TEFL final pdf
TEFL final pdf
(students from 3 to 12 years old) 1994: E.T.I. schools (beginning of full time 1st Cycle schools – English as extracurricular subject is one of the subjects which was required by most school communities) nowadays nearly 97% of Madeira’s 1st Cycle schools are full time (E.T.I.); 2001/2002: creation of a project (Pedagogical Intervention Project to the learning and teaching of Foreign Languages – 1st Cycle) and a team to support teachers teaching English in 1st Cycle due to their diverse academic background (English was an extracurricular activity in 1st Cycle schools); 2005/2006: English as a curricular subject to all 1st Cycle, by Official document (Despacho n.º 108/2005 RAM); Project renamed – Edu-LE (Educar – Línguas Estrangeiras); Project ‘s support to the teaching of English in Preschool; Definition of the 1st Cycle English teacher profile in Madeira (DRAE); Guidelines released . 2007/2008: renewed Edu-LE team (present team). Carla Ferreira Paula Freitas Ana Soares (Coordination) (2nd Cycle) (Preschool) Renato Carvalho Luís Cardoso (1st Cycle/ICT) (1st Cycle) Nearly 140 1st Cycle teachers; 130 public and private 1st Cycle schools; 106 1st Cycle schools including teaching English in Preschool; 20 Preschool teachers; 17 Preschools – 20 rooms; 13 2nd and 3rd Cycle schools; 28 2nd Cycle teachers – 40 classes; 2 3rd Cycle teachers – 4 3rd Cycle classes. to guide and assess the approaches of teaching an FL in Preschool; to guide, assess and evaluate an FL in 1st Cycle; to develop pedagogical guidelines to teach an FL in both Pre-school and 1st Cycle; to promote in-service teacher training; to encourage the use of a folder in FL teaching in Preschool; to develop and assess the Portfolio’s methodology in both 1st and 2nd Cycles; to articulate methodologies amongst 1st and 2nd Cycles; to organize school visits and diverse workshops. In-service School teacher training; visits; Workshops: - Edu-LE (team, DRE, external); - S.E.T.E.; - S.E.E. & T.E.A.; Portfolio E.R.A. to develop linguistic, cultural, social, intercultural, affective and psychopedagogical dimensions; to support cross-curricular teaching; to increase pedagogical differentiation; to apply portfolio’s methodology (1st, 2nd and 3rd Cycle); to uphold motivating and pedagogical activities capable of potentiating the development of different Intelligences. Teachers develop didactic and diverse activities adequate to their school’s own context and content (FL) Teacher apply pedagogical and various strategies like: singing, dancing, drama, games, stories, writing, reading, retelling, arts and crafts; “Minimum English Contents for 1st Cycle” (former Guidelines are currently being revised); Portfolio’s ERA’s methodology; (English Report in Action). Main assessment tool; Diagnosis instrument; Develops research and organisation techinques; Promotes self-assessment; Develops Reflects the students’ metacognition; the students’ linguistic and learning growth; Reveals the students Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles. Metacognition; CEFR; Documentation Process Portfolio; Portfolio; Showcase Portfolio. S.E.T.E. (Sharing Experiences to Teach English) – workshops. S.E.T.E. team S.E.T.E. preparation meetings Marisa Correia EB1/PE Ribeiro Domingos Dias Rui Osório EB1/PE da Serra d’Água Resources Centre (creating examples adapted to schools reality) Music (creating lyrics and new tunes) E.T.C. (English Teachers Community) – an online community of all Edu-LE’s teachers teaching in 1st Cycle in RAM. The community promotes the creation of a common identity and a true sense of belonging and sharing of information and strategies/activities eT.E.A.M. (eTeaching English As Magic) groups of Edu-LE’s teachers (2 to 5 teachers); different private or public schools and, sometimes, different regions; sharing experiences, strategies, materials; promoting the exchange of messages amongst their students; materials experiences are reflected in the eTEAM blog. and 2007/2008 (B.E.L.T. – Blog of the Edu‐LE eTEAMS) h/p://edule‐belt.blogspot.com 2008/2009 (E.T.C.) h/p://edu‐le.ning.com ePortfolios – an experience to develop an electronic-portfolio in 1st Cycle schools with eleven Edu-LE’s English teachers (eleven 4th grade classes), a 2nd Cycle English teacher and a 6th grade English class – creating a cooperative and collaborative community of teachers and students. http://eportfolio.educatic.info/ REPE 2nd P.E.E.K. (2nd Portfolio Experience in English Knowledge) – pilot experience. - 13 schools (private and public); - 28 teachers (2nd Cycle and 3rd Cycle); - over 40 classes; Main goal is to assess the relevance of the introduction of portfolio methodology in English classes in the 2nd Cycle, as well as: To promote in-service teacher training to the teachers working with portfolio; To develop dissemination tools concerning the use of portfolio; To articulate methodologies, pedagogies amongst cycles. contents and Peek-a-boo - an experience with Preschool teachers (3 to 5 years old) teaching English to their groups of children. - 17 schools (private and public) - 20 teachers - 20 rooms The experience is based on promoting the Preschool teachers language skills and adjusting methodologies and strategies of specific teaching of an FL to a very particular audience. Aims as well to help to prepare 1st and 2nd Cycle teachers to teach with these levels. http://peek-a-boo.ning.com Edu-LE’s email: edu-le@madeira-edu.pt Phone: 291 708 478 (direct) 291 708 420 (general) Personal Email: carlaisaferreira@yahoo.com carla.i.ferreira@madeira-edu.pt THANK YOU!