. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’9” 440. Low Children’s Working Hunter 441. Low Children’s Working Hunter 442. Children’s Working Hunter, 15-17 443. Children’s Working Hunter, 15-17 444. Children’s Working Hunter, 13-14 445. Children’s Working Hunter, 13-14 HUNTER RING 3 8:00 a.m. 451. Low Working Hunter, Fences 18” 452. Short Stirrup Working Hunter, Ponies 453. Short Stirrup Working Hunter, Ponies 454. Short Stirrup Working Hunter Under Saddle(Ponies) 455. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’3” 456. Short Stirrup Working Hunter, Horses 457. Short Stirrup Working Hunter, Horses 458. Short Stirrup Working Hunters Under Saddle(Horses) 459. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’3” 460. Long Stirrup Working Hunter 461. Long Stirrup Working Hunter 462. Long Stirrup Working Hunters UnderSaddle 463. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’6” 464. Pre Adult Working Hunter 465. Pre Adult Working Hunter 466. Pre Adult WorkingHunterUnder Saddle 467. Low Working Hunter, Fences 2’6” 468. Pre Children’s Working Hunter 469. Pre Children’s Working Hunter 470. Pre Children’s Working Hunter Under Saddle 471. Opportunity Walk / Trot Equitation 472. Opportunity Walk / Trot Equitation 473. Opportunity Walk / Trot Obstacle Course 474. Opportunity Walk / Trot Obstacle Course 475. Opportunity Cross Rail Equitation 476. OpportunityCross Rail Equitation STELLAR SPORT HORSES HUNTER RING 2 CONT. 446. Children’s Working Hunter, 12 & Under 447. Children’s Working Hunter, 12 & Under 448. Children’s Working Hunter Under Saddle, 15-17 449. Children’s Working Hunter Under Saddle, 13-14 450. Children’s Working Hunter Under Saddle, 12 & Under SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SUNDAY JULY 31, 2016 SUNDAY EQUUS TACK CARLSON SIGNS GRAND PRIX RING JUMPER RING 1 TRIPOWERALERON STELLAR CONSTRUCTION TRAINING STABLES SPORT HORSES JUMPER RING 2 HUNTER RING 1 HUNTER RING 2 8:00 a.m. 484. Jumpers, 0.90m, ll,2,b 477. USHJA INTERNA485. Special Jumpers, TIONAL HUNTER 0.90m, ll,2, b DERBY 486. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.b 478. Children’s Jumper Classic, 1.10m, ll,2a/b 487. Children’s Jumpers, 0.90m, ll.2.b 479. Adult Amateur 595. Children/Adut Ama Jumper Classic, teur Jumper Classic, 1.10m, ll, 2 a/b 0.90m, II.2.b 480. Modified Amateur/ Junior Jumper Clas- 488. Pony Jumper Classic, 0.95m, II.2.a/b sic, 1.15m, ll,2.a/b 481. Amatuer Owner /Ju- 489. TAKE 2 Thoroughbred nior Jumper Classic, Jumper Classic 1.25m ll,2. a/b 1.00m, II.2.a/b 482. Lead Line Class 490. Jumpers, 1.00m, 483. $2500 Mini Grand II 2.b Prix 491. Limit Jumpers, 1.00m, II.2.b 492. Adult Amateur Jumpers, 1.00m, ll.2.b 493. Children’s Jumpers, 1.00m, 11.2.b 594. Children/Adut Amateur Jumper Classic, 1.00m, II.2.b 494. Jumpers, 1.05m, 8:00 a.m. After the conclusion of After the conclusion of 496. Hopeful Jumpers, Class 477 Class 477 Fences 2’,II.2.b., 515. Adult Amateur 543 Green Small/Mediu497. Wishful Jumpers, Working Hunter Pony Working Hunter Fences 2’, II.2.b., 18-30 544. Green Small/Me498. Jumpers, 0.70m, 516. Adult Amateur dium Pony Working ll.2.b. Working Hunter Hunter 499. Just a Jumper, 18-30 545. Small Pony Working 0.70m, ll.2.b. 517. Adult Amateur Hunter 500. Jumpers, 0.75m, Working Hunter, 546. Small Pony Working ll.2.b. 31-39 Hunter 501. Beginning Jumpers, 518. Adult Amateur 547. Medium Pony 0.75, ll.2.b. Working Hunter, Working Hunter 502. Jumpers, 0.80m, 31-39 548. Medium Pony ll.2.b. 519. Adult Amateur Working Hunter 503. Low Jumpers, 0.80m, Working Hunter 549. Green Large Pony ll.2.b. 40-49 Working Hunter 504. Jumpers, 0.85m, 520. Adult Amateur 550. Green Large Working II.2.b. Working Hunter Hunter 505. Schooling Jumpers, 40-49 551. Large Pony Working 0.85m, II.2.b., 521. Adult Amateur Hunter 506.Foxfield Medal, Working Hunter 552. Large Pony Working Adult 50 & over Hunter 507.Foxfield Medal 522. Adult Amateur 553. Pony Working Hunter 12 & Under Working Hunter Classic 508. OHJA Mini Medal 50 & over 554. Children's Pony 509. Maiden Children's 523. Adult Amateur WorkWorking Hunter Equitation Overing Hunter Classic 555. Children's Pony Jumps Fences 2' 524. U. S. Adult Working Hunter 510. Maiden Adult Equi- Equitation Class 556. Children's Pony tation Over Jumps 525. Junior Working Working Hunter Fences 2' Hunter, 3'3" Classic 511. Novice Children's 526. Junior Working 557. Low Adult Working Equitation Over Hunter,3'3" Hunter Under Jumps, Fences 2' 3" 527. Amateur Owner Saddle 512. Novice Adult Working Hunter, 558. Low Children’s Equitation Over 18 - 35, 3'3" Working Hunter Jumps, Fences 2' 3" 528. Amateur Owner Under Saddle 513. Limit Children's Working Hunter, 559. Low Adult Working Equitation Over 18 - 35, 3'3" Hunter Jumps, Fences 2' 6" 529. Amateur Owner 560. Low Adult Working 514. Limit Adult Equita Working Hunter, Hunter tion Over Jumps, 36 & Over, 3'3" 593. Low Adult Working Fences 2'6" 530. Amateur Owner Hunter Classic Working Hunter, 561. Low Children's 36 & Over, 3'3" Working Hunter 531. Amateur Owner 562. Low Children's Working Hunter, Working Hunter 18-35 563. Low Children's 532. Amateur Owner Working Working Hunter Hunter Classic 18-35 564. Children’s Working 533. Amateur Owner Hunter, 15-17 Working Hunter 565. Children’s Working 36 & Over Hunter, 15-17 534. Amateur Owner 566. Children’s Working Working Hunter Hunter, 13-14 36 & Over 567. Children’s Working 535. Junior Working Hunter, 13-14 Hunter Large,16 -17 568. Children’s Working 536. Junior Working Hunter, 12 & Under Hunter Large, 16 -17 569. Children’s Working 537 .Junior Working Hunter, 12 & Under Hunter Large, 570. Children's Working 15 & Under Hunter Classic 538. Junior Working Hunter Large 15 & Under 539. Junior Working Hunter Small, 16 - 17 540. Junior Working Hunter Small, 16 - 17 541. Junior Working Hunter Small, 15 & Under 542. Junior Working Hunter,Small, 15 & Under 592. Junior/Amateur Owner Hunter Classic 8:00 a.m. - 48 - HUNTER RING 3 After the conclusion of Class 477 571. Short Stirrup Woring Hunter, Ponies 572. Short Stirrup Woring Hunter, Ponies 573. Short Stirrup Working Hunter Classic Ponies 574. Short Stirrup Working Hunter, Horses 575. Short Stirrup Working Hunter, Horses 576. Short Stirrup Working Hunter Classic Horses 577. Long Stirrup Working Hunter 578. Long Stirrup Working Hunter 579. Long Stirrup Working Hunter Classic 580. Pre Adult Working Hunter 581. Pre Adult Working Hunter 582. Pre Adult Working Hunter Classic 583. Pre Children’s Working Hunter 584. Pre Children’s Working Hunter 585. Pre Children's Working Hunter Classic 586. Opportunity Walk / Trot Equitation 587. Opportunity Walk / Trot Equitation 588. Opportunity Walk / Trot Obstacle Course 589. Opportunity Walk / Trot Obstacle Course 590. Opportunity Cross Rail Equitation 591. OpportunityCross Rail Equitation - 49 - EC 1st Yr COLOR 2nd Yr USEF Release, Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Indemnification SEX Birthday PCHA Sm Md HEIGHT Signature: Print Name: Signature: Yes Is Rider/Handler a U.S. Citizen (please circle): YES Print Name: Emergency Contact Phone No. SIGNATURE: No NO NO Lg ASPCA# Cell Phone State # Mandatory Schooling Fee, $40 per horse Shavings & Manure Disposal Fee, $45 per horse SIGNATURE: Print Name Emerg. Contact Phone #: Print Name: TRAIN- TOTAL AMOUNT OWED: PCHA Fee $3 USHJA Support Fee $7 USHJA Show Pass Fee, $30 USEF Show Pass fee, $30) USEF Fee, $16 per horse (Drugs & Meds $8, USEF $8) Non Showing Fee, 150 Convenience Fee (Credit Cards) $40 Ringside Tents, $100 / Week Patron's Tables, $1800, $1000, $250, $150, $20 RV parking hook-ups @$350 / Week Hunter / EQ Fee, $45 Low Jumper Nominating Fee, $45 High Jumper Nominating Fee, $150 Horse Deposit $50 TOTAL ENTRY FEES FROM ABOVE: DIVISIONS / CLASSES CREDIT CARD PAYMENT ______Stalls for week 2 @ $230 Print Name Signature Exp. Date VISA/MC # USEF/USHJA# Barn Phone E-Mail PCHA Phone City Address TRAINER RIDER SIGNATURE: Date of Birth PCHA Date of Birth ZIP Trainer Name JULY 27 - 31, 2016 ZIP State EC CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Oregon High Desert Classic #2 (US Funds) MAIL TO: Adrienne Karazissis (818) 987-3336 Emergency Contact Phone Number: Stable With:_______________________________________________________ PO Box 1092, Camarillo, CA 93011 (425) 894-3136 NO FAXED ENTRIESArrival Date:_______________________________________ _______________ Exhibitors may enter on line by credit card only, at www.horseshowtime.com or equestrianconnect.com Payment #_______________________________Total Enclosed $____________________ Print Parent//Guardian Parent/Guardian Sig.: Name: Is Rider/Driver/Vaulter a U.S.isCitizen: (Required if Rider/Handler a minor) Print Name: (if applicable) coacH RIDER/HANDLER IGNATURE: S Signature: Is Rider/Handler a U.S. Citizen (please circle): YES Print Name: Print Name: Print Name: trainer (mandatory) Parent/Guardian Signature: (Required if Rider/Driver/Handler/Vaulter/Longeur is a minor) Print Name: Print Name: Signature: Vaulter/Longeur (mandatory) SIGNATURE: oWner/agent OWNER/AGENT (mandatory) rider/driver/Handler/ BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank and all terms and provisions of this Prize List. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature shall have the same validity, force and effect as if I affixed my signature by my own hand. BOD 1/23/11 Effective 12/1/11 I AGREE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following: I AGREE that the “Federation” and “Competition” as used above includes all of their officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and affiliated organizations. I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, or as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the Competition involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering, or death (“Harm”). I AGREE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arises or results, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them harmless with respect to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while at the Competition. I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and, if applicable, EV114 and I understand that I am entitled to wear protective equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do so while WARNING that no protective equipment can guard against all injuries. If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume all of the obligations of this Release on the child’s behalf. I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition. I AGREE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and treatment to the Federation on the official USEF accident/injury report form. release, assumption of risk, Waiver and indemnification this document waives important legal rights. read it carefully before signing. I have read the United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) Entry Agreement (GR906.4) as printed in the Prize List for this Competition and agree to all of its provisions. I understand and agree that by entering this Competition, I am subject to Federation Rules, the Prize List, and local rules of the competition. I agree to waive the right to the use of my photos at the competition, and agree that any actions against the Federation must be brought in New York State. United StateS eqUeStrian Federation, inc. entry agreement USEF/ID # AGE NAME OF HORSE EC Social Security # or TIN # RIDER State E-Mail Birthday PCHA Please Circle below if applicable USEF/USHJA# ZIP City State Address Address Rider Name Prize money paid to if other than owner EC Name PCHA USEF/USHJA# Phone USEF/USHJA# Phone Social Security # or TIN # E-Mail City ZIP Address State City Address RIDER OREGON HIGH DESERT CLASSIC #2 Rider Name OWNER Owner Name MANDATORY ZIP - 50 - - 51 - LEWIS & CLARK COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL • ADJUNCT LAW PROFESSOR, EQUINE LAW 2013/2014 OREGON STATE BAR ANIMAL LAW SECTION • CHAIR, 2012 - 2013 • CHAIR ELECT, 2011 OREGON HORSE COUNTRY • CHAIR, 2014 • VICE CHAIR, 2013 OREGON HUNTER JUMPER ASSOCIATION • PRESIDENT, 2007, 2009 - 2013 • VICE PRESIDENT, 2008, 2014 MEMBER • US DRESSAGE FEDERATION • US EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION • OREGON DRESSAGE SOCIETY • US HUNTER JUMPER ASSOCIATION • WASHINGTON STATE BAR ASSOCIATION ANIMAL LAW SECTION o r eg o n a n d Wa s h i n gto n • 9 7 1 - 4 0 4 - 5 2 9 6 • P N W EQ U I N E L AW . C O M Horse sales, leases, and breeding • Boarding, training, and riding instruction • Risk assessment and management • Ownership and registration • Business entity formation, governance, taxation, and employment • Veterinary malpractice and negligence • Horse and rider injuries • Debt collection and creditors’ rights - 52 - - 53 - - 54 - Have a great sHow! (and remember to appreciate your horse) For this year’s oHDC poster I painted george Morris’s fantastic horse whose career ended too soon, “the Jones Boy.” Kimry Jelen Fine art kimry@kimryjelen.com 541.647.0434 Facebook: Kimry Jelen - artist www.kimryjelen.com - 55 - Enjoy Fresh Northwest Seafood With A Riverfront View! Farm Fresh from Scratch HAND-CRAFTED PASTA DISHES CRAFT BEER cocktails Local Wine PRetty daRn good Pasta since 2001 Antipasti SALADS Desserts e e LUNCH DINNER COCKTAILS WINE • BEER 475 SW Powerhouse Drive • Bend, OR 97702 For Reservations Call: 541.389.8998 www.anthonys.com Join us for Happy Hour Monday-Friday: 3:00pm-6:00pm Saturday: Noon-5:00pm Sunday: All Day 967 NW Brooks St. Bend, OR 97703 541-382-5581 - 56 - HAND-MADE â YOu with love PASTINI BEND Old Mill District 375 SW Powerhouse Dr 541.749.1060 pastini.com America’s Newest and Best Economy Extended Stay Hotels TM LY T PE D FR IEN BEST NIGHTLY BEND, OR WEEKLY (541) 213-2108 MONTHLY 550 SW Bond Street Bend, OR 97701 bend@legacymgmt.org myplacehotels.com RATES • 855-200-5685 • Each franchise is independently owned and operated. Let Pronghorn Take Your Breath Away #13 on the Jack Nicklaus Signature Course #33 Golf Digest’s “America’s 100 Greatest Public Courses” • 48 luxurious lodging units • A Jack Nicklaus Signature Course • 55,000 sq. ft. Clubhouse • A Tom Fazio Championship Course • 6,900 sq. ft. private event island • Six private meeting spaces • Three restaurants • Spa and heated pools Call 844-868-8817 to book your stay today. pronghornresort.com - 57 - Scorpio and Jeffrey Ayers Champion 2015 High Score Hunter JOIN THE TAKE2 THOROUGHBRED LEAGUE Texas Checkmate and Stephanie Cook Champion 2015 High Score Jumper Awarding $30,000 in Year End HIGH-SCORE AWARDS* paid out to 10th place! To join the TAKE2 Thoroughbred League, or for more information, go to: www.take2tbreds.com Email: take2tbreds@gmail.com. The qualifying period for 2016 begins September 29, 2015 and ends October 2, 2016. The TAKE2 Second Career Thoroughbred Program Inc. promotes new careers for retired racehorses, sponsoring Thoroughbred Hunter and Jumper Divisions at horse shows nationwide. *Must be a TAKE2 League member to win High-Score Awards. TAKE2 is a 501 (c)(3) organization - 58 - ©2016 Ariat International, Inc. © FIT TO PERFORM Official Equestrian Footwear and Apparel Supplier to the FEI Art by Stephanie Revennaugh Dianne Johnson 9171 Juanita Drive NE, #401 Kirkland, WA 98034 DATED MATERIAL PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID SEATTLE, WA PERMIT NO 963