Join the Humane Race - Nebraska Humane Society


Join the Humane Race - Nebraska Humane Society
2015 Walk mascots Cheyenne &
Dixie, best friends to Hope Wicken
Join the Humane Race
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The Nebraska Humane Society
NOTES from the
protects, saves and enriches the lives
of animals in the communities we serve.
Tail’s Tales is a publication of the
Nebraska Humane Society.
8929 Fort Street, Omaha, NE 68134
A wise person once said, “Everyone needs a dog to look up to them, a cat to
look down on them and a pot-bellied pig to look them in the eye.” We could not
agree more. Cats and pot-bellied pigs attain their position in a household quite
naturally – dogs do not have it as easy.
Dogs are actually quite simple. They don’t do things to make you angry or to get
back at you. Those are examples of how humans think, not dogs. Dogs want to have
food, water, shelter, be a member of a pack and to have a clear understanding of
their standing in the pack. To a dog, the leader of the pack is key to their comfort.
The leader keeps them safe – there is always a leader. That leader can be you or it
can be your dog – you get to choose.
We want to help you achieve the rank of leader in a warm, humane way that will
help both you and your dog relax and enjoy each other. You and your dog will be
much happier if you are a decisive, clear, kind leader.
Getting to be the leader should never be mean-spirited or harsh – it can be
wonderful and fun. We want to help. Our amazing dog training department has
developed classes to enhance your role and to help your dog become a welcome
member of society, your home, downtown or at the Walk for the Animals.
The Nebraska Humane Society now offers Fun with Fido classes to keep you
working with your dog and having fun. Some examples:
• We have “Fun with Fido-Out on the Town” class
that teaches good canine manners on the streets of Omaha.
• The “Multiple Dog” class will work on living
in a comfortable house with more than one dog.
• “Treibball” class will give those dogs who enjoy playing
fetch a new way to play with balls of different sizes.
• Please go to
to learn more about our class offerings and register!
Dogs, who are different than cats and pot-bellied pigs, need us to be their
leaders so they can relax and enjoy life. Let us help you get to that position, at least
with your dogs—you are on your own with your family.
Judy Varner, President and C.E.O.
Nebraska Humane Society Summer 2015
Phone: 402-444-7800 | Fax: 402-546-1476
Adoption hours:
Monday through Friday . . . . 12 to 7 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday . . . 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Business hours:
Monday through Friday . . 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday . . . 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Instagram username: nehumanesociety
President and C.E.O.
Vice President and C.F.O.
Vice President of Development
Vice President of Field Operations
Vice President of Community Outreach
Vice President of Operations
Vice President of Public Relations & Marketing
Vice President of Human Resources
Thanks to you—the animals are winners
If you didn’t have fun at Dining with Dogs,
you probably weren’t there! Held at Miracle Hill
Tennis Center on April 25, the event was a “smashing”
success. More than 460 people and 100+ canines
attended the event, which is uniquely designed to allow
participants to bring along four-legged companions.
Hosted by our fabulous Friends Forever guild,
the event included social and dinner hours, a silent
auction, raffles, and an oral auction. But the true
entertainment centered around the dogs themselves.
Some wore tutus or ties, others came right from their
groomers, and many were decked out in new collars
and leashes.
Social hour included lots of sniffing along with
canapés from Three Dog Bakery. Then it was time
to snooze under the table as the humans got their fare.
Fundraising met and exceeded the $90,000 goal for
the evening and the co-chairs, Marguerite McLeay
and Diane Gartner couldn’t have been happier
with the night!
Every penny of proceeds will be used right here
in Omaha, to help care for, rehabilitate and rehome
animals at the Nebraska Humane Society. It was
truly “love all” on the tennis courts!
Our online community is a phenomenal network of animal-lovers!
You all share information that helps raise awareness for animals needing special homes. You get the word out
about the need for resources. You support our events. And you help us raise money to keep the lights on and water
running. We are grateful that you, once again, outdid yourselves during Omaha Gives! The 24-hour day of charitable giving, hosted by the Omaha Community Foundation, is designed to let nonprofit agencies showcase their
missions. Once again the animal lovers ROCKED the day. NHS surpassed our previous number of unique donors
and, once again, raised more than $100,000 dollars!
Join the Humane Race
Your participation in the 2015 Margre Durham Walk/5K for the Animals helps
us care for thousands of homeless animals each year. When you walk or run the
5K (with your canine!), every penny you raise stays right here to provide animals
with second chances. Collect donations in honor of your pets, then join us for
the fun on September 27th! Register NOW at
Event highlights:
Pancake breakfast
5K run (with your dog!)
25+ rescue groups
40+ vendors
Food and refreshments
Nebraska Humane Society Summer 2015
Kids activities
Training demonstrations
Alumni & adoption parade
September 27, 2015 – 8 to 11:30 a.m.
In 2014, top dog Hope Wicken helped raise more
than $40,000 with her team, Yappy Pack. Why
should you Walk? Here’s a note from Hope:
NHS makes it possible for dogs like Dixie to
find deserving homes with people who will love
them. After my resident dog Cheyenne turned
one year, I decided it was time to find her a little
sister. We faithfully watched the NHS website for
the right dog.
2015 Walk mascots
Cheyenne and Dixie
with their mom,
Hope Wicken
When I saw Dixie, it was love at first sight. Then
came the real test – would the girls like each
other? Cheyenne and Dixie ran around the
training room together ... they were already best
friends, and our little family was complete!
I cannot imagine my life without helping NHS
in any way I can. Join me at the finish line on
September 27th!
Huge “round-of-a-paws” for our wonderful sponsors so far:
Bath Fitter
Impact Merchandising
Voodoo Taco
Bridges Investment Management
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska
Kris’ K-9 Klean-Up
John K and Lynne D Boyer Foundation
Centris Federal Credit Union
Moylan Kropp Retirement Planning
Whole Foods
Oxbow Animal Health
American National Bank
Gentle Doctor Animal Hospitals
Stellar Entertainment
Banfield Pet Hospital
Home Again
Three Dog Bakery
Interested in sponsoring the Walk? Contact Gordon Krentz: 402-905-3483 or
Join the Humane Race
Your support saves lives
Last year, NHS ran 11,840 medical diagnostic tests on animals. We
performed 1,343 specialized surgeries. We spayed or neutered 6,373
cat and dogs. We treated 7653 animals for parasites. We sent 1765 pets
offsite for foster care. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg …
A tip from an acquaintance led to Zorro’s rescue. His
owner had beaten him, breaking his jaw and making it
difficult for him to eat. He was thin and dehydrated with
facial swelling and a jaw that hung open all the time.
After a full investigation, his owner admitted to beating a
previous cat as well. That cat didn’t survive.
While Zorro’s owner was being arrested for
felony animal abuse, Zorro was in the care of the NHS
medical team getting treatment and nourishment.
His swelling went down, his weight went up and his
disposition stayed cuddly and purring. His jaw will
always hang open, but he is now in a home that will offer
him soft food, gentle petting and love.
On Friday February 6, 2015, the Nebraska
Humane Society was asked to assist in another horse
neglect case in Boone County. Three members of the
NHS equine team responded to a property, at the
request of the Boone County Sheriff’s office, to take
Nebraska Humane Society Summer 2015
ownership of five emaciated horses. The owner did
relinquish the five to NHS. Sadly, the NHS team noted
several recently deceased horses on the property as well.
The case was handled by Boone County officials, but the
care of the horses is a task we gladly accepted.
Just eating exhausted them, so for several months
they simply ate and rested at the NHS Star Equine
Rehabilitation Facility. With good feed and proper
nutrition, jutting hipbones and sunken muscles are
rounded now. Veterinary and hoof care have worked
wonders as these once depressed horses prance and
play. When ready, these gentle giants will go to new
homes. *For information on horse adoptions, contact
Early this year, Charlie a 1-year-old Chihuahua mix,
was carried through our doors because his owner could
no longer provide the care he desperately needed. His
skin was red, his eyes were watery and he wouldn’t stop
scratching. He was miserable. His shy personality and
From left to right: Your support
has helped us save the lives of Zorro;
Charlie; multiple horses from a farm in
lack of confidence meant it took shelter staff almost a
week to gain his trust. Once they had, we discovered
Charlie was suffering from severe food allergies.
Because the shelter was a stressful environment for
Charlie, and caused his allergies to flare, he spent two
months in foster care while the NHS medical team ran
tests. There, the little guy interacted with other dogs and
sharpened his training skills with “neutral” treats, like
canned pumpkin and marshmallows. He warmed up,
came out of his shell and began to heal.
We are ecstatic to report that Charlie is now in a
new home, with patient owners who have researched
foods to find an appropriate diet for him. He loves
cuddling and playing fetch.
As his name would suggest, Pancake flattened
against the floor of his kennel at any new noise. One
of some 40 standard poodle mixes (doodles) that
NHS received from a retiring breeder, Pancake had
been used for breeding and had little exposure to life
Boone County; and about 50 Doodles.
outside the barn in which he lived. So, down he would go
if you walked by; if you looked at him; if the heat came
on; if you filled his water bowl. The 50 pound “invisible”
dog would simply shut down. There were 10 Pancakes,
about 30 dogs that cowered when you approached, and
10 that didn’t cower, but would run away. None had
ever been potty trained. Talk about a challenge.
But our behavior staff and volunteers were up
to the task. Armed with bribery in the form of
delectable treats, soft voices, soothing hands to scratch
itchy spots and tons of patience, they worked their
magic. They eased themselves into the dogs’ lives. And
in just a few months, the doodles were approaching
people for treats and petting. They needed special,
patient homes, and our community responded. As of
today, just one needs to find his forever home.
Without your continued support, we could not help
animals like Zorro, Charlie, Norman and Pancake. Head
to to make your gift
Join the Humane Race
A home for Puddin’
Puddin’ was rescued from a large Pit bull
breeding operation in the south. She spent
her first years chained to a doghouse,
having litters. She spent another year in
an ASPCA shelter while the case against
her owners went to court. Finally, the case
was closed and Puddin’ was free to find a
new home.
When we have the room, and
resources, NHS takes in dogs from other
areas. Puddin’ needed our help and we
were determined to give her the best shot
we could.
A shy, undersocialized Pit bull isn’t the
easiest adoption candidate. But this sweet
girl worked so hard to overcome the
effects of years of solitude.
Our volunteers and staff showered her
with love and attention. They showed her
how to play. They took her into their foster
homes. And she began to come out of her
shell. She was at NHS for more than 270
days before she found her family. She is
settling in and loving life.
That’s OUR success story.
– NHS staff and volunteers
Silly & Spooky
My significant other and I felt we were ready for a pet, so we took a trip NHS to check
out cats. We ended up with Silly Cat, who fetches and loves to play in 2003. After about
a year, we decided she needed a playmate and went back to NHS in 2004 and adopted
Spooky Cat. The cats took about two months to warm up to each other because Silly Cat
was scared of Spooky, who was just a kitten. Once they started playing, it was love from
there. We now have a stray we picked up too, but the two girls bond and snuggle and
play. They are both great cats and I am glad we got them. They bring a lot of joy to us.
– Amanda Rager
Nebraska Humane Society Summer 2015
Winnie is full of life, loves to run and
play, and is such a cuddler. He’s made
friends with the resident cat and kids.
We are very happy to have him.
– Jessica Fogelstrom
Jessie was adopted into our household on August 13th,
2014. When we first met Jessie, he looked very sad,
as if he knew he would be overlooked in the adoption
process. He was anti-social, but calm. This stood out to
me, as I knew he just really needed a loving home which
would allow him to express his inner affection. Being an
individual who has feared dogs all my life, Jessie has completely turned me around. Jessie has brought an unconditional love into our household. He has a strong sense of
compassion and knows when we are sad, happy or ill.
Last year after a divorce, we needed to sell our home and move into a
has made us more patient and better individuals on many
Jessie also brings a calm and serenity to our home. He
levels. True to his NHS bio, he tries to live up to “couch
smaller one I could manage and afford. Our youngest daughter (15)
potato” status and loves being bathed and groomed at the
had a difficult time adjusting to the change. Shortly after the move, she
area pet store. Our 5- and 6-year-old grandkids just love
began asking for a kitten. Against my wishes, I decided to take her to
him – along with everyone else who meets him. Jessie is
the Nebraska Humane Society to take a look. We found an adorable
the best thing that has happened not only in 2014, but in
10-month-old kitten that was found several days earlier wandering
our entire lives! Thank you all at NHS!
in a field. My daughter was instantly in love with her! Azalea (new
– Kim Gilmore and Carolyn Turner
name) has inadvertently filled a void for my daughter that neither of us
had anticipated happening. She has been a wonderful addition to our
If you’ve adopted a pet from the Nebraska Humane
Society and want to be featured in “Tails of Success,”
send a non-returnable photo and update to: Pam
Wiese, 8929 Fort Street, Omaha, NE 68134
... Or send us an update online! Upload your story
family as well. I am very happy with our decision to adopt.
– Katelyn Williams
It’s been two years since we adopted Bonzai
years old and riddled with heartworms when she
from NHS. The hair has grown back from her
was picked up by NHS after an unknown amount
heartworm treatments. The rotted teeth are gone
of time on the street. Thank you for nursing her
forever. The quiet dog that stared me down from
to health so that she could become the sidekick I
across the playroom has transformed entirely.
have today!
She does still stare me down ... but only when I’m
– Carly Persell
sitting in her couch seat. Bonzai was already 7
Join the Humane Race
Max the 8-year-old Parson Russell terrier mix was “rescued” by Shirley and Dwight Justice, but HE is truly the
life-saver. Shirley wasn’t feeling well one night and woke up in the wee hours. But when she tried to go back
to sleep, Max wouldn’t let her ... he nudged her and bugged her and kept her awake until her husband Dwight
also roused from sleep. Once awake, Dwight realized Shirley’s blood sugar was dangerously low and took
corrective action.
“My doctor said if I would have gone back to sleep I would have been unconscious ...
and most likely I would not have awakened again,” says Shirley. “Max saved my life!”
Dwight too, owes Max his life. Dwight had a triple bypass surgery and needed mild exercise. Turns out, Max’s
walks are just what the doctor ordered. Dwight’s daily walks with Max not only got him back moving, they actually
provided just the right amount of energy expenditure. Dwight couldn’t run on a treadmill or lift big weights, but he
could, and did, walk Max. In fact, Dwight was able to “walk” his way back to a healthy heart that didn’t need a
second surgery! Max takes all the adoration in “stride,” and simply asks for a place on the couch during TV time,
and room in the bed to put his head on the pillow (see above, left).
It was Saturday, February 14 – Valentines Day – when Stella became very agitated. Once outside, she wouldn’t go
back into Bonnie Brown’s home despite her usual distaste of cold weather. As the day wore on, Stella became more
upset and anxious. She wouldn’t enter the main part of the house but would sit in front of the door and whimper. After
watching a movie, Bonnie and her visiting friend stood up, and instantly became very dizzy and felt sick. Wondering
if it was carbon monoxide poisoning, they immediately installed it a detector. That evening Stella was still upset and
crying. When let out, she planted herself and would not come in, even for treats. Bonnie carried her back inside and
prepared for bed, but Stella would not let her sleep. To get some peace of mind, Bonnie packed up Stella and went
to her brother’s house. Monday morning, the furnace repairman told Bonnie her new carbon monoxide detector was
faulty and the furnace had a cracked heat exchanger. The level of carbon monoxide was dangerously high.
“I believe if Stella wouldn’t have continued to be so agitated, I might have stayed
in my house and gone to bed, perhaps never to awaken again. I believe Stella saved
my life!” writes Bonnie. “I wanted to pass this story on to you and thank you again
for a wonderful little dog who has been a great companion and truly a blessing.”
While we work hard to save every life we can, and give thousands a second chance—we couldn’t do it without
our supporters and adopters. You make our work come full circle.
Nebraska Humane Society Summer 2015
Thank you for your generous gift! Tribute donations listed
in this edition of the Nebraska Humane Society’s Tail’s Tales
reflect gifts of $50 or more received by May 1, 2015. If
your gift is not listed, please check the next issue.
Floyd H. Beasley
Robert Ehren Bradman
Mary Margaret Cardella
Milo Elmer Cowdery, Jr.
From: Margaret Beasley
Alex Bedel
From: Brandon Park Owners Association, Children’s Hospital & Medical
Center Medical Staff
From: Debra Romberger
Stephen J. Abariotes
From: Lisa and Gary Gotsdiner, Alden
Robinowitz, William and Monique Jetter
From: Linda and Larry Finigan
From: Rodney and Connie Czaplewski
From: Ralph Grippin, Mr. James E. Van
Arsdall and Ms. Gloria Jean Sorey, Louis
and Heidi Carlson, Wendy and Anita
Bogle, Kristine Nemec, Joe and Anne
Olsen, M. Jane Franklin, Cheryl, Mark
and Xuxa O’Brien, Edie Sample and Sue
Nancy Pettis Braswell and Libby
From: Bill and Kathy Cashell
From: Morgan
From: Kutak Rock LLP, Jennifer Steventon and Sarpy/Cass Health Department
Buddy Bressman
From: David, Danelle and Jenna
From: Dan and Kathy Cannella
Abby and Lexi
From: Mary Hill
Carolyn Beethe
John Peter Bendon
From: Grandma
From: Mary Fran and Jeff Willard, Judy
and Mike Thesing, J. Scott and Molly
Searl, Michael and Christy Piti, Brett and
Sherri Monson, Warren and Cecelia
Nelson, Thomas and Mary Kay
McCarthy, Mary Kay and David Hansen,
Donna and William Danenhauer, Jr.,
Richard and Diane Westin, Monique
and William Jetter, Doug and Sharon
Hansen, James and Debbie Crew,
William and Kathleen Haug, Felicia
Hutnick, Family and friends
Brian E. Bengston
From: Sally Banghart
From: Robert Hennings
Robert W. Anderson
From: Ehrhart Griffin & Associates, Mary
From: Sarah Murphy
From: Bob Brungard, Rick
Andy, Yorkie, Coco, Buddy, Lucky,
Clark, Rocky, and JoJo
From: Jim and Fran Hoover
From: Shelley Tschudin
Spencer Arkfeld
From: Wendy, Terry and Tailer Lacey
Helga Augun
From: Glen and Carol Van Haren
Paris Bahar
From: Rosalie, Ernie, Kevin, Linda, Ari
and Dina
Denise Baier
From: Heidi, Jason, Kris and Deanne
From: Amee and Tim Snell
From: Kathy and Mike Gross
Bailey McWilliams
From: The Ryan family
Jeremy Baker
From: Karen and Sayed Wali
From: Kerby Selmer
Heather Bergman
From: Jack and Margaret Davis
Sharon L. Beringer
From: Lynda Chartier, Duane and
Marlene Sullivan, Anthony and Sharon
Ritter, Ken and Ann Bird, Terry and
Shelley Ahlers, Anthony and Kathy Dyl,
Dana Beringer, Family and friends
Bob and Bernadine
From: Linda Lambert
Phil Biermann
From: Mutual of Omaha Insurance
Bill Basgaard
From: Jacqualine and Richard Borowiak
From: Ted and Tracy Bridges
From: Donald and Linda Winters
From: NorthStar Financial Services
Group, LLC
From: Bob and Mary Gonderinger
Jacob Blum
Dandy #1 and Bubbles #1
Carol Chaddock
Dave and Charley
From: Mark and Stephanie Zoroya
From: Cynthia Hill
Kenneth L. Davis, Sr.
From: Jan and Susan Patera
From: The Terveer family
Chloe (Workman)
George and Molly Deas
From: Bobbi, Betty and Tom
From: Elizabeth Hilpipre
From: Kathy Floersch
The Bryngelson family pets
Chloe, Gypsy and Biscuit
Jack Dempsey
From: Carol Bryngelson
From: Greg and Sue Rusie
From: Ben and Jeanne Clark
Florian Ciurej
Noel L. Denholm
From: Gail and Terry White
From: Marilyn Ciurej
From: Family and friends
Dr. George Dennis
From: Chi Watson
From: Jo and Tom Davis
From: Brad and Dianne Hickerson
Buddy and Bear
Betty Jean (Barnett) Clark
From: Nicki O’Neil
From: Pam and Thomas Clanton, Kay
Tomek, Leona Wolfson, Marv and
Lynette Dvorak, Terry Liebentritt, Richard
and Stephanie Ross, Fred and Evelyn
Chittenden, Karron and Robert Folker
From: The Phillips family
Cody, Bubba and Boots
From: Virginia L. Dodge
Ross H. Buffington
From: BJ Schneider
Buhl Ferrets
From: Jeremy and Jenny Buhl
From: Chris and April Childress
From: Jo and Robert Clarke, Lois Evans
Joe Bush
From: Grandpa and Grandma Stover
Larry Boner
Troy Campbell
From: Tom and Mel Bentley
Helen A. Bozdeck
Max Canova
From: One Drake Place
Louis H. Cappellano
From: Kathi Cappellano
N. P. (Phil) Dodge, Sr.
Frances Leonard Doll
From: Ray Lewis
From: John and Sandie Mauro
From: Debra Prochaska
From: Dee Sykora
Gerald Cook
Joyce Bohlen
Darlene Devine
From: Sharon Erickson, Family and
friends, Nicki O’Neil, Sanford and Amy
From: Drew Law Firm – Gregory Drew,
Greg Grimes, Beverly Bruning
From: Jeanette Pinker, Family and
friends, Suzanne Hickman
From: Pam and Dwight Aldinger
Elisabeth “Charlotte” Conley
Barbara Boettner
From: Felicia Hutnick
From: Brad and Sarah Stapp
From: Bruce Belgrade and Masimore,
Magnuson & Associates, P.C.
From: Karen Vaughan and Bruce
Sharon K. (Adler) Cahow
From: Al and Dixie Woodraska
Lorine (Lydick) Bush
Bonnie Beagle
From: Mark, Terry, Erin and Zuzu
From: Anne Marie Aita, Steven and
Susan Scholer
From: Co-Workers, Dr. Jim and Vicki
Dinsmore, Richard and Kimberly Bailey
III, Tim and Linda Daugherty, Mark and
Karen Frerichs, Gary Schulte, Annie and
Ken Bird, Dan and Melanie Miller, Keith
Allerton and Becky Noble, Linda
Cumbee, Family and friends, Pam Meyer
From: Kappa Kappa Iota – Delta
From: Richard and Janice McCarty
Barbara E. Brooks
Primo G. Ceschia
Thomas Considine
From: Royce and Lucy Burrell
From: Lois Feddersen
From: Ruth Ann and Ron Popp
From: Rick and Bonnie Kolowski
From: Mary Catherine and David
Robert W. Burt
From: Susanne Bishop
From: Marj and Tracy
Dr. Russell W. Conkling
George “Paws” Bishop
Brody and Rover
From: Family and friends, Louis and
Madonna Tribulato, Kimberly and John
Jan Bochek
From: Ervin, Williamson, and Jewell
families, Nancy (Barker) and Phil Moyer
Jeff Cashell
Rick A. Burger
John W. Barris Jr.
Nancy Barton
JoAnn Cruse
From: Jack and Robbin Yee
From: Philip Blum and Joy Henn
From: Nurse Case Management
department – Children’s Hospital,
Dianne Laferla, Patty Carrell, Kathleen
Sophia Britton
From: Tom Cristo
From: Particia and Joseph Cangelosi
Billy and Gracie
From: Gloria Baker
Rachel Barthel
From: Kelly and Mark Wolterman
Margaret L. Carter
Betty Cristo
Pamela I. Cook
From: Family and friends, Midtown
From: Mom and Dad
Mary Jane Copple
From: Mary Jo and Genevieve Lash
Ramona A. “Monie” (Aguilar) Covos
From: Shirley and Bob Rabb, Tomas
Timothy Sherwood Dunning
From: Faith Louis, Jodie and Bill Mackintosh, Linda Rajcevich, the Lincoln
family, Bill and Deanne Fairfield, Carolyn Owen Anderson, Kathy Gross, Lee
and Vickie Seemann, Randy and Sharon
Blackburn, Elizabeth Murphy and Ray
Schueneman, Joel Russell, Steve and
Sherry Brownrigg, George and Skyler
Krauss, Kane, Russell, Coleman & Logan,
P.C., Billie Jean Berne, Bruce Frasier, Jim
Leedham, Duane and Frances Dowd,
Patrick and Elizabeth Flood, James and
Katherine Quinlan, David Marshall, Sid
Gay, Joyce and John Ferry, Kay and Bob
Owen, Gordon Watanabe, Dr. Richard
and Kathryn Stemm, Stephanie Scott,
Thomas Scott and Steve Scott, Martin
Riemenschneider, Centre Court, Inc.,
Tom and Maren Hood, Rod and Vicki
Walker, Chip and Erin James, Diny and
Jim Landen, Tim’s co-workers at Union
Join the Humane Race
Tributes, continued
Pacific Railroad (Law Department),
Mike and Judy Thesing, Don and Connie
Osborne, George W. Lininger Lodge
Easter and Wester
From: Karron Folker
Grizz Ekfelt
From: Creighton Prep Football
Alfred “Al” Glen Ekstein
From: Kenneth Smith
Jacqueline Elsasser
From: Steve and Peg Cassel
Sherry Rae “Mouse” English
From: Rick and Kathleen English,
Lamont and LeAnn Mease, Family and
Shirley J. Erickson
Dixie Garlock
From: Buzz and Becky
Wallace and Bethel Geason
From: Gayle Pullen, Noreen and Steve
From: Angie and Michael Hempel
George and Floyd
From: The Fleming family
Joanne Godawa
From: Ruth and Art Weiner
Donald Goll
From: John and Barbara Frederick
Comet Good
From: Larry and Shirley Good
Gary Goodman
From: Rick and Teri Culbertson
Barbara Bakhit, Mae Timmons, Family
and friends
Richard R. Keely
Michael Licitra
From: Rick and Jeanette Keely
From: Lauren Licitra
Cari Ann Hoffmann
Mary Kettleborough
From: Kyle Miller and Ron Hood, Travis
Clemens, Patricia and Gary Smith,
Roger and Roxie Kelly, In Good Hands
Elder Care – Rhett and Richard Grant,
Lewis & Clark Middle School, Alpha
Delta Kappa Sorority
From: Linda Cheatham
Janet M. King
From: Christina Linden Ridnour
From: Mom and Dad Hoffmann
T. J. Hollingsed
From: Maggie Walker
Holly the Beagle
From: Jolin and Dustin Bloom
Honey Bear
From: Brad and Jen
Jackie Hoppes
From: Jon Hoppes and family
Dr. Lorie Ann Huston
From: Anonymous
Mary Fish
From: The Olive Garden lunch group
From: Zella Grant
Garnet L. Hafer
From: Glen and Peggy Evert
Hanna and Freddie
Sharon F. Knudsen
From: Beth Rathman
Robert Gunderson
From: Gregg and Trisha Solko
Terry Groves
From: Bridges Investments Management, Inc.
Herman Koop
From: His family
From: Laurie and Kim
Ginger Lindquist
From: Debra Mesward
Bailey Huffine
Donald R. Hrbek
Evie Peep Winston (Solko)
Ethelyn Knoernschild
From: Julie Hrbek
From: Sharon and Mindy Anderson,
Mark and Karen Mitchell, William and
Nancy Aken, Mark and Yen Gutowski,
Matt and Lynn McCourt, Donald and
Michelle Hotz
From: Lisa and Bill Roskens, Jim and
Vicki Dinsmore, The Dial Companies
Corporation, JS Partners, Tim and Lisa
Naylor, Dorsey Olson, Tom and Andrea
Olson, Bill and Mary Claire Kovar, Jim
and Mary Regan, Dana and Patricia
Bradford, CFM Realty Advisors, LLC,
Mary Gilbert, Dee Owen and family
From: Jerry Hatcher
From: Mary Huffine
Kathleen Regan Hughes
From: Janet Brunt, DVM (Executive
Director – Catalyst Council, Inc.), The Pet
Clinic P.C., Karen Mier and family
Al Ihnen
From: Handle Erdinc
Steven Kraft
From: Brian and Laura Mann
Betty Jane Krentz
From: Friends Forever, Dawn Blankenship, Jim and Jennifer Haggart, Steve
and Judie Olson, Mike and Judy Thesing,
Linda Cheatham, Claudia Martin, Faith
Louis, Glenda Kalina, Joan Rousseau,
Kristen Hancock, Kathy Gross, Michele
Grewcock, Jeff and Theresa Dinslage,
Mary Fran Willard, Denise Nosek, Larry
and Linda Finigan, Kathleen L. Berg,
Joan Moritz and Kami Lamb, Gail and
Hank Klauschie, Carole and Dan Steier
From: James and Ramona Dowding, Mr.
and Mrs. William Hansen, Linda Mace,
Cindy and R.T., Linda Gaule
Doris and Carl Kvam
From: Joan Clements
From: Nancy King, Ward Peters and
Jean Ann Ballinger
Indy (Indiana Jones)
Beverly Foster
Noel Hanson
Phyllis Inserra
From: John and Patricia Billotte,
Lucinda Smith, George Blazek, John
and Sharon Car
From: Joleen Smith-David
From: Midwest Sociological Society
Ron Foster
From: Alfred and Beverly Thomsen
Wayne L. Fox
From: Melinda and Emil Turille
Elinor Hansen
From: Ben and Mary Bickels
Tori (Victoria) Hanson
From: The Trahman family, Joan Moritz
and Kami Lamb
From: Family and Friends, Kim’s 7:30
a.m. friends
Frederick J. Fromi
Dean and Florence Hastings
From: Cobecon, Alltrust Insurance,
James Timmerman, Lisa Cleary and
Ruth Goff, Orion and Toni Bell, John and
Dixie Bednar, Michael Manion and Thu
Nguyen, Joyce Barlean, Judith Esterlein,
Bruce and Patty Brumm, Christopher
and Tracey Fricke
Pamela L. Fuhrman
John Gabala
From: Gerald and Betty Anderson
Gabby and Ruby
From: Jack and Mary Zimmer
From: Ed Hastings
Vernard Hauger
From: Lee and Pam Langenfeld, Robert
and Kathleen Binderup, John Binderup
and Patricia Carrell, James and Gail
Binderup, Family and friends
Robert G. Hauser
From: Khande Hauser
Addison Hestermann
From: Karen Thompson
From: Jackie Poppen
Patricia M. Hill
Kay Gammell
Cheryl D. Hoffman
From: Patti Johnson
Frank J. Gappa
From: Karolyn Gappa, Olga Cermak,
Lloyd and Jeanette Jackson
Marjorie J. Gardiner
From: Ray Blomstedt, Family and friends
From: Fran Kalish and Dani Kalish, the
Miles family, Angela Perez
Dennis O. Hoffman
From: Janet Hoffman, Dana and
Fred Meyer, Mike, Karen, Jack, and
Baire Demkowski, Jack and Roberta
Starcevick, Richard and Jean Hoffman,
11 Nebraska Humane Society Summer 2015
Gary Linden
Kathryn “Kitty” Linson
Janet A. Gray-Ditman
From: Jenny, Francesca, Nancy, Shelly,
Amanda H. and Amanda M.
From: Suzanne, Kory, Travis, Shawn
and Heather Knudsen, Jason and Kelly
Gibson, Donald and Pamela Hobza,
Colin and Deborah Andersen, Ronald
Kryszak, Louis and Shirley Larsen,
Roberta Hamre, James and Beatrice
Lammers, Shirley Baty, Shadow Ridge
Golf Group, Kevin and Barb McDonald,
Elaine Daniels and Leighton and Carrol
Claussen, Margaret L. Patterson
Donald “Don” Hotz
From: Children’s Hospital & Medical
Center Staff, John and Cyndi Kugler,
Matt and Lynette Olsen, Jenny Strawn,
Ivan and Kay Gerard, Dr. Julie Vose,
Gary and Jean Lynn, Scott and Pam
Wendt, Michael and Susan Westcott,
Lori, Gil and Rachael Hueftle, Glenn and
Dorothy Schnieber, Pediatric Cardiology
From: Scott and Louann Coatsworth
Lily Bean
From: Bill and Ann Laurette Bachman
From: Merrit and Glenda Odell
Elizabeth A. Landis
From: David Dominik
Eric Little
From: Emily Borgmann
John Loeffler
From: Kristal, Kelly and June Ethridge,
your Matco family
Dr. Steven Loiocano
Logan Lovebug
From: Elizabeth McNichols
Mary Lou Lynch
From: Barb and Chuck Masilko
From: Tom Doyle
Jay Maddox
From: Gary Maddox
John L. Mancini
From: Marilyn Mancini
Man Man
From: UP family, Ami and Melissa
Randolph A. “Randy” Martufi
From: Family and friends
Chris Mason
From: Nancy Andrews
Donald R. Lane
From: Neely and John Miller
From: Jerry and Judith Ramaekers, B&B
Trucking, Inc., Robert and Ardis Roh,
Family and friends
From: Cheryl and Bruce Burkland, Ross,
Tom, Rick, John, Braxton, Michael, and
Debra, Jay and Shirley Dunlap, Midwest
Housing Equity Group, MaryEllen and
Paul Svaren, Tom Woltkamp, The Golf
Group, Family and friends, William and
Peggy McKay, Horizon Bank
Helen H. Lang
Marguerite S. “Peggy” Mason
From: Bill and Berniece Grewcock, Lynn
Scott and Dave Olson
Lola G. Mather
Michael L. Lazer
From: Jim and Marsha Stewart, Thomas
and Mary Jensen, Don and Dixie Mather
From: John and Kathy Standeven
Gene Jensen
From: Bob and Nancy Johnson
Edward Johnson, Sr. and Buddy
From: Doris Johnson
William “Bill” Johnson
From: Janet Reichmuth, Tom and Tami
Casey Jones
From: RyAnne Hastings
Cathie E. Jones
From: Perry and Associates Electrical
Sales, Inc.
Judy, Jenny, Sammie, Sophie,
Gussie, and Tina
From: Antoinette Turnquist
Phyllis Kaffenberger
From: Linda Kurz
Chuck Kai, Sr.
From: Tracy McCamish
From: Gary and Paula Glissman, Steve
Martin and Amy Haddad, Ian Plotkin,
Chris and Barry Schweer, David and
Wendy Krupp, Doug Smith, Harvey
Sosso, Jim and Judy Wigton, Nancy’s
Co-Workers, Wm. Bresnahan, COA
Incorporated, Jennifer and Rocky
Rotella, Stephanie Moline, John and
Sharon Emery, Gilbert Cohen, Pamela
Grutel, Jim and Laura Hale, Vonda and
Buddy Wiese, Mark McMillan, Allen and
Chris Hansen, Joyce Clark, Gordon Hull,
Steven and Susan Scholer
From: Alesha D. Jankowski
Beauty Levin
From: David and Coreen Levin
From: Bob and Jan Bashara
From: Misti Callahan
Lilia A. Matlock
From: Nielsen-Baumert Eng. Inc.
Betty Matson
From: Doug and Sue Howland
Sadie Matthiessen
From: Rod and Deb Whitman
From: Kim Siaperas
From: Todd Morris
Olivia E. McGinnis-Taylor
From: For Pete Omaha Elite Force
Earl J. McLean
From: Beth and Tony Winkler
The McLeys and The Shiffers
From: Deb and Curt McLey
In loving memory of Benny
Karen and Hassib Wali
John McMillin
From: Providence Place of Fremont
The Megel Shelties
From: Bobbie Megel
From: Jackie Boryca
From: Marleen Muenster
From: Karen Graff
Erma Molacek
From: Laura Dodge Elementary Staff
James K. Molacek
From: ConAgra Foods – IT, Susan
From: Patty Carlson, The Nosler family
From: The SKAR family
Marilyn Monaghan
From: Karen Lee
In loving memory of Evie
“Peep” Winston Solko
Gregg and Trisha Solko
Norman G. Newhouse
From: Derek Caviness
Shirley M. Null
Paul Joseph Nyholm
From: Barbara Nyholm Hurley
Shirley B. Olsberg
From: Chad Bauer, Bill and Denise
Nosek, Carolyn Plautz, Wendie and
Brian Plautz, John and Stacey Mahoney,
Robert and Mary Russell
Jerry G. Osterday
From: John Packard
In loving memory of Timothy
Sherwood Dunning, who loved
animals like Snout and tennis
Pfred, Sooty and Honcho
From: The Montzingo family
From: Bill Gaus
Evelyn M. Potter
From: Carol Ann and Patrick Ivers
Yvonne Pozzesi Price
Maxine Querry
From: Randy and Judy Querry
Charlie Raeburn
From: Gruncle Jim and Grauntie Mic
Chuck Raffensperger
From: Barbara Raffensperger
From: Julie Samson, Terry and Shelley
JoAnne and Scott Rasmussen
Paul Pacaj
Kenny, Corky, and Golly Rawson
From: Carma Pacaj
From: The cats
Sophie Pachman
From: Howard Pachman
From: Pat and Sandy Piper
Frances A. Pane-Felthauser
Red Baron and Mittens
From: Tom and Holly Lewis
From: R. Irene Styles
Jerry Monismith
Harriet Parker
From: Health Care Information Systems
From: Friends Forever, Bob and Shari
Eades and Faye Ruback, G. Duda and
families, Ron and Jean Gordon, DeeAnn
and Tom Johnson, Barbara and Andre,
Carol and Tim Timmins, Wayne Steed
Doris E. Regner
Vivian Paulsen
Edwin H. Reitan, Jr., Ph.D.
From: ConAgra Foods C&ER team,
Fuhrman, Smolsky & Furey, P.C., Joyce
Marasco, Richard and Pamela Jepson,
Steven and Julie McKee, Robert B.
Wellendorf, William and Virginia Teter,
Barbara Teter, Ron and Teresa Paulsen,
Reece and Jenny Micek, Barbara
From: Karen Horn and Geof Roscoe,
Shirley and John Raleigh, Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Johnson, Ann Kulik, Eugene and Thomas Drake, Janice Anton
Ellie Moore
From: Donna Kelly and Diane Moore
Esther June Moore
From: Family and Friends
Hannah BP Moore
From: Donna Kelly
Kelley Moss Missel
From: Louise Moss
John Muenster
From: Marleen Muenster
From: Gary and Diane Boisen
Lynn M. Peetz
From: Beth and Richard Baer, Family
and friends
Joan L. Rips
From: Shelby Timperley
From: Penny’s friends in housing
Coco Nastase
Wolfgang Perl
From: Adrienne, Amber, Libby, Julie,
Stephanie, Janet, and Dr. Johnson
From: Joan Lachowicz, Wesley and Jean
Armitage, Herbert and Patricia Smith,
Klaus Hartmann, Len and Beverly
From: Hal and Mary Daub
Dean Nelson
From: Ronnie Watson
Bernard W. “Bernie” Reznicek
From: John Boyer, Ruth Frasier, Chester
Thompson, Terry Kolbeck, Vic Munson,
Steve Torpy, Steve Olson, Keith Edquist,
Ben Copple, Cleve Trimble, Greg Knox
Kay Ellen Scott Neil
From: Department of Administrative
Services – State of Nebraska, Chuck and
Susan Schneider, Carol Schneider, Family
and friends
Patricia A. Petersen
From: Wayne Petersen
From: Howard and Gloria Kaslow,
Awerkamp, Goodnight, Schwaller &
Nelson, P.C., McGill, Rediger & Simmons,
LLC, Patty and Steve Nogg, Nancy Lazer,
Joe and Deb Vetro, Norman and Eunice
Denenberg, Richard and David Slosburg
Remember the animals after your lifetime
A one-time gift through your will or estate can help
thousands of shelter animals each year … FOREVER.
Will and estate gifts are invested and the return is used
to help animals who find themselves at our shelter.
Imagine the thousands of homeless animals who will
now have a second chance at the life he or she deserves
because of your gift. For information, call the Planned
Giving office at 402-905-3435.
Spotlight your pet with a tribute photo
Please mail your $75 donation, along with a nonreturnable photo of your pet to “NHS Tribute Photos” in
care of Pam Wiese, 8929 Fort Street, Omaha, NE 68134.
Please include both the name of the pet and the owner,
as well as specifying if your gift is “in memory of” or “in
honor of.”
Casey and Caesar Rothas
Jessie Schamber
From: Mark Rothas
From: David and Jeanette Harbert
Ellen Marie Scott
From: Rick and Kelli Huber
From: Acceleration Laboratory Services
Runt Nanook
Sharon – Lucy
From: Barnie and Cheryl Chapman
From: Lou Riedmann
Michael Shaw
From: Mom and Dad
From: Brian and Laura Mann
Karole A. Shinely-Koop
From: Judy Kinkade
From: Carol Haas
Sadie (Sorensen)
From: Paul and Barb
From: Kathy and Mike Gross
Sadie and Abi
From: Pat Williams
From: Holly Bryngelson
Gloria Salistean
From: Nancy Salistean
From: Susan Cutshall
Sir Buckwheat
From: David Coomer
From: Judie and Steve Olson
Sandy Sandel
Barbara Kay Smallridge
From: Julie Fox
From: Linda Cheatham
Linda J. Romans
In loving memory of Zulu
Bill Gaus
From: Marilyn Flynn, Helena & Gary Young,
Family and friends, Stephanie Sternberg
Vivian I. Schmitz
Harold “Red” Dean Ross, Sr. MSgt
USAF (Ret)
Schroeder and Sadie
From: Thomas and Gayle Heldridge
Audra Smith
From: Nebraska Softball Association,
Rick Dellenbaugh
Sue Sodhi
From: Katina Russ
From: Joe and Eleanor Kliment
Join the Humane Race
Tributes, continued
Passer, John and Anne Nelson, Louis
and Ann Wolfson
Don Carlson – Happy Holidays!!!
Jim Young
Casey Jo, Lindsey and Bailey
From: Anna Carlson
Cynthia L. Sojka
Kelley Jo VerVelde
From: Envoy, Inc., Core Bank Trust,
Caroline Franzen, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
From: Janice and Dave Faulkner, The
Hassel family, Jayne Nuutinen Wolff
From: Joe and Debbie Veylupek
Lawrence P. Wagen
From: Bill Gaus, Jim Pyrzynski, Ron
Sara Clark – Happy Holidays!!!
Cloudy, Murphy and Tucker
Ben and Claire Copple
From: Claudia Martin
Sophie (Berg)
Jill Veylupek
From: Anonymous
From: Marcy and Joel Patton
From: Kathleen L. Berg
From: Margaret Phalen, Family and
Louise A. (Coco) Sparano
Virginia Walnoha
From: Family and friends
From: Linda, Marc and Jess
Target St Germain
Teresa Marie “Terri” Ware
From: Adam St Germain
From: Philip and Sharon Smith, Carol
and David Peters
Amy Ahrens – Happy Holidays!!!
Ruth Werner
Alice – Happy Holidays!!!
From: Pam and Wally Welch
From: Steven and Kris Bastron
Virgil D. Strecker
From: Carolyn Sipes, Dearl and Alice
Eickhoff, Family and friends
Mary Stungis
From: Family and friends
Sweetie Pie
From: Steve and Karen Williams
Al Taylor
From: Pat Gibbons, Michael and Karen
From: Carl and Linda Schulz
Richard Thill
From: Harl and Kay Dalstrom
Robert L. Thomas
From: David and Darlene Greer
Irene Timbers
From: Kristin and Allan Casari, Connie
George “The Tailor” Tkalec
From: Walt and Marilyn Horner
Margaret D. Torpy
From: Hunter Brown and the KSMB
Team at Moneta Group, Barb and Dan
Scanlan, Family and friends
Dorothy Traweek
From: Marleen Muenster
Richard S. “Dick” Westin
From: Anne Thorne Weaver
Linda Wheeler
From: Jodeen Petersen, Clarice Shively
and Marcis Waldo
Bruce Dale – Happy Holidays!!!
From: Betty Foster
Mary E. Davis – Happy Holidays!!!
From: Sidney and Christine Davis
Josie de Nourie – Happy
The Harsin family – Merry
From: Linda Miller
Sue Hawkins
From: Anonymous
Murphy Hawks
From: Jennifer Hawks
Ron and Jerane Hayworth –
Merry Christmas!!!
From: Stacy and Craig Groff
From: Secret Santa
From: Hugh Williams
Jon Deuchler and Terry
Andreone – Happy Holidays!!!
Dr. Ron Hollins – Happy
From: Steve, Lucie, Beth, Joel, Bambi
and Vaughn Case
From: Linda Dobry
Dr. Joe DiMari and Harvey Oaks
Animal Hospital
From: Performance Engineering
Linda Bendorf – Happy
From: Bill Gaus
Darold Whittrup
From: Douglas and Elaine Wilwerding
Betty J. Wilfing
Jennifer L. (Gregory) Williams
Milo Winans
From: Gerald E. and Bernie Tuma
From: Robert Winans
Dolores J. Turnquist
Gary Lee Witecki and Harley
From: Antoinette Turnquist
From: The Duffners, Tom and Pam
Clanton, John and Stephanie Koralseki,
Euclid and Mary de Souza, Ron and
Barbara Schaefer, Maurice and Bilge
From: Chuck and Janice Vanderloo
From: Buddy
From: Bob and Debbie Bezousek and
John Hoffmaster – Happy
Gerald A. Tuma
Kathryne Vanderloo
Dad – Merry Christmas!!!
Paul and Romona Harlow and
family – Happy Holidays!!!
Kathleen Degen – Happy
From: Donna and Kenneth Eckles
From: Tim and Ranae Upton
Andy, Yorkie, Coco, Buddy, Lucky,
Clark, Rocky, and JoJo
From: Bruce Frasier
From: Linda Jess
Dick Armstrong – Congratulations!!!
Bethany Lin Willson
Tonka Upton
From: Wanda England
From: Gayle Pullen
Harley and Jake
From: Friends Forever, Joe and Holly
Bowler, John and Pam Barsness, Chuck
and Char Peterson, Shirley and Edwin
Hackleman, DeLoris R. Osborn and family, Jeffrey Ludwig, Niels and Ted Andersen, Container Graphics Corporation,
George and Judy Nauman, Tom and
Kathy Seidel, Jodie and Bill Mackintosh,
Doug and Michele Grewcock, Natalie
and Ron Kenkel, Timothy and Charisse
Ortmeier, Tom and Marcia Schnack, Ken
and Irene Burson, Terry and Charlotte
Bentley, Fasco, Michelle and Kent Tjardes, Ted and Ginger Rehmann, Jim and
Barb O’Brien, Janet and Joseph Torrez,
Anne and Robert Bothe, Larry and
Cynthia Hald, Ken and Judy Nanfito,
Gary and Sue Knapp, Susan and Robert
Knapp, Kathryn and Kenneth Hanson,
Arthur and Joan Luebbert, Joseph and
Mary Beveridge
From: Tommy Whalen
From: Sharon Annan
Karen Anderson and Jim Ramiriz
– Happy Holidays!!!
From: Steve Clark
From: Kathryn Couch
Roy Helm – Happy Holidays!!!
Wayne Underwood, Max, and
From: Robert Hennings
From: Lee and Ellen Ehlers
Rick and Ann Hargreaves –
Happy Holidays!!!
From: Ann Cavanaugh Edleman, Tylee
From: Dan and Laurie Kemp
From: Diana and Cory Schmid
From: Julie Paustian
Charlotte Church – Happy
From: Mary Beyer
From: Jim and Fran Hoover
Thomas M. Whitman
From: Shawn and Teresa Fernald,
Family and friends
From: James and Linda Dinsmore
From: Mike and Tammy Yarmon
LtCol (Ret) and Mrs. Gary
Hammond – Happy Holidays!!!
Paula Wolfson Kessler
From: Rod Kessler, Leona Wolfson,
Rhonda Coale, Steve and Darlene
Palmesano, Jane Kessler and Audrey
Brown, Liz and RJ Neary, John and Jane
Berger, Joe and Pam Schutt, John and
Carolyn Gehring, Jill and Jon Packer,
mary and John Schuele, Susan and
Ronald Peterson, Family and friends,
Patty and Steve Nogg, Jeff and Sandy
13 Nebraska Humane Society Summer 2015
From: Kiewit Companies Foundation
Jennifer Bakkerud – Happy
From: Rich and Jules
From: Anonymous
Kathy Barrett and Jack
From: Jerry and Barbara
Beau – Happy Holidays!!!
From: Jeff and Jane Hix
Charrise Beck, Crosley and Quinn
– Happy Holidays!!!
From: Colleen Finke
From: Sharon Busch
Reece Benesch – Happy
From: Mike Gentile
Sondra Bennett – Happy
From: Kathy Bennett
Charlie Bird and family – Happy
From: Norma Harrow
Melanie Breault – Happy
From: Joseph and Josephine Breault
Jan and Mike Brezina – Happy
From: Lois Olsen
Marv and Linda Broman – Happy
40th Wedding Anniversary!!!
From: Larry and Linda Finigan
Molly K. Bruggeman – Happy
From: William C. Burri
Claudia Burchard – Happy
From: Larry and Virginia Henderson
From: Robert and Terri Mathews
The Disco Pandas: Adrianna, Fifi,
Caleb, Kaden, Erin, and Olivia
DJ and Dakota
From: Marcia Clark
Laura Doll – Happy Holidays!!!
From: Cathy Chapman
Camryn Dragsten – Happy
From: Family and friends
Mike and Robin Feimer – Happy
From: Jennifer Baker
Maria Gaebler – Happy
From: Mary Garrison
Danielle Galvin – Happy
From: Vincent Galvin
From: Pamela King
Stanley J How, Jr.
From: Linda and Larry Finigan
From: Anonymous
Glenda and Larry Kalina – Happy
From: Ann Frame
Fumiyo Kaneko – Happy
From: Sherri Geerdes
Joe and Sarah Kapusnick –
Happy Holidays!!!
From: Aunt Gina
Bennett Karmazin – Happy
From: Dennis Harms
Janet and Jenny Katz – Happy
From: Karen Engborg
Gentle Doctor Animal Hospital
Sherri Kaufmann – Happy
From: Steven and Susan Scholer
From: Dale and Darla Langendorfer
Grandma Jeannine Kean – Happy
From: Konda and Tim Nietfeld
Nelson Gordman – Happy 75th
From: Phyllis and Dick
Dr. Michael Grace
From: Estate of Wayne L. Fox
Denise Gurss
From: Ron and Lynette Short
Beth Hall – Happy Holidays!!!
From: Donald Croft
From: Garrett, Connie, Rhylee and
Adasyn Kean
Missy and Lacy Kelsey
From: Kevin and Traci Kelsey
Emily Koppold – Happy
From: Sheryl Koehn
Evan and Lindsay Korf
From: Steve and Patty Henrichsen
Gordon Krentz
Karin Nilsson – Merry
From: Linda and Larry Finigan
James and Michelle Larsen –
Happy Holidays!!!
From: Joe and Gayle Martin
Walt and Jayne Laster – Happy
From: Mickey
Judy Olson – Happy Birthday!!!
From: John, Jeanne, Todd, Julie and
Debbie Owens
From: Craig and Diane Crews
From: Mitch Ulrich
The Lenagh family
Chuck Peterson – Happy
From: Mary and Craig Ramsbottom
Paige and Mike Lewis – Happy
From: Elaine Rossi
Grant and Susan Linder – Happy
From: Mary and Gary Linder
Greg and Susan Linder – Happy
From: Linda and Larry Finigan
Snickers, Daisy Mae, and Fred
From: Chuck and Char Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Phillips –
Happy Holidays!!!
From: Rich, Nathan and Charris James
Blynken Price – Happy Holidays!!!
From: Mary and Gary Linder
From: Hilarie and Eugene Price
Little Squirrel
Karen Rainwater – Happy
From: Anonymous
Maggie – Happy Holidays!!!
From: Carol Deman
Marilyn Mancini
From: Your friends in General Services
Michael Ramcharan – Happy
From: David and Farah Ramcharan
From: Mamie Jackson of Jackson Group
Erin Martin and Matt Fillingsness
– Happy Holidays!!!
From: Virgil David Martin
Katelynn Marxsen – Happy
From: Craig and Jo Anne
Carol Rankin and family – Merry
From: Sara and John Cloud
Mary Rankin
From: Jeanne and Steve Aarhus
Erin Ridder – Merry Christmas!!!
From: Kelly and Brian Ridder, Allison
Marjie Massaglia
Riley and Baxter
From: John Ringwalt
Maverick, Cody, Laurie, Sophie,
Kylie and Peyton
From: Anonymous
From: Dan and Suzanne Tuma
Lynn and Dan Roper – Merry
From: John and Carm
Maya and Mani – Happy
Steve and Ann Rosenblatt –
Happy 50th Anniversary!!!
From: Nan and Papa
Lisa and Wrigley McAvoy –
Happy Holidays!!!
From: Nelson and Linda Gordman
From: Erin McAvoy
From: Anonymous
Connie McCabe – Happy
Adi and Adyan Sabir – Happy
From: Barbara Fangman
From: Wesley Kendall
Roberta McCampbell – Merry
Ari Saltzman
From: Daniel Conway
From: Robin Davis and Billie McCoy
Jean Moss – Happy Holidays!!!
From: Mary Rehorst
Duffy Murray – Happy Holidays!!!
From: Onalee Doss
Alex and Cyndi Nather – Happy
From: Chealsea Nather and Deborah
Nancy Neher – Happy Holidays!!!
From: Kenneth Neher
Wrenny Newman – Happy
From: Jackie Reilly
NHS Staff
From: The Zweiback family
Megan Shortridge and Walter
From: Ronald and Mary Shortridge
Howard Staff – Congratulations!!!
From: Kiewit Companies Foundation
Mason and Jessica Stewart –
Happy Holidays!!!
From: Jean Latham
Mary Stoeber – Happy Holidays!!!
From: Terence Swanson
Sidney Strnad – Happy
Phoebe Su – Happy Birthday!!!
From: Jason and Jasmine Pittack,
Family and friends
Heather Svehla – Happy
From: Mary Jo Osterholm
My “Sweater Dog”
If you choose to include the Nebraska Humane
Society in your estate plans, we hope you consider
joining our Paws Forever Legacy Society. Your
legacy will guarantee that the animals in our
community receive the care they need well into the
future. In addition, your leadership will inspire others
to become Paws Forever Legacy Society members.
From: Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. James Sykora –
Happy Holidays!!!
From: Karen Nolan
Mary Thompson
From: Paul Horky and Jocelyn Robertshaw
Thundr, Ralph, Smuckers, JD
and Mina
Legal name: Nebraska Humane Society
Address: 8929 Fort Street,
Omaha, NE 68134
Tax ID #: 47-037-8997
Exempt Status: 501 (c) (3)
From: Patty Evans
Steve Torpy
From: Marge Torpy
Nick Trimberger and Jack and
Chessie – Merry Christmas!!!
From: Cherie Trimberger
The Trout family – Happy
Judy Varner
From: Andy Seaman and Robyn Steely
Iryl Voelte – Happy Holidays!!!
What happens when you can no longer care for
your pet? Such uncertainty can weigh heavily on
your mind. Our Paws for Life program allows you
to rest easy knowing your pets will be cared for and
loved. This is a benefit of our Paws Forever Legacy
Society, for anyone who provides for the homeless
animals in their wills or estate plans. When a Paws
Forever member passes away, we will guarantee a
home for their healthy, adoptable pets.
From: Don and Nancy, Hilary and Dan
Bob, Annette and Bo Wells –
Happy Holidays!!!
From: Barbara Binns
C.L. and Rachel Werner – Happy
From: Chuck and Adena Peterson
Elizabeth West – Happy
From: Kaeli Samson
From: Matthew Vandenack
Sandy – Happy Holidays!!!
Pamela Whitted-Gleason
From: Sheri Farrar
From: Pete Whitted
Etta and Keana Schlarb
Missy Wiesner – Happy
Jim and Binny Schroeder –
Happy Holidays!!!
• Bequest (a specific amount or residuary percentage
in your will)
• Charitable Remainder Trust
• Beneficiary of a life insurance policy, retirement
plan, CD, property or bank account
From: William Maack
Julie and Otto Samson
From: Mary Ramsbottom
The animals in our lives give us unconditional love,
affection and friendship every day. When you
provide for the Nebraska Humane Society in your
estate planning, you are helping to save the lives of
homeless animals.
We’re pleased to make this program available to
help pet owners plan for their companions’ futures,
as Paws Forever Legacy Society members ensure a
healthy financial future for NHS that allows us to
save and enrich the lives of the animals we serve.
Please contact the Gift Planning Office with
any questions or to request more information:
Call us at (402) 905-3435 or email
From: Steve and Michelle Flynn
Caryl Winslow
From: The Honorable Jerry and Maria
From: Jolene Barr
From: Mary Kathleen Gruidel
Millie Zadina – Happy Holidays!!!
From: Catherine and C.D. Duran
From: Robin Davis and Billie McCoy
Nicole Shonka – Happy
From: Tom and Carol Shonka
From: Rosey Higgs
Join the Humane Race
8929 Fort Street
Omaha, NE 68134
Visit for more information on the following upcoming events:
Legacy Hall
7 to 11 p.m.
A party for the animals!
Drink delicious libations
from Benson Brewery and
dance the night away to
tunes by the Fishheads.
SEP 27
Swim with your dogs!
Aug. 2: 5:30 to 7 p.m.
Lee Valley Pool
Aug. 5: 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Cryer Pool
Aug. 9: 5:30 to 7 p.m.
Gallagher Pool
Companies who care
OCT 29
NHS Meadow
8 to 11:30 a.m.
Regency Court
5:30 to 8 p.m.
Grab your friends and
family and join us for our
biggest annual fundraiser.
Walk or run, then stay and
play. Details on page 3.
Enjoy wine and apps
while you peruse for
purses at this silent auction.
It’s guilt-free shopping to
benefit the animals!
NHS is profoundly grateful to our Corporate Sponsors for their support.
For information about becoming a corporate partner, call 402-905-3483