herzogspark hotel
herzogspark hotel
20 16 R TO E G U EN RI S ST BU GU RG ID E e! re n r f itio fo 7. Ed HELLO TOURIST, LET ME BE YOUR GUIDE www.regensburg-tourist-guide.de Food & drink Dul Schopperplatz Herzogspark Stadtpark tor- Joh ann -Ma ierStr . 3 A P bstr. Jako J P rw. meie Wies Schottenstr K tr. hers lsbac Taxisstr. enstr. Mathild Rot Winkle rg. St ah lzw in ge rw . Platz -Anselm-Allee der Einheit Fürst tr. er S ning Prüfe De ch be tte ne rS tr. Wiesmeie rw. W Str. ner ette chb e D Schottenstr. 93 Kreuzg. N Dok Fidelg. Haagg. Portner g. Wollw irkerg . Am Ju de ns str . in te H Brunn leite Kreu zg. kert ig-Ec Ludw lsb itte Hotel Mercure Hotel von Heyden Goliath Hotel Roter Hahn Hotel ASAM old Non nen pl. Accommodation 24 25 26 27 28 We it Witte 18 19 20 21 22 23 30 Berger Optik Schweiger Edelbrennerei & Kaffeerösterei Schreiner Goldschmiede Crusius Feinuhrmacher & Hofjuwelier Mühlbacher Donaueinkaufszentrum ara Shoes Damasko andres & zimmermann Regensburg Arcaden ecco ReSales SanktLeonards-Platz . rw ge in lzw ah St 15 16 17 Dalbergstr. 13 14 str. Led erer g. W Weit old Shopping Holzlä ndes tr. Ledere rg. Rühlgäs sel Gerb erg. rebrunnstr. Spatzeng äßchen Herre npl. Hundsu mkehr Am Prebrunntor Amore, Vino & Amici Seven Oceans Leerer Beutel Bischofshof Braustuben Grill Canteen Zum Sorgenfrei Restauarant Gänsbauer Brauhaus am Schloss Haus Heuport Weltenburger am Dom Hofbräuhaus Regensburg Bischofshof am Dom llee nna bru Pre 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ac 4 he rst r. G Places of interest 14 Shopping / restaurant / hotel / leisure time WC Public restroom WC Action „Nette Toilette“ - page 33 Dörnbergpark Ladeh ofstr. 16 93 3 filterVERLAG 14 S R 2 Augustenstr. Kumpfm Thurmayerstr. Hoppestr. Seg Tour Regensburg r. 29 Wilhelmst Leisure Time ühler Str. Lisk irch erstr . Frankenstraße P Protzenweihe rbrücke Gutweinstr. Gebhardstr. teg ser S Grie Brücke Eiserne König sstr. htl Trunz erg. Kloste rmeye rg. Gic Erhardi g. P Fahrbeck g WC Von-der-Tann-Str. tr. ers A Fuchseng ang rs-W. Landshut er Str. Str. Am Peterstor Gr as g. ErnstReuterPlatz tenstr. BAHNHOF WC P Regensburg WC Arcaden 22 rgbrücke enbe Galg Bahnhofstr. Universitätsstraße University str. Minoritenw. Doktor-Martin-Luther- WC Margare 2 3 Bertold WC Königsstr. Sankt-Pete Friedensstraße 8 Trothe ng. Hu nn en pl. Lindnerg. Maximilians tr. Luzeng. Helenenstr. Fürst-Anselm-Allee g. mK ön igs ho f rg. Waffne P Sankt-Peters-W. ten Schwanenplatz äff n Jesuite nplatz Pfluggass e Doktor-Wun derle-Str. a im FröhlicheTürken-S tr. S de rg Oberm ünste rstr. Os Dachaupl. Sc h . . Donaum arkt Drei-Kronen-G. Am B rixener Hof St.Kassiansplatz Weißbräuhau sg. g. rrer Male rg. g. Steck ren-Str. Schwarze-Bä WC tern-G ng. Kapelle 29 M Alter Kornmarkt Speicherg. 10 Maximilia nstr. Krauter ermarkt Pfaueng. Domstr. Fr au en be rg l Straußgäßchen Rote-S Hackengäßchen Weiße-H ahnen-G . kstr. Tauben g. Brüc Kramwinkel Resid enzs tr. Tän dlerg . WC Pfa Augustinerg. Obere Ba chg. Deischg. H Dom Platz 15 16 Domgarten N WC O P str. Wöhrd Werfts Kalmün zerg. A Blaue-Lilien-G. Fischg ässel Wahlenstr. achg. Untere B Kre bsg . Grün es G äßch en Gäßchen ohne End um k k z in Ec lsch g Vau n a ieng Ägid Entengan g Waffnerg. Emmerams platz Roter-Lilie n-Win kel An derHülling WC B 12 Doktor-Martin-Luther-Str. Alte Mang g. 21 Unter den Schwib bögen Drei-Helm-G. Neupfarrplatz WC Blaue-Stern-G. 9 rstr. tr. en-S e-Lili Weiß erg. Viereim Marschallstr. 23 Auerg. Adlerg. WC Steinerne Br ücke Am Schallern Silbe rne-K ranz -G. Waagg. Am Römlin g Glocke ng. Am Ö lberg Ortnerg. Poetengäßche n 13 tenstr. S p ie ge l g . Beraiterw . Dänzerg. Silberne-Fis ch-G . 8 WC Thundorfe Salzburger G. I Watmarkt 27 Gesa nd 26 F Kramg. 1 Gutenberg- WC platz C Goliathstr. Kohlenmarkt 19 WC Äg id ie np l. Baumhackerg. Engelburgerg . Weiß gerb ergra AmSchulb ben e rg l Rehg. Metge berg. Sank t-Alba ns-G . Vor d 11 er Grieb R ot eH WC WC ah ne Grieb nG Hinter der . Steinerg. rg. Rathausplatz L Haidplatz 5 Predig e G Roter Herzfleck WC Wöhrdstr. Adolph-Kolping-Str. Haidpl. A Fischmarkt Goldene-Bär en-St r. W.-La mm-G. 30 g-G. -Waa Neue WC WC Jahninsel Niederm ünsterg . DreiMoh ren-S tr. Einhorngäßchen m Wie dfang Posthorng. 17 E Scheugäßchen Fuchs gäß. Ludwigstr. 7 erstr. Zieroldspl. k- D Weinlände Ke p l Weing. Zur Sc hönen Gelegen heit . Am Bes chlächt str. erg Müllerstr. DONAU Am W einm arkt Salz g. ke Pros destr. 18 s Am Grie Wass erg. Badstraße N 25 WC Eiserner Steg Q GE And reas str. St. Katharinenplatz Lieblstr. 6 RE P Stadtamhof Spitalg. Herzog-Albrechtstr. Pfa Franzisffen kanerste ine r W platz . 15 16 Busparkplatz Bäckergasse Seifensiederg. faf fen ste ine rS teg aße dlstr Dan P WC Her zog -He inr-S tr. Auf de r Gried e P Am Europakanal Am Protzenweiher Bäckergasse Steinweg 8 Luitpo ldstr. H e ma u e rstr. 28 24 20 3 Content list 02/03 05 Sights 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Art 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 Map A word of welcome Steinerne Brücke Porta Praetoria & Castra Regina Salzstadel Engelburger Gasse Keplerhaus Goliath Rathaus, Reichstag & Folterkammer Schloss St. Emmeram, Thurn und Taxis Dreieinigkeitskirche Schottenkirche, Schottenportal Bismarckplatz Haidplatz Alter Kornmarkt Regensburger Dom Neupfarrplatz Stadtamhof Walhalla Kuchlbauer´s Bierwelt Befreiungshalle Galerie Art Affair Galerie Andrea Madesta Moquii Schmuck und Design Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister Galerie Hammer Kunstkabinett Kunstraum Sigismundkapelle Galerie Bild & Rahmen Galerie Konstantin B. Übersicht über weitere Galerien Museum 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie Domschatzmuseum document Schnupftabakfabrik Historisches Museum document Neupfarrplatz document Reichstag Städtische Galerie Leerer Beutel Kepler Gedächtnishaus Fürst Thurn und Taxis Museen Übersicht weitere Museen Guided Tours 31 Synopsis Guided Tours, Kulttouren Theatre 32 32 32 32 33 34 36 38 Statt-Theater Theater am Bismarckplatz Turmtheater Akademietheater Toilets free of charge Calendar Highlights 2016 Routemap Bus Regensburg Important Numbers Food & Drink 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Amore, Vino & Amici Seven Oceans Leerer Beutel Bischofshof Braustuben Grillcanteen Zum Sorgenfrei Restaurant Gänsbauer Brauhaus am Schloss Haus Heuport Weltenburger am Dom Hofbräuhaus Regensburg Bischofshof am Dom Shopping 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 68 Berger Optik Schweiger Edelbrennerei & Kaffeerösterei Schreiner: Porzellan, Haushalt, Geschenke Goldschmiede Crusius Feinuhrmacher & Hofjuwelier Mühlbacher Donaueinkaufszentrum ara Shoes Damasko GmbH, Uhrenmanufaktur Goldschmiede andres & zimmermann Regensburg Arcaden ECCO Resales Accommodation 62 63 64 65 66 Hotel Mercure Hotel von Heyden Goliath Hotel Roter Hahn Hotel Asam Leisure Time 67 Segway Tour Regensburg IMPRESSUM: www.filterverlag.de 4 filterVERLAG OHG – Agentur für Web & Print Gutenbergplatz 1a | 93047 Regensburg Tel: 0941 5956080 | www.filterverlag.de Fotos: filterVERLAG, www.bigstock.com Coverfoto: Thomas Rieger rigatonis-fotoecke.de Textual sources: Museums and churches of the city of Regensburg; city archives; Peter Styra (Castle St. Emmeram, Thurn und Taxis) Welcome to our beautiful city! Regensburg is one of Germany’s most visited city tour destinations and has become a real attraction for visitors, not least because of its declaration ten years ago as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Immerse yourself in 2000 years of history, be enchanted by the unique charm of the city and enjoy the lively and friendly culture. Regensburg is a lively city of style with much to offer. Modern shops with historical façades stand shoulder to shoulder with historic sites, and modern bars are to be found in medieval vaulted rooms. This harmonious transition between old and new is virtually unique to Regensburg. The cosy cafés, traditional taverns and restaurants are on hand for a much needed break if your legs begin to tire following an afternoon‘s shopping. In the evening, why not enjoy the varied cultural events on offer or get involved in the vibrant night life. This tourist guide aims to assist you as you discover the city for yourself. I hope your time with us is memorable, that you experience some wonderful moments and enjoy your stay in our City of Regensburg Best wishes Joachim Wolbergs The Lord Mayor, City of Regensburg 5 A Steinerne Brücke T he Stone Bridge, was constructed from 1135 to 1146 in Romanesque style. The bridge was originally built with 16 supporting arches giving it a total length of 330 metres. In 1487, the 16th arch was filled in with the construction of the ‘Salzstadel‘ at the Wiedfang channel on the city side of the bridge. The arches have a width ranging from 10 to 17 metres and the up-river points of their supporting columns are equipped with ice-breakers. Originally reinforced with stone in the river bed, the columns are now supported by cement to create the legendary ‘Regensburg Danube whirlpools’. In the 13th century, the bridge was equipped with 3 fortified towers. The ‘black tower’ which was located on the ‘Stadtamhof’ side, was eliminated in 1810 together with its moats, small defence towers and a drawbridge because of war damage. The middle tower was removed back in 1784 after ice impact made it unstable. The only remaining tower today is the ‘bridge tower’ or debtor’s prison on the city or southern side. This tower is decorated with two clocks and paintings depicting battles from the 30-year war. LEGEND Legend has it that the cathedral builder and the bridge builder had a bet with each other as to who would finish their project first. As the construction of the cathedral began to progress much faster, the bridge builder decided to make a pact with the devil and won. However, the bridge builder had to promise the devil the first 3 souls that would cross the bridge and thus could not savour his victory. However, a hooded monk wisely advised him to send 3 animals across first and 2 roosters and a dog were the first to cross the bridge. The devil was so furious that he made a huge hole in the stone railing which could be seen as proof for many years. 6 B Porta Praetoria & Castra Regina C astra Regina was established under the Emperor Marc Aurel in 179 AD as a military camp for 6000 men with its strategic location being the northernmost point on the Danube. This fort was approximately 450 x 550 metres large with a V-shaped surrounding ditch measuring 6 metres wide and 3 metres deep. The 70-90 cm wall base (on which the fort wall measuring 1.8 metres thick and 9 metres high stood with its 30 towers and 4 entrance gates) can still be seen today at certain places including the porta praetoria, the Dachauplatz multi-storey car park, Am Königshof, and Ernst-Reuter- Platz. The north gate of the fort, once called Porta Aquarum (water gate), was renamed after the completion of the street ‘Via Praetoria’, from where it got its present name, Porta Praetoria. The area was unearthed in 1890 after it was included in the construction of the Bischöfliches Brauhaus (bishop’s brewery) in the late Middle Ages. The prevailing view is that it used to be a double gate with two arches and an east and west tower. The towers each had 2 floors with 5 round-arched windows to defend against attacks. Another windowed storey was also located above their 4-metre wide doors. The archway still in existence is made from 13 tapered limestones which fit against each other to exact precision. Along with the larger Porta Nigra in Trier (180 AD), the Porta Praetoria is the oldest above-ground structure north of the Alps. 7 C Salzstadel S 8 alt routes are the oldest trading routes in Europe, twisting from Italy up over the Alps to the north and east. Salt was often so valuable that many soldiers had their wages paid out in salt rather than money. During the 13th century, however, salt originated from the salt mines of Reichenhall from where it travelled through Passau and then up the Danube to Regensburg. From there, it would be further distributed at the most important transfer station of that day and age. The buying and selling of this ‘white gold’ was run by the salt lords and was only taken over by the state in the 16th century. Horse-drawn carts, with often as many as 40 horses per cart, would bring the salt to the depot (Salzstadel) up until 1616. The salt would be stored in 3 main floors and 5 additional attic floors that were equipped with a complex rope-pull system to manage the flourishing trade. As the original wood construction of the depot could not bear the weight of the salt, the wood beams were later replaced by stone supports. The depot was completely restored in 1991. As Regensburg qualified as a free city, it had the right to collect tolls from ships. The ships would travel through a channel (the Wiedfang channel which has since been filled in) and would be charged a toll. The province of Bavaria wanted to avoid paying this toll so built another salt depot in Stadtamhof in 1600. Many ships were then forced back underneath the north side of the stone bridge to Salzstadel in order to pay the toll. In 1606 the city of Regensburg hired Hanns Heygl, also a captain, to take control of the situation. He stood watch on the bridge with his mighty axe, where he would hack the ropes of the ships as they were docked and would send them back into the dangerous currents making them unable to unload their cargo. D Engelburgergasse Nr. 8: Der Unterschlupf von Adam Weishaupt T he founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, lived in the Engelburggasse in Regensburg from 1785 to 1787. This is suggested on an 18th century engraving, where the house with the number 8 is visible in the background. On May 1st 1776, the order of the ‘Federation of the Perfectibilists‘ was founded by Weishaupt in Ingolstadt. This order would later be renamed the ‘Order of the Illuminati’ (from the Latin meaning “the enlightened”). Despite what many films and books claim, the goal of the order had nothing to do with sinister and evil powers. On the contrary - a ‘light of reason’ which was long oppressed by church dogmas was to be exposed in order to create a new world order. The aim was a complete reform of the government, religion, and education. Virtue, wisdom, and science should prevail over persecution and despotism. High-ranking noblemen and celebrities of the time, such as Goethe, became members of the Illuminati. In 1785, the Bavarian sovereign Karl Theodor banned the Illuminati in the whole of Bavaria. Adam Weishaupt fled to what was then the free city of Regensburg on 16th February 1785 dressed as a craftsman. On July 20th 1785, the priest and fellow Illuminati member Johann Jakob Lanz visited him. As both were walking near the city gate, they encountered a heavy storm. As if God was outraged by his bold affiliation with the Illumati, Lanz was struck by lightning and he was killed immediately. A list of members of the Illuminati was found in his clothing. The free city of Regensburg was then pressured to extradite Weishaupt. Bavaria even commissioned spies to arrest Weishaupt the second he set foot on Bavarian soil (for example Bavarian Stadtamhof). Weishaupt fled from Regensburg to Gotha’s ducal court in 1787. However, the Illuminati continued to be slandered and persecuted while Weishaupt attempted to clear his name and rehabilitate the order. He never succeeded in doing this and later died in 1830. 9 E Keplerhaus, Keplerstraße 5 J ohannes Kepler is renowned for his established laws on physics and planetary movement theories. Born on Dec 27th 1571, he lived in two different houses in Regensburg. He died in the Keplerhaus in 1630. Kepler taught in Linz and had to leave Regensburg frequently to support his mother who was accused of witchcraft in Leonberg and Güglingen, or to spend time in Ulm where he printed the Rudolphic tables. Kepler travelled to many cities with the title ‘the emperor’s mathematician’, and moved to Sagan in 1628 to serve for General Wallenstein. However, he left part of his belongings behind in Regensburg which indicated that he did intend to return one day. Amongst these belongings was a handwritten list of his possessions. This list is currently on display in the Keplerhaus. Having returned and while travelling on to Linz, Kepler became extremely ill in Regensburg and died very suddenly. He is buried in an unknown location in Regensburg’s inner city. Opening hours: Sat, Sun, and holidays 10.30 a.m.-4 p.m. Easter Monday, Whit Monday 10.30 a.m.-4 p.m. guided tours: Sat, Sun, public holidays 2.30 p.m. 10 F Goliathhaus T he ‘Goliath House’ (Goliathhaus), built in 1260, is considered one of the most well-known landmarks of Regensburg with its painting of David and Goliath from the year 1573. Along with Haus Heuport, this is the largest ‘city castle’ in the inner city and is located on the southern base of the old Roman fort. It is likely that the name is not derived from the biblical epic, but rather from the name ‘Goliards’. Theology students were called Goliards after their guardian angel “Golias”. It is believed that the present Goliath house was built on the location of the quarters in which the travellers often stayed. The house was subsequently the headquarters of the Tundorfer patrician family, later being taken over by the Dollingers, Mallers and the Tucher patricians from Nuremberg. 11 G Rathaus, Reichstag & Folterkammer R egensburg City Hall was built over multiple centuries. The tower which was built in 1260 is especially noteworthy. This 55-metre high tower forms part of Regensburg’s postcard silhouette. Even more well-renowned is the Reichssaal (Parliament Hall). Not only important as a work of art, the Reichsaal was also the location of the first German Parliament. This parliament was not democratically elected. The emperor was required to meet with a collection of representatives in order to make legal, administrative, and military decisions. The location of the Reichstag continued to change from city to city up until 1663, when it became the ‘perpetual parliament’ based in Regensburg. Because representatives were not physically present, a congress of ministers would continually meet to represent the rulers, princes, electors, and imperial cities. But the City Hall was not just a place for conventions and intellectual discussions; powerful forms of persuasion were practiced in the cellar to expose the truth. The torture chamber in Regensburg is one-of-a-kind in Germany and should be on every visitor’s list. Everything has been left in its original condition; from the chamber layout to each device and contraption. Pain interrogation had been implemented since the beginning of the 14th century to force confessions, as a confession was imperative for an official conviction. An extraordinary tour through the basement of the city hall will show the prison cells and torture instruments. This trip back through time is an absolute must! Entrance with guided tours only: every half hour from 9.30 a.m.-12.00 and from 1.30 p.m.-4.00 p.m. English guided tour: April-Oct daily 3 p.m. November-January daily 2 p.m. 12 Foto: Fürst Thurn und Taxis Zentralarchiv H Schloss St. Emmeram, Thurn und Taxis T he former abbey and Benedictine monastery at St. Emmeram has been owned by the Thurn und Taxis royal family since 1812. The royal family moved to Regensburg in 1748 to represent the emperor at the ‘perpetual Reichstag’. After the old empire was dissolved, Prince Karl Alexander received the monastery as partial compensation for surrendering his rights to the Bavarian postal system to the state. During the 19th century, this complex comprising several hundred rooms was reconstructed to create one of the largest private residences in Europe. The museum area of the residence, cloister, royal stables and treasure chamber provide a comprehensive insight to 1000 years of monastery tradition, as well as the lifestyle of one of the most important aristocratic families in Europe. Experience the cloisters with its medieval flair, or enjoy the splendour of the rococo manor house and European craftsmanship in the treasure chambers. The royal stables, which were originally constructed in 1832, are now home to the carriage museum. With over 70 vehicles and carriages, it is the hugest collection of aristocratic carriages in the world. Viewing only with guided tour. Info: www.thurnundtaxis.de, museum@thurnundtaxis.de or tel. 0941/50480 13 I Dreieinigkeitskirche T 14 he Church of the Holy Trinity, located on the Gesandtenstrasse, was built in the midst of the Thirty Years War. This was one of the first evangelical churches in Bavaria. Construction began on July 4th 1627, and was completed only four-and-a-half years later on December 5th 1631. The original benches dating back to 1630-31 are still used today. The intricate wood carvings on the back of the choir chairs are a highlight especially worth seeing. The poor box, which dates back to 1632, originally stood in the middle isle but is now located in a showcase near the pulpit rise. The original design of the church was supposed to come from the architect Matthias Stang from Pfalz-Neuburg, but because it arrived too late, Johann Carl from Nuremberg, an armourer, fortress architect and engineer, was commissioned. This design has regional and Dutch influences, with the flat look of the longhouse which resembles the Lusthaus in Stuttgart designed by Georg Beers. The structure also conforms to other building styles in Regensburg with a tower homogenous to the Jakobskirche and Neupfarrkirche. Particularly interesting is the columnless design of longhouse; the gallery is actually the only thing supported in the building by columns. Paintings in the church, such as the full body portrait of Luther and Melanchton, originate from the 17th century. Other attractions include the small cemetery, running as a narrow strip alongside the church, which includes a row of baroque-styled grave monuments, as well as the last resting place of former foreign parliament members. But above all, do not forget to climb up the tower where you can enjoy breathtaking views of the ‘old city’! J Schottenkirche - Schottenportal I rish Benedictine monks (Scotti in the vernacular language referred to the Gaels of Ireland and Scotland) founded the St. Jakob Abbey in around 1090. Construction of the abbey and portal were finished in 1200. It is considered one of the most meaningful works of occidental art. Experts believe that all of the figures portrayed were once painted and some even gold or silver-plated with the holes being once filled with gems. The exact interpretation or meaning of the portal is still in debate. One widely accepted theory by Franz Dietheuer, states: the arch above the door separates the heavens from the last judgement below where Satan, evil beings, infidel Jews, heathens, and bad Christians are all to face trial. Christ stands in the middle with 6 apostles on each side to create an even balance. Flanked on the outside are two saints: Emperor Charlemagne and Archbishop Patrick. The other figures and numerous arches have received many interpretations ranging from the planetary motions, wind, signs of earth, the antichrist Saladin, and further interpretation is still required today. Most theories have religious connotations dealing with Judgement Day and the resurrection. The monastery was then run by Scottish abbots in 1520. Despite it being well managed, it declined during the trials and tribulations of secularization. The administration was passed on to bishops in 1866, and the building has since been used as a priest seminary. 15 K Bismarckplatz T 16 his square is named after the Reich Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, an honorary citizen of Regensburg. It has been a traffic intersection dating as far back as the ‘Castra Regina’ times, where it was located in front of the fort’s Roman wall. In medieval times, the square was home to an arsenal, granary, corn warehouse, and stables. The presidential headquarters (now the police headquarters) are located at the north end of the square. This classical building was built by the then prince and Archbishop of Regensburg, Carl von Dalberg in 1805 for the French envoy and ‘perpetual parliament’. This building was the first to introduce classicism to the city, which had previously a purely medieval image. The six massive limestone columns with Corinthian capitals are especially striking. Its counterpart across the square is the city theatre built for public use in 1804. The theatre was previously only accessible to nobles and the elite. In 1980/81, the square was renovated to accommodate an underground garage. This construction project added the 2 water fountains, a new cobbled surface, and the southern terrace. Over the south-west corner of the square is the Benedictine Abbey of St. Jakob. Across the square in the north-eastern corner is the Erbprinzenpalais (Palace to the Heir to the Throne), which Otto Krafft v. Prüfening built as a hostel for the cloister in 1701. Since 1815, this has been owned by the Thurn & Taxis family. Nestled in the south-eastern corner near the police headquarters, is the Schneckbachhaus. Here, the first evangelical service in Regensburg was held in 1541. The building received its current Baroque-styled make-over in 1742. It also served as legation for the Duke of Württemberg. Today, Bismarckplatz is one of Regensburg’s most beautiful and communicative squares! L Haidplatz H ‘Haidplatz’ derives its name from a wasteland that is sparsely overgrown, known as a ‘Haide’. The ‘Haid’ as it was often referred to as, was originally much larger and open. During the middle ages, the square shrunk in size due to surrounding construction, but it still offered ample room for various events. Documents from the 12th century state that the ‘Haid’ had been host for large Knight Tournaments, and one chronicle reported over 300 knights for a particular tournament in 1393. The area also attracted many jugglers, inventors, and exhibitionists to perform. In 1673 there was a legendary performance by the Frenchman Charles Bernovin, who fell to his death as he attempted to tight-rope across the square strapped with fireworks to his body. This square is enclosed by several historical buildings, such as the “Neue Waag” or ‘New Scale’ (Haidplatz 1); a patrician house that was changed in 1441 to the “Stadtwaage” or “City Scales”. The ‘Arch’ (Haidplatz 3 & 4) is a veritable Gothic construction, whose massive front defines the square with its overwhelming appearance. The former inn, ‘Zum Goldenen Kreuz’ (to the Golden Cross) has a castle- like look and once served as quarters for highranking diplomats, princes, kings, and emperors. The elegant facade of Haidplatz 8 is the Thon-Dittmer-Palais. This complex holds the Department of Culture, the city library, the adult educational centre, and a theatre. The 4 wings of the building enclose an intimate courtyard, which is used today for open-air events. In the basement of the south wing is an area for various art exhibitions as well as the 14th century Sigismund Chapel. 17 M Alter Kornmarkt T 18 he Romans had used this area to house their officers, prefects, crew quarters, and baths. In 400 AD, the Germanic tribe called the Bavarii, left the Castra Regina, and declared Regensburg the capital of Bavaria with the Corn market as their residence. The residence was expanded in 850 for the Carolingian palace in addition to the Palatinate Chapel (later called the Old Chapel), which were added at this time. The emperor, bishops, and representatives also held their meetings for the Reich (empire) here. The ‘Herzogshof’ (Duke’s Court) is now a hotel worth seeing! It is still maintained by the Wittelsbachern, who resided in the building until 1245. The Herzoghof is connected with an arched buttress to the Römerturm or Roman tower, formerly known as the Heidenturm or Pagan-Tower. The tower is 28 meters high with 4-meter thick walls. It served as a place of refuge from attacks, as well as an archive and treasure chamber. For a long period of time the Corn Market was used not only for impressive military parades and tournaments, but also bloodthirsty justice of the middle ages. Up until 1830, it served as the grain market for Regensburg, which was later moved to Haidplatz. Neighboring the Corn Market is the Niedermünsterstift (Niedermünstergasse), a convent housing the resting place of Saint Erhard (700AD). The convent was rather liberal as it allowed women to withdraw from sisterhood and even wed after retirement. The convent had connections to the house of the Bavarian Duke and enjoyed many imperial freedoms, which remained in place until secularization. The Niedermünster Church is actually the 4th church to stand here today. All four churches have had the exact same measurements, beginning at the head of Saint Erhard’s tomb. Also located on the square is the Karmelitenkloster St. Josef (Carmelite Cloister), whose foundation was laid in 1641 by Emperor Ferdinand III and completed in 1672. The ‘Echter Regensburger Karmelitengeist” (medicinal water) was created by Father Ulrich Eberskirch in 1721 and is very well known. Noteworthy here is the western façade in baroque style. N Regensburger Dom T he first church stood on the grounds of the present St. Peter’s Cathedral as far back as 700 AD. A cathedral which was subsequently built there burned down several times before the construction of the cathedral we can see today began in the year 1273. This new cathedral, however, was not completed until the year 1870/72, 600 years later! The famous 105-metre tall spires were only finished in the last 10 years of the construction. Inside the cathedral you can see the famous four part “Annunciation Group” with the ”Erminold Maria“. It refers back to the alleged “Erminold craftsman”, who carved out and colourfully painted a figure of Mary and the famous laughing Angel Gabriel in about 1280. On the two western pillars, the figures are juxtaposed to one another at the nave crossing. Mary‘s hand is raised slightly to greet the angel and in her other hand she is holding a book. St. Peter and Paul are portrayed in stone on the eastern pillars of the crossing, which were constructed in 1320 and 1360-1370 respectively. And since 2009, the cathedral now houses the largest free-hanging organ in the world with 80 registers. OPENING HOURS: April-October 6.30a.m.-6p.m. November-March 6.30a.m.-5p.m. CATHEDRAL TREASURES The cathedral’s treasure has both flourished and dwindled since the 10th century; many objects were added to the collection and many sold to finance the cathedral’s construction. A special guided tour will reveal its many valuable relics and liturgical artefacts. 19 O Neupfarrplatz R egensburg had one of the oldest Jewish communities in Germany, with a Talmud university as well as a cemetery located on the outskirts of the city. The community, including students, had a population between 400-600 people and created a ‘city within a city’. This micro-city was located at the present day Neupfarrplatz and included some surrounding buildings: approximately 30 houses were connected with bridges and underground passageways. It was a walled-in enclosure with many doorways that separated it from the Christian communtiy surrounding it. The “ghetto” was destroyed in 1519, triggered perhaps by Regensburg’s economic depression, jealousy and Anti-Semitism. After the death of Emperor Maximillian I, who had guaranteed protection for the Jews, the Christian community quickly displayed their long withheld hatred. Council members confronted the Jewish community and gave them 4 days to leave the city. They were allowed to take all their personal belongings, except the Christian objects that the Jews held as collateral from business trades. To their own dismay, the Jews chose to destroy their holy objects that they could not take with them rather than hand them over to the Christians. During the winter months, the Jews were then driven out of the city. Two ships were provided in the Danube for the Jews to leave, while many settled across the river in Stadtamhof, or went on to Sallern. Demolition of the ghetto was quick and even described as ‘God’s work’. Maria’s chapel of worship was erected shortly thereafter, and the people celebrated with a pilgrimage. The square was a parking area until 1995, when it was redesigned and excavation unearthed parts of the synagogue und many mugs with golden coins. 20 P Stadtamhof I n the middle ages, with about 2000 inhabitants, Stadtamhof was a small Bavarian neighborhood in the middle of the independent city Regensburg and thus often a hot bed of conflict. Earliest evidence shows that this area was first settled in 981 as an estate belonging to the Emmeram Cloister. It reached city status in 1496, and in 1924 became incorporated with the city of Regensburg. It sunk deep into poverty after the war, before flourishing to its present day charm. The clock still ticks a bit different in Stadtamhof, even today. Residents enjoy the offset location on the banks of the Danube where they are a stone’s throw to the city, yet still set apart. Small shops and stores are still run by the same families generations old. You stumble upon many picturesque nooks and idyllic courtyards. Its’ historical status also offers many sights worth seeing such as the Rococo church and the former Monastery Church St. Mang. The 2-story former salt depot, Andreasstadel (Andreas Depot) is also quite interesting. Today it is a hotel, cafe, art academy, movie theatre and houses private apartments. The depot, dating back to the 16th century, originally competed with the larger salt trade across the river and is the oldest secular building still standing in Stadtamhof today. Across the Europa Canal is the city’s main gate and a restored locomotive from the Valhalla train, which up until 1960 brought passengers to Wörth an der Donau. Also in existence today is the Katharine Hospital and Spitalkirche (Hospital Church), along with their ever beloved and spacious beer garden. 21 Q Walhalla T he Walhalla stands majestically above Donaustauf, just over six miles east of Regensburg – a vast temple of marble. It rears up out of the dark greenery around and can be seen on the horizon from far away with its huge entrance. Initiated by the Bavarian King Ludwig I, a significant, neoclassical edifice in the Doric style was created by the architect Leo von Klenze. It is not only the exterior that presents a tremendous picture but the interior as well, the „Cella“: an impressive pantheon. This was opened on October 18, 1842, after 12 years of construction. It houses 128 marble busts decorated with gold ornaments and 64 tablets depicting significant themes from Germanic mythology. Some of the luminaries featured are Johannes Kepler, Immanuel Kant, Martin Luther and many more. King Ludwig I is also represented by a statue, which was erected for him in 1890. The entire light-grey marble structure is approximately 130 metres long, 91 metres wide and 60 metres high. The temple itself is 20 metres high, approximately 70 metres long and around 35 metres wide. It is carried by 52 pillars, and the roof is supported by six goddesses of victory. There are tympani with marble statues at both ends: on the front gable there are also 15 symbolic figures which signify the restoration of Germany after the fight against Napoleon Bonaparte at the beginning of the 19th century. The 15 figures on the gable at the back illustrate the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. From the steps of the Walhalla you can enjoy the view of the Danube valley. 22 R Kuchlbauer´s Bierwelt I CONTACT t looks like a tower from another age. After more than 10 years of planning and construction, the Kuchlbauer tower in the grounds of the Kuchlbauer Brewery in Abensberg was completed at the end of 2009. The landmark represents one of the last architectural projects by the world-famous artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, and it brings together the two worlds of beer and wine. The tower pays homage to Bavaria‘s beers and its breweries. The Brauerei zum Kuchlbauer is located where the beer originated and has one of the world‘s oldest brewing rights. With Leonhard Salleck as head of the brewery, Peter Pelikan the family has now been working ural project planned and developed by architect Kuchlbauer Tower is a Hundertwasser architect Abensberg © Brauerei zum Kuchlbauer GmbH & Co KG, in the brewery trade for eight generations. The Kuchlbauer has specialised in brewing wheat beer - known as Weissbier - with the best raw materials right on the doorstep - hops from the Hallertau, malt and wheat from the Bavarian Jura and Gäuboden and water taken from the business‘s own well. A tour of the Kuchlbauer’s world of beers reveals more about the centuriesold history and brewing traditions of the Weissbier specialists. You can trace the development of the art of brewing and in doing so discover more about this centre for beer craft. Visitors see the brewery, its original craft beer cellar and the tower cellar. You can then explore the 35 metre high landmark and, after successfully negotiating the climb, enjoy the fantastic view over Abensberg from the viewing platform. The visit to the world of beers is rounded off with beer tasting and pretzels. The grounds have had another highlight to offer since 2014 - the KunstHausAbensberg. This accessible work of art - planned by the architect Peter Pelikan - houses a permanent Hundertwasser exhibition which provides visitors with a unique insight into the varied life and work of the Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser. The exhibition includes work from Hundertwasser‘s original and graphic applied art, and also papers showing his work in the area of architecture. Kuchlbauer’s Bierwelt Römerstraße 5-9, 93326 Abensberg Tel.: +49 (0) 9443/910150 www.kuchlbauer.de 23 S Befreiungshalle I 24 n Kelheim, the eye is drawn by the Befreiungshalle („Hall of Liberation“). Like the Walhalla in Donaustauf, the Befreiungshalle on Michelsberg was commissioned by King Ludwig I. Friedrich von Gärtner began constructing the hall in 1842. After his death, it was completed by the architect Leo von Klenze in 1863. It was intended as a memorial to the wars of liberation against Napoleon from 1813 to 1815. The building consists of three levels and is made of lime stone. There are 18 statues enthroned all around the outer facade which stand for the battles of the German tribes involved. The number 18 also represents the dates of the Battle of Leipzig (October 18, 1813) and the Battle of Waterloo (June 18, 1815). The size of the Befreiungshalle is impressive, at 45 metres in height and 29 metres in diameter. To reach the interior, you have to climb 125 steps. Forty more steps lead to the terrace, from which you have a good view of the town of Kelheim and the Danube. The opening in the dome lights up the spacious interior. The walls are arranged in 18 segmental arches. Two goddesses of victory made of white marble stand on pillars in front of each of the arches. They stand with their arms outstretched and are around three metres tall. A total of 34 goddess statues were designed by the sculptor Ludwig Schwanthaler, representing the member states of the German Confederation. There are bronze shields cast from captured guns behind them in the centre. Above the entrance to the rotunda, which is seven metres high, you can read the carved dedication: DEN TEUTSCHEN BEFREIUNGSKAEMPFERN, LUDWIG I - KOENIG VON BAYERN (To the German freedom fighters, Ludwig I - King of Bavaria). There has been a visitors‘ centre here since April 2004. The Befreiungshalle celebrated its 150 year anniversary in 2013. Art GALERIE ART AFFAIR The Gallery Art Affair opened its doors in 2005 on 170 sqm of exhibition space inside the private gothic chapel of the Altmann residence. Shown are both regional artists with German roots and international artists. The sector Design is also well-represented in the gallery‘s collection of outstanding personalities like Zaha Hadid and Ron Arad. ART AFFAIR Neue-Waag-Gasse 2 93047 Regensburg Opening hours: Tue-Fri: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2p.m.-7p.m. Sat: 11 p.m.-6 p.m. and on enquiry Tel: +49(0)941/ 5999591 www.art-affair.net email: info@art-affair.net GALERIE ANDREA MADESTA Obere Bachgasse 16 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/89939801 www.galerie-madesta.de Opening times: Tue - Fri: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat: 10 a.m.-15 p.m. Dr. Andrea Madesta shows modern and contemporary art in late Gothic rooms. You can see international stars like Georg Baselitz and Markus Lüpertz next to outstanding works by young artists. 25 MOQUII SCHMUCK UND DESIGN Stadtamhof 20, 93059 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/89796402 www.moquii.com Opening hours:Tue - Sat: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 2 p.m. - 7 p.m. and by arrangement GALERIE ISABELLE LESMEISTER Obermünsterstraße 6, 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/38137747 www.galerie-lesmeister.de Opening hours: Tue - Fri: 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Sat: 12:00 - 4 p.m. and on appointment At Moquii you‘ll find high-quality jewellery – made by young artists from all over Germany or produced in our own studio with the greatest skill and know-how. An individual souvenir is guaranteed. Established by Dr. Isabelle Lesmeister in 2010 the gallery promotes young emerging artists. In addition to the participation in national and international art fairs the gallery shows each year around six temporary exhibitions of painting, sculpture and photography. Particular value is set on innovative picture language and extraordinary technique. GALERIE HAMMER Untere Bachgasse 6 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)176/20317705 www.hammergalerie.de Opening hours: Mon - Sat: 12:00 - 6 p.m. KUNSTKABINETT Untere Bachgasse 7, 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/57856 www.kunstkabinett-regensburg.de Opening hours: Tue - Fri: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. and with appointment KUNSTKABINETT The most important artist of Galerie Hammer is Hélène de Beauvoir who is the sister of the famous authoress Simon de Beauvoir. She disputes herself with the currents through Picasso of the 20th century. The gallery shows exhibitions of contemporary arts but also the permanent exhibition of Hélène de Beauvoir which is exclusive in Europe. 26 A gallery for modern art since 1979, located in the heart of the old town in an historic building with an area covering 100 m². The range extends from the classical modern to the contemporary avant-garde such as A.R.Penck, Günther Uecker, Heinz Mack, and SEO, Helge Leiberg, Elvira Bach and many more. KUNSTRAUM SIGISMUNDKAPELLE IM THON-DITTMER-PALAIS Haidplatz 8, 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/5071434 Current exhibitions and opening hours www.regensburg.de/sigismundkapelle or www.vhs-regensburg.de GALERIE BILD & RAHMEN Wahlenstraße 20, 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/57886 einbildeinrahmen@t-online.de www.galerie-bildundrahmen.de Opening hours: Mon - Fri: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. The Adult Education Center of Regensburg is exhibiting emerging works of contemporary art, curated by artist and qualified culture manager Susanne Gatzka in the gothic chapel’s Sigismundkapelle ART ROOM in the courtyard of the Thon-Dittmer-Palais. All original watercolour pictures were made by Edith Thurnherr from Switzerland. The Galerie Bild und Rahmen exists now for more than 25 years. It‘s continously presenting different artists, not just fromour area, in it‘s „Kunstraum“ (room of arts). GALERIE KONSTANTIN B. Am Brixener Hof 11, 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)179/322 00 64 info@galeriekonstantinb.de Opening hours: Fri: 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. and with appointment FURTHER GALERIES IN TOWN: The galerie konstantin b. was founded around the end of 2001. It projects itself as a platform for contemporary art featuring international, transregional and regional artists. About six temporary or mixed exhibitions of paintings, graphics, objects and sculptures all the way to photography, installations and design are regularly sheduled per year. Städtische Galerie "Leerer Beutel" Entrance: Bertoldstraße 9 Galerie Braunmiller Domplatz 7 Altstadtgalerie Regensburg Rote-Stern-Gasse 2 Galerie am Ölberg, Am Ölberg 9 Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg e. V. Ludwigstraße 6 KunstvereinGRAZ e. V. Schäffnerstraße 21 Neuer Kunstverein Dr.-Gessler-Straße 3 Werkstatt & Galerie 'druckmal' Waffnergasse 1 Kleine Gallerie Gesandtenstr. 16 Kunstzelle Galerie Obermünsterstr. 15 Ostwestkunst Galerie Knyrim Hinter der Pfannenschmiede 3 Galerie an der Donau Weiße-Hahnen-Gasse 2 Kunstkontor Westnerwacht Weintingergasse 4 27 Museums Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie Dr.-Johann-Maier-Str. 5 93049 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/297140, www.kunstforum.net Opening times: Tue - Sun: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Thu : until 8 p.m. The Kunstform holds an impressive collection of Das Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie specialises in work by artists from the former German-speaking cultural regions in Eastern Europe. The collection comprises paintings, sculptures/statues as well as works on paper from the Romantic period to the present; featured artists include Lovis Corinth, Max Pechstein, Bernard Schultze and Magdalena Jetelová. Three or four special exhibitions each year are devoted to thematic issues, prominent figures from art history and the contemporary scene. Information about the current exhibitions is available at www. kunstforum.net. Cathedral Treasury Museum The museum features cathedral treasury items from the medieval era and the modern period. Exhibits include precious gold work such as monstrances and chalices. Worth seeing in particular are the famous enamel box, probably created in around 1400 in one of the workshops of the French princely courts and fused with 11000 gold stars, as well as the globally unique butterfly reliquary from around 1310/20 Krauterermarkt 3 (Access through the Cathedral) 93047 Regensburg, Tel. +49(0)941/5972575 www.domschatz-regensburg.de Opening hours: please visit homepage 28 Museums in the city of Regensburg document Schnupftabakfabrik The “document Schnupftabakfabrik” is truly unique in the rich landscape of Regensburg museums. It was once a medieval patrician house, then later used by ambassadors to the Perpetual Imperial Parliament, and at times by the Princes of Thurn und Taxis. Three of its rooms are preserved with original fittings from the times of the Bernard snuff factory which occupied the building from 1812. This demonstrates the pre- and early industrial processing in what was once Germany’s largest snuff factory. Old machinery, the layers of history in the rooms, an incomparable document Schnupftabakfabrik Gesandtenstraße 3, 93047 Regensburg Access only with guided tours Fri, Sat, Sun 2.30 p.m. Tickets: Café Anna, Gesandtenstraße 5 aroma of fine tobacco—the “document Schnupftabakfabrik” is a museum to enthrall all the senses. Special guided tours by arrangement Tel.: +49(0)941/5073442 Fax: +49(0)941/5075442 Mail: museumsfuehrungen@regensburg.de Historical Museum Dachauplatz 2 – 4 document Neupfarrplatz Neupfarrplatz Regensburg’s history and art history, with an emphasis on Roman times and the Middle Ages Underground documentation centre on the history of the medieval Jewish quarter in Regensburg Imperial Parlament Rathausplatz 1 Old Town Hall with meeting rooms of the Perpetual Imperial Parliament (which endured from 1663 – 1804) and rooms for administration and justice (including a torture chamber) 29 Städtische Galerie im Leeren Beutel (City Gallery in the “Empty Wallet”) Bertoldstraße 9 Exhibit of modern and contemporary art in Eastern Bavaria, changing art exhibits from the 20th and 21st centuries Kepler Memorial House Keplerstraße 5 The house where astronomer Johannes Kepler died, with documentation on his life and work in a 17th century Regensburg residential house, reconstructed true to the original. Further informations: www.regensburg.de/kultur Princely Thurn und Taxis Museums Emmeramsplatz 5 93047 Regensburg Tel.: 0941/50480 www.thurnundtaxis.de www.facebook.com/thurnundtaxis ADDITIONAL MUSEUMS: Fotos: Fürst Thurn und Taxis Archiv-Museen 30 Roman Pavilion on Kornweg Protective construction over the foundations of a Roman factory building Obermünster Diocesan Museum Former farm building of the Obermünster noble chapter of nuns, Emmeramsplatz 1 1000 years of monastic and noble traditions over different eras and in different styles come to life in the princely museums - from medieval times to the present day. The monastic buildings of the secularised imperial abbey of St Emmeram were given to the von Thurn und Taxis princes in 1812 as a future residence. Our visitors are invited to experience aristocratic life in the formerly private state rooms, monastic asceticism in the Romanesque-Gothic cloister (one of the most impressive of its type in Germany), aristocratic travel in the royal stables with its collection of carriages, sleighs and carrying chairs from the 18th to the 20th century as well as the finest artistic craft work from the 17th to 19th centuries in the princely treasure chamber. Natural History Museum of Eastern Bavarina Landscapes, geology and habitats of Eastern Bavaria am Herzogspark, Am Prebrunntor 4 Legion Camp wall Free access to all sections: Ernst-Reuter Platz, Hunnenplatz, Parkhaus Dachauplatz ADDITIONAL MUSEUMS: Prince Thurn and Taxis Museums Emmeramsplatz 5 Golf museum Major European Golf Museum Tändlergasse 3 Brückturm-Museum Southern Bridgehead , Weiße-Lamm-Gasse 1 St Peter‘s Cathedral with cloister and All Saint‘s Chapel and St Stephen‘s Church Domplatz, www.regensburger-dom.de Museum of Danube Shipping Muesum Ships, Marc-Auel-Ufer, Thundorferstraße Niedermünster excavations Experience an archaeological journey through time Domplatz 5 Guided Tours Iconic guided city tours in Regensburg www.kulttouren.de Discovery tours www.stadtmaus.de Itinerary swirl through the Stone Bridge www.schifffahrtklinger.de Cathedral guidance including cathedral cloister with All Saints‘ Day and Stephanuskapelle www.domplatz-5.de Historical guided tours through the jewish part of Regensburg www.shalom-in-regensburg.de Historical itinerary swirl www.donauschiffahrt.de Discovery tours to the Walhalla and back www.donauschiffahrt.de Overlook about different town excursions www.regensburg.de/tourismus Exciting city tours in Regensburg With more than 50 different themed tours, we reveal the fascinating old town of Regensburg. We have a wealth of interesting things to share, such as facts about the history, way of life, culture and architecture. Our tours for kids, teens and young people are particularly exciting, as are the tours with added drama in which we take you on an exciting journey through time. Experience the city just as you want to. We have a wide range of options with something for everyone. We look forward to sharing part of your journey with you. All information and tours are available on www.kulttouren.de. Our tours can be booked through: Regensburg Tourismus GmbH tourismus@regensburg.de Booking hotline Groups Tel. +49(0)941/507-3413/-3417 Individuals Tel.+49(0)941/507-4410/-4411 31 Theatre Statt-Theater The Statt-Theater is a small yet very fine cellar stage on the western edge of the old town in Regensburg – guaranteeing the very best in cabaret and variety for more than thirty years. Kleinkunstbühne Statt-Theater Winklergasse 16 93047 Regensburg Tel: +49(0)941/53302 info@statt-theater.de www.statt-theater.de Performance Tues - Sat, Start 8 p.m. Theater am Bismarckplatz Experience culture in its purest form from opera, operetta and musicals to ballet and drama at the Regensburg city theatre. The theatre has three tiers and can accommodate up to 519 visitors.Current programme is available at www.theater-regensburg.de Theater am Bismarckplatz Bismarckplatz 7 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/5072424 Ticketservice: Mon - Fri: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat: 10 - 2 p.m. 32 Sun: Special events (winter 7.00 pm) Office hours: Mon-Fri: 11 am - 1 pm Open from 6.00 pm on event days Turmtheater The live stage of the Turmtheater on the sixth floor of the grand Goliathhaus building provides a home for comedy, theatre of the grotesque, cabaret, improvisation theatre and performance, and also podium discussion and readings. Turmtheater Regensburg Am Watmarkt 5 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/562233 www.regensburgerturmtheater.de Akademietheater The Regensburg academy for the performing arts supports the arts and culture. See upcoming artists from the city in a wide range of modern and traditional pieces on stage! Akademietheater Kumpfmühler Straße 14 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/5865442 Fax: +49(0)941/78039578 www.adk-regensburg.de Toilets map page 2 & 3 Hier fin de Sie ein n e nette Toilette Eine Ak tion vo n Stadt und Sta Regens dtmark burg eting R egensb urg A familiar problem! You are out shopping or in the city and you need to go – but there’s no public toilet anywhere! The “Friendly Toilet” campaign helps you avoid this situation in Regensburg – and with a smile This is because all catering establishments where you see the smiley face sticker (see above on this page) offer you somewhere clean to spend a penny - free of charge! Unsere T Sie kos oiletten könn e tenfrei benutz n You are en. welcom et our toil ets for o use free. HB7LQG G Nette Toiletten Adolph-Kolping-Str. 1 Kolpinghaus Alter Kornmarkt 2 Orlando di Lasso Am Alten Rathaus Hofbräuhaus Am Ölberg 5a Regensburger Rittermahl An der Schierstadt 1 Café Schierstadt Badstraße 32 Oma Plüsch Bertoldstr. 9 Leerer Beutel Bismarckplatz 9 Neue Filmbühne Fröhliche-Türken-Str. 9 Die Couch Gesandtenstr. 5 Café Anna Hinter der Grieb 10 Gravenreuther Kalmünzergasse 4 Quetschn Obere Bachgasse 3–5 Hemingway’s Ostengasse 16 Brandl Bräu Rote-Hahnen-Gasse 2 Mono Bar Schwanenplatz 3 Goldener Ochs Schwarze-Bären-Str. 6 Regensburger Weißbräuhaus Spiegelgasse 1 Café Sofa St.-Kassians-Platz 6 Kona Coffee Garden Stadtamhof 13 Klappe Stadtamhof 15 Meier – ein Lokal Opening times: Opening times depend on the opening hours of the establishment Öffentliche Toiletten Am Protzenweiher Bus terminal Stadtamhof Bahnhofsstraße Main Station € 24h D.-Martin-Luther-Str. 3 Neues Rathaus Dachauplatz 2 – 4 Historical Museum Dr.-Johann-Maier-Str. 3 City Park Emmeramsplatz 8 Regional Gov. Building Friedenstr. 23 Regensburg Arcades Gabelsbergerstr. 14 Hallenbad Haidplatz 8 Thon-Dittmer-Palais Neupfarrplatz Galeria Kaufhof Neupfarrplatz 9 Neupfarrplatz Proskestraße car park Wöhrdstraße Vor der Grieb 2 Vor der Grieb Weiße Lammgasse 1 World Heritage Centre Toilets for people with limited mobility Toilets with nappy changing facilities Voluntary charge for toilet Toilets with parking Toilets with costs € 33 HIGHLIGHTS January Hans Klok „The New Houdini“ | Donau-Arena Regensburg | 16.01.2016 | 8p.m. Foto: Govert de Roos Love Dome Indoor Festival | Eventhall Airport | 30.01. - 31.01.2016 8p.m. - 8a.m. April Hannes Ringlstetter & Band „Paris. New York. Alteiselfing“ | Magnobonus Markmiller Saal Straubing | 07.04.2016 | 8p.m. February March Paul Panzer „Invasion of the madmen“ | Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Halle Straubing | 26.02.2016 | 8p.m. DIGA - The Garden Show |Messehalle der Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Halle Straubing | 04.03. - 06.03.2016 29th International Winter Walking Days |Donau-Gymnasium Kelheim| 27.02. - 28.02.2016 ABBA - The Show |Donau-Arena Regensburg| 17.03.2016 | 8p.m. Kastelruther Spatzen Tournee 2016 | Donau-Arena Regensburg | 7.30p.m. Forever Young Festival 2016 | Lokschuppen Regensburg | 11.03. - 13.03.2016 May June Regensburger May fair | Dultplatz| 13.05. - 29.05.2016 face en vogue Fashion & Dance 4.06.2016 Schloss Thurn und Taxis Tickets: www.face-en-vogue.de The Australian Pink Floyd Show International Museum Day | Donau-Arena Regensburg | |Gäuboden museum Straubing| Thurn & Taxis Garden Show | Thurn und Taxis Castle 22.05.2016 07.04.2016 | 8p.m. Regensburg | 10a.m. - 4p.m. 23.06. - 26.06.2016 „Wilkommen bei Carmen Jukuu Festival 2016 Nebel“ Tournee 2016 Bluetone - Festival on the |fairground| |Donau-Arena Regensburg| Danube 27.05. - 28.05.2016 13.04.2016 | 8p.m. Uhr | fairground Straubing| 5p.m. - midnight 29.06. - 04.07.2016 34 July August September Regensburg Street Theatre Funfair with heart Bayerisches Jazz-Weekend Festival | fairground „Pflegerspitz“ | Regensburg| | Haidplatz| Kelheim | 07.07. - 10.07.2016 09.09. - 11.09.2016 10.08. - 15.08.2016 Regensburger Thurn und Taxis Castle Festival | Schloss Thurn und Taxis| 15.07. - 24.07.2016 Gäuboden Funfair | fairground Straubing| 12.08. - 22.08.2016 Jahninsel Festival |Jahninsel Regensburg| 22.07. - 24.07.2016 Regensburg Autumn Fair | Dultplatz| 26.08. - 11.09.2016 October November Mario Barth - “Men - daft but sexy !“ | Donau-Arena Regensburg | 16.09.2016 | 8p.m. December Wise Guys Anniversary Concert Journey with Glühwein Kurt Krömer through the Danube gap | Regensburg Uni Main | Regensburg Antoniushaus | | Kelheim mooring Auditorium | 07.12.2016 | 8p.m. Kelheim/Donau| 09.10.2016 | 6p.m. 26.11. & 27.11.2016 11.30a.m. - 12.00 Beatrice Egli - Live with Sascha Grammel band on tour 2016 - „Makes me laugh“ | Donau-Arena Regensburg | AVL: Art meets Technology | Donau-Arena Regensburg | Municipal Art Gallery, 22.10.2016 | 7p.m. 16.12.2016 | 8p.m. Leerer Beutel Arts Centre 19.11. - 27.11.2016 Regensburg Pop Culture Festival 2016 | Citycenter & several Christmasmarkets in Alte Mälzerei | Town 28.10. - 30.10.2016 25.11 - 23.12.2016 35 in City Die ket Bahn -Tic 1+ 2 17 nach Lappersdorf/ Hainsacker 13 Auf derr Grede Oberpfalzbrücke brück G Gallingkofen Fluderstr. Amberger Str. Amb Re einhausen e Brücke Schule ule St. Nikola Altes Rathaus Domplatz Königsstr. s Neupfarrpl. Am Königshof 17 Ernst-Reuter16 Platz Sallerner Berg 9 Im Reichen Winkel Harzstr. Wetterstation Spessartstr. 3 Nordgaustr. Ostengasse 77 Danziger g Freiheit 5 Zone 2 Hollerweg 8 Grünthal Feuerwehr An der Schauergrube Keilberger Hauptstr. Keilberg Zur Hohen Linie Hintere Keilbergstr. Schlesierstr. Ardennenstr. Pommernstr. 4 Argonnenstr. Dolomitenstr. 1 Kronacher Str. Kulmbacher Str.Wutzlhofen 3 Coburger Str. Haslbachweg Lichtenfelser Str. Nabburger Str. Haslbach Kötztinger Str. Mecklenburger Str. Harthof Berliner Str. Lechstr. Memeler Str. Grünthaler Str. 30 H. Holzerstr. H. Kirche H. Wendeplatz BMW Tor 2 79 nach Neutraubling 31 78 9 H. H.QuandtAllee Siemensstraße/ Continental Frachtpostzentrum Rathenaustr. Harting 880 H. MaxPlanck-Str. 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Friedr.Viehbacher-Allee Burgweinting Römerstr. 2A 2B Schwabenstr. Friesenstr. Burgunderstr. Hornstr. Greflingerstr. Hohes Kreuz Zuckerfabrikstr. Prrinz-Ludwig-Str. i HolzAn den gartenstr. Weichse g garte er e B it Breiten i Weichser Weg Schulzentrum Isarstr. Sudetendeutsche Str. Sieben- Ostpreußenstr. bürgener Aussiger Str. Str. Sandgasse Continental Arena Rauberstr. Oberisling Lieperkingstr. Markomannenstr. Antoniuskirche Stobäusplatz Weißenburgstr. Weichs/ DEZ Donaustaufer Str. Gabelsbergerstr. Wöhrdstr./ öhrdstr./ Jugendhe ndherberge ndher Eiserne Brücke ke Dachauplatz 13 18 5 79 Unterer Kath. Friedhof Humboldtstr. 3 Beethovenstr. Alfons-Auer-Str. Brahmsstr. Haydnstr. An der Iselrinne TechCampus/OTH Tulpenweg Klinikum Leoprechting 6 Am Biopark Franz- JohannHartl-Str. Hösl-Str. Humboldtstr. Bürgerhaus HBF Süd/ Arcaden HBF/Albertstraße A N Naabstr. Rei einhausen ei Kirche Stadtam S ta adta dtam mhof Steinweg Am Holzhof Bei der Rinnen Pfälzer Siedlung Neukareth nach Regendorf Kareth Am Tunnel Dreifaltigkeitsberg Schelmengraben Dultplatz Würzburger Str. Bis ismarckplatz t Bahnhofstr. HBF Ev. Zentralfriedhof Universität Neuprüll Klinikum West Am Bach Vitusstr. An der Kreuzbreite Graß Graß Brunnstr. 2 A 3 2A 2B Wolfgangschule Nord Wolfgangschule Süd Geibelplatz Graßer Weg Ob. Kath K . Bischof-KonradWolfgangsStr. F Friedho f kirche OTH Regensburg Nibelungenstr. Otto4 Th.-Storm-Str. Hahn-Str. Gutenbergstr. Theresienkirche Hofgartenweg 12 77 13 30 31 Gutenbergpl. Arnulfs- Haidplatz platz Thundorferstr. Thun Keplerstr. Fischmarkt markt arkt Thu Pf ff Pfaffensteiner t i Brücke Nürnberger Str. en : gilt Ta r if z o n den Ihr Routemapi Bus Schematis cher Liniennetz tzplan Regensburg Regensbur s rg Stand: 13.12.2015 Nachdruck nur mit Genehmigung der Regensburger Verkehrsverbund GmbH Oberwinzer HansSachs-Str. Niederwinzer Donau Dornfelderweg Tarif-Hinweis: Alle hier dargestellten Haltestellen – ausgenommen Grünthal – liegen innerhalb der Zone 1 Kager 12 nach Pielenhofen Weinmannstr. Dornierstr. Wernerwerkstr. Obermaierstr. Lessingstr. Goet et ethestr. Taxisstr. JosefTheresienweg Adler-Str. AlbertusWestheim M Magnus-Gym. GumpelzWeinweg Boessnerstr. haimerst rst str. str Westbad Ost Ostdeutsche Os Galerie 6 Herm.-Köhl-Str. Roter-Brach-Weg Sparkasse 11 Deiningerstr. Margaretenau/Krankenh nh nhaus Barmherzige Brüder bäu bä äude Michael-Burgau-Str. Justizgebä Lilienthalstr. Killermannstr. Rennplatz Annahofstr. An den Klostergründen Rennweg 1 Bhf. Prüfening Prüfening 16 Fernsehsender Ziegetsdorf KarlStieler-Str. Kaulbachweg Dr.-Gessler-Str. Von-MüllerGymnasium Boelckestr. Kaiser-Friedrich-Allee Ludwig-Erhard-Str. V.-Richthofen-Str. Wolframstr. nach Bad Abbach Abzw. Pentling 8 Ziegetsdorf Rotsäulenweg Ziegetsdorfer Höhe P. Ahornstr. P. Ortsmitte P. Hölkeringer Str. Otto-Wels-Str. Theodor-Heuss-Pl. Joh.-Schwaebl-Str. Dechbetten et 880 10 Cranach- 10 Königswiesen 993 weg/ g Asamstr. Dechbetten KÖWE Augsburger TELIS FINANZ FriedrichKirche Str. SchwalbenEbert-Str.. St. Paul Simmernstr. neststr. Klenzestr. Dürerstr. 8 Pentling 36 Favourable trips for family and friends. The RVV day ticket Up to five people are able to travel at a reasonable fixed price with our day ticket. That often pays for itself after only 2 trips per day. Your own children under the age of 14 travel for free! More info: www.rvv.de RVV ticketing outlets and ticket machines in Regensburg: Stadtmitte x Kundenzentrum x Wörl Tabak-Presse-Lotto x DB Reisezentrum x Bahnhofsbuchhandlung x Tabakwaren Wolsdorff Tobacco x Rgbg. Personenschifffahrt Klinger x Eberl Lotto am Dom (Inh. F. Haas) x Tabac & Co., Inh. Oliver Graf x Zeitschriften Huf x Tabak Götz x Regensburg Tourismus GmbH x Susi`s Laderl x Böller – Der Altstadtmarkt x Fahrscheinautomat x Fahrscheinautomat x Fahrscheinautomat x Fahrscheinautomat x Fahrscheinautomat x Fahrscheinautomat Hemauerstr. 1 Friedenstr. 23 (Arcaden) Hauptbahnhof Hauptbahnhof Maximilianstr. 2 Pavillon Thundorferstr. Residenzstr. 1 Neupfarrplatz 8 (im Kaufhof) Neupfarrplatz 9 Neupfarrplatz 3 Roter Herzfleck 2 Silberne-Kranz-Gasse 1 Obere Bachgasse 21 Albertstraße 4 x Hauptbahnhof 2 x (Halle u. Pavillon) Ernst-Reuter-Platz Stobäusplatz Dachauplatz 4 x Arnulfsplatz 2 x 37 Emergency numbers Integrated Control Centre – Fire Service, Rescue Service, Emergency Doctor 112 i Tourist Info +49(0)941/5074410 Car Rental Ambulance Service Regensburg Krankentransport 19222 Europcar +49(0)180/580 00 Sixt +49(0)180/5252525 Medical Emergency Service +49(0)1805/19 12 12 Avis +49(0)941/6409540 Dental Emergency Service in the University Clinic (day and night) +49(0)941/9440 Autovermietung Buchbinder +49(0)941/788680 Rent-A-Bike +49(0)941/5998808 Emergency Poison Control Centre Nuremberg +49(0)911/3982451 St. Hedwig Childrens’ Hospital +49(0)941/36 90 Other important numbers TAXI University Hospital (casualty department) +49(0)941/9442310 Pharmacy Emergency Hotline +49(0)800/0022833 Taxiline-Regensburg +49(0)941/30798351 Taxi Service Regensburg +49(0)941/52052 Directory Enquiries +49(0)118 80 TOURIST INFORMATION IN THE OLD TOWN HALL & INFOPOINT AT THE WORLD HERITAGE VISITOR CENTRE IN THE MEDIEVAL SALT STORE (SALZSTADEL) 38 Tourist Information Regensburg Rathausplatz 4 93047 Regensburg Germany Phone: +49 941 507-4410 Fax: -4419 tourismus@regensburg.de with exhibition including an interactive game station and media installation (no entrance-fee) + Tickets for events*, city tours*, + Every day comprehensive advice boat trips, document Old Town Hall*, + Guided city tours tour through St. Peter’s Cathedral*, + Central accommodation service BMW guided plant tours*, Bridge + Attractive arrangements Tower Museum**, Golfmuseum* + Free WiFi* and local traffic* + Souvenirs, Regensburg-books etc. + Vouchers for every occasion* www.regensburg.de Opening hours: www.regensburg.de * only at Tourist Information, ** only in the visitor centre Location Between the two picturesque streets, “Hinter der Grieb” and “Vor der Grieb” a young and modern Italian restaurant has established itself in the former aristocratic city castle. The inner courtyard gives the feeling of being in a neapolitan Palazzo and the rooms’ age enable them to flirt without Kitsch. 1 Eat & enjoy The Concept Amore, vino & amici: The love of eating, friends and as much wine as you can handle. In short: Everything you need for a comfortable evening. With the simple but stylish interior setting, “& amici” bridges the gap between the first generation of Italian immigrants and the current generation. This is done without any frills, no complications, heartily and with good food. The Kitchen is as original, as it was in the 60s when it first arrived in Germany. The owners, Davide and Andrea both grew up in a restaurant and father Carmelo is “& amici”’s Chef. His Love is for the Sicilian kitchen. His focus, therefore, is on classic pasta dishes and refined fish courses. Worth a mention are also the crunchy Crostate, sicilian shortcrust pastries, enjoyed as an afternoon snack or for dessert. The food is rounded off by a high quality Espresso, a house blend of the Regensburg roasting house ‘Rehorik.’ Amore, Vino & Amici Hinter der Grieb 8 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49 (0)941/93081525 www.e-amici.de Opening hours: Mo - Fri: 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Sat, Sun, holidays : 9 a.m. - 11 p.m. 39 2 Eat & enjoy Seven Oceans Seafood Restaurant in the Hansa Apart-Hotel Regensburg Friedensstraße 7 93051 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/99290 www.sevenoceans-regensburg.de Opening hours: Mon- Fry: 12:00 - 2:30 p.m. Mon - Sat: 6 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. 40 Location A bit removed from the hustle and bustle of town is ”Seven Oceans“ Seafood Restaurant. While the cuisine focuses primarily on excellent fish and seafood, meat lovers and vegetarians will also find a huge selection of foods to suit their palate. The Restaurant Natural, high-quality, statement-making and creative are the predicates of the specialties served by the Restaurant Seven Oceans . In addition to culinary highlights from all over the world, the restaurant’s professionally trained chefs are also renowned for their regional and seasonal delicacies. Lovers of business lunches will appreciate the restaurant’s daily changing three-course meals. Cannot decide what you want to eat? Why not go for our “Surprise Menu“ consisting of a three- or five-course meal, upon customer request, plus select wines? After their delicious dinner, the restaurant’s cozy flair also invites guests to continue the evening at the bar, over freshly drafted beer or cocktails. The Seven Oceans makes it easy to get into the atmosphere and live the good life. Location / View Constructed in 1598 as a granary, the historic building is now a centre for art, culture and culinary delights. In the eastern part of Regensburg‘s Old Town area, two minutes walk away in an easterly direction from the cathedral, you can find the Leerer Beutel near to Dachauplatz with its historic museum and the Minoritenkirche. The Restaurant The Leerer Beutel is distinguished by the powerful elegance of its original Medieval wooden beam construction for 25 years. And also by its variety of cultural and culinary delights. This former granary lives by the motto: pleasure for your eyes, ears and taste buds. Next to the restaurant there are exhibition rooms for modern art (Städtische Galerie), an arthouse cinema, one of the largest Bavarian jazz clubs with a regular programme and approximately 70 concerts a year. The restaurant has room for up to 100 people. Up to 250 guests can celebrate in the historic banquet hall. A side room is also available for up to 40 people. 3 Eat & enjoy Leerer Beutel Bertoldstraße 9 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/58997 www.leerer-beutel.de Opening hours: Mon: 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. Tue - Sun: 11.30 a.m. - 2 p.m. & 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. Our Specialities The restaurant‘s kitchen focusses on the ideals of the Slow Food Italian gourmet association. The three magic words of this cuisine are fresh, regional and seasonal! The menu which is changed on a daily basis leans on local cuisine with a friendly reference to Italy and offers a rich selection of Mediterranean specialities. The wine list -- which is short but sweet -- remains European. 41 4 Eat & enjoy Location This cozy restaurant with Bavarian charm, the beautiful beer garden and an associated three-star hotel is located near the brewery Bischofshof at the gates of Regensburg‘s old town, which is only few minutes away by walking. The Restaurant BISCHOFSHOF BRAUSTUBEN Dechbettenerstr. 50 93049 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/2082170 www.bischofshof-braustube.de Opening hours: Tue - Sun: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. 42 The food - stay by night - feel at home. This is the motto in the Bischofshof Braustuben, so convinced the competente team the guests. Bavarian hospitality, charming atmosphere are the focus. In the summer the beer garden with the old trees invite you to stop there. In the asspcoated three-star hotel with 12 spacious rooms you can stay there as a guest. Also is there a small area for a relaxing time-out by an offer of massages available. Our Specialties The nativ Bavarian cuisine offers something for every guest a culinary delicacy. The daily changing dishes provide for anyalternate meals. They are always freshly cooked and served quickly for just 5.90 Euro. Also Sundays and holidays the team offers additional an menu with oven-fresh roast. Perfect served with a freshly tapped beer from the brewery Bischofshof next door. Location / View 5 Eat & enjoy The Grill Canteen is located centrally in the Old City of Regensburg, offering the perfect place to take a break after wandering through the many interesting little streets nearby. The Restaurant All year round, the Grill Canteen offers fresh and delicious grilled specialties—no matter what the weather is doing. The restaurant’s casual atmosphere makes the seasonally changing dishes taste twice as good. A Romanian artist was tasked with creating works for the interior walls, which are displayed in the large interior dining room and also in the conservatory. Her modern artworks have a great care for detail, and there is always something new to discover in them. A comfortable lounge rounds off the overall concept. Our Specialities At the Grill Canteen, particular emphasis is placed on the quality of the ingredients. Only the best meat, fresh-caught fish, and seasonal vegetables may sizzle on our grill. It’s a true pleasure for all the senses. Dips, bread, and side dishes are all made in-house at Grill Canteen, and can be freely selected with any meal. The menu covers Grill Canteen classics such as cheeseburgers, Caesar salad, fish & chips, etc., all the way to the finest steaks, organic salmon, or fried pickles, a true specialty of the Southern States. Tempting desserts like cheesecake or our “Fire Pineapple” will make your heart beat faster if you have a sweet tooth. The wine and cocktail menu has a matching drink for any dish. Grill Canteen Gesandtenstraße 18 93047 Regensburg Tel: +49(0)941/63083555 www.grillcanteen.de Opening hours: Mon - Fry: 17 p.m. - 00:00 Sat: 12:00 - 00:00 Sun: 17 p.m. - 00:00 43 6 Eat & enjoy Location / View The traditional Bavarian inn—„Zum Sorgenfrei“—is located on the „Oberer Wöhrd“. From here you will enjoy a fantastic view of the Regensburg skyline. The inn is just a short walk (about five minutes) from the historic city centre. The Restaurant Zum Sorgenfrei Badstraße 54 93059 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/28009390 www.zum-sorgenfrei.de Opening hours: Mon & Tue: opening 4 p.m. Thu - Sun: opening 10 a.m. Rest Day: Wednesday 44 This Bavarian inn offers traditional cuisine made according to recipes from the „Oberpfalz“ (Upper Palatinate). Here you will come to appreciate the beers from the oldest still excisting abbey brewery – the famous „Weltenburg abbey brewery“. The cosy atmosphere and the outstanding service in the „Zum Sorgenfrei“ will make your stay an unforgettable and unique one. Tobias Sorgenfrei and his staff are already looking forward to welcoming you! Our Specialities „Zum Sorgenfrei“ stands for Bavarian hospitality, friendliness and Bavarian traditions. Enjoy the panorama while sitting at the verandah at the Danube or visit the idyllic „Biergarten“ in the inn’s courtyard. Location / View The Gänsbauer restaurant is located close to the historical stone bridge. Plenty of parking is available in Regensburg town centre, and the restaurant is just a few minutes’ walk from here - the route takes you along the Danube, giving you a unique view of the old town. About the Restaurant 7 Eat & enjoy A very special atmosphere awaits guests in the tastefully furnished “Gänsbauer”. Located right on the Danube - Weinlände in an ancient medieval building, guests savour sublime seasonal cuisine as well as selected wines. The intimate inner courtyard with its Mediterranean flair is particularly nice in the summer months. The city centre location still provides peace and quiet, and is the perfect place to settle back and enjoy. Restaurant Gänsbauer Our Specialities Mo-Sa: 6 p.m. - 1a.m. Keplerstraße 10 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/57858 www.gaensbauer.de Opening hours: Great creativity and real commitment lends a new twist to the distinctive and original Bavarian dishes in the Gänsbauer restaurant. The team prepares dishes according to the seasons using wild herbs and indigenous vegetables from organic farmers in the region. Besides regional and seasonal foods, the restaurant also has a wide range of international cuisine on the menu. Find out more about the varied seasonal foods on offer as well as the various gourmet events at the Gänsbauer restaurant. 45 8 Eat & enjoy Location / View The “Brauhaus am Schloss” is located right at the heart of Regensburg’s historic city centre. This comfortable and welcoming inn also reflects the city‘s sense of history. The Restaurant Brauhaus am Schloss Waffnergasse 6 - 8 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/2804330 Guests have been enjoying the fully redesigned Brauhaus am Schloss since November 2015. Following a short phase of redevelopment, the former royal brewery has reopened its doors to a series of architectural and culinary highlights. A much greater emphasis is now placed on the craft of brewing in the new Brauhaus am Schloss. The new landlords, Anita Schulz-Pfauntsch and Wolfgang Pfauntsch, both experienced restauranteurs, delight their guests with hospitality which is both friendly and extremely proficient. In the summer, the Brauhaus am Schloss can accommodate up to 600 guests. Our Specialities Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 11a.m. - 00:00 Sat-Sun: 10a.m. - 00:00 46 Is yours a light, or a dark beer, or even a wheat beer? The experts not only brew three house beers, but also ensure that the list of beverages available includes special beers as seasonal highlights through the entire year. To mark the reopening, one particular and very special beer has even been brewed by the Mayor of Regensburg, Joachim Wolbergs together with Master Brewer Georg Angerer. For every half served, the Hacker-Pschorr brewery donates one Euro to a good cause. Barrels are provided for filling your own bottles which means that the house beer can now be taken home as a small souvenir. Also, with their traditional Bavarian dishes as well as their tasty vegan options, the inn has something to satisfy all possible tastes. Location / View Eyeball to eyeball with the Regensburg Cathedral, the guests of Haus Heuport restaurant also have a direct view of an impressive 13th Century Gothic patrician tower. Whether in the Gothic ceremonial hall with a direct view of the cathedral’s west façade or in one of the smaller halls dating from the Baroque era – our staff will be delighted to fulfill any culinary wishes our guests may have. During the summer months, the restaurant’s Mediterranean inner courtyard, its covered summer bar, and its large outdoor terrace right at Domplatz square invite guests to hang out and relax for a leisurely summer afternoon or evening. The Restaurant Haus Heuport is a popular destination at any time of the day whether it is for an abundent breakfast, a relaxing lunch, a small snack between meals, coffee and cake or an opulent dinner. Only fresh products are served, products which are mainly regional are created into /sumptuous indulgences. Thanks to more than 16 years of experience, Haus Heuport’s flair for creative cuisine and diversity knows no bounds. First-class wines, spirits and beers, speciality coffees and other refreshments round off a visit to Heuport. The experienced team provides expert support for your special occasion, private event or corporate event, to the great satisfaction of their guests. Congresses, seminars, training sessions, conferences and more are available for booking. 9 Eat & enjoy Haus Heuport Café Bar Restaurant Domplatz 7 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/5999297 www.heuport.de Opening hours: Mon - Fri: 10 a.m. - 00:00 Sat, Sun & Holidays: 9 a.m. - 00:00 Our Specialities “Fresh, honest, innovative & creative“ is the leading motto of Haus Heuport’s cuisine. That is why all ingredients used in our dishes are selected and prepared by chef Wolfgang Riemhofer with a strict view to seasonal availability, regional origin, and market freshness. From modern interpretations of Bavarian classics all the way to innovative crossover cuisine with a touch of Asia – our kitchen staff knows how to master the fine balance between down-to-earth and fashionably trendy with perfect panache. Whether dinners for two, big weddings, after-theater dinners, degustation events with winegrowers, glamorous New Year’s Eve balls, or stylish graduation events – the cuisine of Haus Heuport has the perfect culinary answer for every occasion. 47 10 Eat & enjoy Location / view The “Weltenburger am Dom” restaurant is situated at the centre of the Regensburg old town, right next to Regensburg cathedral on the old corn market and just a few steps away from the heart of the World Heritage Town. Gut Löweneck Löweneckstraße 9 93152 Nittendorf / Penk Tel.: +49(0)9404/95180 www.gut-loeweneck.de Opening hours: Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. About the Restaurant The restaurant combines an elegant atmosphere with a traditional Bavarian welcome. “Weltenburger am Dom” has been satisfying the very highest standards demanded by its customers since 2011 and exudes a charm which puts everybody ease. The beer garden in the inner courtyard is the ideal place to settle down and enjoy the company of others. The Duke’s room upstairs is available for meetings and celebrations. This room was being used as a meeting place even before the construction of the Old Town hall, so it is a genuine piece of city history for guests to discover. Our Specialities We have beer from the Weltenburg brewery, the world’s oldest monastery brewery. This tasty drop has tempted many a connoisseur and is the perfect accompaniment to the traditional regional cuisine. The restaurant combines tradition with modern accents and international influences. Hot food is available every day right through from 11 am to 11 pm. 48 Location The aroma of unique, delicious cuisine fills the little street named Waaggässchen, attracting large crowds of locals and tourists. The Hofbräuhaus has a central location in the middle of the historic Old City, close to Haidplatz—the perfect place for a savoury stopover. 11 Eat & enjoy Specialties Traditional Bavarian meat dishes, hearty snacking delicacies, sophisticated gamey feasts—all our meals are prepared with the greatest care. Owner Thomas Schafbauer especially values Bavarian cooking talent with fresh regional ingredients. This Bavarian enjoyment is rounded out by a view of the Old Town Hall, where the early history of this one-time Imperial City played out. Daily changing lunch menus ensure a unique gourmet experience. Main meals are available Monday to Friday from 11:30 a.m.to 4:00 p.m, and other hot food is available until 10:00 p.m. The Hofbräuhaus has the perfect location and culinary finesse to make it a popular meeting place for locals, tourists, businesspeople and day-trippers. Hofbräuhaus Regensburg Waaggässchen 1 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/51280 www.hofbraeuhaus-regensburg.de Opening hours: Sun - Wed: 9 a.m. - 00:00 Thu - Sat: 9 a.m. - 00:30 a.m. May - September: Closed on Sunday 49 12 Eat & enjoy Restaurant - Hotel Bischofshof am Dom Krauterermarkt 3 93047 Regensburg Location / View Directly next to St. Peter’s Cathedral and the Porta Praetoria, the northern gate to the former Roman settlement Castra Regina, lies Bischofshof, a jewel of Regensburg hospitality. In the middle-ages, emperors, kings and spiritual dignitaries dined here regularly. In Bischofshof today, every guest is a king, whether it be in the hotel, café, restaurant or beer garden. The Restaurant Tel.: +49(0)941/58460 www.hotel-bischofshof.de In the kitchen, emphasis is placed on combining classic bavarian cuisine with new culinary trends. Connoisseurs will find a rich selection on the seasonal menu. For gourmets, we custom design menus for special occasions and events. Opening hours: Our Specialities daily open 50 Seasonal highlights include seafood week, game week, and asparagus season. Bischofshof offers updated seasonal weekly and daily menus. Location 13 Shopping Berger Optik, situated at the heart of Regensburg old town amongst small individual ships, welcomes wearers of glasses and lenses from around the world to Wahlenstrasse. The patrician tower combines historic cross vaults with a modern ambience and is a great insiders’ tip for Regensburg city tours. Specific Features Independent labels, small-scale German manufacturers and handmade high-quality glasses in a wide range of different options are what make Berger Optik so special. Top designers and promising newcomers such as Oliver Peoples, Garrett Leight, L.G.R., Kilsgaard, Reiz, Tom Ford and many more, surpass all expectations. Spectacle lenses are adapted to individual customer requirements in the inhouse professional workshop with “overnight service”. In the inhouse studio, contact lenses are prepared according to the needs of the customer. The glasses are not off-the-shelf and they impress with their charm, quality and style. Allow yourself to be seduced by their special appeal and the excellent service. Berger Optik Wahlenstraße 24 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/89972366 www.bergeroptik.de Opening times: Mon-Fri: 10a.m. - 7p.m. Sa: 10a.m. - 4p.m. 51 14 Shopping Schweiger Edelbrennerei & Kaffeerösterei Gewerbegebiet Kastlacker Am Kastlacker 1 93309 Kelheim Tel.: +49(0)9441/7387 www.brennerei-schweiger.de Opening hours: Tue - Fri: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 52 Location Regensburg is not alone in having riches to offer, Kelheim also attracts tourists with its many shops as well as the Befreiungshalle (Hall of Liberation) – this is well worth seeing and should not be missed. The Schweiger artisan distillery and coffee roasting house nestles in the centre of Kelheim and its customers are greeted by a delightful scent which enlivens the senses. Specific Features They carefully nurture distillates and liqueurs from the start with passion and understanding, and sample products together with connoisseurs. This is all represents an important part of life for them. The Schweiger distillery understands what matters. This new business has turned Christian Schweiger’s hobby into his profession. The certified distiller provides taste sensations which are not easily forgotten. And everything, of course, is extremely fresh with coffee being roasted in the shop itself. His wife, Katja Schweiger, specialises in liqueurs. Top-quality juices are created from fruits, and she conjures up sublime essences from herbs and spices; even chocolate and coffee can produce aromatic extracts. The delicious liqueurs are particularly enjoyable as an aperitif, accompaniment to a meal and a digestif. uvm. 15 Shopping Location: The historic establishment of Schreiner, which was founded in 1874, lies at the heart of Regensburg‘s historic centre and is located only a three-minute walk away from St. Peter‘s Cathedral. With its 141year tradition, it is one of the oldest firms in Regensburg and really catches the eye in the Schwarze Bärenstrasse, not least because of the unique architecture of the company building. Special Features: Trendy and traditional – the family firm of Schreiner skilfully reconciles these two components on its three floors. Here you can find everything you need for dining, cooking and the kitchen. At Schreiner we‘re also pleased to help you find special accessories and gifts. Let us inspire you by our colourful and varied shop decoration, and find your personal favourite. A hand blown, hand sanded Baccarat glas? A gorgeous Murano glass vase? A masterpiece by Meissen – the oldest porcelain manufacturer in Europe? – or maybe you‘d prefer a trendy bangle combined with a beautiful silk scarf? Our experienced, trained staff will be glad to help you. Schreiner e.K. Salzburger Gasse 2 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/58001 www.schreiner-regensburg.de facebook.com/schreinerstore Opening hours: Mon - Fri: 10 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. Sat: 10 am - 6 p.m. 53 16 Shopping Goldschmiede Crusius Pfarrergasse 8 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/51897 www.goldschmiede-crusius.de Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 10 a.m. -1 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Sa: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. For more than two decades, Goldschmiede Crusius goldsmiths have been a Regensburg “institution” famous for their uniquely individual and extraordinarily beautiful jewellery. All of the pieces are individually handmade and designed using carefully selected fine stones and pearls from all over the world combined with high-quality precious metals. If you are looking for something special and unique then, with the goldsmith Heike Crusius, you are in good hands. Location Goldschmiede Crusius is located in „Pfarrergasse“, right in the centre of the Old Town. A love of beautiful natural materials can already be seen in the shop‘s interior design through the use of wood and slate. The architecture reflects the spirit of the classic, timeless collection. More than 20 years ago, Crusius goldsmiths joined the ranks of the city’s most coveted jewellery stores. Special Features All of the jewellery pieces are personally designed and lovingly handmade in the company‘s own workshop. Each piece incorporates a design which has been created with heart and soul. If you have time on your hands, you can also have your favourite piece of jewellery designed and made just how you want it. By the way: This year the Goldschmiede celebrates 25th anniversary. 54 17 ...und viele mehr Location Centrally located in the historic Regensburg old town is a jeweller in class of its own: Mühlbacher, the fine watch maker and jeweller. There are plenty of tourist attractions to admire in close proximity to this luxury jewellers. A good reason then to pay a visit to our newly designed shop premises with its light-suffused atmosphere. Special Features This fourth generation family business proudly presents high quality jewellery and prestigious watches in a spacious area covering 400 square metres. The top selection includes brands such as Audemars Piguet, Breitling, Bulgari, Cartier, Chopard, Ebel, Glashütte, IWC, Montblanc, Omega, Patek Philippe, Rolex, Tag Heuer, Zenith and many more You can also enjoy Regensburg’s well known cutting edge own brand ‘Mühlbauer’: Jewellery creations that are not just ‘off the peg’ but can be specially designed to suit your taste. The precious jewels and watches are magnificently displayed against an elegant backdrop of a huge shop window and an extravagant shop interior. Included among our regular customers in and around Regensburg are prominent actors and sports personalities. Who knows, you could meet someone famous during your visit to Mühlbacher! Shopping Feinuhrmacher & Hofjuwelier Mühlbacher Ludwigstraße 1 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/5027970 www.muehlbacher.de Opening hours: Mon - Fri: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 55 18 Shopping SHOPPING-FUN OR RESTAURANT? -«ÞLÌ ° Simply great! ÜÌw`ÕÃ\ ÃVÛiÀ>ÃÌiÀ>Û>À>AÃ>À}iÃÌÃiiVÌ vLÀ>`ã{äà «Ã]V>viÃ>`ÀiÃÌ>Õ À>ÌÃÕ`iÀiÀv° /«ÌÀ>vvVViVÌÃ>`ÀiÌ > ΰäää«>À}ÃÌiÃ>iÞÕÀà ««} ÌÕÀ>Ài>Ý}iÝ«iÀiVi° Mo. – Sa. 9.30 am to 8 pm · www.donaueinkaufszentrum.de 56 19 Fashion ara Shoes www.ara-shoes.de Rote-Hahnen-Gasse 5 93047 Regensburg Opening times: Location Mon-Fri: 10a.m. - 7p.m. Sa: 10a.m. - 6p.m. If you find yourself on a shopping trip strolling through Regensburg old town, then find time to take in ara Shoes on Neupfarrplatz. This is worth a stop because this specialist store at the heart of Regensburg old town places a particular emphasis on excellent wearing comfort and fashionable design. Specific Features For sixty years, ara Shoes have been developing varied and top-quality footwear fashion, combining attractive design with the perfect fit. Each model is created in a manually intensive production process with as many as 130 individual stages. Ara provides a vast range of different features which ensure the shoes feel comfortable to wear for a long period. Many features including varied widths and flexible materials ensure the shoe fits the foot and not the other way round. 57 20 Shopping Damasko GmbH Unterheising 17c 93092 Barbing Tel.: +49(0)9401/80481 www.damasko.de Location Not far from the city centre, before the gates of the World Heritage Site lies the watch manufacturer‘s Damasko. It takes only 15 minutes by car to get to the specialist in Barbing. It‘s worth the drive, because here you can find a special kind of souvenir. Special Features Damasko manufacturer‘s makes casual and puristic watches for the premium segment. More robust, more accurate, less maintenance – this has been the specialist‘s goal ever since the company was founded. And with success. The focus here is on the greatest of precision, aesthetics and workmanship. All watches in Germany are made with a manufacturing penetration of up to 90 percent of our manufacturer‘s models. Even pilots wear these exclusive watches and particularly value the greatest possible accuracy. A challenge for any engineer, but still no problem for the experts from Damasko. All of our models are available all over the world. Just drop in, have a look at our high-quality watches directly at the manufacturer‘s, and pick one up straightaway as an exclusive souvenir. 58 Location 21 Shopping Only a three-minute walk from Regensburg’s Saint Peter’s Cathedral and located directly across Porta Praetoria, you will find Andres & Zimmermann Goldsmiths. For more than five years, this team has been dazzling its clientele with the sheer versatility, quality, and personalized charm of its custom made jewelry. Special Characteristics “Anything But Ordinary” is the motto of Heike Andres and Stefan Zimmermann. As qualified stone setters and master goldsmiths, the team hand-manufactures all of its jewelry designs in the store’s inhouse workshop, using both traditional gold-working techniques as well as state-of-the art equipment. This is the secret behind the team’s extraordinary, classic-yet-modern pieces of jewelry hand-crafted from gold, platinum or palladium, and embellished with diamonds, precious colored stones, or pearls. Heike Andres and Stefan Zimmermann are also renowned for the ever new and delightful jewelry effects they create e.g. by combining their custom-made jewelry with unusual materials such as steel, carbon, wood, stone, or leather. Goldschmiede Andres & Zimmermann Unter den Schwibbögen 9 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/38130558 www.diegoldschmiede.biz Opening hours: Tue - Fri: 10 a.m. - 12:00 and 1.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. Sat: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. True connoisseurs who appreciate the finest and most exquisite in jewelry design need search no further than Andres & Zimmermann Goldsmiths. 59 22 Shopping Location Regensburg Arcaden Friedenstraße 23 93053 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/ 7055642 www.regensburg-arcaden.de Opening times: Mon-Sat: 9.30a.m. - 8p.m. 60 This modern shopping arcade is located centrally in Regensburg close to the main station, and connects the old town, which is very popular with the tourists, to a rapidly growing area of the city around university and the university hospital. Special Features The Regensburg Arcades are a popular meeting point for young people, students, business people and fashionistas alike. Over an area of 33,000 square metres, the shopping centre offers 100 stores and is an ideal place to shop and spend some time. Well-known brands and a wide selection of trends in more than 50 fashion, footwear and jewellery outlets make for a unique shopping experience. Service in the Regensburg Arcades is always excellent, as is the selection available and the welcome extended to shoppers. The mall provides easily accessible customer information and a wide range of services. The huge selection provided means that there is certainly something for everybody here. Excellent infrastructure makes the Regensburg Arcades really easy to get to, with a direct connection to local rail and other public transport. If you are travelling by car, ample space is available in the modern car park which has a helpful range of charges. 23 Shopping Location The western half of the former snuff tobacco factory, referred to as the “Ingolstetterhaus” after the occupiers from the 15th century, is home to ECCO shoes, a high-quality shoe shop which provides shoe fashion in Scandinavian designs. Gesandtenstraße 5 93047 Regensburg Specific Features Tel.: +49(0)941/69896369 www.ecco-schuhe.de Exclusive leather is created in ECCO’s own tanneries and, together with the air-cushioned soles produced by ECCO, provides an unmatched level of wearing comfort. The collection embodies balance and ties in with the core values of the company. Known for comfort and simple elegance, the ECCO designs represent the essence of a purist lifestyle. At ECCO, the passionate art of the shoemaker is combined with style and comfort. The founder, Karl Toosbuy, held the view right from the outset that the shoe should fit the foot and not the other way round. Today ECCO is one of the leading quality brands globally in the shoe industry. The basis of the success is workmanship without compromise and innovative technologies. The brand has been in family ownership since the start in 1963 and is the only large shoe manufacturer to manage the entire value chain – all the way from cow to shoe. O M F S Foto: Regensburg Entdecken 61 24 Accommodation Mercure Hotel Regensburg Grunewaldstr. 16 93053 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/78820 www.mercure.com/Regensburg Location The Mercure Hotel Regensburg is conveniently situated less than 2 miles from the historic city centre, the picturesque UNESCO world heritage site. It is particularly easy to get to because the A3 motorway is only 500 m away. We offer 120 free parking spaces for you to park your car. 159 rooms All Superior and Privilege rooms invite you to relax in comfort and offer air-conditioning, room safe, coffee and tea maker, minibar, Premium Wi-Fi, a modern design and a large desk plus all the basics. • Superior single room with queen-size bed, extra long (140 x 220 cm), and rain shower • Superior double room with king-size bed (180 x 200 cm) • over 40 m2 in the Privilege Junior Suite or Privilege Suite with kingsize bed and sofa In our standard rooms you can expect all the basics of a 4-star hotel • flat screen TV • telephone • room safe • minibar • desk • bathroom with shower • free Wi-Fi Events Hold meetings and parties in one of our 11 function rooms – we will organise your event to suit your needs. Whether it‘s a meeting for 2 people or a family celebration for 100 – we have the right room for you. Service Start your day in an enjoyable way. Indulge in the extraordinary experience of a perfect breakfast with the large selection from our hot/cold buffet, different juices and coffee specialities. Our restaurant „Esszimmer“ and our hotel bar are welcoming places to sit and relax in comfort. Relax in our sauna, steam bath or infrared sauna. 62 Location On the eastern outskirts of Regensburg, you will find our nonsmoking hotel located on a quiet, private road. A wide range of recreation opportunities (Danube gorge in Kelheim, the „Tour de Baroque“ Danube bicycle trail, the smallest wine-growing district between Regensburg and Wörth an der Donau, and much more) and the sights of the World Heritage Site Regensburg are right on our doorstep. Service • Modern bed and breakfast hotel with a mediterranean architectural style • Immediately next to the Danube bicycle trail • Free parking spaces on the hotel grounds • South-facing rooms with balcony and view of the garden • Free wireless LAN internet access with 10 Mbit up and downloading • Direct bus connection to Regensburg city centre with bus route number 5 • Only a 10 minute car drive to the centre of Regensburg 25 Accommodation (OTEL VON(EYDEN Hotel von-Heyden Von-Heyden-Straße 26 93105 Tegernheim Tel.: +49(0)9403/ 954499400 www.hotel-von-heyden.de 63 26 Accoommodation Location Hotel Goliath am Dom Goliathstraße 10 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/2000900 www.hotel-goliath.de Here, you are staying at the best location, central and right in the heart of the old city. Directly in front of the hotel you will find everything that your heart desires: numerous sights such as the cathedral and historic sites, as well as shops, cafés galleries, theatres and restaurants. And by the way, we have parking facilities right next to the hotel so we will be only too pleased to park your car for you! Facilities 41 rooms of unmistakable, charming character, individual and comfortable, high class and stylish, offer just the creative space you need to savour your stay and relax. „Service“ is our motto in the Hotel Goliath am Dom – and this is what sets us apart from the rest. Rooms All rooms and suites have insulated windows, air conditioning, a highspeed internet connection, wireless LAN, a flatscreen TV with cable and Sky Pay TV, minibar and safe. Our natural-stone bathrooms have a bath or shower, bathrobes, make-up mirror and hairdryer, as well as a separate toilet. Service Enjoy and relax – that is our motto in Hotel Goliath. That is why we offer our guests a 24-hour breakfast service - either served in your room or, if you like, on the Mediterranean roof terrace. During the day we also offer light snacks or „patisserie delicacies“ in our café. 64 Location The Rote-Hahnen-Gasse, a slightly crooked street and one of the most beautiful narrow streets in the heart of the city, connects Gesandtenstraße with Haidplatz. The „Roter Hahn“ was already one of the city‘s most exclusive restaurants back in the 18th century. Not only the spirit of the building, but its standards have remained to this day - both for the hotel and the restaurant. Restaurant As one of Regensburg oldest restaurants, „Roter Hahn“ (“The Red Rooster”) has made the list of Bavaria‘s 450 top addresses for gourmets. „Come in; Sample; Pamper Body & Soul“ is the restaurant’s successful motto faithfully followed by the staff – for personalized pampering of our guests with just the right touch of tact and delicacy. The menu is designed to carry the guests off into the realm of worldclass culinary art – for any occasion, any season, and any taste. To present just one of the restaurant’s may highlights: juicy steaks cooked to perfection and a large yet affordable wine menu. Even for caterings the competent team is your contact number one. The Restaurant „Roter Hahn“ further also managed the catering for the wedding of princess Maria Thereia of Thurn und Taxis and Hugo Wilson. There can be no doubt: Restaurant „Roter Hahn“ knows the secret of worldclass gastronomy: listen to the guests and give them what they want. 27 Accoommodation Hotel Roter Hahn Rote-Hahnen-Gasse 10 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/595090 www.roter-hahn.com Rooms The Roter Hahn breathes history and hospitality in every detail, offers all kinds of delicacies, hotel rooms with surprising perspectives and refuge at the end of a long day. Whether you are a visitor to the city or are here on business, whether you are alone, part of a couple or with your family - the experienced Roter Hahn team will make your stay as pleasant as possible and will meet even special requests with professionality, openness and geniality. For those arriving by car, guarded parking spaces are available directly next to the building for an extra charge. 65 Foto: Manfred Bernhard 28 Accoommodation Location What is always worth a detour is the city of Straubing only 25 miles further down the Danube – a city of towers and festivals! The centre of the “Gäuboden” metropolis is the historic new town with Ludwigsplatz and Theresienplatz. This is the heart of Straubing – an ensemble of high-ranking listed buildings, with the pedestrian precinct, “shopping mile”, cafés, restaurants and market stalls. Rooms Hotel ASAM Wittelsbacher Höhe 1 94315 Straubing Tel.: +49(0)9421/788680 www.hotelasam.de “They rule in Landshut, pray in Passau and party in Straubing,” as the local saying goes. Whether it’s a birthday, a wedding, an anniversary or an official ceremony – we offer you the right setting for your event: from small parties and meetings to large events for up to 400 guests. With its 101 rooms, ASAM stands for cultivated hospitality in a very special atmosphere: a superior, 4-star, high-class hotel which uniquely combines the historic charm of traditional architecture with the aesthetics of a modern design hotel. And the asam SPA invites you to slow down, relax and enjoy yourself. Restaurant Fotos: chilli photography Enjoy your time in the Italian-style restaurant “Asams”, the hearty Bavarian “Agnes-Bernauer-Stüberl” or in the “Quirin-Saal”, formerly the officers’ mess. In the summer, the beer garden, with its chestnut trees, sunny terrace and carriage house of old, authentic wood, invites you to linger, while our restaurants indulge you with traditional Bavarian recipes made ingeniously with seasonal ingredients selected from the region and combined with the lightness of Mediterranean cuisine. Our offer to you: GOURMET ARRANGEMENT with 1 night Single 188.00 / Double 170.50 per person 66 The most elegant Sightseeing Tour in Town Discover the UNESCO World Heritage from its Roman origins until today in the most elegant way – on the Segway. The electronic vehicle brings you effortlessly and entirely emissionfree to the world-wide known and also the hidden sights – fun factor included. Learn more about Regensburg Cathedral, Steinerne Brücke, Walhalla Bockerl, Goldener Turm, Thurn und Taxis Castle or the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Stadtamhof. Our 3-hour tours start with a short safety briefing and you will have time to practice on the Segway PT. Due to modern technology, everyone can steer the self-balancing vehicle within minutes. When everyone feels comfortable, your Segway adventure starts. The tour has approx. 20 stops, where our professional guides will tell you some exciting stories about the history of each sight. A prerequisite for attending the tour is the possession of a valid driving licence (at least motor bike). For reasons of safety, your body weight must range between 45 kg and 117 kg (100 lb and 258 lb). From March to October, tours start daily at the following times: 9 am, 10 am, 2 pm, 3pm, 7 pm & 8 pm (Reservation required) Meeting point: At the Eagle Fountain (Adlerbrunnen) in front of the Hotel Kaiserhof opposite to the Cathedral. Price: EUR 75, 00 per person (incl. 19% VAT) Payment: on site (cash or with credit-/debit card). Further information and booking on www.seg-tour-regensburg.com or by phone (Tel. + 49 941-58 61 26 84) 29 Leisure Time Seg Tour Regensburg Frauenbergl 2 93047 Regensburg Tel.: +49(0)941/58612684 www.seg-tour-regensburg.de 67 30 Shopping Attractive 2nd-hand fashion ranging from vintage to latest trends, plus new versions of traditional costumes! There‘s something new here every day. Trendy bargains in Regensburg, Goldene-Bären-Str. 6 mon - fri 10:00am - 7:00pm | sat 10:00am - 6:00pm 68