Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 qnotes
Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 qnotes
Not for Reproduction Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction qnotes Not for Reproduction qnotes Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction inside Not for Reproduction Jan. 21-Feb. 3, 2012 Vol 26 No 19 8 Photo Credit: Elvert Barnes, via Flickr. Creative Commons. a&e / life&style news & features 8 10 11 12 13 15 5 Editor steps down 6 HRC Carolina Gala 7 News Notes: Regional Briefs Winter Wonderland Tell Trinity Out in the Stars Drag Rag On Being a Gay Parent Q events calendar charlotteobserver.com/1166/ connect goqnotes.com twitter.com/qnotescarolinas opinions & views 4 Editor’s Note 4 General Gayety 5 QPoll a local news partner of The Charlotte Observer contributors this issue Matt Comer, Kevin Grooms/Miss Della, Charlene Lichtenstein, Lainey Millen, Leslie Robinson, David Stout, Trinity, Brett Webb-Mitchell facebook.com/qnotescarolinas front page Sign up for our weekly email newsletter at goqnotes.com/subs. Graphic Design by Lainey Millen Pride Publishing & Typesetting, Inc. P.O. Box 221841, Charlotte, NC 28222, ph 704.531.9988 fx 704.531.1361 Editor: Matt Comer, x202 editor@goqnotes.com Publisher: Jim Yarbrough Assoc. Ed.: David Stout, editor2@goqnotes.com Sales: x207 adsales@goqnotes.com Nat’l Sales: Rivendell Media, 212.242.6863 Production: Lainey Millen, x205 production@goqnotes.com Printed on recycled paper. Material in qnotes is copyrighted by Pride Publishing & Typesetting © 2012 and may not be reproduced in any manner without written consent of the editor or publisher. Advertisers assume full responsibility — and therefore, all liability — for securing reprint permission for copyrighted text, photographs and illustrations or trademarks published in their ads. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers, cartoonists we publish is neither inferred nor implied. The appearance of names or photographs does not indicate the subject’s sexual orientation. qnotes nor its publisher assumes liability for typographical error or omission, beyond offering to run a correction. Official editorial positions are expressed in staff editorials and editorial notations and are determined by editorial staff. The opinions of contributing writers and guest columnists do not necessarily represent the opinions of qnotes or its staff. qnotes accepts unsolicited editorial, but cannot take responsibility for its return. Editor reserves the right to accept and reject material as well as edit for clarity, brevity. Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction qnotes Not for Reproduction VIEWS “I’ll get to meet the publisher,” I told myself. “Perhaps, I’ll get by matt comer a regular opinion matt@goqnotes.com column out of it.” This is not ‘goodbye’ Weeks later, I sat in qnotes’ office with our publisher, Jim Yarbrough, and Friends, this is my last issue as editor associate editor, David Stout. After a bit of of qnotes, a position I’ve had the honor and conversation and questioning, Jim and David humble privilege to hold now for nearly left the room. It felt like an eternity, though I four-and-a-half years. As you read, my time know it was just minutes. with the paper has already come to an end. The two came back into the conference On Jan. 3, we announced my resignation room. and planned transition to a new position at “We’d like to offer you the job,” Jim said. another organization, an announcement you With that, my life changed forever. can read on page 5 of this print edition. My I’ve made a multitude of new friends and last official day on the job was Jan. 20. acquaintances over the past four years. I’ve Transitions are always difficult — at least come to know a great many of our communifor me. I’m a creature of habit and routine. ty’s wonderful, tireless and selfless leaders, Uncertainty and the unknown of the future volunteers and activists. I’ve enjoyed each make me uncomfortable. But, looking back and every day of my work, its privileges and over these past years of service to this publichallenges equally rewarding. Above all, I’ve cation and to this community, my nerves are cherished meeting and conversing with this calmed. We’ve come a long way and I with it. publication’s loyal readers and supporters. In the summer of 2007, I received word Your stories, thoughts, opinions and experifrom a dear friend that my predecessor, ences have helped to shape this publication’s David Moore, was stepping down from his vision, direction and future and they have role here. My friend encouraged me to apply, added immeasurable value and lessons to my though I had my doubts. Never in a million own life. years did I think I’d become your editor. editor’s note Together, we have accomplished great things, despite the fate handed down to us. As I began my work here, the print news industry began facing some of its most daunting challenges. LGBT print media, too, were facing perplexing questions. The economic collapse — later dubbed the “Great Recession,” though historians will, no doubt, have the final word on nomenclature — wrought a great deal of damage to our profession. As other mainstream and alternative news publications folded or became mired in the complexities of our new media and economic landscape, qnotes remained steady. We’ve had our struggles, but, through sacrifice and risk-taking change, we have had so many more triumphs. As I prepare to leave, there are a number of items upon which I hope posterity will take favor. I hope qnotes continues to forge ahead into the future and grow its online presence and readership, now the largest local LGBT news source in the Carolinas. I hope qnotes continues to build on its 25year legacy as a strong voice for progressive and LGBT news and thought. Finally, I hope the paper comes fully into its own and successfully traverses the still-rocky road that is 21st century newsmaking. Each of our successes is a testament to this newspaper’s dedicated staff and team of contributing writers and to our community SUBSCRIBE! VIEWS knowledge should be, this time concerning a matter of major importance to the LGBT community. In Cedar Rapids, an audience by leslie robinson member at a campaign event qnotes contributor asked Perry about Lawrence v. Perry and Lawrence v Texas: Oops! Texas, the 2003 landmark Supreme Court case that struck down the sodomy law in Texas and nullified Rick Perry jumped into the Republican presidential race such laws across the U.S. in August and a spate of verbal blunders followed. The Texas As far as Perry was concerned, he might as well have been governor is on gaffe-ing gas. asked about Ali v. Frazier. He flubbed the voting age, the date of the 2012 election, “I wish I could tell you I knew every Supreme Court case. I the number of justices on the Supreme Court and the name don’t. I’m not a lawyer,” Perry responded, according to National of Justice Sotomayor. Perry infamously blustered during a Journal. After the event, Perry told a reporter he didn’t know Republican debate that he would do away with three cabinet what the case was. agencies, then couldn’t remember the third. On that occasion, That’s incredible. Lawrence v. Texas began shortly before Gov. Goodhair, as the late columnist Molly Ivins called the Perry became Texas’s lieutenant governor and the Supreme impeccably coiffed Perry, went flat and lifeless. Court heard and decided the case while he was governor. Recently, Perry explained to Iowans the need for the This case began in Texas, affected Texas law and conKeystone XI pipeline, saying, “Every barrel of oil that comes out cerned his cherished conservative social values. It gave us of those sands in Canada is a barrel of oil we don’t have to buy gays the right to diddle each other with impunity, for heaven’s from a foreign source.” sake. Yet, Perry couldn’t remember it. I hear a line of beavers has taken up a defensive position on What will he forget next? The Alamo? the Canadian side of the border. ABC News blogged that in Perry’s 2010 book, “Fed Up! Now we can add to Perry’s record another sinkhole where Our Fight to Save America from Washington,” he referred general gayety These rates only cover a portion of our true cost, however, our goal is to serve our community Meetings: Mailed 1st class from Charlotte, NC, in sealed envelope. Program: Subscription Rates: ☐ 1 yr - 26 issues = $48 ☐ 1/2 yr - 13 issues = $34 Mail to: P.O. Box 221841, Charlotte, NC 28222 ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ name: Time: Membership: Information: ______________________________________________________ address: state: zip: ______________________________________________________ city: to Lawrence v. Texas as one of the cases in which “Texans have a different view of the world than do the nine oligarchs in robes.” Apparently, at one time, Perry did remember the court case. And, the number of justices on the Supreme Court. Or, at least his ghostwriter did. Maybe he has to learn so much these days — like the name of North Korea’s late dictator is Kim Jong-Il, not “Kim Jong the Second” as Perry dubbed him — that facts he previously knew are falling out of his head to make room. Anybody standing near him should look out for falling objects. Back at the Blue Strawberry coffee shop, after being asked about the Lawrence case, Perry changed the subject: “We can sit here and, you know, play ‘I gotcha’ questions on what about this Supreme Court case or whatever, but let me tell you, you know and I know the problem in this country is spending in Washington, D.C. — it’s not some court case.” Actually, we have a number of problems in this country. One of them is a Texan who believes he should be president even though his brain shoots blanks. As it happens, John G. Lawrence, one of the two plaintiffs in Lawrence v. Texas, passed away in November. I have every confidence that when someone mentioned to Perry that John Lawrence died, the governor responded, “Poor Eydie. Now who will she sing with?” : : info: lesarobinson@gmail.com . generalgayety.com Third Tuesday of every month, except when there is specialized programming, plus monthly socials to promote networking and friendship A wide variety of topics of interest to appeal to the diverse LGBT community After work with a cash bar social and heavy hor d’oeuvres with dinner and program following Visit the website for application options and benefits. Call 704.565.5075 or email businessguild@yahoo.com for more details or write to The Charlotte Business Guild P.O. Box 33371 | Charlotte, NC 28233 ☐ mastercard ☐ visa ☐ discover ☐ american express ______________________________________________________ credit card – check one: exp. date: ______________________________________________________ card #: signature: qnotes www.charlottebusinessguild.org Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction and our readers. I cannot be more grateful and appreciative of my staff’s hard work and of your loyalty. I leave the paper in more than capable hands and am very much excited to witness the future growth of this publication under new leadership. But, I will miss you and I will miss the daily work to which I’ve grown accustomed over these past years. The life and times of QNotes have been part-and-parcel of my own life in nearly inextricable ways. Here, I have grown both personally and professionally. Here, I hope I have left a mark and a legacy. There’s never any easy or comfortable way to say, “Goodbye.” That’s why I refuse to say it. This isn’t a goodbye; to the contrary, it is merely the beginning of a new chapter in this paper’s history and in my life as well. Here’s to the past. Here’s to the future. It’s been a wild and phenomenal ride. And, I look forward to seeing what tomorrow has to hold for you, for me, for this publication and for our beloved community. P.S. — I welcome the opportunity to work with each of you in the future in new and exciting ways. I hope you’ll follow me in my new endeavors. You can follow my personal commentary and other writings at my blog, InterstateQ.com or contact me via email at matt@mattcomer.net and by phone at 704-625-6449. : : NEWS Not for Reproduction Editor Matt Comer steps down Comer leaves to take new position with Campus Pride by qnotes staff CHARLOTTE — On Jan. 3, qnotes anaided in the creation of several important nounced the resignation of editor Matt Comer, formal and informal partnerships between who stepped down from his position after the publication and other community institumore than four years of service on Jan. 20 tions, including qnotes’ recent partnership to pursue new opportunities with The Charlotte with local, statewide and Observer’s Charlotte national LGBT communities. News Alliance. “As with any transition “More people today in life or business, saying read qnotes than at any goodbye can often be bittertime in its remarkable sweet,” said Jim Yarbrough, 25-year history,” said publisher of qnotes. “While Comer. “I’m proud to we are sad to see Matt leave, have helped develop we wish him well on his qnotes’ new media sucfuture endeavors and have cesses and humbled to been excited to tackle the have worked with such transition to a new editor.” a brilliant team of staff A native of Winstonand contributing writers. Salem, N.C., Comer was hired I’ll remember fondly the as qnotes’ editor in October memories I’ve made 2007. His more than four years here and cherish them.” of service at the newspaper Comer added, After more than four years of service saw a flurry of successes “Though I am departing as qnotes’ editor, Matt Comer stepped and innovation. In April 2008, qnotes, I will remain a down from the position on Jan. 20. Comer oversaw the revitaliza- Photo Copyright: Jimmie Cobb, JC Digital committed advocate for tion of qnotes’ website, shep- Photography Works the LGBT communities herding it into the 21st century of Charlotte and North with new content management technologies Carolina. I’m looking forward to my continued that allowed the paper to publish breaking community involvement in the Queen City and and regular news reports and features online. in this great state, especially as our comComer also oversaw the publication’s new munity faces the anti-LGBT constitutional social media strategies, creating qnotes’ amendment in May.” first social networking profiles on MySpace, Comer is a recipient of the South Carolina Facebook and Twitter. Pride Movement’s 2008 Ed Madden Media Today, qnotes reaches thousands of Advocacy Award. In November, he was readers and community members via social named Equality North Carolina’s “Equality media and its website, goqnotes.com, which Champion” for the Charlotte region. receives an average of 20,000 unique visitors Comer began work on Jan. 23 as the new each month — making qnotes, by far, the most communications and programs manager read local LGBT arts, entertainment and news for Campus Pride, a Charlotte-based national publication in print or online in the Carolinas. non-profit that works to create safer campus Also during his tenure, Comer’s insight environments for LGBT college and univerand experience in local and state community sity students. affairs helped to further establish qnotes as Comer is succeeded by O’Neale Atkinson, the primary, go-to source for progressive who moved to Charlotte from Columbia, S.C., advocacy journalism and politics coverage six months ago. Atkinson also serves as adminon behalf of LGBT North Carolinians. He also istrator of The LGBT Center of Charlotte. : : qpoll In what direction would you like the see this publication go as it transitions into new editorial leadership? Share your thoughts at goqnotes.com/to/qpoll/. Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction qnotes NEWS Not for Reproduction HRC Gala is around the corner: Are you on board? National group, local steering committee to award leaders, organizations compiled by qnotes staff The Human Rights Campaign North Carolina Gala is swinging into town the weekend of Feb. 23-26. With it comes a variety of statewide and national leaders, activists, entertainers, philanthropists and other movers and shakers. Are you on board? This year’s Carolina dinner makes a return from Raleigh, where it was hosted in 2010 and 2011. Slated for the evening of Saturday, Feb. 25, the event will be held at the new Crown Ballroom at the NASCAR Hall of Fame. There, the national organization will present its Visibility Award to openly gay CNN anchor Don Lemon. Local award winners include Rev. Debbie Warren, executive director of the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network (RAIN), who will be receiving HRC’s North Carolina Legacy Award for her years of devoted service to RAIN, those affected by HIV/AIDS and to the LGBT community. As director of RAIN, the only non-profit in Charlotte providing direct client services, Warren has helped to engage more than 100 congregations from 20 different denominations and faith traditions in working to help those living with and affected by HIV. She’s also provided more than 150,000 total hours of qnotes service to the community, served 900 HIV-positive clients and reached tens of thousands of community members in education outreach. “We are thankful and grateful for those individuals and groups that are creating equality in our communities,” HRC North Carolina Gala Steering Committee Awards and Scholarship Chair Aaron Parker said in a release. “It is our pleasure to honor them for their hard work and dedication.” Longtime HRC volunteer and HRC Board of Governors member Scott Bishop will be honored as Volunteer of the Year. Two organizations will also share in the spotlight. The Farewell to Summer Foundation, which presents Charlotte’s White Party each September and the LGBT Center of Raleigh will be honored with the Equality and Trailblazer Awards. The annual dinner event and its bevy of weekend activities aren’t all for fun and games, though. In addition to the parties and honors, HRC will be reiterating its mission and commitment to equality and to North Carolina, which faces an anti-LGBT constitutional amendment vote in May. “HRC has contributed $100k to the effort thus far and will be setting up its own North Carolina PAC so that HRC supporters can contribute directly to the effort to defeat the amendment,” Gala Co-Chair Rich Hurley said in a recent email to supporters. The weekend will also give young people the chance to learn more about what it means to be a leader and take action in the LGBT community. The Charlotte-based national non-profit Campus Pride has partnered with HRC to present its two-day “LEADER I AM — Carolinas Leadership & Action Summit.” The conference provides students ages 18-25 the opportunity to engage with LGBT and ally national, statewide and local community leaders, hone organizational, leadership and advocacy skills as well as develop strategic partnerships across the Carolinas. “Campus Pride is proud to partner with HRC on this state-wide leadership summit to support LGBT and ally youth in the Carolinas,” says Shane Windmeyer, Campus Pride executive director. “Understanding social justice, Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction Debbie Warren Photo Credit: RAIN activism and leadership are key to educating a generation of new leaders for equality — and the summit will do just that.” Youth applications for the summit are still available and include acceptance to the summit and a free ticket to the HRC Gala. Learn more online and download application forms at hrccarolina.org. Other details about the event, including its weekend-long slate of day- and night-time activities have yet to be announced. For more information, visit hrccarolina.org. : : BRIEFS Not for Reproduction news notes: from the carolinas, nation and world compiled by Lainey Millen :: lainey@goqnotes.com | David Stout :: david@goqnotes.com | Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com Project to tour state RALEIGH — The Vote Against Project will be taking to the super slab during the next few months to photograph participants who wish to defeat the antigay amendment on the May 8 ballot. Outraged by the harm that the passage of the amendment would create, Raleigh photographer Curtis Brown began the initiative with a host of volunteers. The project aims to “create a portrait of North Carolina unity — connected by a common bond to defeat discrimination.” Participants will be decked out in shirts that say “Vote Against!” Brown and his team will choose one image per person or group to post to the website to share with the community. Free photo shoots will take place in the following cities through February: Jan. 24, Raleigh, Talley Student Center, North Carolina State University, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., 4:30-7:30 p.m.; Jan. 26, Raleigh, Busy Bee & The Hive, 225 S. Wilmington St., 4-9 p.m.; and Jan. 28, Raleigh, Pullen Memorial Church, 1801 Hillsborough St., 12-6 p.m. Other cities which are on the tour, but which have locations left to be determined are: Feb. 17, Durham; Feb. 11, Wilmington; Feb. 23, Greenville; and sometime in March, Charlotte. Other venues will be announced when they are added to the list during the campaign period. The team consists of Brown, project managers Shannon Ritchie and Ryan Smith, graphic designer Carl Broaddus, recruitment coordinator Lydia Kinton, web developer Rishish Pandey, stylist Dustin Slemp and online community coordinator Jeffrey Vizcaino. To make contributions to the project or for more information, visit voteagainst.org. — L.M. Charlotte Center to present film series CHARLOTTE — The GayCharlotte Film Series has announced its upcoming threepart “Breaking In: The Business of Movies” schedule. It is a project of The LGBT Center of Charlotte. On Jan. 28 at the Actor’s Theatre, 650 E. Stonewall St., enjoy the road-trip documentary and civil rights odyssey, “Hollywood to Dollywood,” with Goldsboro filmmakers Gary and Larry Lane. The twins will host a Q&A after the screening. Admission is $10 at the door, $8 for students. Everyone who comes dressed as Dolly Parton gets in free. A lookalike contest will be held both before and after the movie showing with prizes. Doors open at 6:45 p.m., and the show starts at 7:30 p.m. “Meet Ben Zook” will be screened on Feb. 18 at a location to be announced. Partner and director Joe Dietl will explain how Zook broke into the Hollywood screenwriter major leagues by selling the screenplay “Jack and Jill” to Adam Sandler. This film made Logo’s “Click List, Best of LGBT Shorts.” On Feb. 21, the Charlotte Business Guild will partner with the film series to present “Home Grown,” a conversation with local LGBT filmmakers. The location will be forthcoming. Oscar Night at the center will round out the events on Feb. 26. More details will be made available later. For more information, visit gaycharlottefilmfestival.com. — L.M. Community training slated CHARLOTTE — The Communicable Disease Branch of the N.C. Division of Public Health and other community partners present the first Minority AIDS Initiative/Men Who Have Sex With Men (MAI/MSM) Community and Provider Training Conference, Feb. 5-7, at the Charlotte City Center Marriott, 100 W. Trade St. It brings together representatives from HIV care, treatment and providers, along with members of the community that are affected by HIV disease. Registration is free but required and covers all training conference meals. Seating and attendance is limited. For more information, visit northwestahec. wfubmc.edu/mura/www/#/event/36019. — M.C. Foundation extends deadline CHARLOTTE — The Wesley Mancini Foundation has extended its deadline for application submissions for the 2012 grant season until April 2 so that organizations that are interested can have more time to develop their proposals. Only federally-tax exempt organizations or those with tax-qualified sponsors will be considered. Interested parties who wish to receive a grant application should contact Bob Scheer at 704-335-5404, ext. 402, or by email to bscheer@wesleymancini.com. — L.M. Triangle Film addresses HIV heartbreak RALEIGH — “Absolutely Positive,” a dramatic short film that follows four characters from different walks of life as they get tested for HIV, will be premiered at red carpet screenings at Club 313, 313 W. Hargett St. on two dates, Jan. 25, 8 p.m., and Jan. 29, 5 p.m. The film is a project of Second Glance Productions and it received assistance from the Human Rights Campaign, The Alliance of AIDS Services-Carolina and Healing with CAARE of Durham. Writer/director Anthony Williams was inspired to create this work from his own personal experiences revolving around HIV. He hopes that it will bring awareness and humanity to the important worldwide health issue of HIV. He sees the film as one that breaks preconceived stereotypes, reaches beyond the boundaries of sexuality, gender and race and one that shows the real effects of HIV on real people. Guests will be treated like movie stars with candid paparazzi and giveaways throughout the evening. Tickets are $5, cash only, and will be available at the door. All ages are welcome. Cash bar available for those 21 years old or older. For more information, visit secondglance productions.com. — L.M. Chorus heads west RALEIGH — The Triangle Gay Men’s Chorus has announced its plans to attend the GALA Choruses International Festival in Denver, Colo., in July. In order to get ready, it has extended an invitation for those who sing first and second tenor, baritone and bass to join them. Open rehearsals will take place in February. One must be 18 and over and both gay and straight men may apply For more information or to express interest, email membership@tmchorus.org. — L.M. Triad Foundation nears goal WINSTON-SALEM — The Adam Foundation has reached approximately 70 percent of its $50,000 2011-12 spring grant fundraising cycle goal and are asking the community to help them raise the additional $15,000 it needs to sustain its work. This January’s Jumpstart Challenge ends Jan. 31. The foundation board hopes that a significant number of people will contribute $15 to make their mark. “Allies and Friends” window decals will be sent to every donor during the challenge if address is provided. For more information, visit adamfoundation.org. — L.M. National/Global Hazing death may be bias-based TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — On Nov. 19, 2011, Florida A&M University student Robert Champion Jr. (pictured) was found unresponsive aboard a band bus after the school’s biggest game of the year. Police ruled the death a homicide from hazing. However, the recent revelation by the parents of the victim, a 26year-old drum major in the university’s famed marching band, that their son was gay has added a new wrinkle. In response to the news, the National Black Justice Coalition, the nation’s largest Black LGBT civil rights organization, has called on the U.S. Department of Justice’s Community Relations Service and Civil Rights Division as well as the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights to launch an investigation into the slaying as a potential anti-gay hate crime. Sharon Lettman-Hicks, the head of the NBJC, said, “Anti-gay violence is not only a civil rights issue; it is a Black issue. It is a Black issue because violence against gay and transgender individuals is disproportionately affecting our Black youth. The civil rights community can no longer stand on the sidelines while our sons and daughters continue to suffer in silence. Mr. Champion is one of our own and his death will not be in vain.” — D.S. Rep. wants state DADT law OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — Rep. Mike Reynolds (R-Oklahoma City) says he will push for a state law that is a more extreme version of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” when the state government’s new legislative session begins Feb. 6. The proposed measure would bar gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals from serving in the Oklahoma National Guard. The bill goes beyond the bias of the now-repealed federal statute by allowing officials to directly question someone about their sexual orientation. Laura Belmonte, chair of the state LGBT rights group The Equality Network, said, “Mike Reynolds has a long-standing history of representing fringe views that rarely have the best interests of all Oklahomans at heart. This legislation is demoralizing to Oklahoma’s LGBT community and our supporters, and it sends a message that it is acceptable to discriminate against people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.” — D.S. Stonewall Dems name new E,D. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Jerame Davis has been selected as the new executive director of National Stonewall Democrats. He had been serving as the group’s interim director since late 2011. Before joining the staff, he was vice president of the Indiana Stonewall Democrats affiliate and was actively involved in Democratic politics in the Hoosier state. In addition to serving in the leadership of many Indiana LGBT organizations, Davis has consulted for a variety of clients on using technology for better organizing and messaging. He is also the co-founder of a popular national LGBT politics and culture website, The Bilerico Project. — D.S. Employers ranked for gay support LONDON, England — Equality group Stonewall has published its Top 100 Employers 2012 ranking, showcasing Britain’s best employers for lesbian, gay and bisexual staff. Ernst & Young tops the list. In second place is the Home Office and Barclays comes third. British national security agency MI5 secures a position on the Top 100 for the first time, and is one of 25 new entries. According to reports, the 2012 Index was compiled using the most demanding criteria to date, introducing new weighting for global employers that support LGB equality worldwide. Accenture claimed the award for Employee Network Group of the Year and the Department of Energy and Climate Change was named Most Improved Employer. — D.S. Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction qnotes Not for Reproduction LIFE Winter Wonderland Events, activities and travel opportunities to brush off the winter blues by Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com The cold, dreary winter keeps pushing on. It’s time for spring, you exclaim. Too bad winter still has weeks left to go. True, we’ve had a pretty mild winter so far, but that doesn’t mean some of us aren’t still yearning for the return of those bright, warm and cheery spring and summer days. Luckily for us, Charlotte and the rest of the Carolinas is just a stone’s throw away from some of the hottest and best winter getaway locations in the southeast. And, if you’re the kind who enjoys the cold winter weather, there’s still plenty of options for you, too. —————— • —————— Soaking up the sun If you’re a lover of summer and just can’t wait ‘till May, June or July for all the hot beach action, head down south to Miami Beach. Each year, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force hosts its Winter Party, where over 10,000 people flock for good music, good drink and beach dance party fun. The event, featuring a wide array of parties and receptions, includes international DJ entertainers and more. What’s better is that the event began as a fundraiser and charity dance in 1994 and continues to this day to provide much-needed funds for The Task Force and a variety of South Florida LGBT and HIV/AIDS non-profits. This year’s Winter Party kicks off on Feb. 29 and runs through March 5. DJ entertainers include Montreal’s Alain Jackinsky, Denver’s Alyson Calagna, New York’s Billy Lace and Brett Henrichsen, Brazil’s Felipe Lira and a veritable who’s who of others, including gay party faves Hector Fonseca and Joe Gauthreaux. Activities include dance parties each night of the event, pool parties and special events for women and art and shopping events. The event’s host hotel is Miami and South Beach’s Surfcomber. Event passes range from $75 for women’s events and $125 for the “New Generation Pass” for youth ages 21-25 to the all-inclusive “Titanium VIP Pass” for $590. For more information, visit winterparty.com. —————— • —————— Sunny days If you’re looking for sun, but want to avoid the large-party atmosphere of Winter Party, you’re in luck. qnotes took a look at the warmest locales that offer up some of the best gaygetaway experiences. Take a gander at any of these cities — the 10 warmest in the U.S. during January — and what they offer if you’re looking for a few-day escape this winter. City (Average Monthly Temp. (°F), January) New Orleans, La. (52.6) Jacksonville, Fla. (53.1) Phoenix, Ariz. (54.2) Long Beach, Calif. (57) Los Angeles, Calif. (57.1) San Diego, Calif. (57.8) Tampa, Fla. (61.3) Vero Beach, Fla. (63) Miami, Fla. (68.1) Honolulu, Hawaii (73) —————— • —————— goqnotes.com Frigid frivolity Not everyone is a lover of summer. In fact, there’s quite a few of us who are just fine with the cold. Whether you like skiing, ice skating or just cozying up in a warm room with a roaring fire, you’ve got plenty of options this winter. Below, the list of the 10 coldest, major cities in the U.S. qnotes Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction daily news, blog posts and lgbt community event listings Sign up for our weekly e-newsletter: goqnotes.com/subs Not for Reproduction Timberfell Lodge offers camping and lodging for men seeking solitude or camaraderie. Hiking and other activities, including dining and regularly-planned activities can keep you busy, or, if you choose, you can do nothing at all! In Georgia, the Carolinas’ neighbor to the south, getaway-goers have two options. The Parliament Resort and Social Club in Augusta offers gay men the opportunity to steal away while meeting new friends. The resort includes 70 rooms with selections of one or two queen, one king or two full beds. In rural Dewy Rose, Ga., River’s Edge is a private, membership-only camping facility which offers free-range camping sites, lodges and cabins. Starlite Trailer Lodge 5955 Globe Rd. Lenoir, NC 828-757-0933 starlitelodge.com The annual Winter Party in Miami Beach brings together some of the hottest guys and DJs to South Beach’s hottest hotels, pools, bars and clubs. Photo Credit: Elvert Barnes, via Flickr. Creative Commons. City (Average Monthly Temp. (°F), January) Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (13.1) Des Moines, Iowa (20.4) Chicago, Ill. (22) Albany, N.Y. (22.2) Cleveland, Ohio (25.7) Pittsburgh, Pa. (27.5) Columbus, Ohio (28.3) Providence, R.I. (28.7) Salt Lake City, Utah (29.2) Boston, Mass. (29.3) —————— • —————— Kickin’ it ‘round the Carolinas If you don’t want freezing and you don’t want hot, your best best will be to stay home. The greater Carolinas region has plenty of mountain getaways for gay and gar-friendly campers. Tucked in the Globe Valley near the Pisgah National Forest south of Blowing Rock, N.C., Starlite Trailer Lodge covers 75 acres and offers riverside campsites and bathhouse facilities. To the west, the Greenville, Tenn., The River’s Edge 2311 Pulliam Mill Rd., Dewy Rose, GA 706-213-8081 camptheriversedge.com Parliament Resort 1250 Gordon Hwy., Augusta, GA 706-722-1155 p-house.com Timberfell Lodge 2240 Van Hill Rd., Greeneville, TN 800-437-0118 timberfell.com — Mark Smith contributed Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction qnotes Not for Reproduction A&E tell trinity by trinity qnotes contributor Is there more than one rule? Dearest Trinity, Why do gay people and straight people think about monogamy so differently? Monogamy Dilemma, Las Vegas, NV Dearest Monogamy Dilemma, Monogamy means different things at different times to different people. Ever since Stonewall the gay community has been forced into re-evaluating monogamy morally, politically, culturally and spiritually. And, baby, since gay people are different than straights, monogamy will have a different meaning. That’s one of the beauties of being gay. Just saying! Hello Trinity, I really don’t believe in voting. It’s minorities being controlled by the majority. There’s so much corruption anyway. Voting doesn’t help! Taking A Stand, Columbia, SC Hello Taking A Stand, Long ago, before voting, one group would go to war with another and whomever had the most soldiers left alive would take power. Some countries never change governments without bloodshed, and America is not one of them — so be proud. And, yes, darling, all governments have corruption, but voting makes it possible to have some balance or control over the corruption. Voting has made being gay 10 qnotes in 2012 very different than in 1972! Please vote! (My cartoon shows you how to join up!) Dear Trinity, On TV the other night Jennifer Lopez was wearing a shirt exposing everything but her nipples. When is too much enough? Too Much La Clivage, Spokane, WA Dear La Clivage, Topless women are very normal in Europe and quickly undressing our American shores. Although Women’s Lib may seem historic, it’s still going strong. In New York City they passed a law, “If men can go topless in public then so can women.” Pumpkin, the best thing to do with change is try to accept it as quickly as possible! Ah, the joys of growing older. Hey Trinity, Recently, while at a party, I met this couple who talked excessively about Republicans and Jesus. Eventually, I had to be rude and walk away. They were appalled! When is it the right time to walk away? Not Wrong But Rude, Peoria, IL Hey Not Wrong But Rude, Being a big party go-er, I can sympathize. In my life, honey, I’ve found there are times when being polite means pulling your hands off their throat and walking away. Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction Here are some examples. Trinity’s Wise Tips For Knowing When To Walk Away 1. You’re finally found a parking spot when suddenly a 300 lb., truck-driving redneck, displaying a shotgun in the back window, takes your spot! 2. As a waiter you’re taking an order from a couple who begins verbally fighting with each other, when one grabs a steak knife. 3. On the celebration of your first year with sobriety, your new roommate throws you a booze and bong party. 4. You find the man you’re about to marry is in bed with the man you just divorced. Put the gun down and walk away. 5. Refusing to eat the gourmet dinner you spent all day preparing specifically for her, your mother-in-law says, “This meal isn’t fit for humans, sweetie!” 6. Your straight friend, whom you keep telling you’re gay, sets you up on a blind date with the opposite sex! 7. On the first day of Chanukah, sweet, innocent carolers come a knockin’ at your door singin’, “Jesus is the way! Praise Jesus with us!” Shut, don’t slam, the door! 8. The really cute guy, who’s been buying you drinks all night, returns from barfing in the bathroom and now wants to French kiss! 9. As you’re sitting in front of the pizza parlor, late at night, alone, six punk teenagers start harassing you about the Jewish star on your neck and the rainbow flag on your hat. 10. Lastly, it’s 2 a.m. and you just finished singing a two-hour jazz set, when someone sneaks backstage to endlessly express a problem they had with one of your advice columns they recently read! : : — With a Masters of Divinity, Reverend Trinity was host of “Spiritually Speaking,” a weekly radio drama, and now performs globally. info: www.telltrinity.com . Trinity@telltrinity.com Sponsored by: Provincetown Business Guild 800-637-8696 . www.ptown.org A&E Not for Reproduction out in the stars by charlene lichtenstein qnotes contributor January 21 - February 3 The Sun sparks a change as it moves into rebellious Aqueerius. Our hopes and dreams catch fire. But, don’t sit around and wait for a hot delivery. Don your asbestos gloves and grab the glowing coals. AQUARIUS (01.21-02.19) The joint is jumping and so are you. The cosmos casts you as the new shooting star in the immediate universe. Aqueerians have some great ideas and must express them at every opportunity. Some of your gems will do more than just sparkle — they will radiate. However, your idea for a nude aquatic rodeo is perhaps a bit before its time. PISCES (02.20-03.20) Happy is the Guppie who can tap into their sixth sense. Rub a crystal ball (anyone we know?) and see what you divine during this particularly prescient and intuitive phase. If you can conjure a few new moves, you can advance your personal agenda to new celestial heights. Don’t bump your head on the ceiling of limited imagination. How high is up? You tell me. ARIES (03.21-04.20) Friends seem to crawl out of the woodwork, attracted by your great ideas for a full range of wild and intense adventures. You become awash with invitations and trawl with a large prideful posse. How will you maximize and maintain your sudden surge in popularity? Let your actions provide the grease. Rubadub proud Ram. Don’t slide off your perch. TAURUS (04.21-05.21) Queer Bulls are entrenched careerists, but sometimes make foolishly naive political decisions that can derail or detour their professional success. Thank goodness you now gain greater strategic insights and an iron gut. You become the shark rather than the bait. Concentrate and contemplate the corporate corpus. Then make your move. Shark attack! GEMINI (05.22-06.21) The world beckons, pink Twin. Plan the perfect getaway. Your ideas can lead to a fabulous adventure. If your budget or vacation time is tight, you might try to expand and enrich your immediate surrounding to make it more exotic and interesting. You think that staying close to home is a blessing in disguise. Heck, why not get a new disguise? CANCER (06.22-07.23) Your mind turns to sex and more sex. Gay Crabs know exactly what they want and who they want it from. And, they sit around. And, they think about it. And, they talk about it — the assorted angles, the machinations, the wherefores, whys and hows. Enough already! Now, go out and get ’em! Or, are you all thought and no action? Let’s hope not. LEO (07.24-08.23) Proud Lions hanker for con- nection. Relationships enter a new, more intense phase where the right words can be spoken and passions ignite. But, don’t waste this energy on light, flirty banter. It is time to speak from the heart and soul. Get to the core. Looking for a connection? Strike a match and see who becomes inflamed. Then bring it to a rapid boil, lover. VIRGO (08.24-09.23) What is it about the job that suddenly seems so riveting and interesting? It is politics, not projects. Queer Virgins think that they are very clever and adroit and can adeptly maneuver through the daily morass. Will you delegate your more distasteful projects onto unsuspecting drones? Try not to. Those who pass the hot potato today eat it in the lunchroom tomorrow. LIBRA (009.24-10.23) There is a burning, churning energy inside of you. Proud Libras become creative savants or the ultimate party hearty hounds. Will you dip into your paintbox or your party favor kit? Ideas and opportunities are plentiful and your juices are flowing. So, ply whatever your trade is and make some masterpieces. Er, make ‘em do what? SCORPIO (10.24-11.22) There are several domestic scenarios that are in dire need of a change of direction or even a complete upheaval. Change is apace. Plan your new landscape from the comfort of your living room Lazy Boy. But, are you lounging alone, queer Scorp? Hire a nubile gardner to help you plant a few seeds. Do I see something sprouting? SAGITTARIUS (11.23-12.22) Gay Archers are goaded into expressing their opinion across a variety of subjects. Anything you say now is brimming with passion and who can resist? But, don’t just go out and blow around the hot air. Be sure that you have an agenda and a plan of action. You only have a short window to move the masses. Occupy anything. CAPRICORN (12.23-01.20) Pink Caps are usually fairly acquisitive. They love to surround themselves with objects of beauty. Now, your greedy need for stuff borders on obsession. Lock up your credit card and hold off on any major purchases, pardner. Before you know it, you are surrounded by a carnival of camp and a truckload of trash. Hmmm, on second thought. : : © 2012 Madam Lichtenstein, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Entertainment. info: Visit www.TheStarryEye.com for e-greetings, horoscopes and Pride jewelry. My book “HerScopes: A Guide To Astrology For Lesbians” from Simon & Schuster is available at bookstores and major booksites. Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction qnotes 11 Not for Reproduction evening, Jan. 19 at Scorpio. Hope you came on out and supported “our girl.” I thought her comments in the most recent Integrity newsletter about being a good bit taller by miss della than her king, Mr. U.S.ofA. GQ, were hilarious. He’s a tiny qnotes contributor little fella, but so damned finger-lickin’ good. Tickets have just gone on sale for the national contests Lawzie mercy, I’m here, of Miss Gay U.S.ofA. and Gay U.S.ofA. Classic. Let’s do there, everwhere! plan on going out to see Luscious and Catia Lee Love give up their respective titles. Talk about two good queens. Well, Happy New Year, kiddies. My, my, my — 2012 is off Damn! to a great start. Life is truly great and I’m ready for some good A former Miss U.S.ofA. at Large, Stacey Holiday (or should drag and some good pageantry as well. Please forgive me for I say her creator Chad?) is up to creating other stuff. Many not having a picture this time, as I wanted to have a promo of know that he has his own baking business with his life partner Chelsea Pearl and/or Daesha Richards, our Continental PLUS Edward and Chad is now being featured on the TV show, and Elite divas. I’m trying to do it in order of having won national “America’s Next Great Baker.” I have to tune into that soon, contests, so that of course means coming up will be Luscious as we go waaaaaaaaay back. Seems they’re always winning and Kirby Kolby. I was asked earlier why I had not already done “Best of” in the Dallas area for the gorgeous and mouthwateran interview with both ladies and you know, that’s a great quesing work they do. Send me some cookies, sugar! tion — I have to get on that. Miss Lulu is half-way through her Imagine the fun London Dior and I had early last month reign, damn! And, doing a fine job, I’m told. She was just in New when we attended a Cajun Country Christmas at the shops at Hope, PA for Miss Pennsylvania, where they always put on a 1111 Central. London got all dolled up and had her picture made great show. Former Miss Continental Domanique Shappelle as Ms. Claus (maybe a granddaughter?) with the party attendwon and Tiffany Richards was her runner-up. Luscious apees. We enjoyed gumbo with the folks from Paragon Salon and peared locally at Miss South Carolina U.S.ofA. on Thursday shopped at Green With Envy — what sights and smells! It’s just A&E drag rag 12 qnotes Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction candle heaven, hunny! A lovely contribution was made to my charity, Children International, that I support my two Honduran sons through. I can assure you, both of them had a fabulous Christmas thanks to these folks. I’m told by my good sis Alyson Thomas that the date is set for another Carolina Continental (yes, in Miami again — that is where the owner lives) for Feb. 20 and the night before in Ft. Lauderdale they’ll have Miss State of Florida. Can’t wait! I’m sure our Miss Continental Alexis Gabrielle Sherrington is still beaming over her Labor Day win. I know her first prelim was Ohio and Kiarra Fontaine won with RU Genesis. I hear a special Christmas show took place several weeks ago in Houston, TX at the F Bar. One of my favorite icons, Hot Chocolate, was the guest entertainer and just like around these parts for a pageant, the queens came out of the woodwork to see her. Jerry Bird, Tasha Kohl, Bubba McNeely and Dina Jacobs were among the luminaries, along with former Miss America Coco Montrese who works with Proud Larry out in Vegas. This is what you call legendary, folks. I wanted to mention the Don’t H8 contests that are quickly approaching in Winston-Salem at CO2. I ran up to see the Mr. on Jan. 15 as Tucker Wood gave up his title. Then they’re doing see Drag Rag on 15 VIEWS Not for Reproduction on being a gay parent by brett webb-mitchell qnotes contributor The Test Ahead I am bewildered already by the blizzard of emails I receive daily about the upcoming vote (May 8, 2012) on a constitutional amendment in North Carolina that would further restrict and solidify what it means to be married in this state. I’ve been talking about the vote since both houses of the General Assembly voted upon its passage in September 2011. It is an amendment that would not only outlaw marriage among LGBTQ people, but civil unions among LGBTQ and straight couples alike. Meanwhile, non-profit organizations waited until a few months after the vote to get the ball rolling in terms of publicizing the harms of this amendment. Perhaps, this was because it would be hard to sustain an eight-month long campaign or that the electorate’s attention span is so short that starting any earlier would reap little in terms of benefits. I was all for a statewide educational campaign right after the General Assembly’s vote. Educating people in small-town North-Carolina, visiting churches, schools and town hall meetings as an out gay Presbyterian pastor, dad and partner was what I offered. But, I found no venue or interest among other activists to make this happen. It is now 2012, and the emails and mailings are offering opportunities to attend rallies, be part of dinner events and have photos taken of people proud to identify with the LGBTQ community. These events serve a purpose as they are meant to raise funds, passion and interest in defeating the amendment vote. However, my concern is not with the number of people attending the rallies, dinners, and photo sessions per se, but in two other areas: education and registering people to vote on May 8, 2012. Educationally, outside the metropolitan areas (which will more than likely defeat this bill, albeit it by various margins), the people of this State tend to be social conservatives. This has been highlighted by people like Raleigh News and Observer’s Rob Christensen who point out the many ways that North Carolinians tend to be more conservative when it comes to the social issues of the day, like drinking alcohol, the lottery and the equality of women and African-Americans. The way real change comes about is through educating people as to what are the issues before all of us, both pro- and con. One way to educate straight people as to what it is like to be an LGBTQ person in North Carolina is to ask straight people to take this test, designed by columnist and blogger Andrew Sullivan. Try living one day without tipping anyone to the fact that you might be a heterosexual person or couple. You can’t mention your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, kids, anything to do with them. No pronouns used, no social-life discussed that could reveal anything about your heterosexual orientation. Try it for a day or two. “And you’ll see what it feels like to be an LGBTQ person, and the psychological energy required to do that for a lifetime,” writes Andrew Sullivan. After taking this test, along with grabbing or creating any other educational moments, it is imperative that we get people out to vote against the amendment. I, for one, am hoping that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will have already be voted upon as the Republican nominee for president by May 8. This will help depress the vote of some in North Carolina. But, it is important to not only be registered, but to get out the vote. The lives of many LGBTQ and straight couples in North Carolina are depending upon a “no” vote on this amendment. The test ahead is a matter of life out of the closet for many LGBTQ parents, couples, or individuals, or pushing more people deeper into the unhealthy environs of closet living. : : qomunity qonexions u 16/5:653(>6--0*, 3HYY`>1VOUZVU (;;695,@ 7OVUL! -H_! 76)V_ /PJRVY`5* 31VOUZVU'31VOUZVU3H^6MÄJLJVT Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction qnotes 13 Not for Reproduction Ask Dr. C…HIV and healthcare advice Helping to keep you in the know with up-to-date information by Frederick Cruickshank ~ Medical Director After many installments of “Ask Dr.C,” this is yet another opportunity to offer our readers information about HIV from basic questions to in-depth explanations. We are still receiving many of your questions and are working hard to provide responses to as many questions as possible to provide information for you and the community. The questions have provided us a forum to debunk myths and remove stigma from those living with HIV and AIDS. It is important to educate yourself, get tested, and protect yourself. We appreciate every question we receive! Dr. C looks forward to responding to as many emails as possible. I have heard that men who are circumcised do not get HIV. Is it true that circumcised men are protected against getting HIV? 14 qnotes — Matt from Rock Hill Matt, this is absolutely not true. While there has been medical research that has suggested circumcised men may have a lower rate of HIV transmission through heterosexual sex, it has not been proven. Even so, it would only show that they have a slightly lower rate of infection. Men who are circumcised still are at risk for contracting HIV and STDs. It is always important for all men, whether circumcised or uncircumcised, to engage in preventative measures to ensure they have a healthy life. This includes wearing protection during sex and getting tested regularly for STDs/HIV at a local clinic. Rosedale does provide both HIV and STD testing! Please feel comfortable to set up an appointment at our office by calling us at 704-948-8582. It is also important to keep an open dialogue with all of your sexual partners to discuss any concerns you have. I have received several emails lately with a warning that people are putting HIV infected needles in movie seats and infecting others. Is this true and should I avoid going to the movie theater? — Whitney from Charlotte Whitney, I have heard of this rumor circulat- ing lately. According to the CDC, the rumors are false and to date no one has been infected with HIV from a needle in a movie theater seat. For HIV infection to take place this way, the needle would have to contain infected blood with a high level of infectious virus. If a person was then pricked with the infected needle, they could become infected. But, there is less than a 1% chance of this happening, according to the CDC website. It is important to note that sharing needles while participating in injection drug use is a leading cause of HIV infection in the U.S. We encourage all of our readers to protect themselves and refrain from illegal drug use and sharing needles. Programs have been set up to provide communities with clean needles by exchanging in old used ones. However, Whitney, I think it is safe to say you are going to be fine visiting any of your local theaters. Please do not let this rumor keep you from seeing a new movie! I have heard that there is such a thing as feline HIV. Can I become infected with HIV/AIDS from contact with an animal such as a dog or cat? — Kortni from Concord Kortni, the answer to your question is, no. You cannot become infected with HIV or AIDS Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction from contact with animals including pets. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus and as the name implies it only affects humans. HIV cannot be transferred from a human to pet or vice versa. There is such thing as Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) which affects cats in a similar way that HIV affects humans. Yet, it is a different virus and cannot be spread from cat to human. If you are concerned your cat may have FIV or want to know how to protect your pet from the virus you should talk to your local vet. Your pets do not put you at greater risk for contracting HIV or AIDS, so it is fine to spend time with them as many of us do. Always remember that this is an advice column based on your questions and the best possible knowledge out there. We need your questions to help educate the community, so email them to info@rosedaleid.com and be sure to include a first name and location. All respondents will remain anonymous. We will try to do our best to answer, educate and inform from your responses to this column. Don’t forget to visit our website at rosedaleid.com and friend us on Facebook for community and clinical updates! — Sponsored Content — Not for Reproduction Don’t stop! Musical comedy hits the Queen City Amy Steinberg Bombastic singer-songwriter Amy Steinberg brings her one-of-a-kind brand of musical comedy to Petra’s in several performances over the next several weeks, including a Jan. 27 performance night and a three-night run of her one-woman show, “Oh My God Don’t Stop” on Feb. 4, Feb. 11 and Feb. 25. In the show, Steinberg plays several characters, including a Jewish grandmother exploring her sexuality, a reverend with a penchant for innuendos and the Lord herself, who sings songs celebrating the holy gift of homosexuality. Both sacred and profane, Amy explores the topics of spirituality and sexuality, exploring the many connections that exist between the two. Jan. 27, 8 p.m.; Feb. 4, 11 and 25, 7 p.m. doors/8 p.m. show. Petra’s Piano Bar, 1919 Commonwealth Ave. For more information visit petraspianobar.com or amysteinberg.net. Jan. 21 • Salisbury Brent Childers Brent Childers, executive director of Faith in America, will speak at a regular meeting of the Salisbury-Rowan PFLAG. Haven Lutheran Church, 207 W. Harrison St. 10 a.m.-noon. Free. salisbury-pflag.org. Jan. 22 • Charlotte Speakeasy Sundays Come and join us for Charlotte’s newest Jazz experience. Speakeasy Sunday’s at Petra’s Piano Bar features Leah Palmer-Licht (Vocals) and Harvey Cummings II (Piano). A mix of jazz standards and new favorites! Every other Sunday; upcoming performances on Jan. 22 and Feb. 5. Petra’s Piano Bar, 1919 Commonwealth Ave. 704-332-6608. petraspianobar.com. Jan. 24 • Greensboro ‘Straighlaced’ GSAFE presents a special screening of the documentary “Straightlaced: How Gender’s Got us all Tied Up,” a fearless look at a highlycharged subject unearthing how popular pressures around gender and sexuality are confining American teens. Carousel Luxury Cinemas, 1305 Battleground Ave. 7 p.m. 336-327-7499. contact@gsafe.org. gsafe.org. Jan. 27-March 24 • Charlotte Exhibit: CONVERGE “Converge” features renowned artists Quisqueya Henriquez and Sonya Clark and the pieces they created while in residence at the Center. Exploring themes of identity and inclusion, the work showcased in the exhibition will represent a convergence of art, history and diverse cultures. McColl Center for Visual Art, 721 N. Tryon St. Hours vary by day. 704332-5535. mccollcenter.org. Jan. 28 • Charlotte Breaking In: The Business of Movies The LGBT Community Center’s GayCharlotte Film Series presents a special screening of the documentary, “Hollywood to Dollywood,” followed by a Q&A with twin filmmakers and Goldsboro, N.C.-natives Gary and Larry Lane. A Dolly Parton look-alike contest will take place before and after the movie showing. Actor’s Theatre of Charlotte, 650 E. Stonewall St. 6:45 p.m. $10/general. $8/students. Free/ Anyone dressed like Dolly Parton. gaycharlottefilmfestival.com. Jan. 28 • Charlotte LGBT prayer The LGBT-inclusive Bridge Initiative of Charlotte 24-7 begins a special prayer meeting, “SOAK,” for LGBT community members of faith, to be held on the fourth Saturday of each month. First meeting on Jan. 28. 512 E. 15th St. 7 p.m. Free. charlotte24-7.com. Feb. 2-18 • Charlotte ‘Most Fabulous Story’ Queen City Theatre Company presents Paul Rudnick’s reinterpretation of the creation story featuring an Adam and Steve and Jane and Mabel. A percentage of proceeds will benefit the 2012 Human Rights Campaign North Carolina Gala. Duke Energy Theatre at Spirit Square, 345 N. College St. Various times. $16-24. 704-372-1000. queencitytheatrecompany.com. Feb. 4 • Charlotte Rugby 101 The Charlotte Royals are looking for play- ers and supporters as we kick off our 2012 Spring Season with Rugby 101! Join us at Cordelia Park as we engage in some fitness and rugby fundamentals. What? You haven’t played rugby before? That’s OK because we will teach you the game. We welcome all men regardless of skill level. We just ask that you bring an open mind and a willingness to be taught the game. Water will be provided. Cordelia Park, 2100 N. Davidson St. 1-4 p.m. Free. charlotteroyals.org. Feb. 5-7 • Charlotte Community HIV training The Communicable Disease Branch of the N.C. Division of Public Health and other community partners present the first MAI/MSM Community and Provider Training Conference, bringing together representatives from HIV care, treatment and providers, along with members of the community that are affected by HIV disease. Registration is free but required and covers all training conference meals. Seating and attendance is limited. Charlotte City Center Marriott, 100 W. Trade St. Register online at northwestahec.wfubmc. edu/mura/www/#/event/36019. Feb. 9 • Charlotte ‘Legalize Gay’ Campus Pride and a host of sponsoring organizations present the Charlotte film premiere of “Legalize Gay,” a new documentary that captures the courage and conviction of a new generation of activists — gay and straight — as they campaign, often in parts of the country hostile to gay and lesbian rights, for LGBT equality in marriage, non-discrimination in sports and at work, same-sex sex education, standing up to bullying and forging inclusive college campuses. Petra’s Piano Bar, we want your who/what/where Submitting an event for inclusion in our calendar has never been easier: visit goqnotes.com/qguide/events/submit Q events qnotes goqnotes.com/qguide/events arts. entertainment. news. views. 1919 Commonwealth Ave. 7 p.m., reception. 7:30 p.m., showtime. Free. campuspride.org. Feb. 10 • Charlotte Bishop Gene Robinson The Regional AIDS Interfaith Network (RAIN) kicks off its 20th anniversary celebration with a special night with former New Hampshire Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson. Location TBA. 7-10 p.m. $30, including beer, wine and light hors d’oeuvres. carolinarain.org/bishop. Drag Rag continued from page 12 a Miss (for “real” girls) on Feb. 5, then the drag one, DIVA, on Feb. 19. I know a few celebrities are appearing at these contests, like the Britney impersonator Derrick Barry and Jason Dottley from “Sordid Lives.” In closing, I dedicate this column to two dear queens who passed around the holidays. First of all, Ms. Robin Dupree, whom I met and judged at Continental PLUS years ago, then saw her again at EOY a few years later. This was a sweet person, and she could work a stage, baby — especially a dramatic number. Her “All By Myself” by Eartha Kitt had me in tears. It just tore me up. If she was the Queen of Drama, then surely the “Queen-in-Training” was that little baby Sasha Valentino. Sasha passed the day after Christmas and the news just broke my heart. This diva who would give you clothes every year at Continental will be sorely missed in her adopted home of Chicago and all around the country. Ladies, serve it up at the big show in the sky like I know you can. : : info: Drop me a line, OK? TheTeaMissD@yahoo.com Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction qnotes 15 Not for Reproduction 16 qnotes Jan. 21-Feb. 3 . 2012 Not for Reproduction