sonshine line - Immanuel Lutheran School
sonshine line - Immanuel Lutheran School
SONSHINE LINE Immanuel Lutheran School “But these are written that you may believe that JESUS is the CHRIST, the SON of GOD and that by believing, you may have LIFE in His name.” John 20:31 November 3, 2011 A Word from our Principal MORE snow? It’s only the very beginning of November! ANOTHER snow storm? Seriously? Being new to the area and not being familiar with the local weather patterns, it seems to us that this is a lot of snow for so early. We are used to snow. After all, we have lived in Michigan and Wisconsin, so we are accustomed to winters that never end. But, two snowfalls before November 3rd seem like quite a lot! Does it ever seem like events and troubles pile up like the snows of the past week? Does it ever feel like it is just one thing after another? Sometimes the events and troubles of life threaten to overwhelm us. Those are the times when we need to trust our God’s promises to us. His promise is that He is always with us. His promise is that His plans are to prosper us, not to harm us. His promise is that He will work for our ultimate good in every situation. Yes, there are times when the events and problems in life just seems to pile up on us. Those are the times to recall our God’s promises to us. I also believe those are the times when we recognize the importance of the people God places around us. He gives us family and friends to support us during those times we feel overwhelmed. He also gives us the opportunities to be that support for others when they need it. Times of troubles will come as surely as the snow will fall here in Colorado. We also know that those difficult times will pass as surely as the snow melts. The wonderful assurance we have is that God will support us through those tough stretches and that He will use them for our good. Serving Him and you, Mr. Busacker, Principal Calendar Thursday, November 3rd 2nd grade Bible Ceremony in the Sanctuary at 11:00 with reception to follow Noon Dismissal 1:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. ~ Parent Teacher Conferences, by appointment Friday, November 4th NO SCHOOL 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ~ Parent Teacher Conferences, by appointment School Office open 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 Sunday, November 6th Daylights savings time ends . . . set your clocks back 1 hour Monday, November 7th – Friday, November 11th Spirit Week ~ see below for each day’s theme Monday, November 7th Basketball practices start LETA test at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 9th Chapel at 8:20 ~ families are invited to attend Early Release: Kindergarten at 2:00 p.m., 1-8 @ 2.15 p.m. Thursday, November 10th Chick-fil-A Night ~ see below for more information Friday, November 11th Spirit Rally at 2:15 p.m. in the gym Papa Murphy’s Pizza Night ~ all day at both Loveland locations *December Hot Lunch ordering dates have been changed to Monday, November 14th through Monday, November 21st, with payment due Tuesday, November 22nd * Sports schedules may now be found on-line at Chapel Offerings Wednesday’s Offering: $29.80 Offering to date: $135.06 During the months of October, November and December, Immanuel School will support the ministry of Samaritan’s Purse through Operation Christmas Child. This organization delivers shoeboxes filled with Christmas gifts and the news of the Savior Jesus to children in some of the world’s poorest nations. You may donate a completed shoe box or any cash offerings will be used by Samaritan’s purse to cover the great expense of sending these shoeboxes. Children may fill one or more shoeboxes and turn them in by November 16th. News from School Office The weather is changing and there is always a chance of having to close school due to bad weather or an emergency. Due to the fact that our LETA site is not up and running yet, we are requesting that you do the following to get information on possible weather closings: 1) Please check 9 News, as we will be notifying them 2) Please check your email. If we do close due to weather, we will be sending out an email blast to all parents 3) Please check the ILS website. We will be posting on the website if a “snow day” occurs ** We will be testing our LETA notification system on Monday, November 7th, at 12:30pm. This is only a test to verify that the system is working, and our families know what to expect when contacted. If you do not receive a notification, please contact the school office. This is ONLY A TEST. ** Special Initiation A SPECIAL INVITATION TO OUR MILITARY VETERANS Friday, November 11th, ILS will be having an all school rally to celebrate the gifts, talents and the many blessings of our school. We know that this school and these blessings could not have happened without the dedication and sacrifices of our US Military. We would be honored if you would join in this celebration of our school as we recognize your commitment to our God and country. The rally begins at 2:15 with a reception to follow at 3:00. When you arrive at the school, there will be Boy and Cub Scouts available to escort you to your seat. For more information please call Holly Walker 667-7606. Lost and Found Lost and Found items will be set out this morning, Thursday, November 3rd on a table next to the scrip window. The items will be out through conferences on Friday, November 4th. Any unclaimed items will be donated after that time. Be sure to take a moment before or after your conference(s) to search for anything your child may have left behind. Tuition Payments Please remember that your monthly tuition payment is due on the 15th of the month to Smart Tuition. To avoid a $50 late fee, your payment must arrive at Smart Tuition no later than the 18th of the month. The following options are available for paying your tuition: Log into your Smart Tuition account ( and make an electronic payment, or pay by credit card (note: there is a 2.5% fee to use a credit or debit card). If you have lost your login information, please call Smart Tuition’s Customer Service (888-868-8828). You will need Immanuel’s ID #11181. Call Smart Tuition’s Customer Service Department (888-868-8828) and make a payment over the phone. They will need Immanuel’s ID #11181 as well as your information. Smart Tuition’s Customer Service Department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Mail a check to Smart Tuition using the payment coupon that is part of your statement which is mailed to you by Smart Tuition. If you are not already signed up for automatic payments but you would like to do so, please call Smart Tuition’s Customer Service Department (888-868-8828) for assistance. If you are paying with your bank’s online bill payment system, please remember that this is NOT an electronically transferred transaction. Your bank will actually mail a paper check to Smart Tuition. Make sure you are allowing enough time for this check to arrive at Smart Tuition so you are not hit with a $50 late fee. Calling All Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts For Veteran’s Day we’re going to have a color guard during the Spirit Rally on Friday, November 11th. If you are a boy scout or cub scout, please contact Jane Muhlenbruch-Yee to get details on participating at 970-667-8144. Middle School Spring Musical! “Hairy Tale Rock” is the production slated for April 26-27, 2012! All 6th, 7th and 8th graders are invited to be involved with the show. Look for more information regarding auditions. There are parts for at least 22! Questions – please contact Julia Riedel at 667-7886. Bible Bowl 2011 Results Great job to all of the participants in this year's Middle School Bible Bowl. Participants included Jessica Brouwer, Melissa Foreman, Trinity Miller, Bennett Nelson, Hannah Rost, Peter Scheller, Matt Schmitt, Katie Szczerba, and Johanna Walker. Those who made it to the final round were Bennett Nelson, Hannah Rost, Jessica Brouwer, and Matt Schmitt. The champions for this year are Hannah Rost (6th), Johanna Walker (7th), Jessica Brouwer (8th), and Matt Schmitt (Overall). Congratulations to all. Special thanks to Karina Schlecht and Elizabeth Dozier (ILS Alumni) who helped with the Bible Bowl. Congratulations to Lego Robotics Teams! The Crusaders (5th & 6th grade team) placed 1st for robot performance and 3rd for their research project at last weekends Lego Robotics Scrimmage. The Jedi Squirrelz (7th and 8th grade team) placed third for robot performance. A video of their research projects can be seen on the Immanuel Lutheran School Facebook page. Many Thanks to . . All of the sixth grade parents who made/sent delicious Mexican/Latin American food and drink to share at our Fiesta on Tuesday. Pamm Schlie, Tammy Beach, and Shirley Chavez for their wonderful help decorating, warming, serving, and cleaning up the meal. Muchas gracias! Dinner Made Easy!! Chick fil-A Chick-fil-A night - Spirit night at Chick-fil-A in Loveland is Thursday, Nov. 10, from 5-8pm. Eat out, have fun, visit with friends, and support our school. Immanuel gets a percentage of all sales for the evening. Invite your friends and family. This will be our only Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A this school year. Hope to see you there! Save the Date! December 1, 2011 from 5:00-8:00pm is the 3rd annual Barnes and Noble Bookfair Night. We will also be having an "Immanuel Night" at Panda Express that evening so you do not have to worry about dinner. Be looking for more information to come. News from I-Fund Keep your credit information safe! Many people in our Loveland community have experienced credit card fraud or identity theft. Protect yourself by shopping with iFund instead of your credit card! When you shop with gift cards purchased through the iFund (Scrip) program, you are not only protecting your credit cards, you are earning credits on your tuition account as well as helping our school. Learn more by stopping at the iFund window today! Gift cards make perfect Christmas gifts and they are easy to ship for those on your Christmas list who live out of state. Keep the iFund program in mind when planning your Christmas gift buying! To make your Christmas shopping easier, we have on hand for a limited time: American Eagle $25 Barnes & Noble $10 & $25 Bath & Body $10 & $25 * Best Buy $25 Lands’ End $25 Macy’s $25 Mimi’s Café $25 P.F. Chang’s $25 T.J. Maxx/Marshall’s $25 *If you purchase Bath & Body gift cards, you will receive a $10 off coupon for Bath & Body (while supplies last) Scrip is available on Monday, Thursday, Friday from 8:00-3:30; Wednesday from 8:00-2:30; and is CLOSED on Tuesday. Scrip office will close at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 3rd and will be closed on Friday, November 4th. News from Immanuel Lutheran Church igniteLife Worship Service Immanuel has started an exciting new Saturday night service called "igniteLife." This is a casual and informal service held in the atrium (the big hallway by the sanctuary). We want to offer a worship opportunity that is non-threatening, social, and spiritually uplifting. The new service is Saturdays at 6:06 pm. Why 6:06? Hosea 6:6 "I'm after love that lasts, not more religion. I want you to know God, not go to more prayer meetings." We know many people have been burned or turned off by church in the past. We want to offer a fresh experience for you to experience God through His community in a new way. Entertainment Coupons Books Available Immanuel’s music ministry is selling the 2012 Entertainment Books this year! The retail price is $35, and they will be available for sale through December 31st. Books are available in the finance office, and checks made payable to Immanuel Lutheran. Christmas Bazaar and Craft Fair Immanuel Lutheran Church’s Annual Christmas Bazaar and Craft Fair is coming up on Saturday, November 19th from 9am – 3pm. Please see below for more information. New Publicity Resource at Immanuel Do you ever wonder how to get word out about your special event? We’re pleased to announce a new publicity resource at Immanuel! Also available is a PR checklist for those with special upcoming events happening at Immanuel Lutheran Church and School who need assistance with advertising. Any time you have planned an event that includes Immanuel, please take time to submit this form to Kerrie Pucket in the church office. These forms are available at both the church and school offices. This email address and form have been created in effort to keep everyone informed of the wonderful events and plans coordinated by our volunteer teams, staff, and faculty! This tool will be so helpful in our ministry together, for consistency, coordination, and sharing! Thank you for your support! Immanuel Lutheran Church and School, A Family Place, would like to celebrate the special events in the lives of our families. If you have something you would like to share, please email Emily or Holly at Spirit Week November 7-11, 2011 But these are written that you may believe that JESUS is the CHRIST, the SON of GOD and that by believing, you may have LIFE in His name. John 20:31 MONDAY ~ “BELIEVE IT” DAY Each student will receive a booklet that says, “Believe it” on the outside. The inside will be filled with blank pages. Each day this week students are encouraged to record (by writing or drawing pictures) of ways that God has blessed them or how they have blessed someone else. TUESDAY ~ BE THE BLESSING DAY Find ways today to bless your family, friends, and teachers. Put others before yourself and find little ways to show you care. WEDNESDAY ~ DRESS YOUR VERY BEST DAY Today we will honor God by giving Him our best. families, teachers, friends and our work. Not just in how we dress but also in giving our best to our THURSDAY ~ INSIDE OUT DAY Wear your clothes inside out today. This is to remind us that God does not judge us by our looks or our clothes but by our hearts. It’s what’s on the inside that matters!!! FRIDAY ~ VETERAN’S DAY / ILS DAY Wear ILS school colors or red, white and blue. Spirit Rally – BELIEVE IT! God has blessed our school and our students. We are able to receive these blessings because of the sacrifices and dedication of our Military Veterans. Veterans will be invited to the rally. We will be honoring them and celebrating Immanuel Lutheran School.
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