Quoddy Head Memorial Map 20100202
Quoddy Head Memorial Map 20100202
Q U O D D Y H E A D S T A T E P A R 1 G R O U N D S O F W E S T Q U O D D Y H E A D L I G H T K The proposed location for the FDR memorial statue lies M E M O R I A L S T A T U E S I T E M A P approximately 100 feet north of West Quoddy Head Light. The area is currently cleared land with views of both Campobello and Grand Manan Islands. The area will require landscaping work to prepare the site. L U B E C Photo 1: West Quoddy Head Light as seen from the South Lubec Road C This is the first view of the lighthouse as one approaches H on the access road. A N N E L P S Lub ec H So F u e . Q U O D A R Ca m p llo an d Photo 2: West Quoddy Head Light and Liberty Point on Campobello Island The view looking northeast along the shore past the light- 1 E house toward Campobello Island. P D Gr an d Ma na n Isl West Quoddy Head Light P Y an d Photo 3: West Quoddy Head Light and view to the southwest s c Bo l 755 il LOCUS MAP 3 In la T Lu ai nd g Tr ra bec M i n z y F i e l d 1 760 T ps om r on T l ai 725 127 1 U R B S N C I W 770 1 E W N 127 St. George Y m Tho n pso l Tr a i Calais K ROOSEVELT INTERNATIONAL TRAIL On-Road Bicycle Route St. Stephen h DD Gulliver’s Hole Photo 4: View of Proposed Memorial Site UO 172 The area of the proposed memorial site as viewed from the east (shoreline) looking west toward the parking area and BA ws Y AQ AM dre SS PA access road. ND E o IS N LA 1 R E E 772 Eastport 774 b ec M CA N U P Photo 5: View of Proposed Memorial Site F Lu F B O IS LAND K LL M l CO C BS OO BE ai 190 AY O Tr A D I tal SIPAYIK Green Point Trail D C Y t l An as c ai St. as P g n y i r r a C e o v C l a e Tr al High Ledge Co Y O 189 north looking south toward the shoreline and Grand Manan island in the distance hidden by the sea mist. A A R E A O F D E TA I L The area of the proposed memorial site as viewed from the 1 N 500 0 500 Projection: UTM, Zone 19 Datum: NAD83 Contour, road, & water data obtained from Maine Office of GIS Park trails data obtained from Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands 1,000 Feet 1” = 400’ 1,500 Photographs: Jonathan Stewart 1/14/2010 2,000 LEGEND 2,500 W E S B L b la t uth b Lu Rd ec D E A T T A K e ob l Is P Parking Area Paved Road Forested Area View Point Hiking Trail Park Boundary Picnic Area 1 Potential Memorial Statue Location Contour Interval: 20ft Photo 6: View of Existing West Quoddy Head Memorial 07230/Quoddy Head State Park Memorial Statue Map/20100202