Angel Street - Swamp Fox Players
Angel Street - Swamp Fox Players
S F P Present Angel Street A Thriller by P Directed by Inge Ebert August , , , , , , ǹǺǹtȁǹǹ pm Sunday Matinee: August ǻǻǻǹǺǹtǻǼǹ pm Georgetown S T South Carolina Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. SINCE 1962, A LOW COUNTRY TRADITION Vacation Rentals Residential & Resort Sales 0 / " / 8 s N O RT H C AU S E WAY AT S TO P L I G H T 0 !7 , % 9 3 ) 3 , ! . $ 3 / 5 4 ( # ! 2 / , ) . ! ! , ! . 3 ! ,4 - ! . s " 2 / + % 2 ) . # ( ! 2 ' % vacation rental managers association LONG-TERM WIFE INSURANCE #(52#(342%%4 '%/2'%4/7.3/54(#!2/,).! ! , ! . 3 ! ,4 - ! . s " 2 / + % 2 ) . # ( ! 2 ' % 2005 Real Estate Sales & Rentals /CEAN(IGHWAYs0AWLEYS)SLAND s-ON&RIs3AT Swamp Fox Player Productions are ALWAYS good for the heart ARE YOU EARNING ENOUGH ON YOUR SAVINGS? IF NOT, LET'S TALK. William V. Glasser, AAMS® Financial Advisor 14427 Ocean Highway, Unit E Pawleys Island, SC 29585 843-235-3380 Ariane U. Lieberman, MD, FACC Craig Lieberman, MD, FACC Douglas S. Head, MD, FACC For ALL your local cardiac care…and then some. John W. Long, AAMS® Financial Advisor 10555 Ocean Highway, Suite B Pawleys Island, SC 29585 843-237-2662 Member MemberSIPC CIPF The Cheryl Newby Gallery Representing Exceptional Artisits Since 1983 Located at: 4630 Hwy. 17 Bypass Murrells Inlet, SC (behind Coastal Cancer Center, Corner of Hwy. 17 Bypass and Wachesaw Road) DAWSON LUMBER COMPANY Locally Owned & Operated for over 60 years Highway 17 South 546-859 6 We appreciate your business “By The Ocean” oil on linen by Ellen Buselli 11096 Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, South Carolina tXXXDIFSZMOFXCZHBMMFSZDPN JOHN MARSHALL I N T E R I O R D E S I G N 3 #2%6%. 3 42%%4 ' %/2'%4/7. 3# / &&)#% s- /"),% s& !8 JM ARS ID@ MSN . COM * /(. - !23(!,, 7 ),,)!-3 $ %3)'.%2 / 7.%2 ❦ KUDZU BAKERY simp ly d iv i n e 2 Locations Georgetown & Litchfield #(!2,%343-)4( ATTORNEY AT LAW '2)-%33-)4( ()'(-!2+%4342%%4 GEORGETOWN, S.C. OblbmhnkP^[lbm^Zm eee[SRWQW\SaV]^^SQ][!&$ IabeebiG^ll%K'Ia' *)/*G?kZl^kLmk^^m @^hk`^mhpg%L<+2--) Ahnkl3F&?2Z'f'&/i'f' LZm2Z'f'&*i'f' I<J@;<EK@8CÛÝÛ:FDD<I:@8C Hampton Inn Georgetown-Marina 17b professional lane pawleys island, sc 843.237.9996 420 Marina Drive, Georgetown, SC 29440 843-545-5000 BffngbsZmbhgL^kob\^lGhp:oZbeZ[e^' &"!#"$ && ©2008 Medicine Shoppe International, Inc., a Cardinal Health company. All rights reserved. 1386/1208 DAVID E. GRABEMAN Proud supporter of Swamp Fox Players focus on your PERFORMANCE 726 Front Street Georgetown, SC 29440 (843)546-8591 D.D.S., P.A. Aesthetic & Restorative Dentistry 71C Da Gullah Way, Pawleys Island, S.C. 29585 tGBY Casual Dining on the Waterfront in Historic Georgetown, SC not on your banking MEMBER FDIC Open Mon - Sat. Lunch 11 AM - 2:30 PM • Dinner 5 - 10 PM Closed Sunday 801 Front St. Georgetown, SC Ph: 843-527-4110 Director’s Notes FORD Angel Street is a wonderful play, after all they made the movie Gaslight based on Custom Construction, Inc. it. I have wanted to direct this play for some time, just had to wait for the right Licensed General Contractor & Residential Home Builder time, and especially the right people. I am so glad to have had the chance to Joe Ford WORKWITHTHISGREATCASTANDCREW)CANNOTTHANKTHEMENOUGHFORALLTHELONG 843-240-2250 “Custom is our middle name.” hours they put in and put up with me. P.O. Box 937 Georgetown, SC 29442 843-546-4491 After directing comedies for the last several years, this was a real challenge and I hope the result is that you all will be sitting at the edge of your seats until the last minute in this suspenseful thriller. Inge Ebert, Director Same Day Service !LTERATIONS2EPAIRS Curry’s $29#,%!.%23,!5.$29 Serving Georgetown Since 1968 (IGHMARKET3T Georgetown, SC -ITCH4HOMPKINS/WNER t'BY 1-866-287-6002 Locations also in Murrells Inlet and Mt. Pleasant Not Fancy - Just Fresh Goldfinch Funeral Homes !"#"!$% &!' ( ) * " + 10919 Ocean Hwy. Pawleys Island, SC. 29585 RESTAU RA N T Highway 17, Litchfield Beach 843-237-3949 Beach Litchfield-Pawleys and Conway Chapels Angel Street C A S T In order of appearance -RS-ANNINGHAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+ELLY#ALLAHAN -R-ANNINGHAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Charles Wells Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -ARY0ALMER Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jo Camlin Rough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-YLES$ERISON 0 ,!# % The entire action of the play occurs in a house on Angel Street, located in the 0IMLICODISTRICTOF,ONDON4HETIMEISTHES Act I Late afternoon. - ) .5 4% ) . 4% 2 - )3 3 )/. Act II Scene One Immediately afterwards. Act II Scene Two Later the same night. 30% # ) ! , 4( ! .+3 City of Georgetown A-Tax and Hospitality Tax Emma Marie’s Antique Shoppe The Litchfield Company Real Estate Debbie Dennison Irmgard Taylor 7ARRENAND0HYLLIS5MSTEAD Wachovia, $IAMOND#OLLECTION+UDZU"AKERY % 84 2!/ 2$ ).! 29 ')&43 $R(OWARD03TEIGERS4RUST 02/$5 #4)/. 34!& & Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inge Ebert 3TAGE-ANAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jo Camlin "ACKSTAGE#REW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "ILLY(OLMES Set Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Robinson Royce, Inge Ebert, Roger Goedtel Set Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *OE&ORD)NGE%BERT2OGER'OEDTEL 2ICHARD(UDAK2OBBIE/$ONNELL Head Scenic Artist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roger Goedtel ,IGHT3OUND$ESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RDG Custom Sound Light Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Trey Jarrell Sound Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."OB'AUSS Costumes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Young 0OSTER0LAYBILL$ESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taylor Nelson 0UBLICITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inge Ebert "OX/FFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*ANET"ARRINEAU#LAUDIA"ESSINGER-ARIE$OUGLAS )NGE%BERT"ETTY(ARING"ARI(EIDEN*ACKIE(OELSCHER3TACY2ABON Ushers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ERB!NDERSON3HIRLEY!NDERSON"EVERLY"ELL "ETH"ISHOP3ALLY"UTLER7ILLIAM!NGELA#ONNORS-OLLY$ALEY "OB$ESAULNIERS-EG0HIL&ILIATRAULT0AT&REEMAN,YNN'ILLIGAN ,INDA'URZENSKI*ASON#HELSE(AMSHAW*OHN6IRGINIA(ART $EBBIE(ELLER*IM-ALLOW2ICHARD!NNA(UDAK#INDY,ADD #ATHY-C'ROGAN#AROL.EAL$ARICE.EWMISTER-OE2ELLY%MILY3HEARER +AREN3COTT#LEM%LLEN4HOENNES7ARREN0HYLLIS5MSTEAD *EFF#AROLYN7ILDES4OM,AUREN7INSLOW " /!2 $ /& $) 2%#4/2 3 *O#AMLIN0RESIDENT"ETTY(ARING4REASURER3TACY2ABON3ECRETARY 'RACE"ROCK*OE&ORD,ORI,OWELL$EBBIE-ORRIS2OBBIE/$ONNELL 0AM0LEXICO*EFF3IEGRIST7ARREN5MSTEAD-ATT7ESOLOWSKI &OY&ORD4HEATER-ANAGER 0 2/$ 5#4)/. " /!2$ *OE&ORD#HAIRPERSON4RACY#RANE3ECRETARY#HERYL"ROKAW-ARK"ROWN *O#AMLIN-YLES$ERISON)NGE%BERT+ATHY&ERDON"OB'AUSS 2OGER'OEDTEL3UZANNE(ARRIS2ICHARD(UDAK.INA-ORRIS4AYLOR.ELSON 0OOKIE/ATES-ARY/$ONNELL2OBBIE/$ONNELL,EE0ADGETT"ILL2ENAULT Robinson Royce, Dr. Warren Umstead, Charles Wells Charles Wells;-R*ACK-ANNINGHAM=HASBEENASSOCIATEDWITH3&0SINCEHIS first role in Driving Miss DaisyINTHEEARLYS3INCETHENHEHASACTEDIN many productions, including Smoke on the Mountain, Sander’s Family Christmas, The Sound of Music, The Fantastics, Cole and Any Wednesday. While Wells does enjoy acting, his real love in the theater is and has always been directing. Some productions under his direction were The Cover of Life, The Sunshine Boys, Over the River and Through the Woods and Della’s Diner. An Alabama NATIVE2OLL4IDE7ELLSISANINSURANCEAGENTWITHTHE&RANK3IAU!GENCYOF 'EORGETOWNDIRECTSTHE(EBERT5-#CHANCELCHOIRIN+ENSINGTONANDISAN avid Whitetail Deer hunter. Helping to create beautiful smiles ces Kelly Callahan;-RS-ANNINGHAM=+ELLY#ALLAHANISTHRILLEDTOBEBACKON THE3WAMP&OX3TAGE+ELLYWASEDUCATEDAT%AST#AROLINA5NIVERSITYS0ROFESSIONAL!CTORSPROGRAMWHICHBOASTS3ANDRA"ULLOCKASANALUMNUS3HEHAS appeared in many productions. Among her favorites are Damn Yankees,OLA Bram Stokers’ Dracula-INA The Crucible!BIGAILANDMOSTFONDLYINTHE 3WAMP&OX0LAYERSPRODUCTIONOF Grace and Glorie (Glorie). She has appeared AT"ROOKGREEN'ARDENSASWELLINTHEIR#OOL3UMMER%VENINGTHEATERPROGRAMS !MOTHEROFTHREESHEISALSOTHE$IRECTOROF6OLUNTEER3ERVICESANDTHE&RIENDS OF"ROOKGREENINHERSPARETIME Bra Who’s Who Timothy J. Pence, DMD, MSD Specialist in Orthodontics #HURCH3TREET 'EORGETOWN3# 9462 Highway 17 North 0AWLEYS)SLAND3# PLANTATION FEDERAL WOULD LIKE TO APPLAUD THE SWAMP FOX PLAYERS. Where Neighborhood Banking Begins i} LÀÃÊ"Ê >ÊUÊÓÎxä{ää Georgetown (843) 527-5000 Pawleys Island (843) 237-3404 Murrells Inlet (843) 651-3404 Mary Palmer;.ANCY=IS thrilledTOWORKWITHTHE3WAMP&OX0LAYERS3HEISA GRADUATEOF#HARLESTON3OUTHERN5NIVERSITYWITHA"!IN3PEECH!SAYOUNG ADULT-ARYWASAMEMBEROFTHE"ACKSTAGE0LAYERSA#HARLESTON3#BASED PROFESSIONALGROUPANDSOMEOFHERCREDITSINCLUDE-AGGIEFROM Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Laura from The Glass Menagerie7HILELIVINGIN-ANHATTANSHE STUDIEDATTHE!MERICAN!CADEMYOF$RAMATIC!RTSIN.EW9ORK!SANACTORFOR THE-URRELLS)NLET#OMMUNITY4HEATREHERCREDITSINCLUDE%MILYIN Drowning Sorrows and Georgia in The Circle People. Recently, she was the voice-over for #INDERELLAON*OBIE$IXONS6OICE!MERICA)NTERNET2ADIO3HOW3HETHANKSHER FAMILYANDTHE3WAMP&OX0LAYERSFORTHISCREATIVEJOURNEY iLiÀÊ ÊUʵÕ>ÊÕÃ}Êi`iÀ La Sheek Stylon and Merle Norman Cosmetics THE RICE MUSEUM 633 Front Street, Georgetown, SC 29442 843-546-7423 546-4698 924 Front Street Georgetown, SC Betty Roberts, NCC Owner Who’s Who Jo Camlin ;%LIZABETH= MET -R AND -RS -ANNINGHAM WHILE VACATIONING ABROAD4HEYWERESOTAKENWITHHERhSOUTHERNCHARMANDACCENTvTHATTHEY ASKEDHERTOSTAYIN%NGLANDANDBECOMETHEPERSONALMAIDOF-RS-ANNINGham. She decided to stay on and was a loyal employee until – well you’ll just have to watch and see what happens on Angel Street. Myles Barry Derison;2OUGH=LASTAPPEARANCEAT4HE3TRANDWASINTHEROLEOF "ULLMOOSEIN3&0SPRODUCTIONOF Li’l AbnerIN(EHASALSOAPPEAREDAT The Strand in the roles of Nunzio Cristano in Over The River and Through The Woods7ILLIAM$AVISIN There’s A Burglar In My Bed, Will in Among Friends Old Cap’n Cotchipee, in Purlie(EHASALSOAPPEAREDAT4HE0ALACE4HEATREIN THEROLEOF-USHNICKIN The Little Shop of HorrorsAND-ARLEYS'HOSTINTHEIR Christmas production of A Christmas Carol. He has also appeared in various STAGEPRODUCTIONSWHILERESIDINGIN!TLANTAAND-IAMISINCE(EISMOST excited about appearing in Angel Street and salutes his talented and professional fellow cast members and our outstanding Director. Inge Ebert ;$IRECTOR=HASBEENWITHTHE3&0SINCESTARTINGOUTAS0ROPERTY 0ERSONANDWORKINGHERWAYUPTO3TAGE-ANAGERANDTHEN$IRECTOR(AVING grown up in Hamburg, a cultural center in Germany, her interest has always been with the theater. Look for us on 4XBNQ'PY1MBZFST Please Be seated 10 minutes prior to curtain or you will be seated at intermission. Turn off cell phones and pagers. No photography or video. No food, drink or smoking in theater. Do not talk in lobby after show begins. Enjoy the show Anita Weaver Executive Director .ORTH&RASER3TREET 'EORGETOWN3# 0Hs&AX AWEAVER SQCCOM !&IVE3TAR#ARE#OMMUNITY WWWFIVESTARQUALITYCARECOM WE BELIEVE IN LOCAL ARTS. WE BELIEVE IN SOUTH CAROLINA. GEORGETOWN 1134 North Fraser St. 843.436.2265 MURRELLS INLET 4210 Hwy. 17 Bypass 843.357.7007 MYRTLE BEACH 1550 Oak St. 843.839.5009 DuMont Brothers Building, Inc. 8227 Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, SC 29585 843-237-4367 / toll free 877-203-2922 Website: Email: New Home Construction Home Renovations Additions, New Kitchen, Bathroom, Garage, Carolina Room, Screen Porch Enclosure, Siding & Window Replacement, Elevators Interior & Exterior Painting With over 25 years of experience in Georgetown County Fully Insured S.C. State Licensed General Contractor Colonial-Floral Fascinations JEANETTE ARD 725 Front Street Georgetown South Carolina 29440 800-245-5108 800-334-6303 843-546-5108 843-546-5109 JOHN A. JOSEPH, JR., D.M.D. TIMOTHY G. JOSEPH, D.M.D. A dental practice founded by John A. Joseph, Sr., D.D.S. &RONT3TREET 0OST/FFICE"OX Georgetown, SC 29442 P RINTMAKING S TUDIO 843.445.9191 Fax 843.448.0895 Email Coastal %YE'ROUP0# Richard E. DeChamplain, MD Carole M. Young, MD Walter A. Mayo, OD (IGHMARKET3TREET ANDERSON BROTHERS BANK Personal Banking On A Personal Level. 706 North Fraser St. in Georgetown Member FDIC R E S T A U R A N T 732 Front Street Georgetown, SC 29440 843-546-2021 tw w w. a b b a n k . c o m ,5.#(s$)..%2 MONDAY-SATURDAY ARCHANGELS 2010 Palmetto Solutions Gagliano, Dr. & Mrs. Ted Tindall, Rhett & Charla Carter, Mr. & Mrs. R. Ashley Carter, Rhea & Henry Cavanaugh, Jim & Mady Cave, Nancy & Billy Chandler, Jon & Shirley Cherchio, Elizabeth & Angelo ANGELS 2010 Causey Insurance & Financial Services Chestnut, Wendell & Carol Chinery, Dorothy & Frank Logic eXtension Resources Cohn, Howard & Frances Treffer Appraisal & Advisory Group Coker, Tommy Carter, Betty & Clinton Connor, Josephine & Ralph Dieter, Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan L. Corcoran, John & Mary Sullivan Falk, Marcia & Carl Corneliusen, Heather & Art Heusel, Gwen & Richard Corrigall, Nancy J. Hinds, Cowen, Strange & Geer Cowen, Dr. & Mrs. Norman J. Hutto, Scott & Laura Cristello, Mr. & Mrs. James Lieberman, Drs. Craig & Ariane Crosby, Dr. & Mrs. Tom Lowery, Pat & Wilson Cutler, Ann Mahany, Richard & Pam Daniels, Mac & B.G. O’Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis, Mary H. Ondrejcek, Florence & John Dawson, Clary & Doris Royce, Robinson & Robert Owen Dawson, Liz & Duff Skinner, Virginia Dawson, John & Helyn Tamsberg, Anne & Jody Delahunt, Maureen & Tom Umstead, Warren & Phyllis DeLorme, Charles & Eileen BENEFACTORS 2010 Desh, Michael & Debbie Dickert, Bacil & Shirley Christopher’s Fine Jewelry Dodson, Elliott & Darlene First Citizens Bank Dougherty, Bev & Tom Morningside of Georgetown Douglas, Marie Teachers’ Heaven DuMont, David & Clare SCBT,NA Dupont, Peggy A. Abbott, Olga & Ernest Duvall, Dr. & Mrs. Alex Allen, Harris & Kathleen Dwyer, David & Lois Alling, Muffie & Guy Edmondson, Joyce Allison, Martha & Fitz Engel, Marjorie & Gene Altman, Billy & Ann Esber, Roger & Bonnie Altman, Lenair & Marilyn Esposito, Vincent & Skippy Anderson, Andy & Sally Estes, L. Dean Aragona, John & Rosalie Farley, Austin & Winnie Arentsen, Al & Susan Faulk, Carole & Richard Ares, John & Angela Fee, Mary Jo & Dwight Avant, Levurn & Ann Ferdon, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Barrineau, Bobby & Janet Ferris, Pat & Vikky Bartlett, Ralph & Barbara Finch, Jim & Jane Benfield, Jack & Bette Ann Ford, Mrs. Anna Maria Bennett, Sybil & Jim Ford, Jess & Helen Berry, Jack & Monnie Ford, Joe & Foy Blackhurst, Ed & Neats Gainey, John & Alberta Blakeley, Joyce & Lee Ganem, Ray Bowers, Priscilla & Roy Gericke, Judy Boyer, Bruce & Marcia Glasser, Bill & KC Bradshaw, Celia & Charles Gomolski, Carol & John Brown, Bruce & Joan Griffin, Frank & Judith Brown, Dean & Robin Griffith, George & Sheila Brown, Harvey & Kathy Grimes, Brenda & John Brush, Kit & Carlton Grimes, Harriett & Claymon Buono, Rick & Mary Guptill, William & Eileen Burrell, Katy & Alan Haas, Connie Butler, Beckie & Harry Hacker, Bob & Janie Camp, Joseph E. Hammond, Ron & Ann Cannon, Jr.,“Bubba” & Bleeker Hanna, Anne Hannan, Robert & Karen Hard, Ed & June Harris, Suzanne S. Hawman, Paul & Marion Dawe Head, Rip & Maggie Hedler, Robert & Charlotte Heavey, Betty & Bernie Heiden, Dr. & Mrs. Eric Henry, Karen Hicks, Dale & Sandy Hill, Freddie & Wanda Hoelscher, Jackie & Fred Hora, June C. Hornback, Forrest & Martie Howard, Tommy & Ruthann Huggins, F. Ed Hulse, Evelyn & Bill Humphreys, Bryan & Carrie Hutto, Mary Ray Illos, Marie Inman, Julius & Louella Isaac, Joe & Cheryl Jacques, Winston & Laurel Jewell, Nancy & Dunbar Jolly, J.B. & Karen Kaufmann, Charles & Lenore Kay, Jr., L. Dan Keefer, Lee & Pricilla Kelley, Rives W. Kendall, Mr. & Mrs. William Kester, Alice & John Klopp, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Knight, Mike & Ann & Tinker Rybolt Lange, Connie & Phil Lapworth, Bill & Cindy Lawrimore, Willard L. Lesley, Jason & Anna Long , George & Nancy Lumpkin, Parker & Susan Lumpkin, Sarah P. MacDonnell, Tom & Dororthy MacKall, Lloyd & Kay Malek, Annmarie Mandile, Anthony & Ann Martin, Bev & Gerry Martin, Ed & Lou McAlpine, Betty & Dennis McBride, John & Carolyn McBride, Loren & Cassandra McCann, Richard & Carol McDowell, Don & Georgia McIntyre, Larry & Cynthia Meade, Charlie & Debbie Melioli, Raymond & Sheryl Meyer, Laura & Ernest Miller, Jana & Jerry Miller, Marie & Kitty Nunley Miller, Wallace & Donna Mills, P. Edwards & Audrey Wagner Mitchell, Peter & Becky Molnar, Tom & Mary Sue Moore, David & Harriett Moore, Jr., James B. Murren, Walt & Joan Ness, Phillip & Beth Nilles, Don Nunn, Dr. Charles & Helen Oberembt, Marilyn & Jerry O’Connell, Glen & Betty Kay O’Loughlin, John & Shirley Omphalius, Bill & Kathy Ottinger, Bob & Barb Owens, Sylvia S. Owens, Wayne & Frances Pacella, Richard & Carolyn Parker, III, Mr. & Mrs. Vernon M. Parks, Lorraine & Don Parsley, Paul & Patricia Passmore, Barbara & J. Laurence Pearigen, Raymond & Jean Peteet, Hugh “Hugger” & Allison Pierce, Patsy B. Pierce, Sam & D. Pietkewicz, Ron & Marie Pikaart, Christine H. Plexico, Kevin & Pamela Pope, Tommy & Brenda Pryor, Dr. William W. Przygocki, Walter Rabon, Joe & Hilda Rana, Mary Ransom, Tom & Janet Raymond, Peter & Linda Renault, Bill & Jeanette Robinson, Karen A. Roscol, Jr., Dr. & Mrs. Martin Roughgarden, Matt & Rose Rusch, Jeepie & Cliff Russo, Carmen & Joyce Ryan, Jim & Sue Schantz, Roger D. Scheffing, Dan & Kathie Schoenig, Ed & Eileen Schooler, Alfred B. Schuhmacher, Bob & Anita Segelken, William & Vivian Sharp, John W & Kathryn W. Shriver, Jack & Pat Siau, Col. & Mrs. Lynn Skinner, Jane Slattery, Dennis & Catherine Slomkowski, Edward Small, Kristy Smith, Larry & Carol Smith, Margie Sowell, Mayme Sparks, Tom & Kathy Stahlberger, Bob & Peg Steele, Col. John & Frances Steen, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Stevens, Mary Jane & Bob Stillman, Georgiana & David Stroup, Hank & Brenda Swinnie, Catherine Lovell Swisshelm, Robert A. & Margaret M. Szabo, Lou & Judy Tarbox, Glennie & Margaret Anne Tester, Jon & Mary Thoennes, Clem & Ellen Thomas, Grady & Brenda Towse, J.J. & Dick Tuttle, Ed & Mary Vaughan, Randy & Laura Vickery, Kitty & George Vopelak, Don Waikart, Charolette & Doug Wall, John & Marty Walters, Alan & Susan Ward, Franklin & Jackie Weathers, Gene & Ella Wilcox, Norman & Happy Woodbury, Billy & Geneva Yaniga, Karen D. Yarnell, Lawrence Younce, JE “Pep” Young, Clay & Annette Young, Clarence Young, Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Young, Nancy & Ernie Young, Robert & Clara Zothner, Bob & Trudy PATRONS 2010 Abraham, Lucy Agett, Lee Altman, Jr., Rothie Amann, George Athey, Doris M. Barrineau, Gladys M. Beal, Mrs. Frank Beaubian, Thelma Bottomly, Irene Bourne, Joyce H. Bowen, Mrs. William A. Bowers, Lorraine Boyd, Frankie Brady, Philip V. Brokaw, Cheryl Brown, Dona Camlin, Carolyn Carraway, Joan G. Coker. Linda Collins, Lunette S. Cross, Mildred Davis, Fannie E. Davis, Susan Dawson, Sr., Mrs. C.C. Detwiler, Patsy B. Dillon, Rachel Drexel, Frances A. Dugan, Debbie Dwyer, Annette Ebert, Inge Edens, Fran Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph P. English, Betty W. Etheridge, Maxine B. Flenniken, Alyce P Forehand, Marvadine B. Furness, Patricia A. Gettman, LaVonn Grant, Carrie & Tony Hall, Anita C. Harris, Jacqueline Harrison, Katherine Hooker, Shirley A. Johnson, Maydelle Keesler, Jane A. Keenan, Shelden J. Klute, James A. Langston, Eunice Lawrimore, Betty Lee, Brenda Lee, Kendra Lowell, Lori Mixson, Joyce Moody, Mrs. Jean F. Moore, Ada Jean Morris, Debbie B. Murtaugh, Marty Myers, Mary Ann Nichols, Dorothy Pawleys Island Lumber Powers, Sue A. Raineri, Lorraine M. Reid, N.L. Roberts, Betty J. Roberts, Deloris Robinson, Peggy Sams, Madeline E. Schaefer, Marie K. Schildhorn, Ann M. Seipel, Mary Smith, Charles T. Smith, Cheryle & Dale Smith, Helen V. Speer, Clarissa Stalvey, Mrs. Derrick Sturgess, Carolyn B. Talbot, Edward (Ted) Thompson, John V. Wallace, Jane W. Ward, Mary Ann Wells, Marje Westbury, Bertha Williams, Betty F. Wimsatt, R. Wood, Judy A. Young, Hazel L. Please join us for another show! P D Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks February , , , , , , atȁǹǹ pm February , atǻǼǹ pm Moonlight and Magnolias April , , , May , , , atȁǹǹ pm May , atǻǼǹ pm Angel Street August , , , , , , atȁǹǹ pm August , atǻǼǹ pm Broadway’s Best October , November , , , atȁǹǹ pm October , atǻǼǹ pm Dates and plays subject to change S F P S T Pro-Rated for remaining plays O Patron $25 receives 1 ticket per play in the season O Benefactor $50 receives 2 tickets per play in the season O Angel $100 receives 4 tickets per play in the season O Archangel $150 receives 6 tickets per play in the season Please PRINT Your Name(s) As You Want It To Appear In The Playbill Name Address Phone Email Address .FUIPEPG1BZNFOU$IFDL$BTI MC/Visa Credit Card# &YQJSBUJPO%BUF7$PEFPOUIFCBDLPGUIFDBSE Our season ticket prices have not increased in several years. There are several advantages to having a season ticket. One advantage is each ticket is $12.50 and the second is you receive a notice of the upcoming play three (3) weeks prior to opening. Remember by making your reservation in a timely manner we are better able to seat you in the area you desire. Reservations are taken in the order in which they are received. .BJMUP S F P , I . 10#PY(FPSHFUPXO4PVUI$BSPMJOBt
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