CEP 08014 TeraRecon AquariusNET server for 3D image
CEP 08014 TeraRecon AquariusNET server for 3D image
Evaluation report TeraRecon AquariusNET server for 3D image reconstruction CEP 08014 August 2008 Contents 2 Executive summary .................................................................................. 3 Introduction............................................................................................... 5 Product description................................................................................. 10 Methods.................................................................................................. 30 Technical performance........................................................................... 31 Operational considerations..................................................................... 33 Economic considerations ....................................................................... 36 Purchasing ............................................................................................. 41 Conclusion.............................................................................................. 42 Acknowledgements ................................................................................ 43 Glossary ................................................................................................. 44 References ............................................................................................. 46 Appendix 1. Supplier contact details ...................................................... 47 Appendix 2. AquariusNET update .......................................................... 48 Author and report information................................................................. 49 CEP 08014 August 2008 Executive summary 3 The product The TeraRecon AquariusNET system provides three dimensional (3D) functions on volume image data sets using a dedicated server. A dedicated graphics processor performs the reconstruction and graphic rendering and image data are streamed to the client machine across the network. As the processor-intensive functions are performed on the server, the user can view the images on a relatively low powered PC. The process is interactive and transparent to the user, as though the tasks are being performed locally. The client software runs on a personal computer (PC) running Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating system and Internet Explorer version 6 with a recommended minimum specification of Pentium II central processing unit, 256 Megabytes random access memory, a video card capable of displaying 24 bit colour depth and a 1024 x 768 pixel resolution display. The product allows the user to perform advanced visualisation techniques on DICOM image volume data sets produced from CT and MRI scans, including multi-planar reformats (MPR), curved planar reformats (CPR), maximum intensity projections (MIP) and volume rendering. Vessel analysis tools with centre line extraction are provided along with the facility to analyse multi-phase studies and display image merge of two modalities. The use of segmentation algorithms on the dataset according to pre-determined rules performs routine segmentation tasks automatically, eg rib cage removal from a CT scan of the heart. AquariusNET version 1.7 was evaluated. Upgrades have been released subsequently. Field of use AquariusNET can be used where advanced visualisation techniques may be required on volume data sets. In imaging departments it allows the reporting of scans to take place at a user’s desktop or reporting workstation rather than using the dedicated modality workstation. It can also be used for interactive reconstructions at multi disciplinary team meetings. Departments outside the imaging department may interactively review anatomy using the rendering and segmentation tools. Review of complex fractures and visualisation of vascular structures can be used to plan surgical procedures outside the imaging department by the surgeons in the office, clinic or operating theatre. The use of a thin client system, with appropriate security measures, facilitates teleradiology, extending the ability to view scans and images to users outside the hospital. Evaluation method An AquariusNET VLE server was installed by TeraRecon at the evaluation site as a local server. The server hardware was benchmarked to assess its relative speed. Various large volume studies were loaded from the AquariusNET server and the time taken to display the first volume rendered image was recorded. CEP 08014 August 2008 Executive summary 4 Power consumption of the server was compared with that of standard PCs. Using studies from a range of modalities, the images were viewed and the imaging tools tested. The tools were assessed for functionality, ease of use and accuracy. CEP verdict AquariusNET 1.7 provides 3D tools which can extend the functions of existing PACS workstations, and offers access to these tools to users outside the imaging department. It is able to access studies from various sources. Not only can studies be pushed to the server by the modality and retrieved from a modality or PACS archive but studies may also be imported to the AquariusNET server from the user’s client machine. The tools provided are straightforward to use and the manual helpful and clear. The AquariusNET implementation of thin-client technology works well and no problems were encountered with the server during the testing period. It was found that on older client PCs, with the minimum recommended specifications, the response was noticeably sluggish, especially when using volume rendering tools. On newer machines, the response was acceptable. The addition of volume imaging to the PACS workstation allows the reporting of volume studies such as CT and MRI to be incorporated into the general reporting workflow. The ability to use volume tools, in particular MPR and MIPS, without recourse to the modality workstation, and to review other images relating to the scan being reviewed, can improve the reporting workflow. Integrating AquariusNET 1.7 into the departmental PACS/RIS can bring these benefits, and the flexibility of the thin client architecture gives access to the advanced tools across the network to users in other departments using a standard PC. CEP 08014 August 2008 Introduction 5 The TeraRecon AquariusNET system offers interactive three dimensional (3D) image management and distribution through standard (‘thin-client’) personal computers (PCs), rather than dedicated diagnostic imaging workstations. The AquariusNET uses a server to perform the 3D functions and distribute the images. It also performs pre-set segmentation algorithms on the dataset according to pre-determined rules, for example rib cage removal from a CT scan of the heart A license fee for unlimited client use is included, so any PC can operate as a client, without incurring additional costs. This may facilitate workflow, helping hospitals to achieve government waiting time targets. Three dimensional (3D) imaging ‘3D imaging’ refers to software that allows the user to create different views from volume data sets. In radiology, such data sets are those images acquired from cross-sectional imaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Common procedures used to create such views are: • multi planar-reformat, (MPR) - where the original image data is reformatted along a curved or linear plane; • maximum intensity projection (MIP) - a view that emphasises maximum values of intensity in the image pixels or voxels; • virtual endoscopy - replicates a view as if examined through an endoscope; • 3D visualisation - where computer graphic techniques create a single view of the entire volume; These techniques have been available for many years, but their clinical use has been limited by the resolution of the cross-sectional image data and the need for dedicated workstations to run the programs. Recent developments in imaging modality technology, in particular CT scanning, have led to improved resolution. The use of narrower slices may potentially result in thousands of images. This has enabled changes in scanning technique: for example, CT sinuses may previously have been acquired with both direct axial and coronal scans, but now the patient need only be scanned axially with the coronal slices created by the reformatting tools. Tools such as MPR and MIP give the user a valuable means to view non-axial images and aid the navigation of these images. 3D imaging allows the user to display anatomy in a more pertinent form. For instance, rendering a CT cerebral angiogram showing a cranial aneurysm can demonstrate the anatomy and the relationships of the vessels in just one or two images. CEP 08014 August 2008 Introduction 6 Application software has been developed for 3D imaging for use on a PC, either as standalone software or, more usefully, integrated into the PACS reporting workstation software. As more imaging departments are using PACS for storage and reporting, cross-sectional image data can be accessed from reporting workstations. Whilst most PACS reporting workstations have the ability to view cross sectional images, they do not all have 3D functions. Having integrated specialist 3D imaging tools allows the user to manipulate multi-slice images as part of the reporting process and not have to interrupt the work flow in order to use a specialist 3D imaging workstation to perform these tasks. The manipulation and rendering of images requires computationally intensive methods to produce the 3D images. A number of methods are employed to achieve acceptable rendering and manipulation speeds: • use of high processing power. The processor on the PC is used to manipulate and perform the rendering functions. Multi-core technology in processor design and the increasing use of 64 bit software has resulted in powerful low cost machines • use of a dedicated graphics processor. This is a separate card on the server having its own memory and a dedicated graphics processor for manipulating and rendering the images. The resulting rendered images may be displayed on a standard graphics card • high end graphic display cards. Cards developed for the computer games industry have specialised graphic processors, these can be used on a PC to render and display the image. They differ from the graphics processor above, in that the cards have less built in memory than the dedicated processing card and the manipulation and rendering is shared with the PC’s processor(s) • 3D server. This model uses a dedicated 3D server that performs all the 3D processes and distributes the resulting images to the user’s machine (the client). The client machines need not be powerful or require as large amounts of memory, as the server performs the intensive processing tasks. AquariusNET AquariusNET provides 3D functions using a dedicated server, with a dedicated graphics processor, to perform the reconstruction and graphic rendering, and the image is streamed to the client machine. The core functions for 3D rendering are provided by the VolumePro™ graphics processing card, a dedicated hardware board. The image data are stored in the card’s own memory. These images are then streamed to the client over the network via web browser, resulting in real time interactive 3D processing. The graphic processing functions are performed by the AquariusNET server. The streaming of data to and from the server is continuous and transparent to the user. CEP 08014 August 2008 Introduction 7 The advantages of this method are that: • as the CPU intensive work is performed on the server, the client machine does not require a high specification in terms of processor type or memory • the licensing for the client software is such that any number of users may use the system, limited only by the memory on the card • upgrades and software administration can be managed centrally • the 3D tools can be used throughout the healthcare enterprise • the full DICOM data set is only sent across the network once (to the AquariusNET server). The image data sent by the server to the client are small having a small impact on the network. The disadvantages are that: • • the server and associated hardware incur a high capital cost. This has to be considered when compared to the cost of purchasing and/or upgrading individual workstations with software. should the AquariusNET server fail, the service is unavailable to all users, unless there is a back-up server. Image data flow in 3D imaging The large data volumes generated by cross-sectional imaging modalities can mean that when transferring the studies to a workstation, there may be an appreciable delay before the full dataset is transferred to the workstation, due to the capacity of the network. A typical example of the flow is illustrated in figure 1. The images are sent to the PACS archive and also to the modality (usually CT or MR) workstation for the advanced processing. If 3D imaging tools are available on the radiology reporting workstations, then the full image dataset has to be sent to the workstation and in some cases, depending on the network load and the network speed, the time taken for the dataset to load becomes unacceptable. Using the client server approach, the flow is changed in that the full dataset only needs to flow across the network once to the AquariusNET server. Interactions between the client machine and the server have a relatively small impact on the network (see figure 2). CEP 08014 August 2008 Introduction Figure 1. Typical image flow CEP 08014 August 2008 8 Introduction 9 Figure 2. Image flow using AquariusNET Figure 2. Image flow using AquariusNET CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 10 AquariusNET version 1.7 AquariusNET is part of TeraRecon’s iNtuition group of products, designed to provide volume processing tools (3D) that integrate into the workflow of an imaging department. AquariusNET 1.7 is a CE marked class IIb medical device and is available in a number of different configurations. These are related to the number of images that can be stored in the VolumePro™ (VP) board and the type of image storage either as standard hard disk storage or Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID). The main difference between the models is in the amount of onboard VP memory there is available and the storage type. All models support the main tools for MPR, MIP and volume rendering. The advanced pre-processing server (APPS) tools such as automatic bone removal are only available with the VLE model. Table 1. AquariusNET server specifications Manufacturer & Model Dell PowerEdge 2900 Processor 2 x Quad core processors @1.86 GHz Operating System Microsoft Windows™ 2003 operating system Storage 1.16 TB of RAID 5 Storage (0.876TB usable) Hot swap disks and extra storage bay. 2.4 TB (1.8TB usable) storage for the Enterprise and VLE models Table 2. AquariusNET configurations Server model Slice capacity (largest single series) VolumePro™ boards / memory Server host memory AquariusNET Blue with Std. Server Hardware 1,700 (1,700) 1 VP Board with 1 GB 1 GB AquariusNET SE with Std. Server Hardware 3,400 (3,400) 1 VP Board with 2 GB 2 GB AquariusNET VSE 6,800 (6,800) 1 VP Board with 4 GB 2 GB AquariusNET Standard 6,800 (3,400) 2 VP Boards with 2 GB 2 GB AquariusNET VME 13,600 (6,800) 2 VP Boards with 4 GB 2 GB AquariusNET Enterprise 13,600 (3,400) 4 VP Boards with 2 GB 4 GB AquariusNET VLE 27,200 (6,800) 4 VP Boards with 4 GB 4 GB CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 11 The AquariusNET server The VLE model was supplied for the evaluation by TeraRecon, San Mateo, USA. The server was supplied with a 15” monitor, keyboard and mouse, Microsoft Server 2003 64 operating system and the AquariusNET software loaded and preconfigured (Figure 3). Figure 3. The AquariusNET Server The server has four principal functions, outlined below. Image database The server acts as a repository for images and stores the data sets locally on hard disk, maintaining its own database of the studies stored. AquariusNET imports studies from the PACS archive or the modality and also stores images and studies on the AquariusNET server and to the PACS archive using DICOM services (CSTORE, C-MOVE, C-FIND, Storage SCP, Q/R, SCU/SCP). So studies may be sent to the AquariusNET archive from the modality or the PACS archive and the AquariusNET is able to search the modality or PACS archive and import the study. Rendering Rendering of the images is performed using VolumePro 1000, which is a special purpose board that allows real-time 3D volume rendering of large data sets. The VolumePro 1000 is a PCI card that uses dual application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), allowing it to sample 109 times per second. Each board can store up to 3.2 GB of memory for holding the datasets. Up to 4 VolumePro PCI cards may be installed in a single server, giving a maximum of 13GB of volume data equivalent to approximately 27,000 CT image slices. CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 12 Advanced pre-processing Volume data are processed and segmented according to customised rules set up in the server administration. DICOM tag information is used to select those studies as appropriate and the processing is automatically performed before displaying the image on the client screen. • • • Bone removal – removes the bony skeleton from vascular images (eg CT leg arteriography) Rib cage removal – removes the ribs from the image Couch top removal – removes the couch top from the image. TeraRecon also offers additional pre-processing tools which were not evaluated: • • parametric mapping – the server automatically analyses the breast MRI sequence and colour-codes pixels based on the time-dependent behaviour of the pixels during enhancement, defining possible lesions Spherefinder – this highlights spherical objects in a pre-defined size range. The software is available for both lung and colon CT. Distributing the images The images are streamed to the client machine using progressive streaming image technology up to 15 frames per second over a 100 Mbit/s network. During interactive manipulation of an image, such as rotating the rendered image, a 'ghost' image of the object is displayed until the mouse button is released when the full image is displayed. The server may be administered over the network using a web interface. Table 3 describes the various administration tools available. CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 13 Table 3. Server administration tools Tool Tool purpose Download AquariusNET applications to the client machine. The conference viewer. The AquariusNET thin client viewer. AquariusNET thin client ActiveX – for viewing AquariusNET generated reports on client machines without the AquariusNET viewer. Manage local & remote Application Entities (AE) Local AE’s are those on the server, while remote AE refers to modality and PACS servers. Account administration Manage user accounts Manage domains and domain users Printer management Job management The server can send on images to remote hosts using a job queue. Pre-fetching. A pre-fetch job is created according to the pre-fetch pattern and then the job is queued for fetching. Advanced processing. Filtering studies for the advanced processing tools. Workflow management Managing DICOM tags and filters. DICOM tags are used as a means of filtering studies for various tasks. Auto assignment. Assigning the local AE to user groups and then studies pushed to a local AE will be assigned to a user group. A tag filters may be used to associate with a user group. Auto filming. Auto Pre fetch. Setting pattern matching rules to prefetch previous studies. Schedule times for routing. Advanced processing Set-up and manage the tags that are used to initiate the Advanced processing tools. General tools Display log information. Managing image deletion from the server. Assigning series to users. Managing user series status. Manual routing of series. Anonymising series. Server configuration CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 14 The client machine The minimum requirements for the client PC are shown in table 4. Table 4. AquariusNET client machine minimum requirements Operating system Windows 2000, XP, Internet explorer 6 Processor Pentium II or better Memory 256 MB RAM Video card General purpose graphics Truecolor Display Display matrix 1024 x 768 or greater Networking Standard network card ( 10 Mbit/s minimum, 100 Mbit/s preferred). Selecting the study and series The images may be sent to the server directly from the modality or they may be imported from the PACS server or the modality. Images may also be imported into the AquariusNET server from the client machine data storage device, for example CD/DVD, hard-drive or flash storage. Tools & functions Tools may be selected either by clicking on the tools on the toolbar or right clicking the mouse and selecting the tool from the context sensitive pop-up menu and the tool is applied to the left mouse button if appropriate. The right mouse button is configured to pan the image The icons used make the function clear and the selection process is straightforward. Table 5. General tools and functions Tool / function 2D Comments Window level and width Window level and width may be altered using the mouse or onscreen controls. Image zoom Magnifies the image. Pan If the image is larger than the display area, this tool allows the user to move the image around the display. Multiple views AquariusNET can view up to 4 series at a time. Slice change 2 speeds for moving through the stack. Series synchronisation Synchronise the level of the images of two or more studies for comparison. CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description Tool / function 2D 15 Comments Display matrix Allows the user to display images up to a 5x5 matrix on the screen. Display pixel value Displays the value represented by the pixel beneath the pointer. Eg Hounsfield unit (HU) in CT, uptake value in nuclear medicine. Measurements Line (mm). Annotation Annotate the image and arrow. Segment Measures the length of an irregular shaped object. Relative length Compares two lines and the second line is given as a proportion of the first. Angle Describes the angle. Region of interest Describes different shapes and displays the mean, maximum, minimum and standard deviation of the values in the region and the area in mm2. Displays a rectangle/square. Displays an ellipse/circle. Displays irregular shaped object. Rectangle Ellipse Polygon Profile This displays a graph showing the image pixel values along a line drawn on the image by the user. Cine Displays the images in a series in rapid succession. The rate may be adjusted and the images displayed forwards or backwards. Invert greyscale Inverts the greyscale by swapping light grey shades in the image for dark grey shades and visa versa. Colour Displays five colour options. Image rotate and flip Rotate and/or flip the image from left to right using the tools on the display. Printing images Prints to a DICOM or a printer. Import Import images from sources on the client machine such as CD or flash memory. Conference Use the server to communicate and display studies. CT presets 10 presets for window width & level that may be changed to an individual’s preference. Segmentation Removes areas of volume rendered images. CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 16 Table 6. Tools for advanced visualisation Advanced visualisation tools (3D) Comments Rotate Rotates the volume rendered image using the mouse. The rendered image can also be rotated by clicking on the arrow keys. Multi planar reformat (MPR) Orthogonal views (Axial, Sagittal and Coronal) displayed routinely. Oblique reformat view. Curved planar reformats (CPR) Manual. Automatic using centre line extraction tool. Dental CPR. Maximum intensity projection Maximum IP, Minimum IP and RaySum – The application averages the thickness of consecutive slices to smooth the image. Automated segmentation Rib cage removal. Bone removal. Couch top removal. (These tools are available in servers with APPS.) 4D viewing Volume cine. Batch reformatting Axial and radial reformatting. Saving images May be saved to a local drive as DICOM, jpeg or BMP format and AVI cine. Volume tools Adjust the size of the volume dataset. Image fusion / overlay Overlays images from 2 different modalities e.g. PET & CT. Virtual endoscopy view A technique for volume rendering intra-luminal objects such as the large bowel or the bronchus. Scene Saves the state of the 3D process. AquariusNET makes extensive use of the mouse or other pointing device to select tools. Tools may be selected from the main toolbar, which changes according to the study being viewed, or by right-clicking to display a context sensitive menu. Getting started AquariusNET is started on the client machine by clicking the AquariusNET icon and after entering a password the loading screen is populated with the patient data. If more than one AquariusNET server is available an alternative IP address may be selected. If more than one CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 17 monitor is available, selecting the multi-monitor option on the start-up panel extends the desktop across the screens. Alternatively, it is possible to run more than one copy of the AquariusNET application and have each running on its own screen, useful for comparing different studies. Loading images The load screen (figure 4) allows the user to select the study for review. Images may be selected by directly clicking the patient name or the selection may be narrowed by configuring the search box, selected by clicking on the search button. The default database is the AquariusNET server however, by selecting remote server a different database can be selected, such as the CT or MRI database. A sub-set of the series may be chosen if required. A small viewer displays the selected series and up to four series from one study may be loaded for viewing. Figure 4. Load study screen Once a study is highlighted the user may also right-click to display a sub menu giving further selection options including selecting all studies for the same patient, and tools for exporting and deleting the study on the database and for anonymisation of the study. Images may also be loaded onto the AquariusNET server from the client machine’s hard drive, or from external media such as CD or USB memory stick. The AquariusNET can load images as DICOM images or from a DICOM directory, however, the study must be in its own folder. CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 18 Selecting the scene button displays scenes which have been saved in the study. A scene is ‘snapshot’ of the volume imaging process. It records the status of the process and it is then possible to continue working on the data from the point at which it was saved. 2D viewing While AquariusNET is primarily for 3D visualisation from volume datasets such as CT and MRI, it will display most DICOM images and the 2D view intelligently displays DICOM images from a wide range of other modalities, adjusting the tools and views available according to the modality. Figure 5 shows a CT scan displayed on a 2x2 matrix. The matrix can display up to 5x5 images and double clicking on an image displays that single image enlarged. Window width and level can be changed either with the mouse or using the sliders to the right. There are 9 preset level buttons which can all be easily customised for each modality and the settings saved to the client machine. Not all tools are available for all modalities, for example the user is not able to flip or rotate XA (angiography) or RF (fluoroscopy) images. Figure 5. 2D screen Figure 6 shows a cardiac catheterisation angiogram displaying all the views which may be selected individually. Basic measurement and viewing tools may be used but there are no advanced tools such as cardiac ejection fraction. CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 19 Figure 6. Cardiac Angiography Screen 3D viewing Figure 7 shows the default view when loading volume data. The four panels initially displayed show the orthogonal (axial, coronal and Sagittal) MPR views with the top right panel displaying the result of the reformat or render, the default view being a volume rendered image. The tool bar is similar to that for 2D viewing, except that the Window / Level button is replaced by a rotate icon. Windowing may still be accessed by the right-click menu. Buttons are available for selecting the advanced processing tools (bone, rib & couch top removal), curved planar reformatting (CPR), and scene saving. Tools are provided for rotating the volume rendered image. The six buttons labelled ‘A’, P’.’H’,’F’,’R’,’L’ show the image in the anterior, posterior, left, right, head or foot view. The arrows may be used to incrementally change the degree and direction of rotation of the rendered image. CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 20 Figure 7. The 3D window At the foot of the right hand panel are 8 buttons for quick selection of views for MPR, MIP and 3D. The middle panel contains tabs to select the tools and options for 3D management. The template may be selected by clicking on the image in the template page and it is applied to the rendered image. There is a wide range of templates but selecting the 3D settings tab allows the user to create a user defined template either by modifying an existing template or creating a new one from scratch. Creating a new template should be approached with caution, as the many settings on the control panel interact and it takes experience, time, knowledge and a bit of experimenting to achieve the desired effect. Multi-planar reformat The standard orthogonal views are shown as default and the right upper pane may be set to show the resulting image by right clicking in the pane to show the result. The lines may be rotated in any of the planes to give oblique and double oblique views. CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 21 Maximum intensity projection (MIP) MIP may be selected by selecting the MIP option button or right clicking over the top right panel and selecting the MIP option. The Slab tool panel is displayed and the slab thickness may be altered by either using the tool panel or by manually adjusting the lines on the image. Figure 8. MIP reformatting Batch reformats Batch planar reformats can be created by selecting the output tab and the 2D batch button. Batch reformatting may be created from any MPR or MIP view. The reformatting may be either parallel or radial and the settings may be selected manually or using controls in the right hand panel that also displays the resulting images. The images may be saved as DICOM, .jpeg, .bmp images, or .avi movie files, or they may be sent for filming. CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 22 Figure 9. Batch reformat Curved planar reformat (CPR) The curved reformat projection allows the user to follow a path along a curved object, usually a blood vessel. The view is used to straighten out the vessel in order that measurements may be made of the vessel and any stenosis present. Clicking the CPR button displays the CPR create screen. The line of the vessel is traced out by inserting points along the path of the vessel on either the volume rendered image, or one of the orthogonal views, usually the axial. These points are used to create the centreline and extract the vessel data. On a simple CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 23 vessel just selecting the start and end point and double-clicking will create the reformat, but on more curved vessels adding more points will create an improved reformat. Points may be adjusted to correct the path, for instance if there is a point where two vessels overlap. Clicking the auto centre line button starts the auto extract process and in most cases the vessel is traced accurately. Once the vessel has been extracted, detailed vessel measurements may be made by selecting the stenosis review and plaque review options from the CPR mini toolbar. Figure 10. Curved reformatting CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 24 Dental CPR Dental CPR is a technique for creating reformats at right angles to the mandible to show cross-sectional images of the teeth and jaw. Dental CPR is selected from the options on the preferences button. The study is loaded and the CPR button selected. The number of CPR lines and interval distance is selected from the menu bar and using ctrl and left click, points are marked around the mandible. The reformatting is displayed in less than a second and the resulting reformat images are displayed in the panel. Figure 11. Dental CPR Screen Segmentation Segmentation is that part of the rendering process in which the volume data set is analysed and values assigned to points in the data set that define the anatomy. It is this process that results in the rendered 3D image. The term is also used for the process whereby the anatomy can be virtually dissected; a typical case would be to remove overlying bone structure of the skull to view the cranial arteries in a CT angiogram of the head. There are three main ways to segment an image, outlined below. Automatic pre-processor segmentation (APS) The automatic selection tools are applied when the images are loaded. They are related to the DICOM header and can be configured in the server administration. The tools may also be selected manually either from the APS button next to the CPR button, or from the mask tab. CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 25 The algorithms are designed for specific regions. For example, the bone removal tool is good for isolating the blood vessels from chest, abdomen and pelvis, and for leg run-off, but does not work so well with head and neck images. If using an APS tool on a study, the designated algorithm will automatically be applied when the study is loaded subsequently, as there is no undo function if the results are unsatisfactory. Freehand Portions of the image may be removed by simply drawing round the part to be removed. By selecting Free ROI from the Mask tab and holding down the ctrl key and the left mouse button the user can draw around the object to be removed with the left and then select the removal tool from the tab screen, for example Cut. Automatic This technique is used to segment out a structure (eg an artery) from the surrounding anatomy. The function is selected from the Mask panel, Auto is selected and then left click on the vessel or object in the volume rendered image. After a couple of seconds the selected vessel is segmented out. The use of the freehand method may be required to tidy the image and a transparent background may be added by selecting Transparency in the Rendering options and adjusting the slider. Figure 12. Segmentation Initial image CEP 08014 August 2008 Post automatic bone removal Product description Manual selection for segmentation 26 Final image with transparency Fusion With AquariusNET it is possible to overlay images from two different modalities on the same patient, for example a PET scan and a CT scan performed on different machines (as opposed to a PET/CT Scanner). The studies are loaded from the screen by selecting the patient name and then right-clicking and selecting the Get list of series with this PatientID option. A list of the patient’s studies is displayed. After loading, the two studies are displayed as in figure 13a. The fusion button displays a third set of overlaid images. If the registration of the images is not correct, automatic registration may be applied from the button on the Registration tab. If further refinements are required, for example if the two studies have different magnification factors, there are tools to incrementally change the magnification, the registration and the rotation of the image. Colour templates may be created and applied, allowing the user to customise the output. CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description Figure 13. Image fusion 13a) Unfused CT & PET studies 13b) After registration CEP 08014 August 2008 27 Product description 28 Virtual endoscopy Virtual endoscopy is a technique for volume rendering intra-luminal objects such as the large bowel or the bronchus. The view shown simulates that of an endoscope. Endoscopic view is selected from the right-click menu over the rendered image in the top right window and the 3DV selected. On selecting the colon template, the endoscopy view is rendered. Figure 15 shows the rendered image of the colon in the upper right window. To select the area of interest the pyramidal shaped cursor may be moved and rotated on the orthogonal views and indicates the position and the direction in which the virtual endoscope is pointing. The user may navigate along the rendered object using the mouse. Figure 14. Virtual endoscopy view of colon This tool can be useful for producing one-off endoscopy views of a specific area of interest but to navigate the entire colon, for example, using this method would be tiresome and time consuming. Specialised virtual CT virtual endoscopy software is available, designed to simplify and automate such procedures by automatically defining the path. Capturing Images and printing Images may be captured using the right-click menu and selecting the appropriate option. The results may be viewed by selecting the output tab. The options for printing are straightforward and the images may be printed to a DICOM printer or a local printer. CEP 08014 August 2008 Product description 29 Documentation and help There is no built in help although the manual is clearly written and well designed and is available as a pdf. There are also quick reference cards to keep by the PC. Conference Figure 15. Conference view The conference facility allows images to be viewed interactively across a network. The host (the user initiating the conference) controls the image, which can be viewed by other users simultaneously. The remote users are not able to control the image or use a cursor to point out anatomy, The remote user’s window only shows one of the host window’s images, for example, if a CT scan is displaying a 2D 4x4 image only the active window will be displayed on the remote, not the 4x4. The image is not initially displayed in the remote(s) until an action has been performed on the image, i.e. it has been rotated or the slice changed. As a tool for communication it seems to work well but the remote image is quite small and having a tool available for the remote users to point out anatomy would be an advantage to communication. Scene A scene is a file that describes the actions that have been applied to an image dataset. The scene may be saved and then retrieved later, either for review or to perform further actions on the dataset. CEP 08014 August 2008 Methods 30 Introduction The AquariusNET was tested by installing the server onto the network at the evaluation site as a local server. Using images and studies from a range of sources, the tools and functions were assessed and measurements taken. Hardware test Server speed ‘PC Mark05’ [2] a software benchmarking program, was used to test the specifications of the server and the client machines. This performs a series of tests on the components of the PC under test, then calculates an overall score on the performance. The results are used for comparison to indicate the relative power of the PC. The greater the number, the more powerful the PC. Networking times Various large volume studies were loaded from the AquariusNET server and the time taken to display the volume rendered image was recorded. Power test The power consumption of the server was measured to using a 2000MU Prodigit power and energy meter. Comparison of the power consumption with standard PCs was also made. Images from different modalities were viewed and the imaging tools tested. The tools were assessed on functionality, ease of use and accuracy. CEP 08014 August 2008 Technical performance 31 Setting up the server The AquariusNET VLE server was set up and installed by TeraRecon in the evaluation site office, taking only a day and requiring only a fixed Internet Protocol (IP) address. For test purposes, the VLE server was set up as a local server. The Dell PowerEdge 2900 has a number of cooling fans, which are especially noisy and should be located in an environment where it would not cause distractions. Table 7. TeraRecon AquariusNET VLE server configuration Manufacturer & model Dell PowerEdge 2900 Operating system Windows Server 2003 64bit Processor 2x Intel Xeon 5164 64 bit dual core processors Memory 2GB memory Render card VolumePro 1000 Hard disk storage: C drive: 1 TB RAID 5 image storage 160 GB hard disk Video card ATI ES1000 16Mb Display 15”(38cm) display (1024 x 768) Networking 2x 1GBit RJ45 network outputs. Server case dimensions 48cm (H) x 23cm (W) x 70cm (D) Speed comparisons To get an indication of the speed of the hardware used by TeraRecon, the PCMark05 benchmark software was used. This gives an overall score, the higher the score the more powerful the machine. Due to a combination of Windows server and a 64 bit operating system, the benchmarking system was unable to complete. However, a TeraRecon VSE machine with similar hardware running 32bit operating system gave a PCMark05 score of 6125. For comparison the Pentium 4 1.7MHz single core Pentium machine used as the client gave a score of 1937. Power consumption The Dell 2900 server draws significant power and the tests that were run show that even when switched off, it draws 35 watts (W). When running, the power consumption was 350370W, with the occasional peak to 400W. The laptop PCs used as client machines drew on average 35-45W, while a tower desktop machine averaged 130W. CEP 08014 August 2008 Technical performance 32 The client machine Setting up Setting up the client software is straightforward and requires the user only to enter the IP address of the server into the browser and download the thin client viewing software, which is a 7Mb download. Once this is installed, an icon is installed on the client machine’s desktop. Most of the tests of the client function were assessed using the PC as detailed in table 8. Table 8. AquariusNET reference client details Manufacturer & model Dell Latitude D610 Operating system Windows 2000, XP, Internet Explorer 6 Processor Pentium 4 1.6GHz Memory 1 GB RAM Video card ATI MOBILITY RADEON Tru Color Display Display SXGA (1280 x 1024) Networking Standard network card 100 Mbit. The client software was also run on machines with a lower specification and it was found that using older machines for example, on a machine with a Pentium 3 processor, the software worked for most of the tools, but when rotating rendered images, a number of frames are missed which can make positioning and rotating the image less precise. Image transfer times Table 9. Image transfer times No of images Time to load from AquariusNET server CT colonography 705 images 3.4s Leg arteriogram 1496 images 6.5s Brain CTAngiogram 247 images 1.6s Procedure CEP 08014 August 2008 Operational considerations 33 Integrating AquariusNET To obtain the full benefit from using AquariusNET, integration with the PACS and launching the 3D tool directly from the patient series on the PACS workstation gives obvious efficiency gains, so that when viewing a CT or MR study on a PACS workstation for example, selecting the 3D option automatically loads the dataset into AquariusNET. AquariusNET has various methods of integrating with PACS systems and TeraRecon has supplied details of some of the major PACS suppliers that have successfully integrated AquariusNET. Also given are details of computer aided detection (CAD) software systems that function with AquariusNET. PACS systems GE Centricity AquariusNET can be installed on a Centricity workstation. Contextual launch is available from GE. Agfa Impax Context-sensitive launch is available. Philips/SECTRA A plug-in for the Sectra PACS is available that enables the contextual launch. Philips iSite Integration with Philips iSite is available. Computer aided detection (CAD) software AquariusNET has been successfully interfaced with Spherefinder from TeraRecon and the colon and lung CAD software from Medicsight; and there are currently plans to introduce an interface for iCAD software Upgrading and options AquariusNET is continually undergoing revision and during the evaluation of version 1.7 additional tools have become available. Version 1.9 is due for release with tools for processing dual energy CT and blood-pool contrast processing and plaque analysis. Alternative approaches Each of the major PACS providers offers a 3D package for their PACS reporting workstations, which is either their own 3D package or a third party add-on including, in some cases, AquariusNET. When considering adding 3D tools to a PACS reporting system, discussion with the PACS supplier is necessary, as some vendors discourage third party software being added to the workstations, as it may affect the service agreement levels. TeraRecon is not the only vendor to offer a server-based thin client solution. Other advanced visualisation vendors such as Barco and Vital Images are producing thin client versions of their 3D software. The modality vendors are also widening the scope of the workstations CEP 08014 August 2008 Operational considerations 34 supplied with the CT or MR scanner and employing server based distribution of the 3D tools on the workstation. Adding 3D software to existing PC hardware is also an option, especially for use in a non primary reporting environment, such as a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meeting. However, the software requires a high powered machine, having 2 to 4 GB of system memory to accommodate the large cross-sectional image datasets. This may require the purchase of suitably equipped PCs and the network speed will have to be adequate to allow for large studies to load from the PACS in a reasonable time. When comparing applications other factors to be considered are: Network speed The large datasets required for the volume rendering, in some cases 3000 images or more, can impact on the network traffic, resulting in delay before the entire volume is available. If the network speed is slow, then using a thin client server model such as the AquariusNET could be an alternative to upgrading the network. Licensing model The AquariusNET licensing model is quite straightforward. The server has one licence and as many client applications may be used as necessary. The number of users able to access the system is limited by the amount of memory used on the server and the size of the files in use. With other vendor licensing models, software additions to individual PACS reporting workstations are available with individual licences, where each machine has an individual licence, or concurrent licences where any number of suitable workstations may have the software loaded, but only an agreed number may run it simultaneously. Licensing costs must be taken into account when calculating the overall costs of alternative approaches. Upgrades The software will have upgrade options and it should be clear what upgrades are included in the servicing agreement. Maintenance upgrades, designed to fix problems or improve performance, are generally free of additional cost. When a newer version of the software is released, the upgrade would generally incur an additional cost. Workflow In assessing the workflow, consideration must be taken not only of the number of patient studies, but also the proportion of each type of study. For example, CT vascular and cardiac studies may require more intensive use of the volume rendering tools than CT head scans. The 3D tools may already be provided by the modality workstation. The modality may have advanced tools tailored specifically to the individual modality, for example speciality cardiac CEP 08014 August 2008 Operational considerations 35 tools. These could be used along with a radiology reporting workstation. This would be dependent on the tools available on each type of workstation and location of reporting workstations and 3D modality workstations in the department. By integrating 3D viewing and using a more integrated approach to the PACS for reporting CT and MRI studies, the improved workflow could reduce reporting times, which may help departments in meeting the 18 week referral to treatment time target [1]. Service requirements The AquariusNET server requires: • • • • network bandwidth of 100 Mbit/s or better a fixed IP address for the server dual power supply 240 V 60 Hz a separate room or soundproofed cabinet with sufficient air conditioning preferably in a dedicated server room, if VLE server is to be used. CEP 08014 August 2008 Economic considerations 36 Pricing & maintenance The pricing for the AquariusNET is shown in table 10. This comes with a one year warranty, with full upgrades and servicing. Table 10. Pricing for the AquariusNET 1.7 Model Slice capacity Price AquariusNET BLUE Server 1700 concurrent CT slices* £20,000 AquariusNET SE Server 3400 concurrent CT slices* £37,000 AquariusNET VSE Server 6800 concurrent CT slices* £49,000 AquariusNET VME Server 13,600 concurrent CT slices* £78,000 AquariusNET VLE Server 27,200 concurrent CT slices* £110,000 * slice size of 512 x 512 x 12bit Prices supplied by Linkmed UK and are correct as of May 2008 Extra licences are not required for the client software and the number of users that may access the system is controlled by the memory on the VolumePro ™ board and the size of the data sets being used. Service contracts are approximately 10% of the contracted price and this includes software upgrades, support and servicing. When comparing AquariusNET with competing products the high capital cost of the server must be weighed against the cost of additional components that might be required for other solutions, such as upgrades for the workstations or PC’s, taking into account the number of licences required. TeraRecon has recently introduced the iNtuition range which adds a range of tools that extends the capabilities of the suitable AquariusNET client to the equivalent of a workstation. See Appendix 2 for more details. CEP 08014 August 2008 Economic considerations 37 Cost comparison of thin client and software only solutions This is an illustration of the costs involved in providing additional 3D tools to a radiology reporting PACS workstation. It compares the costs involved in implementing the AquariusNET thin client system with the costs of a software only solution installed on existing workstations. Workload Figure 16 shows the proportion of the total of imaging and radio-diagnostic procedures performed in England [3]. The percentages are also typical for an average NHS trust with CT at 8-12% and MRI 4-6% of the total examinations performed. Figure 16. Total imaging examinations performed in the NHS in England 2006-7 Fluoroscopy 4% Radiographs no fluoroscopy 62% CT 8% MRI 4% Obstetric ultrasound 7% Non obstetric ultrasound 13% Radio-isotopes 2% Figure 17 shows the numbers of CT and MRIs performed per annum at each NHS trust arranged in ascending order. This shows that the majority of trusts performed between 10,000 and 30,000 CT scans per annum and between 5,000 and 10,000 MRIs. Figure 17. Numbers of CT and MR scan per NHS trust. CT and MRI Scans 2006/7 CEP 08014 August 2008 CT Scan MRI Economic considerations 38 The number of workstations required depends on the working and reporting practices of each trust. Trusts with similar workloads may have CTs & MRIs reported only by particular radiologists or the reporting may be shared by all. In calculating the numbers of workstation upgrades that might be needed, a number of issues relating to reporting should be taken into account. • The number and length of time of each reporting session as well as how the reporting workload is allocated affects how the workstation is used. • In a teaching department additional upgrades may be required for training, as the report on the studies would need to be verified. • The way workstations are utilised in the department, for example, whether the workstations are shared or are assigned to specific radiologists may also influence the numbers or workstations that may need to be upgraded. Similarly, assessing the size needed for the AquariusNET server would depend on both the scan study size and an estimation of how many users could be accessing the server simultaneously. Scan size per study can vary between 20 and 3000+ images and is dependent upon the scanner specifications and the scanning protocols used. The prices given for the software only solution are for guidance only and actual figures will vary. The prices for the AquariusNET product are those quoted by Link Medical. A number of assumptions have been made in the calculations: • • • • • • • • the packages have comparable functionality the tools are mainly for use on CT and MRI images the costs for integration with the PACS/RIS for each of the products are comparable the software only product is loaded onto existing PCs or workstations the fixed costs needed to upgrade the existing PCs are estimates but may be required to upgrade memory and sometimes the entire hardware. The cost of upgrading systems may be higher if upgrading equipment from a different PACS supplier for up to 9 users, individual licences are purchased. For 10 or more users, concurrent licensing applies and the price per licence is proportionately reduced. This will vary from product to product the client machines for the thin client do not require upgrades the licensing for the AquariusNET client is limited only by the memory on the server. Tables 11 and 12 show calculations for capital and revenue costs for the software only and AquariusNET models. This is calculated from the capital cost plus 4 years maintenance and upgrades. The average annual cost is calculated for each combination of workstation numbers over both 5 and 7 years. For the software only product the costs are also shown without the hardware upgrade. As an example, a trust performs 15000 CT and 8000 MRI scan per annum. This works out at about 88 reports per day for the two modalities. This would require a minimum of 3 workstation upgrades depending on the reporting workflow. This would cost over a 5 year CEP 08014 August 2008 Economic considerations 39 period £11,592 a year or 54p added cost per examination. The calculation for sizing the AquariusNET is related to the average size of the scans and how many staff will be using the system simultaneously. An AquariusNET SE server might just suffice (47p), but it would probably be more realistic to use the AquariusNET VSE model which works out at 62p. If the number of workstations was increased to four the additional cost per exam would be 72p. Whilst the above example illustrates the figures involved, the model used is a simple one and each imaging department would have to decide which would best fit its workflow. However it can show that using AquariusNET can be a cost effective method of achieving 3D imaging. Table 11. AquariusNET costs AquariusNET BLUE Server CT slice capacity SE Server VSE Server VME Server VLE Server 1700 3400 6800 13,600 27,200 £20,000 £37,000 £49,000 £78,000 £110,000 Maintenance & upgrades @ 10% per annum £2,000 £3,700 £4,900 £7,800 £11,000 Total costs over 5 years £28,000 £51,800 £68,600 £109,200 £154,000 £5,600 £10,360 £13,720 £21,840 £30,800 £32,000 £59,200 £78,400 £124,800 £176,000 £4,571 £8,457 £11,200 £17,829 £25,143 Capital cost Mean annual cost Total costs over 7 years Mean annual cost CEP 08014 August 2008 Economic considerations 40 Table 12. Software only costs Software only No of workstations Software licence each ( 10 and above assumes concurrent licence) 3 5 10 20 30 £11,000 £11,000 £10,000 £9,350 £8,800 £3,000 £5,000 £10,000 £20,000 £30,000 £36,000 £60,000 £110,000 £207,000 £294,000 £5,940 £9,900 £18,000 £33,660 £47,520 Total costs over 5 years £59,760 £99,600 £182,000 £341,640 £484,080 Mean annual cost £11,952 £19,920 £36,400 £68,328 £96,816 Total costs over 7 years £71,640 £119,400 £218,000 £408,960 £579,120 Mean annual cost £10,234 £17,057 £31,143 £58,423 £82,731 Capital expenditure £33,000 £55,000 £100,000 £187,000 £264,000 Total costs over 5 years £56,760 £94,600 £172,000 £321,640 £454,080 Mean annual cost £11,352 £18,920 £34,400 £64,328 £90,816 Total costs over 7 years £68,640 £114,400 £208,000 £388,960 £549,120 £9,806 £16,343 £29,714 £55,566 £78,446 Hardware upgrades at £1000 per machine Total (inc hardware) Maintenance & upgrades @ 18% Excluding the hardware costs Mean annual cost CEP 08014 August 2008 Purchasing 41 NHS Connecting for Health (CFH) and the National Programme for IT (NPfIT) Accountability for the delivery of the NPfIT has been transferred to the Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) as part of the NPfIT Local Ownership Programme (NLOP). CFH is working closely with the 10 SHAs in ensuring activities with LSPs continue effectively. Three geographic areas have been established, linking the LSPs and SHAs together: • North, Midlands and East Programme for IT (NMEPfIT) with six SHAs and Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) as the LSP; • London Programme for IT (LPfIT) with one SHA and BT as the LSP • Southern Programme for IT (SPfIT) with three SHAs. At the time of writing the appointment of a new LSP has yet to be selected. Not all commercially available 3D workstation products are necessarily included in each LSP’s catalogue, as such items may directly affect their service level agreements (SLAs). Prospective purchasers of 3D workstations and related products might wish to seek guidance from their local SHA on the available options. It is not compulsory to purchase products in this way and purchasers are free to source products in whichever way is most convenient and economic for them. Determining the clinical requirements The requirements for additional 3D functionality should be clearly defined prior to investment in the technology. Examples of these may include: Adding 3D functionality to existing PACS reporting workstations This can improve the workflow by reporting, for example, CT and MR scans along with the other modality studies. It also allows easier access to previous scans and other images without having to switch between the modality workstation and the PACS reporting workstation. Expanding the use of 3D tools outside of the imaging department The viewing of 3D images, especially volume rendered images, can be used outside the department where the datasets may need to be manipulated, for example in multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meetings or for surgical planning. Providing 3D tools as part of a teleradiology package Using a server–client based 3D solution can shorten download times when used for teleradiology, allowing timely viewing of the images. Sustainable procurement The hardware used is currently a Dell based server and Dell has its own policy on accepting products for safe disposal and recycling. Dell offer an asset recovery service for their products and details may be found on this and on WEEE compliance of its hardware at www1.euro.dell.com/content/topics/topic.aspx/emea/topics/services/recovery?c=uk&cs=RC1 050265&l=en&s=pad&~ck=anavml CEP 08014 August 2008 Conclusion 42 AquariusNET is a versatile solution for 3D imaging. The streaming is effective and the results compare well with those from a modality workstation. The decision as to whether to use a server-based system over workstation-based systems will largely depend on the workflow of the department, the case mix of the volume imaging, the volume tools required and the level of integration required. Pre-processing tools that automate various tasks may be useful in reducing the time to manipulate the images for reporting and so help to improve workflow. If 3D imaging is required principally only to provide MPR & MIP as extra tools to the PACS workstation, then using a software based solution may be preferred. The costs involved in using either method would depend on the requirements and workload of the department. The strength of the server-based system is to provide 3D imaging outside the imaging department without the need for resource-hungry workstations, allowing radiologists, radiographers, clinicians and others to view and manipulate the data set in a manner relevant to their own specialty. CEP 08014 August 2008 Acknowledgements 43 We should like to thank: Robert Taylor and David Derby of TeraRecon, for supplying the server, technical assistance and support. John Ford and Matthew Westmore of Link Medical for advice and information on AquariusNET in the UK. CEP 08014 August 2008 Glossary 44 3D data set The complete set of images that make up the data volume. For example, in CT this is usually the full series of axial images acquired by the CT scanner. 3D render see volume rendering Application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) An integrated processor chip that is designed for a specific application as opposed to a general purpose central processing unit (CPU). This means there are lower performance overheads over that of a general purpose CPU. Batch reformat A series of MPR or MIP images reformatted at set distances. Central processing unit (CPU) Often referred to as “the processor,” this is where calculations take place in a computer. On larger systems such as servers, there can be more than one CPU found on separate circuit boards; on smaller systems such as desktop machines the CPU is found in a single chip called a microprocessor. The CPU consists of two components: the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) which performs all logical and arithmetic operations, and the control unit, which receives instructions from memory, decodes and executes them. Client / server model In the client/server model, a server waits for requests from clients, and after receiving such a request, processes it and sends a response. The communication between the two peers is based on a protocol, which defines the possible interaction patterns and the information being exchanged. Curved planar reformatting The curved reformat projection allows the user to trace a path along a curved object, usually a blood vessel. The view is used to ‘straighten out’ the vessel and more accurate measurements may be made of the vessel. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) The ACR-NEMA standard protocol adopted by manufacturers of equipment associated with medical imaging. The standard provides a method of linking a series of heterogeneous modalities, workstations and printers without the need for customised hardware to allow them to communicate and transfer images Hounsfield Unit Used in the display of CT images, the Hounsfield Unit is a normalised index of X-ray attenuation, based on a scale of -1000 (air) to +1000 (bone), with water being 0. Hot swap disks The hard drive or similar device may be removed or replaced while the computer system is still in operation. The drive is enclosed in a device that allows easy removal from the computer system. Internet Protocol (IP) address An identifier for a computer or device on a TCP/IP network. Networks using the TCP/IP protocol route messages based on the IP address of the destination. The format of an IP address is a 32-bit numeric address written as four numbers separated by periods. Each number can be zero to 255. For example, could be an IP address. Maximum intensity projection (MIP) Maximum intensity projection is used in medical imaging to visualize blood flow. MIP finds the brightest voxels in the volume, the voxels lying CEP 08014 August 2008 Glossary 45 in front of and behind the bright voxel are not displayed. As a result depth information is lost but density information is preserved. Multiplanar reformat (MPR) MPR uses the slice images that have been acquired in one plane (e.g. axial) to reconstruct other slice images in other planes (e.g. sagittal and coronal). Redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID) A RAID is a multi disk system where one or more of the disks provides fault tolerance. A RAID should be able to withstand disk failure and have the ability to reconstruct the data from a failed disk. Segmentation Segmentation is the process in the rendering process whereby the volume data set is analysed and values assigned to points in the data set that defines the anatomy. It’s this process that results in the rendered 3D image. The term is also used for the process whereby the anatomy can be virtually dissected, a typical case would be to remove overlying bone structure of the skull to view the cranial arteries in a CT angiogram of the head. Server A computer which controls the function of network resources. A server is often applied to a dedicated task, e.g. a file server controls delivery of files and a network server controls network traffic. However it is possible for servers to fulfil more than one task if they have multiprocessing operating systems. Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) TCP is one of the main protocols in TCP/IP networks. Whereas the IP protocol deals only with packets, TCP enables two hosts to establish a connection and exchange streams of data. TCP guarantees delivery of data and also guarantees that packets will be delivered in the same order in which they were sent. Thick client In a network system the main application is performed on the data by the client machine with server in a subsidiary role. Thin client In a network system the main application is performed on the data by the server with client machine in a subsidiary role. Volume rendering The complete data scene is explored and the contribution of each voxel to the final image is calculated. The rendering algorithm includes factors for voxel value, tissue type and other properties which determine the colour, opacity and hue of the projection. These factors vary according to the application and settings of the visualisation parameters. The additional time and effort in processing the entire data set is balanced by the increased detail available in the presented image; detail of features below surfaces can now be viewed in relation to the surface structures. Virtual endoscopy A rendering technique used to visualise the inner surfaces of structures where the lumen is of interest such as the large bowel or the bronchus. The view shown simulates that of an endoscope. CEP 08014 August 2008 References 46 [1] 18 week referral to treatment time. www.18weeks.nhs.uk/(Last accessed April 2008) [2] FutureMark.com http://www.futuremark.com/download/ [3] Department of Health hospital activity statistics Imaging and Radiodiagnostics Data 2006/7 www.performance.doh.gov.uk/hospitalactivity/data_requests/imaging_and_radiodiagnostics. htm CEP 08014 August 2008 Appendix 1 Supplier contact details The distributor for TeraRecon in the UK is Link Medical Link Medical Unit 9, Moor Place Farm Plough Lane Bramshill Hampshire RG27 0RF www.linkmed.org Manufacturer contact details TeraRecon 2955 Campus Drive Suite 325 San Mateo CA 94403 USA www.terarecon.com CEP 08014 August 2008 47 Appendix 2 48 AquariusNET update AquariusNET has undergone a series of upgrades from version 1.7. Below is a statement from TeraRecon summarising the changes in the product. At RSNA 2007, TeraRecon demonstrated two additional optional clients for the AquariusNET Server. The Aquarius iNtution client is a new, advanced client platform that moves the applications previously only available on stand-alone workstations into the thin client paradigm, with the near-term goal of entirely migrating all advanced applications to a thin client. The AquariusWEB viewer allows a very simple viewer to be launched as a browserbased tool which is fully Javascript-based and requires no administrative privileges for installation or use. This tool is intended for deployment to referring physicians and for integration into products such as an EMR or physician portal. In addition to these innovations, the capability of AquariusNET and its standard Thin Client software (as described herein) has also been enhanced with various additional refinements and capabilities. In terms of server architecture, the most recent version of AquariusNET supports various features to enhanced enterprise deployment, such as support for Active Directory and LDAP for account management and headless load balancing and mutual-awareness, for redundancy, high availability, and better management of multi-site deployments. Several additional PACS integrations have been completed and are currently available. TeraRecon has released an optional additional client for the AquariusNET server, called the Aquarius iNtuition Client. This complements the standard AquariusNET Thin Client and brings more advanced applications previously only available on the stand-alone Aquarius Workstation. The Aquarius iNtuition Client can be used as extensively as desired to the capacity of the AquariusNET Server, once the appropriate server upgrade software has been purchased. Table 13. Server prices with iNtuition upgrade Model Slice capacity Price AquariusNET BLUE Server 1700 concurrent CT slices* £35,000 AquariusNET SE Server 3400 concurrent CT slices* £64,750 AquariusNET VSE Server 6800 concurrent CT slices* £85,750 AquariusNET VME Server 13,600 concurrent CT slices* £136,500 AquariusNET VLE Server 27,200 concurrent CT slices* £192,500 * slice size of 512 x 512 x 12bit CEP 08014 August 2008 Author and report information Evaluation report: TeraRecon AquariusNET server for 3D image reconstruction Keith Stean, Jonathan Turner, Dewinder Bhachu, Christopher Dube PACSnet Bence - Jones Offices Perimeter Road St George’s Hospital Blackshaw Road LONDON SW17 0QT Tel: 020 8725 3315 Email: query@pacsnet.org.uk www.pacsnet.co.uk About CEP The Centre for Evidence-based Purchasing (CEP) is part of the Policy and Innovation Directorate of the NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency. We underpin purchasing decisions by providing objective evidence to support the uptake of useful, safe and innovative products and related procedures in health and social care. We are here to help you make informed purchasing decisions by gathering evidence globally to support the use of innovative technologies, assess value and cost effectiveness of products, and develop nationally agreed protocols. CEP 08014 August 2008 Sign up to our email alert service All our publications since 2002 are available in full colour to download from our website. To sign up to our email alert service and receive new publications straight to your mailbox contact: Centre for Evidence-based Purchasing Room 152C Skipton House 80 London Road SE1 6HL Tel: 020 7972 6080 Fax: 020 7975 5795 Email: cep@pasa.nhs.uk www.pasa.nhs.uk/cep © Crown Copyright 2008 49