Mississippi - 4 County Electric
Mississippi - 4 County Electric
News for members of 4-County Electric Power Association Philip Evans Ackerman Grant Wolfe Starkville Macy Walters Periodical postage (ISSN 1052 2433) Columbus Youth Tour Washington, D.C. TWENTY-FIFTEEN Page 10b-10c 2 I Today in Mississippi I August 2015 We are growers. Soil is in our souls and the creases of our hands. We see things as they could be and don’t stop until the job is done. We are overachievers with well-engineered equipment. We can do almost anything. kubota.com © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2015 August 2015 Electric linemen exemplify the value of teamwork emember how brutally hot and dry it was in July? Heat advisories were commonplace as the combination of high temperature and humidity made it feel hotter than 105 F in some parts of the state. That’s the kind of weather electric power association crews (and all other emergency responders) endured while working in the throes of the Hurricane Katrina recovery. These guys worked from sunrise to dark for days on end to rebuild literally thousands of miles of power lines destroyed by the storm. Teamwork made it happen. As thousands more electric cooperative crews came from other states to help, their ranks swelled to more than 12,000. I’ve mentioned several times in this column how I admire line workers for their unique abilities and skills—and the pride they take in their work. No lineman can escape feeling a twinge of heartache when he sees the electrical system he worked so hard to build lying tangled in debris. Then there’s the physical discomfort. In an emergency situation, line workers are likely to toil 14 hours or more in sweltering heat (or freezing weather, in the case of an ice storm). It takes a work force of dedicated, skilled and safety-conscious individuals to handle the job of emergency power restoration in a disaster. We all depend on their ability to help us recover after a crushing blow like Katrina. In his new book, “America’s Great Storm: Leading Through Hurricane Katrina,” Gov. Haley Barbour shares 10 leadership lessons from the crisis. One of the lessons is “there is no substitute for having a strong team around you.” (More about the book on page 5.) No one accomplishes much without help from others. That’s why Mississippi’s 26 electric power associations unite to achieve mutual goals—emergency power restoration being a perfect example. For decades we have refined not R On the cover This year’s summer break was especially exciting for 58 Mississippi students. They spent a week touring Washington, D.C., during the 29th annual Mississippi Electric Cooperative Youth Tour. Highlights included visits to the U.S. Capitol, Smithsonian Institution museums, Arlington National Cemetery, the National Cathedral and major monuments. See story on page 12. only emergency response plans on the local level but have forged strong alliances with other electric cooperatives across the region. When we needed help rebuilding our electrical systems after Katrina, it poured in from electric cooperatives in 21 other states. Crews, trucks, equipment and fuel arrived just when we needed them, all according to plan. In the 10 years since My Opinion Katrina, we have returned the favor sevMichael Callahan eral times by sending Executive Vice President/CEO Electric Power Associations emergency crews in the of Mississippi wake of hurricanes, ice storms and tornadoes. That’s just how we do things in the world of electric cooperatives. We’re all on the same team. ••• Don’t get mad at your air conditioner. It’s doing the best it can. On an exceptionally hot day, an air conditioner can cool your home only so much—about 20 degrees below the outside temperature. So if it’s 100 degrees outside, your home’s indoor temperature may hover around 80 degrees or higher, even if the thermostat is set lower. At the same time, your air conditioner is reducing the humidity inside the home, making 80 feel more like the mid-70s, especially if you use ceiling or portable fans. Moving air cools the skin by increasing evaporation; it does not, however, reduce the room temperature. So don’t let a fan run on and on in an unoccupied room. That wastes energy and money. Our job is not only to provide the electric energy you need, but to help you use efficiently. JOIN TODAY IN MISSISSIPPI ON FACEBOOK Today in Mississippi OFFICERS Randy Wallace - President Keith Hurt - First Vice President Tim Smith - Second Vice President Barry Rowland - Secretary/Treasurer EDITORIAL STAFF Michael Callahan - CEO Ron Stewart - Sr. VP, Communications Mark Bridges - Manager, Support Services Debbie H. Stringer - Editor Elissa Fulton - Communications Specialist Trey Piel - Digital Media Manager Rickey McMillan - Graphics Specialist Linda Hutcherson - Administrative Assistant Vol. 68 No. 8 EDITORIAL OFFICE & ADVERTISING 601-605-8600 Acceptance of advertising by Today in Mississippi does not imply endorsement of the advertised product or services by the publisher or Mississippi’s Electric Power Associations. Product satisfaction and delivery responsibility lie solely with the advertiser. • National advertising representative: National Country Market, 800-626-1181 Circulation of this issue: 435,386 Non-member subscription price: $9.50 per year The Official Publication of the Electric Power Associations of Mississippi Today in Mississippi (ISSN 1052-2433) is published eleven times a year (Jan.Nov.) by Electric Power Associations of Mississippi, Inc., P.O. Box 3300, Ridgeland, MS 39158-3300, or 665 Highland Colony Parkway, Ridgeland, MS 39157. Phone 601-605-8600. Periodical postage paid at Ridgeland, MS, and additional office. The publisher (and/or its agent) reserves the right to refuse or edit all advertising. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Today, P.O. Box 3300, Ridgeland, MS 39158-3300 Visit us online at www.todayinmississippi.com I Today in Mississippi Our Homeplace A monument at the Ground Zero Hurricane Museum in Waveland stands in memory of the 25 Waveland residents lost in the storm. Katrina’s eye passed just west of Waveland, placing the Mississippi Coast in the most dangerous part of the hurricane. Fatalities attributed to Katrina in Mississippi totaled 238. A total of 1,833 died in five states. Mississippi is Warm, beautiful quilts made with love by my friends. Art, music, food and cheer shared with laughter and smiles. A stroll by Deer Creek, taking in cypress, green vines, glimmering sun on water, wildlife and birds breaking silence. Many churches with doors open wide to all in love and communion. Making new friends out of strangers, just because we do that here. — Linda Tankersley, Hollandale My Mississippi is a wealth of childhood memories. A cool breeze drifting in from the gulf as we sit on our front porch. Days spent on the beach swimming and having fun. Funfilled days of throwing the net for Biloxi bacon, crabbing off the old Biloxi-Ocean Springs bridge, evenings spent floundering or soft-shelling along the beach, or rod fishing off the old Tivoli pier. The celebration of a shrimp boat trip loaded with family and friends to spend the day at Horn Island for the Blessing of the Fleet and the Fourth of July. The smell of the shrimp factories, the shrimp boats lining the docks and every morning the shrill whistle of the factories calling their workers. Great memories of a place called Point Cadet. How happy I am to be a born-and-bred Mississippian living in the best place on Earth. — Sherry Miques-Hankins, Biloxi What’s Mississippi to you? What do you treasure most about life in our state? Send your thoughts to Today in Mississippi, P.O. Box 3300, Ridgeland, MS 39158, or email them to news@epaofms.com. Please keep your comments brief. Submissions are subject to editing. I 3 4 I Today in Mississippi I August 2015 ‘Everyone was in the dark’ Former PSC commissioner Michael Callahan recalls emergency power restoration effort in Katrina’s wake By Debbie Stringer In the 10 years since Hurricane Katrina crashed into the Mississippi Gulf Coast, much has been written about its horrific devastation and human toll. But less is widely known about how 26 electric power associations joined forces in a Herculean effort to rebuild thousands of miles of power lines tangled in debris extending more than 100 miles inland. Katrina was historic in many respects, including its impact on electric utilities throughout the state. The storm’s destructive forces caused power outages for members of all 26 electric power associations in Mississippi. Nine electric power associations serving central and south Mississippi lost electric service entirely—for the first time in their history. No other event in the 81-year history of rural elec- trification in Mississippi ranks near Katrina in terms of its impact on the entire electrical grid, from the generating plants to substations to neighborhood power lines. Michael Callahan served as Mississippi public service commissioner for the southern district before becoming chief executive officer of the Electric Michael Callahan Executive Vice President/CEO Power Associations of MissisElectric Power Associations sippi in November 2005. As of Mississippi PSC commissioner, Callahan helped monitor the restoration of utility services in Mississippi after Katrina, and with a critical eye. Today in Mississippi asked Callahan for his memories of what went right—and wrong—as electric power associations dealt with a statewide disaster on a scale no one could have foreseen. What were some early major hurdles to recovery after Katrina’s passage? We did not have any communications. For the first seven to 10 days after Katrina’s landfall on Aug. 29, we were not really a functioning society. Cell phone service was spotty and intermittent, and satellite phone talk time was very limited. Most TV and radio stations were off the air. Those who had generators couldn’t get diesel to power them. So everyone was in the dark when it came to communications. August 2015 The electric generating plants in south Mississippi were down. From I-20 south, everything was dark. There was no gas available because there was no electric service to power gas pumps. Electric power associations had prepared by fueling up beforehand, but because road crews often ran out of gas trying to clear trees and debris from roadways, utility trucks were stymied in many places. Everything just came to a standstill. It was almost surreal. And it got incredibly hot. We went 17 days without a drop of rain after the hurricane, with temperatures pushing 100 degrees. What were you hearing from electric utility consumers in the days after Katrina? We got tons of calls at the PSC and the No. 1 complaint I heard was “We haven’t even seen a (utility) truck!” People don’t understand the nature of an electric system—how you have to get this substation on and that line rebuilt before you can get their lights back on. They just wanted to see a utility truck. They just wanted to see hope coming at the end of the tunnel. In your opinion, how was electric power associations’ response to the massive outages? Electric power associations were getting lights back on and showing real progress early on. They were hard hit, with more than 500,000 meters losing service. As they restored power in the northern counties, electric power associations sent crews to help out in south Mississippi. More than 12,000 emergency work crew members were involved in the electric power associations’ restoration effort. The work force included crews from electric cooperatives in 22 states. To some degree, there was some friendly competition among the electric power associations. Everybody wanted to be the first to get lights back on. We had estimated the power restoration would take six weeks, but by Sept. 20, three weeks after Katrina’s landfall, electric power associations had restored service to every meter capable of receiving it. They did it by joining work forces, resources and equipment under a disaster emergency response plan they have devoted years to developing and refining. What were the biggest challenges facing electric power associations? To get the power back on in a crisis of this magnitude, you have to have people, communications and fuel, as I’ve said. You also need a strong team effort to pull it all together. Katrina destroyed or severely damaged the homes of hundreds of electric power association employees, and some of them lost loved ones in the storm. Yet most of these employees reported to work immediately after the winds died down. In many cases, employees’ spouses and children joined the employees in preparing meals and laundering clothes for crew members who were working 14to 16-hour days. Their motivation was to make sure the men were taken care of. One office worker said her team put a homemade dessert in at least one meal a day for the crews. Housing the large numbers of visiting crew members was a huge challenge, but electric power associations routinely plan for this type of situation. Coast Electric had a “tent city” erected near Gulfport for the crews. They ate and slept in air-conditioned 120-by60-foot tents and bathed in mobile shower trailers. What could electric power associations have done better in the Katrina emergency power restoration? Overall, electric power associations did a great job getting lights back on—but they didn’t tell anybody, at least not at first. I think sometimes that electric power associations feel bad about self-promotion. The investor-owned utilities never feel bad about it; they will always tell you how good they are. When Gov. Haley Barbour overlooked electric power associations while praising other utilities in an interview after all the power was restored, we went to his office. We sat down and gave him the numbers and showed him our day-by-day progress. And Haley said, “I didn’t know this.” The only reason there was a hospital with electricity in south Mississippi was because of South Mississippi Electric Power Association. Any final thoughts? We thought Camille was the worst we would ever see, but then Katrina came along. One day there will be a storm that surpasses Katrina. I hope I’m not around for that, but rest assured one is coming. That is why the electric power associations constantly work on their energy-restoration plans. We look at storms like Sandy, ice storms in the Midwest and tornadoes and try to learn, so that when we are hit again, we will be able to restore power to our members as quickly and safely as possible. I Today in Mississippi Gov. Barbour details Katrina recovery, lessons learned in new book If Mississippians need more reason to feel pride in their state, it can be found in the pages of “America’s Great Storm: Leading Through Hurricane Katrina.” “I have come to believe that the response of the people of Mississippi to Katrina’s destruction did more to improve the image of our state than anything that has happened in my lifetime,” wrote Gov. Haley Barbour, who authored the book with Jere Nash. Set for release this month, the book is based on Barbour’s personal experiences as governor in the first 12 months after the hurricane’s landfall Aug. 29, 2005, on the Mississippi Coast. The authors also interviewed more than 45 key people involved in the unprecedented disaster recovery effort to present a variety of perspectives and experiences. Surveying the obliteration of a 70-mile stretch of coastal communities by helicopter the morning after the storm, Barbour identified three major recovery goals: schools for students, jobs for workers and housing for everyone. How Barbour and an army of government officials, state workers, politicians, corporations, law enforcement officers, health professionals, military members, volunteers, and countless other individuals and organizations worked together to meet these goals is the subject of the book. They were, in many cases, breaking new ground for recovery efforts in the wake of the worst natural disaster in America’s history. Barbour relates the big stories—the planning, funding and execution of the rebuilding effort— as well as stories of individual acts of courage and compassion. More than one million volunteers from other states eventually poured into south Mississippi to help in countless ways, and their impact will be remembered for generations. In the final chapter, “Lessons Learned,” Barbour reflects on the lessons learned (or confirmed) as a leader grappling with a megadisaster such as Hurricane Katrina. An epilogue offers statistical information and other details of public and private recovery programs. “America’s Great Storm” will be available this month from booksellers. Price is $25 for the 256page hardback book. 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But then again, I can recall riding my bike in downtown Greenville when I was a youngster and seeing the time/temperature sign on Commercial National Bank at the corner of Washington and Broadway registering 100 degrees. Then I’d ride on over to the levee as if it were nothing unusual. Nowadays I don’t particularly like to ride in the car when it’s 100 degrees outside, much less on a bicycle. But you know and I know that in no time at all it will cool down again. I just hope Mississippi the old folks aren’t right Seen when they say one extreme by Walt Grayson follows another. I would rather not have a winter this year that feels as cold as this summer has felt hot. Not only has it been unusually hot this year but the Mississippi River has been unusually high for summer. And the high river has caused something else out of the ordinary, a bunch of black bear sightings. Folks tell me the high water is running the bears out of their usual secluded stomping grounds and into populated places. I was in Rolling Fork photographing some of the carved black bears they have scattered around town for a story about Mississippi’s most famous bear when several people told me about close encounters with bears in their yards—and even right there in town. And that “most famous bear” is of course the teddy bear. I figure the weather was a lot cooler in November 1902 when Teddy Roosevelt came to Mississippi to hunt bears. The hunt happened about 10 or 12 miles south of Rolling Fork, just past Onward. The president had not been having much luck on his hunt. Someone bet their guide, Holt Collier of Greenville, that he couldn’t lasso a bear, which he promptly did. An aid ran and got Roosevelt, thinking this was a chance for his boss to shoot a bear. How could he miss? It was all tied up in a neat bundle waiting for him. Roosevelt, being the sportsman he was, refused to shoot a tethered bear. A Washington Post cartoonist’s sketch of the incident inspired a New York toy maker and his wife to start making and selling W Teddy’s Bears. So we have Teddy Roosevelt and Holt Collier to thank for the teddy bear. Back in 1902 there were plenty of bears in Mississippi. But as people crowded out their habitat bears grew very scarce. Conservation efforts are helping them make a comeback. I recall someone telling me there used to be no deer in the state until conservation measures were put into place that allowed them to revive. Who knows? Bears may become just as common as deer some day. They celebrate Delta bears and Roosevelt’s bear hunt every October in Rolling Fork with the Great Delta Bear Affair. One of the popular events of the weekend is having a giant bear carved from a huge tree trunk. The bears carved at past festivals are scattered all over town. Standing there in Rolling Fork the other day getting shots of some of those bears, I was sure hoping it cools off before festival time in October or they’ll have to find a place to have it indoors. Maybe that’s why the bears are showing up in town. It’s not the high water driving them out of the woods; they’re looking for some place that’s air conditioned! Walt Grayson is the host of “Mississippi Roads” on Mississippi Public Broadcasting television, and the author of two “Looking Around Mississippi” books and “Oh! That Reminds Me: More Mississippi Homegrown Stories.” Contact Grayson at walt@waltgrayson.com. The bear in front of the Twin County Electric Power Association office in Rolling Fork is one of several carved bears around town celebrating the area's association with Teddy Roosevelt's 1902 bear hunt, which gave us the teddy bear. Photo: Walt Grayson 8 I Today in Mississippi I August 2015 Let’s talk short trips in Mississippi ack when I was teaching quarters of the famous Viking range and school and the kinfolks cooking school, The Alluvian Hotel and were driving away after Spa. Some still call it Cotton Row. visiting us on the Fourth Giordina’s and the Crystal Grill are of July, we stood waving restaurants worth driving hours to visit. from the front yard to the departing My over-the-shoulder reader said, “I car; their arms waved back in rhythm. thought you were writing about Someone had wispily repeated the old McCarty Pottery.” clichés: “summer is almost over” or I jumped. He had sneaked up behind “school will began before we know it.” me. I pointed to the door and answered, Yet we had three hot months left on “Don’t disturb a writer in deep the horizon. Back in the day it meant thought.” “school” to me, so my As I was saying, after leavdriver and I would jump ing Greenwood drive northin our camper and make west until you reach Merigold, one or two short trips. about an hour away, where the Mostly in Mississippi. McCartys’ famous pottery stuEarly in our retirement we dio, home and dazzling gartook to the road traveling dens are located. You won’t The tiny town of Merigold is home to McCarty Pottery, founded by Lee McCarty and his late wife, Pup. From their to faraway places in the know the home is really a barn barn-turned-studio has come a wide range of functional and decorative clay items for some 60 years. U.S. and occasionally a since sky-high bamboo surGrin ‘n’ Mississippi River. trip abroad. But we decidrounds the entire block. It Good plan if I can hatch it! By the early 80’s the pottery became ed several years ago to take appears mysterious from the Bare It Kay Grafe is the author of “Oh My famous around the world. He produced advantage of what outside. by Kay Grafe Gosh, Virginia.” To order, send name, Mississippi has to offer. McCartys’ beautiful pottery a variety of sizes and styles, of dishes, address, phone number and $16.95, plus trays, bowls, platters, birds, vases and Naturally, living in the is shown in museums across $3.50 S&H to Kay Grafe, 2142 Fig Farm oodles more. Brides now frequently regsoutheastern part of the state we are the U.S., including the Smithsonian. It Road, Lucedale, MS 39452. ister at McCarty Pottery. familiar with the Gulf Coast’s beachis also internationally recognized. A As you can see I’m a fan. Mr. Roy es—where I toasted my skin beyond recent showing was held in Japan. Quality, affordable travel likes it too, so we purchased a couple of repair. We casually accepted the array of Lee McCarty’s story is truly a love since 1967! unusual creations. antebellum homes and assumed they story, which began when he accompaNow here’s my idea. We have would remain pristine. That was before nied Pup, his soon-to-be wife, to her planned a trip to Yazoo City to buy cathurricanes Camille and Katrina. pottery class at Ole Miss. After their fish, so I’m thinking, we might hit Beauvoir, Jefferson Davis’ home that marriage he taught chemistry and was built in 1889, has finally been physics while establishing their studio in McCartys’ first and then land our camper near the catfish ponds and on to restored. The seafood restaurants are a barn. A real barn! Their good friends Hawaii Four-Island Forest to visit Aunt Ruby Fountain. booming again, as well as the casinos. Albert and Margaret Smith said, “Just Agricultural Tour (Go to gulfcoast.org.) All amazing. use our barn.” 13 days from $1999* After our youngest daughter and Lee and Pup moved into the barn in Departs Wednesdays & Fridays in January. MISSISSIPPI’S Experience a true tropical paradise with husband moved to Tupelo, we have 1954 and built their apartment upstairs, perfect climate, stunning scenery and OUGHEST IDS FOUNDATION became familiar with attractions in that as they simultaneously equipped the exquisite beaches while visiting the islands of Oahu, Kauai, Maui and the “Big area, including the Tupelo Antique Car downstairs to make pottery. Help us build a very special camp facility designed Island” of Hawaii. Sightseeing includes exclusively for children and adults who want to have Pearl Harbor and Waikiki Beach on Museum, Buffalo Park and Civil War Lee was the true potter, from the first Oahu; enjoy an entertaining cruise on the fun but who are often limited because of the life sites. And nearby Corinth should not be time he touched Mississippi clay in Wailua River to romantic Fern Grotto and challenges they face everyday such as serious visit a Noni Fruit Plantation on Kauai; missed. Pup’s class. Pup managed the business, illnesses, disabilities, and special needs. DO YOU visit Lahaina, the old whaling capital and Natchez and Vicksburg are also two and Lee. She called their work “orgaMaui Gold Pineapple Plantation on Maui; KNOW SOMEONE WHO NEEDS THIS CAMP? and on the “Big Island,” a Macadamia of our favorite places. The Delta region nized confusion.” Early each morning Visit: www.mtkfound.com nut factory, Orchid Nursery; Volcanoes National Park, Fish Farm, Mountain is fairly new on our list of cool places they put Lee’s unrefined pottery into Please support MTK by Thunder Coffee Plantation and more. purchasing our Specialty Tag! we enjoy visiting, but it too is rich in kilns before he left to teach. At that Per person-based on double occupancy. Plus $199 tax/service/government fees. Add-on airfare available. history, the arts, blues musicians and time they also made jewelry. Call toll-free for details! great restaurants. The McCarty trademark appearing One of our favorite towns is 1-877-859-9464 on each piece of pottery is a slash of Greenwood. Howard Street is headdark-brown color representing the ymtvacations.com Promo code CF09501 B T K * It’s hot. Now what? August 2015 ew will argue that outdoor activities during August in Mississippi can be disagreeable. They may not grind to a halt, but save water sports that provide an opportunity to cool off in the lake or river, viable choices are limited. All, however, is not lost. Some interesting and enjoyable pursuits are available, many of which are near home so that the participant can go inside and bask in the comforts of air conditioning as needed. These may be restricted to backyard outings, but they can be rewarding just the same. A touch of imagination and ingenuity can produce productive outside experiOutdoors ences. Today Watch the by Tony Kinton sunrise. This suggestion may not bode well for those who wish to sleep until 9 a.m., but early mornings are a glorious time. For one thing, the August heat is somewhat abated, making outside a bit more tolerable than it will be at noon. But the greatest reward is becoming partners with F CD or IRA COMING DUE? 15% First Year GUARANTEED Includes First Year 8% Bonus Learn the Safe & Secure Way to Earn Stock Market Linked Return Without Market Risk to Your Principal. L.D. O’Mire Financial Services 1-800-844-3254 “Serving you for Over 50 Years” Guarantees subject to the claim paying ability of the insurance company. Surrender of the contract may be subject to surrender charge or market value adjustment. Product not available in all states. This is a single premium deferred Annuity. Interest rates are subject to change. Withdrawals prior to age 591/2 may be subject to a 10% IRS penalty. I Today in Mississippi I 9 a new day. Water droplets dripping from overhead leaves. Sparkling dew on freshly mown lawns. Foggy fingers of light reaching gingerly from treetops to ground. Whether walking about the surroundings or sitting quietly with a mug of hot coffee, the visuals such an outing afford enrich the spirit. Listen intently. There will be bird calls. Can you identify them through nothing more than their chatter? If not, spend some time learnA simple fire pit can create the magic needed to sooth ragged edges at day’s end. Photo: Tony Kinton ing to do so. More enrichment. and get comfortable. What you read is a and premier entertainment. That which will be discovered outside is far richer And look for them as well. The oriole matter of personal preference, but it may be flitting about an azalea bush. The stands to reason that since you are doing and more meaningful. Following are the instructions: cardinal may be proffering that crisp this at the beginning of a day, reading Start a fire. Oh, there may be situastaccato chirp from a nearby feeder. The material should focus on the positive. tions where this is not an option. If it is blue jay may be scolding and changing Logical selections may be of devotionpositions from the yard’s floor to some al content and/or could include discours- possible, however, build that fire. Though the heat it provides will not be overhanging limb. Doves will likely peres on the wonders of nature or experineeded, the magic of its flames is life givform that choppy waddle while in search ences others have had in the out-ofing. of seeds. doors. Also, write your own thoughts A big rock pit is ideal, but a simple Amazing and enchanting, all these. and observations. The day and mind are fire ring or similar device will do just Read and journal. And do these dur- fresh. Allow both to probe the depths fine. And this is the time when solitude ing early morning. Go to the porch or and flow onto paper with inspiration. A should be abandoned. onto the patio or even in a woods shade novel could be in the making! Stare into the fire and allow it to genAnd while on that subject of inspira28th Annual erate its particular and pedagogical mystion and probing the depths, attempt tique. This soothing ointment is a grand solitude minus distraction. Unless cell Sept. 25, 26 & 27, 2015 phones or electronic devices are essential, prescription for smoothing rough edges 9a.m til 5p.m. Richton, MS leave them inside. The day could be bet- that developed while living apart from its Admission $10.00 (Children under 4 Free) efficacious solace. Share your sentiments, ter as a result of breaking routine and your fears, your dreams with the one being quiet and reflective. Then there are the late afternoons and there with you. Allow the evening to age early evenings. These may be plagued by with no agenda, with no rush. As a result, subsequent sleep may be restorahigh temperatures, but there will likely tive; rest may be more peaceful. be some slack in discomfort as the sun Yes, August is hot. But nature contindrops below those same treetops that greeted that same sun hours earlier. And ues to strengthen, to enlighten, to enhance life. Plan accordingly and get you will have had the privilege of seeing • SOUTH’S FINEST FOOD • ANTIQUE BOOTHS • MULE PULL • ARTS & CRAFTS outside. The rewards are innumerable. and living and experiencing the process • ANTIQUE ENGINE SHOW • QUILT SHOW in its entirety. • LIVE BLUEGRASS MUSIC • STOCK DOG DEMOS Tony Kinton has been an active outdoors • CHARITY BAKE-OFF • LIVE CRAFT DEMOS It is now time for another outdoor • PURTIEST ROOSTER CONTEST • DRAFT HORSE DEMOS writer for 30 years. His newest book, • BANJO & FIDDLING CONTEST • VERA’S PECAN PIES activity that is far more valuable than “Rambling Through Pleasant Memories,” is watching and hearing nonsensical babble now available. Order from Amazon.com or too often touted as necessary information Kinton’s website: www.tonykinton.com. Website, mspecanfestival.com MS Pecan Festival 601-964-8201 10 I Today in Mississippi I August 2015 Board of Directors www.4county.org • 1-800-431-1544 Mike Banks, President Marty Crowder, Vice President John E. “Jay” Gilliland Jr., Secretary/Treasurer Johnny Johnson John Scarbrough Kenneth Seitz Ernest H. “Bud” Tumlinson YOUR COOPERATIVE By Joe Cade CEO/General Manager Principles + values = cooperatives “A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower All cooperative businesses around the world operate in accordance with the following seven cooperative principles: 1. Voluntary and Open Membership 2. Democratic Member Control 3. Member Economic Participation 4. Autonomy and Independence 5. Education, Training and Information 6. Cooperation Among Cooperatives 7. Concern for Community Less known is the fact that cooperatives have also adopted a set of values that helps to put these principles into practice. Cooperatives are based on the values of selfhelp, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, co-ops believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others. Let’s take a closer look at these values and see how they impact us here at 4-County Electric Power Association. The founders of 4-County created it to serve the members that use the electricity and other services we provide, and we continue to do that today. This embodies the values of self-help, taking action and doing what needs to be done. We also know we must embrace the value of self-responsibility and be accountable to you, our member. Each member has one vote, no matter how much electricity you use. This ensures that democracy is practiced the way it is intended with equality for all members. This is a key difference between co-ops and investor-owned companies, where the number of votes you have depends on the number of shares you own. For co-op members, equity has two meanings. We strive to treat all of our members fairly. It also means that, as a member, you have equity (ownership) in the co-op. While each co-op is autonomous, we do act in solidarity with other co-ops and our community. We know that we can do more for you by partnering with other co-ops and like-minded organizations. Your parents were right when they said, “Honesty is the best policy.” As an owner, you have the right to expect us to act with openness and in a transparent manner. We welcome your active participation in our co-op. Cooperatives have long (and correctly) been identified as the original socially responsible business, meaning we care about the impact we have on the community while ensuring we are economically viable. We try to demonstrate our concern for our communities through caring for others every single day, whether it is through volunteer efforts, cooperative programs, safety demonstrations, school programs, the Youth Tour or the 4-County Foundation. By using our values in support of our principles since our founding in 1939, we have been able to serve you for the past 76 years and will do so long into the future. Here’s an idea Are you grounded? GFCI outlets can help! Did you know there are different types of electrical outlets? Each are designed for different purposes; however, there is one specific type that stands high above the rest—the ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlet. GFCIs have saved thousands of lives and cut the number of electrocutions in half since the 1970s. If your home lacks GFCI outlets, don’t fret—you can learn how to “get grounded.” GFCIs are the most efficient outlet in protecting from electrical shock. If it senses a loss of current, the outlet switches off power to that circuit. These devices can either be installed in your electrical system or built into a power cord. The third hole at the bottom of the outlet is known as the “ground” slot, and it monitors electrical currents that flow through the left “neutral” slot and the right “hot” slot on each outlet. A GFCI can react faster than a blink of an eye to any imbalance of power by immediately shutting off the electrical current. These outlets are now a requirement in all places where water could potentially come into contact with electrical products such as bathrooms, garages, outdoors and kitchens. GFCIs are not exclusive to three-prong outlets. They can be installed into standard outlets, and there are even portable devices available when installation is not practical. GFCIs should be tested at least once a month to ensure they are working effectively. The first step you need to take is to test an item, such as a lamp, that visibly powers on when plugged in. Push the “reset” button to prepare the outlet then push the “test” button. Did your lamp turn off? If it did, the GFCI is working properly. Now, hit the “reset” button once again to power it back on. If your lamp did not power off, then you should contact a certified electrician to correct the problem. Next time you have a free moment, take the time to look around your house. If you’re not “grounded,” consider updating your electrical outlets to GFCIs. Sources: Electrical Safety Foundation International, Consumer Product Safety Commission Co-op Connections Card saves Since the Co-op Connections Card was unveiled in September 2011, 4-County members have saved over $465,025 on prescription drugs through June. Look here each month to see the savings total! August 2015 I Today in Mississippi I 10a 4-County to begin pole inspections Inspection and treatment of wooden 4-County Electric Power Association poles has begun in parts of Noxubee County, near and around Macon. The six-week inspection of the approximately 5,400 poles will be performed by contract workers with Osmose. These workers inspect and treat every wooden 4-County pole. The work requires digging around those poles, which means Osmose employees will be working in 4-County members’ yards. The workers will be wearing clothing clearly identifying them as Osmose workers, and their trucks will also have 4-County contractor signs. 4-County Manager of Engineering Lynn Timbrook said the work is part of an overall plan to inspect and treat every pole in the 4-County system. “Our plan calls for every one of our poles to be inspected and treated on a 10-year cycle. We do this to identify any poles that need to be replaced and to extend the lives of those poles that remain in service. This helps on reliability and safety issues and keeps costs down for our members,” Timbrook said. Osmose, a New York-based company with offices around the country, has been providing services to utility companies since 1934. “4-County, along with many other electric cooperatives in the United States, has had a long working relationship with Osmose,” Timbrook explained. “They are the acknowledged industry leaders in pole treatment and inspection.” Timbrook said if members have any questions or concerns, they should call 4-County at 1-800-431-1544. Osmose employees are treating and inspecting poles in the Noxubee County area. Sometimes, the employees will be doing their work in members’ yards. Their clothing will identify them as Osmose workers and their trucks will have 4-County contractor signs. 4-H meets 4-County A group of over 50 Mississippi 4-H high school leaders received a lesson in Cooperative 101 July 22 at the 4-County Electric Power Association Corporate Center. The cooperative hosted the group, composed of first-place winners in senior level competition at this year’s 4-H Congress, state awareness team members and state 4-H Council officers. Young leaders got a first-hand look at cooperative hospitality as they were treated to breakfast at 4-County’s Corporate Center. The group also viewed a hot-line safety demonstration provided by 4-County linemen and watched a video detailing the cooperative’s history. Lauren Revel of Noxubee County was impressed. “I especially enjoyed the historical aspect of how electricity really changed the landscape of Mississippi. It’s also very clear that electricity is dangerous. It’s kind of like fire. Fire can be good for a lot of things. You just have to know how to use it properly. Electricity is the same way,” Revel said. Nadia McKinley of Choctaw County agreed. “It was very informative. While electricity is very dangerous, we’re so glad to have it. It’s come a long way.” Laura Lemons, an assistant professor in human sciences at Mississippi State University and working with the 4-H group through the Extension service, said the 4-H cooperative leadership tour allows “the best of the best” of our youth to experience the real business of cooperatives. “I’m a firm believer in experiential education. I think this is the kind of experience that they will remember long term. They’ll remember coming to 4-County and learning what electricity looks like,” Lemons said. The group also visited the Mississippi Delta later in the day. Officials at 4-County believe the relationship with 4-H is beneficial for both parties. “It’s a great way to kick off the day when 4-County can be involved with such an exemplary group of young people. Take a good look at a group like this today and you’ve got a great look at tomorrow’s leaders,” said Joe Cade, 4-County CEO/general manager. 4-County welcomed 4-H July 22. About 50 young 4-H leaders visited the Corporate Center to learn a little about electricity and cooperatives, and eat a good breakfast. 10b I Today in Mississippi I August 2015 Youth Tour TWENTY FIFTEEN History comes to life for Youth Tour students For a group of excited Mississippi high school students, history pages came to life during their recent tour of Washington, D.C. A visual journey of our nation’s monuments brought the pages of their history books to life—live and in Grant Wolfe, Macy Walters and Philip Evans stand atop the John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts overlooking Washington, D.C., during their recent participation in the Youth Tour. color. Grant Wolfe of Starkville (Starkville Academy), Philip Evans of Ackerman (Choctaw County High School) and Macy Walters of Columbus (Heritage Academy)—4-County Electric Power Association delegates at the 2015 Youth Tour, June 15-19—said the experience spoke volumes. “The trip to our nation’s capital has been the experience of a lifetime,” Wolfe said. “I thoroughly enjoyed experiencing all of the monuments and museums D.C. “The trip to our nation’s capital has been the experience of a lifetime.” – Grant Wolfe has to offer. However, my favorite part was meeting people I would have otherwise never met. I thank 4-County for giving me this amazing opportunity. It really has been the trip of a lifetime.” Walters said the trip gave her a new perspective on our nation. “I loved the Lincoln Memorial more than anything. This is an experience I will never forget,” she explained. “I’ve learned so much about co-ops and the importance of them, and I am so grateful to 4-County and all the work they do. This has been an experience I will truly never forget.” Evans said participating in the trip was an honor he’ll never forget. “Thank you, 4-County, for giving me the opportunity to attend the Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. The trip was amazing,” he said. Each year in June, the action-filled week provides upcoming high school seniors opportunities to learn first-hand what it is like to be involved in politics, community service and today’s pressing issues. Highlights included meeting with their elected representatives in the U.S. House and Senate to discuss the process of government and issues of the day, increasing their knowledge of cooperative electric utilities, touring national monuments and seeing other young leaders from around the state and nation. The Electric Cooperative Youth Tour has been a joint effort of local electric co-ops and supporting organizations—like 4-County, the Electric Power Associations of Mississippi and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association—for over 40 years. Wolfe, Evans and Walters joined 55 other students composing Mississippi’s delegation to the event. Nationwide, about 1,500 students participated. Prior to Youth Tour, the trio participated in the Youth Leadership Workshop in Jackson, sponsored Electric Power Associations of Mississippi. Th workshop offers high school students the o to hear motivational speakers, take part in ing exercises and see legislators in action at Capitol. Wolfe, Evans and Walters competed with high school juniors in 4-County’s service are honor to participate in the program. Wolfe competition, Evans was second and Walter Nominated by his or her school, each comp dent completed an application reflecting sc extracurricular activities. The application als several short essay questions. In addition, s were provided information about cooperati 4-County to introduce them to the coopera business. A panel of three judges interviewed each students at 4-County’s Corporate Center ea year. r 4-County Electric August 2015 h 13 other ea for the won the rs was third. peting stucholastic and so included students tives and ative form of h of the 16 arlier this Today in Mississippi I 10c 2015 Youth Tour Students Philip Evans, Macy Walters, Grant Wolfe d by the The annual opportunities team-buildt the state I Grant, Macy and Philip visit the National Cathedral. The students stop to have their picture taken in front of the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue. The Youth Tour group visits the Lincoln Memorial, one of the many impressive memorials along the National Mall. 10d Today in Mississippi August 2015 4-County Foundation news The 4-County Foundation met recently and made awards to several area organizations, including HEARTS After School Tutoring ($2,000 to assist in purchase of laptop computers and software), Safe Haven Inc. ($3,000 to assist with provision of child-care services), Oktibbeha County Relay For Life ($500 to assist in fund-raising efforts), Good Samaritan Medical Clinic ($2,000 for the purchase of diabetic test meters and diabetic test Watts Happening This listing of area events is compiled from information provided by area chambers of commerce and visitors’ bureaus. The events listed are subject to change. Please call to confirm dates, times and additional details. SATURDAY, AUG. 1 Second Annual Battle of the Sirens Charity Softball Game; Starkville Sportsplex, 405 Lynn Lane; 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; $125 entry fee per team; details, (662) 769-4416 or (662) 341-5947. Starkville Community Market; Fire Station Park, Lampkin at Russell Sts. in Starkville; 7:30 to 10:25 a.m.; continues every Saturday May through August; details, (662) 323-3322. TUESDAY, AUG. 4 strips), French Camp Elementary School ($5,500 to assist with robotics program), French Camp Academy Rainwater Observatory ($3,000 to assist with astronomyrelated education programs), Pushmataha Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America ($5,000 to help fund a concrete basketball pad and two in-ground basketball goals at Camp Seminole in Oktibbeha County), and Lowndes County District 3 Volunteer Department ($3,000 to be applied toward the purchase of a district support truck). The Foundation, through the generosity of 4-County members, has awarded more than $84,000 to local groups. For details, go to www.4county.org (click on “About Us,” then click on “Community”) or call 1-800-431-1544. (662) 323-3322. Free Small Business Workshop: Starting a Business First Steps; Mississippi State University Incubator Building, 60 Technology Blvd., Conference Room in Starkville; 1 to 3 p.m.; details, (662) 325-1900. THURSDAY, AUG. 20 THURSDAY, AUG. 6 Grill Live Music Series – Thirty Fingers; 200 S. Montgomery St. in Starkville; 7 to 11 p.m.; details, (662) 323-3322. Honeyboy & Boots; Omnova Theatre at Rosenzweig Arts Center, 501 Main St. in Columbus; 7 to 9 p.m.; details, (662) 328-2787. Chick-fil-A Mini Moo Time; Chick-fil-A, 701 Hwy. 12 E. in Starkville; 9 to 10 a.m.; details, (662) 324-4460. FRIDAY, AUG. 7 County Fair Relay for Life of Oktibbeha; Starkville Sportsplex, 405 Lynn Lane; 5 to 8 p.m.; details, (662) 323-3322. SATURDAY, AUG. 8 Possum Town Quilters; Art Underground at the Columbus Arts Council, 501 Main St.; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; continues Saturday, Aug. 22; details, (662) 328-2787. Starkville Community Mid-Week Market; Fire Station Park, Lampkin at Russell Sts. In Starkville; 7:30 to 10:25 a.m.; continues every Tuesday May through August; details, (662) 323-3322. TUESDAY, AUG. 11 WEDNESDAY, AUG. 5 Columbus Community Theatre; Omnova Theatre at Rosenzweig Arts Center, 501 Main St. in Columbus; 6:30 to 8 p.m.; details, (662) 328-2787. Blue Ribbon Business – Lunch and Learn; Hilton Garden Inn, 975 Hwy. 12 E. in Starkville; 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; details, Writers Meeting; Rosenzweig Arts Center, 501 Main St. in Columbus; 6 to 8 p.m.; details, (662) 328-2787. TUESDAY, AUG. 18 Volunteer Get-Together; Main Gallery at Rosenzweig Arts Center, 501 Main St. in Columbus; 7 to 8 p.m.; details, (662) 328-2787. FRIDAY, AUG. 21 THURSDAY, AUG. 27 2015 Men and Women of Color Summit; The Cotton Mill, 600 Russell St. in Starkville; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Birth to 12 Mini-Summit; 6 to 8 p.m. Men and Women of Color Empowerment Dinner; continues Friday, Aug. 28, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Men and Women of Color Summit; details, (662) 325-2493. MONDAY, AUG. 31 Make A Wish Mississippi Golf Classic; Old Waverly Golf Course, 1 Magnolia Drive in West Point; 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.; details, (601) 366-9474 (ext. 120). August 2015 I Today in Mississippi I 11 A change for the better I It’s the little things When it comes to energy efficiency in the home, sometimes small changes can make a big impact. A small, unglamorous task like changing the filters on your HVAC system makes your unit run more efficiently, keeping your house cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. It also saves money. And the savings gained from having your system run more efficiently can be applied to more fun or entertaining pursuits that your family can enjoy together. I The lowdown on dirt As you move around your home, you drive dust into the air from carpets, furniture and drapes. Regardless of where it comes from, dust and dirt trapped in a system’s air filter leads to several problems, including: • Reduced air flow in the home and up to 15 percent higher operating costs • Costly duct cleaning or replacement • Lowered system efficiency Engineers, tests filter effectiveness. The higher the MERV number, the higher the filter’s effectiveness at keeping dust out of your system. While most types of filters must be replaced, some filters are reusable. And don’t forget about the winter months. Your heating system needs to work as efficiently as possible to keep you warm (and your loved ones feeling snuggly), and a clean air filter helps it do just that. Heating and cooling profes- I Making the switch Now, that you know the facts, it’s time to get busy changing or cleaning the air filter in your heating/cooling system. Many HVAC professionals recommend that you clean or change the filter on your air conditioner or furnace monthly. It’s simple and easy, and in many cases, it only takes a few minutes. Filters are available in a variety of types and efficiencies, rated by a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV). MERV, a method developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning sionals recommend turning your system off before changing the air filter. Make sure that the arrow on the filter—which indicates the direction of the airflow—is pointing toward the blower motor. When you’ve made the change, turn your system back on. I A teachable moment Beyond saving money and improving the air quality in your home, changing your air filter is a great opportunity to teach your family more about energy efficiency. Consider getting everyone involved, and the entire family will learn how simple changes can make a big difference. For other tips on how to save, visit www.4county.org, or call the efficiency experts at 800-431-1544. Emergency restoration When disaster strikes, we’ll be ready Mother Nature is not as predictable as we would like her to be, and when she gets angry, we are left to pick up the pieces. Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, snow and ice, other natural disasters—her methods of destruction pose major threats to all kinds of infrastructure, including electrical lines and systems. 4-County Electric Power Association is ready to respond when the lights go out, but emergency situations—and extended outages— can be particularly challenging. Our lines serve several "critical needs" facilities, making longer outages a possibly life-threatening situation. Some homes may receive special attention if power loss affects life-support systems or poses other immediate danger. When a major storm moves through our area, fellow co-op line crews are standing by, ready to help us restore power to the greatest number of members in the shortest amount of time possible. Even though co-ops are independent entities, we still rely on one another to share resources, information and, in some cases, manpower. “Relying on each other is the cooperative way, and by doing so, we can restore power to members more quickly when severe weather emergencies occur,” said Joe Cade, 4-County CEO/ general manager. This type of assistance is known as a mutual-aid agreement, and it works both ways. When the winter storms hit in January and February, we called on our neighbor electric cooperatives to help restore power quickly and safely. In more extensive outage situations, we may rely on the help of cooperatives in other states. Most co-op lines and systems are designed and built to the same standards, so when fellow crews answer the call for assistance, no training is necessary. They show up ready to get the job done. In addition to working with fellow co-ops during emergency situations, 4-County communicates with the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). When Mississippi’s governor formally declares an area a disaster, he or she requests aid from the president so that FEMA and MEMA staffs can begin assessing damage. “The best preparation for emergency situations is becoming familiar with the rules and procedures ahead of time, so you’re educated and ready to respond,” Cade said. “Preparation ensures shorter outages for our members, and that’s who we’re here to serve.” 12 I Today in Mississippi I August 2015 Fifty-eight of Mississippi’s finest high school juniors spent part of their summer vacation exploring the nation’s capital and making new friends, courtesy of their electric power association As participants in the 29th annual Mississippi Electric Cooperative Youth Tour, the students visited many of Washington’s most significant historic and cultural sites, including the Smithsonian Institution, Arlington National Cemetery and the Washington National Cathedral. They also took part in special events with more than 1,700 students from 44 states. A highlight of the weeklong tour was a visit to the U.S. Capitol, where Rep. Gregg Harper took the Mississippi students to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives before the Congressmen convened. Harper also personally took the students onto the Speaker’s Balcony that overlooks the Washington Mall. Each student had the opportunity to visit the office of his or her Congressman. For some of the students, the tour was their first trip to the nation’s capital. “Friendships and memories were made throughout Youth Tour,” said participant Madelynn Lynch, of Corinth. “This is an inforgettable opportunity that everyone should experience.” Madelynn was selected during the Youth Leadership Workshop in March to represent Mississippi on the national Youth Leadership Council. The workshop and Youth Tour are components of the Electric Power Associations of Mississippi Youth Leadership Program. Participants are chosen through a competitive process sponsored by their electric power association. The goals of the program are to motivate students to assume leadership roles and to help them obtain the skills they will need to become effective, respected leaders in the future. “As adult leaders, we have a responsibility to support and provide our youth with encouragement and resources they can use in making good decisions as they continue on life’s journey.” Ron Stewart, senior vice president of the Electric Power Associations of Mississippi “Throughout this leadership program, electric power association leaders, elected officials and successful business people remind the students nothing is accomplished without setting goals and working hard to achieve them,” Stewart said. 2015 Mississippi Youth Tour delegates and their sponsoring electric power associations are Alcorn County EPA: Madelynn Lynch, Matthew Turner; Central EPA: Emerson Billy, Ali Pike, Carly Pippin; Coast EPA: Tommy Duong, Erin Geist, Beth Shiyou; Coast EPA and South Mississippi EPA: Savanah Rupkey; Dixie EPA: Alicia Brown, Chance Sumrall; East Mississippi EPA: Alec Marlow, Zoria Nicholson, Keira Phillips; 4-County EPA: Philip Evans, Macy Walters, Grant Wolfe; Magnolia EPA: Alexcia Carr, Brooke Myers, Brooke Wells; Natchez Trace EPA: Liz Boyer, Walker Winter; North East Mississippi EPA: Lindsey Lott, Tate Russell, Savannah Shirley; Northcentral EPA: Hailey Corbett, Bailey Easley, Josh Gramm, Alyssa Grant, Stuart Gunner, Sarah Henthorn, Annette McGee, Holly McGinnis, Tyneria Moore, Kaycee Robbins, Loren Williams; Pearl River Valley EPA: Bethany Lawson, Luke Logan; Singing River EPA: Emily Barnes, Brice Fortinberry, Rachel Pugh; Southern Pine EPA: Zavan Brown, Brooklyn Mooney, Marly Perkins; Southwest Mississippi EPA: Marcus Durrell Jr., Katherine Shell; Tallahatchie Valley EPA: Bryce Griffin, Taylor Norwood, Dalton Robison; Tombigbee EPA: Tucker Carter, Beth Ezell, Melea Mansel, Lane Scribner, Dakota Taylor; Twin County EPA: Caleigh Haynes, Baljot Singh; Yazoo Valley EPA: Curtis Hill, Jeremy (J.J.) White. “It’s rewarding to be a part of a program focused on the development of young people. This year we had a fine group of young men and women whom we will look to for our future leaders,” Stewart said. “We challenge them to return to their schools and communities and begin making a difference in the lives of others.” August 2015 I Today in Mississippi I 13 Old-fashioned liriope still a garden staple ne of the most frequent calls I get in the summer concerns lawns and groundcovers under trees, where sunlight is limited. Most callers want grass in these areas and realize the limitations presented by the shade. My go-to answer is an unwavering: “Why not plant liriope?” Liriope is a versatile groundcover that is very effective under large trees with reduced light, or mass-planted on slopes. It also creates soft borders and edging for paved areas and foundations. Some callers respond to my suggestion by saying, “Liriope is an old-fashioned plant that my grandmother had in her garden.” And that’s true. Liriope is an old landscape standard groundcover. That’s partly because liriope is reliable, especially in the shade. As O Medicare Supplements Low Rates! E.Insurance F. Hutton Agency (Female age 65, “Plan F” = $100.76 ) P. O. Box 5277, Brandon, MS 39047 1-800-463-4348 E. F. Hutton nor its agents are affiliated with the Federal Medicare Program. long as the soil is well drained, liriope thrives in heat and drought. This is a great attribute for our Mississippi landscapes. Liriope foliage is narrow and grass-like, and the plant is known by a couple of more comSouthern mon names, such Gardening as monkey grass or even lily turf. by Dr. Gary Bachman It produces flower spikes starting in July, and the flowering period can extend to the end of August. Individual flowers are very small and arranged in whorls. I believe liriope is as showy as any other flowering plant when it’s in flower. Flowering is more intense in full sun, and flower colors are purple, lavender or white, depending on variety. Dark purple-black, round fruit follow the flowers. Tired of SEE SAW savings? Work Hard, Invest Right, and the Sky’s the Limit. GROW your MONEY with Fixed Indexed Annuities $ (IRA, CD, NQ, 401K and Pension Rollovers) Call me for incredible rates of return SAFE, SECURE, RETIREMENT FOR $ A LIFETIME Richie Culotta 601-657-4271 Culotta Insurance & Investments A+ CALL AND COMPARE TODAY! Serving Mississippi & Louisiana STATEWIDE Since 1992 Clumping liriope is a wellbehaved variety that stays where you plant it. As the name suggests, each plant will grow larger in diameter, not from underground stems, but by forming suckers from the crown of the plant. It displays lavender flower spikes uniformly throughout the plant clump. Because it is not aggressive, you need to use more plants for area coverage. A commonly available variety called New Blue is possibly the all-around best for landscape use. The clumps feature arching, glossy leaves. In late summer, its flower spikes feature whorls of dense, lavender flowers that I believe resemble the spring-blooming grape hyacinth. Big Blue will grow to about 1 foot tall, and, when mass planted, it creates an elegant green carpet. Another good landscape choice for areas that need a larger presence is Evergreen Giant liriope. This selection has the same impact as Big Blue, just in a larger version. Evergreen Giant reaches a height of 24 inches. If you like variegated selections, consider the variety Marc Anthony. This variegated selection is 16 inches tall and has three foliage colors. The leaves start out as a unique golden yellow and green and mature with white and green variegation. The Evergreen Giant liriope is a good landscape choice for shady areas that need a large presence. New Blue liriope has beautiful flowers, and, at 1 foot tall, it can be mass planted to create an elegant green carpet. Photos: MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman Space liriope about 12 to 18 inches apart in the landscape, depending on the variety selected. The plants readily fill in spaces. When the area becomes overgrown, simply dig and divide every three or four years. Unlike other perennial plants, division is not required for plant health, but it is an easy way to make more plants. The only maintenance these plants need is for gardeners to cut them back before growth starts in the spring. Clearing away old foliage allows the new growth to develop unimpeded and reduces the occurrence of anthracnose. Use a string trimmer or your lawn mower, but be careful not to injure the crown of the plant. Dr. Gary Bachman is an associate Extension and research professor of horticulture at the Mississippi State University Coastal Research and Extension Center in Biloxi. He is also host of “Southern Gardening” radio and TV programs. 14 I Today in Mississippi I August 2015 Crunchy Chicken Fingers mississippi Cooks ‘Winning Bearcat Recipes’ FEATURED COOKBOOK Knock one out of the ballpark for your sports fans with these recipes from the Forest High School baseball team, faculty and staff. They collected 200 recipes to create “Winning Bearcat Recipes,” an 86-page cookbook featuring color photos of the Bearcat baseball players. Proceeds from sales of the cookbooks are used to purchase new equipment and supplies for the team, and maintaining facilities. Cookbooks can be ordered by calling 601-6635180 or by sending $15 to FHS Baseball, P.O. Box 74, Sebastopol, MS 39359. Squash Appetizer 3 cups thinly sliced yellow squash 1 cup Bisquick ½ cup very thinly sliced onion ½ cup Parmesan cheese ½ cup oil 4 eggs, well beaten 2 Tbsp. fresh parsley, chopped fine ½ tsp. salt ½ tsp. seasoned salt ½ tsp. oregano Dash pepper 1 clove garlic, minced Mix all ingredients, stirring well. Pour into 9-by-13-inch pan and bake at 350 F for 25-30 minutes, or until browned. Cut into squares to serve. Crusty Potato Wedges 1 lb. red potatoes (about 8 potatoes) 1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard 1 ½ tsp. paprika ¾ tsp. ground cumin ½ tsp. garlic salt Preheat oven to 400 F. Spray shallow baking dish with cooking spray. Cut potatoes into wedges. Combine mustard, paprika, cumin and garlic salt in a large bowl; mix well. Add potatoes to bowl; toss until well coated with mustard mixture. Spread potato wedges in a single layer in prepared baking dish, leaving a little space between wedges. Bake for 10 minutes and turn. Bake 10 minutes longer, or until tender and crusty. 12 oz. skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 1 egg, lightly beaten 1 Tbsp. honey 1 tsp. yellow mustard 1 cup packaged cornflake crumbs, or 2 cups cornflakes, finely crushed ¼ tsp. salt Dash ground black pepper Heat oven to 450 degrees. Cut chicken into ¾-inch strips. In a shallow dish, combine egg, honey and mustard. In another shallow dish, stir together cornflake crumbs, salt and pepper. Dip chicken strips into the egg mixture; roll them in crumb mixture to coat evenly. Arrange chicken strips on a baking sheet. Lightly spray with nonstick cooking spray. Bake 12 to 15 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through. Serve with ketchup, if desired. Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Bell Peppers 4 large green bell peppers 2 Tbsp. butter 1 Tbsp. olive oil 1 small sweet onion, sliced 6 oz. baby portabella mushrooms, sliced 1 Tbsp. minced garlic Salt and pepper to taste 1 lb. thinly sliced roast beef 8 slices provolone cheese Slice peppers in half lengthwise; remove ribs and seeds. Heat butter and olive oil over medium heat; add sliced onion, mushrooms, garlic, salt and pepper. Cook until onion and mushrooms are soft. Preheat oven to 400 F. Slice roast beef into thin strips and add to the onion/mushroom mixture. Cook until juices start to flow or about 5 minutes. Line the inside of each bell pepper with a slice of provolone cheese. Fill each pepper with meat mixture until they are nearly overflowing. Top each pepper with another slice of cheese. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, until cheese on top is golden brown. Bearcat Dip 1 lb. baby portabella mushrooms, chopped 1 bunch green onions, chopped ½ stick unsalted butter 2 (8-oz.) pkgs. cream cheese, softened 12 oz. sour cream 1 (8-oz.) pkg. sharp Cheddar cheese, grated 1 can black olives, drained and coarsely chopped 1 can sliced water chestnuts, drained and coarsely chopped 2 tsp. Tony Cachere’s Creole Seasoning 1 lb. bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled Sauté mushrooms and green onions in butter over medium heat. Mix cream cheese, sour cream and grated Cheddar in a bowl; stir in sautéed mixture. Add black olives, water chestnuts and seasoning mix. Pour into baking dish or slow cooker and heat until bubbly. Top with crumbled bacon. Use sliced French bread or chips or choice for dipping. Tomato-Cheese Spread 1 (10-oz.) can Rotel tomatoes 1 cup mayonnaise 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce ½ tsp. garlic salt 2 (8-oz.) blocks sharp Cheddar cheese, shredded ¾ cup chopped pecans 1 (4-oz.) jar chopped pimento, drained 1⁄3 cup chopped green onions In a large bowl, combine tomatoes, mayonnaise, Worcestershire sauce and garlic salt. Stir in cheese, pecans, pimento and green onions. Serve with crackers or vegetables. Slow Cooker Pizza Dip 1 (8-oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened 1 tsp. Italian seasoning 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese ¾ cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 (8-oz.) jar pizza sauce ¼ cup pepperoni slices, cut up Combine all ingredients in a slow cooker and cook on high for 1 hour. August 2015 I Today in Mississippi I 15 Heritage cattle Your family history might include your livestock’s lineage By Nancy Jo Maples While many genealogy hobbyists can trace their family roots, few know the heritage of their farm animals. However, Billy Frank Brown does. He and his family raise Pineywoods cattle in Pearl River County, a practice that dates back at least 10 generations. Sometimes these animals Billy Frank Brown are called “Rakestraws” because they use their large horns to push through pine needles while searching for food. “They’ll eat brush just like a billy goat,” Brown said. Cleaning underbrush is the trait for which they are best known. These cattle originally came from Spain and adapted to the scruffy terrain of the Mississippi Gulf Coast when the Spanish explorers settled there in the 1500s. They are a hardy breed that can withstand Southern summers and prefer to feed on brush, tree leaves and twigs. They also produce lean meat and rich milk, although they are not considered a dairy animal. Some people own the cows for fun or to help keep their woodland clean. The Brown farm, called Cowpen Creek, raises them commercially in the oldest homestead in this area of south Mississippi. Brown lives on the property that Carlos Ladner acquired from the United States public lands as a homestead in 1811. Brown’s son, Jess, now owns the farm and continues the family legacy. This property is known by some locals as the Sebron Ladner Place. Sebron Ladner was Brown’s grandfather, who used oxen to harvest longleaf pine timber for the Hines Lumber Company and raised cattle on the open range. When he died in 1956, he had 1,000 head of Pineywoods cattle, 4,000 Gulf Coast Native sheep and 40 horses. The property sits 10 miles southeast of Poplarville in the Silver Run community. The farm was later named Cowpen Creek Farm because it had long served as a watering site for cattle being driven through Mississippi to the markets in nearby New Orleans. Pineywoods cattle is a rare breed and can be registered. Brown has about 350 head of them. They come in a variety of colors including Blue Roan, Pearl River Red and Griffen Yellow. Females weigh between 500 and 800 pounds. Bulls weigh 1,100 to 1,200 pounds. Brown can trace both his family genealogy and the heritage of his herd to 1726, when Nicholas Christian Ladner married Marie Anne Paquet, a Native American living on the Gulf Coast. They lived on Cat Island in the Gulf of Pineywoods cattle were brought to the Gulf Coast Mexico before petitioning the King of in the 1500s by Spanish settlers. Spain in 1788 for access to vacant areas Brown maintains that Pineywoods of the mainland in order to run cattle cattle and Gulf Coast Native sheep comand sheep in what is present-day Pass plement timber farming by providing a Christian and Long Beach. Pass setting for a silvo-pasture system producChristian was named for Nicholas ing both meat and timber. Christian Ladner. Cowpen Creek Farm not only raises distinct herds of woods cattle, but also has horses and sheep. The farm has 200 sheep and 15 horses. The lineage of the farm’s Pine Gulf Coast Native sheep is a hardy breed that has adapted well to the high heat and Tacky horses humidity of Mississippi summers. can be traced to For more information about these the Choctaw Trail of Tears through animals, see the farm’s website, DNA. Its sheep are called Gulf Coast www.cowpencreekfarm.com, or call 601Native sheep and produce fine wool. 795-4692. Because there is currently no market for wool, the sheep are sheared every Writer Nancy Jo Maples can be reached two years for cooling and grooming at 188 Ernest Pipkins Road, Lucedale, MS purposes. 39452 or nancyjomaples@aol.com. 16 I Marketplace Today in Mississippi I August 2015 Mississippi Type or print your ad clearly. Be sure to include your telephone number. Deadline is the 10th of each month for the next month’s issue. Rate is $2.50 per word, 10-word minimum. Mail payment with your ad to Today in Mississippi, P.O. Box 3300, Ridgeland, MS 39158-3300. Have any questions? Phone 601-605-8600 or email advertising@epaofms.com. FOR SALE SAWMILL EXCHANGE: North America’s largest source of used portable sawmills and commercial sawmill equipment for woodlot and sawmill operations. Over 800 listings. Call for a free list or to sell your equipment, 800-459-2148; www.sawmillexchange.com. BUY DIRECTLY FROM “DIRECT” SOURCE! Visit our one-of-a-kind website to find some of the most popular and sought-after products offered to the public at unbelievable, wholesale prices! www.davidsuperstore.com. VACATION RENTALS CABINS - PIGEON FORGE, TN, peaceful, convenient location, owner rates, 251-649-3344, 251-649-4049; www.hideawayprop.com. SMOKIES. TOWNSEND, TN. 2 BR, 2 BATH Log Home, Jacuzzi, Fireplace, wrap-around porch, charcoal grill. 865-320-4216; For rental details and pictures E-mail: tncabin.lonnie@yahoo.com. APPALACHIAN TRAIL Cabins by trail in Georgia mountains. 3000’ above sea level. Snowy winters, cool summers, inexpensive rates. 800-284-6866; www.bloodmountain.com. HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS. 3 Beautiful Homes to pick from. vrbo.com - Search #290107, #664639, #465766. Please mention this ad in your reservation. MISCELLANEOUS PLAY GOSPEL SONGS by Ear! $12.95. “Learn Gospel Music” - chording, runs, fills - $12.95. Both $24. Davidsons, 6727MS Metcalf, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66204. 913-262-4982. BECOME AN ORDAINED MINISTER, by Correspondence study. The harvest truly is great, the laborours are few. Luke 10:2. Free info. Ministers for Christ Assembly of Churches, 7558 West Thunderbird Rd., Ste 1-114, Peoria, AZ 85381; http://www.ordination.org. FREE BOOKS/DVDS, Soon the “Mark of the Beast” will be enforced as Church and State unite! Let the Bible reveal. The Bible Says, P.O. Box 99, Lenoir City, TN 37771. 888-211-1715; thebiblesaystruth@yahoo.com. Advertise in the Mississippi Marketplace. REACH OVER 440,000 HOMES! LAND FOR SALE What to do during an electrical storm Lightning can enter your home through a direct strike, through wires or pipes, and through the ground. During a thunderstorm, don’t touch electrical equipment or cords, such as a corded phone, computer, stove, TV or microwave. Postpone your bath or shower to avoid contact with plumbing. And stay indoors for at least 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder. A safety message from your local Electric Power Association Mobile Home Owners: ROOF KING 47 ACRES • HINDS COUNTY 4 miles south of Bolton, MS. On Houston Road off Raymond-Bolton Road. Two small ponds, timber and open with pines planted 2010 spring. Good deer hunting near Jackson, Clinton and Vicksburg area. $ 127,000 FIRM • Call 601-941-3726 or email mabridges1757@gmail.com for other info. Mobile Home Super Insulated Roof Over Systems. 40 Year Warranty. Factory Direct from ROOF KING 1-800-276-0176 www.roofking.net SINCE 1982 SAFE SALE! Home Security & Fire Protection Protect Your Valuables for Your Family’s Future with THE HIGHEST FIRE RATINGS IN THE INDUSTRY Liberty Truckload SALE Discount Gun Safe 2636 OLD BRANDON RD. • PEARL, MS 39208 601-939-8233 • 888-991-0333 Save Hundreds on America’s #1 Selling Safes August 2015 0 $13,5ll0ed Insta 30X40X10 KIT 4900.00 $ I 17 FARM BARNS Hattiesburg, MS • 1-601-296-0550 30’x 40’x 10’ Pole Barn Roof Only 40’x 60’x 12’ Pole Barn Roof Only $3,950* Our Prices Include $6,850* Labor & Metal Sides Installed Also Available in Wood Sides Installed *Tax and Freight Not Included (ZRHIV\[V\Y KVP[`V\YZLSM TH[LYPHSZRP[Z Today in Mississippi 30’x 4 0’x 10 ’ R All Ste ed Iron el Buil ding K (2) 8’x it 8 (1) 3’x ’ Rollup 7’ Walk $6,77 * Kit On 5 ly ’x 12’ 40’x 60 rn B le Po a ith dw Enclose Rollup 10’ ’x 0 1 ) (2 ’ Walk (1) 3’x 7 * EASTERN I DIVISION Enclosed $9,395 - 30x50x10 Painted Built Price (Not Shown) STORAGE BUILDINGS HAY BARNS HORSE BARNS GARAGES 30 x 40 x 10 = $8,900.00 Painted Sides 40 x 40 x 20 = $16,900.00 www.farmbarnsinc.com Building shown: $18,938 Built Price 30x60x12 w/ 12’ open shed -\SS`0UZ\YLK 4L[HS*\Z[VT:PaLZYVVMWP[JO ,UNPULLYLK[Y\ZZLZ3VJHSJVKLZMYLPNO[TH`HMMLJ[WYPJLZ www.nationalbarn.com www .nationalbarn.com 1-888-427-B ARN (2276) 1-888-427-BARN Use your generator only outdoors, away from open windows, vents and doors. Do not use it in an attached garage. Never plug your generator directly into your home outlet. Connecting a generator to your home’s wiring requires the professional installation of a power transfer switch. Read and heed the manufacturer’s instructions and safety warnings. THINK SAFETY! Painted Sides 18 I Today in Mississippi I August 2015 Events MISSISSIPPI Want more than 400,000 readers to know about your special event? Submit it at least two months prior to the event date. Submissions must include a phone number with area code for publication. Mail to Mississippi Events, Today in Mississippi, P.O. Box 3300, Ridgeland, MS 39158-3300; fax to 601-605-8601; or email to news@epaofms.com. Events open to the public will be published free of charge as space allows. Please note that events are subject to change; we recommend calling to confirm details before traveling. 17th Annual City-wide Pep Rally, Aug. 8, Vicksburg. Begins 9:30 a.m. Free. Outlets at Vicksburg. Details: 601-636-7434. Shape-note Singing School, Aug. 12, Florence. Learn to sing folk hymns in four-part harmony from Sacred Harp hymnals; second Wednesday monthly from 6-8 p.m. Free. Details: 601-953-1094. Sounds of Summer Music Festival, Aug. 15, Byhalia. Live music, arts, crafts, wellness area, Kids’ Zone, corn-hole tournament, more. Admission. Byhalia Walking Park. Details: 662838-8127. Sixth Annual Covington County Genealogy Fair, Aug. 15, Collins. Explore Covington County family lineage; 9 a.m. noon. Free. Collins Civic Center. Details: 601- 947-4610, 601-797-3233. Bluegrass, Country and Gospel Singing, Aug. 15, Black Hawk. Featuring Mack Allen Smith & The Flames and Good Times Express; 6 p.m. Black Hawk Old School. Details: 662-4530072; bobbykayalford@gmail.com. Lower Delta Talks: “The Literature of Delta Food and Cooking,” Aug. 18, Rolling Fork. Jesse Yancy, presenter; 6:30 p.m. Free. Sharkey-Issaquena Library. Details: 662-8734076. Praise Fest, Aug. 21, Greenville. Featuring gospel recording artist Pastor Shirley Caesar in concert; 7 p.m. Admission. Washington County Convention Center. Details: 662-820-5885; wdsvpraisefest.com. Third Annual Old School Arts Festival, Aug. 21-22, Carthage. Art show, artists’ booths, 5K run, live music, Kids’ Zone, more; free admission. “Johnny Cash Returns” tribute concert; 79 p.m Aug. 22; admission. Carthage Old Elementary School. Details: 601-267-6764; carthagemainstre@bellsouth.net; Facebook.com/oldschoolartsfestival. Mississippi Book Festival, Aug. 22, Jackson. Featuring 75 authors, including Greg Iles. Author signings, panel discussions, exhibitor booths, music, food, children’s stage, more. Free. State Capitol grounds. Details: msbookfestival.com. 42nd Annual Gospel Singing Jubilee, Aug. 22, Magee. Featuring Inspirations Quartet, Tim Frith & Gospel Echoes, Revelations Quartet, Carolyn Norris; 6:30 p.m. Admission. Magee High School Auditorium. Details: 601-9060677, 601-825-3937. Mississippi State Sacred Harp Convention, Aug. 22-23, Sebastopol. An old-fashioned shape-note singing and dinner on the grounds; 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Antioch Primitive Baptist Church. Details: 601-953-1094; christianharmony.org. Ninth Annual State Qualifying Golf Scramble, Aug. 31, Olive Branch. Four-man scramble to help send local athletes, coaches to Fellow Christian Athletes Camp; 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Cherokee Valley Golf Course. Details: jengstrom@fca.org. B&S Consignment, Sept. 1-3, Brookhaven. Consignment sales for children and adults. Lincoln Civic Center. Details: 601-303-1466; bnsconsignment.com. Mountain Faith in Concert, Sept. 11, Petal. Love offering; 7 p.m. First Baptist Church Runnelstown. Details: 601-583-3733, 601-3254047. Greater Jackson Quilt Celebration: “Stitches in Bloom,” Sept. 11-13, Ridgeland. Judged quilt show hosted by five guilds, silent auction, educational programs; admission. Mississippi Craft Center. Details: gjqc2015.com. Share With MSers Fund Raiser, Sept. 12, D’Iberville. Mississippi Gulf Coast Multiple Sclerosis Society event with music, door prizes, silent auction; 5-8 p.m. Admission. D’Iberville Civic Center Automall Parkway. Details: 228374-7403, 228-392-4179. Coming up: Fourth Annual Greenfield Cemetery Candlelight Tour, Oct. 2-3, Glen Allan. Storytellers in period dress portray selected persons at their gravesites; 7-9 nightly. Advanced tickets required and go on sale Aug. 1. Details: 662-822-6868; Facebook.com/ greenfieldcemeterycandlelighttour. Picture This: A Walk in the Woods What do you see when you walk in the woods? A colorful toadstool? A scenic creek? Share your discoveries with readers of Today in Mississippi! Submissions must be emailed or postmarked by Sept. 14, 2015. Selected photos will appear in the October 2015 issue of Today in Mississippi. “Picture This” is a reader photo feature appearing in the January, April, July and October issues of Today in Mississippi. We publish a few of the photos that best illustrate the given theme from among those submitted. Photographers whose photos are selected for publication are eligible for a $200 cash prize, to be awarded in a random drawing in December. Submission requirements • Submit as many photos as you like, but select only your best work. • Photos must relate to the given theme. • Photos must be the original work of an amateur photographer (of any age). • Photos eligible for publication may be either color or black and white, print or digital, but must be in sharp focus. • Digital photos should be high-resolution JPG files, with no date on the image. • Photos must be accompanied by identifying information: photographer’s name, address, phone and electric power association (if applicable). Include the name(s) of any recognizable people or places in the picture. How to submit photos Prints and digital photos are acceptable. Mail prints to Picture This, Today in Mississippi, P.O. Box 3300, Ridgeland, MS 39158-3300. Attach digital photos to your email message and send to news@epaofms.com. Please attach all photos to only one email message, if possible. Or, mail a photo CD to Picture This, Today in Mississippi, P.O. Box 3300, Ridgeland, MS 391583300. Question? Call Debbie Stringer, editor, at 601-6058610 or e-mail news@epaofms.com. August 2015 HARBOR FREIGHT SUPER COUPON WOW SUPER COUPON $ 50 WITH ANY PURCHASE 1" x 25 FT. TAPE MEASURE LOT 69080 shown 69030/69031 $79 VALUE LIMIT 1 - Cannot be used with other discount, coupon or prior purchase. Coupon good at our stores, HarborFreight.com or by calling 800-423-2567. Offer good while supplies last. Shipping & Handling charges may apply if not picked up in-store. Non-transferable. Original coupon must be presented. Valid through 12/5/15. Limit one FREE GIFT Coupon per customer per day. 60 LED SOLAR SECURITY LIGHT ON WOW12" SLISUPDINERGCOCOMUPPOU ND DOUBLE-BEVEL MITER SAW WITH LASER GUIDE battery pack. 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SAVE $45 900 PEAK/ 700 RUNNING WATTS 2 HP (63 CC) 2 CYCLE GAS RECREATIONAL GENERATOR LOT 66619/60338 62472/69381 shown LOT 61611 46092 shown LIMIT 8 - Good at our stores, HarborFreight.com or by calling 800-423-2567. Cannot be used with other discount or coupon or prior purchases after 30 days from original purchase with original receipt. Offer good while supplies last. Non-transferable. Original coupon must be presented. Valid through 12/5/15. Limit one coupon per customer per day. 3/8" x 50 FT. HEAVY DUTY PREMIUM RUBBER AIR HOSE R PE ON SU UP CO $36999 $4999 $ 38999 62% $15.99 3-IN-1 PORTABLE POWER PACK WITH JUMP STARTER SAVE 50% WOW SUP44"ER, 13CODRUPAWONER REG. PRICE R PE ON SU UP O C 12 VOLT, 15 GALLON SPOT SPRAYER Batteries included. REG. PRICE LIMIT 6 - Good at our stores, HarborFreight.com or by calling 800-423-2567. Cannot be used with other discount or coupon or prior purchases after 30 days from original purchase with original receipt. Offer good while supplies last. 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