Octane Publisher User Guide


Octane Publisher User Guide
Octane Publisher User Guide
The purpose of this document is to provide documentation on how publishers can make maximum
use of Octane by Ucompass.com, Inc. All materials are copyright Ucompass.com, Inc.
Octane Publisher User Guide
Table of Contents
At a Glance
Getting Started
Managing Octane Tools
Sitewide Configurations
LTI Configurations
Cookie Configurations
Metadata Configurations
Paths Configurations
Geolocation Configurations
Managing Users
Frequently Asked Questions
Troubleshooting Tips
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Octane Publisher User Guide
At a Glance
Welcome to Octane, a simple and efficient way to enrich your digital content with new tools and functionality.
Octane accomplishes this via the Octane Fuel Cell, a single line of HTML code that is added to your content to
activate Octane. The Octane Fuel Cell authenticates all users to Octane and determines which Octane Tools your
users should have access to.
Octane technology works on content being served from any web server and works with any type of content
management system; any content publisher serving digital content can leverage Octane.
The injection of Octane Tools into content is managed through the Octane Portal, which provides a powerful
and easy-to-use interface for publishers to work with Octane.
Getting Started
Before you will be able to start working with Octane, you must have received two key pieces of information from
your Ucompass representative:
• Your unique 8-character publisher key that identifies you as an Octane publisher client.
• Your username and password information for the Octane Portal.
Once you have this information, the next step is to inject the Octane Fuel Cell into your content. For the purposes of this document, we will perform this step manually. However, Ucompass has produced documentation
on how to inject the Octane Fuel Cell into your content automatically for a variety of platforms, including popular
open source content management systems such as Wordpress and Drupal, as well as Learning Management
Systems such as our Educator platform.
If you do not see your platform listed above, that does not mean that Octane will not work with your particular
implementation. Please have a system administrator contact your Ucompass representative for more Octane
integration options; we are confident we have a solution that will work for you.
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However, to perform the Fuel Cell Injection step manually, please follow these steps:
1. Open a content page (we recommend creating a specific test page for this purpose such as “testpage.html”
or something similar) in your favorite HTML editor (Dreamweaver, Notepad, BBEdit, etc.). Make sure you are
viewing the HTML source.
2. Locate the <HEAD> section of your content (if your content does not have this element defined, please
feel free to add it).
3. Underneath the opening <HEAD> tag, please add the following <SCRIPT> tag:
<SCRIPT TYPE=”text/javascript” SRC=”http://octane.ucompass.com/PUBLISHER_KEY.js”></SCRIPT>
Where PUBLISHER_KEY is the 8-character publisher key you obtained from your Ucompass representative. When
you are done, it should look similar the screenshot below:
4. Save the content you just updated, and load it onto the server where you plan to deploy Octane.
With the Octane Fuel Cell now injected into a piece of content on your site, you are now ready to test your configuration by injecting an Octane Tool into it. To accomplish this, please follow these steps:
1. In a web browser, go to the Octane Portal, which is located at:
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2. Log into the Octane Portal using the username and password provided by your Ucompass representative.
3. Once you are logged in, you will see a “desktop-like” environment with a menu bar across the top with your
company’s name on it. From this menu, select “Injection Management” as shown in the screenshot below:
4. Once the injection manager loads, you right click on the left pane and select “New Customer” from the
context menu.
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5. Enter the name of your customer (this can be anything you wish, and can be changed later) and check
the “This customer is active” box in the dialog box that appears:
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6. When your customer appears in the Injection Manager window, right click on it, and select “New Site in
[First Customer]” (where “First Customer” is whatever name you gave your customer in the previous step) from
the context menu.
7. Enter the name of site, the domain of the site (URL), and check the “This site is active” box in the dialog
box that appears:
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8. Select an Octane tool from the right pane of the Injection Manager window (This example is using a
simple language translation tool), and drag and drop it over the site you just created in the left pane of the
Injection Manager window as shown:
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9. Right-click on the Language Translation Tool you just dragged to the left side of the injection manager
window, and select “Insert Paths Configuration” from the context menu that comes up.
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10. Right-click on the Path you just inserted under the Language Translation Tool on left side of the injection
manager window, and select “Insert Paths Configuration” from the context window that comes up.
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11. Type the path to the file you uploaded earlier (Getting Started: #4) into the dialog box that comes up. For
example, if your page is uploaded at http://www.yoursite.com/testpage.html, you will type /testpage.html
into the dialog box. Once you are done, click the “Submit” button.
12. Your first Octane Tool configuration is now complete! Please visit the page where you injected the Octane Tool you selected in step 8 above and test out your first Octane Tool setup (you may need to clear your
browser cache depending on your settings).
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Octane Publisher User Guide
Managing Octane Tools
In the “Getting Started” section of this document, you were introduced to the basic mechanics of injecting
Octane Tools into content using the Injection Management application in the Octane Portal. The application
you used is called the Octane Injection Management Apparatus, or OIMA. In this section, you will gain a greater
understanding of how you use the OIMA to manage and micromanage the injection of Octane Tools into your
The basic idea behind the organization of the OIMA is as follows:
• Publishers have some number of customers they do business with. No limits exist as to the number of
customers a publisher can have.
• Each publisher customer is going to have one or more sites from where content is served. As with customers, there is no limit to the number of sites a customer can have.
• Each site a publisher customer has can have any number of Octane Tools configured to be injected into
the content being served from a particular site.
• Octane Tools can be injected into content based on a number of different criteria.
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The hierarchy just explained is reflected in the left panel of the OIMA and will be the “default” posture that publishers use many times to manage the injection of Octane Tools. However, on the right panel of the OIMA, you
will see that tools are listed with the Customer->Site->etc. hierarchy presented underneath each tool. This is the
“tool” posture, and it is very useful for seeing which of your customers are using a particular Octane Tool. Note
that publishers may manage the injection of Octane tools from either the default (customer) posture or the tool
posture. This guide uses the “default” posture almost exclusively; the mechanics for using the “tool” posture, however, are nearly identical.
“Default” posture
when using the OIMA
“Tool” posture whne
using the OIMA
In the “Getting Started” section of this document, you were walked through the mechanics of using the OIMA to:
• Add customers to your Octane implementation
• Add sites to the customers with whom you do business
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• Add Octane Tools to a site where you have enabled Octane
• Set a simple “Paths” configuration to enable an Octane Tool show up on a specific page.
However, there are a number of different options available for injecting Octane Tools into content that publishers
can take advantage of based on their individual needs. To explore all of these different options, first remove the
“Paths” configuration you established in the “Getting Started” section of this document by right clicking on the
word “Paths” and selecting the “Remove Paths Configuration” menu item from the context menu that appears.
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Next, right-click on the Octane Tool you injected into your customer site (in this case, the simple Language Translation Tool), and examine the various options for delivering the Octane Tool:
Sitewide Configurations
Inserting a Sitewide Configuration for an Octane Tool means that the Tool will be injected on every page that is
served from a particular site. This is very useful for times when every user who will access your content should
have access to a particular Octane Tool, and is commonly used by publishers who want to deliver a “base” set of
Octane Tools very easily.
LTI Configurations
If one of your customers is using an IMS Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) compliant Learning Management
System (http://www.imsglobal.org/toolsinteroperability2.cfm), you may be able to inject Octane Tools into content based on a user’s role in their Learning Management System (LMS). Currently, several Learning Manage-
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ment Systems are able to utilize this technology with Octane. Please contact your Ucompass representative for
more details.
Assuming, then, that your customer has LTI implemented and working with Octane properly, when you select
“Insert LTI Configuration” from the context menu, an LTI icon will appear in the OIMA window. Right-click on this
icon, and select “Insert LTI Role” from the context menu that appears.
You will then be presented with a list of roles as defined by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. Simply check
off the roles1 that should have access to the Octane Tool, and click the “Submit” button to set your configuration.
Note: Not all Learning Management Systems support all of these roles. Please check the documentation provided by each respective Learning Management System provider for more details.
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Once your configuration is saved, it should look similar to the screenshot below:
If you decide at a later time to remove an Octane Tool from a specific role, simply right click on the role and select
“Remove LTI Role” from the context menu that appears:
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If you want to remove all LTI role configurations for a particular Octane Tool, simple right-click on the LTI icon, and
select “Remove LTI Configuration” from the context menu.
Cookie Configurations
Octane has the ability to inject Tools based on any cookies that might be set by the server hosting the content.
For example, many Learning Management Systems, Content Management Systems, or other custom systems
set cookies as part of the authentication process. Octane can retrieve this information and inject tools based on
configurations set by publishers.
As a simple example, assume that one of your customers has a site that sets a cookie named “state” that stores
the name of the state a user lives in when they log in. Now, assume that you want to inject an Octane Tool for
users who live in the state of Virginia and nowhere else.
You would set up this configuration by selecting “Insert Cookies Configuration” from the context menu that appears when you right click on an Octane Tool. A Cookies icon will then appear in the OIMA window. Right-click
on this icon, and select “Insert New Cookie” from the context menu that appears.
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You will then be presented with dialog box where you will enter the name of the cookie on which you want
Octane to check the value. For this example, Octane will be looking for a cookie named “state”. Once you have
typed in the name of the cookie, click the “Submit” button to set the configuration.
Once the dialog disappears, right-click on the “state” cookie and select “Insert Cookie Value” from the context
menu (NOTE: “Insert Existing Cookie Value for state” allows you to select from a set of values you’ve already used).
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Enter the value (e.g. Virginia) for the “state” cookie that should trigger Octane to inject the application (e.g. Virginia) into the dialog box that comes up. When you are done, click the “Submit” button.
Once your configuration is saved, it should look similar to the screenshot below:
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With the “state” cookie configuration now set, it is time to look at some other options for how Octane can work
with cookies. Expanding upon the “Virginia” scenario that you have just worked through, say that you want to
also enable this Octane Tool for users who live in both Virginia and West Virginia. You could certainly insert a new
cookie value as you did before, but a much simpler way would be to take advantage of Octane’s “Pattern match”
Right click on “Virginia” and select “Pattern match” from the context menu.
This Octane tool will now be injected whenever the cookie value for “state” has the word “Virginia” in it, including
the state of Virginia and the state of West Virginia. When you have set a pattern match successfully, the icon in
front of the cookie value (e.g. Virginia) will change as demonstrated in the screenshot below:
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Lastly, if a cookie value is encrypted before it is stored, you can specify that the cookie is encrypted (and therefore
should be decrypted) so its value can be retrieved. To set this configuration for the “Virginia” cookie value, simply
right-click on “Virginia”, and select “Encrypt cookie value” from the context menu2.
When you have set a cookie encryption successfully, the icon in front of the cookie value (e.g. Virginia) will
change as demonstrated in the screenshot below:
Setting the various encryption options is beyond the scope of this document. Please contact your Ucompass representative for more information.
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Octane Publisher User Guide
If you decide at a later time to remove the “Virginia” value from the “state” cookie, simply right click on the “Virginia” cookie value, and select “Remove Cookie Value” from the context menu that appears:
If you decide at a later time to remove the “state” cookie configuration, simply right click on the “state” cookie, and
select “Remove Cookie” from the context menu that appears:
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If you want to remove all cookie configurations for a particular Octane Tool, simple right-click on the Cookies
icon, and select “Remove Cookies Configuration” from the context menu.
Metadata Configurations
Octane has the ability to inject Tools based on HTML meta tags that may be in content. For example, a publisher
may use Dublin Core (http://dublincore.org/) meta tags in their content that contain information such as publisher (DC.PUBLISHER) or content subject information (DC.SUBJECT). Octane can retrieve this information and
inject tools based on configurations set by publishers.
Metadata configurations are very similar in principle to cookie configurations, so the mechanics are going to be very familiar as you progress through this explanation. For this example, suppose a publisher has
DC.CONTENT metadata tags in all of their content, and only wants to inject an Octane Tool into content that has
a DC.CONTENT value of “Science”.
To set up this configuration, first select “Insert Metadata Configuration” from the context menu that appears
when you right click on an Octane tool. A Metadata icon will appear in the OIMA window. Right-click on this
icon, and select “Insert New Metadata Tag” from the context menu that appears (“Insert Existing Metadata Tag”
allows you to insert a Metadata tag you have previously used).
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You will then be presented with dialog box where you will enter the name of the metadata tag you want Octane
to check the value on. For this example, Octane will be looking for a cookie named “DC.SUBJECT”. Once you
have typed in the name of the metadata tag, click the “Submit” button to set the configuration.
Once the dialog disappears, right-click on the “DC.SUBJECT” metadata tag and select “Insert New Metadata Tag
Value” from the context menu (“Insert Existing Metadata Tag Value for DC.SUBJECT” allows you to select from a set
of values you’ve already used).
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Enter the value for the “DC.SUBJECT” metadata tag that should trigger Octane to inject the application (e.g. Science) into the dialog box that comes up. When you are done, click the “Submit” button.
Once your configuration is saved, it should look similar to the screenshot below:
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Octane Publisher User Guide
With the “DC.SUBJECT” metadata tag configuration now set, it is time to look at some other options for how Octane can work with metadata. As with cookie configurations, you have the ability to “pattern match” on metadata
values, as well as set Octane to expect encrypted metadata values. So, say that you want to also enable this
Octane Tool for users who are viewing “Earth Science” and “Physical Science” content. You could set metadata
injection values as you did before, but a much simpler way would be to pattern match on the word “Science”.
Right click on “Science” and select “Pattern match” from the context menu.
Now, this Octane tool will be injected whenever the metadata value for “DC.SUBJECT” has the word “Science” in it,
including Earth Science and Physical Science content tagged in this manner. When you have set a pattern match
successfully, the icon in front of the metadata value (e.g. Science) will change as demonstrated in the screenshot
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Octane Publisher User Guide
Lastly, if a metadata value is encrypted, you can specify that the metadata value is encrypted (and therefore
should be decrypted) so its value can be retrieved. To set this configuration for the “Science” metadata value,
simply right-click on “Science”, and select “Encrypt Metadatatag value” from the context menu3.
When you have set a metadata tag value encryption successfully, the icon in front of the metadata value (e.g. Science) will change as demonstrated in the screenshot below:
As with cookie encryption, setting the various encryption options for metadata values is beyond the scope of this document. Please contact
your Ucompass representative for more information.
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Octane Publisher User Guide
If you decide at a later time to remove the “Science” value from the “DC.SUBJECT” metadata tag, simply right click
on the “Science” metadata tag value, and select “Remove Metadatatag Value” from the context menu that appears:
If you want to remove all metadata configurations for a particular Octane Tool, simple right-click on the Metadata
icon, and select “Remove Metadata Configuration” from the context menu.
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Octane Publisher User Guide
Paths Configurations
In the “Getting Started” section of this document, you were introduced to the idea that Octane can inject Tools
based on the file path on the server where content resides. In this section, this concept will be explored in more
detail, as Octane has two potential ways this functionality can be leveraged based on configurations set by publishers:
1. Setting a Tool injection to a specific file.
2. Setting a Tool injection to all files that reside in a specific path on the server.
In the first case, say you have a file that resides at http://www.yoursite.com/testpage.html. To review how you’d
set this configuration, select “Insert Paths Configuration” from the context menu that appears when you right
click on an Octane tool.
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Right-click on the “Paths” icon you just inserted, and select “Insert Path” from the context menu that appears:
Type the path to the file you want to inject the Octane Tool into. Note that you will not need to type in the full
URL to the file, just everything after the URL. So, for example, if you type http://www.yoursite.com/testpage.html
to view the file in your web browser, you will type /testpage.html into the dialog box. Once you are done, click
the “Submit” button.
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Once your configuration is saved, it should look similar to the screenshot below:
With the first of the two potential “Paths” configurations established, the mechanics of the second scenario can
now be explored. As an example of when you would want to use this type of configuration, say that you have a
part of your website where all blog content is served from (e.g. http://www.yoursite.com/blog). Further, all blog
content served from this location needs to have a specific Octane Tool injected into it.
The way you would set this up is to right-click on the “Paths” icon and select “Insert Path” from the context menu
that appears:
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Type the path you want to inject the Octane Tool into. Note that you will not need to type in the full URL to the
path, just everything after the URL. Also, do not place a trailing / character at the end of your path. So, for example, if all of your blog content resides at http://www.yoursite.com/blog/file1.html, http://www.yoursite.com/
blog/file2.html, etc. on your server, you will type /blog into the dialog box. Once you are done, click the “Submit”
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Once your configuration is saved, it should look similar to the screenshot below:
More importantly, any content served out of the ‘/blog’ folder on your webserver will now have the Octane Tool
injected into when viewed by users.
If you decide at a later time to remove a path from your “Paths” configuration, simply right click on the path value
you want to remove, and select “Remove Path” from the context menu that appears:
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If you want to remove all “Paths” configurations for a particular Octane Tool, simple right-click on the Paths icon,
and select “Remove Paths Configuration” from the context menu.
Geolocation Configurations
Octane has the ability to inject Tools based on the location where a user is viewing content by making use of
the HTML 5 geolocation standard. This capability opens up exciting avenues for the value that can be delivered
to your users with Octane Tools! For example, a publisher may set up a configuration where content related to
American History gets an Octane Tool injected into it that points out major historical sites in a user’s area.
You would set up this configuration by selecting “Insert Geolocations Configuration” from the context menu that
appears when you right click on an Octane Tool. A Geolocations icon will then appear in the OIMA window.
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Right-click on this icon, and select “Insert New Geolocation” from the context menu that appears (“Insert Existing
Geolocation” allows you to insert a geolocation you have previously used).
You will then be presented with dialog box where you will enter the name of the geolocation point you want
Octane to check the value on. For this example, the value will be set as “Some Location”; click the “Submit” button to set the configuration.
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Next, a map will appear allowing you to set your geolocation point. Use the map’s built-in zoom and scroll tools
to find the location you wish to set. Once you have found a suitable location, simply click on the map to set the
geolocation point.
Click “OK” on the dialog box that appears, which will set the geolocation point and trigger a dialog where you will
set how close a user needs to be to the location in order to trigger the injection of the Octane Tool. Enter your
desired distance (10 miles in this example), and click the “Submit” button.
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Once your configuration is saved, it should look similar to the screenshot below:
If you decide at a later time to remove the “Some Location” value from the list of Geolocations, simply right click
on the “10 miles from Some Location” value, and select “Remove Geolocation” from the context menu that appears:
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If you want to remove all geolocation configurations for a particular Octane Tool, simple right-click on the Geolocation icon, and select “Remove Geolocations Configuration” from the context menu.
Managing Users
As your Octane implementation grows, it is likely that you will need to add people to the list of users who have
the ability to configure Octane Tools. Adding users is currently a two-step process. First, contact your Ucompass
representative with name and email address information for the user you wish to set up. This step ensures that
the correct Octane Portal administrative permissions on the account are set. Your Ucompass representative will
then provide account information (username\password) for the new user.
Once you have received this information, you will need to configure their account to be used with your publisher
account. To accomplish this, click on the menu item on the top of the Octane Portal with your company’s name
on it. From this menu that appears, select “Users” then “Manage” as shown in the screenshot below:
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From the window that appears, select the “New Publisher User” link:
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Enter the account details for the new user, check the box to make them active, and click the “Submit” button:
If the account was successfully created, you will see the dialog box below:
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If at any time you wish to modify the account details of a user, simply open the “Manage Users” window as you
did before, select the account you wish to manage, modify the account details, and click the “Submit” button:
If at any time you wish to delete the account details of a user, simply open the “Manage Users” window, select the
account you wish to manage, check the “Delete user” checkbox, and click the “Submit” button:
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Frequently Asked Questions
I made a typo when I set up one of my customers. How do I fix this?
Modifying Customer information is very simple. This is facilitated by clicking on the menu item on the top of the
Octane Portal it with your company’s name on it. From this menu that appears, select “Customers” then “Manage”
as shown in the screenshot below:
Select the customer you wish to manage on the left side of the “Manage Customers” window, make your changes, and click the “Submit” button.
Note that this interface also allows you to add and delete customers, as well as manage sites. However, this functionality is better facilitated through the Octane Injection Management Apparatus (OIMA).
Can I change a path\cookie\metadata value once I have set it?
The way this is currently facilitated is to remove the incorrect value, and add back in a correct value.
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I have two sites that need to be configured identically to one another; do I have to manually build configurations
for both sites?
Octane has a “mirroring” feature that is ideal for this purpose. Simply create your new site (e.g. Second Site for this
example), right-click on it, and select “Mirror [Second Site] with another site”
From the dialog box that appears, select the site you wish to mirror with the site you just created:
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Once your configuration is saved, it should look similar to the screenshot below. Any changes you make to the
www.yoursite.com configuration will be reflected in www.secondsite.com as well.
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Troubleshooting Tips
The following tips are meant to help you self-troubleshoot issues you may run into while working with your Octane implementation:
• One of the most common mistakes users make with path configurations is to put a trailing / character at
the end of their path. If this happens accidentally to you, simply remove the offending path and reset it.
• Most modern web browsers will ask users if they want to share geolocation information before it is retrieved. If users do not allow their browser to share this information, geolocation Tool injections will fail to
function properly.
• While Octane has been designed to work with a number of browsers and operating systems, your users
may need to make small adjustment their browser cookie configurations to ensure the proper function of
Octane tools.
If none of the above tips resolves your issue, please contact your Ucompass representative for more in-depth
troubleshooting support.
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