Dr. Josefino Comiso
Dr. Josefino Comiso
Dr. Josefino Comiso Earth Sciences Directorate, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Ph. D. (University of California at L.A.) Research Interest: • the detection of climate change from historical satellite and in situ data; • polynyas, Odden, and bottom water formation; • air-sea-ice interactions and biological processes in the polar regions; • radiative transfer modeling studies and satellite algorithms for sea ice and snow. Observations of a Decreasing Sea Ice Cover from Satellites Josefino C. Comiso Oceans and Ice Branch, Code 971 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 Email: josefino.c.comiso@nasa.gov Arctic Forum Washington, DC 13-14 May 2004 Scientific Motivation: • The Arctic region is changing more rapidly than the rest of the globe. Sea ice, snow cover, and glaciers are retreating, permafrost is melting, and the Greenland ice sheet is thinning. • The perennial ice cover is declining and must be monitored since the demise of this ice cover would mean a change to a seasonal Arctic ice cover. The impact of such a change can be very profound • Accurate pan-Arctic surface temperature data are needed to understand where and how the Arctic is changing. This talk updates of the following studies: Comiso, J. C., A rapidly declining perennial ice cover, GRL, October, 2002. Comiso, J. C., Warming in the Arctic from satellite clear sky observations, J. Climate, November, 2003 Arctic Albedo and Ice Concentration during Spring &Summer • The passive microwave and visible data provide complementary information. • Both data provides useful and consistent surface information. High Resolution AMSR vs Landsat • Higher spatial details can be inferred from AMSR-E than previous passive microwave data, especially at 89 GHz • AMSR-E data at 6.25 km resolution captures many of the spatial features from a high resolution visible channel • The 12.5 km data show some details but the 25 km data smear out much of the features. Changes in the ice cover during freeze-up from October 1996 to 1998 • The Arctic basin is usually almost all covered by the ice by middle of October, as in October 12, 1996. • The ice cover in October 1997 and 1998 shows substantial open water areas indicating more melt and later onset of freeze-up. • Buoy and Sheba station data show ocean warming and freshening NH Monthly averages of ice extent, ice area and ice concentration • Large seasonality and interannual variability • Trend towards low concentrations or more meltponding in the summer. Arctic Trends 1978–2001 • The hemispheric ice extent is shown to be declining at 2% per decade while ice area is declining at a greater rate of 3% per decade. • Ice concentration is declining partly explaining the difference in trend for extent and area. Regional Trends in Extents • All trends are negative except at the Bering Sea where the extent has been going up by 6.4 % per decade. • Significant declines in the other peripheral seas are apparent. • Three year running mean show some cyclical patterns in some regions Seasonal Trends • Trends in extent are all negative for all seasons. • Trends are most negative in the summer followed by autumn. • Trends are larger for ice area than for ice extent. Yearly Ice Concentration Maps of the Perennial Ice Cover: 1979 to 2003 Yearly Anomalies of the Perennial Ice Cover: 1979 to 2003 Perennial Ice: Projection to 2075 Assuming a linear trend the ice cover in 2075 would be 75% less than that of the present • . Daily extents and areas during late summer versus long term average The perennial ice cover in 2002 is really the biggest anomaly so far Trends in the Perennial Ice (1979-2003) 1980 1990 2000 Twelve-year averages in the perennial ice cover and decadal change map • The actual area changed by about 12 % from one period to the other indicating a 10% decadal change • The 2003 perennial ice cover follows the same pattern as those of the previous 24 years Last five year average versus the first five year average in the time series Data shows some acceleration in the decline of the perennial ice cover Area (1979-83) – 6.41 x 106 km2 Area (1999-2003) – 5.19 x 106 km2 Percentage diff: 19.3% Comparison of Temperature data with Sheba and Greenland Data • Good agreement with Sheba data with sigma being 1.54K • Good agreement with Greenland station data. • Data are also consistent with POLES & Jones data AVHRR vs POLES Data Surface temperatures from three study areas in the Arctic where station data are available are compared. The AVHRR GAC data provides very similar seasonal fluctuations and almost identical trends. AVHRR vs Jones/Met Station Data None Arctic, high temperature data have been enhanced to be consistent with meteorological Data. New data set shows better agreement in all regions, including Europe and Asia. Yearly Surface Temperature Averages (Aug-Jul) The retrieved surface temperatures in the Arctic are shown to be coherent from year to year. The coldest temperatures are generally in Greenland, followed by the Arctic basin and Siberia. While the patterns are similar, they are slightly different from one year to another. Yearly Surface Temperature Anomalies (Aug-Jul) •The anomalies for each year indicates that during the 1980s the surface temperatures were generally low compared to the 1990s. •It is apparent that cooling or warming are not evenly distributed throughout the Arctic region. •There are some areas of large positive or negative anomalies but these areas move around from year to year. The set of images show a general warming during the 22- year period. Decadal change in Surface Temperature ± Trends (oC per decade): NH 0.65 ± 0.12 Sea Ice 0.39 ± 0.15 Greenland 0.34 ± 0.28 Eurasia -0.28 ± 0.21 North Am 0.75 ± 0.22 Seasonal Trends • Spring and Autumn shows the most positive trends • Winter data shows considerable negative trend • Summer trend is in part suppressed by melt temperatures during this period Length of the Melt Season • Trends are positive in all areas except Eurasia. In North America the trend is 6 days per decade. • Length of the melt season is highly variable, especially over sea ice. • Plots for North America and sea ice are similar. Using Longer Arctic Meteorological Station data • Station data show 0.08, 0.13, and 0.48 K/decade trends during the last 100, 45, and 20 years, respectively. • Trend is negative at 65 record length. • Spectral analysis shows 12 and 33 year cyles. Ice-Albedo-Ocean Feedback - An example of some of the positive feedbacks in the Arctic. Other feedbacks could be negative. Some of the key fluxes associated With the Arctic System Summary and Conclusions • The Arctic perennial ice cover appears to be decreasing rapidly at 9 to 10% per decade while the surface temperature has been increasing at 0.4 K per decade over consolidated ice in summer. The multiyear ice cover might disappear within this century. • The yearly anomalies in ice concentration are predominantly positive in the 1980s and negative in the 1990s. These results are consistent with yearly anomalies in surface temperatures. • Station temperature data show that the trend in Arctic temperatures in the last 20 years is about 8 times higher than that for the last 100 years. This is partly because of warm periods in the 1930s. However, modeling studies show that the rapid warming in recent years is a reflection of a change in phase of the Arctic Oscillation that is associated with enhanced greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. END OF PRESENTATION Arctic Temperature Trends and Errors • Large warming trends are apparent in North America and the Western Arctic. • Some cooling occurred in Russia and the Bering Sea. • Amplified Arctic trend appears to be shifted to around 75oN and 90oW. • The magnitude of the trend is not correlated to the size of the statistical error. 1980 Interdecadal Change in the perennial ice cover 2003